Corporate enew al r The Newsletter of TURNAROUND MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION From Our President Chicago/Midwest Chapter Volume 15 | Issue 3 | May 2014 Dan Wikel, Huron Business Advisory Your Network and Balancing Your Greatest Resource: Time In our prior newsletter, I highlighted TMA conferences, networking events, and other ways to efficiently and effectively remain in tune with our marketplace and manage your referral and client base. However, there are only so many hours in a day and sometimes a full eight hours of sleep becomes more of an option rather than a given. During a time of 24/7 enabling technology, the demands of our clients and referral base may impose challenges on our social life, family life, and general mental and physical health. What is the best way to manage our business, social, and family life? Many people have made a living providing guidance either through live programs or writing books answering this basic question. In my search of the perfect answer, I have observed friends and mentors in our industry, as well as read a few of the hundreds of books available on this topic. In assessing this question through my career, I have concluded that the best way to manage this depends on your current professional role and stage in your life. A few common themes I have observed are: What’s Inside? • A balanced schedule and moderation leads to almost no one being satisfied. The point is, no matter how hard we strive for a balanced schedule and moderation, you will inevitably need to address client crisis’, family issues, or lend an ear or helping hand to a colleague. It is during those times that your full and devoted attention is required and our clients have come to expect this level of service. In some cases, you have to visit a client during a family vacation, spend time with a friend, colleague, or potential referral in the evening over dinner or drinks, or need to cancel your already-full day of meetings to address a family issue. While inconvenient and tiring, I find that during those times, you can create or strengthen your relationship with that person. The downside is your schedule becomes unbalanced and something has to give, usually sleep or a workout. VP’s Corner ............................................ 3 Upcoming Events .................................. 4 Past Events ........................................ 5-10 CRM on a Shoestring .......................... 11 Community Service Spotlight ............ 12 From the Blog....................................... 13 New Member Listing ........................... 14 At one point in my career, someone suggested I begin each day with a schedule and “to-do list” that allows time for daily reading, client emergencies, and new opportunities. Do not start your day with a full day of activities, as this limits time to explore new opportunities or new deals. Interestingly, I found this becomes more and more important as my career progresses. Member News ..................................... 14 What’s the Deal? ................................ 15 m Newsletter Advertising Information ... 16 Memorial Scholarship Foundation Board of Directors ............................... 17 Chapter CTPs and CTAs ..................... 17 Membership Application ................... 18 Board Member and Steering Committee List ..................... 19 Platinum & Gold Sponsors .................. 20 • Your priorities and responsibilities continuously change throughout your career. Early in my career and when I was single, my work calendar was subject to my managers and partners, which in some cases lead to long nights and weekend work. It also involved managing the mornings after late nights with friend and colleagues. Oh, the fun times in Lincoln Park and Wrigleyville! In my current role at work, I tend to have more control over my work schedule, but I find myself travelling more frequently and now have another element of family and kids’ activities that constantly tug at my schedule. As a result, continued on page 2 continued from page 1 my work calendar is more restricted on the weekend and has required earlier weekday mornings. • You can use technology to your advantage. Embrace technology to assist in managing your current life situation. Perhaps someday, as a client, I will be able to have a “no technology Sunday”. Until that time, I try to be proactive and efficient with technology to best manage my calendar of activities. If LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, texting, and personal and work email are overwhelming or burdensome, find the right combination that suits you and your current situation. I personally rely on the updated TMA website and LinkedIn. • The lifeblood of our business is our current clients and securing new clients. While securing new business is important, executing and achieving the best outcome for our clients and referral base is our greatest marketing. Conversely, failure or mistakes can often lead to significant challenges on many fronts for future business. When the Chicago Blackhawks lost the first two games against their archrival, the St. Louis Blues, I noted a central theme in their comeback: a balanced and methodical attack during the next four games. Perhaps we can apply that simple philosophy to our daily lives. Most of us spent time and resources attending many conferences, TMA programs, or other networking events over this past winter, working in our hotels and enduring travel delays and cancellations. These activities allow us to establish and maintain our network and relationships. Now the hard part: follow-up and don't let all of your past efforts be wasted. So, what is the best way to manage our business, social, and family life? Everyone’s time and work and family demands are unique and nothing is static. More importantly, continue to effectively nurture your network and optimize your time by participating in our premier TMA programs: • June: Charity golf outing at The Grand Geneva • September: Sponsor appreciation event and MidAmerica Regional Conference in Minneapolis • October: NextGen’s first annual marquee event • November: Executive Speaker Forum In closing, Chris Glatz, our Administrator Extraordinaire shared a thought with me recently: May 2014 | Page 2 Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. VP’s Corner Thoughts from Zachary Garrett, VP Communications Goldberg Kohn Ltd. Promote You and Your Firm in 2014 In the last edition of this newsletter I emphasized a few of the ways in which the Chicago/Midwest Chapter of the TMA helps its members to stay connected—connected to the issues that impact our practices, and to each other as clients, colleagues, and friends. Through a diverse offering of educational, leadership, and networking programs, our chapter makes it easy for members to stay connected, learn, and develop the expertise that we all strive for as turnaround professionals. In this edition, I expand upon that theme by emphasizing a particular benefit that membership brings; namely, advertising and self-promotion. One important goal of staying connected with clients and colleagues is business development. Building and maintaining client relationships is imperative to sustaining and expanding one’s