10 INFINITE SEQUENCES AND SERIES OVERVIEW Everyone knows how to add two numbers together, or even several. But how do you add infinitely many numbers together? In this chapter we answer this question, which is part of the theory of infinite sequences and series. An important application of this theory is a method for representing a known differentiable function f(x) as an infinite sum of powers of x, so it looks like a ''polynomial with infinitely many terms." Moreover, the method extends our knowledge of how to evaluate, differentiate, and integrate polynomials, so we can work with even more general functions than those encountered so far. These new functions are often solutions to important problems in science and engineering. 10.1 HrSlORICAL ESSAY Sequences and Series Sequences Sequences are fundamental to the study of infinite series and many applications of mathematics. We have already seen an example of a sequence when we studied Newton's Method in Section 4.6. There we produced a sequence of approximations Xn that became closer and closer to the root of a differentiable function. Now we will explore general sequences of numbers and the conditions under which they converge. Representing Sequences A sequence is a list of numbers in a given order. Each of aJ, a2, a3 and so on represents a number. These are the terms of the sequence. For example, the sequence 2,4,6,8, 10, 12, ... , 2n, ... has first term al = 2, second term a2 = 4, and nth term an = 2n. The integer n is called the index of an, and indicates where an occurs in the list. Order is important. The sequence 2, 4, 6, 8 ... is not the same as the sequence 4, 2, 6, 8 .... We can think of the sequence as a function that sends 1 to al , 2 to a2, 3 to a3, and in general sends the positive integer n to the nth term an. More precisely, an infinite sequence of numbers is a function whose domain is the set of positive integers. The function associated with the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, ... , 2n, ... sends 1 to al = 2, 2 to a2 = 4, and so on. The general behavior of this sequence is described by the formula an = 2n. 532 10.1 Sequences 533 We can equally well make the domain the integers larger than a given number no, and we allow sequences of!bis type also. For example, the sequence 12, 14, 16, 18,20,22 ... is described by the fonnula a" = 10 + 2n. It can also be described by the simpler fonnula bn = 2n, where the index n starts at 6 and increases. To allow such simpler fonnulas, we let the first index of the sequence be any integer. In the sequence above, {an} starts with a, while {b.} starts withb 6 • Sequences can be described by writing rules that specify their terms, such as • r an=vn, bn = (_I)n+11 n' dn = (_I)n+1, n - I cn=-n-' or by listing !enns: {an} = {Vi, Vi, v'3, ... , Vn, ... } {b n } = {1,-!,t,-i, .. ·,(-I r1 k, ... } {cn} = 1234 n-I } { 0'2'3'4'5'''''-n-'''' {dn } = {I, -I, I, -I, I, -I, ... , (-I).+" ... }. We also sometimes write {a,,} = {Vn }:,. Figure 10.1 shows two ways to represent sequences graphically. The fIrst marks the rrrs! few points from a" a2, a3,"" an,'" on the real axis. The second method shows the graph of the function defIning the sequence. The function is dermed only on integer inputs, and the graph consists of some points in the xy-plane located at (I, ad, (2, a2), ... , (n, a,,), .... -+--~~~I--~I--~ 'n 2 3 4 5 FIGURE 10.1 Sequences can be represented as peints on the real line or as points in the plane where the horizontal axis n is the index number of the term and the vertical axis all is its value. Convergence and Divergence Sometimes the numbers in a sequence approach a single value as the index n increases. This happens in the sequence 534 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series whose terms approach 0 as n gets large, and in the sequence {o,~, t, ~'~'"'' I - k, .. ·} whose terms approach I. On the other hand, sequences like {VI, Yz, V3, ... , V;;, ... } L-E o L L+E •• ••• • (• • -I- ) ~------------------- L+E L have tenDs that get larger than any number as n increases, and sequences like ------------(n,a,,)- ~ - . --- L-E {I, -I, I, -I, I, -I, ... , <-1),+1, ... } bounce back and forth between I and - I , never converging to a single value. The following definition captures the meaning of having a sequence converge to a limiting value. It says that if we go far enough out in the sequence, by taking the index n to be larger than some value N, the difference between a, and the limit of the sequence becomes less than any preselected number E > O. DEFINmONS The sequence {a,} converges to the number L iffor every positive number E there corresponds an integer N such that for all n, ~~~~----~~~----~n o 2 3 N n la, - LI < n>N In the representation ofa sequence as points in the plane, all ~ L if y = L is a horizontal asymptote of the sequence of points (in, a,)}. In this figure, FIGURE 10.2 E. Ifno such number L exists, we say that {an} diverges. If {an} converges to L, we write lim,~oo an = L, or simply a, --+ L, and call L the limit of the sequence (Figure 10.2). all the a,/s after aN lie within E of L. The definition is very similar to the definition of the limit ofa function fix) asx tends to 00 (limx~oof<x) in Section 2.6). We will exploit this connection to calculate limits of HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY sequences. Nicole Oresme (ca. l32()-1382) EXAMPLE 1 <a) lim n--i'OO Show that 1n = 0 (b) lim k = k (any constant k) n~OO Solution <a) Let E > 0 be given. We must show that there exists an integer N such that for all n, n>N This implication will hold if (l/n) < E or n > l/E. If N is any integer greater than I/E, the implication will hold for all n > N. This proves that lim,~oo(I/n) = O. (b) Let E > 0 be given. We must show that there exists an integer N such that for alln, n> N =) Ik - kl < E. Since k - k = 0, we can use any positive integer for N and the implication will hold. This proves that lim.~oo k = k for any constant k. • EXAMPLE 2 Solution Show that the sequence {I, -I, I, -1, I, -I, ... , (-1),+1, ... } diverges. Suppose the sequence converges to some number L. By choosing E = 1/2 in the definition of the limit, all terms an of the sequence with index n larger than some N must lie within E = 1/2 of L. Since the number 1 appears repeatedly as every other term of the sequence, we must have that the number I lies within the distance E = 1/2 of L. 535 10.1 Sequences M .. . .. ~~------~--~. 