Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 1. Chairman’s Statement The year 2013-14 has been exciting and eventful for the Geotechnical Division. We have organized activities at a frequency of once a week on average. We worked in collaboration with the universities, consultants, contractors, clients and various professional bodies in organising seminars, workshops, site visits, courses, competitions and awards. These activities received overwhelming response and support from members of the Division. Such remarkable achievements would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment from all the committee members. The HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award was reactivated this year. This will be a biennial event organized to encourage publication of high quality papers that target practicing geotechnical engineers in Hong Kong. The award will be announced and presented at our Annual Seminar. The Geotechnical Division Annual Seminar will be held on the 30th May at the Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre in Kowloon Bay. This year, the theme of the seminar is “Challenges and Recent Advance in Geotechnics for Foundation Engineering”. On the International front, we continued to join hands with the Hong Kong Geotechnical Society to encourage and sponsor our members to participate in international seminars and conferences held in Asia and other regions. In November 2013, I led a delegation of 10 engineers to attend the Tripartite Seminar held in Taipei sharing our experience with our counterparts in Malaysia and Taiwan on underground construction. One of our initiatives this year was to reach out to the general public on promoting our image and profession. With this, we co-organized a “Boulder Fence Model Design Competition” with the Civil Engineering and Development Department, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Science Museum. The Competition, aimed at promoting students’ awareness of landslide hazards in Hong Kong, was opened to all Secondary School students in Hong Kong to participate. Ir Terence CHAN Chun Fai Chairman Geotechnical Division (Session 2013/2014) 4 Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 2. Membership As at 5 March 2014, the Geotechnical Division has a membership of 4,871, of which 216 are Fellows and 3,267 are Corporate Members. The total number of members represents a year-on-year increase of 1.3%. 3. Financial Highlights The Geotechnical Division began the 2013/2014 financial year with a healthy balance of HK$570,908.34 from previous 2013/2014 Session and received a total allocation of HK$109,871.00 from the HKIE Headquarters. At the end of this financial year, the Division maintained a balance account of HK$614,008.47. In this Session, incomes were also contributed from TCPT3 Training Course/Engineering Workshops/Seminar whereas expenses were mainly associated with those technical meetings and site visits, and sponsorship to members attending local and overseas activities and conferences. The Division’s Income and Expenditure Account (Unaudited) for the period between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014 is summarized and included in Attachment 3. Full details of the 2013-2014 “End of Year Account” will then be available for inspection after audit shortly. 4. Technical Meetings, Workshops and Seminars and Conferences This session has had a busy schedule of technical meetings, workshops, seminars and conferences. They were organized either solely by the Division, or jointly with other organizations. The events are listed in Appendix B including 11 technical meetings, 6 half-day workshops, 1 full-day seminar and 1 top-up course. The major events are reported below. 4.1 th 34 Annual Seminar – Challenges and Recent Advance in Geotechnics for Foundation Engineering th The 34 Annual Seminar, organised jointly with the Hong Kong Geotechnical Society, will be held on 30 May 2014 at the Hong Kong International Trade and Exhibition Centre. The Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) will officiate the Opening Ceremony. The Seminar will serve as a platform for the geotechnical profession to consolidate experience and geotechnical expertise in the recent advancement in geotechnics for foundation engineering and to equip themselves with the knowledge to meet the challenges ahead. Two renowned experts, Prof Ir Charles Ng and Ir Wong Chi-ming will deliver keynote lectures. There will be presentations of selected papers covering various aspects, e.g. design guideline and code, ground investigation and instrumentation, design and analysis, construction techniques and equipment, quality control, verification and loading tests, risk management, information technology, innovation, as well as research and development. Altogether, about 30 papers will be published in the proceedings. An attendance of 600 is anticipated. 