Setting up Security in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate

Setting up Security in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate
Admin Guide
V 1.1
SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate – Introduction
SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate is a CRM App for SharePoint that helps you manage your Accounts, Opportunities, Tasks,
Contacts, and Projects. It keeps you focused on important tasks and improves your productivity so you can spend time
growing your business instead of looking for a lost business card, email, or quote. Best of all, SideKick365 xRM
Ultimate is built on top of SharePoint 2013, so it can be deployed on-premise or in Office 365. Features like workflow,
state-of-the-art searching, document management, and security are all included in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate. New
features will be added to SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate as Microsoft adds new capabilities and functionality to
SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate has a powerful security model that is very granular and can be easily configured to limit
“who” can see “what” within Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, and Projects. This guide will explore how to create,
administer and use the security module within SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate so you can segment data based upon a
geography, business unit or even company – let’s get started.
Video Guides
We have developed 2 videos that demonstrate the capabilities and administrative steps required to set up security in
SideKick365 xRM Ultimate and how security settings determine what a particular user can view or edit. These videos
and many more on SideKick365 xRM Ultimate can be can be viewed online by following this link – xRM UltimatexRMUltimateVideos.aspx
We recommend you take a break from this guide and watch the videos mentioned above, and then return back to this
guide. The videos will give you a lot of detailed information that you can use to help quickly understand the security
model and terminology as you read through this guide.
SideKick365 xRM Ultimate –Introduction to Security Profiles
SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate lets you create and manage security profiles that are used to set “Read” or “Edit”
permissions on Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, or Projects. Security profile’s lets you set up sales teams to enable
sales regions, divisions, or multiple companies within a single installation of SideKick365 xRM Ultimate. Once a
security profile has been applied, only those users that have been explicitly given access to read or edit this Account
will be able to access this record.
The screenshot below shows an Account with an assigned security profile called “Alan_S_Profile”.
Illustration 1 - The Security Profile Field is highlighted in the Account
What are Security Profiles and how do they work?
A security profile stores a group of users that have been granted permissions to read or edit an Account, Opportunity,
Contact, or Project. If you do not assign a security profile to an item, then everyone with access to SideKick365 xRM
Ultimate can view the record.
Tip – Make sure to assign a security profile to an Account, Opportunity, Contact, or Project if you want to limit who can
access it.
Tip – When you create a new Opportunity, SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate automatically assigns the security profile of the
Account associated with the Opportunity. Opportunities are always associated with an Account – they are considered
children of an Account meaning they inherit the security profile of the Account they are associated with. The security
profile in the Opportunity can be changed. This means you could have different salespeople working on opportunities in
an Account and ensure that the salespeople only see Opportunities they are supposed to see. You can also support
territories or product lines and limit which salespeople have access to certain Opportunities within an Account.
NOTE – The next few sections of this document is targeted at SharePoint administrators and those responsible for
setting up security in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate. If that’s not you, then skip head to the section called “Assigning a
Security Profile”
Getting Ready to Set up Security Profiles
SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate is a SharePoint-hosted App. It is installed into a SharePoint team site that you create in
your SharePoint farm. While not required, we recommend you set up a new Site Collection and create a new team
site to host SideKick365 xRM Ultimate. You can install SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate by adding the app into you app
catalog and then installing the app into a host SharePoint team site using the Site Contents option in the site admin
settings (the gear). You can read how to install a SharePoint hosted app into your organization’s app catalog by
following the instructions here
Once you have installed SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate, it is time to set up security profiles.
TIP – You don’t have to use security profiles. You only use them if you need to limit “who” can see “what”
SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate security uses groups stored in in a list called Security Profiles to assign permissions on
Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, and Projects and their associated Notes and Documents. Each security profile
contains two fields that hold the names of a “Read” and an “Edit” group. These groups can be SharePoint groups,
Active Directory groups, Windows Azure Identity Groups, or any other group that is recognized by SharePoint. These
groups can contain nested groups as needed – just remember you cannot nest SharePoint groups so plan accordingly.
A quick description of the permissions of the required group for each security profile follows:
Read – Can view list items and download documents
Edit – Can add, update and delete list items and documents
While not required - as a best practice, we recommend creating two SharePoint groups for each security profile – an
Edit group and a Read group. Before proceeding further, it is important to review SharePoint groups to get a deeper
understanding what they are and how they are used by SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate.
SharePoint groups are objects in SharePoint that hold a list of users. When you create a SharePoint group, it does not
have any permissions assigned by default – you, the SharePoint administrator must assign permissions to the group by
defining unique permissions when you create the group, or by inheriting permissions from an existing SharePoint
Best Practice Recommendation - When you create the site that holds SideKick365 xRM Ultimate Ultimate, you have the
option to either inherit permissions from the site above the new team site or to break permissions so the site has unique
permissions. You should choose Unique Permissions.
IMPORTANT – All users that needs access SideKick365 xRM Ultimate should be added to the Site Members group in the
SharePoint site that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate.