0 123 N (a) ... It follows that IL - II < 1/2, or equivalently, 1/2 < L < 3/2. Likewise, the number - I appears repeatedly in the sequence with arbitrarily high index. So we must also have that IL - (- I) I < 1/2, or equivalently, - 3/2 < L < - 1/2. But the number L cannot lie in both of the intervals (1/2, 3/2) and (-3/2, -1/2) because they bave no overlap. Therefore, no such limit L exists and so the sequence diverges. Note that the same wgument works for any positive number € smaller than I, not ~~ . The sequence {vii} also diverges, but for a different reason. Ai; n increases, its terms become larger than any fixed number. We describe the behavior of this sequence by writing lim n~OO ~~----~----~. o 123 . N m v;. = 00. In writing infinity as the limit of a sequence, we are not saying that the differences between the terms an and 00 become small as n increases. Nor are we asserting that there is some number infinity that the sequence approaches. We are merely using a notation that captures the idea that an eventually gets and stays 1aIger than any fIxed number as n gets 1aIge (see Figure lO.3a). The terms of a sequence might also decrease to negative infinity, as in Figure 10.3b. (b) FIGURE 10.3 <a) The sequence diverges to 00 because no matter what number M is chosen, the terms oftbe sequence after some index N all lie in the yellow band above M. (b) The sequence diverges to - 00 because all terms after some index N lie below any chosen number m. DEFINmON The sequence {an} diverges to infinity iffor every number M there is an integer N such that for all n 1aIger than N, an > M. If this condition holds we write or Similarly if for every number m there is an integer N such that for all n bave an < m, then we say {an} diverges to negative infinity and write > N we or A sequence may diverge without diverging to infinity or negative inrmity, as we saw in Example 2. The sequences {I, -2, 3, -4,5, -6,7, -8, ... } and {I, 0, 2, 0, 3, O, ... } are also examples of such divergence. Calculating Limits of Sequences Since sequences are functions with domain restricted to the positive integers, it is not surprising that the theorems on limits of functions given in Chapter 2 bave versions for sequences. THEOREM 1 Let {an} and ibn} be sequences of real numbers, and let A and B be real numbers. The following rules hold if Iim.~oo an = A and liml'l_oo b" = B. 1. Sum Rule: lim.~oo(an + bn ) = A 2. Difference Rule: lim.~oo(an - bn ) = A - B 3. Constant Multiple Rule: lim.~oo(k·bn) = 4. Product Rule: lim.~oo(an· bn ) 5. Quotient Rule: an Iim.~oob n +B k·B (any number k) = A· B A = Jj The proof is similar to that of Theorem I of Section 2.2 and is omitted. 536 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series EXAMPLE 3 (a) lim ,,---+00 By combining Theorem I with the limits of Example I, we have: (_1)n = -I' lim 11--+ 00 1n = -1,0 = 0 ConstantMultipJeRuleandExampJela n - I) = lim ( (b) lim ( -nI -I11 ) = lim I 11--+00 11--+00 11--+00 I = I - 0 = I andExampJela Difference Rule lim 11 11--+ 00 Product Rule - 7 6 (4In 6 ) (d) lim 4 6 n=lim • ~OO n +3 .~OO I + - 7 (3In 6 ) 0 - 7 =--=-7. I Sum and Quotient Rules +0 • Be cautious in applying Theorem I. It does not say, for example, that each of the sequences {a.} and {b.} have limits if their sum {an + bn} has a limit. For instance, {an} = {1,2,3, ... } and {bn} = {-1,-2,-3, ... } both diverge, but their sum {an + bn} = {O, 0, O, ... } clearly converges to o. One consequence of Theorem I is that every nonzero multiple of a divergent sequence {an} diverges. For suppose, to the contrary, that {can} conveIges fur some number c oF o. Then, by taking k = II c in the Constant Multiple Rule in Theorem I, we see that the sequence .... . L .. f· -. b~.~T-; •••~:::f:-i- /I a; .. {i·can} = {a.} •• •• - ~~------------~n o FIGURE 10.4 TIre terms of sequence {b.} are sandwiched betweeo those of {a,,} and {c.}, forcing them to the same common limit L. converges. Thus, {ca.} cannot converge uuless {a.} also converges. If {an} does not converge, then {can} does not converge. The next theorem is the sequence version of the Sandwich Theorem in Section 2.2. You are asked to prove the theorem in Exercise 109. (See Figure 10.4.) THEOREM 2-The Sandwich Theorem for Sequences Let {an}, {bn} , and {cn} be sequences of real numbers. If a. :5 bn :5 Cnholds for all n beyond some index N, and if lUnn_oo an = lilIln-+oo en = L, then limn_ oo b" = L also. An immediate consequence of Theorem 2 is that, if IbnI :5 Cn and cn ..... 0, then -en ~ hn ~ en. We use this fact in the next example. b" ---+ 0 because EXAMPLE 4 (a) (b) Since lin ..... 0, we know that cosn~O n .1.n ..... 0 2 k. . . o (c) (-l) n because _1< because 0<: .1. <: - 2" - because _1n -<: (_l)n1n n - COS 11 n <1. - n' 111'. <: 1 - n" • The application of Theorems I and 2 is broadened by a theorem stating that applying a continuous function to a convergent sequence produces a convergent sequence. We state the theorem, leaving the proof as an exercise (Exercise 110). THEOREM 3-The Continuous Function Theorem for Sequences Let {an} be a sequence of real numbers. If a. ..... L and if / is a function that is continuous at L and dermed at all an. then /(an) ..... /(L). 537 10.1 Sequences EXAMPLE 5 Show that Y(n + I)/n --+ I. Solution We know that (n + I)/n --+ 1. Taking f(x) ~ gives V(n + I)/n --+ VI ~ I. Vx and L ~ I in Theorem 3 • 2" EXAMPLE 6 The sequence {I/n} converges to o. By taking an ~ I/n, f(x) ~ and L = 0 in Theorem 3, we see that 2'/n ~ f(l/n) --+ f(L) ~ 20 ~ I. The sequence {2'/n} converges to I (Figure 10.5). • Using L'Hopital's Rule o •• I I 3 2 • >" FIGURE 10.5 As n --+ 00, lin --+ 0 and 21/· --+ 2° (Example 6). The terms of {lin} are shown on the x-axis; the terms of {21/.