Women Peacemakers Program Summary Activity Plan 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2014 Supported by: 15 December 2013 Planning 2014 The Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) drafted a strategic plan for the period 2011-2015. All activities planned for 2014 will be in line with its mission and vision statement, as well as the strategic plan. “WPP’s vision is of a world where women and men work together as allies to build communities where people co-exist peacefully through active nonviolence.” “Its mission is to support the empowerment of gender-sensitive women and men for the transformation of conflict through active nonviolence.” 2013 was the first year for WPP operating as an independent foundation. It proved a dynamic and very inspiring year. Implementation of the 2013 WPP Program activities took place according to schedule, and generated many important insights in terms of the consolidation of the WPP identity as an independent organization, as well as its future strategic focus. During 2014, WPP activities will build on the work done, in line with the overall framework provided by the WPP Strategic Plan 2011-2015, which focuses on the following key components: • Strengthening the WPP partnership approach as to ensure increased (regional) ownership of the Gender-Sensitive Active Nonviolence (GSANV) agenda; • Strengthening linking and learning amongst WPP partners as well as supporting national, regional, and international advocacy by and with its partners through the use of new media and face-to-face opportunities; • Pioneering a holistic gender, peace and security agenda by advocating for a feminist perspective on peace and security, which includes a broad gender concept (inclusion of masculinities) as well as exposes the link between gender and militarism; • Acting as a bridge between movements in order to maximize movement building for GSANV. The WPP staff and WPP Board have developed the 2014 activity plan based on the many valuable insights shared by a broad range of WPP partners during the various 2013 Consultation meetings. Highlights for 2014 include the following: Middle East and North Africa (MENA) WPP began working in this region during 2011, when it organized its first-ever MENA Training of Trainers (ToT) Cycle on gender-sensitive active nonviolence. Late 2012, a MENA Consultation meeting followed this ToT Cycle, during which trends and needs in terms of regional networking were discussed with key stakeholders. As a follow-up, WPP engaged in a mapping process during 2013, in order to list the main actors working in the field of Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and gender-sensitive active nonviolence in the region. This effort resulted in a mapping document listing 32 organizations, networks and individual activists. A needs survey was disseminated to these stakeholders in an effort to analyze their needs in terms of gender-sensitive active nonviolence, and to generate input regarding WPP’s possible role as global GSANV actor in the MENA region. During 2014, Activities in the MENA region will be a follow-up of previous initiatives and will be informed by the insights gained through the needs survey. During 2014, WPP is planning to undertake the following activities in the MENA region: • MENA Consultation Meeting Participants of the needs survey will be invited to jointly shape, together with the WPP, a GSANV program strategy for the MENA region during the period 2014-2015. • Project “Amplifying the Voices of Women in the MENA Region” WPP will implement this joint project together with Hivos and Oxfam Novib, which is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). Within the project set-up, WPP is part of a larger consortium consisting of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), ABAAD Resource Center for Gender Equality, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). The Consortium partners will be responsible for implementing activities with a regional focus; including: o Regional capacity building for GSANV and Masculinities (WPP, ABAAD); o WPS lobby and advocacy with the Human Rights Council (WILPF) o WPS lobby and advocacy with the Arab League (GPPAC) In the framework of the regional capacity building work, WPP is planning to implement the first training of its second MENA Training of Trainers Cycle (ToT Cycle 2014-2015) late 2014, informed by the results of the 2014 MENA Consultation. Asia Mid 2013, the first Asia Regional Training of Trainers Cycle on gender-sensitive active nonviolence was concluded in Jakarta, upon which an Asia Consultation meeting took place. During this meeting, the ToT trainees, the WPP Asia Network Members, the Asia Board Members and the WPP team jointly strategized on the development of the WPP Asia Network. This resulted in an Action Plan for the period 2013-2015, identifying three core components for action: consolidation of the Asia GSANV network, increasing visibility of the Asia GSANV network, and joint resource mobilization for network activities. The formulized Action Plan will be the basis for activities in Asia in 2014. During 2014, WPP is planning to undertake the following activities in Asia: • Consolidating the WPP Asia Network WPP will be working on improving internal communication channels to ensure a regular flow of information between the members of the network. In addition, National Focal Points will be appointed, responsible for implementing the WPP Asia Action Plan together with the WPP Team. In addition, Asia Network Members will be invited to attend the 2014 Asia Network Meeting, which will be held adjacent to the MenEngage Global Seminar in Delhi. • Increasing visibility of the WPP Asia Network During 2014, WPP plans to launch an Asia-wide joint campaign on the occasion of May 24, the International Women’s Day for Peace and Disarmament. • Joint resource mobilization for network activities Following intensive talks in 2013, WPP will engage in strategic regional collaboration for capacity building programming with South-Asian network SANAM. Regional and Global Movement building Since 1997, WPP has built an extensive network of community-based women’s peace organizations and movements. For 2014, WPP will continue its bridge building activities between the international and local level, as well as between social movements. This includes: • Consolidating the WPP network With WPP changing its organizational status late 2012, work started in 2013 to shape the WPP Network Strategy for upcoming years. This strategy will be further implemented during 2014, which includes the setting up of an International Advisory Council, which will support the WPP Board and Team in terms of program development. • WPP Global Consultation on Gender and Militarism Taking place in South Africa during July 2013, this Consultation will focus on formulating a feminist perspective on peace and security, including a masculinities analysis. The Global Consultation will be organized three days prior to the War Resisters International (WRI) and Ceasefire Campaign’s Conference “The Continuum of Violence: From Domestic Violence to Military Alliances”. Organizing both events adjacent to each will serve a broader exchange of expertise and deepening of analysis; the creation of diverse global networking on the topic; as well wide dissemination of meeting outcomes. Next to inviting WPP partners, collaboration will also be sought with other organizations working on the topic of militarism. Strategy and Organizational Development Much reflection and strategizing took place during 2013 in terms of establishing the WPP as a strong independent organization. Several meetings were organized with the WPP team and Board to review WPP’s fundraising, communication and multi-year strategy. The outcomes of these meetings are currently being integrated in a strategic planning document (2015-2018), which will be finalized during 2014. Ongoing activities Apart from these projects, WPP will continue its ongoing activities throughout 2014, which includes: • Participating in national and international platforms and networks for lobby and advocacy on UNSCR 1325 • Publishing its monthly newsletter Cross the Lines • Publication of WPP’s annual May 24 pack on the occasion of the International Women’s Day on Peace and Disarmament. • Beginning 2014 WPP will launch its new website, where regular updates will be posted about WPP activities, stories on gender-sensitive peacebuilding from WPP Network Partners will be featured and new documentation will be published. The website will be closely connected to WPP’s Facebook and Twitter, aiming to create an online WPP community.
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