Original Article Vibro-acoustic behavior of a multilayered viscoelastic sandwich plate under a thermal environment Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) 509–537 ! The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1099636211400129 jsm.sagepub.com P Jeyaraj1, Chandramouli Padmanabhan2 and N Ganesan2 Abstract This article presents numerical simulation studies on the vibration and acoustic response characteristics of a multilayered viscoelastic sandwich plate in a thermal environment. Initially the critical buckling temperature is obtained followed by free and forced vibration analyses considering the pre-stress due to the imposed thermal environment in the plate. The vibration response predicted is then used to compute the sound radiation. The critical buckling temperature and vibration response are obtained using finite element method while sound radiation characteristics are obtained using boundary element method. It is found that resonant amplitude of both the vibration and acoustic response decreases with increase in temperature. The influence of core thickness, number of layers, type of thermal field, and type of viscoelastic core material on vibration response sound radiation characteristics are studied in detail. Keywords FEM/BEM, multilayered sandwich plate, thermal buckling, vibration and acoustic response 1 School of Mechanical and Building Sciences,Vellore Institute of Technology University, Chennai Campus, Tamil nadu, India. 2 Machine Design Section, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600 036, India. Corresponding author: P. Jeyaraj, School of Mechanical and Building Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology University, Chennai Campus, Tamil nadu, India Email: [email protected]; [email protected] Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 510 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Introduction Structures are typically exposed to moisture and heat during their service life. Thermal stresses due to aerodynamic heating may sometimes induce buckling and dynamic instability in structures. The pre-stress effect due to thermal load will affect the dynamic behavior of the structure due to the change in the stiffness of the structure. The structures under thermal environment are often subjected to mechanical time-varying harmonic excitations. So, it is important to investigate the dynamic behavior of a structure over a wide range of temperatures. The conventional isotropic materials such as steel and aluminum have so little amount of inherent damping and their resonant behavior makes them effective sound radiators. It is possible to control this resonant behavior by sandwiching highly damped and dynamically stiff materials such as viscoelastic materials between the conventional materials. Extensive numerical studies have been carried out to analyze the free vibration and damping behavior of viscoelastic sandwich plates using both numerical and experimental methods. Ungar and Kerwin [1] were the earlier researchers who found that the modal loss factor can be obtained by calculating the ratio of the dissipating energy to the total structural energy, using modal strain energy method. They used complex shear modulus to represent the viscoelastic behavior of a material, which exhibits both elastic and damping characteristics. Johnson and Kienholz [2] described finite element based modal strain energy method to obtain modal damping ratios. They compared the results obtained with various exact solutions and approximate governing equations. Alam and Asnanai [3] derived equations of motion, for vibration of a general multilayered plate, consisting of an arbitrary number of alternate stiff and soft layers of orthotropic material, using variational principles. Cupial and Niziol [4] analyzed the natural frequencies and loss factors of a three-layered rectangular plate with a viscoelastic core layer and laminated face layers. They obtained complex eigenvalues numerically to extract both natural frequency and associated modal loss factor. Rikards [5] presented a sandwich composite beam and plate finite super-elements with viscoelastic layers for vibration and damping analysis. He presented an exact method where modal loss factors are determined as the ratio of imaginary and real parts of complex