business. Perhaps the best method for building client relationships is direct, personal interaction. As emphasized in the last edition of this newsletter, the Chicago/Midwest Chapter offers its members a variety of opportunities to establish, develop, and preserve valuable professional relationships. Indeed, the chapter’s many social and educational events are designed with networking in mind and are meant to foster and encourage personal interaction. Moreover, many chapter programs are designed to give members a platform from which to educate their fellow members (and, therefore, potential clients and references) about important developments in the industry. Whether it is by networking at an entertainment event, participating in a breakfast or lunch forum, or serving as a panelist in one of our many educational workshops, our chapter provides the opportunities to promote you and your firm through meaningful one-on-one interaction. So sign up, show up, and start promoting you and your firm today. In addition to building personal relationships, it is often important to market your business in a broader context, and advertising is one way to do that. The Chicago/Midwest Chapter offers members a variety of advertising and marketing options that can help promote their brands. Such options include advertising in the Newsletter of Corporate Renewal, becoming a sponsor and sponsoring chapter events, writing an article or authoring a blog post, and publicizing your firm’s recent accomplishments in the “Members News” and “What’s the Deal?” features of this newsletter. In this edition I will focus on how members can best maximize the advertising and promotional opportunities that the Newsletter of Corporate Renewal provides in each edition. entire chapter of more than 1,100 members who are located in Illinois, Wisconsin, and throughout the Midwest. Further, each edition of the newsletter is also distributed to regional members of a guest organization whose members overlap with the TMA’s membership, including the American Bankruptcy Institute, the Commercial Finance Association, the Midwest Business Brokers and Intermediaries, the International Women’s Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation, the Association for Corporate Growth, and the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors. More information about which guest organizations will be participating in upcoming editions of the Newsletter can be found at page 16. Advertising in the Newsletter of Corporate Renewal therefore helps you to connect with members of the TMA and other trade organizations throughout the Midwest. As the following table illustrates, it is also affordable: Size Color Black & White Full Page $1,460 $1,065 Half Page $820 $605 Quarter Page $525 $380 Eighth Page $315 $230 We encourage all members to promote themselves in the newsletter today, and we invite you to reach out to Joanne Krakora ([email protected]) for additional advertising-related information. In addition to traditional advertising platforms, the newsletter provides alternative marketing opportunities for building personal and firm brands. Among the most effective is the publication of substantive articles and blog posts. Indeed, the Chicago/Midwest Chapter encourages its members to author original works on turnaround topics and contribute them to the newsletter and blog. Keeping our members connected to important industry developments is a leading objective of the newsletter and the blog, and we rely upon our members to do that. Publishing an article in the newsletter or the blog is an effective way of maximizing your TMA membership while freely advertising yourself, your firm, and your ideas. If you are interested in publishing an article in the newsletter, then please contact Abhi Hazarika (abhi_hazarika@; to inquire about submitting an article for the chapter blog, please contact Erin Broderick (Erin.Broderick@ Perhaps the quickest and easiest way to promote you and your firm in the newsletter is to highlight your most recent success or milestone in the “Members News” and “What’s the Deal?” features. Each of these sections is specifically designed to help you announce important news to the membership, whether it is the closing of a deal or the acceptance of an award. Submit your news today and stay connected to what is happening in your chapter. The Newsletter of Corporate Renewal is a publication of the Turnaround Management Association Chicago/Midwest Chapter. It is issued five times annually. Submissions to the newsletter should be directed to: Abhi Hazarika, [email protected] May 2014 | Page 3 This newsletter is published five times per year in January, March, May, August, and October, and is widely distributed in both print and electronic form. Indeed, the newsletter is distributed to the Upcoming Events: The Details Meet the Madison Bankers Reception NextGen Luncheon Breakfast Forum: "The Toughest Turnaround Save the date Thursday, June 5, 2014 Whyte Hirschboeck Dudeck S.C. offices, Madison Friday, June 6, 2014 East Bank Club, 500 North Kingsbury, Chicago Milwaukee Networking Breakfast Tuesday, June 10, 2014 Hotel Metro, 411 East Mason Street, Milwaukee Women’s Dine Around Thursday, June 19, 2014 Select restaurants in downtown Chicago Friday, June 27, 2014 Lockton Companies, LLC. MidAmerica Regional Conference Thursday-Friday, September 11-12, 2014 Kaye Scholer, 70 West Madison Street, Chicago Executive Speaker Forum Monday, November 24, 2014 Radisson Blu Aqua, 221 North Columbus Drive, Chicago 14th Annual Charity Golf Outing Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Grand Geneva Resort & Spa, Lake Geneva, WI May 2014 | Page 4 For more information on these and all other chapter events, please visit Scholarship Foundation Hosts "Catch Phrase" Tournament Suzanne Koenig, SAK Management Services LLC On March 6, the TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter Memorial Scholarship Foundation hosted a “Catch Phrase” Tournament just like Jimmy Fallon did on TV with Reese Witherspoon, Usher, and Mikaela Shiffrin. While many enjoyed classic TMA networking at a classic venue, Gibson’s Steakhouse, everyone who participated had some good ‘ol fashion fun playing “Catch Phrase”— an adult game that had everyone rolling from laughter. You could hear throughout the crowd, “It made me feel like a kid all over again, although we are a bunch of adults just being silly!” Many of the neophytes who played promised this would be the game of choice at their homes or company outings when the crowd gets together. Four teams were comprised upon arrival, which created some staunch competition. After a playoff round, four lucky winners went home with $50 in Gibson’s gift certificates. In addition to playing “Catch Phrase”, attendees were invited to play in other ways. Many played the odds and purchased a raffle ticket for only $20 which could qualify them to win a foursome to this year’s golf outing (an $800 value). The 14th Annual Charity Golf Outing will be held June 24 at the Grand Geneva Resort & Spa in Lake Geneva, WI. Special thanks to Chris Glatz and Sue Fisher for their assistance in making this event unforgettable! Clockwise from top right (L-R): Joyce Ciyou and Suzy Koenig; Carl Lane and Norm Newman; Theresa