Always read the product label! INSECT MANAGEMENT SNAPSHOT 2014 UMaine Extension (with help from the UMass Cranberry Chart Book) Pest Management Office || 491 College Ave || Orono, ME 04473 Insecticide Group 28 PRACTICE / PRODUCT Altacor (chlorantraniliprole) 4-A 4-A 4-A 4-A Actara (thiamethoxam) 2 to 4 oz #Assail 30 SG (acetamiprid) 4 to 6.9 oz #Belay (clothianidin) 4 oz #Scorpion 3.5-7 fl oz || #Venom 2 to 4 oz (examples: Dipel DF, Biobit, and Xentari) 1-B 1-B 1-B 21 23 6 oz fall flood late-water flood spring flood (24 hours) spring flood (48 hours) Targets caterpillars; Do not exceed 9 oz/season; Good system required for efficacy; No acute mammalian toxicity; safe on bees! Do not exceed 12 oz per season; low rate works well; high bee toxicity. Timing and coverage are critical, as target insects must ingest the material. Post-bloom only! (neonicotinoid; high bee toxicity; long soil half life) Labeled for Tipworm. For flea beetles & leafhoppers; ‘Suppression only’ of tipworm, fireworm, fruitworm, weevil, & spanworms; Toxic to bees on direct exposure or to residue on blooming crops and weeds. For blackheaded fireworm and spring-only cranberry weevils; Hold water 1 day. For immature insects only; Products must be consumed by the larvae (thus, thorough coverage is essential). Rimon kills tipworm larvae but not tipworm flies, as it must be ingested; It’s non-toxic to adult bees & can be used up to 3x per season. For all diazinon formulations: Toxic to bees; highly toxic to birds & aquatic organisms; hold water for at least 3 days; 7-day PHI; 5 day REI; no more than three apps per season & 14-day spray interval except AG500 which is 7 days. Sept. 27th-Oct. 7th for 3 to 4 weeks (for cranberry fruitworm control). April 21st-26th, hold for 30 days (for cranberry fruitworm and southern red mite control). Late May for cutworms (for example: false armyworm, blossomworm); Mid to Late May for 1st-generation blackheaded fireworm. #Imidan 70W (phosmet) 1.33 to 4 lbs For fireworm and fruitworm; if heavily infested, go with the 4 lb-rate. #Lorsban 4E & Advanced || Nufos 4E 3 pt Extremely toxic to fish; Hold water at least 5 days; use only 2 times per Hatchet || Chlorpyrifos 4E AG 3 pt Lorsban 75 WG 2 lbs Nexter (pyramite) 3.5 to 7.0 oz #Oberon (spiromefesin) 12 to 16 fl oz #Orthene 97 || Acephate 97UP 1 lb Acephate 90WSP and 90 WDG 1.1 lb Acephate 90 Prill 1.1 lb 3 and 27A Pyronyl crop spray up to 12 oz 1-A #Sevin XLR Plus & 4F, Carbaryl 4L 1½ to 2 qt Sevin 80S (Solupak) 1.88 to 2.5 lb 1-B 5 NOTES (PHI = pre-harvest interval; REI = restricted entry interval) Rate depends on the product; works only on caterpillars; allow time for control, as product must be consumed by larvae (so thorough coverage essential); best in low gallonage, against young larvae, in well-timed systems; Combination with other insect control products may control larger caterpillars. Confirm 2F (IGR ecdysone mimic) 16 fl oz Intrepid 2F (IGR ecdysone mimic) 10 to 16 fl oz Rimon 0.83EC (IGR chitin inhibitor) 12 fl oz Diazinon 50 W 4 to 6 lb Diazinon AG500 4 to 6 pt Diazinon AG600 51 to 76.5 oz Floods 1-B 1-B 1-B 1-B 3 to 4.5 oz (dinotefuran) 22 Avaunt (indoxacarb) 11-B2 Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) 18-A 18-A 15 RATE/A Delegate WG (spinetoram) Entrust (spinosad) (organic) 3 to 6 oz 4 to 10 fl oz season; rates of 2 pt (chemigation) give control; 60-day PHI and 24-hr REI; Miticides (for southern red mite); Nexter 2 apps/season & success with low rates; Only one app per season; 90-day PHI (but some 75); DO NOT apply from 10 days prior to bloom until completion of pollination due to bee toxicity; 24-hr REI. For spanworm control. Avoid application within 10 days of bloom onset; 7-day PHI; no more than five applications per season; 7-day application interval. Up to 6 apps per year for both of these; Delegate better vs. Entrust (more active and greater residual); efficacy improved with shorter rinse times; highly toxic to bees until they are dry (3+ hours) so if in bloom, spray at night. Blackheaded Fireworm & other fireworms Altacor #Assail 30 SG #Scorpion or #Venom Avaunt Confirm 2F Intrepid 2F Rimon 0.83 EC Diazinon 50 W, AG500 and AG600 Imidan 70W Orthene 97, Acephate 97UP Acephate 90 Prill Acephate 90WSP & 90WDG Chlorpyrifos 4E AG Lorsban 4E & 75 WG Lorsban Advanced Nufos 4E Hatchet #Sevin XLR Plus Sevin 80S or Sevin 4F Carbaryl 4L Delegate WG Bt or Entrust 10-hour flood (last resort) Cranberry Fruitworm Altacor #Assail 30 SG #Scorpion or #Venom #Belay Intrepid 2F √ Rimon 0.83 EC Diazinon 50 W, AG500 Imidan 70W Lorsban 4E & 75 WG Lorsban Advanced Nufos 4E Chlorpyrifos 4E AG Hatchet Carbaryl 4L Bolded products (under the pest sections) are being touted as the best (or better) choices for management. # = possible handler restrictions; check with your handler before using! √ Sevin 80S or Sevin 4F #Sevin XLR Plus Delegate WG Bt or Entrust fall flood & late-water flood more = Restricted use product (need pesticide license) Bolded products are being touted as the best (or better) choices for management. Cranberry Weevil The threshold is 9 for the summer (July) generation of weevils (per 25 sweeps). #Belay (summer applications only, i.e. post-bloom; very high bee toxicity) Hatchet Lorsban 4E or 75 WG Lorsban Advanced & Nufos 4E Avaunt (Registered for spring populations only—no summer applications) Chlorpyrifos 4E AG Actara, #Scorpion or #Venom cutworms & Humped Green Fruitworm Altacor Bt Confirm 2F Intrepid 2F Rimon 0.83 EC (blossomworm only) Diazinon 50 W False armyworm and blossomworm are the cutworm members most often found on Maine cranberry beds. Diazinon AG500 Diazinon AG600 Lorsban 4E Lorsban 75 WG Lorsban Advanced Nufos 4E Chlorpyrifos 4E AG Hatchet Orthene 97, Acephate 97UP Acephate 90 Prill Acephate 90WSP & 90WDG #Sevin XLR Plus Sevin 4F or 80S Carbaryl 4L Delegate WG Bt or Entrust 10-hour flood (last resort) Gypsy Moth caterpillars #Assail 30 SG Bt Confirm 2F Intrepid 2F Rimon 0.83 EC Orthene 97, Acephate 97UP Acephate 90 Prill Acephate 90WSP & 90 WDG Altacor, Diazinon, Lorsban, or Delegate applied for cutworms or spanworms may also provide some gypsy moth control #Sevin XLR Plus Sevin 80S or 4F Carbaryl 4L spanworms (inchworms) – such as Winter Moth Altacor Confirm 2F Intrepid 2F Rimon 0.83 EC #Scorpion / #Venom Cranberry Tipworm Movento delayed by EPA Lorsban 4E Lorsban 75 WG Lorsban Advanced Nufos 4E Chlorpyrifos 4E AG Hatchet Orthene 97, Acephate 97UP Acephate 90 Prill Acephate 90WSP & 90 WDG Pyronyl, Pyganic EC 1.4 & 5.0 Delegate WG Bt Entrust 10-hour flood Careful! Belay is a neonicotinoid with high bee toxicity & a long half life! Use only after bloom. Rimon: If history of heavy, season-long tipworm, spray 1st application when brand new shoots (arising from the runners) are abundant at start of season; consider saving the 3rd application for later in the season (~early August), if needed. Important Reminder: Rimon is translaminar (not fully systemic); thus, it does not protect new growth! Rimon 0.83EC #Assail 30 SG #Belay (post-bloom only) #Scorpion or #Venom Diazinon AG500 Diazinon AG600 Diazinon 50 W (max of 3 apps per season regardless of target pest) Cranberry Girdler This soil-dwelling (root-feeding) larva generally goes unnoticed unless a large area of brown, damaged vines is discovered, and larvae have not been noticed or detected / confirmed (when checking) in Maine cranberries since at least 1996. FALL FLOOD: Sept. 27th-Oct. 7th and hold for six days, starting no later than Oct 2nd (Best if weather is cool & cloudy in order to help minimize potential damage to the vines) SANDING: (minimum of 1”) suppresses populations by reducing habitat favorability, but eventually populations can rebound. NEMATODES (parasitic worms) (also will control black vine & strawberry root weevil – but rarely a problem in Maine) leafhoppers [Major outbreak of Blunt-nosed leafhoppers at one site in 2009.] √ Sevin 80S (Solupak) √ #Sevin XLR Plus Actara √ Sevin 4F #Assail 30 SG, #Scorpion or #Venom I suspect leafhopper and flea beetle populations may be rising with declining use of OP products. ~Charlie flea beetles #Belay ( 12 oz/A soil drench; summer) Actara (suppression only) Delegate WG (suppression only) Diazinon and Sevin products #Assail 30 SG, #Scorpion or #Venom A Member of the University of Maine System The University of Maine does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran’s status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies: Director, Office of Equal Opportunity, 101 North Stevens Hall, 207.581.1226 or 1.800.287.0279 (voice and TDD), TTY 207.581.8957.
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