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Galatia Presbyterian Church
8800 Galatia Church Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28304
Galatia Presbyterian Church
8800 Galatia Church Road
Fayetteville, NC 28304
Church Phone: (910) 867-0656
Church Website:
Church Email: [email protected]
Pastor Shuford’s Email: [email protected]
Pastor Shuford’s Cell Phone: (910) 689-5318
Please contact the church office by Sunday, February 16
names for the March Contact
to add or remove
Karen Parker Allen, Eugene & Janie Barbour, Steve Parlett-cancer, Barry & Judy Cameron,
David & Mary Ann Bowen, Al Rivers, Earl Capps, Ed Norris-skin cancer, Kate Holmes, Myrtle
Carter, Ted Chappell, Betty Biggs, Jim & Marion Farrington, Lexi Johnson, Barbara Davis, Bill Barefoot, Xan
Allen (surgery), Roland Young, Tommy Godwin, Mike Gillis family, Charlie Chason family, Gerald Dallas, Allie
Ray, Will Gillis, Elizabeth Webb, Frank Crumpler (heart surgery), Lacy Locklear, Ginny Harris, Sherry Page,
Jimmy Creech, Mary Southern, Katherine Wheeler, Liz Plant
Deployed Military connected to Galatia:
David Haskell, Duke Layton
Susan Rembert
Frankie Dawson – Bethesda Health Care Facility
Julian Monroe – Open Arms Retirement Center
Jonathan McKethan-Howell’s Child Care Center
Marilyn Leader – Carolina Inn at Village Green
Catherine Hall – Bethesda Health Care Facility
Peggy Harris-Hope Mills Retirement Center
Virginia Barefoot
Jimmy Culbreth
Barbara Gillis
Margery Hyde
Fred Dinkins
Elizabeth Webb
From Pastor Shuford’s Desk
Ephesians 2: 8-10 “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and
this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God-- not the result of works, so
that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ
Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life”.
Have you ever thought about the real reason we eat? The real reason is for tomorrow. You
see, without food, we will be unable to survive and tomorrows will end. So, we eat so that
we will be able to participate in the tomorrow.
As Christians, we are called to bring the light of life into the darkness of the world. But if we
haven’t eaten of the Lord, that is participate in worship and prayer, sought to be apart of
the sacraments, gotten involved in study and discussion, we will not have the needed food
to go into tomorrow. Though it is a little late to talk about New Year’s resolutions, I want to
challenge each of you to take seriously the importance of feeding. God gave and continues
to give himself so that we his body will shine not only today, but for the many tomorrows
we are given. Don’t allow the world to fill you with such junk food that you ignore, or even
worse, lose your taste for the Lord.
Presbyterian Women
“Love never fails-never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end.”
1 Corinthians 13:8
There is no greater love than the love that holds on where there seems
nothing left to hold on to.
Thank you to all church members for your help at the funerals of Mike
Gillis and Charlie Chason. We continue to remember their loved ones in
The search committee, moderated by Martha Parks, will soon be at work. Please consider a
positive response if asked to serve.
Circle #1:
Circle #2:
Circle #3:
Tuesday, February 11 2:30@ church w/ Mrs. John McNatt Gillis Moderator: Jane Gillis Turner 868-4053
Monday, February 10 7:00@ church
Moderator: Lillian Cook 425-1867
Monday, February 10 6:30@ church by Mary Ann Hardee
Moderator: Susan White 826-4888
Flowers for February: Circle #2
The next PWCT will be Sunday, February 9th, following worship service.
Diane Young, Moderator
Money Can Last Forever
“A three-year-old girl said to her father on his way to the grocery store. ‘Daddy, bring me
something that will last forever.’ The girl’s request is a fine definition of stewardship. The
giving of money, time, and talent brings a sense of meaning, purpose, and spiritual
relatedness to God that lasts forever.” [The Vital Congregation, Herb Miller]
NOTE: Throughout this newsletter issue you will find the Year-End reports for all the
Sessional and Diaconate Committees so that you are informed of the work they did
throughout 2013. You’ll be amazed-please take the time to read them!