Wolf-McKenzie and Robert McKenzie; and Lisa Wozney and Lenier Johnson Jr. Photos by Cole Simon. LOEB TERM SOLUTIONS FUNDS OVER $5 MILLION OF EQUIP. Your Trusted Equipment Partner Provides Creative Solutions for Challenging Situations We finance all types of manufacturers because we know asset values. How can we help YOU close more deals? Loeb Term Solutions Just Helped 4 Clients Achieve Their Goals 1.3 Million 1.2 Million 1.5 Million 1.1 Million YOUR TRUSTED RESOURCE FOR EQUIPMENT SOLUTIONS FOR 134 YEARS Equipment Sales, Purchases, Rentals & Leasing Certified Market Appraisals Auction Services Equipment Term Loans INDUSTRIAL AUCTIONEERS 800-560-LOEB (5632) LOEBEQUIPMENT.COM LOEBWINTERNITZ.COM 773-548-4131 LOEBAPPRAISAL.COM LOEBTERMSOLUTIONS.COM May 2014 | Page 5 LOEB APPRAISAL LOEB WINTERNITZ President of The Onion Mike McAvoy at the TMA Lunch Forum Ryan Jaskiewicz, 12five Capital On March 26, TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter members had the pleasure of hearing from the president of The Onion, Mike McAvoy. McAvoy shared his insights on what it took to transition the company from a fully print-based business into the digital juggernaut that it is today. He also shed some light on pivoting some of the company’s resources into The Onion’s internal production group known as Onion Labs. Onion Labs is responsible for producing many of the hilarious commercials you see on TV today through this white label production group. This event received a lot of press and was even featured on the front page of the Sunday Business section for the Chicago Tribune. The Breakfast Forum Committee thanks McAvoy and Derek Cuculich from The Onion for putting together a great presentation for our group. This year the committee is trying to shake up the breakfast/lunch forums by offering our members the opportunity to listen to new and interesting speakers. We look forward to seeing you at our next forum on June 6. Larry Adelson, Dan Wikel, and Derek Cuculich of The Onion Linda Peddle, David Levy, and Miriam Stein Gordon Gouveia, Mike McAvoy of The Onion, Evelyn Berthold, and Ryan Jazkiewicz Photos by Cole Simon Nick Hagar and Mark Hagar Milwaukee Educational Panel Features Industry Experts By Bill Farrar, Associated Commercial Finance Inc. May 2014 | Page 6 The TMA Milwaukee Committee held its first educational event of 2014 on April 1 at the Milwaukee Athletic Club. The panel discussion, titled “Answers to Your Questions about Wisconsin Workouts—Lessons from the Real World”, was presented by a distinguished panel of Milwaukee attorneys, including moderator Kim Wynn of Whyte Hirschboeck Dudek (WHD) and panelists Randy Crocker (von Briesen & Roper), Mike Jankowski (Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren), and Daryl Diesing and Bill Hughes of WHD. The panelists, with experience in Wisconsin labor laws and restructurings, bankruptcies, and collections, shared their experiences with the Wisconsin WARN Act, Wage Liens, chapter 128 receiverships, and use and enforcement of non-compete agreements. The event was well attended and well received as the Q&A session carried over to the cocktail reception. Our next event is scheduled for Thursday, June 5—a Madison networking reception. Milwaukee Networking Breakfast By Gene K. Arenson, HYPERAMS LLC The Milwaukee Committee held its second networking breakfast of the year On April 8 at Hotel Metro. There was yet another great showing with more than 50 attendees. Congratulations to the two winners of the gift certificates, John Wirth and Bill Stoll. The next Milwaukee breakfast is planned for June 10 and will be on the rooftop of Hotel Metro at ZEN on 7, so plan to be there! May 2014 | Page 7 Discussing Current Trends in Financing at the Women’s Group Luncheon Linda Peddle, The Keystone Group The TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter’s Women’s Group kicked off its annual educational luncheon series on April 9 at the Metropolitan Club. The intimate group enjoyed a lively discussion of current trends in the financing process, moderated by Linda Peddle of The Keystone Group. Points of view on topics ranging from structuring complexities, the plethora of lender options, and potential future regulatory impacts were provided by Beth Karlson of PNC, Natalie Marjancik of Lincoln International, Tammy Roehm of NXT Capital, and James Stief of McDonald Hopkins. Some added excitement was caused by loose window washer cables that pounded the dining room windows throughout the event. The luncheon was a great opportunity for the diverse group of attendees to share observations and hear viewpoints from their peers. We hope to see you back at the Metropolitan Club for the next Women’s Group educational luncheon on November 5. Top row, from left (L-R): Beth Karlson, Linda Peddle, Tammy Roehm, Natalie Marjanck, and James Stief; Morgan Ortiz, Donatella Savino, and Monika Witek; and Miriam Stein and Sue Burke. Bottom row, from left (L-R): Mark Gross, Kate Saccany, Steven Ruth, and Darrel Frenzel; Evelyn Berthold, Kimberly Bukovsky, and Christine Schoof; and Shira Isenberg, Eva Chapman, Alicia Meyerhoff, and Francis Harris. Photos by Cole Simon. Chambers USA calls the Ungaretti & Harris Finance and Restructuring attorneys... May 2014 | Page 8 remiere middle-market ng and insolvency practice “An emerging force in the market” Proud sponsor of Need to find process problems fast? We find the waste in the value stream quickly. In the office or in the plant, call us for walk-throughs, quick hit work, or long-term continuous improvement. And if you have any pesky projects you need managed, we’ll do that too. Michael Bates Bates Management Services, LLC Tel: 262.501.0259 Email: [email protected] Web: Master’s Viewing Party William S. Hackney, SmithAmundsen LLC On April 11, more than 60 TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter members and their guests ventured into the heart of the Loop to share some afternoon cocktails, shake a few hands, watch a little golf, and even swing a club or two as Play 18 played host to the TMA’s inaugural Master’s Viewing Party. The cavernous yet sunny space provided all in attendance an ample opportunity to mix and mingle, taste the offerings provided by Levy Catering, and watch the second round of what is arguably the most venerable of the nation’s golf tournaments—the Masters. Those in attendance were also able to have their own golf swing analyzed thanks to Play 18’s on-site professionals. But perhaps the most interesting activity was the club’s virtual golf simulators which invited the attendees to play a round themselves, or just hit some balls, at some the world’s most famous golf destinations. The event was fun, fresh, and unique, and will hopefully remain a staple of the TMA social calendar for some time to come. Tom rop, from left (L-R): Forrester Faia; Evelyn Berthold; Mark Gertzof and Tim Derry; and Tyler Mayoras and Dave Traverso; Bottom row from left (L-R): David Gaito, Jeff Kolke, Rich Rogers, and Tim Derry; Carl Lane, Mike Williams, and Paul Krantz; and Mike Brandess, Alex Boerema, and Will Kemp. Photos by Cole Simon. Save the date! TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter 14th Annual Charity Golf Outing Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Limited