AIA Young Architects Forum Handbook 2014 Rev. July 2014 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission-Vision Statement 4 Goals 5 Overview 6 YAF Summit15 8 YAF Summit20 9 Council of Emerging Professionals 10 Rules of the Committee Appendix A – Roles and Duties of the YAF Advisory Committee Appendix B – Roles and Duties of the YARD 11 21 26 Rev. July 2014 Page 2 of 26 Introduction The Young Architects Forum (YAF) is a program of The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and is organized to address issues of particular importance to recently licensed Architects (within 10 years or less after licensure). The YAF is an outgrowth of a 1989 AIA Grassroots program involving 36 young architects from around the nation assembled by then AIA President Ben Brewer, Jr. FAIA. The issues raised and potential benefits visualized at that meeting led to the 1991 formation of a national YAF Advisory Committee, to encourage the development of national and regional programs of interest to young architects and the creation of YAF groups within local chapters. The YAF Advisory Committee (AdCom), as of 2013, consists of seven young architects working in association with the College of Fellows (COF). The AdCom is specifically charged with carrying out national level YAF programs and serving as liaison with other AIA committees and allied organizations. Young Architect Regional Directors (YARDs) work with their counterparts, the COF Regional Representatives and the National Associates Committee (NAC) Regional Associate Directors (RADs). The 19 YARDs are responsible for gathering information about what issues are facing young architects within their geographic areas and disseminating information about national/regional activities and resources for use on the local level. YARDs serve as an important link between the Regions, the YAF, and the Institute. Rev. July 2014 Page 3 of 26 Mission-Vision Statement The AIA Young Architects Forum is the voice of recently licensed Architects and the catalyst for progress within the Institute. • • • • • We ENGAGE recently licensed Architects in leadership to become agents of change within the Institute and the profession overall. We INSPIRE professional growth among recently licensed Architects through fellowship within the Institute. We ADVOCATE for issues of particular relevance to recently licensed Architects to the Institute. We SERVE to make AIA memberships meaningful to recently licensed Architects through programs and services that effectively anticipate, meet and exceed their needs. We PROMOTE mentorship at all career stages to enhance personal growth, community involvement, and professional development. We are the YAF, and we believe in promoting leadership, mentorship, and fellowship for the future of the profession. Rev. July 2014 Page 4 of 26 Goals Throughout its history, the YAF has had three goals: 1. To encourage professional growth and leadership development among recently licensed architects through interaction and collaboration within the AIA and allied groups. 2. To build a national network and serve as a collective voice for young architects by working to ensure that issues of particular relevance to young architects are appropriately addressed by the Institute. 3. To make AIA membership valuable to young architects and to develop the future leadership of the profession. These goals are manifested in the work of the YAF in its three overriding values: Leadership Leadership is the practice of actively engaging recently licensed Architects to affect positive change for the betterment of other members, their firms, their communities, and the Institute overall. Mentorship Mentorship is the developmental partnership through which a seasoned Architect (mentor) shares knowledge, skills, information and perspective with an Intern Architect or a recently licensed Architect (mentee) in order to develop specific skills and knowledge that will enhance the mentee’s professional and personal growth. Fellowship Fellowship is the condition of sharing similar interests, ideals, or experiences with other recently licensed Architects or more experienced Architects in a congenial, collegial atmosphere on equal terms. Rev. July 2014 Page 5 of 26 Overview Young architects, defined as those licensed ten years or less, are confronted with a variety of issues relating to their professional and personal lives. Some of these are profession-wide, affecting many architects, interns and Associates. However, some of these issues are uniquely relevant to young architects and specifically relate to the development stage of their professional careers. Research roundtables, conducted in several cities around the nation, have yielded many key issues of interest. Topics mentioned most often are: • Career Advancement • Starting a firm • Moving up within an existing firm (Leadership/Early Career Development) • Career Alternatives (both within and beyond a traditional practice) • Balancing Professional and Personal Life These issues are not unimportant to architects as a whole. Generally, interns are more concerned with basic compensation and licensure issues, allowing them to put off later career decisions. On the other hand, established architects have mastered the issues listed above and may have already reached lasting conclusions about the direction of their careers, and are concentrating on direct practice, design, and business concerns. In between these two groups are a majority of newly licensed architects who typically need to be better equipped to deal with the issues stated above. Some statistics place the number of young architects (by the above definition) to be as much as 40-50% of all licensed architects in this country. However, young architects comprise roughly 15-20% of the approximately 80,000 AIA members. While it is appropriate that the AIA devote the bulk of its resources toward meeting the needs of the majority of its members, more young architects should also be recruited. It is the intent of the YAF, through persistent pursuit of its stated goals, to make AIA membership invaluable to young architects and develop the future leadership of the profession. Committee Structure The Young Architects Forum Leadership consists of: • Advisory Committee (AdCom) consisting of (1) Voting Members: Chair, Vice Chair, Knowledge Director, Communications Director, Public Relations Director, Community Director, Advocacy Director, and (2)Non-Voting Members: Past Chair, AIA College of Fellows Liaison, AIA Board of Directors Representative, AIA Staff Liaison; • 19 Young