International Journal of Electrical& Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:14 No:04 1 Preprocessing of Web Usage Data for Application in Prefetching to Reduce Web Latency G T Raju Nandini N Professor, Department of CSE, RNS Institute of Technology, Bangalore Visvesvaraya Technological University, Karnataka, INDIA Research Scholar, Bharathiyar University Lecturer, Department of CSE RNS Institute of Technology, BangaloreVisvesvaraya Technological University,Karnataka, INDIA [email protected] [email protected] Abstract--The Popularity of Web resulted in heavy traffic in the Internet. This intense increase in internet traffic has caused significant increase in the user perceived latency. In order to reduce this effectively. Prefetching techniques are found to be best suitable. Prefetching technique is motivated by the fact that, in general, once a user goes to a Web site; he/she generally browses around for several pages before leaving for another site. Since the user follows hyperlinks upon his/her interests, it is likely that links are not followed uniformly. It is possible to either predict each user’s interest using cookies or mine a consensus of interests (i.e., generally what pages will be requested after the current page) with some confidence from access log files recorded by the Web server. This information not only is valuable for the Web administrator to eliminate uninterested pages, or balance load among the servers, but also can help to improve Web-browsing time. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive preprocessing methodology as a prerequisite and first stage for Prefetching application, which has four steps: Data Cleaning, Identification of users & Sessions, and finally the Data Formatting and Summarization. An attempt is made to reduce the quantity of the WUD and thereby improve the quality of WUD for effective use in Prefetching application. Several heuristics have been proposed for cleaning the WUD which is then aggregated and recorded in the relational data model. To validate the efficiency of our preprocessing methodology, several experiments were conducted log files on three different web sites: Academic, Research, Commercial and the results shows that our methodology reduces the Web access log files size down to 72-83% of the initial size and offer richer logs that are structured for application in Prefetching. Index Term-- Preprocessing, Prefetching, Web Usage Data, Web Usage Mining. 1. INTRODUCTION The exponential growth of the Web in terms of Web sites and their users during the last decade has generated huge amount of data related to the user’s interactions with the Web sites. This data is recorded in the Web access log files of Web servers and usually referred as Web Usage Data (WUD). Web Usage Mining (WUM) deals with the application of data mining techniques to extract interesting knowledge from the WUD. Data preprocessing has a fundamental role in Web Usage Mining (WUM) applications. A significant problem with most of the pattern discovery methods is that, their difficulty in handling very large scales of WUD. Despite the fact that, most of the WUM processes done off-line, the size of WUD is in the orders of magnitude larger than those met in common applications of machine learning. Rushing to analyze usage data without a proper preprocessing method will lead to poor results or even to failure. Preprocessing methodology has not received enough analysis efforts. Hence managing the quantity of data that is continuously increasing, and the great diversity of pages on Web site has become critical for WUM applications. Prefetching means fetching of Web pages before the users request them. Prefetching technique is like a Web caching technique to reduce the user perceived latency. In Web usage mining is the area of data mining which deals with the discovery and analysis of usage patterns from web logs, in order to improve web based applications. Web usage mining consists of three phases, preprocessing, pattern discovery, and pattern analysis. Web Usage Mining [22,23] data can be collected in server logs, application server logs. A complete preprocessing technique is being proposed to preprocess the web log for extraction of user patterns. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive preprocessing methodology that allows the analyst to transform any collection of web server log files into structured collection of tables in relational database model for further use in Prefetching application. The log files from different web sites of the same organization are merged to apprehend the behaviors of the users that navigate in a transparent way. Afterwards, this file is cleaned by removing all unnecessary requests, such as implicit requests for the objects embedded in the Web pages and the requests generated by non-human clients of the Web site (i.e. Web robots). Then, the remaining requests are grouped by user, user sessions, page views, and visits. Finally, the cleaned and transformed collections of requests are saved onto a relational database model. We have provided filters to filter the unwanted, irrelevant, and unused data. Analyst can select the log files from different web servers and decide what entries he/she is interested (HTML, PDF, and TXT). The objective of this research work is to considerably reduce the large quantity of Web usage data available and, at the same time, to increase its quality by structuring it and providing additional aggregated variables for the data mining analysis that follow. