The Workplace Course outline 2013/ 2014 The Workplace IFM Block 3I 1WPL 2013/ 2014 Timothy Broesamble Pauline Harmsen Jelmer Krips Melissa Oudshoorn Trude Roelofsen Jaap Wijnja Jan Wiltens [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] BETI HAPA KRJR FUME ROTR WIJA WJAS _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 2 of 12 Contents 1. General information 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Theme: The office workplace and its relation with ICT List of educational units and assessment overview Educational units in more detail Rules of conduct Literature Guest lectures and excursions Weekly planning Blackboard Learn and MijnHanze 4 5 6 9 9 10 10 11 _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 3 of 12 1. General information In block 3I WPL, two FM Competences formulated in the National FM Competency Profile 2010 by the LOOFD (Dutch Association of Facility Management Education) play an important role, the most important one being competence no.1: Creating added value for people and organizations in the areas of property management and services. FM Competences 1. Creating added value for people and organizations in the areas of property management and services. 2. Developing a vision of changes and trends in the external environment and creating relations, networks and chains. 3. Analyzing policy issues, translating them into policy objectives and alternatives and decision making. 4. Applying human resource management in the organization’s strategy. 5. Setting up, controlling and improving business and organizational processes. 6. Analyzing financial and legal aspects, internal processes and the business or organizational environment in order to improve coordination and interaction. 7. Developing, implementing and evaluating a change process. 8. Social and communication skills (interpersonal, organizational). 9. Self-managing skills (intrapersonal, professional). (LOOFD, 2010) The core assignment in this block related to this competence is: design a fitting, sustainable* and innovative office building for a given organization including all ICT facilities. The main theme of this block, the office workplace, has been worked out in 4 formal assignments and 2 exams. The assignments become increasingly complex and difficult. This course outline discusses the theme, assessment, the core assignments, the literature and the weekly planning as well as the information per unit of study in more detail. *) Sustainability in this block is aimed especially at the usage of sustainable materials, sustainable building installations, energy efficient housing, and at sustainable-oriented employee behaviour. 1.1 Theme: The office workplace and its relation with ICT This block covers the office work environment and in particular functional office workplaces and all the ICT aspects that these involve. Students will be introduced to different aspects of office innovation: various office concepts; indoor climate aspects of offices; and the requirements regarding ICT facilities in an office environment. The knowledge regarding these subjects and the practical skills which students will acquire in this block will enable students to assess existing workplace designs and will teach students what is involved when (re)designing a sustainable (new) workplace environment including the necessary ICT facilities. Students will acquire knowledge of and insight into external office design trends, which influence the work environment. A work environment which should be pleasant, healthy, efficient and sustainable, _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 4 of 12 but can also contribute to the image of an organisation. Students will also gain insight into the developments within organizations and learn which of these can influence workplace design. Students will become aware that with this knowledge, as a Facility Manager, students can deliver added value to organisations. By the end of the block students will be able to show off their freshly gained knowledge and skills by presenting their vision on the future workplace design in the form of a master test, by designing a fitting, sustainable and innovative office building for a given organization. 