IMPORTANT –We suggest you break inheritance in the new site by selecting the option to use Unique Permissions as
illustrated below.
When you break permissions, SharePoint gives you the option to set permissions every time you create a new
SharePoint group under the Site Settings “People and Groups Option”. If you do not choose to break permissions in
the host site for SideKick365 xRM Ultimate, then you will not see the option to set permissions when you create a new
SharePoint group. That is because you must inherit the permissions on these new groups from a group in the parent
site when you choose to have the team site hosting SideKick365 xRM Ultimate inherit permissions. Breaking
permissions on the team site that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate lets you set up SharePoint groups that are scoped
to SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate with permission settings that are appropriate for Read and Edit in each security profile.
Tip – Make sure to select “Use Unique Permissions” in the settings for the new team site you create to host SideKick 365
xRM Ultimate. This breaks permissions on the site that hosts SideKick 365 xRM Ultimate.
Creating a Security Profile
It’s easy to set up security profiles, but you do need to do some planning to make sure they work as desired. Let’s get
started…. to add a security profile, select the Profiles menu and then select the “new item” option.
Illustration 2 – List of Security Profiles
When you add a new security profile, you must add values into all fields:
Profile Name – the name of the security profile that appears in the profile dropdown
Read Group – the name of the group (can be a SharePoint, AD, or Windows Azure Active Directory) you created
for users that can only read the item
Edit Group - the name of the group (can be a SharePoint, AD, or Windows Azure Active Directory) you created
for users that can only edit the item
Illustration 3 – A typical Security Profile – Note the use of Groups
Tip: The Read and Edit fields in the Security Profile set-up screen only let you enter one group.
Tip – You should set the permissions to “Contribute” in SharePoint when you make a group to add in the Edit field within
the security profile so that users cannot delete lists
Setting up SharePoint Security Groups
As previously mentioned, we recommend that you set up two SharePoint groups for each security profile in the team
site that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate. We suggest the following naming conventions for these groups:
“Profile Name_Read – this is a SharePoint group of SideKick365 xRM Ultimate who can read but not edit the
items assigned to this profile. Assign “Read” permissions to this group.
“Profile Name_Edit - this is a SharePoint group of SideKick365 xRM Ultimate that can edit the items assigned to
this profile. Assign “Contribute” permissions to this group.
Illustration 4 – List of typical SharePoint Security Groups
Tip: Microsoft recommends a maximum number of 10,000 SharePoint security groups per site collection – see . This means you can have up to 5000 security profiles per
instance if you choose to set up SideKick365 xRM Ultimate in its own site collection and use a single SharePoint group to
hold the Readers and another to hold the Editors within a profile. If you need more than 5000 security profiles, consider
using Active Directory groups or Windows Azure Active Directory Security groups.
Security Group Strategies
SharePoint groups do not support nesting – meaning you can’t put another SharePoint group within a SharePoint Read
or Edit security group. So what do you do if you want to create a common group – say the executives or a regional
management team – and nest them within many Read or Edit SharePoint security profile groups? You don’t want to
type these individual members into every Read and Edit SharePoint group because it can be difficult to maintain
membership across many different SharePoint groups. So what is a best practice?
We recommend that you create Active Directory or Windows Azure Active Directory groups of users that often share
similar security rights across many Edit and Read SharePoint groups - like executives or management team members –
and add these Active Directory or Windows Azure Active Directory groups into the Read or Edit groups for each
security profile. This make it easy to maintain a single group of these common users across many security profiles.
Changing the members in these Active Directory or Windows Azure Active Directory groups makes it easy to maintain
access across many security profiles. A change in any of these group members will automatically trickle into the
SharePoint security profile group using these common Active Directory or Windows Azure Active Directory groups.
Tip – IMPORTANT – If an Account, Contact, Opportunity or Project has been assigned a security profile, then the only
users allowed to read or edit these items are those users that have explicitly been given permission within the Read or
Edit group in the Security profile assigned to that item, and the site administrator. It is important to make sure you add
the user identified in the Owner field in an Account, Contact, Opportunity, or Project to the Edit or Read SharePoint group
associated with the security profile assigned to that Account, Contact, or Opportunity, or the owner will not be able to
access the Account, Contact, or Opportunity even though they have been named as an owner!
Permission Owners– A Required Full Control Group in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate
SideKick365 xRM Ultimate has a required group for users that create and manage security profiles and SharePoint
groups, or assign a security profile to an Opportunity, Account, or Contact. This group must be created in the
SharePoint site that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate and it must be assigned “full control” permissions in SharePoint.
IMPORTANT - You must to create a SharePoint group that has “Full Control” permissions within the site that hosts
SideKick365 xRM Ultimate to assign security profiles. We suggest calling that group “xRM Permission Owners”. Add all
users to this group if they need to create or set security profiles.
IMPORTANT – Make sure that at least one member of the xRM Permission Owners group belongs to either the Read or
Edit group within the security profile that is applied to an Opportunity, Account, or Contact if you want that user to be
able to assign a security profile.