4.2 Workshops on Geotechnical Engineering The Division, in collaboration with the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has organised a sense of three workshops targeting young engineers in the Geotechnical Discipline and civil and structural engineers with an interest in geotechnical works. The three workshops, each comprising two sessions, are including: 5 Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 a. b. c. 4.3 Workshop on slope engineering held on 8 and 15 February 2014; Workshop on excavation and lateral support to be held on 24 and 31 May 2014; and Workshop on foundation engineering to be held on 19 and 26 July 2014. Top-up Courses for TCP T3 on Ground Investigation Field Works (GIFW) and Building Works with Significant Geotechnical Content The Division joined force with HKU to organise a top-up course for TCP T3 on GIFW and building works with significant geotechnical content in November to December 2013. The course was aimed to provide graduate engineers / geologists / technical inspection supervisors the basic knowledge in geotechnical training which is needed for those with less than 2 years of relevant experience being qualified to be TCP T3 in accordance with the Code of Practice for Site Supervision 2009 issued by the Buildings Department. The courses were very well received with over 130 attendees. 5 Technical Visits Various technical site visits were organised to projects of technical interest to members. These visits are tabulated below. Date Site Works Client Host No. of Participants 25 May 2013 LPM site visit at Fo Tan Upgrading of slopes by soil nailing CEDD CEDD 19 8 Jun 2013 XRL Contract 820 TBM tunneling and launch shaft MTR MTR 15 3 Aug 2013 HKBCF Land reclamation by non-dredge methods HYD HYD 25 28 Sep 2013 XRL Contract 811B Tunnel construction works MTR GammonLeighton Joint Venture 23 2 Nov 2013 MTRC SCL 1109 Construction of 1.2m pipe pile cofferdam MTR Samsung – Hsin Chong Joint Venture 28 7 Dec 2013 Sunway (Zhuhai) Factory, China Sunway Spun Pile (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. Sunway Spun Pile (Zhuhai) Co., Ltd. 19 4 Jan 2014 CLP Back Slope at Castle Peak Power Station (CPPS) Visit to the production of large diameter prestressed spun Piles Rock anchor replacement works and rock dowel installation CLP CLP / China GeoEngineering Corporation 23 6 Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 22 Feb 2014 Central - Wan Chai Bypass and Island Eastern Corridor Link (CWB) Construction of tunnel structure HyD AECOM 10 22 Mar 2014 XRL Contract 811B Tunnel construction works and ELS works MTR MTR 20 6 Prizes, Awards and Sponsorships 6.1 AECOM Prize AECOM Prize for Best Student of the Year is awarded to students attaining good performance in geotechnical subjects in civil engineering undergraduate course in local universities. The awardees are as follows: Awardee University Ms. LI Ping The University of Hong Kong Ms. YEUNG Ying Tung The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Mr. CHEUNG Ho Yeung The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Six submissions were received from HKU, HKPU HKUST and CityU for the AECOM Prize for Best Final-Year Geotechnical Project. A judging panel consisting of Ir Ian ASKEW, Ir Andy NG Lik Kwok and Ir David LAI Tai Wai was formed to review the submissions. The awardees are as follows: Award Winner Awardee University Ms. KOW Hong Yee The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 1st Runner-up Mr. HO Cheuk Yin The University of Hong Kong 2nd Runner-up Mr. SZE Chun The City University of Hong Kong 6.2 Fugro Prize Six submissions were received. A judging panel consisting of Ir Ian ASKEW, Ir CHAN Yun Cheung and Ir Rupert LEUNG Kwok Yiu was formed to review the submitted papers. The final competition was held on 20 January 2014, in which shortlisted papers’ authors were invited to make a presentation in front of the judging