Q REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SULLIVAN, ILLINOIS, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 2014 1. The City Council of the City of Sullivan, Illinois, met in regular session on Monday, June 23, 2014, at 7: 00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at the Sullivan City Building, 2 West Harrison Street, Sullivan. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Short. A roll call was taken, which showed the following members as present: Commissioner Mike Mossman present Commissioner Mike Kirk present Commissioner Bill Hagen present Commissioner Monty LeCrone present Mayor Ann Short present 2. The minutes of the previous regular meeting held on June 9, 2014, were presented by the City Clerk. A motion was made by Commissioner Hagen and seconded by Commissioner Mossman that the foregoing minutes be approved as printed. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows: Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea and the motion was declared carried. Mayor Short 3. noted that one claim left was off the claim report. An amount of$ 97, 014.06 to Bartels Construction should be added to the TIF I Special Tax by Mayor Short. A motion was made by Commissioner Hagen and seconded by Commissioner LeCrone that the foregoing claims be approved with the addition and that City Warrants be drawn in payment of the same. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows: Allocation Fund. The claims were read Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea and the motion was declared carried. Commissioner Mossman reported that Treasurer Myron Salmon is at the 4. Illinois Municipal Treasurer' s Association conference, and he has recently been elected to their Board of Directors. Commissioner Mossman reported that the Civic Center will be closed for 5. 30t while the carnival during the week of June is busy preparing for the of July activities. maintenance Department 6. is in town, and the Park 4th Commissioner Mossman noted that all Commissioners should have received a budget document from Treasurer Salmon showing actual amounts compared to budgeted amounts. 7. Commissioner Kirk reported that B & R Contracting out of Findlay has begun masonry work on the welcome signs on the edge of town, which was quoted at a price of$ 4067. 00. The lights are now working, and the wood portions of the signs will need to be painted once the masonry work is finished. 8. about an Commissioner Hagen reported that several people have received letters opportunity for citizens to purchase insurance on water lines. Those letters do not come from the City of Sullivan, and Commissioner Hagen does not recommend people spending their money on the water line insurance. 9. Commissioner Hagen reported that the work on the water tower passed inspection. 10. improved. Commissioner Hagen reported that the water quality in town has Maintenance work at the Water Treatment Plant recently caused some discoloration of water in town. 11. Commissioner LeCrone reported that Pay Estimate 7 has been received for This will be the final pay request for the project and will signify that the project is now completed. A motion was made by Commissioner LeCrone and seconded by Commissioner Hagen to approve Pay Estimate 7 in the amount the Monroe Street Storm Sewer Project. 10, 000. 00 to Walk Excavating for the Monroe Street roll call being taken, the results were as follows: of$ Storm Sewer Project. Upon a Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea and the motion was declared carried. 12. regards dirt Commissioner Kirk reported that test samples have been received back in to the underground storage removal will be required, and tank issue in the alley the storage tank will be south of Jefferson Street. cut, scrubbed, and No filled. The contractors are waiting for the State Fire Marshall to specify a date that the work can be completed. Once the tank issue is taken care of, the alley work can be completed by Bartels Construction. 13. Mayor Short explained that portions of the interest rebate from the Build America Bonds amounts were were to be to be allocated set to aside other for the Water & Sewer projects, and remaining funds. With the change in the scope of the Water Treatment Plant project, it has been proposed to allocate more of those funds to help with the EPA loan payments. A motion was made by Mayor Short and seconded by Commissioner Mossman to allocate all receipts from 2013 forward from the Build America Bond Interest Rebate to the Water & Sewer EPA Loan payments. Upon a roll call being taken, the results were as follows: Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea and the motion was declared carried. 14. The following Ordinance was presented: ORDINANCE 14- 12 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 40 Zoning Code Division IV Sign Regulations by Adding Thereto Section 40-4- 42 A-Frame Signs Mayor Short explained that a hearing was held by the Planning Commission on June 19, 2014, regarding the proposed change to the zoning code. The Planning Commission recommended the passing of the ordinance with two suggestions. In Section 1 ( A) they recommended deleting" be reasonable, attractive, and promote pedestrian and vitality" and substitute" meet the requirements of this ordinance." They also retail recommended deleting Section 1( L) entirely, believing that attachments to signs should be allowed so long as the overall dimensions of the sign were within standards. i Mayor Short explained that if the Council were to follow the recommendations of the Planning Commission and change the proposed ordinance, a new ordinance must be rewritten and another hearing would have to be held before bringing it back to the Council. A motion was made by Commissioner Hagen and seconded by Commissioner LeCrone to waive the reading and accept the ordinance as submitted, and to not make the two changes as recommended by the Planning Commission. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows: Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea and the motion was declared carried and the Ordinance adopted and the Mayor did sign the same in open meeting and did direct the Clerk to record the same in full in the records of the Council. 15. The following Ordinance was presented: ORDINANCE 14- 17 An Ordinance Annexing Certain Territory to the City of Sullivan, Moultrie County, Illinois Mayor Short explained that a petition has been filed by Zach Horn to annex property on Eden Street. A motion was made by Commissioner Hagen and seconded by Commissioner Kirk to waive the reading and accept the ordinance as submitted. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows: Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea and the motion was declared carried and the Ordinance adopted and the Mayor did sign the same in open meeting and did direct the Clerk to record the same in full in the records of the Council. Mayor Short noted that Mr. Horn has also expressed interest in expanding a TIF The City will have to check with the TIF consultants for district to that property. requirements for expanding a TIF district and to see if it would be economically feasible to expand a TIF district or to create a new TIF district. 16. The approval of a reciprocal reporting agreement between the City of Sullivan, SCUD 300, Moultrie County Sheriff Department, and the States Attorney will be tabled because an updated version of the agreement has not yet been forwarded to the City attorney or to the Council. 17. A motion was made by Commissioner Mossman and seconded by Commissioner LeCrone to waive all fees and approve the raffle license applications for the Ambucs, Operation Secret Santa, and the Sons of the American Legion Post 68. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows: Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short and the motion was declared yea carried. 18. Mayor Short announced that 2013 payable 2014 projected real estate tax increment amounts are in line with what has been received in past years. 19. Mayor Short reported that notice was received from the City' s TIF consultants that the Hydro- Gear contract has now expired after 16 years, which is when TIF II was set to originally expire. TIF II has since been extended, and Hydro- Gear has more money left on the contract that they could potentially claim. The Council agreed that Hydro- Gear' s contract should be extended along with the new life of TIF II. 20. SCED Executive Director Stepheny McMahon updated the Council on the project. Many schools and businesses have been brought together No Jobs Left Behind to help define what skills are needed for jobs in manufacturing. Lake Land College could become part of the group, and Ms. McMahon explained that a technical training center in Sullivan would be a goal. Ms. McMahon also reported that she has been receiving calls from new potential businesses that might want to locate to Sullivan. Clerks note: Commissioner Hagen left the meeting at 7: 33 p.m. and returned at 7: 34 p.m. 21. Mayor Short began discussion on the employee handbook. She read the 14 bullet points that were addressed by the labor lawyer and explained why she agreed the changes. It was reported by Mayor Short and confirmed by Assistant with each of Treasurer Sarah Simmons that there are no part time City employees that would cause issues regarding health insurance and the Affordable Care Act. Employee ID cards were discussed, and there was a consensus amongst the Council that the City should consider issuing employee ID cards as in the past. Commissioner Mossman noted that Treasurer Salmon currently writes employee evaluations, and each department should get back to that practice. Clerk Johnson was instructed to get clean copies of the handbook to each member of the Council before the next meeting so that it may be reviewed a final time before passage. Clerks note: Commissioner LeCrone left the meeting at 7: 55 p.m. and returned at 7: 56 p.m. by Commissioner Hagen and seconded by Commissioner Kirk that the minutes of the meeting be engrossed by the Clerk. Upon roll call being taken, the results were as follows: 22. A motion was made Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea yea and the motion was declared carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Mossman and seconded by Commissioner Kirk that the meeting be adjourned. Upon roll call being taken, the results 23. were as follows: Commissioner Mike Mossman yea Commissioner Mike Kirk yea Commissioner Bill Hagen yea Commissioner yea Monty LeCrone Mayor Ann Short yea and the motion was declared carried and the meeting was adjourned at 8: 01 p.m. Mayor Ann Short Attest Mon e Johnson, City Clerk
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