February 22 - First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego

Sunday Intergenerational Worship Service
Sunday Intergenerational Worship Service
February 22, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.
February 22, 2015 at 9:30 a.m.
Centering Thought
Centering Thought
“Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No!
They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action.”
— Desmond Tutu
Gathering Bell
Gathering Music
Opening Words
Opening Song
“Día ya es” (“Morning Has Come”)
— Traditional
Melanie Davis, song leader
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
and piano
Rev. Jennifer Channin, Assistant Minister
Michael Gilgun, Worship Associate
# 60 “Nos hemos reunido”
(“We Gather Together”)
“Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No!
They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action.”
— Desmond Tutu
Gathering Bell
Gathering Music
Opening Words
Opening Song
“Día ya es” (“Morning Has Come”)
— Traditional
Melanie Davis, song leader
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
and piano
Rev. Jennifer Channin, Assistant Minister
Michael Gilgun, Worship Associate
# 60 “Nos hemos reunido”
(“We Gather Together”)
Welcome and Announcements
Church Hymn (words in English and Spanish on screen)
Church Aspiration and Kindling of the Chalice
Welcome Your Neighbor
Story for All Ages
“The Three Little Pig, Revisited”
Welcome and Announcements
Church Hymn (words in English and Spanish on screen)
Church Aspiration and Kindling of the Chalice
Welcome Your Neighbor
Story for All Ages
“The Three Little Pig, Revisited”
Generosity Offering
Generosity Offering
Meditation Song
— Dr. Melissa James
“Though I May Speak With Bravest Fire”
— Traditional
# 31 “Fuente de amor” (“Spirit of Life”)
“To Speak With Bravest Fire”
Rev. Jennifer Channin, Assistant Minister
Meditation Song
— Dr. Melissa James
“Though I May Speak With Bravest Fire”
— Traditional
# 31 “Fuente de amor” (“Spirit of Life”)
“To Speak With Bravest Fire”
Rev. Jennifer Channin, Assistant Minister
Closing Song
# 1026 “If Every Woman in the World”
Extinguishing of the Chalice
— Sara Bareilles
Question for Reflection—
Closing Song
# 1026 “If Every Woman in the World”
Extinguishing of the Chalice
— Sara Bareilles
Question for Reflection—
How do we remain loving, while we hold others accountable?
How do we remain loving, while we hold others accountable?
Church Hymn
From all who dwell below the skies,
Let faith and hope with love arise,
Let beauty, truth, and good be sung
Through ev’ry land, by ev’ry tongue.
Church Hymn
From all who dwell below the skies,
Let faith and hope with love arise,
Let beauty, truth, and good be sung
Through ev’ry land, by ev’ry tongue.
De todos bajo el gran sol
Surja esper‿anza fe, amor
Verdad, y‿belleza cantando,
De cada tierra, cada voz.
De todos bajo el gran sol
Surja esper‿anza fe, amor
Verdad, y‿belleza cantando,
De cada tierra, cada voz.
Church Aspiration
May love be the spirit of this church,
May the quest for truth be its sacrament,
And service be its prayer
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
And to help one another in fellowship,
This is our Aspiration.
El amor es la doctrina de esta iglesia,
La búsqueda de la verdad es su sacramento
Y el servicio es su oración.
Habitar juntos en paz,
Buscar la verdad con libertad,
Y servir a la humanidad juntos,
Esto es lo que pactamos unos con otros.
To hear today’s and previous sermons online, scan this QR code.
Church Aspiration
May love be the spirit of this church,
May the quest for truth be its sacrament,
And service be its prayer
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
And to help one another in fellowship,
This is our Aspiration.
El amor es la doctrina de esta iglesia,
La búsqueda de la verdad es su sacramento
Y el servicio es su oración.
Habitar juntos en paz,
Buscar la verdad con libertad,
Y servir a la humanidad juntos,
Esto es lo que pactamos unos con otros.
To hear today’s and previous sermons online, scan this QR code.
Please silence your cell phone.
Thank you.
Favor de apagar
p g sus celulares.
Welcome to Intergenerational Worship
at South Bay.
“Frequently people think compassion and
love are merely sentimental.
sentimental No!
They are very demanding.
If you are going to be compassionate
be prepared for action.”
“Con frecuencia la gente piensa que el amor y la
compasión son meramente sentimentales
sentimentales. ¡No!
Son muy exigentes.
Si vas a ser compasivo,
compasivo prepárate para actuar.
actuar ”
— Desmond Tutu
Día ya es
(“Morning Has Come”)
~ Traditional
Worship Musicians:
Melanie Davis, song leader
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
and piano
Please rise in body or spirit for hymn
# 60 in
i the
th purple
l hymnal
Nos hemos reunido”
(“We Gather Together”)
Worship Musicians:
M l i Davis,
D i song leader
l d
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
d piano
“We Gather Together”
English Verse 1 of 2:
We gather together in joyful thanksgiving,
acclaiming creation, whose bounty we share;
gladness we find
both sorrow and g
now in our living,
we sing a hymn of praise to the life that
we bear.
“We Gather Together”
Spanish Verse 1 of 2:
Nos hemos reunido ̮ en agradecimiento por la
creación que vivimos aquí.
es tamos comparttiendo,
Do lores y gozos
alaban as por n
estro ̮ existir.
e istir
“We Gather Together”
English Verse 2 of 2:
We gather together to join in the journey,
confirming, committing our passage to be
y and tribulation,,
a true affirmation,, in jjoy
when bound to human care and hope
then we are free.