Sponsorship Opportunities Available Contact Chris Glatz at 815 469 2935 Proceeds from this event benefit the chapter’s Memorial Scholarship Foundation May 2014 | Page 9 Grand Geneva Resort & Spa Lake Geneva, WI Springtime NextGen Luncheon Series Will Kemp, Bibby Financial Services (Midwest) Inc. On April 23, the NextGen Committee hosted its first networking luncheon of 2014 at Jenner & Block. More than 25 TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter members gathered to network with their industry peers and enjoy an amazing lunch provided by Huron Business Advisory. The first portion of the event consisted of catching up with friends and making new acquaintances. The second half of the event consisted of the attendees enjoying their lunch while listening to Harold Israel of Goldstein & McClintock LLP discuss TMA Global’s recent initiatives to enhance the Certified Turnaround Professional (CTP) and Certified Turnaround Analyst (CTA) designations. Israel also relayed information about exciting opportunities and events collaborated by the TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter and TMA Global in 2014. Also, let’s congratulate Alison Miller of Donlin Recano & Company Inc. for winning the raffle prize! She won an office desk MP3 player graciously donated by HYPERAMS LLC. The NextGen Committee looks forward to seeing more members at its next networking luncheon on June 13 and Happy Hour event over the summer. Top row from left (L-R): Harold Israel; Michael Dudek and Lauren Hargrove; Kathleen Parker,Harold Israel, Dennis Kalten, and Angela Allen. Bottom row, from left (L-R): Angela Allen and Mark Briden; Eric Dorner and Kobus van der Zel; and Michael Boyer, Alison Miller, and Dace Rosenbaum. Photos by Cole Simon. 6 th Annual Executive Speaker Forum Turnaround Management Association Chicago/Midwest Chapter Presents The Honorable Mitt Romney May 2014 | Page 10 Monday, November 24, 2014 Radisson Blu Aqua Hotel 221 North Columbus Drive, Chicago, Illinois Table packages now available; contact Chris Glatz at (815) 469-2935 or [email protected] CRM On A Shoestring By Anthony Long, Harrison Group Ventures Customer relationship management (CRM) is a straightforward concept that is nevertheless difficult for many companies— particularly those in a turnaround mode—to integrate into their operations. Generally, CRM is often viewed as an expensive luxury rather than a necessity. But this need not be the case. If we break down CRM to its fundamental elements, we can see many ways that companies without the means or time for a complex software implementation can still benefit from the actionable intelligence gained from an active, functional CRM system. From Address Two to, there are many wellknown CRM software packages that support an organization’s sales efforts. The best-known ones are enterprise-level, requiring training, implementation, and third-party development. While this may work for organizations with the means and time to devote to the tasks, such implementations take a proportionately larger bite out of the budgets of companies in turnaround modes. The key to effective CRM is to know who should get what, and noting for future reference what happens when they do. A complete CRM vertical is one where the sales team (whether inside sales or relationship managers) leverages the analytics from an initial response to provide an intelligent, informed follow-up. A practical, everyday example would be as follows: • An email goes out to 150 recipients who are qualified as should be customers but aren’t. • The email has three unique clickable calls-to-action. and others. This can also be something you make yourself in Microsoft Access, or a simple table you set up in Excel. The user’s pathway can thus be designed to be the following path: • The user clicks on a call-to-action link in the email. • The link is a unique URL that leads to a specific page in the site. • That page carries over the messaging from the email, and provides the payoff for the user, whether a link to a PDF file or a form that the user can fill out to start receiving updates or a newsletter. • Upon completing the action, when the user hits SUBMIT the page delivers a Thank You message and then goes to the home page or another page in the site. Behind the scenes, the email provider and the web analytics package combine to deliver an “instant replay” of the users’ actions along the pathway described above: • Which users opened the email, which did not. • The total number of web site visitors that came specifically from the email. • How many users actually filled out the form or followed through with the call-to-action. • The salesperson preparing to make contact with the recipient references the email click-through data as well as some basic web traffic data to note which prospect clicked on which link. There is much more information generated than this, but even with this amount of data uploaded into the contact database the sales team knows what kind of follow-up is appropriate for which different user. Further, all users who completed the same action (clicking on the email but not completing the call-to-action on the web site) can be sent a follow-up email with a more focused offering to compel them to follow through. • Additionally, the salesperson should be able to know where in the website visit people dropped off too soon (i.e., before they checked out their shopping cart or before they filled out and submitted an inquiry form). Over time and across several campaigns a picture of what type of user follows through with what type of call-to-action starts to form, giving the sales team even more information to use in converting them from prospects into customers, and then into repeat customers. Handling these five tasks is the work of just three types of software, all of which can and should be outsourced to third-party (otherwise known as SaaS, or Software as a Service) providers: It would be easy to improperly expand the concept of CRM into a blunt trauma weapon used for prospect badgering. Although the technologies described above certainly make this possible, any good salesperson will tell you that would be at the very least unwise. The highest and best use for CRM is to provide management and the front-line sales team with intelligence about which calls-to-action compel target stakeholders to respond, and which ones don’t. • Six recipients click on one of the three links (for a total of 18 responses). • Email composition and delivery service. Use a third party for serious email sales efforts because they can guarantee delivery, they have filters that prevent you from accidentally sending anything that feels like spam, and they offer comprehensive analytics to help you know who opened what, when, and who clicked on what, when. Best of all, they charge fractions of a penny per email, can handily support lists in the tens of thousands, and can be administered by the most basic administrative staff. Some providers include MailChimp, Emma, Vertical Response, and Constant Contact. • A contact database. The contact database holds all of the intelligence you are gathering in the course of your emails and calls. Check out one of the free/very low-cost services such as