CBRN / WMD State Level Response and the Importance of Inter-agency Relationships Major General James Butterworth (GA) The Adjutant General of Georgia CBRN Response Enterprise T-‐10 Federal Response T-‐32 State Response Total Force ~8,200 Total Force ~10,373 Na#onal Guard Civil Support Team CST (57 teams) 1254 personnel -‐ 22 personnel -‐ Detec.on -‐ Iden.fica.on N+3 hrs. Na#onal Guard CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package CERFP (17 units) 3349 personnel -‐ 197 personnel -‐ Search/Recovery -‐ Decontamina.on -‐ Emergency Med -‐ Fatality Search Recovery Team (FSRT) N+6 hrs. Na#onal Guard Homeland Response Force HRF (10 units) 5770 personnel -‐577 personnel -‐Search/Recovery -‐Decontamina.on -‐Emergency Med -‐FSRT CBRN Assistance Support -‐Logis.c Support -‐Command Post Opera.ons -‐CBRN Assessment (WMD-‐ CST) N+6-12 hrs. Defense CBRN Response Force DCRF 5200 personnel -‐CBRN Assessment -‐Search/Rescue -‐Decontamina.on -‐Emergency Med -‐Security -‐Logis.cs Support -‐C2 -‐FP1 -‐ 2000 personnel, 24hrs -‐FP 2/3 -‐ 3200 personnel, 48 hrs C2CREs (Alpha, Bravo) Approx. 2200 personnel each, 96hrs Approx. 4400 personnel total 24-48 hrs 96 hrs Follow-‐on General Purpose Forces General Purpose Forces -‐Avia#on -‐Security -‐Medical -‐Logis#cs 2 Concept of Operation Response Timeline N+0 N+1.5 N+3< N+6 N+ 12 N+ 72 CST ADVON HRF MAIN Or WMD-‐CST Local & State First Responders CERFP ADVON CERFP MAIN HRF ADVON HRF ADVON Departs CERFP MAIN Departs CERFP ADVON Departs CERFP Alerted CST Main Departs CST ADVON Departs CST No#fica#on CST MAIN Or Incident Site HRF MAIN Departs Staging Area NG HRF/ CERFP Assembly Area NG HRF ADVON / CERFP Main Deploys to Assembly Area or Staging Area Hot Zone NG HRF/ CERFP HRF / CERFP Response OperaBons N+6 to N+72 Hours WMD-‐CSTs, CERFPs, & HRFs Provide A Phased Capability • WMD-‐CSTs detect and iden#fy CBRNE agents/substances, assess the effects and advise the local authori#es on Managing the effects of the a[ack and assist with request for other forces • CERFPs locate and extract vic#ms from a contaminated environment, perform medical triage and treatment, and perform mass pa#ent/casualty decontamina#on • HRFs provide addi#onal CERFP capabili#es, a robust C2, and a CBRN Assistance Support Element (CASE) WMD-CST Overview COMMANDER MISSION: Support civil authori#es at a domes#c CBRNE incident site by iden#fying CBRN agents and substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response measures, and assis#ng with appropriate requests for addi#onal support. NDAA FY07 expanded the mission set to include responses to inten#onal or uninten#onal releases of Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs) and Materials (TIMs), and natural or man-‐made disasters in the United States that result, or could result, in catastrophic loss of life or property. WMD-‐CST KEY CHARACTERISTICS: • Established in Law • 57 WMD-‐CSTs cer#fied by the SECDEF • Operate only in US and Territories • 22 Full-‐#me, T32 AGR Personnel, Jointly manned w/ ARNG and ANG personnel • 80% Non-‐standard equipment • Sophis#cated Reach back System • Interoperable with First Responders • All WMD-‐CST personnel are HAZMAT TECH cer#fied 22 Individuals OPS ADMIN 1SG DEP CDR COMMO MEDICAL SURVEY ASST OPNS TRNG OFF LOGISTICS NCO COMMO CHIEF HEALTH CARE PROVIDER MODELING NCO ADMIN NCO INFO SYSTEMS NUC MED SCI OFF SURVEY NCOIC MED OPNS OFF CBRN CHF X2 MEDICAL NCO CBRN NCO X4 ASST OPS NCO SURVEY SEC LDR Unified Communica#ons Suite (UCS) • Radios: • UHF/VHF • SATCOM • INMARSAT • Phones: • DSN • Commercial • Data: • NIPRNET • SIPRNET • Video Analy#cal Laboratory System (ALS) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Refrigerator Glove Box GC/MS Immunoassay Tickets Gamma Spectrometer Fluorescent Microscope PCR FTIR Digital transmission link to UCS 4 CBRN Enhanced Response Force Package (CERFP) (16 Pax) (50 Pax) NG CERF Command Post Operations (75 Pax) CASUALTY EXTRACTION (45 Pax) DECON MISSION: On order: Responds to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or high yield explosive (CBRNE) incident and assists local, state, and federal agencies in conducting consequence management by providing capabilities to conduct patient decontamination, emergency medical services, and casualty search and extraction. MEDICAL Total PAX = 197 (11 Pax) FATALITY SEARCH AND RECOVERY Team (FSRT) KEY CHARACTERISTICS: • Comprised of NG MTOE units, Air and Army • Dual Mission • Unique to National Guard • On M-Day status until activated • Can be utilized in SAD, T-32 or T-10 • Specialized Training and Equipment meets NFPA and NIOSH OSHA standards • TAG validated capabilities • At least one CERFP per FEMA Region (Casualty Search and Extraction/Recovery, • Must Pass an External Evaluation every 24-36 Mass Casualty Decontamination, and Emergency Medical Treatment ) Months Homeland Response Force Personnel Func#on 180 Regional Command Post X BDE Ba_le Staff 200 HQ 16 CBRN Assistance Support Element (CASE) Command post opera#ons 50 Search and Extrac#on 75 Decontamina#on 45 Medical Triage 11 Fatality Recovery MISSION: When directed by proper authority and upon consent of the Governor(s), the Homeland Response Force (HRF) alerts and assembles within 6-‐12 hours; on order, deploys and conducts command post opera#ons; CBRN assistance; search and extrac#on; decontamina#on; and medical triage as needed in order to save lives and mi#gate human suffering; on order, transi#ons opera#ons to civil authori#es and redeploys. KEY CHARACTERISTICS: • Provides a regionalized, distributed, life saving CBRN response capability • Bridges a gap between ini#al NG response and Title 10 capabili#es • Improves CP Opns and Common Opera#ng Picture (COP) of deployed NG CBRN forces • Life saving capability iden#cal to CERFPs National Guard CBRN Response Enterprise Locations 7 Region 4 National Guard HRF CERFP 41st 4th 47th CERFP Region IV NG Title 32 HRF 1 – HRF 9 – CSTs 4 - CERFPs 42nd 45th 43rd HRF 781st 46th Conceptual HRF Regional CONOP 44th X CST CERFP / CBRNE Task Force CERFP HRF HRF 48th II GA CERFP II CERFP CERFP CERFP CERFP I CSTs CSTs CST CST CST 8 NG Domestic CBRN Operations Summary • The NG is the principal, dual-status military force available to both Governors and the President across all mission sets • NG members can operate under one of three distinct legal statuses (State Active Duty (SAD), Title 32 , Title 10) • NGB is a joint activity of DoD, providing coordination of NG support between States---JFHQ-States provide command and control (C2) of all NG forces in the State or Territory • The NG has unique Domestic CBRN Operations Capabilities (WMDCSTs, CERFPs, HRFs) in addition to bringing standard Air Force and Army capabilities to assist in a disaster response
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