GREATER BIRMINGHAM CHAPTER Military Officers Association of America Volume 114 Issue 3 March 2014 From the President The Chapter met on Thursday, February 6th at 6:00 pm at the Altadena VCC. There were 45 present including the speaker and his wife. Lt Col Eric Cleveland, USAF Retired attended for the first time as a member. LTC Tom Ruffing, USA Retired, and wife Sue joined at the January meeting and was also present. Anne Nelson and Jackie Dunlap attended as new Auxiliary Members. The speaker was Joe B. Davis, Ph.D., Director, Alabama Fusion Center. He serves as the senior intelligence official for the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency. Dr. Davis is also Colonel Davis, USA (Ret.) and is member of the Montgomery Chapter MOAA. Everyone enjoyed Colonel Davis’s presentation since most of us had never heard of The Alabama Fusion Center. All 50 states have a Fusion Center. The Fusion Centers were established after the 9/11 attack to focus on both criminal and terrorist related information sharing and intelligence analysis, and support of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies within each state. The winner of the MOAA “Fun Fund” Drawing was Stewart Foss who drew the 7 of diamonds and won $10.00. Our new jackpot is at $132. Since we started “Fun Fund” our chapter has received a total of $760.00. There were two members and spouses present with February birthdays. Charlie Varano won the drawing for a free meal ($26). He donated the funds to the Chapter. Wally TABLE OF COTETS From the President 1 Chapter Officers/ Board Report 2 Application for Membership/Advertising in The Newsletter 3 CHAPTER MEETIGS Meetings at the Altadena VCC on the first Thursday of each month. Social hour at 6 pm, dinner at 7 pm and program at 8 pm. RIF/Affordable Care Act / Patriotic Photo Contest 4 FUTURE PROGRAMS Chapter Meeting/Reservation Details/Program 5 USAA Auto Insurance Sponsor Ad 6 Police Chief, Brigadier General, USAR Ridout’s Sponsor Ad/Taps/New Members/ COLA 7 May – RADM W. Clyde Marsh, New Budget 8 2013 Budget 9 Editorial 10 April – A.C. Roper, Birmingham Alabama Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner EWSLETTER ARTICLES Send to Jim Langley, Editor at [email protected] Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA PAGE 2 2013-2014 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President 1st VP 2nd VP Treasurer Secretary Newsletter TOPS Chaplain BOARD OF DIRECTORS (voting positions) Lowell Womack, CAPT, USN (Ret) 979-1261 Past President Charlie Marvin, LTC USA (Ret) 980-7413 Eldon Woodie, Col, USAF (Ret) 982-1544 Director Ned Barrett, CAPT, USN (Ret) 991-3123 Sam Killian, USN, USN(Ret) 408-7721 Director Mike Robinson, Col , USAF (Ret) 663-2891 Dick Ritz, CDR, USN (Ret) 639-4028 Director Robert C. Williams, MAJ, USA (Ret) 798-3669 Ginger Branson, LTC, USA (Ret) 305-4128 Legislative Chair George Singleton, Col, USAF (Ret) 979-4169 Jim Langley, Sr., LTC, USA (Ret) Chris Phillips, LTC , USA (Ret) Doug Haviland, MAJ, USA (Ret) APPOITED OFFICERS 980-1827 Personal Affairs 981-9790 Auxiliary Liaison 967-6432 Anne Hartline Anne Hartline 823-1924 823-1924 MOAA Newsletters — to stay informed about events at other Alabama MOAA Chapters, visit On that site, click the “Chapters” link! Or to see the MOAA National news, visit! The Chapter’s Board of Directors met recently and made the following decisions that will be of interest to you: ♦ Summer meetings will be luncheon meetings at the Altadena Valley Country Club on the first Thursdays of each month. ♦ Approved the following donations from the Chapter: Birmingham National Veterans Day-$500, Blue Star Salute Foundation - $200, Wreaths Across America - $300, Three Hots and A Cot - $500, and The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park Memorial Day Program - $250, and Participate in the Birmingham National Veterans Day Veteran of the Year Program by selecting a Greater Birmingham Chapter Veteran of the Year with a cost of about $325. Nominations will be solicited in a few months. ♦ Continue the monthly free meal drawing from the members and spouses attending the meeting and having birthdays in the month of the meeting. Plus those with birthdays will