Eastbourne Drive News November 2014 702 Balmoral Drive Brampton, ON, L6T 1X3 Tel : (905) 792-2264 Fax : (905) 792-8486 IN THIS ISSUE... Principal: Stephanie Casey Vice Principal: Saira Salman Superintendent: Jan Courtin Trustee : Carrie Andrews (905) 792-2264 (905) 451-2862 Ext. 4230 PRINCIPAL’S CORNER Help Your Child Prepare for Tests Dear Eastbourne Families, Dress Your Child for Colder Weather October was a wonderfully busy and bright month with the explosion of fall colours, and some wonderful outdoor activities including the Fall Fair which was a HUGE success. Parents, students and staff enjoyed themselves tremendously. Based on the feedback, it was rated one of the best ever. The Grade 3 classes visited the Jack Smythe Field Center to learn about soil, plants, ecology, population studies, GPS and more. All activities are hands on and the teachers followed up with what they learned back at the school. Many students celebrated the “festival of lights” Diwali by dressing in their traditional and colourful outfits. And, the Grade 1 classes went on a trip to visit the Humber Arboretum which consists of botanical gardens and natural areas surrounding the Humber River. This unique site is home to the Carolinian bioregion, the most diverse ecosystem in Canada, and boasts over 1,700 species of plants and animals. Is French Immersion Right for my Child School Trustee “Beryl Ford” Retires Peel Board Advantage Education Fair Engage Math Follow Us on Social Media Peel Board Advantage Education Fair Eastbourne Stars Bullying Awareness & Prevention Week Follow Us on Social Media Winter Bus Safety School Bus Evacuation Training IMPORTANT DATES Nov 4 October Character Awards—Honesty Nov 4 School Bus Evacuation Training Nov 5 Report Cards Go Home Nov 5 Bus Evacuation Training Nov 6, 20 Constable Abbie Visits Nov 11 Remembrance Day Nov 11, 18, 25 Swim to Survive Nov 13 Picture Retakes Nov 13 & 14 Teacher/Parent Interviews Nov 14 PD Day—NO SCHOOL Nov 28 December Lunch Forms Due Nov 28 Nov. Character Awards—Cooperative Students participated in our first character assembly where students demonstrating ‘Respect’ were recognized. We are very proud of our students! Our character trait focus for October is “Honesty” and November is “Cooperative”. November is a special month where we remember the men and women who served or continue to serve our country in our armed forces. Please join us for our Remembrance Day Assembly on November 11th at 10:40 am. The teachers have been busy assessing and collecting baseline data for your child’s learning. The tools they use to assess your child’s reading level are PM Benchmarks for the primaries and CASI for the juniors. Specific strategies will be developed by individual teachers to improve students’ achievement based on student needs. Your child’s progress report will be sent home on Nov. 5th. Parent interviews will be on Nov. 13 & 14. You are invited to meet your child’s teacher to discuss your child’s progress. Finally, please join me in wishing our outgoing school trustee for wards 7 and 8 for the Peel District School, Beryl Ford, a fond farewell as she retires from her position this month. She has been a steadfast and positive influence in our school community and she will be missed. More details on page 3. Ms. Casey & Mrs. Salman 1 REPORT YOUR CHILD'S ABSENCE When your child is away from school or will be coming late to school, please call the school office before 9:15 a.m. or leave a message on our voice mail—(905) 792-2264. Here are some tips for leaving a voice message: Speak slowly and loudly Provide the teacher’s name first State the first name and last name of your child, spelling them out. Leave a telephone number or student number (this helps us ensure that we have the correct student). HELP YOUR CHILD PREPARE FOR TESTS Many students will become anxious at the thought of writing a test. Anxiety about an upcoming test can affect a child's behaviour, thoughts and actions. Here are some ways you can help minimize anxiety at test time: Organize & Prepare Encourage your child not to leave assignments, studying and homework to the last minute. Schedule time for review and work on assignments each day. Establish a regular time of the day for homework, studying etc. Make the home a homework-friendly environment where learning is regular routine. Remove distractions like the television, phones, computers when studying. Tell your child to make sure tests and due dates are marked in their agenda. Practice Encourage your child to think about ‘what, when, where and how’ when preparing/completing assignments. Develop practice tests and help them anticipate questions. Review previous exercises. When appropriate, encourage your child to pair up with a friend to review information and brainstorm. Build learning into family activities— suggest keeping a