JEWISH WAR VETERANS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MURRAY L. ROSEN POST #64 OUR NEXT REGULAR MEETING WILL BE HELD ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 24, 2014, THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF THE MONTH, AT 10:00 AM. THE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT THE SUNCOAST HOTEL AND CASINO IN THE FAIRWAY 2 EXECUTIVE MEETING ROOM LOCATED ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF THE HOTEL. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: COMMANDER: STEVE SEIDEN 363-5338 SENIOR VICE-COMMANDER: LES SHERMAN 240-6234 JUNIOR VICE-COMMANDER ISAAC COHEN 321-6604 2ND JUNIOR VICE-COMMANDER: JAYME GLICK 360-710-9736 CHECK OUR WEBSITE AFTER OUR GENERAL MEETINGS, COMMANDER SEIDEN CONDUCTS A SHORT INFORMATIONAL MEETING UPDATING INFORMATION ON OUR KLINE HOMELESS VETERANS FUND AND YOU ARE INVITED TO STAY AND ATTEND THE MEETING. IF YOU HAVE NOT VISITED OUR WEBSITE AS YET, YOU CAN DO SO BY GOING TO: WWW.KLINEHOMELESSVETERANSFUND.ORG POST 64 OFFICERS & COMMITTEES COMMANDER Steve Seiden 363-5338 SR. VICE COMMANDER Les Sherman 240-6234 JR. VICE COMMANDER Isaac Cohen 321-6604 2ND JR. VICE-COMMANDER Jayme Glick 360-710-9736 QUARTERMASTER Nachum Goldoner 523-0449 ADJUTANT Bea Siefman 368-3840 CHAPLAIN Lori Bordman 353-8355 JUDGE ADVOCATE Herb Spiegel 254-7112 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS ED KLINE MEMORIAL HOMELESS VETERANS FUND Abe Efros 362-5995 CARING Sal Friedlander 645-1288 PHONE Nancy Jacobs 645-5032 CHAIRPERSON’S AIDES Carol Carson 228-1716 Adele Sherman 363-6243 SOCIAL - CO-CHAIRPERSONS. Sheila Epstein 360-4554 Evelyn Efros 362-5995 HISTORIAN Herb Cohen 513-3218 PROGRAMMING & SPEAKERS Richard Besmanoff 772-7726 POPPY DAY CHAIRPERSON Toby Spiegel 254-7112 PUBLICITY Don Davidson 862-0282 TRIBUTES Sandi Rose 243-6312 NEWSLETER Helen Groner 367-0145 FUNDING Les Sherman 240-6234 VA/VS REPS (Veterans Administration Volunteer Services) Les Sherman 240-6234 Mort Freidlander 645-1288 TRUSTEES Gil Boscoe 242-1552 Herb Spiegel 254-7112 EDWARD KLINE MEMORIAL HOMELESS VETERANS FUND, INC. (501(c)3 EXECUTIVE BOARD) Steve Seiden 363-5338 Mort Friedlander 645-1288 Les Sherman 240-6234 Art Withop 240-3280 Don Davidson 862-0282 Former Mayor Oscar Goodman (Advisory) Greg Abernathy 453-9407 (Advisory) Abe Efros 362-5995 (Post 64 Liaison) ****************************************************************************************** ALUMINUM CAN RECYCLING Abe Efros is still collecting aluminum cans to recycle to help animal rescue. They are easier to carry if you crush them. QUOTABLE QUOTES “As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind – every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.”…John Glenn “One of life’s greatest mysteries is how the boy who wasn’t good enough to marry your Daughter can be the Father of the smartest Grandchild in the world.”…Jewish Proverb FROM YOUR COMMANDER, STEVE SEIDEN Our membership has grown significantly over the past months thanks to the efforts of Les Sherman. Yes, and we are now younger than last year. Along those lines we are anticipating more people available for the next Poppy Drive. Mort Freidlander has stepped up to the plate and will be our next Poppy Chairman. Thanks, Mort. He will be working closely with Toby and Herb Spiegel whom will be stepping down after the Veterans Days drive. Thanks to them for an outstanding job over the past two years. Don Davidson has said that Fresh & Easy will be having a Labor Day Barbecue on Sunday, August 31st and Monday, September 1st. He will need volunteers to help him. Please contact him directly at 702-862-0282. He is also working on expanding our presence at other Fresh & Easy locations for Veterans Days Poppy Drive as well as Sprouts. Veterans Days for Poppies (November 5th thru 11th, except for Saturday the 8th), and placing flags at Bunker Cemetery on Sunday November 9th. At last months General meeting we were asked to nominate two people from our Post to be considered for Life Membership at the National Jewish Museum. Each Post will also be doing the same and the final voting will be at the next Department meeting on September 8th. The two people that I have sent names in from Post 64 are Bea Siefman, our long time Adjutant, and Herb Spiegel, our Past Post Commander. The other two nominations were Helen Groner and yours truly and both graciously