DID you know we are looking for a Children’s and
Youth leader. The session has created a position and
is looking to hire someone. If you know anyone who
would be interested, have them contact the church
Other Income and Disbursements for December 2013
2¢ Meal Offering (Presbytery)
Barium Springs
Received this
Received this
Disbursed this
Year to Date
Children's Shoe Boxes
Fayetteville Urban Ministry
Building Fund (Special Fund)
Cemetery Fund (Special Fund)
Joy Offering
Mission to the World
One Great Hour of Sharing
Organ Fund (Special Fund)
Salvation Army
Timothy Fund (Special Fund)
Financial Report for General Fund
Total Funds Received
Year to Date
Total Funds Expenditures
Total Funds Required
Total Food Panty Funds Received
Once a month, at our Food Pantry, we have a government food program called TEFAP
through the Department of Agriculture. This day requires a herculean effort to distribute
the food, as the amount of food is generally more than one person can easily carry
(especially by our older friends who come). The food is pulled out in carts to their cars. We
have a total of four carts that could be used, but generally only have enough volunteers to
run 2 carts. Strong able bodies are desperately needed to help on this one day a month. We
can also use people to maneuver these heavy boxes in the distribution room and window.
Please consider coming to help on that day from 8:00 through 9:30 or so. The upcoming
TEFAP dates are 14 February and 14 March.
Paul Barnes
Jessica Lindsay
Jennifer Parks
Lois Bradley
Jared Lindsay
Sara Seever
ZD Jackson
Julie Layton
Kevin Miller
Zack Jenkins
David Willis
Janie Barbour
Angie Garlow
Mary Jackson
Alex & Heidi Lindsay
Merle Heath
David Bowen
Max Taylor
Frankie Dawson
Jacob Miles
Patricia Miles
Donald Lindsay
Layla Allen
Celebrations for February
FINANCIAL REPORT (information obtained from December financial report)
The Chimwemwe Way: Living up to expectations
I live on an old mission station that was started over 100 years ago by
the Dutch Reformed Church. Over the years there have been countless
missionaries in and out. Over time, missionaries have defined
themselves as they have shaped the culture. There is an expectation
that comes with living in Nkhoma. Even though we are all different,
there are certain expectations and ideas for how missionaries act, live,
and think that hold firm. Some are good, but some are not.
Expectations like these are not unique to Nkhoma. Christians have built
for themselves a reputation all over the world. 'Christian' can be a label
that comes with all sorts of expectations. Some are good, but some are not.
How has Jesus called us to live? How much of your life is a product of a culture that you were
brought up in? Do you live the way you live because God has called you, or because that is simply
the way it has always been done? The life that Jesus lived and the life that is shaped by a culture of
Christianity is often very different. Breaking away from the mold when we are attuned to Christ's
leading, is not easy. I struggle (and often fail) everyday. True Joy (chimwemwe) comes when we do.
Lord, help me to take my example for living from You. Forgive me when, in an effort to meet the
expectations of those around me, I fail to meet Your desires for me. Thank You that You are the God
of love and forgiveness. Thank You for Your promise to be with us and guide us. Thank You that you
will also give me the courage I need to live for You and You alone.
by Susan Rembert
Contact Information: OR [email protected]
I want to thank everyone for the food, phone
calls, emails, and cards since having my surgery in
December. The love and prayers from my church
family has meant the world to me.
-Xan Allen
Please be sure to check the corkboard across from the office for copies of the
minutes. If you have any questions, contact the church office to be directed to
the appropriate person to address your concern or question. Please see the Year
End reports turned in for the Committees.
2013 Annual Food Pantry Committee Report
The Galatia Food Pantry has had another wonderful year full of blessings. We were given the
opportunity in the beginning of the year to pick up food such as produce, bakery items, deli items,
breads, etc. We were very excited as we had not been able to supply produce to our friends who
come for visit us each week. However, we had to have a place to store the produce as we would be
picking up from Food Lion 5 days per week. A commercial refrigerator was bought for less than
Our annual yard sale brought in over $2700 and was more than enough to cover the cost of the
commercial refrigerator.
Several hundred dollars have been raised for the Food Pantry through the sale of the aluminum
Discussion on whether or not to close on particular holidays was discussed with the end result being
that we would close the weeks of Good Friday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We will also close on
other holidays if they happen to fall on Wednesday through Thursday of the same week.
The Food Pantry was a part of VBS this year. On two nights the children came to the food pantry
area and packed the food for that week’s distribution and also some goody bags for Operation In As
Much for their annual dental clinic.
We were inspected by Jan Holt from the Department of Agriculture in September and we were told
that our operation is one of the best they have seen and we passed with flying colors.
Grants were applied for and a $1500 grant was received from the Presbytery.
