theSAHUARITA SAHUARITA Assisted-living home owner faces charges Sun West bank in Sahuarita. Charges of more than $2,500 Tim McKenna, co-owner couldn’t have been made by of Saguaro Acres assisted- the resident due to her failing living home in Sahuarita, health, police said. The investigation has has been booked into Pima County jail and charged included a review of bank with vulnerable adult abuse. statements, receipts and McKenna has been un- other financial records. Poder investigation since lice said there may be more charges and other February by Saarrests related to huar ita police, the ongoing invesAdult Protective tigation and are Services, the state exploring whether Attor ne y Genthere are other eral’s office and residents or former other agencies residents possibly outside Arizona, affected. Five resia Sahuarita police spokesman said Tim McKenna dents at the home Tuesday. were removed and sent to McKenna was arrested a hospital last week. Their conditions were not imlast week. The case stems from a sus- mediately known, and it is picious activity report filed unclear whether they may with police by a relative of a have been victimized, pofemale resident at the facility lice said. Anyone with information in the 18000 block of South Placita Octubre. The relative or leads on other potential noticed while settling finan- victims can contact Sahuacial affairs after her rela- rita police at 344-7000 or tive died that someone had the Attorney General’s Speopened a bank account in the cial Investigations office in deceased woman’s name at Phoenix at 602-542-4853. Sahuarita Sun SUN pg5 Wed., January 22, 2014 public safety briefs Woman reports rings stolen On Jan. 15, a resident in the 1300 block of Vuelta del Yunque reported the theft of two rings from her kitchen counter that she said had little monetary value but were given to her by her late husband and her children. She also said her landlady had been in the house Dec. 18, the last day the rings were seen, and two other times since. She said she owed $123 on her rent and the landlady was threatening to evict her. Two crashes slow traffic along I-19 Two separate crashes about 50 feet apart Thursday morning tied up the West Frontage Road south of Canoa Road. The first involved a garbage truck that rolled about 7:15 a.m. on the West Frontage Road between Canoa and Arivaca roads. The truck was northbound when, according to the driver, the steering wheel began to shake and he headed off the road, overcorrected and the truck rolled onto its side, blocking the northbound lane for about 90 minutes, according to the Department of Public Safety. A small amount of trash spilled onto the roadway. The driver was not injured but was cited for failure to control a vehicle to avoid a collision and expired registration, according to DPS. The second crash occurred about 7:30 a.m. about 50 feet away along southbound Interstate 19. A driver sideswiped another vehicle after he saw the overturned garbage truck and switched lanes to stop and help. Nobody was injured and the driver was cited for unsafe lane usage. Man sought after altercation Green Valley man suspected of assaulting two men at a restaurant Saturday afternoon is wanted by Pima County Sheriff’s Department. A deputy found the car that witnesses said the man was driving as he left the eatery off Continental Road shortly after 3:30 p.m. A vehicle matching its description was found in the parking lot of a Green Valley apartment complex about three miles north but no one answered at the unit where the suspect is believed to reside, the sheriff ’s report stated. The two men reportedly struck in the face by the man are acquainted with the suspect, who is a former employee at the restaurant. He may have been angry over a longstanding conflict with one of the men and with management because his wife, an employee, recently had her responsibilities cut back, according to the report. After interviews with three witnesses, a deputy determined probable cause to arrest the suspect on suspicion of assault (two counts) and disorderly conduct (three counts). No serious injuries resulting from the incident were apparent, the report noted. green Valley justice court CRISTON FALLEY, 23, Tucson: JOYCELYN M. MARASIGAN, VELIZ, 19, Sahuarita: window criminal littering with fines/ fees of $270. 