If you decide to apply a security profile to an Account, Opportunity, Contact, or Project then SideKick365 xRM Ultimate
is smart enough to only grant access to users given explicit access through the Read or Edit group you create for each
security profile. Adding a user to the xRM Permission Owners group described within this section does not give
them access to a particular Accounts, Opportunities, or Contacts. Make sure you add a user that is a part of the
“xRM Permission Owners” group into either the Read or Edit group within each security profile that you set up if
you want that user to be able to assign permissions.
Tip – Be careful who can add users to the xRM Permissions group. We suggest you let the Site Admin add or delete users
in this group.
NOTE – if you do not choose a security profile in an Account, Contact, Opportunity, or Project then all users have
access to it based upon the permissions they have been granted in the SharePoint site that hosts SideKick365 xRM
Assigning a Security Profile
Adding a security profile to an Account, Opportunity, Contact, or Project is easy. You simply choose the security
profile you want to assign to the item from the dropdown within the Profile field. (Note – the Profile field shown
below shows a list of all security profiles that have been defined in the Profiles module). You will only be able to
assign a security profile if you belong to the xRM Permission Owners group previously described within this guide.
Illustration 5 – Adding a Security Profile
TIP – If you don’t assign a Security Profile to an Account, Opportunity, or Contact then all users can view or edit the item.
TIP – Create Security Profiles BEFORE adding Contacts, Accounts and Opportunities
Use the following checklist to plan your security in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate xRM Ultimate:
Create a SharePoint group with Full Control permissions in the site that hosts the SideKick365 xRM Ultimate
App. Add anyone that can create, manage and/or assign permissions to Accounts, Opportunities, Contacts, and
Projects into this group. We suggest you call this group “xRM Permission Owners”
Create a SharePoint read group and a SharePoint edit group within the site that hosts the SideKick365 xRM
Ultimate App for each security profile that you create. Assign “Read” permissions to the read group and
“Contribut” permissions to the edit group. The illustration below shows the creation of a read-only SharePoint
Make sure the user identified as the Owner in the Account, Contact, or Opportunity is included in either the edit
or read group in each security profile. Assigning a user as an owner does NOT give them any permission to see
the Account, Contact, or Opportunity.
Make sure at least one user named in the xRM Permission Owners group is included in either the edit or read
group in each security profile
Put users that have similar access permissions across many security profiles into Active Directory groups or
Widows Azure Active Directory groups. Nest these groups into the read and edit groups as required for each
security profile.
Illustration 6 – Creating a Read Security Profile Group
Quick Setup Guide
Use the steps outlined to set up security in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate
Step 1 – Create a site to host SideKick365 xRM Ultimate and break permissions so the SharePoint site has unique
Step 2 – Add all users that need to access SideKick365 xRM Ultimate into the members group that is presented
when setting up the new team site that will host SideKick365 xRM Ultimate.
Step 3 – Create a group in the new team site created to host SideKick365 xRM Ultimate called xRM Permission
Owners. Assign full permissions to this group and add all users that should be able to assign and create security
Step 4 – Create Active directory or Windows Azure Identity groups for common groups that will be shared across
many security profiles. Examples include senior executives or sales managers that should be able to see
Step 5 – Create a Read Group and an Edit SharePoint group for each Security profile within the SharePoint site
that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate. Assign Read or Contribute permissions to each of these groups. Add users
and common groups created in step 4 to these groups as needed. Make sure to include at least 1 member of
the xRM Permission Owners group in the Edit group.
Step 6 – Create a security profile in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate and add the Read and Edit SharePoint group for
each security profile.
Step 7 – Start adding data and assign security profiles as needed.
Common Problems and Troubleshooting
The following are common mistakes you may encounter. Studying these may help you troubleshoot issues when you
set up security in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate.
The user named in the Owner field can’t access the Opportunity, Account, Contact, or Project – A user cannot
access a record in SideKick365 xRM Ultimate that has been assigned a security profile unless they a member of
the Edit or Read group named in the security profile. Simply adding the user as an owner does not grant them
any specific permissions when a security profile is assigned to the Opportunity, Account, Contact, or Project.
Make sure the owner is a member of the Edit or Read group in the assigned security profile.
A user can view or edit an Opportunity, Account, Contact, or Project and you want block that user from that
record – Make sure that you have assigned a security profile to the Opportunity, Account, Contact, or Project. If
you have assigned a security profile, then check to see how the user you want to block is associated with the
Edit or Read groups in the security profile.
You can’t create groups in the SharePoint site that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate – You must have the
SharePoint permission called “Create Groups” in the SharePoint site that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate.
Create Groups is part of the Full Control site permission. You can also create a custom permission and include
the permission to Create Groups within the custom group. Make sure you have been assigned permissions to
create groups in the SharePoint site that hosts SideKick365 xRM Ultimate or you cannot add SharePoint groups.