1.2 List of educational units and assessment overview On the following page is an overview of the educational units and the way they are assessed. Each unit has a working title and a progress code. The third column lists the number of credits to be gained. The progress code is entered after a result (sufficient/insufficient) has been gained. In the last two columns the assessment methods are listed and it is stated how students are assessed within the educational units (individual/group). Exams are taken individually. The oral exam for module WPL5B is carried out per project group but assessed individually. Assignments are carried out in project groups but are assessed individually by means of peer assessment. _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 5 of 12 Working title educational unit Progress name E C Progress code Assessment Group/ individual Deadline Office Innovation/ Housing & Information Management (WPL1) Indoor Climate (WPL2) Organisation at Work 3 IFVP2WPL1 Written exam (MC) 50% Office Innovation 50% Information Management Individual See exam schedule Sustainable office 3 IFVP2WPL2 Written exam (MC) Group product Individual Group Space planning I (WPL3) Space planning 1 Practice 2 IFVP8WPL3 Group Information Management assignment 1 (WPL4) Project Management (WPL5A) Space Planning 2 ICT 1 IFVP2WPL4 Professional Product Attendance Project proposal ICT Exam: see schedule assignment: Friday 4 April 10.00 hrs 10 March 12.00 hrs Plan of Approach 1 IFVP3WPL5A Plan of Approach Group assignment with individual differentiation 17 March 12.00 hrs Master test (WPL5B) Workspace design ICT Security/safety Finance 4 IFVP3WPL5B Presentation Report Group product Group assignment with individual Individual 7 April Individual Group assignment with individual differentiation 14 March 12.00 hrs Oral exam Excursions and Seminar (WPL5B) CMS (WPL6) Argumen tation 1 FMVP3WPL5B Fully signed stamp card Individual 7 April together with report WPL5B IFVP2WPL6 Attendance Active participation Personal product Individual Individual 7 April Individual Total 15 Prerequisite of gaining individual grade for WPL5B are: 1. fully signed stamp card; 2. attendance at and sufficient presentation in week 7 for master test. The stamp card must be submitted to mailbox of the coach in combination with the final report for WPL5B. As regards submitting products before the deadlines (see above), missing a deadline means missing one opportunity! The next opportunity is the deadline for the resits in period 4. Students have two opportunities per year to sit an exam or submit a report. MC means multiple choice. 1.3 Educational units in more detail Module Office Innovation/ Housing and Information Management IFVP2WPL1 (3 cr) Method/Activity During the tutorials about Office Innovation attention is paid to office design and especially to the influence on its users. During the lectures Information Management students are introduced to the way organizations design their ICT- facilities. Not only the hardware and software play a role in this, but also the less visible aspects, like processes, _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 6 of 12 tuning between systems and dealing with new possibilities. Students’ knowledge will be assessed at the end of the block by means of a multiple-choice exam, code: FMVP2WPL1. This is a combined exam on Office Innovation, in particular workplace concepts (50%) and Information Management (50%). Lecturers: Jaap Wijnja (WPL1-HOUStu) and Pauline Harmsen (WPL145IMAMtu). The exam will cover the following to material: Indoor Climate IFVP2WPL2 (3 cr) Office Innovation: to be announced ICT: to be announced. The lectures for the educational unit Indoor Climate focus on a healthy indoor climate, an essential prerequisite for a good working environment and employee productivity. The following aspects will be addressed: air quality, thermal comfort, sound and acoustics, light and visual comfort, view and individual control of the workplace, building installations and sustainability. There are six weekly lectures (IND-CLMTtu). Also for this module, assignments and presentations are asked of the students in order to enhance their understanding. Knowledge and insight into these areas are assessed by means of an MC exam, code IFVP2WPL2 and a group assignment. Lecturer: Trude Roelofsen. Space Planning 1 Practice IFVP8WPL3 (2 cr) Exam material: literature in course on BB, hand outs, ppt slides. Assignment: group report. Sufficient report prerequisite for grade in progress. For Space Planning 1, students work together in a project group. By means of three sessions (WPL3pr) of practical training, students put the Office Innovation and Information Management theory into practice. They learn which steps to take in order to design new workplaces for a temporary employment agency. The assignment is as follows: together with their project group, students follow the steps in the Manual Space Planning 1 and come up with a folder for the temp agency “Flexus” containing the following documents: - program of (technical and functional) demands (PoD); - relationship diagram of activities and work processes; - spot plan; - wall plan; - mood board; - floor plans of both floors; - views from all sides; (for more information: see manual). Coaches: Timothy Broesamble and Jaap Wijnja. NB: deadline is during the block! Space Planning 2 ICT IFVP2WPL4 (1 cr) For Space Planning 2 ICT, students with their project groups have to come up with a project proposal how the ICT facilities should be designed at the temporary agency Flexus. The