go first to the buffet line. ♦ Continue the December Christmas Party in the format of this past year. Continue the option of wearing uniforms and having a TOYS-FOR-TOTS representative at the meeting. ♦ Print and mail a Chapter Roster to members not attending the first meeting after the printing. ♦ Schedule two luncheon meetings for Auxiliary members. ♦ Continue sponsorship of 16 JROTC Units and 2 ROTC Units. Invite the MOAA Medal Award recipients and their parents to attend one of the Chapter meetings. Support the college ROTC cades being commissioned by presenting the Gold Bars. ♦ Continue the Fun Fund and Trivia Games at each meeting. ♦ Honor the wives with a red rose at one meeting during the year. ♦ Represent National MOAA for recruiting purposes at the Alabama National Guard Association Conference in April. ♦ Support National MOAA’s 2014 recruiting program for both National Association Members and Chapter Members. Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA APPLICATIO FOR MEMBERSHIP/REEWAL (Please print or type) GREATER BIRMIGHAM CHAPTER AL (02) ____ Renewal _____ New Member (membership runs by the calendar year) ____ Regular membership, Circle Your Choice ($20/yr or $35 for 2 yrs) ____ Supporting Membership ($50) ____ Sustaining Membership ($100) ____ Auxiliary affiliation (spouse of deceased service member) (no cost) ____ ROTC affiliation (electronic communications only) (no cost) _____________________ First ame ______ MI _________________________________ Last ame PAGE 3 MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA PO Box 530153, Birmingham, AL 35253 ___________ __________ Grade Rank Branch of Service: ___Army, ___Air Force, ___Navy, ___Marines, ___Coast Guard, ___Other__________ Status: ___ Active Duty, ___ Retired, ___ National Guard, ___ Reserve, ___Former Member, ___ Surviving Spouse ___________________________________ ________________________ _______ ___________ Mailing Address City State Zip ______________________ ___________________ _________________ _________________ Telephone umber (Birth Date (mm/dd/yy) Preferred ame ame of Spouse ational MOAA membership number: _________________ ational Member Type (Circle): Basic Premium Life _____________________________ ________________________________ __________ Email Address Signature Date Mail to: GREATER BIRMIGHAM CHAPTER, MOAA, PO BOX 530153, BIRMIGHAM, AL 35253 ****Dues and Donations to the Chapter are Income Tax Deductible**** MEMORIALS If you would like to send a memorial contribution to the Greater Birmingham Chapter MOAA, please send the following information along with your check and return address to: Memorials, Greater Birmingham Chapter MOAA, P.O. Box 530153, Birmingham, AL 35253. In memory of: __________________________________________ By: ___________________________________________________ Family Address: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ A charitable donation receipt will be sent to the donor and an acknowledgment of the donation to the Family. A dvertise in this newsletter. This is an example of a calling card ad. The cost is $25 per month with a minimum of 6 months for a total of $150. YOUR LOGO For a quarter page, half page or whole page ad, call President Lowell (Wally) Womack for a quote. The Greater Birmingham Chapter Newsletter is sent to hundreds of veterans in Alabama each month. The funds from these ads support many worthwhile veteran related projects. YOUR AME d/b/a Information Address Phone umber E-mail Information Other Contact Info. Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA PAGE 4 Greater Birmingham Chapter MOAA to Sponsor 2014 Memorial Day Remembrance Program at Alabama Veterans Memorial Park On Sunday, May 25, 2014, at 3:00 pm, The Alabama Veterans Memorial Park (AVMP) will recognize and salute veterans or active duty military who have been honored by their family, colleagues or friends with an engraved StepStone paver. Our MOAA Board approved a donation for this event and will be recognized in the printed program as a sponsor. In addition, we will have MOAA members in uniform serving as greeters at the entrance to the park. MOAA spouses and Auxiliary Members will assist with registration. If you are interested