eigenvalues. He also presented an approximate method where modal loss factors are the ratio of dissipated and elastic strain energy. Wang et al. [6] presented experimental validation of modal analysis of sandwich plates. They included the membrane and transverse energies in the face plates, and shear energies in the core of their analytical model. The shear modulus of the dissipative core was assumed to be complex and varying with frequency and temperature. Mead [7] reviewed and compared the different methods of measuring the loss factors of heavily damped beams and plates damped by uniform layers of viscoelastic damping. Pradeep and Ganesan [8] analyzed buckling, free vibration, and modal damping behavior of multilayer rectangular viscoelastic sandwich plates with isotropic facings under thermal load using finite element method. They found that natural frequency reduces while loss factor increases with temperature. Gupta and Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 511 Kumar [9] investigated thermal effect on vibration of nonhomogenous viscoelastic rectangular plate of linearly varying thickness analytically. They found that the effect of nonhomogeneity on natural frequency is significant. Prediction of sound radiation is important to control noise generated from vibrating structures. Several researchers analyzed sound radiation characteristics of isotropic/composite plates having uniform thickness subjected to time-varying harmonic excitations. Park et al. [10] investigated the effects of support properties on the sound radiated from the plate and found that both the velocity response and sound radiation are strongly influenced by dissipation of vibration energy at the edges. Qiao and Huang [11] analyzed six different boundary conditions to investigate the influence of boundary condition on the sound radiation of a plate under a harmonically excited point force. Qiao and Huang [11] found that boundary conditions have a large effect on the sound radiated from rectangular plates. Jeyaraj et al. [12,13] studied the effect of thermal loading on vibration and acoustic response of isotropic and composite plates. They found that the overall sound power level of an isotropic plate is significantly affected by thermal load compared to composite plate. The literature survey reveals that the effect of thermal loading has been rarely included during sound radiation prediction of multi layered viscoelastic sandwich plates. The present work investigates the effect of thermal loading on the vibration and sound radiation characteristics of a multilayered viscoelastic sandwich plate under a thermal environment subjected to time-varying harmonic excitation. Finite element formulation Heat transfer analysis A two-dimensional four-noded rectangular element is used to obtain the temperature distribution on the plate. The two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction equation without internal heat generation is: 2 @ T @2 T K þ ¼0 @x2 @y2 ð1Þ where K is thermal conductivity and T is the temperature. The variational form of the above governing equation is: I¼ 1 2 Z V frTgT ½KfrTgdV þ 1 2 Z hT2 dS S1 Z Z hT1 dS þ S1 qTdS ð2Þ S2 where frTg is temperature gradient vector, S1 is convection heat transfer boundary, S2 is heat flux specified boundary, h is the convection heat transfer co-efficient, Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 512 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) T1 is the ambient temperature, and q is the heat flux. Following the finite element procedure and minimizing the above variational expression with respect to nodal temperature fTe g, one can obtain: ð½K1 þ ½K2 ÞfTe g ¼ P1 þ P2 ð3Þ where, the conduction matrix is given by: Z ½Bt T ½K½Bt dV ð4Þ while the convection matrix is derived as follows: Z ½K2 ¼ h fNt gT fNt gdS ð5Þ ½K1 ¼ V S1 The load vector due to convection can be obtained as: Z fP1 g ¼ hT1 fNt g dS ð6Þ S1 while the load vector due to flux is generated as shown below: Z fNt gT dS fP2 g ¼ q ð7Þ S2 In the above equations ½Bt is the temperature gradient matrix and fNt g is the shape function matrix for temperature. Temperature field in the domain V can be obtained by solving Equation (3). The reader is referred to Lewis et al. [14] to get detailed information of the finite element formulation used for heat transfer