assignment is as follows: _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 7 of 12 Students develop in project groups a proposal for part of the ICT–facilities of the temp agency Flexus. Project Management IFVP2WPL5A For this assignment the book Introduction to Information Systems, Int. Student Version has to be used. The assignment will be explained in the lectures Information Management (WPL145IMAMtu). Assessment criteria can be found on BB. Lecturer: Pauline Harmsen. For Project Management (WPL5A) students are taught how to work in project teams effectively. One general lecture (WPL-PMle), one semi- tutorial and one tutorial project management (WPL-PMtu) are offered. Lecturer: Jaap Wijnja. Also a 2-hour computer training session about MS Project (WPL-PMcpr) is provided. Lecturers: Pauline Harmsen, Jelmer Krips. The assignment for this educational unit is a Plan of Approach. NB: deadline within block! Master test IFVP3WPL5B (4 cr) For the Master Test (WPL5B), students work in their project group on the which is formulated as follows: In a project group, on the basis of all subject matter taught and the company information supplied, come up with a fitting, innovative and a sustainable office design for the company “Future Inc.”. The final report (WPL5B) must be sufficient in order to be allowed to take part in the oral exam. The oral exam is taken per group but individually assessed. The report is assessed by means of the assessment form, which can be found in the course. In week 7, students officially present their plans to the coach. The presentation must be sufficient in order to be allowed to submit the report. The lectures Office Innovation and Information Management will help students with getting ideas for the office design and the ICT facilities necessary for the master test. When working on the master test, students must also take sustainability, safety and security into account. Next to that students must report on the financial consequences of their plans. Because students have to take safety & security into account when working out their plans, tutorials for safety/security are offered, (WPL5-SECtu). Lecturer: Jelmer Krips. One tutorial and one consultation hour Financial Management are offered to help students calculate the costs of their proposed office design (WPL5FINMtu/sp). Lecturer: Jan Wiltens. Practical training (WPL5mop) and coaching (WPL5co) are offered to help students carry out the master test. Lecturers: Timothy Broesamble, Jaap Wijnja. Argumentation IFVP2WPL6 Prerequisite of gaining an individual grade for WPL5B is a fully stamped stamp card of block 3I WPL year 2013-2014. The stamp card must be submitted to the mailbox of the coach at the front office in combination with the final report for WPL5B. Being able to argue one’s choices well both in speech and in writing is an invaluable skill for managers (and not only for them). In this block, students have to defend their choice for an innovative office design and ICT facilities.. _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 8 of 12 This will be trained during Argumentation Skills. Students will attend five tutorials (WPL-MStu) in which argumentation skills in its broadest sense are trained. The following aspects will be dealt with: theory related to argumentation skills; skills to assess arguments and put them in the right order; skills to recognize fallacies (incorrect arguments); meeting skills, debating skills, handling conflicts and writing persuasive texts. In the assessment of WPL 5B, the quality of argumentation will be explicitly taken into account. Assessment by active participation and an individual product. Code: IFVP2WPL6. Lecturers: Timothy Broesamble, Melissa Oudshoorn. 1.4 Rules of Conduct 1. Be on time. Lecturers have the right to refuse entry when students are late. 2. Check and read the announcements on Blackboard every workday. 3. Attending all scheduled activities is compulsory. Attendance is registered. In case of absence; notify the lecturer by e-mail beforehand, and state reason why. Absence is only permitted when lecturer has given permission beforehand. Absence without a lecturer’s permission beforehand may lead to exclusion. 4. Attendance at guest lectures, seminar and excursions is also compulsory, registration of attendance is done by means of the stamp card. If students cannot attend guest lectures, the seminar and /or excursions, a replacement assignment will only be given if students have notified their absence and reasons to the lecturer concerned in writing. Replacement assignments can be found in the course. Assignments must be submitted via Safe Assign and by means of a hard copy to the coach of WPL5B. 5. A fully signed stamp card is a prerequisite for gaining the individual grade for WPL5B. 6. Only bottles of water are permitted in the classroom. 