Non-bearing orchards

Publication 360, Guide to Fruit Production
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food
Ministry of Rural Affairs
Chapter 3: Apples
Apple Calendar- Guidelines for Protecting Non-Bearing Apple Plantings
The following program is designed to offer limited protection when needed for
newly planted trees. It is not intended for protection of bearing orchards. The
minimize pest pressure, remove neglected fruit trees in the area and control weeds.
Alternative materials are available as shown in the calendar for bearing fruits.
Early spring: Phytophthora collar rot
Ridomil Gold 480 SL (4)
Do not apply if Ridomil was applied the previous fall.
First sprays: Scab
Manzate Pro-stick (M) or Dithane DG (M) or Penncozeb 75 Raincoat (M)
Polyram DF (M)
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
Supra Captan 80 WDG (M) or Maestro 80 DF(M)
Folpan 80 WDG (M)
Granuflo T (M) or Thiram 75 WP (M)
Fontelis (7)
Luna Tranquility (7+9) plus Dithane
Apply fungicides before spore release and keep growing leaves covered. See
Apple scab, page 57 for information on infection periods.
Fontelis, Luna Tranqulity: In conditions of rapid growth or high disease
pressure, use high rate, shorten intervals between applications and tank-mix
with a protectant. Maximum of 2 applications per season.
Serenade MAX, Buran: Suppression only. See Table 11-1. Pesticide Efficacy
Ratings, page 267 and Using Organic and Biopesticide Products, page 242.
First sprays: Powdery mildew
Microthiol Disperss (M)
Nova 40 W (3)
Fontelis (7)
Luna Tranquility (7+11)
Sovran (11)
Flint (11)
Pristine WG (7+11)
Begin application at Green tip to half-inch green and continue to First
summer spray. Additional sprays beyond First summer spray may be needed
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
on susceptible varieties or if disease pressure is severe.
Inspire Super, Serenade MAX: Suppression only. See Table 11-1. Pesticide
Efficacy Ratings, page 267, and Using Organic and Biopesticide Products, page
242. Apply Inspire Super at 836 mL/ha.
Prebloom: Tentiform leafminer
Pounce 384 EC (3) or Perm-Up (3) or Ambush 500 EC (3)
Decis 5 EC (3)
Ripcord (3) or Up-Cyde 2.5 EC (3)
Matador 120 EC (3) or Silencer 120 EC (3)
Assail 70 WP (4)
Actara 25 WG (4)
Calypso 480 SC (4)
Delegate WG (5)
Confirm 240 F (18)
Intrepid 240 F (18)
Altacor (28)
Exirel (28)
Monitor for tentiform leafminer and apply sprays when thresholds are
See comments on thresholds for tentiform at Tight cluster to pink stage,
page 36.
Some of these products are toxic to bees. Do not apply during bloom or when
bees are active in the orchard. Refer to label for specific bee toxicity statements.
Pounce, Ambush, Perm-Up, Ripcord, Up-Cyde, Decis, Matador, Silencer:
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
Highly toxic to beneficial insects and may lead to mite outbreaks. Maximum
of 1 application of product from this group per season.
Assail, Actara, Calypso: Maximum of 2 applications of product from this
group per season. Repeated use may result in mite outbreaks.
Exirel: Do not tank-mix or make sequential applications with strobilurins,
copper or captan fungicides.
Prebloom: Spring-feeding caterpillars
Imidan 70-WP Instapak (1)
Altacor (28)
Exirel (28)
Apply when caterpillars are small. Not necessary if a pyrethroid was used for
tentiform leafminer.
Exirel: Do not tank-mix or make sequential applications with strobilurins,
copper or captan fungicides.
Bloom: Fire blight
Kasumin 2L (24)
Streptomycin 17 (25)
Streptomycin 17 (25)
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
Avoid overstimulating growth. See comments for fire blight at Bloom, page
Postbloom: Leafcurling midge
Ripcord (3) or Up-Cyde 2.5 EC (3)
These products are highly toxic to beneficial insects and may lead to mite
outbreaks. Maximum of 1 application of product from this group per season.
Summer sprays: Leaf-feeding insects
Imidan 70-WP Instapak (1)
This spray will also control potato leafhopper.
Summer sprays: Aphids
Diazinon 50 WSP (1)
Admire 240 F (4) or Alias 240 SC (4)
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
Assail 70 WP (4)
Actara 25 WG (4)
Clutch 50 WDG (4)
Closer SC (4)
Movento 240 SC (23)
Exirel (28)
Spray if insects become abundant at any time.
Admire, Alias, Assail, Actara, Clutch, Closer: Maximum of 2 applications of
product from this group per season. Repeated use may result in mite outbreaks.
Exirel: Do not tank-mix or make sequential applications with strobilurins,
copper or captan fungicides.
Summer sprays: White apple leafhopper
Admire 240 F (4)
or Alias 240 SC (4)
Assail 70 WP (4)
Calypso 480 SC (4)
Clutch 50 WDG (4)
Exirel (28)
Admire, Alias, Assail, Calypso, Clutch: Maximum of 2 applications of product
from this group per season. Repeated use may result in mite outbreaks.
Exirel: Do not tank-mix or make sequential applications with strobilurins,
copper or captan fungicides.
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
Altacor: Suppression only. See Table 11-1. Pesticide Efficacy Ratings, page
Summer sprays: Potato leafhopper
Assail 70 WP (4)
Calypso 480 EC (4)
Clutch 50 WDG (4)
Assail, Calypso, Clutch: Maximum of 2 applications of product from this
group per season. Repeated use may result in mite outbreaks.
Summer sprays: Tentiform leafminer
Vydate L (1)
Admire 240 F (4)
or Alias 240 SC (4)
Assail 70 WP (4)
Actara 25 WG (4)
Calypso 480 EC (4)
Clutch 50 WDG (4)
Delegate WG (5)
Altacor (28)
Exirel (28)
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
Monitor for tentiform leafminer and apply sprays when thresholds are
reached. See comments on thresholds for tentiform leafminer under Special
summer sprays.
Vydate: Very toxic to applicator.
Admire, Alias, Actara, Assail, Calypso, Clutch: Maximum of 2 applications of
product from this group per season. Repeated use may result in mite outbreaks.
Exirel: Do not tank-mix or make sequential applications with strobilurins,
copper or captan fungicides.
Summer sprays: Mites
Kanemite 15 SC (20)
Nexter (21)
Envidor 240 SC (23)
Acramite 50 WS (UN)
Monitor for mites. Spray if more than 10 mites per leaf are observed or at first
sign of leaf bronzing.
Summer sprays: Japanese beetle
Imidan 70-WP Instapak (1)
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
Calypso 480 SC (4)
Exirel (28)
This is a sporadic pest in Ontario that can cause economic damage, especially
in young plantings of Honeycrisp.
Exirel: Do not tank-mix or make sequential applications with strobilurins,
copper or captan fungicides.
Altacor: Suppression only at 285 g/ha. See Table 11-1. Pesticide Efficacy
Ratings, page 267.
Summer sprays: Buffalo treehopper
Follow clean cultivation practices or remove legumes from cover crop.
Summer sprays: Phytophthora collar rot
Ridomil Gold 480 SL (4)
Summer sprays: Root lesion nematode
See Nematodes, page 231.
Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples
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Apple Calendar- Postharvest
Chapter 3: Apples