analysis. Structural analysis The displacement based formulation proposed by Khatua and Cheung [15] is used for the structural analysis. Thermal buckling, free, and forced vibration behavior of a multilayered sandwich plate is characterized by extending their theory. It is assumed that complex shear modulus (G) of the viscoelastic core is temperature dependent and dissipation in the core is only due to transverse shear: GðTÞ ¼ G ðTÞ ð1 þ iðTÞÞ ð8Þ where G is real part of shear modulus while is material loss factor. The transverse shear in the stiff layers and the temperature rise in the core due to shear stress Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 513 Figure 1. Multilayer rectangular sandwich plate element [15]. dissipation are neglected. The steady-state temperature field is assumed throughout the analysis. A rectangular multilayer vicoelastic sandwich plate consists of n stiff-layers and (n1) core layers. The i-th and (i + 1)-th stiff-layer and j-th sandwiched core are shown in Figure 1. The DOF associated with the k-th node is: fk g ¼ f! x y u1 v1 . . . ui vi un vn g ð9Þ @w It is assumed that transverse displacement !, bending slopes @w and @x @y are common for all layers. The number of in-plane degrees of freedom ui and vi are equal to the number of stiff layers. The array of nodal DOF is given by: fe g ¼ ff1 g f2 g f3 g f4 gg ð10Þ The displacement field within the element can be related to the nodal DOF as: vi gT ¼ ½N fe g f! u i 8 2 @ ! > > < @x2 2 f"gT ¼ @@x!2 > > : 2 @@y!2 2 @@y!2 xzðn1Þ yzðn1Þ @2 ! 2@x@y @2 ! 2@x@y 2 @@x!2 @u1 @x @ui @x 2 @@y!2 @v1 @y @vi @y @2 ! 2@x@y @u1 @v1 @y þ @x @ui @vi @y þ @x @un @x ð11Þ xz1 yz1 xzi yzi @vn @y @un @y þ 9 > > = @vn @x > > ; ð12Þ Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 514 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) xzi and yzi are the transverse shear strains in the j-th core given by: xzi Cj uiþ1 ui @! ¼ þ @x hj Cj ð13Þ yzi Cj viþ1 vi @! ¼ þ @y hj Cj ð14Þ Cj ¼ hj þ t t iþ1 i 2 ð15Þ The strains can be related to the nodal degrees of freedom by the following relation: f"g ¼ ½B fe g ð16Þ where ½B is the strain displacement matrix. The structural stiffness and mass matrices can be obtained as: ZaZa ½K ¼ ½BT ½D½Bdxdy ð17Þ a a a Z a Z ½NT P ½Ndxdy ½ M ¼ a ð18Þ a where ½D is the property matrix and P is the mass density matrix. Since the shear modulus of the core is complex, the structural stiffness matrix is complex and can be written as: ½K ¼ ½KR þ i½KI ð19Þ where ½KR and ½KI are the real and imaginary parts of the structural stiffness matrices respectively. The thermal load vector can be written as: Z a Z a ½BT ½Df"0 gdxdy fFth g ¼ a ð20Þ a where f"0 g is the thermal free-expansion thermal strains and is given by: f0 0 f" 0 g ¼ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i T i T i T i T i T i T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g ð21Þ where i is the co-efficient of thermal expansion of the ith layer and T is the uniform temperature rise above the ambient temperature. The expression for Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 515 nonlinear strains is given by: ( )T @! 2 @! 2 f"nl g ¼ , , n times @x @y ð22Þ which can be related to the nodal DOF as: f"nl g ¼ Bg fe g ð23Þ The geometric stiffness matrix is given by: Z a Z a ½K ¼ a T Bg ½0 Bg dxdy ð24Þ a where Bg is the nonlinear strain displacement matrix and ½0 is the matrix of initial stresses in the element. The reader is referred to Pradeep [16] for more details regarding the formulation. Analysis approach Finite element method (FEM) is used to find the critical buckling temperature, effects of thermal load on the natural frequencies, and vibration response of a multilayered viscoelastic sandwich plate. The thermal load is assumed to be created in the plate due to a uniform or linearly varying temperature distribution across the surface of the plate. The thermal load applied on the structure will induce membrane forces, which in turn influence the lateral deflections associated with the plate. The resistance to bending deformation is reduced when membrane forces are compressive. These pre-loads on the plate due to the thermal environment are calculated using a static analysis. The pre-stressed modal and harmonic analysis are carried out by keeping critical buckling temperature as a parameter