Architect Regional Directors (YARDs) appointed from the 18 geographic regions; Each fall, the AdCom seeks to fill positions for the following year. The YARD network serves as a logical pool of nominees for the AdCom positions. Terms vary from 1-2 years and members may serve up to four years on the Committee. Major meetings of the AdCom are typically scheduled four times a year and typically consist of AIA Grassroots Conference, AIA National Convention, the YAF Annual Meeting, and a fall YAF transition meeting. Conference calls are scheduled regularly. Young Architect Regional Director Network YARDs work with their counterparts, the COF Regional Representatives and the National Associates Committee (NAC) Regional Associate Directors. YARDs are responsible for gathering information about issues facing young architects within their geographic areas and disseminating information about national/regional activities and resources for use on the local level. Of equal importance, YARDs serve as an important link between young architects and the national organization. Rev. July 2014 Page 6 of 26 YAF Defined Across the Country The definition is as varied as the number of forums that have started across the country. The primary type of group consists of local young architects who gather together to discuss common goals, problems, experiences and thoughts about their careers, the profession and, of course, design. In the process they hold seminars, community outreach programs, and social events and interact with their local AIA components to keep the membership informed about the needs and interests of young architects. In smaller components where young architects are integral to the workings of the component, there may be no need for a separate group. Some of these components have elected to combine with other chapters in their state to form a statewide association of young architects. Others created a group combining licensed young architects and unlicensed members (Associates or interns) to pool resources while maintaining a mentoring relationship between both groups, similar to the relationship between the YAF and COF. Why is the YAF related to the College of Fellows? Young architects, like many young professionals, need mentors. Who better to assist in addressing the issues listed above than those who have already met them with success? The COF/YAF structure provides a stable leadership organization and a practical information gathering/dissemination system, while offering the benefits of the College’s wealth of experience and insight to younger architects. Rev. July 2014 Page 7 of 26 YAF Summit15 In 2007, the YAF celebrated its 15th anniversary by having an AIA Grassroots preconference workshop entitled “YAF15 Summit”. The Summit brought together leaders of the architecture profession from all levels to celebrate 15 years of achievements of the YAF. The Summit provided a forum for attendees to engage in dialogue about issues facing the unique demographic of young architects. Together, they re-examined the mission of the YAF and developed ways to provide support and programming for the future leaders. The attendees developed a top ten list of issues that the YAF should address in the next 15 years. They were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Mentorship Human Capital Leadership/Interaction Skills Practice Management Credibility of the Architect Responsibility of the Architect Outreach Work/Life Balance Integrated Practice Technical Skills Group members chose to work together on the first 6 topics to develop work plans for each topic centered around the effect on the individual, the firm, the profession and the community. Afterwards, the AdCom was tasked with taking the ideas of the YAF 15 Summit attendees to the next level. Robust plans were developed including milestones and budget implications. These plans were used to shape the Work Plan for the YAF for the next 5 years. More information on Summit15 Outcomes can be found here. Rev. July 2014 Page 8 of 26 YAF Summit20 The YAF20 Summit was held on March 6-7, 2012 at the new District Architecture Center in Washington, DC. The Summit brought together over 60 professionals in the design industry from across the country to document their views on the top issues affecting young architects. The outcomes will assist with the development of the strategic plan for the YAF. The attendees were a diverse group of licensed and unlicensed architectural professionals. Many practiced architecture in a traditional work environment but some worked for contractors, developers, or academia. Some were recent graduates and some were seasoned professionals that attended previous Summits hosted by the YAF. Many were involved with the AIA though some were averse to the institution. Regardless of their background, everyone’s goal was to improve the quality of the future of the profession through the voice of the YAF. Through Survey20, a survey developed by the YAF in January of 2012, four of the top issues were selected by a nationwide poll. The YAF Advisory Committee selected two issues and the entire assembly picked the remaining four. Via a secret ballot, the top ten selected issues were ranked by the assembly and the top six were defined, and outcomes and tasks were discussed. They top ten were: 1. Advancement of the Profession 2. Career Advancement 3. Value of Design 4. Starting your Own Firm 5. Value of Licensure 6. Economy & Change 7. Mentorship 8. Leadership Skills 9. Pace of Practice – More with Less 10. Best Practices from Successful Firms Once again group members chose to work together on the first 6 topics to develop work plans for each topic centered around the effect on the individual, the firm, the profession and the community. Each of the top 6 issues were further defined and addressed over the next few months to complete the work of the subcommittees for each issue. Each subcommittee developed a further definition of the topic, a summary of why it was important to the Institute, a summary of impacts and outcomes, and a list of suggested action items in furtherance of the topic. More information on Summit20 Outcomes can be found here: Rev. July 2014 Page 9 of 26 Council of Emerging Professionals (CEP) In 2004, an Emerging Professionals Discussion Group convened and acted as an advisor to the Board of Directors on any relevant issues. This group also reviewed position statements related to Emerging Professionals. The following year, in 2005, a meeting was held to plan for the formation of a committee with multiple stakeholders, this meeting