in participating, please contact Anne Hartline (205)422-8885, [email protected]. The purpose of StepStones is to show undying memory of those who have served or now serve. StepStones can be purchased for any veteran living or deceased and any active duty military person from any state. They are placed at the foot of the U.S. Flag in AVMP. They can be purchased for a tax deductible donation of $100 . The deadline to be included in the May Program is April 15. For more information call (205) 912-2019, or email [email protected]. AVMP is located off 459, Liberty Park exit 23. Instead of turning toward Liberty Park after exciting, turn toward the opposite direction. At the dead end turn right to go to the park. THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA), COMMOLY KOW AS “OBAMACARE” By Kathy Prout, vice chair, Auxiliary Member Advisory Committee How will the Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as “Obamacare,” affect...military retirees and their families and survivors? Military retirees under the age of 65 will see a COLA in their TRICARE fees. Annual TRICARE Prime fees will be $273.84 for individuals and $547.68 for families. TRICARE Standard option will increase from $152 to $156 a month. Those who are on CHAMPVA also are covered completely under the ACA. TRICARE For Life (TFL) meets the minimum standards under the ACA, however, the requirement that all TFL beneficiaries enroll in TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery begins Feb. 14. Part of the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act, this was a compromise to avoid tripling pharmacy copayments. All TFL beneficiaries must enroll in home delivery through Express Scripts for maintenance medications and remain in the program for a year, after which beneficiaries may opt out of the program. Express Scripts might issue individual waivers on a case-by-case basis. Nursing home patients and those who use a military treatment facility are exempt. Enroll online or by calling Express Scripts at (877) 363-1303. However, Congress and DoD have proposed fee increases for TRICARE and TFL. MOAA is against these proposed fee increases and is fighting the issue by educating Congress that claims that military health care costs are spiraling out of control are untrue. To keep abreast of this, visit MOAA’sWeb Base. You can take action by emailing a MOAA-prepared message to your senators and representatives. For those without Internet access, you may call MOAA’s Member Service Center at (800) 234-MOAA (6622) for help with any of your concerns. PATRIOTIC PHOTO COTEST: Enter MOAA’s annual patriotic photo contest by March 31 for a chance to win up to $500 and have your work published in the July 2014 issue of Military Officer. Photographers may submit only one photo in each of four categories — camaraderie, military family, on duty, and vintage. A panel of judges will evaluate the entries based on creativity, photographic quality, and effectiveness. Official rules, entry forms, and submission information can be found on MOAA’s Web Base. Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA SOCIAL HOUR: 1800 (6:00 pm) DIER: 1900 (7:00 pm) PAGE 5 COST: $26.00 per person RESERVATIOS: Please make reservations (or cancellations) by 1200 (oon) on Monday, 3 March 2014. Reservations may be made by telephone to CDR Dick Ritz at 639-4028 or e-mail at [email protected]. Your reservation is not complete until you have received a conformation call or e-mail. LOCATIO: Altadena Valley Country Club, 2651 Alta Vista Drive, Birmingham, AL 35243. Phone 967-5322. Located off Acton Road. Best access is Exit 17 of I-459. MEU: Grilled Pork Tenderloin, Garden Rice, Squash Casserole, Salad Bar, Chocolate Cake, Hot Rolls, Tea, Water and Coffee. Meal served buffet style. PROGRAM: Jimmy W Langley, author of Delmont's Slang Blade: 1000 Of the Best Sayings from the Great State of Alabama PAYMET FOR MEAL: Payment for meals at the door by CHECK is preferred. CHECK STROGLY RECOMMEDED. March Program: Jimmy W Langley Jimmy Langley is a published author of two books, Delmont’s Slang Blade and Good Hearted Country Woman, covered by regional newspapers and magazines including John Archibald of the Birmingham News. He is the current editor of the Greater Birmingham MOAA newsletter. He graduated from Jacksonville State University with a degree in Political Science and from the University of Oklahoma with a Masters in Public Administration. Mr. Langley was a Distinguished Military Graduate and received a Regular Army commission in 1971. He served active duty tours as a Field Artillery Officer in Alaska, Fort Sill Oklahoma, and Korea. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the Army Reserve. His last assignments were with the 87th Maneuver Area Command in Birmingham and as a Command & General Staff College instructor. In his civilian career, Mr. Langley took an early retirement from BellSouth Communications and then worked in the nonprofit sector. He is now a writer and an artist. He serves as President of the Hoover New Horizons Board of Directors, a 2000 member organization of Hoover Alabama seniors. He is a former Chair and current member of the YMCA Hargis Board of Directors. He is the Director of Camp High Hopes, a camp for intellectually challenged adults. He was honored, along with daughter Laura, by having The Langley Center, a community center on the campus of AIDS Alabama named for them. Mr. Langley is currently a resident of the Ross Bridge Community of Hoover Alabama and was originally from Vernon in Lamar County Alabama. He is married to the former Ann Whitehead of Nashville. He is the father of a 41-year-old son, Wayne. He and Ann lost their only child, Laura, at age 22, in a car accident in 2012. Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA PAGE 6 Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA PAGE 7 Honoring Memories, Celebrating Lives Ridout’s Valley Chapel has proudly served the Birmingham community since 1951. From the beginning, our goal has been to do as much as we can to help families, neighbors, and friends through their deepest sorrows. Our affiliation with the Dignity Memorial® network allows us to build on that tradition by offering exclusive benefits. As a result, we’re finding that more and more people are turning to us to help them pre-plan their final arrangements. To schedule a private consultation, contact LTC Mac Chandler, USA Retired at (205) 879-3401 or [email protected] EW MEMBERS Col Dane R. Martin, USAF Retired and wife, Debbie. MEMBER UPDATE OR TAPS: Lee McCaslin spent several weeks in the hospital. He is now at HealthSouth Lakeshore Rehab and expected to come home during the week of February 24th. COL Earl (Mac) McCrary, USA Retired, died on February 2nd. We learned of the death in a letter from his sister. Mac moved from this area about two years ago and afterward we had trouble keeping up with him. A Memorial Gift to the Chapter in Memory of Col Richard D. Mathews, USAF Retired was made by his wife, Mary A. Mathews COLA WATCH For the past two months, MOAA and its 380,000 members have spoken out against the harmful cost-of-living (COLA) cuts passed in the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013. And last week, Congress finally listened by passing a partial repeal of the COLA cuts for working-age retirees. Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA Greater Birmingham Chapter (AL02) MOAA Budget For 2014 Receipts: Dues Estimate Current Members + New Members Donations Based on 2013 Advertising/Sponsorships Gold Bar Program - National Payment With 10 Basic Memberships Working National Guard Convention - National Payment New Chap Mem - 25 @ $10 Each From National Retaining 95% of Memberships in 2014 Fun Fund Estimate Total Receipts Expenses: Misc. Reimbursements to Lowell Womack Based on 2013 Estimate 12 Speaker Meals @ $26 each Cost of Meals for ROTC Cadets and Families Receiving Medals Misc. Expenses Based on 2013 Newsletter Copying and Mailing Alabama Council of Chapters Dues Birmingham National Veterans Day Sponsor Donation Chapter Veteran of The Year Expense SBSSFI Donation Wreaths Across America Donation to Three Hots & A Cot Ala. Veterans Memorial Park Memorial Day Program Sponsor Donation Cards and Postage to Sick Members Free Meal Per Mo. for B'day Drawing (Some Donated Back) Printing & Mailing Roster Christmas Dinner Expenses Total Expenses NET RECEIPTS 2,000.00 155.00 2,340.