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We formalize the problem of data preprocessing in section 2. An overview of the data preprocessing process is given in section 3. We 140604-3939-IJECS-IJENS © August 2014 IJENS IJENS International Journal of Electrical& Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:14 No:04 present the four steps System Architecture: Data cleaning (section 3.1), Identification (section 3.2) of Users, Sessions, Page views and data formatting & summarization (Section 3.3). The experimental results and observations are provided in section 4. Related work is given in section 5. Finally, in section 6, we conclude and provide some perspectives in Prefetching applications. 2. PROBLEM FORMALIZATION Consider the set R = {r1, r2…, rnR} of all Web resources from a Web site. If U = {u1, u2…, unU} is the set of all the users who have accessed that site, we can define a log entry as li =<ui, t, s, ri, [refi] >, where uiU; riR; t represents the access time, and s represents the request status. refi represents the referring page and is optional as in some Web log formats, like the CLF format[1]where the referring page is not recorded. s is a threedigit code indicating the request's success or failure. In the latter case, it also indicates the cause of the failure. A status with a value of 200 represents a succeeded request; while a status of 404 shows that the requested file was not found at the expected location. L = {l1, l2…, lnL}, ordered ascending by the time value of li, constitutes a Web server log. The preprocessing first groups the log entries into page views by using the log. A page view pi consists of pi = {ri1, ri2 …, rnP}, where rijR. The compacted log entry is lpi =<ui, t, pi, refi>. Considering a time interval t, we can define a visit vi for a user ui as vi =<ui, t, pvi>, where pvi =<(t1,p1); (t2,p2…, (tn,pn) >; ti+1 ≥ ti and ti+1 - ti<t; i=1:n-1.Using these notations, the preprocessing problem is formalized as follows: Given a thatlog file for given Web site L. The objective is to extract the Users, User sessions, visits, and page views of the Web sites' users with a given t. The session identification process can be formulated as follows: LetRi={ri1,ri2 , … riNi} be the ordered list of ith user access records in the log (sorted by the ascending order of the access frequency), and trij (0 < j ≤ Ni) be the time when rij was logged in the web log file. Let A= { A1, A2, ….Av} be the list of categories and V the total number of categories. We assume that each rij is represented by one of these categories and the user i generates Li sessions (possibly unequal length ordered sequences of pages). Assuming that w is the total number of users in the web log file, let D = {R 1, R2,...,Rw} be the observed access records for all the users in the log. The sessions for individual user i are defined as a list of subsets: i i i i Si1 = { ri1, ri2, ….ri n1 }, Si2={ ri( n1 +1), … , ri( n1 + n 2 )}, … SiLi i Si1= {r i( n1 +…+ i i n Li i 1 + 1)….. i r i( n1 +…+ Where tri( n1 +1) – tri( n1 ) ≥ 30 minutes, N= Si2 … SiLi →Si n Li i } ) i n1i +…+ n Li and Si1 Then the set S={S1, S2,…..Sw} represents the sessions for all the users in our data set. A summary of all the above variables and notations is given in the Table I. 2 Table I Summary of Variables and Notations Variable Description w The total number of users The ordered list of ith user access records in the web log file The set of all Ri The total number of access records in Ri The jth access record of user i The time when rijwas logged in the web log Sessions for all the users file Sessions for the user i Total number of sessions for user i jth session for user i The length for session Sij Ri D Ni rij trij S Si Li Sij n ij 3. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE System Architecture of the proposed work is shown in figure 1. It consists of Pre processing, Sequential Pattern Mining and Prefetching Modules. In this paper we focus on Web usage data pre processing, which is an essential step for Sequential Pattern Mining and in turn for prefetching applications. Fig. 1. System Architecture Data preprocessing of web logs is usually complex and time demanding. It comprises of four steps: Data cleaning, User Identification, Session identification, and Data formatting &Summarization. At the beginning of the data preprocessing, we have the Log containing the Web server log files collected by several Web servers. When sharing logs files or publishing results, for privacy reasons, we need to remove the host names or the IP addresses. Therefore, we replace the original host name with an identifier that keeps the information about the domain extension (i.e. the country code or organization type, such as .com, .edu, and .org). We can also use these parameters later in the analysis, and the log files can be shared without revealing sensitive information. 