} are shown as the y-values 00 the graph of f(x) ~ 2". The next theorem formalizes the connection between Iim,,~oo an and limx~oo f(x). It enahles US to use I'Hllpital's Rule to f'md the limits of some sequences. THEOREM 4 Suppose that f(x) is a function defined for all x ;;,: no and that {an} is a sequence of real numbers such that an ~ f(n) for n ;;,: no. Then ~ lim f(x) lim an L x~OO ~ L. n~OO Proof Suppose that lim_oo f(x) her M such that for all x, ~ L. Then for each positive number E there is a numIf(x) - LI < x>M E. Let N be an integer greater than M and greater than or equal to no. Then n >N EXAMPLE 7 => a. ~ f(n) and lao - LI ~ If(n) - LI < E. • Show that Solution The function (lnx)/x is defined for all x ;;,: I and agrees with the given sequence at positive integers. Therefore, by Theorem 4, 1im,,~oo(1n n)/n will equal limx~oo(lnx)/x if the latter exists. A single application ofl'Hllpital's Rule shows that lim Inx x---+OO ~ X Weconcludethatlim.~oo(lnn)/n ~ lim I/x 1 ~ x---+ OO Q 1 ~ O. • O. When we use I'Hllpital's Rule to f'md the limit of a sequence, we often treat n as a continuous real variable and dllferentiate directly with respect to n. This saves us from having to rewrite the formula for an as we did in Example 7. EXAMPLE 8 Does the sequence whose nth term is an ~ (~)' n- 1 538 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series Solution The limit leads to the indeterminate form 100. We can apply I 'Hllpital 's Rule if we first change the form to 00 • 0 by taking the natorallogarithm of an: Ina. = In("" +- 1l)n Then, lim 11_00 In an = lim 11_00 "In("n +- 11) 00·0 form In(: ~ :) ()form lim -"-:--;-----"'-- o 1/" . -2/(,,2 - 1) = lim -'--'---c--.---'n~OO -1/,,2 rHilpital's Rule: diffi:rentiate numerator and denominator. lim~=2. n2 - 1 = 11_00 Since In an --> 2 and f(x) = eX is continuous, Theorem 4 tells us that an = elnail ~ e2 . • The sequence {an} converges toe 2 • Commonly Occurring Limits The next theorem gives some limits that arise frequently. THEOREM 5 1. lim 11- 00 The following six sequences converge to the limits listed below: In" = 0 n lim x ' /n = 1 3. 2. lim'%=1 n~OO (x> 0) n~OO S. lim 11_ 00 (1+'"-)"=e n 4. limxn=o n_OO (lxl < 1) n X (any x) 6. lim '"--- = 0 lI_ oon ! In Formulas (3) through (6), x remains rlXed as ,,--> (any x) 00. Proof The first limit was computed in Example 7. The next two can be proved by taking logarithms and applying Theorem 4 (Exercises 107 and 108). The remaining proofs are • given in Appendix 5. EXAMPLE 9 (a) In ~,,2) = (b) W These are examples of the limits in Theorem 5. 2 ~" --> 2 • 0 = Formula 1 = ,,2/n = (,,1In),--> (1)2 = I (c) "{i3;; = 3 1/n(,,1In) (d) 0 (-t)"--> 0 --> 1·1 = 1 Formula 2 Formula 3 with x = 3 and Formula 2 Formula 4 with x = -! 2 10.1 Sequences I Factorial Notation (e) The notation n! (Un factorial") means the product I . 2 . 3 ... n of the integers from I to n. Notice that (n + I)! = (n + 1). n!. Thus, 4! = 1'2'3'4 = 24 and 5! = 1·2·3·4'5 = 5'4! = 120. We derme O! to be I. Factorials grow eveo faster than exponeotiais, as the table suggests. The values in the table are rouoded. It e" It! 1 3 5 10 20 148 22,026 4.9 X 108 1 120 3,628,800 2.4 X 10 '8 (n ~ 2)" (1 + --,.2r-~e-2 = 100' (C) - - + 0 n! Fonnula 5 with x = -2 Fonnula 6 with x = 100 539 • Recursive Definitions So far, we have calculated each a" directly from the value of n. But sequences are often dermed recursively by giving 1. The value(s) of the initial tenn or tenns, and 2. A rule, called a recursion Cormula, for calculating any later tenn from tenns that precede it. EXAMPLE 10 (a) The statements a, = 1 and a" = a.-1 + 1 for n > 1 define the sequence 1,2,3, ... , n, ... of positive integers. With a, = 1, we have a2 = a, + 1 = 2, a3 = a2 + 1 = 3, and so on. (b) The statements a, = 1 and a. = n·a.-1 for n> 1 derme the sequence 1,2,6,24, ... , n!,... of factorials. With a, = 1, we have a2 = 2· a, = 2, a3 = 3'a2 = 6,,,. = 4'a3 = 24, and so on. (c) The statements a, = 1, a2 = 1, and a.+1 = a" + a.-1 for n > 2 define the sequence 1, 1,2,3,5, ... of Fibonacci numbers. With a, = 1 and a2 = 1, we have a3 = 1 + 1 = 2, a4 = 2 + 1 = 3, as = 3 + 2 = 5, and so on. (d) As we can see by applying Newton's method (see Exercise 133), the statements xo = Iandx.+1 = x. - [(sinx. - x.2 )J(cosx. - lx.)]forn > odefine a sequence that, when it converges, gives a solution to the equation sin x - x 2 = o. • Bounded Monotonic Sequences Two concepts that play a key role in determining the convergence of a sequence are those of a bounded sequence and a monotonic sequence. DEFINmONS A sequence {a.} is bounded Crom above if there exists a number M such that a. ,,; M for all n. The number M is an upper bound for {a.}. If M is an upper bound for {a.} but no number less than M is an upper bound for {a.}, then M is the least upper bound for {a,,}. A sequence {a,,} is bounded from below if there exists a number m such that a. ;" m for all n. The number m is a lower bound for {a,,}. If m is a lower bound for {a,,} but no number greater than m is a lower bound for {a.}, then m is the greatest lower bound for {a,,}. If {a.} is bounded from above and below, the {a.} is bounded. If {a.} is not bounded, then we say that {a.} is an unbounded sequence. EXAMPLE 11 (a) The sequence 1,2,3, ... , n, ... has no upper bound since it eventually surpasses every number M. However, it is bounded below by every real number less than or equal to I. The number m = 1 is the greatest lower bound of the sequence. 123 n . (b) Thesequence Z'3'4"'" n + 1"" lSbounded above by every real number greater than or equal to 1. The upper bound M = 1 is the least upper bound (Exercise 125). The sequence is also bounded below by every number less than or equal to its greatest lower bound t, which is • 540 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series I Convergent .equences are bounded If a sequence {a,,} converges to the number L, then by detmition there is a number N such that Ia" - L I < 1 if n > N. That is, L-l<a,,<L+l a" M ~------------- '. forn>N. If M is a number larger than L + 1 and all of the tmitely many numbers aj, a2, ... , aN, then for every index n we have an :5 M so that {an} is bounded from above. Similarly, ifm is a number smaller than L - 1 and all of the numbers aj, a2, ... , aN, then m is a lower bound of the sequence. Therefore, all convergent sequences are bounded. Although it is true that every convergent sequence is bounded, there are hounded sequences that fail to converge. One example is the bounded sequence {( _1)n+1) discussed in Example 2. The problem here is that some hounded sequences bounce around in the band determined by any lower bound m and any upperboundM (Figure 10.6). An important type of sequence that does not behave that way is one for which each term is at least as large, or at least as small, as its predecessor. ~~-------..