was referred to as the Community Conclave. In 2006, the Community Committee was established as a Board Committee and in 2007, under the direction of Vice President George Miller, subgroups were added to the committee. Those subgroups included: Alliances, Pro Bono, Emerging Professionals, and Diversity. In 2008, Vice President Peter Arsenault continued this structure with the addition of a Member Value Subgroup and the shift of the Diversity Subgroup to the Strategic Initiatives Committee. Upon realization that the group had become task oriented rather than strategic and advisory, the 2008 Emerging Professionals Subgroup made recommendations to become a permanent subgroup of the Board Community Committee and serve as an advisory body that focuses on strategic issues as they relate to emerging professionals. That request was denied. In 2010, in response to a Blue Sky discussion with the AIA National Board of Directors, a motion to create a Council of Emerging Professionals was proposed. It passed unanimously. Definition: The CEP defines Emerging Professionals as those individuals on the path to licensure or recently licensed, to be inclusive of architecture students, intern architects, and architects licensed for ten years or less. Purpose: It is the intent of the CEP to respond to and advance the member needs of Emerging Professionals. Goals: 1. Prepare, advocate and respond to the rising generation of architects by encouraging effective relationships, being a resource and providing support for addressing generational needs within the profession. 2. Provide a forum for the leaders of the Young Architects Forum, the National Associates Committee and the American Institute of Architecture Students to foster thought leadership and transfer knowledge. 3. Serve in an advisory capacity to the AIA National Board on initiatives of the Institute that pertain to emerging professionals. Rev. July 2014 Page 10 of 26 Rules of the Committee The Bylaws of the AIA take precedence over all AIA committee rules. Any committee rules that are inconsistent with the Bylaws of the AIA shall be governed by the Bylaws. YAF Leadership shall uphold the standards of professionalism and responsibility expected of a professional member and contribute to the advancement of the AIA and the profession of architecture. YAF committee members do not act on behalf of the AIA and are not legal representatives of the AIA. Actions of members of the YAF shall not be contrary to official AIA policies and procedures. YAF committee members do not have authority over any AIA staff member, operational policy, or procedure. For additional information on volunteering at the AIA, please visit 1.0 THE YOUNG ARCHITECTS FORUM The Young Architects Forum (YAF) is a program of The American Institute of Architects (AIA or Institute) and is organized to address issues of particular importance to recently licensed architects (within 10 years of licensure). The national YAF Advisory Committee (AdCom) is charged with encouraging the development of national and regional programs of interest to young architects and supporting the creation of YAF groups within local components. 1.01. These Rules have been created to act as a guideline for all activities of the YAF leadership, defined as the members of the AdCom and Young Architects Regional Director (YARDs). 2.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS / PURPOSE 2.01 Goals. The YAF has three overriding goals: 2.01.1 Mentorship. Encourage professional growth and leadership development among recently licensed architects through interaction and collaboration within the AIA and associated organizations. 2.01.2 Fellowship. Build a national network and serve as a collective voice for young architects by working to ensure that issues of particular relevance and importance to young architects are appropriately addressed by the AIA. 2.01.3 Leadership. Make AIA membership invaluable to young architects, as well as develop and encourage the future emerging leadership of the profession. 2.02 Structure. The three goals stated in 2.01 are reinforced through the YAF‘s alignment with the College of Fellows (COF). The original structure and development of the YAF was based on the COF to help encourage mentorship, leadership development and a passing of the torch of insight to emerging professionals. 2.03 Members. Members of the YAF shall include, but not be limited to, licensed architects within 10 years of registration. All members of AIA shall be welcome to participate in YAF-related activities to maintain goals of mentoring and development. 2.04 Candidacy Eligibility. Any AIA Architect member licensed ten years or less may be considered a candidate for an AdCom or YARD position. The YAF Staff Liaison will verify that all nominees are AIA Architect members in good standing. Rev. July 2014 Page 11 of 26 3.0 THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE (AdCom) 3.01 Voting Officers. The voting officers of the AdCom and their terms/conditions while in office shall be as follows: 3.01.1 THE CHAIR shall serve a single one-year term that shall immediately follow his/her term as Vice Chair. The Chair may not serve in another YAF leadership office concurrently. 3.01.2 THE VICE CHAIR shall serve a single one-year term and shall proceed to the office of Chair immediately the next year. The Vice Chair is recommended to have previous AdCom, YARD or component-level experience. The Vice Chair may not serve in another YAF leadership office concurrently, or have been a past YAF Chair. 3.01.3 THE KNOWLEDGE DIRECTOR shall serve a two-year term. The office’s term shall be staggered with the Community Director, and is recommended to have prior component-level experience. The Knowledge Director may not serve in another YAF leadership office concurrently. 3.01.4 THE COMMUNITY DIRECTOR shall serve a two-year term. The office’s term shall be staggered with the Knowledge Director, and is recommended to have prior component-level experience. The Community Director may not serve in another YAF leadership office concurrently. 3.01.5 THE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR shall serve a two-year term. Prior component-level experience is recommended, as well as excellent writing and other communication skills. The Communications Director may not serve in another YAF leadership office concurrently. 3.01.6 THE PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR shall serve a two-year term. Prior component-level experience is recommended, as well as excellent writing and other communications skills. The Public Relations Director may not serve in another YAF leadership office concurrently. 