TC CC Agrarias CSIC Nuevos Horizontes para la Transferencia de Conocimiento Conferencia anual RED OTRI 2013 Salamanca 13 de noviembre Taller 2: Cómo arDcular la venta de resultados de I+D Dra. Yolanda Hernando Responsable Transferencia CC Agrarias CSIC CEBAS-‐CSIC (Murcia) Yolanda Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 1 TC CC Agrarias CSIC -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Generación de la invención Qué es lo que vendo? Quien? mis clientes Cómo? La negociación de la licencia ¡Por fin en el mercado! La historia conRnua…. Yolanda Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 2 TC CC Agrarias CSIC Generación de la invención • 1997-‐1999 proyecto I+D: Aplicando luz UV se consigue incrementar el contenido de esRlbenos en uva. • P20010910: Tratamiento postcosecha de frutas y hortalizas mediante pulsos de irradiación ultra violeta. 19-‐4-‐2001 et al., 31-‐8-‐2001. • PCT/ES02/00192 18-‐4-‐2002 • El 5-‐5-‐2002 me incorporé al CEBAS Yolanda Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 3 ˜ OFICINA ESPANOLA DE PATENTES Y MARCAS 11 N´ umero de publicaci´ on: 21 N´ umero de solicitud: 51 Int. Cl.7 : ˜ ESPANA 2 177 465 200100910 A23L 1/025 A23L 3/28 J. Agric. Food Chem. 2001, 49, 5052−5058 5052 12 Postharvest Induction Modeling Method Using UV Irradiation SOLICITUD DE PATENTE A1 Pulses for Obtaining Resveratrol-Enriched Table Grapes: A New “Functional” Fruit? 22 Fecha de presentaci´ on: 19.04.2001 Emma Cantos, Juan Carlos Espı´n,* and Francisco A. Toma´ s-Barbera´ n 71 Solicitante/s: CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE Laboratorio de Fitoquı ´mica, Departamento Ciencia y Tecnologı ´a de Alimentos, CEBAS-CSIC, INVESTIGACIONES CIENT´ IFICAS P. O.117 Box 4195, 30080 Murcia, Spain Serrano, 28006 Madrid, ES 43 Fecha de publicaci´ on de la solicitud: 01.12.2002 ES 2 177 465 A1 • Postharvest inducRon…. A new “funcRonal fruit”? Cantos 19 72 Inventor/es: Tom´ as Barber´ an, Francisco; A modeling method for the induction of resveratrol synthesis Esp´ ın de Gea, Juan Carlos y by UV irradiation pulses in Napoleon table grapes is proposed. The method based on the combination of four main parameters: Cantos Villar,isEmma irradiation power (IW), irradiation time (IT), irradiation distance (ID), and number of elapsed days to achieve the highest resveratrol accumulation (Dm). Maximum resveratrol content (11-fold higher 43 Fecha de publicaci´ 74 was untreated grapes) achieved the combination: IW ) 510 W, IT ) 30 s, ID ) 40 cm, on del folleto dethan la solicitud: Agente: Nousing consta 01.12.2002 and Dm ) 3 days. Sensory characteristics and main features of irradiated grapes (color, weight, firmness, flavor, size, ripening index and vitamin C content) remained unaltered after 1 week of storage. UV induction signal migrated to the hidden side of the grape skin with a delay of 3 days as compared to the directly irradiated side. Phenolic compounds were not detected in Napoleon 54 T´ıtulo: Tratamiento postcosecha grape de frutas y hortalizas mediante pulsos de irradiaci´ onirradiated ultravioleta. flesh. Resveratrol content per standard serving (200 g) of grape was about 3 mg, an amount more than 10-fold higher than that of untreated Napoleon grapes. This means that a serving of irradiated grape (unpeeled) could supply the resveratrol content equivalent to 3 glasses 57 Resumen: of a red wine with high resveratrol content (≈ 1 mg/glass). Therefore, controlled UV irradiation Tratamiento postcosecha de frutas y hortalizas me- as a simple postharvest treatment (and alternative to genetic engineering) to obtain pulses are useful diante pulsos de irradiaci´ on ultravioleta. possible “functional” grapes (with enhanced health-promoting properties) as a dietary source of high El objeto de la presente invenci´ on es el incremento resveratrol content. del contenido en resveratrol de uva de mesa mediante pulsos de irradiaci´ on en un t´ unel de l´ amparas ultravioleta-C. Los pulsos son menores a 1 minuto y la potencia de irradiaci´ on puede ser delKeywords: rango de 30 Functional fruit; postharvest technology; resveratrol; ultraviolet irradiation; table grapes; a 510w. a los 2-4 d´ıas despu´ es del tratamiento, el