RENEWABLES INTEGRATION IN TURKISH POWER SYSTEM Kazim SENOCAK Electrical Engineer Research, Planning & Coordination Department TURKISH ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION CORPORATION (TEİAŞ) TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES • The sole owner of Electricity Transmission System • Responsible for the expansion of transmission network infrastructure & construction of new transmission facilities • Operating & Maintaining the Turkish Electricity Transmission Network economically and reliably in compliance with international standards • Monitoring real-time system reliability, purchasing and providing Ancillary Services Through “Ancillary Service Agreements” • Publishing 10-year “Electrical Energy Generation Capacity Projection” • Operating the Electricity Balancing-Settlement Market and Financial Reconciliation Center (PMUM) • Carrying out studies for the Interconnection Lines with neighboring countries TEİAŞ 2 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ TURKISH POWER SYSTEM OVERVIEW TEİAŞ TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ SUBSTATIONS 400 kV : 89 220 kV : 1 154 kV : 553 66 kV : 14 Total : 657 Subs. with 117.027 MVA capacity TRANSMISSION GRID TRANSMISSION LINES 400 kV : 16,612 km 154 kV : 33,562 km 220 kV : 85 km 66 kV : 509 km 154 & 400 kV Cable: 283,3 km Total : 51.052 km TEİAŞ 4 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ ENTSO-E INTEGRATION OF TURKEY INTERCONNECTIONS • Trial Run period started with ENTSO-E in September 2010. BG TR GR • Turkey applied for synchronous interconnection with the UCTE/CE in 2000 • In April 2014, permanent synchronous operation is approved. TEİAŞ 5 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ ENERGY CONSUMPTION TEİAŞ 6 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ INSTALLED CAPACITY & PEAK LOAD Installed Capacity (April 2014) 2012 Installed Capacity: 57,058 MW Annual Consumption 241.9 TWh Peak Load 39,045 MW (MW) (27.07.2012 14:30) 2013 Installed Capacity: 64,044 MW Annual Consumption 245.48 TWh Peak Load 38,264 MW Total: 64,610 MW (29.08.2013 14:20) TEİAŞ 7 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ PEAK LOAD & ENERGY CONSUMPTION 2001-2020 70000 450000 65000 400000 60000 55000 350000 50000 MW 40000 250000 35000 GWh 300000 45000 200000 30000 25000 150000 20000 100000 15000 10000 50000 5000 0 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 TÜKETİM (GWh) SENARYO 1 ENERJİ TALEBİ SENARYO 2 ENERJİ TALEBİ PUANT YÜK (MW) SENARYO 1 PUANT TALEP SENARYO 2 PUANT TALEP TEİAŞ 8 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ WIND POWER IN TURKISH GRID TEİAŞ TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ TURKISH WIND POTENTIAL The techno-economic wind potential of Turkey is 48 GW, according to General Directorate of Renewable Energy. The locations with highest potential are in the Aegean, Marmara, and Eastern Mediterranean and Hatay. TEİAŞ 10 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ WIND INSTALLED CAPACITY LAW ABOUT UTILIZATION OF RENEWABLES TEİAŞ 11 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ INSTALLED & PLANNED WPP’s WPP STATUS MW IN OPERATION 2,890 HAS CONNECTION AGREEMENT with TEIAS 3,043 LICENSED by EMRA 3,422 PERMITTED for CONNECTION 1,192 EXTENSIONS APPROVED 974 TOTAL 11.521 TEİAŞ 12 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ INSTALLED CAPACITY PROJECTIONS In accordance with the Ministry of Energy’s Strategic Plan, Turkey is targeting 20,000 MW installed wind-power capacity by the end of 2023. TEİAŞ 13 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ MILESTONES FOR WIND IN TURKEY • The law on the Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) for the purpose of generating energy, (Law No. 5346 of 10/05/05) is the first Renewable Energy Law of Turkey which was approved in the year 2005 by the Turkish Parliament. • In November 2007, the Turkish Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) accepted 751 WPP applications with total capacity of 78,000 MW. TEİAŞ 14 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ NOVEMBER 1ST 2007 NOVEMBER 1ST 2007 APPLICATIONS ASSESMENT OF APPLICATIONS Integration of wind capacity equal to 25% of maximum total demand is planned to be integrated. (48.0000/4=~12.000 MW) Wind Basin Substations are planned in region with high wind energy potential. WPP applications are directed to nearest substations. Before Nov. 2007 Singular WPP applications and licensed seperately 3500MW of Wind capacity allocated before Nov. 2007 Maximum capacity connectable to a BUSBAR is determined to be %5 of the