3.01.7 THE ADVOCACY DIRECTOR shall serve a two-year term. Prior component-level experience is recommended. The Advocacy Director may not serve in another YAF leadership office concurrently. 3.02 Non-voting Officers. The non-voting officers of the AdCom and their terms and conditions while in office shall be as follows: 3.02.1 THE PAST CHAIR shall serve a single one-year term immediately following his/her term as Chair. If the immediate Past Chair is not available, any other Past Chair may be designated, as selected by the current Chair. The Past Chair may serve in a YARD role concurrently. 3.02.2 THE AIA BOARD REPRESENTATIVE shall serve a two-year term and is recommended by the AdCom for appointment by the AIA President. The AIA Board Representative should be a former AdCom member or YAF advocate supporting the goals of the YAF at the Board level. 3.02.3 THE COF REPRESENTATIVE can be filled by any COF ExCom member as appointed by the COF 3.02.04 THE YAF STAFF LIAISON is an AIA staff position assigned or delegated by the AIA. Rev. July 2014 Page 12 of 26 3.03 Term Start / Length. All terms begin at the start of each calendar year (January) and are of either oneor two years’ duration depending on the position. 3.04 Maximum Length of Service on the AdCom. No individual voting officer may serve more than four years in total on the AdCom, whether consecutively or non-consecutively. 3.05 Appointment. Appointment of all AdCom officers (except Chair and all non-voting members) shall be made by the Chair upon selection as defined in Section 4.0. 3.06 Young Architect Requirement. Each Voting AdCom officer must be a young architect (licensed ten years or less) for at least one year of his/her term. 3.07 Vacancies in office. Except as provided in the following sections, in the event a selected officer resigns or cannot fulfill the duties of office (as defined in Section 7.0), the remaining members of the AdCom may appoint a member of the YAF to serve out the original selected officer’s term, with full rights and title to the office. 3.07.1 Continuity. All officers shall remain in office until their successors are duly selected and appointed. 3.07.2 Chair Vacancy. Should the Chair office become vacant, the Vice Chair shall immediately succeed to the unexpired term of the Chair, and on completion of that term, shall continue to serve as Chair for a full one-year term. The AdCom may then appoint a new Vice Chair to complete the term of the original Vice Chair, who shall not succeed to Chair without being nominated and selected to serve one full term as Vice Chair, per Section 3.0. 3.07.3 Resignation. If any selected officer resigns, or is asked to resign pursuant to Section, then Sections 3.07, 3.07.1 and 3.07.2 (if appropriate) shall immediately apply. Request for resignation. Any member of the AdCom may be requested for his/her resignation based upon lack of performance or unethical behavior (as defined by the AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct). Resignation of an AdCom member may be requested only if two-thirds of the remaining voting members of the AdCom favor the request. Upon this request, the highest-ranking officer shall be charged with notifying the AdCom member in question that a resignation letter or written statement has been requested of him/her. 4.0 NOMINATION AND SELECTION OF THE YAF ADVISORY COMMITTEE 4.01 Nomination. 4.01.1 The Call. Two months (late July) prior to the submission deadline (Late September), the current standing AdCom shall determine the open positions anticipated for the following year and provide an announcement in coordination with the AIA Staff Liaison, announcing the call for new members. Submission Requirements. Requirements will be set by the AdCom every year prior to the call for positions. Rev. July 2014 Page 13 of 26 4.01.2 Application by Current AdCom Members. Current AdCom members are encouraged to apply for new AdCom positions or reapply for AdCom positions previously held as allowed by Section 3.04. However, in the event they choose to seek a new or renewed appointment they may not sit on the AdCom Selection Committee. Submission Requirements. Nominees for open AdCom positions, who are currently AdCom members, need only submit a letter of interest and any additional back up materials (up to five pages) to supplement their original submission. 4.02 Selection. 4.02.1 Selection Procedures. The selection of new AdCom members shall be made by a Selection Committee chaired by the current Vice Chair. The Selection Committee shall be comprised of five individuals: Vice Chair, Chair (or a member of the AdCom selected by the Vice Chair if Chair is not available), Community or Knowledge Director (depending on which office is in first year of term), the COF Representative, and one YARD (not running for an AdCom position) as selected by the Vice Chair. All votes shall be equal in weight. Assignment of Advisory Roles. Final assignment of specific AdCom roles shall be decided by the Selection Committee based upon the applicant’s interests and abilities indicated. 5.0 THE YOUNG ARCHITECT REGIONAL DIRECTOR NETWORK 5.01 Young Architect Regional Director (YARD). One (but no more than two) YARD(s) shall be appointed for each of the AIA’s representative regions, as defined by the AIA Board of Directors. 5.01.1 Term Start/Length. All terms begin at the start of each calendar year (January) and the YARD shall serve a twoyear term, and may be selected to serve a second term. 5.01.2 Maximum Length of Service. No YARD may serve more than four years in total as a YARD, whether consecutively or non-consecutively. 5.01.3 Eligibility. A YARD must be a young architect member of the AIA as defined per Section 2.03. 5.01.4 Amount of Representation. At least one YARD (but no more than two) shall be appointed for each region depending on the geographical or membership size of the region to be determined by the YAF Chair. 5.02 Vacancies in YARD Representation within a Region. 