journal, writing a report or a news article about family events, outings or trips and include photos. Be in the know Check out the curriculum for your child’s grade level (available as PDF files at www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum) Ask your child’s teacher about major topics studied and how these topics are structured— homework, assignments, exercises Use your child’s agenda to communicate with their teacher—ask questions, check for homework tips, etc. DRESS YOUR CHILD FOR COLDER WEATHER The winds that we have been experiencing lately, and will continue to through November, are called The “November Witches” which refer to the strong winds that frequently blow across the Great Lakes in autumn. At this time of the year, it’s important to make sure that your children are properly dressed for the colder weather. Students should dress in layers on cold days. They need hats, mittens or gloves, a warm coat, snow pants and boots to stay warm and dry. Gloves, mittens and socks can become wet when playing in the snow, so it’s a good idea to send extra pairs in your child’s backpack. The students go out for recess on most days. They can have great fun in the snow if they are dressed for the weather. 2 IS FRENCH IMMERSION RIGHT FOR MY CHILD? If your child will be starting grade 1 in September 2015, one of the important choices you will make is whether you want to register your child in French Immersion. What is the program like? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the program? One way to help answer these questions is to attend the information meeting on Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014 at 7 p.m. at the French Immersion school your child would attend. To find out the French Immersion school your child would attend: call the school in your area visit our website www.peelschools.org/French call 905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146 ext. 2212 Registration Registration for Grade 1 French Immersion for the 2015-16 school year will be available online at www.peelschools.org/ French on Monday Nov. 24, 2014 at 9 a.m. The deadline to register is Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 at 4 p.m. Registrants after that date will be put on a waiting list. A French Immersion enrolment cap is in place. This means that a specific number of spots are available for students entering grade 1 French Immersion. A random selection process will be used to identify students gaining entrance into the program. For more information about the random selection process visit www.peelschools.org/French. Important dates Information meeting Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014 at 7 p.m. Registration opens Monday Nov. 24, 2014 at 9 a.m. Registration deadline Friday, Jan. 30, 2015 at 4 p.m. For more information visit www.peelschools.org/French or call your nearest French Immersion school talk with parents who have children in the French Immersion program visit the Canadian Parents for French website at http://on.cpf.ca/ PDSB SCHOOL TRUSTEE ‘BERYL FORD’ RETIRES PEEL BOARD ADVANTAGE EDUCATION FAIR—NOVEMBER 8th Beryl has served on all committees of the Peel board during her tenure as a trustee. She has served on the Physical Planning/Building and Instructional Programs/Curriculum committees, and has chaired both the Human Resources/Advisory Committee and Audit Committee of the board. If you live in Brampton or Caledon, plan to attend the Peel Board Advantage Education Fair at Harold M. Brathwaite Secondary School on Nov. 8. In previous years, Beryl has held the positions of vice-chair and chair of the Peel board. She was also chair of The Centre for Education and Training from 1985 to 2011. Beryl has served in education in Peel for 41 years, holding positions as library technician at Bramalea and Westwood secondary schools and office manager at Williams Parkway Sr. Public School and Goldcrest Public School prior to her election as a trustee. Beryl is the recipient of several awards, such as the Governor General of Canada Award, Zonta Women of Achievement Award, South Asian Teachers' Visionary Leadership Award, F.F.A.O. Youth Award and the Ontario Public School Board President's Award for 25 years of service and commitment to children in Ontario. Drop by between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to learn about our middle schools with regional programs and secondary schools in Brampton, Caledon and Malton. Staff and students will be available to answer questions about the schools’ academic and extracurricular programs. The day will also include student musical performances and sport games in the gymnasium. Snacks will be provided. 