to analyze the effect of thermal load on the natural frequencies and vibration response, respectively. The sound power level of the plate is calculated using SYSNOISE by assuming that the entire plate is vibrating with an average rms velocity at each frequency. The entire analysis approach is summarized in Figure 2. When the temperature of the plate is raised from the ambient byT, thermal stresses develop in the plate (for any boundary condition with at least one edge restrained). This stress state (static) is used to calculate the geometric stiffness matrix ½K . Following this a buckling analysis is carried out using the structural and geometric stiffness matrices ½KR and ½K : ð½KR þ i ½K Þ i ¼ 0 Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 ð25Þ 516 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Thermal Environment (Uniform Temperature rise above ambient) Prestress effect (Stac Analysis) Crical Buckling Temperature (Tcr) (Buckling Analysis) Tcr as a parameter Natural Frequencies and mode shapes (Pre-stressed modal analysis) Vibraon response (Pre-stressed harmonic analysis) Evaluaon of space averaged normal velocity (from pre-stressed harmonic response analysis results) Sound radiaon calculaon (using combined FEM/BEM method with the help of space averaged normal velocity) Figure 2. A flowchart of analysis approach. where, i is the i-th eigenvalue and is the corresponding eigenvector. i The product of lowest eigenvalue 1 and the temperature rise T yields the critical buckling temperature, Tcr, that is Tcr = 1 T. Physically, Tcr defines the temperature at which the plate buckles due to thermal stresses. This is valid when the material properties are temperature independent. As the material properties shear modulus (G) and material loss factor () of viscoelastic core are temperature dependant, an iterative solution technique is adopted to find the critical buckling temperature. The value of 1 is calculated for some temperature rise T. Taking 1 T as a new reference temperature 1 is recalculated. This procedure is repeated until 1 becomes unity. The corresponding T is the critical buckling temperature. Since the structure is pre-loaded due to the thermal field, the natural frequencies of the structure are modified as these loads produce stresses which change the structural stiffness. Pre-stressed modal analysis is carried out to find the natural frequency of the pre-loaded structure. The natural frequency at any given temperature can be calculated by evaluating the geometric stiffness matrix at that temperature and by solving the eigenvalue problem as given below: ð½KR þ ½K Þ !2k ½M f k g ¼ 0 ð26Þ where, ½M is the structural mass matrix, while !k is the circular natural frequency of the pre-stressed structure, and f k g is the corresponding mode shape. Similarly Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 517 k-th modal loss factor (k ) at any given temperature can be obtained from the following equation: k ¼ f k gT ½KI f k g f k gT ½KR þ K f k g ð27Þ After the computation of the natural frequencies, loss factors and mode shapes a pre-stressed harmonic response analysis is carried out to find the vibration response of the pre-loaded structure. The general equation of motion for a pre-stressed structure is: ½M U€ þ ½C U_ þ ð½KR þ ½K Þ fUg ¼ FftÞ ð28Þ where FðtÞg the applied load vector (assumed time-harmonic), U€ , U_ and fUg are the acceleration, velocity, and displacement vector of the plate. Using a set of modal co-ordinates yk which can be defined as: fU g ¼ n X f k gyk ð29Þ k¼1 The Equation (29) can be written using modal co-ordinates as: ½ M n X k¼1 f k gy€ k þ ½C n X f k gy_ k þ ð½KR þ ½K Þ k¼1 n X f k gyk ¼ FðtÞ ð30Þ k¼1 Pre multiplying the above equation by f k gT and after applying the orthogonal and normal conditions Equation (30) becomes: y€ k þ 2!k k y_ k þ !2i yk ¼ Fk ð31Þ where Fk ¼ f k gT FðtÞ . Since "k ¼ 2k : y€ k þ !k k y_ k þ !2i yk ¼ Fk ð32Þ The vibration response is obtained by solving the above uncoupled equation. The boundary element model (BEM) for computing the surface pressure from the surface displacement is: ½H Pf ¼ ½G uf ð33Þ Where ½H and ½G are boundary integral influence matrices, Pf and uf are acoustic pressure and displacement of the boundary element nodes of the fluids respectively at the fluid-structure