3.1 Data Cleaning The first step of data preprocessing consists of removing useless requests from the log file. Since all the log entries are not valid, we need to eliminate the irrelevant entries. Usually, this process removes requests concerning non-analyzed resources such as images, multimedia files, and page style files. For example, requests for graphical page content (*.jpg & *.gif images) and requests for any other file which might be included into a web page or even navigation sessions performed by robots and web spiders. By filtering out useless 140604-3939-IJECS-IJENS © August 2014 IJENS IJENS International Journal of Electrical& Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:14 No:04 data, we can reduce the log file size to use less storage space and to facilitate upcoming tasks For example, by filtering out image requests, the size of Web server log files reduced to less than 50% of their original size. Thus, data cleaning includes the elimination of irrelevant entries like: Requests executed by automated programs, such as web robots, spiders and crawlers; these programs generate the traffic to web sites, can dramatically bias the site statistics, and are also not the desired category which WUM investigates. Requests for image files associated with requests for particular pages; an user’s request to view a particular page often results in several log entries because that page includes other graphics, while we are only interested in what the users explicitly request, which are usually text files. Entries with unsuccessful HTTP status codes; HTTP status codes are used to indicate the success or failure of a requested event, and we only consider successful entries with codes between 200 and 299. Entries with request methods except GET and POST. 3.2 Identification This step groups the unstructured requests of a log file by user, user session, page view and visits. At the end of this step, the log file will be a set of transactions, where by transaction we refer to a user session or a visit. 3.2.1 User In most cases, the log file provides only the computer address (name or IP) and the user agent (for the ECLF[2] log files). For Web sites requiring user registration, the log file also contains the user login (as the third record in a log entry). In this case, we use this information for the user identification. When the user login is not available, we consider (if necessary) each IP as a user, although we know that an IP address can be used by several users. In this paper, we approximate users in terms of IP address, type of OS and browsing software. 3.2.2 User Sessions Identifying the user sessions from the log file is not a simple task due to proxy servers, dynamic addresses, and cases where multiple users access the same computer (at a library, Internet cafe, etc.) or one user uses multiple browsers or computers. A user session is defined as a sequence of requests made by a single user over a certain navigation period and a user may have a single (or multiple) session(s) during a period of time. Session identification is the process of segmenting the access log of each user into individual access sessions [5]. Two timeoriented heuristic methods: session-duration based method and page-stay-time based method have been specifically proposed by [6, 7, and 8] for session identification. In this paper, we use the timeout threshold in order to define the users’ sessions. 3.2.3 Page Views 3 We identify the page views by using the time of the request. For requests made at the same time (i.e. the same second), we keep only the first request (as ordered in the log file) and discard the following ones. After the page view identification, the log file will contain, normally, only one request for each user action. The page view identification step determines which page file requests are part of the same page view and what content was served. This is necessary to provide meaningful results in the pattern analysis phase. If this step is not performed, the discovered patterns can be dominated by page files that make up a single popular page view. Each session must start with a seed page view i.e., an initial page file or set of page files from which all subsequent page views will be derived. In the vast majority cases, the seed page view is made up of a single file, or starts with a single file that defines the frame structure and immediately causes additional page files to be requested. It is very rare for an unrelated site to link to more than one page file of a different site in a single hypertext link. However, it is possible, and for these cases all of the page files contributing to the seed page view would have to be explicitly entered into the algorithm. Once the seed page view is specified for a session, each subsequent request is checked against the site structure to determine which frame is being replaced. The new page view consists of the requested file plus all of the page files that are remaining in the browser display from the previous page view. Each distinct page view discovered in a log is given an identifier. 