Vitis aumenta vinifera contenido en resveratrol de la uva tratada 10 veces o m´ as. De esta manera, simple y barata, se consigue una uva con un significativo aumento en INTRODUCTION resveratrol and other phenolic compounds of table sus propiedades beneficiosas para la salud. El tragrapes suggesting that UV irradiation could be used as tamiento tambi´ en es aplicable atrcualquier fruta(3,5,4ʹ′-trihydroxystilbene) u ans-Resveratrol is a nonpostharvest treatment to increase resveratrol content hortaliza. flavonoid phenolic compound not very widely distributed in table grapes. The increasing output of studies stressin foodstuffs for human consumption (1). However, this ing the health-promoting properties of resveratrol (about molecule has attracted increasing interest as a health300 scientific publications in the last five years) and the promoting agent because of its antioxidant (2, 3), antipromising results concerning resveratrol bioavailability platelet (4), anti-inflamatory (5, 6), estrogenic (7), (19, 20) together with the last approach of Cantos et al. cardioprotective (8), and antitumor (9-12) activities. (18) prompted us to develop an induction modeling Even the resveratrol inhibition of herpes simplex virus method to predict and characterize the increase of replication has been recently reported (13). Therefore, resveratrol content in table grapes using UV irradiation the importance of its presence in the diet can be pulses. inferred. Red wine is one of the most common products One of the traditional claims in proper dietary habits in human diet in which resveratrol is present (1, 14). is the increase in the intake of fruits and vegetables In fact, phenolic compounds (including resveratrol) (21-24). Modern way of life usually involves the lack present in red wine are held responsible of the so-called of suitable intake of rich sources of phenolic compounds “French Paradox”, implicating that moderate drinking such as fruits and vegetables. Moreover, some parts of of red wine over a long period of time could prevent the population (especially children) are not often open coronary heart diseases (CHD) (15, 16). to the inclusion of these sources in their dietary habits. Venta de fasc´ ıculos: Oficina Espa˜ nola de Patentes y Marcas. C/Panam´ a, 1 – 28036 Madrid Grape berries are also important as possible dietary Functional foods try to overcome this problem by source of resveratrol, although the basal concentration approaching different strategies: increasing natural of this molecule in table grapes is very low. However, health-promoting compounds of a specific source (higher resveratrol is a phytoalexin, which can be induced by a effect with the same amount), getting rid of some number of biotic and abiotic factors such as injury, (undesirable) components, adding new ingredients (modifungal infection, and UV irradiation (1, 17). This could fying taste, color; increasing health-promoting properopen the possibility to modulate the induction process ties...), increasing bioavailability of active compounds, by controlled UV irradiation. Recently, Cantos et al. (18) etc. (25, 26). described the effect of postharvest UV irradiation on Therefore, the aim of the present study is to develop a possible “functional” table grape with increased health-promoting properties based on their high res* Corresponding author. Fax: 34-968-39 62 13. E-mail: [email protected]. veratrol content. For this purpose, an induction model- 10.1021/jf010366a CCC: $20.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society Published on Web 08/31/2001 TC CC Agrarias CSIC • Uva Funcional, Extractos ? • Qué es un esRlbeno? Un anRoxidante? Función? • Cual es mi producto? Dónde esta el valor? Uva Control (No irradiada) 0.3 0.2 Absorbancia a 320 nm Qué es lo que vendo? Resveratrol RT = 36.2 min 0.1 0.0 Uva Irradiada (510 W; 30 s) 0.3 0.1 0.0 0 10 SPANISH NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (CSIC) Postharvest treatment of fruit and vegetables by UV light Pulses Spanish Research Institute has developed a postharvest treatment of table grapes using UV irradiation pulses which allows to obtain resveratrol-enriched table grapes. The developed technology