interface, and is density of the fluid. The reader Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 518 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) is referred to Wu et al. [17] for detailed information on the formulation of indirect BEM/FEM. Validation studies Critical buckling temperature (Tcr) A 0.5 m0.5 m three-layered square viscoelastic sandwich plate clamped at its edges analyzed by Pradeep [16] is considered for the validation of critical buckling temperature evaluation. Thickness of each layer is equal to 3 mm and the stiff layers are made of aluminum while viscoelastic core material is EC2216. The material properties of aluminum are as follows: Young’s modulus E = 70 GPa, Poisson’s ratio = 0.33, coefficient of thermal expansion a = 20 106/ C, and density =2700 kg/m3. The temperature-dependent material properties of EC2216 and DYAD606 are given in Figure 3. The temperature distribution is assumed to be uniform throughout the plate surface. Pradeep [16] used the same Khatua and Cheung [15] finite element formulation to obtain the critical buckling temperature. The critical buckling temperature obtained using present method is 60 C which matches well with the value of 63 C reported by Pradeep [16]. The error is due to the difference in mesh size of (6 6) used by Pradeep [16], which is coarser than the mesh used here (16 16). Natural frequencies and loss factors A rectangular viscoelastic sandwich plate with isotropic facings analyzed by Cupial and Niziol [4] is considered for validation of natural frequencies and loss factors. Cupial and Niziol [4] used a simplified analytical model, which did not account for shear deformation in the face layers. Wang et al. [6] carried out experiments to (a) (b) 1.2 9 EC 2216 core DYAD 606 core 9 2.5x10 9 2.0x10 9 1.5x10 9 1.0x10 EC 2216 core DYAD 606 core 1.0 Loss factor Shear modulus (N/m2 ) 3.0x10 0.8 0.6 0.4 8 5.0x10 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Temperature (°C) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Temperature (°C) Figure 3. Temperature-dependant material properties of visco-elastic core materials EC2216 and DYAD 606 [18]: (a) shear modulus, (b) material loss factor. Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 519 verify the natural frequencies and associated modal loss factors with Cupial and Niziol [4]. The stiff layers are of equal thickness and made of Aluminum. The dimensions of the plate are a = 0.3048 m; b = 0.3480 m; thickness of stiff layer ts = 0.762 mm; thickness of core layer tc = 0.254 mm; Young’s modulus of stiff layer Es = 68.9 GPa; Poisson’s ratio of stiff layer s = 0.3; density of stiff layer s = 2740 kg/m3 density of core layer c = 999 kg/m3 and shear modulus of the core Gc = 0.896(1 + 0.5i) MPa. From Table 1, it is clear that both the natural frequencies and modal loss factors obtained using the present method matches well with the results reported by Cupial and Niziol [4] and Wang et al. [6]. The small error is due to the inclusion of shear deformation between the layers in the present formulation. Sound radiation A three-layered viscoelastic cantilever sandwich plate with dimensions 0.5 m 0.5 m 6 mm is considered for validation of sound radiation. The stifflayers are made of aluminum while the core is EC2216. The finite element formulated based on the Khatua and Cheung [15] is validated with the commercial finite element code ANSYS for forced vibration response calculations. As the combined FEM/BEM needs a shell element for sound radiation calculation, SHELL 99, an eight-noded linear structural layered shell element is used to model the sandwich plate. Table 2 shows the comparison of natural frequencies obtained using ANSYS with present FE formulation. A time-varying harmonic excitation of 1 N is applied at the lower right corner of the plate and a damping ratio of 0.01 is assumed for all the modes considered in the harmonic response analysis. The plate is assumed to be vibrating in air whose density is: a = 1.21 kg/m3 with a speed of sound c = 343 m / s. In the present work sound radiation characteristics are obtained by assuming that the entire plate is vibrating Table 1. Comparison of natural frequencies and modal loss factors with Cupial and Niziol [4] and Wang et al. [6] Natural frequency (Hz) Modal loss factor Modal indices Cupial and