----+' o m 123 f-"'---"---'.----~--- FIGURE 10.6 Some bounded sequences bounce around between their bounds and fail to converge to any limiting value. DEFINITION A sequence {an} is nondecreasing if an :5 an+1 for all n. That is, at ~ a2 ~ a3 ~ .... The sequence is noninc::reasing if an ~ an+ 1 for all n. The sequence {an} is monotonic ifit is either nondecreasing or nonincreasing. EXAMPLE 12 (a) The sequence 1,2,3, ... , n, ... is nondecreasing. 123 n . d . (b) The sequence 2' 3' 4' ... , n + I"" IS non ecreasmg. 111 I ()Th c e sequence 1'2' 4' 8"'" 211"" ... 18 nonmcreasmg. (d) The constant sequence 3, 3, 3, ... ,3, ... is both nondecreasing and nonincreasing. (e) The sequence I, -I, I, -I, I, -I, ... is not monotonic. _ A nondecreasing sequence that is bounded from above always has a least upper bound. Likewise, a nonincreasing sequence bounded from below always has a greatest lower hound. These results are based on the completeness property of the real numbers, discussed in Appendix 6. We now prove that if L is the least upper bound of a nondecreasing sequence then the sequence converges to L, and that ifL is the greatest lower bound of a nonincreasing sequence then the sequence converges to L. y y~M M r-----------~--------y~L ... .. L r-----------~. -~.~.~~ . ... THEOREM 6-The Monotonic Sequence Theorem If a sequence {an} is both bounded and monotonic, then the sequence converges . ' Proof Suppose {an) is nondecreasing, L is its least upper bound, and we plot the points (I, all, (2, a2), ... , (n, an), ... in the xy-plane. If M is an upper bound of the sequence, all ~----------------------->x o FIGURE 10.7 If the terms ofa nondecreasing sequence have an upper bound M, they have a limit L :5 M. these points will lie on or below the line y = M (Figure 10.7). The line y = L is the lowest such line. None of the points (n, an) lies above y = L, but some do lie above any lower line y = L - E, if E is a positive number. The sequence converges to L because (a) a,,:5 L for all values ofn, and (b) given any E > 0, there exists at least one integer N for which aN > L - E. The fact that {a,,} is nondecreasing tells us further that for all n 2: N. Thus, all the numbers an beyond the Nth number lie within E of L. Ibis is precisely the condition for L to be the limit of the sequence {an} . The proof for nonincreasing sequences hounded from below is similar. _ 10.1 Sequences 541 It is important to realize that Theorem 6 does not say that convergent sequences are monotonic. The sequence {( -l)'+1Jn} converges and is bounded, but it is not monotonic since it alternates between positive and negative values as it tends toward zero. What the theorem does say is that a nondecreasing sequence converges when it is bounded from above, but it diverges to infinity otherwise. Exercises 10.1 Find;ng Terms of • Sequence Each of Exercises 1--6 gives a formula for the nth term an of a sequence {a,}. Find the values of a" a" a" aod /l4. 1. an I - n 2. = --,- n ~ = 3. a, = 2n I 4. a" = 2 6. a" = + (-I)' 2' - I ----zn- ten tenns of the sequence. 10. a, Each positive integer 26. The sequence 0, 1, 1,2,2,3,3,4, ... Each of Exercises 7-12 gives the fIrst tenn or_ ofa sequence along with a recursion formula for the remaining terms. Write out the first 7. a, 8. a, 9. a, Alternating 1's and O's 25. The sequence 1,0, 1,0, 1, ... I I n. (-1),+1 Cubes of positive integers divided by pOWOIS of 5 I 8 27 64 125 24. 25' 125' 625' 3125' 15,625'''' Convergence and Divergence Which of the sequences {a,} in Exercises 27-90 converge, aod which diverge? Find the limit of each convergent sequence. n + (-I)' 27. a" = 2 + (0.1)' 28. all = n I - 2n 29·a,,=I+2n = I, a,+1 = a, + (1/2') = I, a,+1 = aJ(n + I) = 2, a,+1 = (-1),+1a,,/2 = -2, a,+1 = naJ(n + I) = a2 = 1, a n+2 = a n+l + an repeated 30.a,= 2n +. I1 1- 3 vn 31. a" =. + , 32 33 =n'-2n+1 n-I 34. all = I 2 70 - 4n 36. a, (-I)' (I - .a" I - 5n 4 n 8n • all = n +3 n2 +5n+6 n' 35. a" = Find;ng a Sequence's Formula In Exercises 13-26, find a formula for the nth term of the sequence. 37. a" = 13. The sequence 1, -1, 1, -1, 1, .. . I ~ with alternating signs 39. a" = ( _1),+1 2n I 40. a, = k) (2 - i,)(3 + i,) (-t)" 14. The sequence -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, .. . 1's with alternating signs 41. a" = ~n ~ I 42. a, = I (0.9)' alternating signs 43. a" = Sin(f + k) 44. all = n'11' cos (n'11') Reciprocals of squares of the positive integers, with alternating signs Powers of2 divided by 45• 11. at 12. at = 2, a2 = -1, all +2 15. The sequence I, -4,9, -16,25, ... 16. The sequence I, - I I ;V9' - I I 16' 25'''' 1 2 2 ' 2 ' 24 17. + (-I)' I = an+l/all 9' IT' 15' 18' 21' ... Squares of the positive integers, with multiples of3 Integers differing by 2 divided by prndncts of consecutive integers (n;;, 1)(1 - k) 38. a, = _ sinn an - n 3' 48. all =3 n n 47. a" = 2' 49. = a, = In(n+l) Vn Inn 50. a, = 1n2n (0.03)'/' 19. The sequence 0, 3, 8, 15,24, ... Squares of the positive 51. a" = 8 ' /' 52. a, 20. The sequence -3, - 2, -I, 0, I, ... integers diminished by I httegers, beginning with -3 53. a" = (I + 'f,)" 54.a,=(I-k)" 21. The sequence I, 5, 9, 13, 17, ... Every other odd positive integer 22. The sequence 2,6, 10, 14, 18, ... Every other even positive integer httegers differing by 3 divided by factorials 55. a" = "()"iOn 57. a" = (Ii3)'/' Inn 59. a" = n /' ' = 56. a, = %2 58. a, (n = + 4),/(,+4) 60. a, = Inn - In(n + I) 542 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series 61.a,=~ 63. a, = 62. a, (-4)' n. = n! 10 611 = 211 .3" 67. all = (krOn') =1n(1 + k)' 69. all = (~)' 3n - I 71. all = (~r 2n + I ' 66. all n! 70.a'=(n~S :s =(I (10/11)" 74. a, =(9/10)' + (11112)' 76. a, =sinh (In n) 78. n(l - cask) 80. a, =(3' + 50)1/0 72. a, all = 82• a,= 75. an = tanhn 77. an = 2n 79. a, =y;, sin ~ 81. an = tan-I n 83. a, I =e)' 3 + "IIi" 85. an = --n- =(Iny;,n)' I 3 7 17 a a + 2b l' 2' S' 12'···· b' a + b , .... x>O 3",6" 2-no n! = 1-1n y;,tan n2 • 1 _ 1 smli (Inn)"" • ~ 90. an I = /,' pdx, Recursively Deftned Sequences limit cz,,+1 = 1 72 + all a ll +1 93. al = -4, a,+1 = 94. al = 0, a,,+1 = VS + Za, V S + Za, 95. al = 5, 96. al = 3, a,,+1 = vSa;; a,,+1 12 - = v;;. I I 2 + What is that limit? (Hint: Use part (a) to show that r,2 - 2 = ±(i/y,)2 and that Yo is not less than n.) Vi, VI + f(x,) = Xn - Xn? - a. X'o = I, X n +l = Xn - b. X'o = I, X n +l = X n - c. X'o = 1, Xn+l = XII - d. a, 2+1 Vi, VI b. The fractions Tn = xJYlI approach a limit as n increases. !'