5.02.1 Notification. Upon an anticipated change in YARD representation (as defined in Section 5.01.4), the current YARD shall notify the YARD Advisor immediately of the anticipated vacancy in his/her region to prevent the position from going unfilled. Change/Move Out of Region. In the event that a YARD no longer resides or works within the region he/she represents, it will be that YARD’s responsibility to recommend a new nominee to the Staff Liaison for approval by the Chair to serve the remainder of his/her term. Section 6.02 shall apply immediately. Rev. July 2014 Page 14 of 26 Request for resignation. Any YARD may be requested to submit his/her resignation based upon lack of performance or unethical behavior (as defined by the AIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct). Resignation of a YARD may be requested if two-thirds of the voting AdCom members favor the request. Upon this request, the Chair shall notify the YARD in question that a resignation letter or written statement has been requested of him/her. Resignation. If a YARD resigns, or is asked for resignation, Section 5.02.2 shall immediately apply. 5.02.2 Regional Solicitation. YARD candidate nominations shall be received as per Section 6.02 in conjunction with a national call for interest. The candidate shall be required to comply with Sections 5.01 and 6.02 and, if appointed, their term shall begin in the subsequent January. 6.0 NOMINATION AND APPOINTMENT OF THE YOUNG ARCHITECT REGIONAL DIRECTOR (YARD) 6.01 Nomination. 6.01.1 The Call. Four months (late June) prior to the submission deadline (late October), the Staff Liaison shall determine the open positions anticipated for the following year and notify each Regional Board and current YARD to put forth a nomination for a new YARD. The Regional Board shall have 90 days from notification of the open position to provide a nomination that meet the requirements per Section 5.01.3. The nomination shall include the submission requirements per Section 6.02 to the Staff Liaison. If at the end of the 90 day period the Regional Board does not submit a nomination for the open position then the AdCom, in coordination with the AIA Staff Liaison, shall issue a press release announcing the call for new members. 6.02 Submission Requirements. Requirements will be set by the AdCom every year prior to the call for positions. 6.03 Application by Current YARD. Current YARDs may reapply for the positions previously held as allowed by Section 6.03.1 Submission Requirements. Nominees for open YARD positions, who are currently a YARD, need only submit a letter of interest and a letter of nomination from the Regional Board. Any additional back up materials (up to five pages) may be included to supplement their original submission. 6.04 Selection Procedure. Selection of YARDs is based upon either: 6.04.1 A nomination from the respective Regional Board through a letter of nomination and the requirements of Section 5.01.2; 6.04.2 Or if Section is executed, a self-nominating letter of interest, and the requirements of Section 6.02 6.05 Appointment. YARDs are appointed by the YAF Vice Chair and in consultation with the voting members of the AdCom. Rev. July 2014 Page 15 of 26 6.05.1 Notification of Appointment to Regional Board. Upon appointment, the Vice Chair shall notify the Regional Board member, in writing, of the appointment. 7.0 YAF LEADERSHIP ROLES AND DUTIES 7.01 Duties of the YAF Leadership. As a representative body, it is the intent of the YAF that its leadership be composed of a diverse group of AdCom and YARD members, providing one voice for all recently licensed architects in the AIA. 7.01.1 Sub-Committee and Jury Appointments. The AdCom (and YARDs, when requested) shall be prepared to recommend Young Architects (or act themselves) to serve on juries, task forces, and sub-committees as needed. 7.01.2 Communication and Networking. The AIA YAF leadership, especially with assistance from the YAF Staff Liaison, shall promote and maintain a national database network or listserv of recently licensed architects (ten years or less) to formalize a source of communication, mentoring, and representation on young architect issues. 7.01.3 Programming for Young Architects. The YAF leadership will monitor and develop programs on a national and regional level for young architects, as well as assist in the establishment of programs on a state and/or local chapter level. 7.01.4 Specific Tasks/Duties of each Office. See Appendix A for the expected tasks and duties for each YAF leadership position. See Appendix B for the expected tasks and duties for the YARD position. 8.0 MEETINGS OF THE YAF 8.01 AdCom Meetings. 8.01.1 General Requirements. Participants. All members of the AdCom are expected to participate at each scheduled meeting. Meetings may take place in person, by telephone conference call or by web conferencing. Quorum. At least two-thirds of the voting AdCom members shall be represented at any meeting or conference call to conduct official business or a vote. Minutes. Meeting minutes shall be written by an individual designated by the AdCom. Minutes shall be made available to the invitees no less than 14 days after the meeting/call. Contents of Minutes. Minutes of each meeting, indicating, at minimum, members in attendance, topics covered and discussed, and actions to be taken. At the discretion of the Chair or YAF Staff Liaison, reports and other documents discussed at a meeting may be included in the minutes. Distribution. The minutes of all meetings shall be made available to the meeting invitees and those in attendance only. Distribution of YAF meeting minutes may be made to non-YAF leadership members only upon approval by the Chair. Rev. July 2014 Page 16 of 26 Revisions to Minutes. The minutes of all meetings shall be submitted for approval at the AdCom’s next subsequent conference call or meeting. Revisions to the minutes by the AdCom should be noted at the subsequent conference call or meeting for correction and incorporation in that meeting’s minutes. 8.01.2 Conference Calls. The AdCom shall conduct regular conference call meetings at dates and times to be consistent throughout the year. Standard Calls. The calls may include the following: AdCom Conference Calls. Shall consist of the AdCom including the COF and Board Representatives and AIA Staff Liaison. YARD Conference Calls. Shall be led by the Chair and shall include all YARDs and AIA Staff. The Chair may invite other members of the AdCom to participate. Chair Conference Calls shall be conducted to facilitate the AdCom’s priorities. The call shall be led by the Chair and will include the Vice Chair and AIA Staff Liaison. The Chair may at times invite additional members to participate depending on the agenda. Frequency. Full Committee Conference calls (except Chair Calls) shall be held once a month except for months when AdCom meetings (in-person) occur. Chair conference calls shall be held at least once a month. Dates and times shall be determined by the AdCom Chair in December for the upcoming year. Special Conference Calls. In the event of an emergency or critical issue where the Chair is unable or unwilling to schedule (or attend) a conference call, the YAF Staff Liaison may schedule a call with the voting AdCom members based upon two-thirds participation of the AdCom. 