Niziol [4] (Analytical) Wang et al. [6] (Experimental) Present Cupial and Niziol [4] (Analytical) Wang et al. [6] (Experimental) Present (1,1) (1,2) (2,1) (2,2) (1,3) 60 115 131 179 196 60 115 130 178 195 63 116 132 180 197 0.190 0.203 0.199 0.181 0.174 0.192 0.203 0.198 0.179 0.172 0.182 0.192 0.187 0.172 0.163 Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 520 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Table 2. Comparison of natural frequencies (Hz) with ANSYS Mode Present formulation ANSYS 1 2 3 4 5 22 53 134 171 192 22 53 135 173 195 with a spatially averaged rms velocity at a particular frequency. To check the validity of the sound radiation calculated based on the average rms velocity, results obtained using: (i) usual combined FEM/BEM (ANSYS – to obtain the vibration response and SYSNOISE – to obtain the sound power level) (ii) average rms velocity obtained using present formulation as an input to SYSNOISE are compared as shown in Figure 4. To understand why the concept of replacing the actual velocity distribution with a spatially averaged uniform rms velocity works, the alternative expression for sound power (using Rayleigh’s Integral) as shown by Williams [18] is considered: Z Z Z Z 0 ck2 sinðkRÞ ð!Þ ¼ U ðx, yÞdsds0 U_ ðx0 , y0 Þ ð34Þ kR 4 S S qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi In the above equation R ¼ ðx x0 Þ2 þðy y0 Þ2 where ðx yÞ and ðx0 y0 Þ are co-ordinates of two different point on the plate, S or S’ represents the plate area, U_ is the normal velocity of the plate (assumed to be harmonic), and U_ is its complex conjugate. The sinc function sinðkRÞ kR in the integral indicates that the major contribution to the integral is when ðx yÞ is close to ðx0 y0 Þ and in the limit ðkRÞ ! 0 the sinc function becomes the Dirac delta function ðRÞ. With this in mind one can then approximate the above equation as: ð!Þ 0 ck2 4 Z Z U_ ðx, yÞ2 : ds ð35Þ S From the above equation one can clearly see that the sound power is proportional to the square of the plate velocity integrated over the whole area of the plate. Now if one decides to replace by the spatial average of the velocity defined as: Z Z 2 1 U_ ðx, yÞ2 ds _ U ¼ ð36Þ S S Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 521 Figure 4. Comparison of sound variation. then the sound power simply becomes: ð!Þ ¼ 0 cSk2 _ 2 U 4 ð37Þ The above series of equations then offer the rationale as to why the simple idea of replacing a complex velocity pattern by a uniform spatially averaged value gives fairly accurate estimates of sound power for plates. From Figure 4 which shows the comparison of results obtained with sound power obtained using the formula given in Equation (37), it is clear that there exists a good agreement between the results obtained using the three approaches except at some off-resonance frequencies. Results and discussion A 0.5 m 0.5 m multilayered viscoelastic sandwich plate clamped at its edges is now considered for the detailed investigation. The facings are made of aluminum and two different viscoelastic core materials considered are EC2216 and DYAD606. The material properties of aluminum are as follows: Young’s modulus E = 70 GPa, Poisson’s ratio = 0.33, coefficient of thermal expansion a = 20 106/ C and density = 2700 kg/m3. Shear modulus (G*) and material loss factor () of the viscoelastic core are two important factors which influence the vibration and damping behavior of the sandwich plates. In the present work, it is assumed that both the shear modulus and material loss factors are temperature Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 522 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) dependent and variation of these properties with temperature are taken from Nashif et al. [19]. A curve fit is done so that material properties can be obtained at any temperature in the operating range. Figure 3 shows the temperature dependent material properties of EC2216 and DYAD606 from Nashif et al. [19]. A convergence study has been carried out for both critical buckling temperature and natural frequencies for a three-layered sandwich plate having EC2216 as a core with tc = ts = 2 mm at room temperature. Table 3 shows the results. Based on the convergence study the plate is modeled using a 16 16 mesh. This mesh size also satisfies the six elements