“We Gather Together”
Spanish Verse 2 of 2:
Nos hemos reunido en esta jornada
a reafirmar una clara verdad:
que cuando ̮ el amor hacia ̮ el p
nos bañe,
ya nuestro corazón obtendrá libertad
Please be seated.
Please rise in body or spirit for
Our Church Hymn
and Aspiration
Worship Musicians:
g leader
Melanie Davis,, song
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
and piano
First Church Hymn
From all who dwell below the skies,
Let faith and hope with love arise,
Let beauty, truth, and good be sung
Through ev’ry
ev ry land, by ev
ry tongue.
First Church Hymn
De todos bajo el gran sol
Surja esperanza, fe, amor
Verdad, y belleza cantando,
De cada tierra, cada voz.
First Church Aspiration
May love be the spirit of this church,
May the quest for truth be its sacrament,
And service be its prayer
To dwell together in peace,
To seek knowledge in freedom,
And to help one another in fellowship,
This is our Aspiration.
First Church Aspiration
El amor es la doctrina de esta iglesia,
La búsqueda de la verdad es su sacramento
Y el servicio es su oración.
Habitar juntos en paz,
Buscar la verdad con libertad,
Y servir a la humanidad juntos,
Esto es lo que pactamos unos con otros.
Please remain
i standing
to ggreet and welcome yyour neighbor.
Children s Affirmation
We are Unitarian Universalists,
a people of open minds,
loving hearts,
and welcoming hands.
Afirmación de los Niños
Somos Unitarios Universalistas,
Personas de mentes abiertas,
Corazones amorosos,
Y manos que dan la bienvenida
The Three Little Pigs,
Pigs Revisited”
~ version by Dr. Melissa James
Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in
C fi
t (CIVIC) non-profit
fit whose
i i is
to end the isolation and abuse of people in U. S.
i ti detention
d t ti through
h visitation,
i it ti
independent monitoring, storytelling, and advocacy.
Th hheartt off CIVIC’
CIVIC’s workk is
i community-based
it b d andd
volunteer-run immigration detention visitation
programs, suchh as SOLACE
Though I May Speak
With Bravest Fire”
~ Traditional
p Musicians:
Melanie Davis, song leader
y Music Coordinator
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay
and piano
“Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire”
Verse 1 of 3:
Though I may speak with bravest fire,
and have the gift to all inspire,
and have not love,, myy words are vain,,
as sounding brass, and hopeless gain.
“Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire”
Verse 2 of 3:
Though I may give all I possess,
and striving so my love profess,
b t nott b
be given
by llove within,
the profit soon turns strangely thin.
“Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire”
Verse 3 of 3:
Come, Spirit, come, our hearts control,
our spirits long to be made whole
Let inward love guide every deed;
by this we worship,
worship and are freed.
Please remain seated for meditation hymn
# 31 in
i the
th purple
l hymnal
t de
d amor””
of Life”))
Worship Musicians:
Melanie Davis, song leader
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
and piano
“Fuente de Amor”
Fuente de ̮ Amor, ven hacia mí.
Y ̮ al corazón, cántale tu compasión.
Sopla ̮ al volar
volar, sube ̮ en la mar,
hasta moldear la jjusticia de la vida.
Arráigame, libérame,
Fuente de ̮ Amor, ven a mí, ven a mí.
“Spirit of Life”
Spirit of Life, come unto me.
Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.
Blow in the wind, rise in the sea;
move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.
Roots hold me close; wings set me free;
Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.
To Speak with Bravest Fire”
Rev. Jennifer Channin,
Assistant Minister
Please rise in body or spirit for hymn
# 1026 in
i the
th tteall hymnal
“If E
Every W
Woman iin th
the W
Worship Musicians:
Melanie Davis, song leader
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
and piano
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 1 of 4:
If ev’ry woman in the world
had her mind set on freedom,
y woman in the world
if ev’ry
dreamed a sweet dream of peace,
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 1 of 4:
If ev’ry woman of ev’ry nation,
young and old, each generation,
held her hands out in the name of love
there would be no more war.
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 2 of 4:
If ev’ry man in the world
had his mind set on freedom,
y brother stood with brother
if ev’ry
as a witness for peace,
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 2 of 4:
If ev’ry man of ev’ry nation,
young and old, each generation,
held his hands out in the name of love
there would be no more war.
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 3 of 4:
If ev’ry leader in the world
shared a vision of freedom,
y leader in the world
if ev’ry
shared a sweet dream of peace,
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 3 of 4:
If ev’ry leader of ev’ry nation,
worked for justice and liberation,
g hands out in the name of love
there would be no more war.
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 4 of 4:
If ev’ry nation in the world
set a true course for freedom,
y nation raised its children
if ev’ry
in a culture of peace,
“If Every Woman in the World”
Verse 4 of 4:
If all our sons and all our daughters,
reached in friendship across the waters,
g to be enemies,,
there would be no more war.
Please remain standing for the Blessing.
Please be seated.
b Sara
Worship Musicians:
Melanie Davis, song leader
Lorelei Isidro, South Bay Music Coordinator
and piano