Short Circuit MVA Nov. 2007 Applications 722 applications with 78.000 MW capacity Overlapping, or same region. TEİAŞ 15 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ In region where wind potentials are high, Wind Basin Subs are planned to be established and connectable WPP capacities are announced by TEIAS to integrate WPP’s. WPP BASIN (COLLECTOR) SUBSTATIONS KIRKLARELİ 380/154 kV Basin Substation İSTANBUL 380/154 kV Çatalca Basin TM WPP ~ WPP ~ ~ 400/154 kV Basin (Collector) Substation WPP ÇANAKKALE 380/154 kV Çan TM 380/154 kV Gelibolu (Sütlüce) TM 154 kV Çan Basin 1 TM 154 kV Çan Basin 2 TM İZMİR 380/154 kV İzmir Basin TM TEİAŞ 16 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ WPP CONNECTION REQUESTS MANAGEMENT TM TM TM Nov. 2007 Applications 78.000 MW Non-overlapping applications to different substations are classified as singular application and connections approved. Applications that are overlapping or/and have connection request to same substation are assessed via competitions (bidding process) according to contribution fees. (tender fee) No competition 2000 MW via competitions 5500 MW is decreased to 7.500 MW TEİAŞ 17 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ WPP REQUIREMENTS • For higher wind penetration levels, additional requirements for are added to grid code. TEİAŞ – Requirements for WPP’s Connection requirements for Wind Power Generations are defined in the Appendix-18 of the Turkish Grid Code. Issues covered: •Fault Ride Through Capability •Active Power Control •Frequency Reaction Of The Wind Power Plants •Reactive Power Capacity •Reactive Power Support •Monitoring Of Wind Power Plants TEİAŞ 18 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Fault Ride Through The wind turbines shall stay connected to network when voltage at the Connection Point stays in the region 1 and region 2. WPP REQUIREMENTS Reactive Power Capability At the network connection point, the wind power plant must be capable of continuous operation for the power factor values in the region defined with the bold lines. FRT=1.5 s TEİAŞ 19 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ WIND POWER MONITORING & FORECAST CENTER • With increasing Wind Power installed capacity, it becomes important to forecast wind generation accurately to minimize daily-hourly deviations for dispatch and market. TEİAŞ – WPP Monitor & Forecast Center Licensed all the WPP’s are obliged to establish necessary infrastructure to provide the monitoring of the wind farm from Wind Power Monitoring and Forecast Center (RİTM), developed by General Directorate of Renewable Energy. WPP’s will be monitored also from TEİAŞ Dispatch Centers for forecast and system operation. TEİAŞ 20 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ FUTURE CAPACITY ALLOCATIONS • For new wind power plant applications, 3,000 MW connectable capacity is announced by TEİAŞ in December 2013. Applications for this capacity will be taken by EMRA in April 2015. • These capacities are announced as regional capacities since substation based capacities do not allow larger projects. TEİAŞ 21 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ NEW REGULATION REGARDING CONNECTION • In the previous grid code, a capacity up to 5 % of the system short circuit MVA at the connection point is permitted. • According to new regulation that has been published in January 2013, IEC 61400 standard is applied to determine wind power capacity that can be connected to busbar. TEİAŞ 22 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ SOLAR POWER IN TURKISH POWER SYSTEM TEİAŞ TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ TURKISH SOLAR POTENTIAL • According to Strategy Paper of Energy Ministry, Turkey’s aim in solar energy is to have 3.000 MW solar power plant integration by 2023. TEİAŞ 24 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ DETERMINING SOLAR INTEGRAITON CAPACITY • Total connectable capacity for solar power plants is declared as 600 MW. • Total installed capacity is distributed regarding the provinces, according to total average annual radiation and sunshine duration. • Applications for this capacity are taken by EMRA in June 2013. After technical evaluation of these applications, capacity auctions will be carried out by TEİAŞ. • The first auction was realised in 12th May 2014. TEİAŞ 25 TÜRKİYE ELEKTRİK İLETİM ANONİM ŞİRKETİ Thank you for attention! Kazim SENOCAK Electrical Engineer Transmission Planning & Coordination Division Research, Planning, Coordination Department [email protected] TEİAŞ
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