declined. Another recommendation by those that stayed after our General meeting, when I discuss in detail what is happening with the Kline Fund, was to give and overview including a brief history for the new members of our Post during the regular meeting. This will be done at our August meeting. I will also continue to have my Kline Fund meeting after the General meeting for those that want more details and updates. For those of you that are not familiar with the Kline Fund visit our website at: Our Post has been chosen to coordinate the next VA Stand-Down which will be Wednesday, October 1st. Isaac Cohen will be handling this event and will need volunteers to help package non-perishable food in plastic bags for this event. He will make an announcement and go over the details at our next meeting on the 24th. Post 64 will be honored at the following Temples for Veterans Day. Our Post will be sponsoring the Oneg at both Temples. They are on November 7th at Bet Emet in Sun City Summerlin and on December 5th at Temple Sinai at 9001 Hillpointe Drive. Keep in mind a few key dates, they are as follows: October 26th our annual Barbecue and our Chanukah Party on December 21st. See the flyer in this edition to make reservations for the Barbecue. Please review Nachum Golodner's note regarding JWV membership for the year 2015 which started on July 1, 2014, reproduced in this edition of the Newsletter. If you have or will be sending your dues directly to JWV National, please advise Nachum so we can keep accurate records on current Members and Patrons. All spouses of a deceased partner that passed away in Fiscal Year 2014 (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014) will receive a paid up membership (paid by Post 64) for 2015. Starting September 1, 2014 all non-paid-up Members or Patrons that participate in a General Meeting or Post Event will pay a surcharge of $5 for each Meeting or Event. People, it's important that we keep accurate records for that’s what National does and it effects our Voting Power at Department elections and other business matters. TO: ALL POST MEMBERS AND PROSPECTIVE MEMBERS, EXCLUDING PAID UP LIFE MEMBERS. SUBJECT: JWV DUES A couple of months ago the Post Commander announced in the Newsletter and at a Post meeting that all members who had not paid their FY 2013-14 dues could hold the funds for the FY 2014-15 year. The idea was to get everyone paid up at the same time instead of dribbling the funds throughout the year Our voting strength at National and at Department meetings is based upon our paid up membership. We would like to make the very best showing as early in the year as possible. The expense is the same whether you pay it now or later, so please provide your check in July even if you have not received your bill from National. Please make your check out to JWV (Jewish War Veterans) but deliver the check to the Post. The Post will keep records on who has paid and will forward the checks as a group to National for posting. You can bring your check to the July Post meeting, July 27, 2014, at the Suncoast Hotel/Casino. You can also mail your check to Post 64 in care of Nachum Golodner at 9813 Ranch Hand Ave., Las Vegas NV 89117. The annual dues are $45.00 for Veterans and for Patrons. $3.00 is rebated to the Department of Nevada and $7.00 is rebated to the Post. If there is a chance you will forget or lose the address, feel free to send your check today. Thank you for your cooperation. Nachum Golodner Post Quartermaster SUPPORT THE KLINE FUND AS YOU SHOP ONLINE If you shop Amazon online, please consider supporting the Edward Kline Homeless Veterans Fund automatically with no cost to you! It is easy to do: 1) 2) 3) 4) Instead of going to go to Sign into your Amazon account On the top of the screen click on the “Supporting:” link It will say “Select a Charity” or “Change your Charity” a. Enter “Edward Kline” in the “Or pick your own charitable organization:” entry box and click on the search button b. Click the select button after Edward Kline Homeless Veterans Fund name and you are done. You only have to do this once. After selecting The Kline Fund as your charity, every time you go to, you will be shown that you are supporting The Kline Fund. Please just remember to use instead of the website for your shopping. Tell your friends and relatives about this also. Thank you. AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Steve