3 Insπre. Gr23ness. 2gether. “Ugh. Math.” Unfortunately, this is the attitude many students (and adults) have about math. If we're going to help our students achieve numeracy greatness, we need to turn these negative attitudes into positive ones. So, our three-year math strategy, EngageMath, starts with something we have enormous influence over—our attitude towards math. Everyone is born with a math gene According to Stanford University Professor Carol Dweck, students who believe that intelligence or math and science ability is a fixed trait are at a significant disadvantage compared to students who believe their abilities can be developed. Like anything else, our talents and abilities in math are nurtured only if we have a growth mindset about them. A “Yes I can” attitude when it comes to numeracy is the first step. A “Count on Us” attitude comes next. To learn more about Dweck's research on student mindsets and how they help students fulfill their potential, watch her Ridley lecture here: http://bit.ly/RidleyDweck. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Online math parent resources While the Peel board’s EngageMath strategy plans out certain actions, it is by no means a magic bullet to answering the questions and challenges surrounding numeracy and student achievement. Math success for all our students requires a strong partnership between home and school. That's why we're committed to providing you with the parent resources you need to help us boost math achievement. Online resources to help you support your child or teen's numeracy success are available on the Peel board’s website at http://www.peelschools.org/parents/helpyourchild/math. There you will find links to: tip sheets Mathies.ca Homework Help mathematics curriculum _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hold the date: Parent Numeracy & Beyond Conference Saturday, April 18, 2015 – 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Fletcher’s Meadow Secondary School, Brampton Plan to attend our annual, free Parent Conference on Saturday, April 18, 2015. Take one day to enjoy: a powerful keynote presentation focused on math success your choice of more than 45 practical workshops facilitated by Peel board staff a display area with educational exhibits from local organizations This year, a large number of morning workshops will provide parents with strategies to help you support math success at home. Brochures will be sent home with all Peel students in January. Registration will open at that time and information wi also be posted to www.peelschools.org. 4 EASTBOURNE STARS– “October—Respect” and “October—Honesty” We are proud to present our Eastbourne Drive P. S. Character Award recipients the months of September and October:: SEPTEMBER “RESPECT” Jaela‐Rose Balkarran Ripudaman Grewal Aanya Gupta Jay Mistry Saihaj Mangat Adrian Marrast Saihaj Singh Rehnu Aneesah Wiafe‐Amoako Kanan Patel Sam Multani Arwa Noor Khushi Patel Sami Arabzadah Delaney Hughes Krish Patel Shanam Aamir Dhvani Chapani Nikhil Chandra Shania Liu Dhwani Patel Nishan Chandra Shawn Mahadeo Diya Patel Niveka Vinayagaindran Sukham Rehnu Eden Ariri Ramneet Chahal Suyash Verma Gurkam Dhaliwal Rani Mahadeo Tatroyia Montague Had Baloch Reet Bimbh Harveer Dhaliwal Rinamae Emacora Vidhi Patel Yaj Mistry OCTOBER “HONESTY Angad Dharni Arjun Alhuwalia Arshad Samad Aysia Jackson Harsh Chohan Hiba Sheikh Inderbir Ahluwalia Jones Jose Jorawar Singh Kamilla Gure Lovejeet Manger Madisyn Beaulieu Mahfuza Hussain Malik Meade Muhammadabbas Mohsin Navleen Kler Oviyaa Kugathas Prince Dhillon Rahama Abdul‐Razak Rida Bhinder Sam Multani Sarah Ahmed Sartaj Kahlon Seerat Bimbh Shriram Sritharan Summer Titterington‐Crosby CHOOSE ACTION ON BULLYING AWARENESS AND PREVENTION WEEK The Peel District School Board will recognize Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week during the week of November 16 to 22. Across the Peel board, schools use many programs and initiatives to prevent bullying and to intervene when bullying happens. Though the programs vary, their messages are consistent. Students are taught to: define bullying identify forms of bullying identify roles in bullying relationships, for example the person who bullies, the target, the bystander or the trusted advocate determine how to safely “choose action” to prevent and intervene in bullying & harassment demonstrate character attributes and be a leader to help maintain positive and safe school communities Every school has a Climate for Learning and Working Team which is required to develop a Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan as part of the School Success Plan. Also, every employee who is involved in the care and service of students is obligated to report in writing to the school administration any action for which the principal must consider suspension or expulsion. Bullying is an offence that must be considered for suspension. Bullying Awareness and Prevention Week is one of the key items contained in Bill 13: The Accepting