(x )· n 2 ~ = 1 Xn 2: + Xn tanxn - 1 sec2 XII 1 c. a, 97.2,2+ , 2 + - -,2+ I , ... 2 1 2+-2 2+-- 98. -I, 102... Suppose that f(x) is differentiable for all x in [0, I] and that f(O) = O. Define sequence {a,} by the rule a, = nf(i/n). Show that lim,_ooao = 1'(0). Use the result in part (a) to fmd the limits of the following sequences {a,}. all + 6 = all + 2 92. at = -1, or respectively. p>1 1 X In Exercises 91-9S, assume that each sequence converges and fmd its I (a + 2b)2 - 2(a + b)' = +1 Do the sequences converge? If so, to what value? In each case, begin by identifying the functioo f that generates the sequence. 1 2, 2b 2 = -I or + I , then - 101. Newton'. method The following sequences come from the recursioo formula for Newtoo's method, vn 2 - 1 - vn 2 +n = generally, that if a 2 Xn+l 1/,'1xdx 89. all = 11 91. at Here the numerators form one sequence, the denominators form a second sequence, and their ratios form a third sequence. Let XII and y, he, respectively, the numerator and the denominator of the nth fractioo r, = xJy,. •• VerilY that X1 2 - 2Y12 = -I,xi - 2yi = +1 and, more 87.a1J=n-~ = • ,,------; +,·,+xlI • Write out enough early terms of the sequence to deduce a general formula for X, that holds for n '" 2. 100. A sequence of rational numhers is described as follows: 73. all 84.a,=~ 88. a, X II +1 =Xl +X2 65. an all = - - , - 86. a, Theory and Examples 99. The first tenn of a sequence is Xl = 1. Each succeeding term is the sum of all those that come hefore it: n! (Hint: Compare with I/n.) n 64. 68. a, = V'32n + 1 VI + Vi, VI + VI + VI + Vi, ... = nln(1 = n(e 1/' - I) +~) 103. Pythagorean triple. A triple of positive integers a, b, and c is called a Pythagorean triple if a 2 + b 2 = c 2. Let a he an odd positive integer and let b=l~2J and c=r~21 be, respectively, the integer floor and ceiling for a 2/2. 543 10.1 Sequences l~J 2' - I --y- 117. a" ~ 119. a" ~ «-I)' + l)(n ~ 120. The fl!St tenD of a sequence is XI ~ cos (I). The next terms are X2 = XI or cos (2), whichever is larger; and X3 = X2 or cos (3), whichever is larger (farther to the right). In general, X,+l ~ 6 121. a" a a. Show that a 2 + b 2 ~ c 2 • (Hint: Let a ~ 2n band c in tenDs ofn.) + I and express b. By direct calculation, or by appealing to the accompanying figure, fmd 104. The 11th root of II! a. Showthat1imn~oo(2mr)1/(2n) ~ I aodhence, using Stirling's approximatioo (Chapter 8, Additiooal Exercise 32a), that Test the approximatioo in part (a) for n ~ 40,50, 60, ... , as far as your calculator will allow. 105... Assuming that lim.~oo(l/n') ~ 0 if c is any positive coo· stant, show that b. Prove that limn~oo(l/n') ~ 0 if c is aoy positive coostant (Hint: IfE ~ 0.001 andc ~ 0.04, how large shouldNbeto ensure that Ii/n' - 01 < E ifn > N?) 106. The zipper theorem Prove the "zipper theorem" for sequences: If {an} and {b,} both cooverge to L, then the sequence converges to L. 108. Prove that lim.~ooXl/' ~ I, (x > 0). 110. Prove Theorero 3. is bounded. 3n + I n+T 113. an =-, n. 2"3" (2n + 3)! 112. a" ~ (n + 2 2an - 3 126. Uniqueness of least upper bounds Show that if MI and M2 are least upper bouods for the sequence {an}, then Ml ~ M2. That is, a sequence cannot have two different least upper bounds. 128. Prove that if {an} is a convergent sequence, then to every positive number E there corresponds an integer N such that for all m andn, m > N and n > N ~ I .... - a" 1 < E. 130. Limits and subsequences If the terms of one sequence appear in another sequence in their given order, we call the first sequence a subsequence of the second. Prove that if two subsequences of a sequence {a,,} have different limits LI L2, then {an} diverges. * verge? Give reasons for your answers. I 116.a,,~n-1i SI>- 133. Sequence. generated by N_on'. method Newton's method, applied to a differentiable functioo f(x), begins with a starting value Xo and coostructs from it a sequence of numbers {x,} that under favorable circumstances converges to a zero of f. The recursion formula for the sequence is Xn+l I Which of the sequences in Exercises 115-124 converge, and which di· 115.a,~I-1i a n +l = I)! 114. a" ~ 2 - Ii - 2' I 1, al = 125. The sequence {II/(II + I)} bas a lea.t upper bound of 1 Show that if M is a number less thao I, then the terms of {n/(n + I)} eventually exceed M. That is, if M < I there is ao inreger N such that n/(n + I) > M whenever n > N. Since n/(n + 1) < I for every n, this proves that I is a least upper bouodfor {n/(n + I)}. 132. Prove that a sequence {a,} converges to 0 ifaod only if the quence of absolure values {I an I} cooverges to O. In Exercises 111-114, detennine if the sequence is monotooic aod if it ~ 124. 131. For a sequence {a,,} the tenDs of even index are denored by au and the terms of odd index by au+ I. Prove that if au ---+ L and a2k+1 -+ L, then a" -+ L. 107. Prove that lim.~oo 'C",; ~ 1. 111. a, 4"+ 1 + 3" 4' n+ I 122. an = - n - 129. Uniqueness of limit. Prove that limits of sequences are uoique. That is, show that if LI aod L, are numbers such that On -+ LI and all -+ L2, then Ll = L,.. if c is any positive constant. 109. Prove Theorero 2. ~ I +~ 123. a" ~ + I)}. max {x.. cos (n 127. Is it true that a sequence {a,} of positive numbers must cooverge if it is bouoded from above? Give reasons for your answer. vi,;! ~ ~ for large values of n. D b. I) =X f(xn) ll - !'(x )' lI .. Show that the recursioo formula for f(x) ~ x 2 caobewrittelIaSxn+l ~ (xn + a/x,)/2. D b. - a, a > 0, Starting with Xo ~ I aod a ~ 3, calculate successive tenDs of the sequence uotil the display begins to repeat. What number is being apprnsimared? Explain. 