3.3 Data Formatting and Summarization This is the last step of data preprocessing. In this step, first, we transfer the structured file containing sessions and visits to a relational database. Afterwards, we apply the data generalization at the request level (for URLs) and the aggregated data computation for visits and user sessions to completely fill in the database. The data summarization step concerns with the computation of aggregated variables at different abstraction levels (e.g. request, visit, and user session). These aggregated variables are later used in the data mining step. They represent statistical values that characterize the objects analyzed. For instance, if the object analyzed is a user session, in the aggregated data computation process, we propose to calculate the following variables: The number of visits for that session; The length of the session in seconds (the difference between the last and the first date of the visit) or in pages viewed (the total number of page views); 4. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Several experiments have been conducted on log files collected from NASA Web site, Academic Web site and MSNBC Web site. Results show that our preprocessing methodology reduces significantly the size of the initial log files by eliminating unnecessary requests and increases their quality through better structuring. It is observed from the Table II that, the size for is reduced to 72-83% of the initial size NASA log file. Unique image/CSS related statistics are 140604-3939-IJECS-IJENS © August 2014 IJENS IJENS International Journal of Electrical& Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:14 No:04 presented in the figures Figure 2. Day wise unique visitors’ statistics are presented in the Figure3, and Page views statistics are presented in the Figure4. The user sessions for Academic web site are shown in the Table III.Similarly for Academic web site these statistics are shown in Figure 5,Figure 6, and Figure 7. The user sessions for NASA web site are shown in the Table IV. Web transaction data for Academic web site of50 pages is shown in the Table V. Sequence data for Academic web site of 50 pages is shown in the Table VI. 5. RELATED WORK In the recent years, we have seen much research on Web usage mining [3,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16]. However, as described below, data preprocessing in WUM has received far less attention than it deserves. Methods for user identification, sessionizing, page view identification, path completion, and episode identification are presented in [3]. However, some of the heuristics proposed are not appropriate for larger and more complex Web sites. For example, they propose to use the site topology in conjunction with the ECLF [2] file for what they call the user identification. The proposed heuristic aims to distinguish between users with the same IP address, OS and Browser by checking every page requested in a chronological order. If a page requested is not referred by any previous page requested, then it belongs to a new user session. The drawback of this approach is that it considers only one way of navigating in a Web site, by following links. However, in order to change the current page, the users can, for instance, type the new URL in the address bar (most browsers have an auto completion feature that facilitates this function) or they can select it from their bookmarks. In another work [15], the authors compared time-based and referrer-based heuristics for visit reconstruction. They found out that a heuristic's appropriateness depends on the design of the Web site (i.e. whether the site is frame-based or frame-free) and on the length of the visits (the referrer-based heuristic performs better for shorter visits). In [16], Marquardt et al. addressed the application of WUM in the e-learning area with a focus on the preprocessing phase. In this context, they redefined the notion of visit from the e-learning point of view. Frequent access patterns are determined from reconstructed sessions. There are several algorithms in the literature for the sequential pattern mining ,The difficulty of mining sequential patterns from a large fixed database has been widely addressed in [24]. Baoyao Zhou [17] proposed a simple algorithm that to access session is created as a pair of URL and the requested time in a sequence of requests with a timestamp. The duration of an URL is estimated as the difference of request time of successor entry and current entry. This algorithm is suitable when there are more number of URL’s in a session. The default time set by author is 30 minutes per session. Murat Ali, [18] proposed, Smart Miner: A New framework for Mining Large Scale Web Usage Data. This frame work is a part of Web Analytics Software. Smart Miner sessions are set of paths traversed in the Web graph that corresponds to user’ navigations among web pages. The 4 Author developed an efficient version of the Apriori-All Technique which uses the structure of web graph to increase the performance. The sessions constructed by SMART-SRA contains sequential pages accessed from server-side works in two stages. 1. Timestamp Ordering Rule: the time stamp ordering condition simply represents the standard user session definition. 