Schools Act, that came into effect on September 1, 2012. For more information, visit: www.peelschools.org/aboutus/safeschools/bullying/ or www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/safeschools/prevention.html 5 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Social media is the easiest and fastest way to stay connected to the amazing things happening in the Peel District School Board. Follow @Peelschools on Twitter to: learn about our schools and programs find out if buses are cancelled during bad weather share the Peel smile Follow @Peelschools on Instagram where we share motivational and inspirational #PeelProud moments. Follow Peel schools on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ Our school is on social media too! Follow us on Twitter @EastbournePDPS 6 WINTER BUS SAFETY The following winter school bus safety tips will help to keep your child safe throughout the winter months. Allow extra time to get to your bus stop. Wear bright clothing so the bus can see you in the early morning and late evening. Stand away from where the bus stops. Buses need extra room to stop when there is snow and ice. Use the handrail when boarding or exiting the bus to prevent slipping on wet or icy steps or road surfaces. Dress properly—winter clothing, hats, and boots will keep you warm. Don't throw snowballs at the bus or other children waiting for the bus. Don't slide on the snow or ice patches in driveways or on the street. Don't push or shove around the bus. Someone could fall down on the ice and get hurt. On very rare occasions, buses are late because of weather conditions or mechanical problems. Talk to your child about what to do if the bus is late. Here are some suggestions: When possible, wait with your child for the bus. Make sure your child knows a phone number where he can reach you or another trusted adult. Teach your child how and where to get help. Talk to your child about what a "safe" stranger is. Help your child set up a bus stop buddy system so your child has someone to wait with for the bus. CELEBRATING FAITH AND CULTURE—November 2014 DATE N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber N ovem ber 1 1 1 4 -2 2 6 6 11 12 1 5 o r 2 8 (J ) o r 3 0 16 23 - D ecem ber 11 24 26 28 30 C E L E B R A T IO N F A IT H A N D C U L T U R E G w ila tk w A ll S a in ts ' D a y S a m h a in A s h u ra T h e m o n th o f Q u d r a t D e v D iw a li B ir th o f G u r u N a n a k R e m e m b ra n c e D a y B ir th o f B a h a ’u ’llá h F ir s t d a y o f A d v e n t ( C h r is tm a s fa s t) L o u is R ie l D a y T h e m o n th o f Q a w l M a r ty r d o m o f G u r u T e g B a h a d u r D ay of C ovenant A s c e n s io n o f 'A b d u 'l- B a h á F ir s t S u n d a y o f A d v e n t A b o r ig in a l S p ir itu a lity C h r is tia n ity W ic c a Is la m B a h á 'í J a in is m S ik h is m Canada B á h á 'í C h r is tia n ity A b o r ig in a l S p ir itu a lity B a h á 'í S ik h is m B a h á 'í B a h á 'í C h r is tia n ity SCHOOL BUS EVACUATION TRAINING School bus evacuation practice is an important safety measure that we promote along with the Ministry Transportation Ontario for students who ride the school bus to and from school daily and for students who may ride buses on field trips. During an emergency situation on the school bus, every second is important in ensuring our students are well prepared and safe. Our students need to know and practice school bus evacuation in case there is an emergency on the school bus. The objective of a school bus evacuation is to get the children off the bus safely in the shortest possible time and in an orderly way. The school is to set a date and time most suitable with the operator(s) that service their school. Evacuations could take place as the buses arrive at the school in the morning and/or before they leave in the afternoon. The evacuation practice would be arranged and held in a traffic-free area on school property. 7 Please call the school to report your child’s absence before 9:30 a.m. Eastbourne Drive P.S. 702 Balmoral Drive Brampton L6T 1X3 Mon 3 Tue Day 2 Grade: Room: #: November 2014 905-792-2264 Sun Teacher : 4 Wed Day 3 5 Thu Day 4 6 Fri Day 5 7 Sat Day 1 8 Report Cards Home 9:05 Character Award Assembly “HONESTY” Bus Evacuation Training Constable Abbie Visits Pizza Lunch 9 10 Day 2 11 Day 3 12 Remembrance Day Assembly 10:40 Day 4 13 Day 5 17 Day 1 18 Day 4 19 Gr. 3 Swim to Survive 23 24 Day 3 25 Day 4 Gr. 3 Swim to Survive Day 5 Pizza Lunch 26 Day 5 Pizza Lunch 15 PICTURE RETAKES PD DAY NO SCHOOL Parent Interviews 3:30—8:00 p.m. Parent Interviews 8:45—12:00 a.m. Pizza Lunch Gr. 3 Swim to Survive 16 14 20 Constable Abbie Visits 27 22 Day 1 Day 1 21 Day 2 28 Day 2 December Pizza Lunch Forms Due 1:00 Character Award Assembly “COOPERATIVE” 30 8 29
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