544 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series D 134. Arecursi.. defioi1ionof"./2 Ifyou start with Xl = I anddefme the subsequent terms of {x,} by the rule x, = X,_I + COSX,_I, you geoerate a sequeoce that converges rapidly to 1f/2. (a) Try it. (b) Use the accompaoying figure to explain why the conver- a. Calculate and theo plot the frrst 25 terms of the sequeoce. Does the sequeoce appear to be bouoded from above or be- gence is so rapid. b. If the sequeoce converges, find an integer N such that Ia" - L I :5 0.01 for n '" N. How far in the sequeoce do you have to get for the terms to lie within 0.0001 of L? low? Does it appear to converge or diverge? If it does cooverge, what is the limit L? y 135. a, = COS~_l o I 138. an+l = an at = = 1, (I + 0~5)" = an + 5" QII+I + (-2)11 140. a" sinn sinn COMPUTER EXPLORATIONS Use a CAS to perform the followiog steps for the sequeoces in Exercises 135-146. 10.2 136. a" = 137. at = I, 139. an ~¥-~~--J------>x % = n sin k Inn 141. a, = --n- 142. a" = "... 143. a, = (0.9999)' 144. a" = (123456)1/, 145. an = n 41 8' I 146. a" = 19" n. Infinite Series An infinite series is the sum of an infmite sequence of numbers al + a2 + a, + ... + a, + ... The goal of this section is to understand the meaning of such an infinite sum and to develop methods to calculate it. Since there are infmitely many terms to add in an infinite series, we cannot just keep adding to see what comes out. Instead we look at the result of summing the first n terms of the sequence and stopping. The sum of the first n terms Sn = al + a2 + a3 + ... + all is an ordinary finite sum and can be calculated by normal addition. It is called the nth partial sum. As n geta larger, we expect the partial sums to get closer and closer to a limiting value in the same sense that the terms of a sequence approach a limit, as discussed in Section 10.1. For example, to assign meaning to an expression like 1+ 1 1 1 2 + 4 + "8 + 1 16 + ... we add the terms one at a time from the beginning and look for a pattern in how these partial sums grow. Partial sum Value Suggestive expression for partial sum First: Sl = 1 1 2 - 1 Second: s2=1+ 21 Third: 1 1 s,=I+-+2 4 3 2 7 4 1 2-2 1 2-4 nth: 1 1 1 s, =1+-+-+···+-2 4 2,-1 2' - 1 2n - 1 2 -n1-1 2 - 10.2 Infinite Series 545 Indeed there is a pattern. The partial sums form a sequence whose nth tenn is SrI = 1 2 - 2,,-1. This sequence of partial sums converges to 2 because 1im,,~00(I/2·-1) = O. We say "the sum of the infinite series 1 + !2 + !4 + ... + _1_ + ... 2.- 1 is 2." Is the sum of any fmite numberoftenns in this series equal to 2?No. Can we actually add an infinite number oftenns one by one? No. But we can still define their sum by defming it to be the limit of the sequence of partial sums as n --> 00, in this case 2 (Figure 10.8). Our knowledge of sequences and limits enables us to break away from the confines of finite sums. 1 114 ~ o 112 FIGURE 10.8 As the lengths 1, ,/2, '/., 1/8 2 'I" ... are added one by one, the sum approaches 2. HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) DEFINmONS Given a sequence of numbers {a.}, an expression of the form al+a2+ a3+ .. ·+ a.+ .. · is an inf"mite series. The number a. is the 11th term of the series. The sequence {s.} defmed by is the sequence of partial sums of the series, the number s. being the 11th partial sum. If the sequence of partial sums converges to a limit L, we say that the series converges and that its sum is L. In this case, we also write 00 al + az + ... + a. + ... = ~ a. = L . •- 1 If the sequence of partial sums of the series does not converge, we say that the series diverges. When we begin to study a given series al + az + ... + an + .. " we might not know whether it converges or diverges. In either case, it is convenient to use sigma notation to write the series as or A useful shor1hand when smnmation from 1 to 00 is understood 546 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series Geometric Series Geometric series are series of the form 00 a + aT + ar2 + ... + ar n- t + ... = L ar n- 1 11=1 in which a and r are fixed real numbers and a oF ~:o ar". The ratio r can be positive, as in o. The I I (1)"-1 + ... 1-t+~-···+ (-tf' + .... 1+-+-+···+ 2 4 2 series can also be written as r~I/2,a~1 ' or negative, as in r~ -1/3,a~ 1 If r = I, the nth partial sum of the geometric series is s" = a + a(l) + a(I)2 + ... + a(I)"-1 = na, and the series diverges because lim"~oo s" = ± 00, depending on the sign of a. If r = -I, the series diverges because the nth partial sums alternate between a and O. If Ir I oF 1, we can determine the convergence or divergence of the series in the following way: rSn = + aT + ar2 + ... + arl'l-l aT + ar2 + ... + arn- 1 + ar1! Sn - rSn = a - ar" Sn = a s.(1 - r) = a(1 - r") 8n = Multiply s. by r. Subtract rSn from Sn. Most of the terms on the right cancel. Factor. a(1 - r") 1- r ' (r oF 1). We can solve for 311 if r =F 1. If Irl < I, then rn --> 0 as n --> 00 (as in Section 10.1) and s" --> a/(I - r). Iflrl then Ir"I--> 00 and the series diverges. Iflrl < 1, the geometric series a to a/(I - r): + ar + ar2 + ... + ar"-l + ... > I, converges 00 L ar n - 1 = 11=1 _a_, 1- r Irl < I. If Ir I ;;,: I, the series diverges. We have determined when a geometric series converges or diverges, and to what value. Often we can determine that a series converges without knowing the value to which it converges, as we will see in the next several sections. The formula a/ (I - r) for the sum of a geometric series applies only when the summation index begins with n = I in the expression ~:"l ar"-l (or with the index n = 0 if we write the series as ~:o ar"). EXAMPLE 1 The geometric series with a I I I = 1/9 and r = 1/3 is I (I )"-' 9 + 27 + Sf + ... = ~ 9 3 EXAMPLE 2 00 1/9 I - (1/3) The series 00 (-I)n5 4" 5 5 5 4 16 64 ~--=5--+---+··· n~O I 6· • 10.2 is a geometric series with a a 547 = 5 and r = -1/4. It converges to 5 a + (l/4) 1- r ar - - Infinite Series = • 4. EXAMPLE 3 You drop a ball from a meters above a flat surface. Each time the ball hits the surface after falling a distance h, it rebounds a distance rh, where r is positive but less than 1. Find the total distance the ball travels up and down (Figure 10.9). --_( -_ _ _ ar2 __ _ Solution The total distance is ar 3 - - S 2ar = a + 2ar + 2ar 2 + 2ar 3 + ... = a + - = all+r -l-r -r This sum is 2ar/ (I - r) . If a = 6 m and r = 2/3, for instance, the distance is (a) 1 S EXAMPLE 4 ~ o o Solution o o a + (2/3) (5/3) = 6 1 _ (2/3) = 6 1/3 • = 30 m. Express the repeating decimal 5.232323 ... as the ratio of two integers. From the definition of a decimal number, we get a geometric series 5.232323 ... = 5 + 12030 + ~ + ~ + .. . o (l00) (l00) 1 ( 1 100 23 ( Q = 5 + 100 1 + 100 + o )2 + ... ) a = 1, r = 1/ 100 1/ (1 - 0.01) <Il ~ • <I> .,., -.. .,., ., .,A ., ., ., .'" 