FreeCRM, Insightly, Podio, SugarCRM, ZohoCRM About the Author: Anthony Long is Principal / Technology & Marketing Practice Lead at Harrison Group Ventures, a consultancy that serves turnarounds and start-ups across a wide range of industries. He is a member of the Chicago chapter of the TMA and can be reached at [email protected] - May 2014 | Page 11 • Basic website analytics. AWStats, GoingUp!, Google Analytics, Piwik, and Tableau are all examples of free or very low-cost web analytics options. You need this because you want to know when a user came to your site from your email, and which link they clicked on to get there. The key is that an effective, functional, extensible system for tracking, managing, and responding to user actions need not be as involved an implementation as many of the larger CRM packages require. Each of the main functions—email management, web analytics and contact data management—can be handled by low-cost SaaS services, allowing organizations without endless resources to get squarely into the game. Community Service Spotlight: Illinois Legal Aid Online Illinois Legal Aid Online (ILAO) empowers people to navigate the complicated and costly legal system on their own. In 2013, ILAO provided user-friendly, online legal resources and assistance to more than 1.3 million visitors to its websites and mobile app. Karla S. was one of them. Karla was being hounded by calls from debt collectors and threatened by intimidating wage assignment papers that arrived in the mail. She didn’t know what to do or where to turn for reliable information. She didn’t know how to communicate effectively with her creditors. She also knew that she didn’t want to get caught in the same payday loan cycle that plagued so many of her family and friends, who were stuck paying another half of what they owed in fees to the lender. Then Karla found Illinois Legal Aid Online. At, Karla used an interactive document preparation system to create letters to her creditors, advising them that she was collection-proof and unable to pay her bills. Preparing legal documents and forms for court is one of the biggest barriers self-represented persons face when trying to access the legal system. ILAO’s online document preparation system allows people to easily put together the necessary letters, documents, and forms to address their legal problem efficiently and effectively—just like Turbo Tax for legal documents. For Karla, the threatening calls stopped and her` creditors were willing to work with her to find a payment plan that she could manage. Illinois Legal Aid Online uses technology to lower barriers to the law so that people can understand their legal options. Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP associate and TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter member Jack O’Connor believes ILAO works because it “provides free access to practical legal resources for people in need.” Karla’s experience affirms the important role technology plays in putting the law within reach for those in need of legal aid who can’t get help and are forced to face the legal system on their own. Illinois Legal Aid Online puts the law within reach for all, regardless of income or location. Founded in 2001, Illinois Legal Aid Online uses technology to lower barriers to the law so that people can understand their legal options, make informed decisions, and when necessary, represent themselves. ILAO has spent the past 13 years developing and implementing innovative technology to address the persistent gap between the need for and availability of free and low-cost legal aid in Illinois. In addition to its award-winning website,, ILAO created the Illinois Legal Aid mobile app to provide easy access to its resources on all size devices, and developed a Spanish-language version, Over the past several years ILAO partnered with courts and public libraries across the state to create public internet access points and establish legal self-help centers in each of Illinois’ 102 counties. In addition to providing critical legal information for members of the public, like Karla, ILAO also supports pro bono attorneys through, a collaborative online resource that helps lawyers and legal professionals find volunteer opportunities that fit their busy schedules and obtain the training and support they need to do pro bono work. There are currently more than 100 volunteer opportunities featured on the website, along with free MCLE-eligible training webcasts and interactive legal documents. O’Connor, who serves as Communications Chairperson for ILAO’s Young Professionals Board, has been involved with ILAO since the associate board’s inception in 2011. According to O’Connor, “My involvement as a member of the Young Professionals Board has been a fulfilling experience, connecting me to this innovative organization, its mission, and a network of young professionals with a shared vision.” May 2014 | Page 12 If you are interested in getting involved and learning more about Illinois Legal Aid Online’s ground-breaking work, visit or email Executive Director Lisa Colpoys at [email protected]. From the Blog. Welcome The TMA Chicago/Midwest chapter is proud to maintain a blog that showcases the expertise of our members. Since its beginnings in 2011, the blog has grown into a robust platform for our members and serves as further testament to the capabilities of our chapter. To submit a post, please contact Erin Broderick at [email protected] MorrisAnderson Assists Global Axcess Corp. in Navigating the §363 Process by David Interdonato, MorrisAnderson MorrisAnderson successfully advised Global Axcess Corp (Global) in the §363 sale of assets to Financial Consulting and Trading Inc. (FCTI). MorrisAnderson was originally engaged by Global, a national provider of ATM and DVD kiosk solutions, to assist them in navigating the chapter 11 process after the sale of the company to a competitor fell through and concessions from creditors would need to be sought. Market Challenges Global had been experiencing financial distress resulting from a consolidating market that resulted in margin pressure in their core ATM business, combined with severe erosion in the DVD kiosk market. This pressure on margins and eroding liquidity resulted in a default on their secured credit facilities. After a strategic assessment, the Global board of directors determined a sale process would maximize enterprise value and recovery to constituents. The Path to Chapter 11 A robust marketing process yielded an offer that provided a return to shareholders. However, when that buyer walked away prior to closing, it was determined that any subsequent offers would not exceed the outstanding liabilities as operating performance continued to deteriorate. MorrisAnderson was able to guide Global through the bankruptcy preparation process by gathering information and preparing the documents necessary to file, as well as assist them in managing liquidity and lender communications. Once a second sale process was able to identify an alternative stalking horse bidder, a chapter 11 filing was executed. Dave Bagley, MorrisAnderson principal, acted as COO in the process and, along with the team from the Atlanta and Jacksonville offices of Smith Gambrell & Russell, was able