Seiden August 9 Birthday Toni Withop August 11 Birthday Les Sherman August 12 Birthday Ricki & Howard Greenspon August 15 Anniversary Sol Tolpen August 16 Birthday Carol Warman August 19 Birthday Suzanne Bar-Or August 21 Birthday Toni & Art Withop August 22 Anniversary Isaac Cohen August 25 Birthday Art Withop August 29 Birthday Ira Kurtze August 30 Birthday Toby & Herb Spiegel August 30 Anniversary Jack Green August 30 Birthday Trudy & Harold Katzman September 1 Anniversary Corinne Gross September 2 Birthday George Mandel September 3 Birthday Steve Weiner September 3 Birthday Jerry Grau September 11 Birthday Eileen Sherman September 13 Birthday Gil Boscoe September 14 Birthday Fran & Lou Augenblick September 18 Anniversary Howard Greenspon September 20 Birthday Herb Cohen September 24 Birthday Alan Bachman September 25 Birthday Don Davidson September 25 Birthday Thomas Guthrie September 28 Birthday TRIBUTE CARDS CAN BE SENT FOR ALL OCCASIONS: BIRTHDAYS, ANNIVERSARIES, MAZEL TOV’S, WEDDINGS, GET WELL, THINKING OF YOU AND CONDOLENCES. THIS IS AN EASY WAY TO MAKE OUR POST EXTRA MONEY IT SO NEEDS. REMBMBER FAMILY AND FRIENDS BY CALLING SANDI ROSE FOR YOUR TRIBUTES AT 243-6312. (THE COST TO SEND A TRIBUTE IS $3.50) TRIBUTES TO Evelyn Efros Evelyn Efros Evelyn Efros Evelyn Efros Evelyn Efros Evelyn Efros Evelyn Efros Sue & Joe Groner FROM Sheila & Sandy Epstein Sandi & Len Rose Helen Groner Leah Kline Toby & Herb Spiegel Bea Siefman Sally Birman & Phil Nevins Helen Groner Debbie & Larry Cottini Helen Groner Sol Tolpen Sol Tolpen Bea Siefman Sandi & Len Rose TYPE Get Well Get Well Get Well Get Well Get Well Get Well Get Well Congratulations on Granddaughters Wedding Congratulations on 25th Anniversary and Debbie’s Retirement Birthday Birthday WISHING WELL The Post sends their best wishes for good health to Bill Durkin and Sandi Rose who have been under the weather. Get well soon. SINCERE THANKS The Efros’ send their thanks and appreciation for all the good wishes sent with cards, phone calls and visits to Evelyn who is recuperating in a Rehab facility. WITH SYMPATHY The Post extends its heartfelt condolences to Member Alan Bachman and his family on the death of Alan’s Wife, Judy. May her memory be a blessing. NEW MEMBERS Welcome to our new Members, Howard and Ricki Greenspon, and Steve Weiner. We are happy to have them as part of our Group. ****************************************************************************************** LAUGHLINES SENIOR WEDDING Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Miami, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob addresses the man behind the counter:"Are you the owner?"The pharmacist answers, "Yes." Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"Pharmacist: "Of course, we do." Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?" Pharmacist: "All kinds Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism?" Pharmacist: "Definitely." Jacob: "How about suppositories?" Pharmacist: "You bet!" Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis and Alzheimer's?" Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The Works." Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?" Pharmacist: "Absolutely." Jacob: "Everything for heartburn and indigestion?" Pharmacist: "We sure do." Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers and canes?" Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes." Jacob: "Adult diapers?" Pharmacist: "Sure." Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry." JWV MURRAY L. ROSEN POST #64 PICNIC IN THE PARK *********************** DATE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 TIME: 11:00 AM – ? PM PLACE: DESERT VISTA PARK SUN CITY SUMMERLIN TAB: $10.00 PER PERSON FOR A DELICIOUS BARBEQUE LUNCH (BRING YOUR FAMILY & FRIENDS) PLEASE MAIL YOUR CHECK, MADE OUT TO JWV POST #64, WITH THE FORM BELOW TO: LOIS BERKOWITZ, CHAIRPERSON 10809 GARDEN MIST DRIVE, #1003 LAS VEGAS, NV 89135 702-233-8982 RESERVATIONS TO LOIS MUST BE MADE NO LATER THAN MONDAY, OCTOBER 20th *************************************************************************** YOUR NAME: ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ PHONE NO. __________________________________________________________ NUMBER OF PEOPLE ATTENDING ______________ @ $10 PER PERSON AMOUNT ENCLOSED $________________________
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