panel and other audience. Award 7 Awardee Affiliation Title of Paper Winner Mr. Ricky LEE Golder Associates (HK) Limited Interpretation of Inclinometer Data 1st Runner-up Mr. CHANG Dongsheng AECOM Asia Company Limited An Investigation into the Mechanism of Internal Soil Erosion Leading to Geotechnical Failures Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 6.3 Sponsorship for Attending Overseas Events The Division sponsored engineers to join the following overseas events and activities in 2013/2014 through its sponsorship programmes:Overseas Events / Activities Sponsored Participants The 18th Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference held in Singapore from 29 to 31 May 2013 Jason Ng and Charles Chan The 5th International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference held in Paris, France from 31 August to 1 September 2013 Rachel Law and Lucy Wu The 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering held in Paris, France, from 2 to 6 September 2013 Abby Liu, Alvin Lam and Stanley Pang Tripartite Seminar held in Taipei, Taiwan on 15 November 2013 Celia Choy and Fan Zhu The International Symposium on Advances in Foundation Engineering held in Singapore from 5 to 6 December 2013 Dennis Fung and Max Ma 6.4 Geotechnical Paper Award With the support of the geotechnical profession, the Division launched the HKIE Geotechnical Paper Award. This is a biennial event aiming at encouraging high quality technical publications that targeted practicing geotechnical engineers in Hong Kong. We believe that such papers play an important role in fostering advancements in geotechnical practice and technology in Hong Kong. All papers published in the past five years in Hong Kong or by Hong Kong-based personnel elsewhere in the world are eligible for the award. Entries for the Award this year was invited on 16 Jan 2014. By the deadline on 15 March, 36 papers have been received, mostly from authors, with a few from Corporate Members who entered others’ papers that they believe merit recognition. Assessment of the papers is in progress to identify the best for the Award. This is not an easy task given the high quality of the papers. The winner of the Award will be announced in the HKIE Geotechnical Division Annual Seminar on 30 May. Please visit for further information of the Award scheme. 7 Overseas Links The Division co-organised the Tripartite Seminar with Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), Chinese Institution of Engineers (CIE) on the theme of “The Management and Case Study on Adjacent Underground Construction” at Taipei, Taiwan. A delegation from HKIE attended the Seminar on 15 November 2013 followed by a site visit on 16 November 2013. 8 Working Groups 8.1 Working Group on Cavern and Tunnel Engineering The Working Group on Cavern and Tunnel Engineering has played a key role in the consolidation of local and international knowledge, experience and best practice in the development and understanding of cavern and tunnel engineering in the urban environment. 8 Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 The Working Group is at the forefront of promoting awareness among professionals, developers, professional bodies and relevant authorities of the potential benefits of the development of caverns and tunnels in Hong Kong. The Work Group has developed a new “Guideline on Ground Control for EPB TBM Tunnelling”, that will operate in parallel with the existing Guideline on Ground Control for Slurry TBM Tunnelling. The process of collation of comments is complete with a final version handed over to the Geotechnical Engineering Office for publication. The Working Group has also nominated member to provide consolidated feedback for the Update of Geoguide 4 initiated by the Geotechnical Engineering Office. The Working Group has reviewed a number of submissions and publications on a wide variety of topic including but not limited to, blasting vibration limits as part of the cavern study, fire safety in caverns and more recently on the ground freezing technique. Future work is to be carried out on the development of Ground Risk & Geotechnical Reports and a review of the use of fibres as structural support for concrete tunnel linings. Mr Justin Taylor has stepped down as Chairman and Mr Mark Wallace was proposed and seconded as the new Chairman to serve over the next few years starting from March 2014. Mr. Justin Taylor was thanked by the WG for his enthusiasm and commitment to the Working Group over the last 2 years. He will continue to assist the new Chairman with his support for the next year. The Working Group will continue to promote best practice in cavern and tunnelling engineering and will be organizing various events and input to studies as well as the industry over the next few years. 