8.01.3 Attended Meetings. The AdCom and YARDs may conduct in-person meetings in conjunction with AIA National Conferences or Conventions. Attendees shall be as noted in Sections 7.02.1, 7.03.1 and 7.04.1. Frequency. Provided funding is available, there shall be no fewer than two AdCom Business meetings and one YAF Annual Meeting, In the event that acts of God or other unavoidable events prevent the AdCom from meeting on either of those occasions in any given year, the AdCom shall make other meeting arrangements as may be appropriate for that year. 8.02 Annual YAF Meeting. 8.02.1 Participants. All AdCom members, and all YARDs, are invited to attend. Other guests may be invited at the discretion of the AdCom. 8.02.2 Time and Location. The Annual YAF Meeting shall be presided over by the Vice Chair. The meeting location shall be determined by the YAF Staff Liaison, in association with the AdCom. Rev. July 2014 Page 17 of 26 8.02.3 Agenda. The meeting agenda, discussion topics, and format shall be developed and coordinated by the Vice Chair, in association with the Chair. Upon development, the Vice Chair shall distribute the agenda to the AdCom for comment no later than 30 days prior to the meeting. 8.02.4 Notice. The Staff Liaison shall ensure that notice of the Annual YAF Meeting (stating time and place) is sent to the YAF leadership no less than 60 days before the meeting. 8.03 AdCom Business Meetings. 8.03.1 Participants. All AdCom members are invited to attend. Other guests may be invited at the discretion of the AdCom. 8.03.2 Time and Location. he YAF Business Meetings shall be held two times each year, once at the AIA Grassroots Conference and once at the AIA National Convention and the meetings will be presided over by the Chair. The meeting location shall be determined by the YAF Staff Liaison. 8.03.3 Agenda. The meeting agenda, discussion topics and format shall be developed and coordinated by the Chair, in association with the Vice Chair and Staff Liaison. Upon development, the Chair shall distribute the agenda to the AdCom for comment no later than 30 days prior to the meeting. 8.04 AdCom Transition Meeting. 8.04.1 Participants. All AdCom members, who shall include outgoing and incoming, are invited to attend. Other guests may be invited at the discretion of the AdCom. The meeting will be presided over by the Vice Chair. 8.04.2 Time and Location. The YAF Transition Meeting shall be held prior to the end of the calendar year. It is recommended that if possible this meeting should be held as an in-person meeting when possible. When impossible to hold an in-person meeting, the meeting shall be conducted via video web conferencing. The meeting location shall be determined by the YAF Staff Liaison, in association with the AdCom. 8.04.3 Agenda. The meeting agenda, discussion topics and format shall be developed and coordinated by the Vice Chair, in association with the Chair. Upon development, the Vice Chair shall distribute the agenda to the AdCom for comment no later than 30 days prior to the meeting. 9.0 VOTING 9.01 Majority vs. Two-Thirds Vote. Voting on motions or issues at YAF meetings and conference calls require a majority vote of the quorum except as indicated in Section 9.01.1. 9.01.01 Two-Thirds vote. Two-thirds vote by the AdCom shall only be required to amend, or edit the Rules of the Committee. 9.02 Voice Vote. Voting (if required) at meetings by AdCom shall first be by voice vote. Members may be asked for a vote of yea, nay or abstain. Rev. July 2014 Page 18 of 26 9.03 Standing Vote. The Chair may call for a standing vote at his/her discretion. The Chair is required to do so at the request of any single YAF AdCom member. 9.04 Secret Ballot. Voting by secret ballot may be proposed by any AdCom member and shall take place only if agreed upon by the Chair or as indicated in these Rules. The YAF SharePoint site may be utilized for secret balloting, but must be set up by the YAF Staff Liaison. 9.05 Voting by Eail. Upon approval by the Chair, voting may take place through email or the YAF SharePoint site. 10.0 YAF FINANCES AND FUNDING 10.01 Finance and Funding Guidelines. As a body of the AIA, the YAF is not allowed to commit AIA National Component funds or incur debt without prior AIA National Component consent and approval. The YAF is subject to all AIA policies regarding funding, reimbursement, and accounting procedures. This includes any outside funds raised by the YAF from sources other than the AIA. 11.0 OPERATING PROCEDURES / COMMITTEES 11.01 Operating Procedures. The AdCom may establish operating procedures to administer the activities of the YAF. 11.02 YAF Operating Budget. The AIA Staff Liaison in coordination with the Chair and Vice Chair shall develop and approve a budget for the following calendar year each summer. The approved YAF budget will be included as part of the Emerging Professionals funding request sent to the AIA EVP & CEO for consideration and inclusion in the AIA’s Operating Budget. 11.02.1 Notification of Budget Adoption. The AIA Staff Liaison will keep the Chair informed about the status of the funding request and will notify the Chair when the Operating Budget has been adopted. AIA Approved Budget. Upon the approved AIA Budget, the AIA Staff Liaison will review with the Chair the allocated funding as it relates to the YAF’s request. 11.02.2 YAF Budget Format. The YAF Budget shall be comprised of itemized projections for expenses and income for the upcoming year. 11.03 Committees and Subcommittees. The Chair may appoint YAF members to other committees and subcommittees as needed or recommended by the AdCom. 12.0 RULES INTERPRETATION AND AMENDMENTS 12.01 Use. These Rules are established to guide the YAF leadership and shall continue in full force and effect until amended, suspended, rescinded or superseded by a vote as described in Section 9.01.01 12.02 Interpretation. The immediate Past Chair shall interpret these Rules should discrepancies be identified by the YAF leadership. If the immediate Past Chair is not available, any other Past Chair may be consulted, as selected by the current Chair. Rev. July 2014 Page 19 of 26 12.03 Editing the YAF Rules. The YAF Staff Liaison, Immediate Past Chair or a member designated by the Chair may edit, rearrange, re-title or renumber these Rules for accuracy and/or clarity as necessary for proper reference. 