2. Topology rule: The topology condition is introduced to force each user navigation path to correspond to a path in the web site graph. In Smart – SRA there are two phases. In the first phase, the access data stream of web users are partitioned into shorter page request sequences called candidate sessions. In the second phase candidate sessions are divided into maximal sub –sessions such that for each consecutive page pair in the sequence there exists a link from previous one to latter one. At the same time, page stay time rule for consecutive pages is also satisfied. An agent simulator is developed by authors to simulate an actual web user. It randomly generates a typical web site topology and a user agent to accesses the same from its client side and acts like a real user. An important feature of the agent simulator is its ability to model dynamic behaviors of a web agent. Time constraint is also considered as the difference between two consecutive pages is smaller than 10 minutes. Robert F.Dell [19] proposed, web user session reconstruction using integer programming. The main advantage of this method is construction of all session’s simultaneously Author approach is groups log registers from same IP address and agent ensuring the link structure of the site is followed in any constructed session. Each constructed session from a web log is an ordered list of log registers where each register can only be used once in only one session. Experiment is focused with IP address with high diversity and a higher number of registers. Sessions produced better match an expected empirical distribution. Navin Kumar Tyagi et al., [21] proposed An Algorithmic approach to Data Pre processing in Web Usage Mining. The author survey some data preprocessing activities like data cleaning and data reduction and. It is important that before applying data mining techniques to discover user access patterns from web log, data must be processed to maintain quality of results is based on data to be mined. An Efficient Algorithm for Data Cleaning of Log File using File Extensions proposed [25], algorithm tested on the log files for data cleaning. The approach show a somewhat salient reduction in the number of records and in the log files size and increases the quality of the available data. 140604-3939-IJECS-IJENS © August 2014 IJENS IJENS International Journal of Electrical& Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:14 No:04 5 Table II Results after Preprocessing Website Original Size Size after Preproce ssing % Reducti on in Size No. of Session s No. of Use rs NASA July 95 205532 (20.6M B) 57092 72.22% 16810 125 25 ACADE MIC Dec. 2013 28972 (2.9MB ) 5043 82.5% 1645 936 MSNBC Aug 95 75361 (7.6MB ) 20362 72.98% 6821 542 1 Fig. 2.Unique Image/CSS related statistics Fig. 5. Unique Image/CSS related statistics (NASA Log file, July 1995)(Academic Log file, Dec. 2013) Fig. 3.Unique Visitors (NASA Log file, July 1995) Fig. 6. Unique Image/CSS related statistics (Academic Log file, Dec. 2013) 140604-3939-IJECS-IJENS © August 2014 IJENS IJENS International Journal of Electrical& Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:14 No:04 Fig. 4. Page Views statistics (NASA Log file, July 1995) 6 Fig. 7. Unique Image/CSS related statistics (Academic Log file, Dec. 2013) Table III Sample User Sessions for Academic Web site Session Id IP Address Date &Time URL Accessed 1 2013-12-3014:37:17 1 2013-12-3015:36:20 2 2013-12-3017:37:21 2 2013-12-3017:37:22 /ece-dep.html 3 2013-12-3021:22:24 /images/Placements.jpg 3 2013-12-30 22:20:06 /images/Placements.jpg 4 2013-12-31 06:30:25 /Alumni.html 4 2013-12-31 06:31:06 /Alumni.html 5 2013-12-30 06:30:34 /bestteachers.html 5 2013-12-30 07:30:35 /bestteachers.html Table IV Sample User Sessions for NASA Web site Session Id IP Address Date &Time URL Accessed 8 1995-07-22 01:16:58 /shuttle/missions/sts-73/mission-sts-73.html 8 1995-07-22 01:17:25 /shuttle/missions/sts-74/mission-sts-74.html 9 2004-03-0915:26:33 /disclaimer.html 9 2004-03-0917:09:32 /disclaimer.html 10 1995-07-20 23:27:49 /shuttle/countdown/countdown.html 10 1995-07-20 23:28:11 /shuttle/technology/sts-newsref/stsref-toc.html 11 1995-07-20 01:05:11 /shuttle/countdown/liftoff.html 11 1995-07-20 23:06:33 /shuttle/countdown/liftoff.html 140604-3939-IJECS-IJENS © August 2014 IJENS IJENS International Journal of Electrical& Computer Sciences IJECS-IJENS Vol:14 No:04 Table V Web Transaction Data for Academic Web site of 50 pages User Id Table VI Sequence Data for Academic Web site of 50 pages User Id Page Id Use Id Page Id U32 P38 U199 Page Id P47 U32 P38, P15, P35 U32 P15 U199 P24 U57 P29, P23 ,P40 U32 P35 U199 P36 U30 P38, P26, P15 U57 P29 U199 P37 U80 P28, P21, P30, P36 U57 P26 U93 P39 U14 P23, P14, P46 U57 P15 U93 P9 U101 P9, P4, P15 U30 P38 U93 P4 U30 P26 U100 P43 U30 P15 U100 P33 U80 P28 U9 P32 U80 P21 U9 P29 U80 P30 U393 P34 U163 P15, P44,P13 U199 P47, P24, P36, P37 U93 P39, P9, P4 U100 P43, P33 U9 P32, P29 U393 P34, P18, P8 P28, P28, P20 U80 P36 U393 P18 U14 P23 U393 P8 U379 U14 P14 U379 P28 U153 P10, P12 U491 P1, P9, P4 U14 P46 U379 P28 U101 P9 U379 P20 U101 P4 U153 P10 U101 P15 U153 P12 U163 P15 U491 P1 U163 P44 U491 P9 U163 P13 U491 P4 7 REFERENCES [1] Configuration files of W3C httpd, (1995). 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