8.2 Working Group on Application of Innovation Technology in Geotechnical Engineering The Working Group on Application of Innovative Technology in Geotechnical Engineering scheduled six workshops/seminars, covering the topics of natural terrain hazard study, quantitative risk assessment, debris mobility modelling, remote sensing techniques, instrumentation, and GIS. The subjects of numerical assessment of debris-structure interaction and potential application of energy piles are being reviewed with a view to planning future knowledge sharing sessions. A new area on innovative construction technology would also be explored. 8.3 Task Force on Physical Testing on Flexible Debris-resisting Barriers The Task Force has made good progress in exploring the possibility of carrying out largescale physical tests of soil debris impacting on instrumented flexible barriers. Besides meetings, members of the Task Force have visited two sites in South Korea and Zhuhai respectively to explore the possibility of conducting full-scale landslide tests. Furthermore, a number of local locations including existing and disused quarry, depot and landslide sites and remote lands in outlying islands are also under investigation. The Task Force is also working close with the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for constructing a large-scale flume model in Hong Kong, where a funding of HK$4M has been awarded under the RGC Collaborative Research Fund Scheme. 9 Annual Dinner th As a major annual event of the Geotechnical Division, the 20 Annual Dinner was held at Room N201 of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on 28 February 2014. More 9 Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 than 360 distinguished guests and fellow members attended. The event provided an opportunity for geotechnical professionals and guests to meet socially in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. The Chairman of the Division, Ir Terence Chan, officiated the start of the dinner with a welcoming address. This was followed by a speech by the Guest of Honour, Ir Eric Ma, Under Secretary for Development. Annual prizes of the Division in recognition of achievement of engineering undergraduates and young engineers in the field of geotechnical engineering, including the AECOM Prize for Best Engineering Students in Hong Kong Universities, the AECOM Prize for the Best Final-Year Geotechnical Project and the Fugro Prize, were presented to the awardees. The dinner was enlivened by performance of erhu by Mr. Leonard Wong of the Geotechnical Engineering Office and two songs by Committee Member Ir Chris Lee and his band. The evening ended in rejoicing after the lucky draws, thanks to the generous contribution by sponsoring companies for their generous donations. 10 Hong Kong Geotechnical Society The HKGES organised the following events during this session: 1. 2. HKGES served as a supporting organisation of the 4th International Symposium on Geotechnical Safety and Risk (ISGSR2013) on 4-6 December 2013 at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under auspices of TC304 and TC205. HKGES also supported the organisation of the 10th International Workshop on Bifurcation and Degradation in Geomaterials on 28-30 May 2014 at Hong Kong Polytechnic University 11 Special Activity – Boulder Fence Model Design Competition The Geotechnical Division this year co-organized a “Boulder Fence Model Design Competition” with the Geotechnical Engineering Office (GEO) of the Civil Engineering and Development Department, the Education Bureau and the Hong Kong Science Museum of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. The Competition, aimed at promoting students’ awareness of landslide hazards in Hong Kong, was opened to all Secondary School students in Hong Kong to participate. The response was overwhelming, with more than 500 students from 50 schools in the territory participated in the competition. The competition requires participating students to design and