12.03.01 Review of Rules. These Rules should be reviewed and edited, if necessary, annually by the immediate Past Chair prior to the Annual Meeting per Section 8.02. 12.04 Notice of Editorial Changes. The YAF Staff Liaison shall give notice of such changes to the YAF‘s members by reporting the modifications to them and issuing copies of revised sections or chapters to each member. Young Architects Forum Advisory Committee Roster Young Architects Forum Regional Director Roster Rev. July 2014 Page 20 of 26 Appendix A ROLES AND DUTIES OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Participation and Funding for Voting AdCom Members (as annual budget allows): - Funded to attend AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference - Funded to attend AIA National Convention and Exposition - Funded to attend YAF Annual Meeting and Transition Meeting - Participates in AdCom and full committee conference calls - May be funded to represent YAF at functions (if required) - Maintains quarterly contact with assigned YARDs DUTIES OF THE CHAIR - Leads national YAF functions and meetings - Maintains communication with AdCom and YARDs with assistance from the Staff Liaison - Serves as primary contact for the AIA and YAF Staff Liaison - Maintains and measures YAF mission and vision in relation to the strategic plan and summit outcomes - Oversees AdCom actions and correspondence - Generates agendas, in conjunction with YAF Staff Liaison, for all AdCom conference calls and meetings - Establishes and maintains contact with current national AIA President - Participates as a member of the Council of Emerging Professionals (CEP) - Solicits information, discussion, and participation from YARDs as necessary - Reviews the annual budget with YAF Staff Liaison and Vice Chair - Serves on AdCom Selection Committee - Maintains open communication with COF Chancellor, NAC Chair, and AIAS National President - Three year term commitment (Vice Chair, Chair, and Past Chair) Participation: - Leads full committee and AdCom conference calls DUTIES OF THE VICE CHAIR - Assists with Chair's functions and serves as acting Chair in Chair's absence - Serves as primary AdCom contact for YARDs - Facilitates vision and strategic plan for upcoming AdCom year and events - Maintains contact with College of Fellows Vice-Chancellor - Coordinates and prepares the annual call for open positions of the AdCom and YARDs with staff liaison - Selects members and serves as Chair for the AdCom Selection Committee - Solicits information, discussion, and participation from YARDs as necessary - Coordinates and leads annual training sessions for the incoming YARDs with assistance from the Staff Liaison - Plans fall transition meeting (virtual or in-person as funding allows) - Three year term commitment (Vice Chair, Chair, and Past Chair) Rev. July 2014 Page 21 of 26 DUTIES OF THE KNOWLEDGE DIRECTOR - Assists with Vice Chair’s functions; serves as acting Vice Chair in Vice Chair’s absence (2nd year of term) - Maintains/compiles online resource library on SharePoint of all YAF program/event templates - Solicits ideas/input regarding programs for AIA Grassroots Conference, AIA National Convention and other associated events - Coordinates program submissions to AIA Grassroots Conference and AIA National Convention - Serves as liaison for allied organization joint programs (at the direction of the Vice Chair) - Coordinates with Community Director as needed - Assists with transition to successor - Solicits information, discussion and participation from YARDs as necessary - May attend Knowledge Leadership Assembly Conference (2-day conference) if invited and funding allows - Serves on AdCom Selection Committee (during first year of term) - Two year term commitment DUTIES OF THE COMMUNITY DIRECTOR - Assists with Vice Chair’s function; serves as acting Vice Chair in Vice Chair’s absence (2nd year of term) - Serves as the YAF liaison to the NAC - Coordinates with Knowledge Director, Public Relations Director, and Advocacy Director as needed - Serves as primary contact for relations with Allied Organizations and Knowledge Communities (KCs) - Coordinates YAF and young architect representation with committees of the AIA as deemed appropriate by the Advisory Committee - Maintains contact and relationship with Associated General Contractors of America (“AGC”)/Young Constructors Forum (“YCF”) organization, and may attend up to two joint meetings annually if invited and funding allows (two 2-day meetings) - Solicits information, discussion, and participation from YARDs as necessary - Serves on AdCom Selection Committee (during first year of term) - Two year term commitment DUTIES OF THE COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR - Collects and solicits content for publications with the assistance of editorial teams and YARDs - Coordinates with AIA National to represent YAF in internal and external communications, media content, news and articles focused on young architects (this role will grow throughout the term) - Coordinates with Public Relations Director as needed - Editor of YAF bi-monthly e-magazine YAF Connection in 2015; editor will work with AIA Communications team to develop next evolution of YAF communications in 2016 (this role will evolve throughout the term to further integrate with AIA publications) - Forms and manages editorial teams and advisory groups for publications, including COF and YAF members - Coordinates communication between the COF and YAF through publications such as Fellowscope - Generates opportunities for Fellows to contribute content for YAF publications - Coordinates posting of YAF publications on the internet and/or other media portals with AIA Communications, PR Director, and Staff Liaison - Solicits information, discussion and participation from YARDs as necessary - Serves on AdCom Selection Committee if requested by Vice Chair Rev. July 2014 Page 22 of 26 - Two year term commitment DUTIES OF THE PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR - Assists Communications Director as needed - Oversees all publicity for national YAF activities - Coordinates YARDs and local YAF leaders regarding publicity efforts - Writes, coordinates, and/or distributes articles to increase public awareness of YAF - Responsible for brand reinforcement strategy and messaging - Responsible for the development and maintenance of AIA YAF related Web and Social Media Outlets (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. with Staff Liaison) - Maintains an annually updated marketing and publicity