to enact a successful auction of the assets of the company through the §363 process. A Positive Outcome As a result of the successful chapter 11 sale process, an additional $3.5 million in recovery to the secured lender of Global occurred, the operations yielded a nearly $1.0 million positive variance to the DIP lender’s budget and the majority of the existing staff was retained by FCTI. This was considered a positive outcome for the debtor as well the secured lender given the real potential for liquidation if a sale could not be executed. “Thank you to MorrisAnderson for your hard work and dedication in bringing this deal to a close. Things don’t always go as planned in these situations and this deal certainly had its share of twists and turns. The outcome would not have been possible without the support and professionalism of the MA staff. We appreciate all you did to conclude this transaction.” -- Kevin Reager, President and CEO, Global Axcess Corp About Global Axcess Corp Global Axcess is an independent provider of self-service kiosk solutions. These solutions include ATM and DVD kiosk management and support services focused on serving the self-service kiosk needs of merchants, grocers, retailers, and financial institutions nationwide. It is a one-stop gateway for unattended self-service kiosk management services. Global Axcess’ expertise extends beyond ATMs and DVD kiosks to any self-service kiosk, and, with a growing $150 billion selfservice market, the company’s goal is to leverage its ability to deploy, manage, maintain, and process transactions to a wider range of self-service kiosks. About MorrisAnderson & Associates May 2014 | Page 13 MorrisAnderson is a market leader in financial and operational consulting. Drawing on 30 years of deep expertise across a number of industry sectors, we help businesses find the best possible solution for difficult situations—quickly and honestly. Unlike consultants who simply give financial advice, we collaborate with management and other stakeholders to create a comprehensive action plan that addresses immediate challenges and moves your business forward. For more information, visit New Members are the Strength of Our Organization We welcome the following new members to the Chicago/Midwest Chapter of the TMA: Philip Baccus William Banks, Windsor Steel Chris Bauer, Anchor BanCorp Wisconsin Inc Louis Calamaras, Eastman & Associates Faisal Delawalla, Bryan Cave LLP Steven Domanowski, Jones Day Elliot Findlay, Grant Thornton Lauren Hargrove, U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois Tracy Ickes, Ginsberg Jacobs LLC Patrick Kelly, River Branch Capital Luke Lonergan, Alvarez & Marsal Colin McClary, Z Capital Partners LLC Robert Morris, Huntington Capital Partners, LLC Noah Ornstein, Kirkland & Ellis LLP Jeffrey Pawlitz, Kirkland & Ellis LLP Dave Rosenbaum, MorrisAnderson Daniel Scouler, Amherst Partners LLC David Turco, GE Capital Devon Wichelt, Mallery & Zimmerman SC Donna Wright, Assurance Agency Ltd David Zobrist, AlixPartners Christopher Zweidinger, Assurance Agency Member News Making a Difference in the Chicago/Midwest Region and Beyond Todd Baldi, CTP candidate, was recently promoted to team leader from senior asset manager at Urban Partnership Bank. He manages a staff of senior asset managers responsible for resolving the bank’s resolution portfolio. Aaron Hammer of Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP moderated a panel of experienced turnaround professionals on exploring the use of leverage in business negotiations at the TMA Global Senate held in Chicago on May 8. Kevin A. Krakora, senior managing director at Mesirow Financial Consulting, participated in a panel presentation on the topic of “The Financial Professional’s Role in Out-of-Court Restructurings” at the ABI’s Annual Spring Meeting in Washington, DC on April 25. The presentation focused on the different alternatives and strategies for restructurings and asset sales, and the pros and cons for various outof-court options versus bankruptcy proceedings. Loeb Term Solutions is pleased to announce the addition of Dave Wanders as its newest business development officer. Wanders’ focus will be on expanding the company’s equipment-based lending portfolio. He is an industry veteran with more than 30 years of corporate and commercial finance experience, largely in the asset based industry. Jamie R. Netznik was elected to the board of the International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation’s (IWIRC) Chicago Chapter. In addition to her role in IWIRC, Netznik was also chosen to serve as a contributing editor for the American Bar Association’s Bankruptcy and Insolvency Litigation Committee. Tom Gray, CTP, recently published his second book, Business Techniques for Growth: More tools for Small Business Success. The book builds on Gray’s first book, Business Techniques in Troubled Times: A Toolbox for Small Business Success, designed for start-ups. The new book continues the thread, targeting the need to build a sustainable and growing bottom line. Together, the two books form an invaluable set of clearly-explained real-world-tested solutions for growing a small business. Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP was selected to receive three awards from the The M&A Advisor for its role as counsel to the official committee of equity security holders of AgFeed Industries Inc. The three awards include: International Deal of the Year, Consumer and Retail Products Deal of the Year, and §363 Sale of the Year. Recognized as a leader in all aspects of hog production efficiency, AgFeed was one of the largest hog producers and marketers worldwide principally in China and the United States. Goldstein & McClintock LLLP is excited to announce the opening of its seventh office in Washington, DC. The Keystone Group is expanding its office to Atlanta. Amar Shah, a director with the firm, will be responsible for leading Keystone’s efforts in the Southeast market. Get Social! Follow the TMA Chicago/Midwest Chapter on: May 2014 | Page 14 Facebook Twitter ww w .tm achi cagom i dw LinkedIn What’s the Deal? Doing Business in Chicagoland and Beyond Monroe Credit Advisors placed an $18 million senior secured credit facility for its client, Asure Software Inc. Proceeds of the facility refinanced the existing debt of the company. The facility included a $15 million term loan, $3 million revolver, and an additional uncommitted $10 million term loan facility for future acquisitions. SAK Management Services LLC was engaged by the Baptist Homes Society, a continuing care retirement campus in Pittsburgh, PA as an advisor to the board of directors. SAK was also appointed patient care ombudsman in the Horizon Health Center Inc. case, a New Jersey not for profit chapter 11. AEG Partners was recently retained to assist in the organized winddown of a private-equity owned financial services business located in the eastern U.S. AEG is managing the process and closure of all operations on an out-of-court basis. Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP was chosen to represent the official committee of unsecured creditors for CPC Laboratories Inc., currently pending in the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Illinois. CPC Laboratories manufactures personal care products for various national brands, including Method soap products. ACM Partners was recently retained to advise the management team of a struggling a $20 million craft and toy company. Additionally, ACM was recently brought on to support both cash management and vendor negotiations at a $100 million marketing services company. Oak Point Partners purchased a portfolio of Default Judgments from XMH Corp., f/k/a Hartmarx Corporation. Oak Point purchased the judgments on largely an “as is, where is” basis helping the estate to monetize assets and move closer to wrapping up. The PrivateBank extended $30.66 million in credit facilities to industry-leading catalog printing company, Arandell Corporation, headquartered in Menomonie Falls, WI. First Capital provided a $20 million revolving line of credit to Gulf Packaging Inc., a national distributor of packaging supplies and equipment. The financing allowed Gulf Packaging to consolidate eight loosely affiliated entities into one national company and will provide the ongoing working capital to fund its growth plans. Bates Management Services LLC is currently engaged as a strategic and operational turnaround leader for a Milwaukee-area specialty gear manufacturer. Goldstein & McClintock LLLP’s recent restructuring and finance activity included: (a) being retained as lead borrower’s counsel to a transportation company working to address approximately $30 million in outstanding debt obligations; and (b) representing and issuing borrowers’ counsel opinions on behalf of a number of borrowers, including separate groups of tenant in common borrowers which purchased a ten-store shopping center for $10.3 million financed by Barclays Bank and which refinanced a seven-building 126-unit project for $12 million through PyraMax Bank. Concord Financial Advisors LLC closed a senior secured loan transaction for a Chicago-based letter shop/direct mail fulfillment company. The transaction included a $4 million revolving line of credit and a $2.542 million term loan. Summit Financial Resources funded a $200,000 factoring line to a sporting goods manufacturer located in Michigan. Is the glass finally half full? Creating Value for Corporate Renewal Join your colleagues from the TMA Chicago/Midwest, Detroit/Grand Rapids, Missouri, Ohio, and Upper Midwest Chapters. Limited sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact Chris Glatz at 815-469-2935 or [email protected]. Visit to register and learn more. MidAmerica Regional Conference September 11-12 ▪ The Graves Hotel ▪ Minneapolis, MN May 2014 | Page 15 MARC2014 FUELING EXPANSION, ACQUISITION, & TURNAROUND OPPORTUNITIES First Business offers asset-based lending and factoring solutions to small- and mid-market companies needing to borrow up to $10,000,000+, helping highly leveraged companies make critical business transitions. We offer unmatched personal service, flexibility, and integrity. If there’s an opportunity for us to help, please give us a call. ASSET-BASED LENDING – FIRST BUSINESS CAPITAL CORP. Joe Cillian – Cleveland Office – 216 - 573 - 3792 Michael Doyle – Denver Office – 303 -715 -1775 Ralph Kourtjian – Detroit Office – 248 -358 - 6636 Pete Lowney – Madison Office – 608 -232 - 5987 Mike Colloton – Milwaukee Office – 262 -792 -7180 John Hoagberg – Minneapolis Office – 952 - 892 - 8422 FACTORING – FIRST BUSINESS FACTORS Gail Heldke – Division Manager & Chicago Office – 847- 493 - 8305 Gay Denny – St. Louis Office – 314 - 412 - 3091 Chuck Batson – President & CEO – 608 -232 - 5980 Turnaround Financing : Acquisitions : Debt Restructuring Debtor-in-Possesion & Confirmation Financing : Rapid or Seasonal Growth 2014 Newsletter Publication Schedule and Advertising Information The Newsletter of Corporate Renewal is published five times per year in January, March, May, August and October, and is now distributed both in print and electronic form. All advertisements in the Newsletter are available to members and non-members in PDF format on the chapter website. TMA eNews is also emailed directly to all Chicago/Midwest members. The Newsletter is distributed to the entire Chicago/ Midwest Chapter of more than 1,000 members, who are located primarily in Illinois and Wisconsin. Each edition of the Newsletter is also distributed to regional members of a guest organization whose members overlap with TMA’s (see “Bonus Distribution” in the Publication Schedule below), including the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI), the Commercial Finance Association (CFA), the Midwest Business Brokers and Intermediaries (MBBI), the International Women’s Insolvency & Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC), the Association for Corporate Growth (ACG) and the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors (AIRA). Issue August 2014 October 2014 Bonus Distribution: ACG AIRA July 11 September 12 Ad Deadline: May 2014 | Page 16 2014 Newsletter Ad Rates Size Dimensions Color Black & White Full Page 7.75 x 10 $1,460 $1,065 Half Page 7.75 x 5 (horizontal) 3.75 x 10 (vertical) $820 $605 Quarter Page 3.75 x 5 $525 $380 Eighth Page 3.75 x 2.5 $315 $230 For questions about advertising in this newsletter, please contact Joanne Krakora at [email protected]. Turnaround Management Association Chicago/Midwest Chapter Memorial Scholarship Foundation Board of Directors President Chris Horvay Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP 312-704-2173 [email protected] Vice-President Mike Paulsen Lockton Companies LLC 773-853-5588 [email protected] Directors Suzanne Koenig SAK Management Services 773-202-0000 [email protected] Treasurer Bernadette Barron Barron Business Consulting 312-422-0040 [email protected] Secretary Carl Lane Willow Tree Consulting Group LLC 312-283-8820 [email protected] Norm Newman Much Shelist Denenberg Ament & Rubenstein PC 312-521-2492 [email protected] To contribute to the Foundation, or to receive a scholarship application form, please contact the Chicago/Midwest Chapter office at (815) 469-2935 or visit Barb Yong Golan & Christie LLP 312-696-2034 [email protected] Chicago/Midwest Chapter CTPs and CTAs Certified Turnaround Professionals (CTPs) Thomas J Allison & Associates Huron Consulting Group Carrac Capital Partners LLC Barron Business Consulting Prairie Street Capital Inc FGMK LLC Buccino & Associates Inc FTI Consulting Consultant Heartland Capital LLC O’Keefe MorrisAnderson AlixPartners AlixPartners Finkbiner Duffy & Clapp SC Commercial Recovery Associates LLC Jessup Manufacturing Company Telecom Expert Group Alvarez & Marsal Capstone Advisory Group LLC Condor Financial Group Inc Prairie Advisors Mesirow Financial Consulting LLC Enterprise Management Group USA Kutchins Robbins Diamond Ltd White Oak Group Pathfinder Group LLC Shepherd Partners Inc First Capital Deloitte CRG Lake Pointe Partners LLC McKinsey & Company Conway MacKenzie Inc Rudnicki & Associates Alvarez & Marsal Atlas Partners LLC JKS Business Consulting Conway MacKenzie Inc KaufmanHall Huron Consulting Group The Keystone Group Union Bank NA Conway MacKenzie Inc MorrisAnderson Global Turnarounds Inc Wells Fargo Bank NA Promontory Point Partners LLC BBK Ltd Huron Consulting Group High Ridge Partners Inc Conway MacKenzie Inc Certified Turnaround Analysts (CTAs) Thomas Goldblatt David Johnson Dean Lindo Allen Pratt Kilby Williamson Nick Zaccagnini Ravinia Capital LLC ACM Partners Hawkeye Consulting Advisors Ltd Johnson Controls Inc Huron Consulting Group May 2014 | Page 17 Thomas Allison Ray Anderson David Bagley Bernadette Barron Michael Barry Ronald Bienias Gerald Buccino Michael Buenzow Suzanne Burke Timothy Czmiel David Distel Daniel Dooley Darin Facer Michael Feder David Finkbiner Alan Friedman Kiran Gandhi Thomas Gray Nicholas Grossi Mark Hagar Jeffrey Hyland Gilman King Brent King Melissa Knoll Dennis Kraska Allen Kutchins Murray Lessinger David Mack Tony Natale Harry Novak Thomas O’Donoghue Randall Patterson Sandra Reese Peter Richter James Rudnicki Paul Rundell Roger Ruttenberg John Sanders Joshua Siano Anu Singh Benjamin Smith Brian Stewart Roger Tauchman Timothy Turek William Van Der Weele Kobus van der Zel James Vargo Jeffrey Vogelsang Robert Webb Daniel Wikel Frank Wojtowicz A Zappone May 2014 | Page 18 Turnaround Management Association Membership Application Officers Turnaround Management Association Chicago/Midwest 2014 Board of Directors and Steering Committees President Dan Wikel Huron Consulting Group 312-880-3003 [email protected] President-Elect Aaron Hammer Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP 312-704-2170 [email protected] Vice President-Communications Zachary Garrett Goldberg Kohn Ltd. 312-863-7149 [email protected] Vice President-Programs Mike Egan Monroe Capital 312-258-8300 [email protected] Secretary Andrea Frost Kaye Scholer LLP 312-583-2409 [email protected] Treasurer John Kemp Wolverine Partners 630-215-9383 [email protected] Ex-Officio Past President Vice President-Education Kevin A. Krakora Mesirow Financial Consulting LLC 312-595-8511 [email protected] Committee Chairs Jeffrey S. Hyland Capstone Advisory Group LLC 312-588-7101 [email protected] Awards Paul Krantz PNC Business Credit 312-454-2959 [email protected] Peter Roberts Shaw Fishman Glantz & Towbin LLC 312-276-1322 [email protected] Brian Stewart The Keystone Group 312-960-3630 [email protected] Breakfast Forum Gordon Gouveia Shaw Fishman Glantz & Towbin LLC 312-980-3816 [email protected] Evelyn Guzman MB Financial Bank 312-948-2820 [email protected] Ryan Jaskiewicz 12five Capital 630-631-8606 [email protected] Communications Erin Broderick Baker & McKenzie LLP 312-813-1984 [email protected] Abhi Hazarika McKinsey & Company 312-216-7546 [email protected] Jack O’Connor Sugar Felsnethal Grais Hammer LLP 630-308-2487 [email protected] Continuing Education Mark Melickian Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP 312-704-2170 mmelickian@sugarfgh David Serritella Pedersen & Houpt 847-219-3167 [email protected] Mike Egan Monroe Capital 312-258-8300 [email protected] David Enghauser Cole Taylor Bank 312-960-5360 [email protected] Rebecca Fruchtman Bank of America Merrill Lynch 312-992-8273 [email protected] Ryan Jaskiewicz 12five Capital 630-631-8606 [email protected] Jeff Kolke GE Capital 312-441-7122 [email protected] Mark Leipold Gould & Ratner LLP 312-899-1651 [email protected] Peter Roberts Shaw Fishman Glantz & Towbin LLC 312-276-1322 [email protected] Brian Stewart The Keystone Group 312-960-3630 [email protected] Chapter Administrator David Johnson ACM Partners 312-505-7238 [email protected] Christine M. Glatz Glatz Management Services Inc. 815-469-2935 [email protected] Brian Whittman Alvarez & Marsal LLC 312-601-4227 [email protected] Tim Serritella Perfection Industrial Sales 847-427-3333 tim@perfectionindustrial. Special Programs CTP Relations Milwaukee David Enghauser Cole Taylor Bank 312-960-5360 [email protected] Tom O’Donoghue Deloitte CRG 312-486-0226 [email protected] Gene Arenson HYPERAMS LLC 282-225-5857 [email protected] Joe Fobbe Cole Taylor Bank 312-422-5130 [email protected] Kobus van der Zel Global Turnarounds Inc. 312-235-2325 [email protected] Michael Bates Bates Management Services LLC 262-501-0259 [email protected] David Mack Pathfinder Group LLC 847-274-7604 [email protected] Entertainment Bill Farrar Associated Commerical Finance Inc. 414-283-2590 [email protected] Sponsorship Michael Brandess Sugar Felsenthal Grais & Hammer LLP 312-704-2179 [email protected] Tom Goldblatt Ravinia Capital LLC 773-336-2833 [email protected] Tom Jones Concord Financial Advisors LLC 312-545-5200 [email protected] Erik Chalut Dentons 312-876-7402 [email protected] NextGen George Mesires Faegre Baker Daniels LLP 312-356-5101 [email protected] Bill Hackney SmithAmundsen LLC 312-894-3370 [email protected] Angela Allen Jenner & Block LLP 312-840-7218 [email protected] Rob Meyers Bibby Financial Services (Midwest) Inc. 630-788-5100 [email protected] Jeff Kolke Monroe Capital LLC 312-523-2379 [email protected] Alex Boerema High Ridge Partners Inc. 312-456-5636 [email protected] Joel Schneider Hilco Real Estate LLC 847-418-2723 [email protected] Finance Kathleen Parker HYPERAMS LLC 847-499-7049 [email protected] University Relations Brian Bonavari Grant Thornton LLP 312-602-8707 [email protected] Robert Pachmayer Mesirow Financial Consulting, LLC 312-595-8505 [email protected] Ben Smith Huron Consulting Group 312-804-8225 [email protected] Membership David Johnson ACM Partners 312-505-7238 [email protected] David Levy NRC Realty & Capital Advisors 312-278-6852 [email protected] Michael Teplitsky Wynnchurch Capital Ltd. 847-604-6120 [email protected] Melissa Dimitri Grant Thornton LLP 312-602-8367 [email protected] Pro Bono Mark Leipold Gould & Ratner LLP 312-899-1651 [email protected] Karl Madsen OpteonGroup LLC 219-801-8434 [email protected] Jonathan Silverberg Liquitec Industries Inc. 847-903-2024 [email protected] Lou Marosi Linkage Capital Management LLC 847-382-6801 x 201 [email protected] Women’s Group Barb Yong Golan & Christie LLP 312-696-2034 [email protected] Rebecca Fruchtman Bank of America Merrill Lynch 312-992-8273 [email protected] Candice Klein Sidley Austin LLP 312-853-7778 [email protected] Alicia Meyerhoff 636-448-9178 [email protected] May 2014 | Page 19 Nick Miller Neal Gerber & Eisenberg LLP 312-269-5654 [email protected] Directors Christine Glatz, Chapter Administrator P.O. Box 33 Frankfort IL 60423 (815) 469-2935 Fax (815) 469-1901 Email: [email protected] Welcome Midwest Business Brokers & Intermediaries and International Women’s Insolvency & Restrucrturing Conferderation members. You have been included in this complimentary issue of The Newsletter of Corporate Renewal because of our shared interests. We hope you enjoy it. Please note our event schedule on page four and join us at any of our upcoming meetings. We look forward to seeing you. Thank You 2014 Sponsors Platinum Sponsors Gold Sponsors Abrams & Jossel Consulting Inc. | AccuVal-LiquiTec | AlixPartners LLP | Conway MacKenzie Inc. Deloitte Services LLP | Ettin Group | Fort Dearborn Partners Inc./Fort Dearborn Advisors Freeborn & Peters LLP | Gibraltar Business Capital | Goldberg Kohn | Gordon Brothers Group Gould & Ratner LLP | Great American Group | Greenberg Traurig LLP | HYPERAMS LLC Liquidity Services Inc. | Loeb | Mesirow Financial Consulting LLC | NRC Realty & Capital Advisors PPL Group | Ravinia Capital LLC | Ritchie Bros | Schiff Hardin LLP | SmithAmundsen LLC
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