assemble a boulder fence model with newspapers, bamboo sticks and rubber bands to resist boulder fall simulated by impact of dry batteries. The lightest model which resisted the impact of six boulders down from a sloping channel won the “The Most Effective Design Award”. Another two awards “the Most Robust Design Award” and “the Most Innovative and Aesthetic Design Award” went to the model which resisted the most number of boulders and the one judged with the most creativity and aesthetics respectively. A series of competition tests were held at the Science Museum in late June 2013 whereas the award presentation ceremony was held also at the Museum on 7 July 2013. The Chairman of the Division, Ir Terence Chan, along with other officiating guests presented prizes and awards at the ceremony. A video showing the highlights of the whole competition had been uploaded to GEO’s YouTube channel and can be viewed via the link: 10 Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 Appendix A - Membership Lists of Division Committee, Event Organising Committees and Working Groups Geotechnical Division Committee Ir Terence CHAN Chairman Working Group on Application of Innovative Technologies in Geotechnical Engineering Ir Tony CHEUNG Immediate Past Chairman Ir Ken HO Chairman Ir Rupert LEUNG Deputy Chairman Ir Florence Ko Secretary Ir Dr Johnny CHEUK Honorary Secretary Ir Dr Mark CHAN Ir Patrick YONG Honorary Treasurer Ir Dr Johnny CHEUK Ir Ian ASKEW Ir Freda CHU Ir Vincent AU Ir Ian SOLOMON Ir Sammy CHEUNG Dr Wang Yu Hsing Ir David LAI Ir WONG H N Ir LAM Kin Chung Ir Prof YIN Jianhua Ir Tom LEE Ir Chris LEE Working Group on Cavern and Tunnel Engineering Ir James SZE Mr Mark WALLACE Chairman Dr WANG Yu Hsing Mr Justin TAYLOR Immediate Past Chairman Ir Dr LEE Siew Wei Dr Ryan YAN Ir YIM Kin Ping Mr Pierre BOURGEIOS Mr Ray BREW STER Co-opted Members Mr Guy BRIDGES Ir Michael HENDY Ir Clayton CHAN Ir Andy NG Ir CHAN N F Ir Irene YU Ir Kenneth KO Ir Joseph LO Ir LUM K H Ex-officio Members Ir Edwin CHUNG Council Member (Division) Dr Sam NG Mr Ray NG AMC Representative Mr James RICKARD Ms Emily YU YMC Representative Dr. Eng. Teijiro SAITO Ir Terence CHAN Discipline Representative Ir David SALISBURY Ir Dr Richard PANG Mr Hans SUNDSTROM Ir Mark SWALES Observers Ir CHAN Yun Cheung Ir Chris LAU Dr Andy LEUNG Ir Ringo YU 11 Ir Patrick YONG CSC Representative Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 Task Force on Physical Testing on Flexible Debris-resisting Barriers Ir Ken HO Chairman Ir Dr Julian KWAN Secretary Ir Terence CHAN Ir Dr Johnny CHEUK th Organizing Committee of the 20 Annual Dinner Ir Rupert LEUNG Ir Ian ASKEW Ir Chris LEE Ir Andy NG Chairman Ir Patrick YONG Ir Irene YU Ir Raymond KOO Ir Dr LAU C K Ir Rupert LEUNG Ir PANG Kwok-Kay Dr WANG Yu Hsing Dr Ryan YAN Ir Prof YIN Jian-hwa Ir Jack YIU Ir Ringo YU th Organizing Committee of the 34 Geotechnical Division Annual Seminar Ir Chris LEE Ir Sammy CHEUNG Chairman Ir David LAI Ir Dr LEE Siew Wei Ir LAM Kin Chung Dr WANG Yu Hsing Dr Ryan YAN Ir Patrick YONG Ir Irene YU Ir Ringo YU 12 Attachment 2 Annual Report for Session 2013/2014 Appendix B - List of Technical Meetings, Workshops, Seminars and Conferences 13 Date Speaker Topic 4 July 2013 Guy Bridges Construction of deep shafts using raise boring 24 July 2013 Ray Wood [Joint seminar with AGS(HK) and ASCE (HK Section)] Managing geotechnical uncertainty into effective project delivery 16 Sept 2013 Samuel Ng, Julian Kwan, Raymond Cheung Enhanced Approach for dealing with Natural Terrain Hazards 10 Oct 2013 Benson Lam, John Chan Construction of new type of retaining wall with stabilizing base using precast panels at Tolo Highway widening 28 Oct 2013 Xiangdong Hu [Joint seminar with AGS(HK) 9 Dec 2013 Raymond Wong Review of recent building and civil works that involved large-scale cuttings 8 Jan 2014 Kenichi Soga [Joint seminar with HKU] Energy piles and beyond 20 Jan 2014 Various (Shortlisted candidates) Fugro Prize 2013/14 Presentation Competition 19 Feb 2014 Behzad Fatahi Modelling of Influence of Matric Suction Induced by Native Vegetation on Ground Behaviour 19 Mar 2014 Charles Tang Implementation of LPMitP works at natural hillside catchments in the urban area 4 Apr 2014 Chaido Doulala-Rigby [Joint seminar with PolyU] Construction of reinforced soil walls in UAE Artificial ground freezing
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