32, Tucson: obstructed windshield with fines/fees of $91.50. tint violation with fines/fees of $111.50. JUSTIN WILLIAM PRATT, 29, Green Valley: driving on a suspended license with fines/fees of $623.50. SARAH JEAN MYERS, 25, Sahuarita: false reporting to law ROSEMARIE CAROL GARRISON, 50, Sahuarita: interfering with judicial proceedings and violating a court order and received 12 months of unsupervised probation. VERONICA REYNA MADRID, 31, Tucson: window tint violation with fines/fees of $207.50. CARLOS ALBERTO REYES- enforcement with time served. JOHN D. MARTIN, 55, of Sahuarita: threats and intimidation with 12 months unsupervised probation. MARISSA MICHELE NORGREN, 19, Sahuarita: minor with liquor in body with fines/ fees of $170. sahuarita municipal court STEPHEN RICARDO CALLAHAN, 55, of Vail: pleaded not fines/fees of $374. GABRIEL JULIAN LOPEZ, 44, of Tucson: pleaded no contest in a case involving a charge of interfering with judicial proceedings with fines/fees of $75. A review hearing is set for March 17. guilty to a DUI. A pretrail hearing is set for Feb. 25. JUAN RAMOS AGUILAR, 25, of Amado, pleaded guilty to shoplifting with fines/fees of $351 and court ordered to a shoplifting prevention program. THAYNE HARDY, 48, of Sahuarita, pleaded responsible to operating an RV on private land and operating a vehicle causing mobile dust with ROBERT JOHN COGHLAN, 49, of Sahuarita: pleaded not responsible for displaying suspended plates and not guilty for driving on a revoked license. A pretrial hearing is set for Feb. 4. RICHARD LOGAN RONQUILLO, 24, of Amado: pleaded guilty to driving on a suspended license with fines/ fees of $585. A review hearing is set for March 10. BRYANT CHRISTOPHER JUAN, 23, of Sahuarita: pleaded not guilty to possession of drug paraphernalia. A pretrial hearing is set for Feb. 4. GABRIEL RODOLFO MONTOYA GALVAN, 19, of Sahuarita: pleaded not guilty to criminal trespass and possession of drug paraphernalia. A pretrial hearing is set for Feb. 2. MICHAEL ROBERT BENNETT, 20, of Sahuarita: pleaded guilty to liquor in body under age 21 and court ordered to 16 hours of alcohol education with fines/fees of $255 . NECTALI RAMIREZ NAREZ, 57, of Castroville, Calif.: pleaded not guilty to driving on a suspended license. A pretrial hearing is set for Feb. 25. JOSE LUZ CASTRO, 63, of Ceres, Calif.: pleaded not guilty at failing to stop at an accident. A continuance pretrial hearing is set for Feb. 25 . GREGORY LOUIS COBBS, 21, of Sahuarita: pleaded guilty to a charge involving a minor in possession of liquor with 16 hours of alcohol education and fines/fees of $291. ALEXIS YAREDEZETTE ROBLES, 21, of Oro Valley: pleaded not guilty to criminal trespass and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. A pretrial hearing is set for Feb. 4. DYLAN JOHN TOWLE, 20, of Sahuarita: pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana and court ordered to 16 hours of drug education with fines/fees of $1,421. SHELLIE YVONNE DEKENS, 42, of Sahuarita: pleaded guilty to driving on a suspended license and and responsible to an improper turn with fines/ fees of $832. MARY MARTHA AGUILAR, 73, of Amado: pleaded responsible to no current registration with fines/ fees of $252. A civil hearing is set for Feb. 5. “Alaska’s Tour Operator of the Year ” -Anchorage Convention & Visitors Bureau KīĞƌŝŶŐŽŶĞͲŽĨͲĂͲŬŝŶĚĂĚǀĞŶƚƵƌĞƐŽŶŽƵƌĂůůͲŝŶĐůƵƐŝǀĞŝƟŶĞƌĂƌŝĞƐ ĨĞĂƚƵƌŝŶŐůĂƐŬĂ͕ƚŚĞzƵŬŽŶdĞƌƌŝƚŽƌŝĞƐĂŶĚƚŚĞĂŶĂĚŝĂŶZŽĐŬŝĞƐ͘ džƉůŽƌĞůĂƐŬĂ͛Ɛ/ŶƚĞƌŝŽƌǁŝƚŚůĂƐŬĂŶdŽƵƌDĂŶĂŐĞƌƐ͊ t'hZEdt/>>/&͊ Travel Shows ƩĞŶĚŽŶĞŽĨŽƵƌFree͕/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟǀĞ͕EŽWƌĞƐƐƵƌĞdƌĂǀĞů^ŚŽǁƐΘ ůĞĂƌŶƚŚĞFACTSĂďŽƵƚůĂƐŬĂƚƌĂǀĞů͊EŽƌĞƐĞƌǀĂƟŽŶƐƌĞƋƵŝƌĞĚ͘ Register at the show to WIN a 14-Day Denali Explorer Land & Cruise Package! dh^KE dŚƵƌƐĚĂLJ͕:ĂŶƵĂƌLJϮϯƌĚ Ϯ͗ϬϬWD ŵďĂƐƐLJ^ƵŝƚĞƐ ϯϭϭϬ^ŬLJůŝŶĞƌŝǀĞ 'ZEs>>z &ƌŝĚĂLJ͕:ĂŶƵĂƌLJϮϰƚŚ ϭϬ͗ϬϬD ŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJWĞƌĨŽƌŵĂŶĐĞΘƌƚƚƌ͘ ϭϮϱϬtĞƐƚŽŶƟŶĞŶƚĂůZŽĂĚ SAVE $350 Per Person plus $200pp in Additional Savings ǁŚĞŶLJŽƵŬĂϮϬϭϰůĂŶĚĂŶĚĐƌƵŝƐĞƉĂĐŬĂŐĞ͊ Enjoy 7 Day Cruises With: KƌĚĞƌLJŽƵƌ&ZůĂƐŬĂƌŽĐŚƵƌĞΘůĂƐŬĂdžƉĞƌŝĞŶĐĞsƚŽĚĂLJ͊ ;ϴϬϬͿϯϮϱ͘ϮϮϳϬǁǁǁ͘<ŝƐƐůĂƐŬĂ͘ĐŽŵ When you share a heartbeat - trust your care to a compassionate, experienced OB/GYN. 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