23 ( 1 ) 23 = 5 + 100 0.99 518 = 5 + 99 = 99 • Unfortunately, formulas like the one for the sum of a convergent geometric series are rare and we usually have to settle for an estimate of a series' sum (more about this later). The next example, however, is another case in which we can find the sum exactly. 00 (b) FIGURE 10.9 (a) Example 3 shows how to use a geometric series to calculate the total vertical distance traveled by a bouncing ball if the height of each rebound is reduced by the factor r. (b) A stroboscopic photo of a bouncing ball. EXAMPLE 5 Find the sum of the "telescoping" series L ( ~ n=i n n 1)' Solution We look for a pattern in the sequence of partial sums that might lead to a formula for Sk. The key observation is the partial fraction decomposition 1 n(n + 1) ---- n n + l' so 1 L--,---''----:n=i n(n + 1) k k ,&i (1 1) n-n+l and Removing parentheses and canceling adjacent terms of opposite sign collapses the sum to Sk = We now see that Sk ~ 1 as k ~ 00. 1- k 1 + 1. The series converges, and its sum is 1: 00 L 1 n=i n(n + 1) = 1 . • 548 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series The nth-Term Test for a Divergent Series One reason that a series may fail to converge is that its terms don't become small. EXAMPLE 6 The series 00 L,,+I=I+l+1+ ... +,,+I+ ... •-1" 1 2 3 " diverges because the partial sums eventually outgrow every preassigned number. Each term is greater than I, so the sum of" terms is greater than ". • Notice that lim.~oo a. must equal zero if the series ~::'~1 a. converges. To see why, let S represent the series' sum and s. = a, + a2 + ... + a. the nth partial sum. When n is large, both s. and S.-1 are close to S, so their difference, a., is close to zero. More formally, an = 3 11 - ~ 3 11 -1 S- S = O. Difference Rule for sequences This establishes the following theorem. I Caution Theorem 7 does not say that l:;1 an converges if tJn ---+ O. It is possible for a series to diverge when an ---+ 0 . 00 If ~ an converges, then an ----i> O. THEOREM 7 11=1 Theorem 7 leads to a test for detecting the kind of divergence that occurred in Example 6. The nth-Term Test for Divergence 00 L a. diverges if lim 11=1 an fails to exist or is different from zero. lI--i'OO EXAMPLE 7 The following are all examples of divergent series. 00 (a) L ,,2 diverges because ,,2 --> 00. n=1 (b) 00,,+1. ,,+1 L -,,diverges because - , , - --> I. n=1 (c) L (- 1).+1 diverges because lim.~oo( - 1).+1 does not exist. 00 .-1 00 -n (d) ~ 2n + EXAMPLE 8 . . -n 5 diverges because lim.~oo 2n +5 1 = - 2 oF o. • The series IIIIII II I 1+-+-+-+-+-+-+···+-+-+···+-+··· 224444 2'2' 2' ~ 2 terms 4 terms 2" terms diverges because the terms can be grouped into infinitely many clusters each of which adds to I, so the partial sums increase without bound. However, the terms of the series form a sequence that converges to O. Example 1 of Section 10.3 shows that the harmonic series also behaves in this manner. _ 10.2 Infinite Series 549 Combining Series Whenever we have two convergent series, we can add them term by term, subtract them term by term, or multiply them by constants to make new convergent series. If ~an = A and ~bn = B are convergent series, then THEOREM 8 ~(an + bn) = ~a. + ~bn = A + B 1. Sum Rule: 2. Difference Rule: 3. Constant Multiple Rule: (any number k). Proof The three rules for series follow from the analogous rules for sequences in Theorem 1, Section lO.1. To prove the Sum Rule for series, let ~=~+_+ ... +~ ~=b,+~+···+~. Then the partial sums of ~(an + bn) are Sn = (a, + b,) + (a2 + b2) + ... + (an + bn) = (a, + ... + an) + (b, + ... + bn) = An + Bn· Sinee An --+ A and Bn --+ B, we have Sn --+ A + B by the Sum Rule for sequences. The proof of the Difference Rule is similar. To prove the Constant Multiple Rule for series, observe that the partial sums of ~kan form the sequence Sn = ka, + ka2 + ... + kan = kia, + a2 + ... + an) = kAn. • which converges to kA by the Constant Multiple Rule for sequences. All corollaries of Theorem 8, we have the following results. We omit the proofs. 1. Every nonzero constant multiple of a divergent series diverges. 2. If ~an converges and ~bn diverges, then ~(an + bn) and ~(a. diverge. - bn) both Remember that ~(an + bn) can converge when ~a. and ~bn both diverge. = I + I + I + "'and~bn = (-I) + (-I) + (-1) +"'diverge, whereas ~(an + bn) = 0 + 0 + 0 + ... converges to O. Caution Forexample,~an EXAMPLE 9 00 (8) L n- l Find the sums of the following series. 3n-' _ 1 6n , 00 = L n- l 00 = L 11=1 ( 1 1 ) 2n-' - 6n-' 1 00 L I 2n-' - 11=1 6n-' I 1 1 - (1/2) =2- Q =± 5 5 1 - (1/6) Difference Rule Geometric series with a ~ 1 andr ~ 1/2,1/6 550 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series (b) Cons_ Multiple Rule = 4C - ~1/2») Geometric series with a I, r = = 1/2 • =8 Adding or Deleting Terms We can add a finite number of terms to a series or delete a rmite number of terms without altering the series' convergence or divergence, although in the case of convergence this will usually change the sum. If ~:;"~1 a, converges, then ~:;;'ka. converges for any k> land 00 Lan n=1 00 + = at a2 + ... + Conversely, if ~:;"-ka. converges for any It > ak-t + Lan" 1I=k I, then ~:::'1 a, converges. Thus, and HISTORICAL BIOGRAPHY Richard Dedekind (1831-1916) Reindexing As long as we preserve the order of its terms, we can reindex any series without altering its convergence. To raise the starting value of the index h units, replace the 11 in the fonnula fora, by 11 - h: 00 00 L an = 11-L1+11: an-h = 11 - 1 at + a2 + a3 + .... To lower the starting value of the index h units, replace the 11 in the fonnula for a. by 11 00 + h: 00 :L an = 11=1-11: :L an+h = 11=1 at + a2 + Q3 + .... We saw this reindexing in starting a geometric series with the index 11 = 0 instead of the index 11 = 1, but we can use any other starting index value as well. We usually give preference to indexings that lead to simple expressions. EXAMPLE 10 We can write the geometric series 1 00 ~ 2,-1 1 = I 1 + 2 + 4 + ... as 00 I ~2n' 00 1 ~ 2,-5' 11=5 00 or even 1 n~2n+4' The partial sums remain the same no matter what indexing we choose. • 10.2 Infinite Series 551 Exercises 10.2 Finding nth Partial Sums Using the nth-Tenn Test Iu Exercises l--{j, fmd a formula for the nth partial sum of each series and use it to fmd the series' sum if the series converges. Iu Exercises 27-34, use the nth-Term Test for divergence to show that 1. 