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 600.00 6,045.00 490.00 312.00 500.00 350.00 490.00 150.00 500.00 325.00 200.00 300.00 500.00 250.00 250.00 273.00 400.00 400.00 5,690.00 355.00 PAGE 8 Volume 114 Issue 3 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA PAGE 9 Greater Birmingham Chapter (02) MOAA Budget and Actual Year Ended 12/31/2013 Receipts: Dues Estimate Current Members + New Members Donations Based on 2012 Advertising/Sponsorships Gold Bar Program - National Payment Working National Guard Convention - National Payment New Chap Mem - 25 @ $10 Ea From Nat'l (Actual 19) Retaining 90% of Memberships - Nat'l Not Determine Yet Fun Fund Total Receipts (Corrected for error in original budget) Expenses: Misc. Reimbursements to Lowell Womack Based on 2012 2013 Budget 2,859.00 260.00 2,340.00 250.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 Actual 12/31/13 1,930.00 155.00 2,340.00 0.00 200.00 195.00 500.00 529.00 6,709.00 5,849.00 520.00 491.73 Est. Speaker Meals - 13 Actual @ $26 ea. Cost of Meals for ROTC Cadets and Families Rec. Medal Misc. Expenses Based on 2012 Newsletter Copying and Mailing Alabama Council of Chapters Dues Birmingham National Veterans Day Donations Expense SBSSFI Wreaths Across America Support Committee National Cemetery Epaulettes for ROTC Cadets Cards and Postage to Sick Members Renting a Projector from Altadena VCC Donation to Three Hots & A Cot Donation to Toys For Tots Christmas Tips to Altadena Waiter & Kitchen Staff Free Meal Per Mo. for B'day Drawing (Some Donated Back) 0.00 156.00 660.00 500.00 65.00 800.00 200.00 150.00 0.00 80.00 240.00 70.00 250.00 100.00 260.00 338.00 0.00 289.59 489.04 62.00 750.00 200.00 150.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 100.00 260.00 200.00 Printing & Mailing Roster Printing of Chapter Membership Application Christmas Dinner Expenses Total Expenses 300.00 400.00 500.00 375.16 317.19 262.00 Net Receipts 5,251.00 5,034.71 1,458.00 814.29 Note: Some guess work in seperating some income & expense items. However the total receipts less payments per the check register is an follows: Receipts Calendar Year 2013 Payments Calendar Year 2013 Net Receipts CalendarYear 2013 15,342.00 14,568.73 773.27 GREATER BIR MIN GH AM CH AP TER, MILI TARY OFF ICERS AS S OCIAT ION O F AMER ICA Volume 114 Issue 3 PAGE 10 Age is relative. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you were? If you’re only as old as you think, I had better get started thinking soon. I often say I wish I was 20 years old and had the money and knowledge of life that I have now. Wait a minute; I probably would be dead in the grave by now. Big Jim Folsom, former Governor of Alabama briskly campaigned in the small towns of Alabama. He would bring a country band, a pint, and a ham sack to collect contributions. It was the 1960s when he came to the courthouse in Vernon. Big Jim was “over the hill” in politics but still kept running for Governor. In the courtroom, he wore bib overalls and took off his shoes. I will never forget the profound words he said, "For Big Jim, it used to be wine, women, and song. But now that I'm older, it's Metracal, same old gal, and sing along with Big Jim." (Metracal was one of the first liquid diet drinks.) I just let my mind wander, and it didn't come back. Ain't it nice that wrinkles don't hurt? By the time I made it, I'd had it. I am retired. I wuz tired yesterday and I am tired again today. Some men want a BMW; I don't care about the W. Thelma wuz at the beauty parlor two hours and that wuz only for ah estimate. I'm so old, when I eat out at a fancy eatin' place, they want my money up front. Funny, I don't remember being absent minded. Information provided from: •, [email protected], and [email protected] (provided by MOAA (© 2004 Military Officer Association of America. All rights reserved.). • • Alabama Council of Chapters: MILITARY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION PO Box 530153, Birmingham, AL 35253 Your Bham Chapter membership expires in December of the year at the end of your name! Our next meeting dates are 6 Mar & 3 Apr 2014
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