plan for the YAF - Responsible for the review of YAF communication materials and deliverables for consistent branding and messaging - Organizes PR taskforces as needed - Solicits information, discussion and participation from YARDs as necessary - Promotes annual call for new AdCom and YARD members in coordination with Vice Chair and Staff Liaison - Contributes public relations material for YAF webpage with assistance from Staff Liaison - Serves on AdCom Selection Committee if requested by Vice Chair - Two year term commitment DUTIES OF THE ADVOCACY DIRECTOR - Promotes the goals of the AIA and YAF Advocacy Issues Agenda with the assistance of government advocacy staff at AIA National - Establishes and maintains relationships with both internal AIA and external organizations to further the goals of the YAF as outlined in the strategic plan - Coordinates with the Communications and Public Relations Directors to share advocacy related news - Develops opportunities to build upon programs established by the Knowledge Director - Solicits information, discussion, and participation from YARDs as necessary - Serves on AdCom Selection Committee if requested by Vice Chair - Two year term commitment Rev. July 2014 Page 23 of 26 ROLES AND DUTIES OF THE NON-VOTING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS DUTIES OF THE PAST CHAIR - Maintains continuity by serving as an advisor to the AdCom - Advises on interpretation of Rules of the Committee if requested - Coordinates invitations to YAF programs/events in conjunction with YAF Staff Liaison - Coordinates YAF initiatives with current chair to be initiated during current or upcoming year - Participates in AdCom and full committee conference calls - Three year term commitment (Vice Chair, Chair, and Past Chair) Funding (as annual budget allows) - Funded to attend AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference - Funded to attend AIA National Convention and Exposition - Funded to attend YAF Annual Meeting - Participates in AdCom and full committee conference calls DUTIES OF THE AIA BOARD REPRESENTATIVE - Appointed by AIA President for 1-3 year term - Serves as liaison between AdCom and AIA Board of Directors - Speaks on behalf of YAF (regarding YAF interests) at AIA Board meetings - Informs AdCom of AIA Board activities/decisions of particular relevance to YAF - Attends YAF events at AIA Grassroots Conference and AIA National Convention (if available) - May serve on AdCom Selection Committee - Participates in Full Committee and AdCom conference calls if available Funding - None, unless requested attendance by the AdCom and Staff Liaison (as annual budget allows) - Participates in AdCom conference calls DUTIES OF THE COF LIAISON - Serves as liaison between AdCom and COF ExCom - Speaks on behalf of YAF (regarding YAF interests) at COF ExCom meetings - Informs AdCom of COF ExCom activities/decisions of YAF relevance - Attends YAF Annual Meeting and other YAF events/programs at Grassroots and National Convention (if available) - May serve on AdCom Selection Committee - Participates in Full Committee and AdCom conference calls if available Funding - The COF funds all travel and related expenses for the COF Liaison - Participates in AdCom conference calls Rev. July 2014 Page 24 of 26 DUTIES OF THE YAF STAFF LIAISON - Coordinates YAF goals/mission with AIA national staff and allied groups as necessary - Maintains primary communication with Chair on YAF goals and mission - Prepares and monitors annual budget & shares the budget with the Chair and Vice Chair on an annual basis - Responds to all inquiries for YAF information (and refers to AdCom as required) - Serves as a resource for Advisory Committee and YARD questions as they relate to the YAF and their roles/responsibilities - Provides YAF information (including Rules) to newly-appointed AdCom members - Reviews all AdCom documents and publications - Supports Knowledge Director with submittals for AIA Grassroots Conference, AIA National Convention, and other associated events - Supports Community Director with coordination of YAF events - Provides and updates contact lists for the AdCom and YARDs - Works with Public Relations Director to keep YAF webpage and social media updated - Monitors and solicits applications as needed to keep all YARD positions filled - Communicates with and provides information to all new committee members - Coordinates logistics for YAF meetings and conference calls - Processes YAF member reimbursements Rev. July 2014 Page 25 of 26 Appendix B DUTIES OF THE YOUNG ARCHITECT REGIONAL DIRECTOR The Young Architect Regional Director is the primary connection between local AIA chapters and the national YAF Advisory Committee (AdCom). 1. The YAF Regional Director will keep communication flowing between these groups by: Maintaining quarterly communication with all YAF chapters within his or her designated region. Serve as a conduit between local YAF chapters and the AdCom. Disseminating information to and collecting information from local chapters as requested. Submitting a regional report as requested. Participating in full committee conference calls 2. The YAF Regional Director contributes to the direction and planning of the YAF by: Participating in the annual YAF Annual Meeting. Working with the AdCom on various national issues. 3. The YAF Regional Director is the primary connection at the regional level to other groups in the AIA by: Communicating with COF Regional Representative and NAC Regional Associate Director quarterly about how to work together to support each other’s efforts. Suggesting or encouraging young architects for nomination for regional or national awards, positions or committees/subcommittees. Attending AIA National Convention, when possible. 4. Additional responsibilities may be required by each respective region. YARDs are required to work with their respective regions to ensure that expectations from regional leadership are clearly defined and met. The AdCom encourages all applicants to discuss the position with their regional leadership (either the Regional AIA President and/or Executive Director) to fully understand the role and commitment that the YARD will have to their respective region prior to submitting an application. 5. Attendance at regional meetings is strongly encouraged. 6. Participation in a minimum of one focus area led by the AdCom. Funding is dependent on annual budget and fulfillment of duties listed above. - Funded to attend the YAF Annual Meeting Rev. July 2014 Page 26 of 26
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