Our Food Pantry helps, on average, 150 families a week which comes to an average of 500 people
per week being fed. There were times this year when we thought we would run out of canned goods
or dry goods. However, we serve a mighty God because he has always provided one way or another.
Kathy Shanahan
Food Pantry Committee Chairperson 2013
2013 Highlights from the Fellowship Committee:
2013 was a very good year for response from our Galatia Members.
Worked closely with the Congregational Care Committee. Everyone was involved in
planning and acting on several activities below:
February Valentines Spaghetti dinner (catered)
Helped with Spring Sing
Movie Night
Fall Festival
Caroling followed by Chili Dinner
The Personnel and Administration Committee consisted of the following members for
2013: Frank Dawson, Charles Allen, Dale Young, Ellen Kate Parker, Tommy Lindsay and
Debbie Dawson. The following items were accomplished during 2013 by the Personnel and
Administration Committee:
 Developed a church policy of the use of Budgeted Line Items
 Developed a church policy for the use of Volunteers, Contractors and Other Service
 Develop a new Committee Structure and duties for the Session and Diaconate
 Revised the number of church officers for the Session and Diaconate
 Revised the church by-laws to reflect the new officer totals for the Session and
 Developed a draft church policy for the use of Church Facilities and associated fees
 Developed a draft church policy for Cemetery Use and General Information for
Funeral Directors
 Developed a draft church Wedding Policy
 Developed a draft church Funeral Guideline policy
 Developed a Personnel Budget Recommendation for the 2014 Budget
 Drafted personnel evaluations for the church staff for 2013
2013 Property Highlights:
The following are just some of the accomplishments of the Property Committee in 2013,
they were very busy!
Relocated Scouts trailer, fixed trailer for the aluminum can collection that benefits the Food
Pantry, cut down and removed rotting tree behind church, removed the crumbling concrete
drive at the manse and hauled it away, built two tables for the choir room, built 2 cabinets
for the Food Pantry, built two coat racks for the Fall Festival, bought and installed new lights
on the main floor, bought and distributed first aid kits throughout the church, installed
wiring for the dishwasher, moved sink and icemaker to make room for the dishwasher,
located septic tank, removed trash from behind food pantry room, helped Wacky
Wednesday by building birdhouses for the kids as an art project, cleaned the attic of the
church, removed trash that had accumulated behind church, had alarm system and air
conditioner repaired after lightning stuck, facilitated mold removal from basement, reconfigured roof of manse to help with water run-off, built and installed lighted cabinet by
kitchen, patched two sanctuary windows with plywood, repaired lights over pulpit, repaired
lights in the projector room in balcony of fellowship hall, installed dryer down by food
pantry, patched 16 pews in sanctuary, arranged sanctuary for the Messiah presentation.
Financial Highlights of 2013 from the Budget & Finance Committee:
Fall Festival had a gross income of $10,523.20 Net after expenses was $8,908.61.
General offerings totaled $203,107.38.
The budget for 2014 is set at a total of $245,439.
One of the largest anticipated expenses for 2014 will be the repair of the West windows in
the sanctuary.
The only change was a requested $6,000 for the Food Pantry. The pantry has been running
with a self funding budget.
OVERVIEW: The Galatia Tri-Committee conducted all business during the calendar year of
2013 as a consolidated effort, with the Worship, Congregational Care, and Christian
Education Committees meeting together. Synchronizing the team's efforts within
the committee, other internal committees of Galatia, and other organizations
outside of the Church continued to prove effective and productive. The TriCommittee elected not to meet during the month of July due to summer
exodus/holiday scheduling.