7. Mobile telephones are switched off, this also applies to MP3-players, IPods etc. Laptops, tablets, etc. are permitted only for functional use. 8. Dress code for seminar, guest lectures, excursions and formal presentations: business attire. Students who are not properly dressed are refused entry and will have to do a replacement assignment. 1.5 Literature The following books have to be purchased: ISBN Authors Title 978 1 85669 698 2 Jurian Van Meel 978-1-118-09230-9 9789001790929 R. Kelly Rainer & Casey G. Cegielski R. Grit 13: 780814413807 Cotts, David, G. Planning Office Spaces, A Practical Guide For Managers and Designers Introduction to Information Systems, Int. Student Version Project Management, A Practical Approach The Facility Management Handbook Recommended literature 978-14-05-12790-5 Atkin, B. & Brooks, A. Total Facilities Management Edition 4th 3rd 3rd 2nd edit _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 9 of 12 For exam material, check with the lecturer and the course and. 1.6 Guest lectures and excursions During this block, a seminar about The Workplace will be organized at the Hanze University for all first year students of our institute on Friday 21 March 2014. The program will consist of a general part and several workshops. For IFM a separate general session is organized. After that there are several workshops in English that students can choose from. During the block at least one excursion will be offered to the Experience Center of Wolter and Dros in Amersfoort, on 6 March 2014. Address: Belevingscentrum Wolter & Dros Amsterdamseweg 51d (3rd floor) 3812 RP Amersfoort 1.7 Weekly planning Wk 1 Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Wk 6 Wk 7 WPL-GENin introduction X HOUSE IMAM tutorial tutorial X X X X X X X X X X X X X Indoor Climate (WPL2) Indoor Climate (in) Indoor Climate (tu) IND-CLMT IND-CLMT introduction tutorial X X X X X X X Space Planning 1 (WPL3) Space Planning WPL3pre practical X X X Space Planning 2 ICT (WPL4) Information Management IMAM tutorial X X X X X X Project Management (WPL5A) Project Management (le) Project Management (tu) Project Management (cpr) WPL-PM WPL-PM WPL-PM general lecture tutorial computer practical X X X X Master Test (WPL5B) coaching Practical training master test WPL5co MOP coaching practical X X X X X X X Office Innovation & Information Management (WPL1) Office Innovation (tu) Information Management (tu) incl. Assignments WPL4 and 5 _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 10 of 12 Wk 9 Work form Block Introduction Wk 8 Discription activity Time-table code Below you will find the weekly planning of the different activities per week that are related to this block. Be ware that the schedule below is a general week planning and is subject to change. Please check the timetable on MijnHanze regularly as schedule changes are put directly in the timetable! Safety/security Financial Management Financial Management coaching Feedback report: office design part Presentations Oral exams SEC FINM FINM WPL5fe tutorial tutorial coaching feedback WPL5pre WPL5te presentation oral exams per group Argumentation Skills (WPL6) Argumentation Skills MS Tutorial X Excursion GENex excursion X Seminar ALGsem Guest lectures and workshops X X X X X X X X X X X X NB: all lectures, activities of block 3I WPL are compulsory! 1.8 Blackboard Learn and MijnHanze More information about this block can be found in the course on Blackboard Learn: 3I The Workplace (WPL). Visit it regularly since it contains useful information about the educational units, and lists important announcements. Check MijnHanze daily for schedule changes and exam schedules. The overview below of the course in Blackboard Learn will give you an idea about what information is to be found where. Button Announcements Contents Announcements regarding the block and about newly placed material. Check ‘announcements’ on a daily basis. About the educational unit Course outline, prerequisites and organisation of the block, Planning Planning of lectures, excursions, etc. Lecturers Lecturers in this block WPL1 - Office Innovation Information regarding this module and Information Management WPL2 - Indoor Climate Information regarding this module WPL3 - Space Planning 1 Information regarding this module Practice WPL4 - Space Planning 2 Information regarding this module ICT WPL5A – Project Information regarding this module Management WPL5B - Workplace Information regarding this module Design WPL6 - Argumentation Information regarding this module Tools BB tools Links Various websites FAQ Hand in assignments Procedure to submit through Safe Assign to prevent fraud Group enroll Subdivision in groups, file exchange Deadlines Deadlines of all asignments _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 11 of 12 _______________________________________________________________________ International Facility Management 2013-2014 Page 12 of 12
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