2+~+~+l+ ... +~+ ... 3 9 27 3,-1 2 ~ + _9_ + _9_ + ... + _9_ + ... • 100 100' 100' 100' 3.1_ 1 + 1 _ 1 +"'+(_1),-1_1_+ ... 2 4 8 2,-1 4.1- 2 +4 - 8 + ... + (-1),-12,-1 + ... the series is divergent, or state that the test is inconclusive. 00 n ~ n(n + I) 27. ~ n + 10 28. ,-I (n + 2)(n + 3) 00 00 I 30. ~+29. ~~4 11""0 n 11- 1 n + 3 00 , 00 I 31. ~ cos" 32. ~+-+ 11"'0 e n ,-I 34. ~ cosmT I I I I 5. 2. 3 + 3· 4 + 4· 5 + ... + (n + I)(n + 2) + ... 5 5 5 5 6. 1'2 + 2'3 + 3'4 + ... + n(n + I) + ... Series with Geometric Terms Iu Exercises 7-14, write out the fITst few tenDs of each series to show how the series starts. Then fmd the sum of the series. 00 (-I)' 7. ~-4' , -0 00 7 (5 + I) (I + -----sn (-I)') ~ m (~y + + (~)' + (~)' + .. . 1& (~2y + (~2)' + (~2)' + (~2)' + (~2)6 + ... Repeating Decimals Express each of the numbers in Exercises 19-26 as the ratio of two integers. 19. 0.23 = 0.23 23 23 ... 20. 0.234 = 0.234 234 234 ... 21. 0.7 = 0.7777 .. . 22. O.d = O.dddd ... , where d is a digit = 0.06666 .. . 24. 1.414 (I"-~I I) n 00 37. ~ (In v;;-+! ,-I (t) + (t)' + (t)' + (t)' + (t)' + ... 23. 0.06 11- 1 00 40. ~ 211 16. 1+ (-3) + (-3)2 + (-3)' + (-3)' + .. . 17. 00 35. ~ - 36.~(3 3) (n + I)' '-1~' In Vn) 311 In Exercises 15--18, determine if the geometric series converges or diverges. If a series converges. fmd its sum. 15. I + Iu Exercises 35-40, fmd a formula for the nth partial sum of the series and use it to detennine if the series converges or diverges. If a series converges, ftnd its sum. 11=1 00 11. ~ 211 00 Telescoping Series 38. ~ (tan (n) - tan (n - I)) 9. ,-I ~4' 13. 11=0 1.414414414 ... = 25. 1.24123 = 26. 3.142857 1.24123 123 123 .. . = 3.142857 142857 .. . (Vn+4 - Vn+3) Find the sum of each series in Exercises 41-48. 41 ~. 4 . ::1 (4n - 3)(4n + I) 43 ~ 40n • ,~1 (2n - 1)'(2n + I)' 45. 00(1 I) ~ Vn - v;;-+! 47 ~. '.;:1 ( 42 ~ . ::1 (2n 6 - 1)(2n + I) 44.~2n+1 ,~1 n'(n 46. 00(1 ~ 21/, + I)' I) - 21/(,+ 1) I _ I ) In(n+2) In(n+l) 48. ~(tan-l (n) - tao-I (n + I)) ,-I Convergence or Divergence Which series in Exercises 49--{j8 converge, and which diverge? Give reasons for your answers. If a series converges, f"md its sum. 00(1)' 49. ~ • r.:: 11=0 v2 51. ~ (-1)'+1 11=1 00 53. ~ cosmT 11=0 3, 2 00 SO. ~(V2r n=O 52. ~ ( -1)'+1n n=l 00 54. ~ cos:'11' n=O 5 552 Chapter 10: Infinite Sequences and Series 00 ,-I 59. 61. ~~ 11=-1 83. Show by example that ~(aJb,) may diverge even though and ~b, converge and no b, equals O. 56. ~ In 3' 00 57. I 00 e-'" ,-0 55. ~ 00 58. 10" 00 2"_ 1 00 1 84. Find convergent geometric series A ~ ~a, and B ~ ~b, that illustrate the fact that ~a"b. may converge without being equal toAB. I ~"' Ixl> 11=0 X I I)' ~3" 00 ( 60.~ I-Ii ~ I~O' 00 • 00 21'. 85. Show by example that ~(a,/b,) may converge to something other than A/Beven when A ~ ~a., B ~ ~b. #' 0, and no b, equals O. 62. ~"1Ft n! 2"+ 3" 63. ~11=1 4" 00 64. 86. If ~a, converges and a, > 0 for all n, can anything be said about ~(l/a,,)? Give reasons for your answer. + 4" ~311+411 87. What happens if you add a fmite number of terms to a divergent series or delete a ftnite number of tenns :from a divergent series? Give reasons for your answer. 65.~1n(n :1) 11=-1 Geometric Series with a Variable x In each of the geometric series in Exercises 69-72, write out the fl!St few terms of the series to fmd a and r, and fmd the sum of the series. Then express the inequality Ir I < I in terms of x and fmd the values of x for which the inequality holds and the series converges. 69. ~(-I)'x' 70. ~(-I)'x'" .-0 (-I)' ( ~-2- 3 + 00 88. If ~a" converges and ~b. diverges, can anything be said about their term-by-term sum ~(a, + b,)? Give reasons for your answer. 89. Make up a geometric series ~ar"-l that converges to the number 5if a. a =2 b. a ~ 13/2. 90. Find the value of b for which 1 + eb + e2JJ + e3b + ... = 9. 91. For what values of r dues the infinite series ,-0 72. ~a" I sinx )' converge? Find the sum of the series when it converges. 10 Exercises 73-78, find the values of x for which the given geometric senes converges. Also, fmd the sum of the series (as a function ofx) for those values of x. 00 00 73. ~2'x' 74. ~(-!)y'" ,-0 ,-0 00 92. Show that the error (L - so) obtained by replacing a convergent geometric series with one of its partial sums s" is ar"/( 1 - r). 93. The accompanying figure shows the first five of a sequence of squares. The outermost square has an area of 4 m2 • Each of the other squares is obtained by joining the midpoints of the sides of the squares before it Find the sum of the areas of all the squares. I)"(x - 3)' 00 ( - 76. ~ 75. ~(-I)'(x + I)' 11=0 11=0 00 00 .- 2 78. ~(lnx)' 77. ~ sin"x Theory and Examples 79. The series in Exercise 5 can also be written as ~ I ,~I (n + I)(n + 2) d ~ an ,~_I (n Write it as a sum beginning with (a) n (0) n ~ 5. ~ I + 3)(n + 4) . -2, (b) n ~ 94. Helga von Kocb's snowflake CIIl"W Helga von Koch's snowflake is • curve of infmite length that encloses a region of fmite area. To see why thls is so, suppose the curve is generated by starting with an equilateral triangle whose sides have length 1. 0, 80. The series in Exercise 6 can also be written as 00 5 ~ n(n + I) 00 and ~ (n + 5 !)(n Write it as a sum beginning with (a) n (0) n ~ 20. + 2) . ~ -I, (b) n ~ 3, 81. Make up an infinite series of nonzero terms whose sum. is L I b . -3 c. O. 82. (Continuation o/Exercise 81.) Can you make an write series of nonzero terms that converges to any number you want? Explain. .. Find the length L, of the nth curve C, and show that limn. . . oo L" = 00. b. Find the area An of the region enclosed by C, and show that lim,~ooA. ~ (8/5)A , . LOO O C2 c,
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