 Coordinated and delivered Seder Educational Service & Meal
 Ash Wednesday Service
 Maundy Thursday
 Easter Early Service
 Easter Service with communion
 Worked and forwarded Wedding policy (temporary/draft) to P&A as template
 Home Coming
 Fall Festival
 Pentecost Communion Sunday
 Commissioning Service for Susan Rembert
 Church Utilization Policy Input
 Handel's Messiah Presentation
 Coordinated for piano maintenance
 Advent Evening Worship series (adult and youth)
 Approval of the book “When God Calls your Name” by Max Lucado for new Sunday
School class
 Worked on Music Stipend/Scholarship program with local universities (in progress)
Commitment and Stewardship Committee Report 2013
Committee Members: Paul E. Barnes, chair, Bill Crisp, Emery Ramsey, Will Gillis, D.B. Parker,
John Joseph, LuAnne Willis. The Committee was tasked with developing a Stewardship
Program to fund our needed Capital Improvements. The needed improvements are:
window replacement in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall, remove and replace the flooring
in the basement, procure a replacement organ, renovation of the kitchen, covering or
paving our parking lot and adding an audio visual center in the Fellowship Hall. It was
decided that we would start with a quiet campaign and a letter was created and sent to all
members informing them of what lied ahead for the church and the estimated costs of such
It was decided that the Committee needed a sub-committee to research and secure
estimates as to the cost of the needed improvements. This was brought to the Session and
approved. The sub-committee was titled Capital Improvement Task Force and the
committee members were: Joe Gillis, chair, Moses Lipscomb, Diane Young, Alona McNeill,
Ray Irby, Paul Barnes
This Task Force committee met and immediately was faced with additional areas that
needed attention. These areas were: the need to repair or replace the pews in the
Sanctuary and remediation of mold found in the manse and the basement of the church. All
other areas that needed to be addressed by the Task Force were put on hold until the mold
issue was dealt with. The Property Committee took over the handling of the remediation of
the mold in the basement along with starting the repairs to the manse to eliminate the
water intrusion. The Property Committee also began repairs on the most damaged pews.
The tasks were prioritized: (1) Flooring in the basement, (2) Windows, (3) Pews, (4) Organ,
(5) Kitchen renovations, (6) AV system and (7) Parking lot.
Estimates for the replacement of windows and the flooring in the basement were obtained
but no decision has been reached as to the style or price of either has been reached. It was
decided that the mold problem and the pews be handled before we continue to address the
other issues.
2013 Mission Recap
Organized committee, served breakfast at Operation Inasmuch.
Worked at Blitz Day with Operation Inasmuch, donated $100 to Operation
Inasmuch, and served breakfast at Operation Inasmuch.
One Great Hour of Sharing, donated $500 to Mission to Africa (Susan Rembert).
Helped with Pentecost, Mission to the World presentation by Ruth Dinkins, Yarn
Ministry-yarn was collected for making head coverings for cancer patients, served
breakfast at Operation Inasmuch.
Special offering for Salvation Army
Fayetteville Urban Ministry, Donation of $100/month to support Susan Rembert,
100 bag donation to MOM (Mission of Mercy, free dental service), served breakfast
at Operation Inasmuch.
Habitat for Humanity
Gideon’s presentation to church congregation, special offering, donation of $100 to
support Gideon’s.
Galatia Church Inasmuch, Saturday work day at Betty Bigg’s home.
Thank Offering, donated $200 to America Family Radio, donated $500 to Billy
Graham’s Evangelism Association, donated $1000 to Samaritan’s Purse, served
breakfast at Operation Inasmuch.
Joy Gift
2013 Evangelism Recap
March- Helped with Operation In-as-much, befriending and feeding the homeless in
downtown Fay.
May- Missionary Ruth Dinkins spoke to congregation about Edward Lane Bible Institute
located in Brazil.
August- Prayers for Galatia sponsored missionary Susan Rembert, to Malawi, Africa.
November- Participated with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in a national
outreach effort called “My Hope”. A luncheon was held in our fellowship hall, with a DVD
about how Christ as your personal Savior changes your life. Around 75 people attended.
December- Distributed Christian tracts to each food pantry recipient and shared friendship
and well wishes. Complied and submitted a $2600.00 2014 budget.
 Baptism of Brooke Poynter
 Baptism of Max Orion Taylor
 Shower for Susan Walters (Beth's daughter)
 Provided input for the Funeral Protocols
 Valentines Dinner
 Welcome letters sent out to potential new members
 Renewed/updated Shepherding Lists to insure Elder with Deacon for each list
 Movie Night
 Woman's Appreciation Dinner
 Rally Day
 Youth Spring Social
 Fun Day
 Spring Sing
 Hat Day
 Church Utilization Policy Input
 VBS prep and delivery with raised funds earmarked for the Samaritan's Purse and the
mission in Brazil (Edward Lang Bible Institute).
 VBS SOP to streamline and capture lessons learned
 VBS Meals coordinated with Women's Circle for support
 Wacky Wednesday
 Confirmation classes
 Ruth Dinkins' "Minute for Mission" Brief
 Continuing Education with approved trip to Montreat, NC
 Youth Director request submitted to P&A for disposition
 Joy-Gift Program
 Vetting of additional Sunday School Teachers
 Church Utilization Policy Input
 Young Adult Recruiting brainstorming presented by Lisa to the Tri-Committee