allows for the obtention of table grapes with up to 200-fold higher resveratrol concentration than table grapes without treatment. This technology has a very low cost and is suitable to be adapted to any type of industry. We look for agrofood enterprises for licence agreement. An offer for Patent Licensing Effective control of intestinal inflammation Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant found in grapes and in red wine. Besides its anti-oxidative capacity, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties, making resveratrol an interesting additive for functional food and beverages. However, resveratrol is rapidly metabolised, which hampers its biological action. Protecting resveratrol from this natural inactivation involves an increase in its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour properties. Different resveratrol derivatives have been produced using an easy and inexpensive synthesis method and tested in vitro and in animal models of intestinal inflammation. They have shown to be effective in controlling intestinal inflammation even at low dose. The new compounds could be used for producing pharmaceutical compositions, to manufacture foods and as food antioxidants. Main applications and advantages ! New compounds with a wide spectrum of antioxidant capacity. Patent Status ! Easy and inexpensive synthesis procedure. Priority established by a Spanish patent application December 2009. PCT application filed ! Suitable for producing functional foods and nutraceuticals with health preserving/promoting properties. ! Suitable for developing pharmaceutical compositions to treat intestinal inflammatory diseases. ! Food preserving properties as food antioxidants. For further information please contact Yolanda Hernando, Ph.D. Agricultural Sciences Area Deputy Vice-Presidency for Knowledge Transfer Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) Tel.: + 34 – 96 839 63 56 Fax: + 34 – 96 839 62 13 E-mail: [email protected] Yolanda Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 4 20 30 40 Tiempo de retención (min) • Zumo/ mosto de uva enriquecido • Suplemento enriquecido en resveratrol • Herramienta de venta: Folleto / ficha de oferta Resveratrol RT = 36.2min 0.2 50 60 TC CC Agrarias CSIC Quién son mis clientes? • Empresas de zumos? • Empresas de suplementos? Empresas relacionadas con la producción de alimentos funcionales • • • • Qué empresas conozco ya: Contactos directos Portales web y de transferencia Mailings a diestro y siniestro Ariculo divulgaRvo Yolanda Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 5 TC CC Agrarias CSIC Cómo: La negociación de la licencia Muchas reuniones y contactos que no cuajaron • Junio 2003 Empresa de producción de zumos: CDA, opción de licencia, contrato proyecto PETRI, licencia para zumos firmada en 2006. • PCT/ES02/00192 • SepRembre 2003 Empresa de nutracéuRcos: 1C8-‐4-‐2002 DA, octubre 2003 licencia para la producción de un • suplemento nutracéuRco. Fases nacionales 18-‐10-‐2003 • Patente Española Licencias estándar: Pago inicial, regalías sobre ventas netas %, mantenimiento de patente, compromiso de desarrollo posterior, colaboración en el desarrollo. Empresa de zumos abandona la licencia en 2008. Se amplia la licencia para el S. NutracéuRco. Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 6 Yolanda TC CC Agrarias CSIC ¡Por fin en el mercado! Abril de 2009 Actafarma presenta el Revidox: -‐ Octubre de 2003-‐Abril 2009: Contratos grupo de invesRgación empresa -‐ Abril 2009 fuerte campaña de markeRng -‐ Medios de comunicación La historia conDnua... 2007-‐2009 proyecto de I+D público: -‐ Actafarma actúa como EPO y proporciona material -‐ Ensayos clínicos en colaboración con un hospital Abril 2013 se presenta un nuevo producto Yolanda Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 7 TC CC Agrarias CSIC Recomendaciones -‐ SenRdo común. Equipo con invesRgadores -‐ IdenRficar qué es lo que voy a vender -‐ Entender las necesidades de la empresa: Dialogo, transparencia y confianza Muchas -‐ Paciencia: es una carrera de fondo Gracias [email protected] 968 39 63 56 Yolanda Hernando TC-‐CC Agro CSIC 8
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