per wavelength requirement for numerical vibro-acoustic analysis using combined FEM/BEM. Thermal buckling studies In the present work, the vibration and acoustic response of a multilayered viscoelastic sandwich plate has been analyzed by assuming that the structure is subjected to an uniform temperature rise above the ambient temperature. Even though the temperature rise is assumed to be uniform for all the cases analyzed to carry out different parameter studies, in one case the plate is analyzed for both uniform temperature distribution and linearly varying temperature distribution in order to analyze the influence of a different thermal environment on vibration and acoustic response characteristics. The temperature rise applied on the plate is varied from 0 C to Tcr and corresponding variation in natural frequencies, loss factors, vibration, and acoustic response has been analyzed. To start with, the critical buckling temperature is obtained for different core thickness, different temperature field and different number of layers. A three-layered viscoelastic sandwich plate having a stiff layer thickness of 2 mm is analyzed by varying the core thickness as 2 mm, 4 mm, and 6 mm in order to investigate the influence of core thickness on vibration and acoustic response characteristics. A three-layered sandwich plate with tc ts ¼ 1 is analyzed for two different thermal fields namely uniform temperature distribution and linearly varying temperature distribution to investigate the influence of nature of temperature distribution on vibration and acoustic response characteristics. For linearly varying temperature distribution case, three edges of the square plate are held at ambient temperature while temperature on the remaining edge is varied till the thermal buckling occurs. The same plate is analyzed for EC2216 and DYAD606 core materials. Table 4 shows the critical buckling temperature obtained for different parameters of a three-layered sandwich plate. A viscoelastic plate having dimensions 0.5 m 0.5 m 0.01 m is considered to investigate the influence of number of layers on vibration and sound radiation characteristics. The plate is analyzed for three, five, and seven total layers. In all these cases it is assumed that all layers are of equal thickness. In each case thickness of each layer is equal to thickness of plate divided by the total number of layers. The critical buckling temperatures of three-, five-, and seven-layered plates are 119 C, 106 C, and 101 C. The critical buckling temperature reduces with increase Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Critical buckling temperature Tcr ( C) Natural frequencies (Hz) (Modal loss factor) x 102(1,1) (2,1) (1,2) (2,2) (3,1) (3.69) (3.69) (4.97) (5.75) 459 459 663 817 496 496 726 936 (5.18) (5.18) (7.85) (8.43) 62 227 (2.19) 10 10 63 236 (3.04) 66 Mesh size 454 454 656 801 (3.54) (3.54) (4.65) (5.45) 61 225 (2.12) 12 12 Table 3. Convergence study for critical buckling temperature and natural frequencies 451 451 562 792 (3.46) (3.46) (4.52) (5.27) 61 225 (2.08) 14 14 449 449 649 787 (3.41) (3.41) (4.44) (5.17) 61 224 (2.06) 16 16 449 449 648 785 (3.40) (3.40) (4.42) (5.15) 61 224 (2.05) 18 18 Jeyaraj et al. 523 Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 524 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Table 4. Critical buckling temperature (Tcr, C) of three layered plates Tcr Core Temperature distribution tc ts EC 2216 Uniform Linearly varying Uniform 60 91 49 DYAD606 ¼1 tc ts ¼2 90 151 51 tc ts ¼3 126 220 53 in number of layers as the stiffness of the plate reduces with increase in number of layers. This is due to reduction in layer thickness with increase in number of layers. Free vibration and modal damping studies Pre-stressed modal analysis is carried out for different values of core thickness and different number of layers by varying the temperature rise above the ambient temperature from 0 C to Tcr C in order to find the influence of thermal environment on the natural frequencies and corresponding modal loss factors and mode shapes. The results obtained from the pre-stressed modal analysis for the three-layered sandwich plate are given in Table 5. Table 6 shows the natural frequency and loss factors for some of the modes of the plate analyzed for the influence of number of layers. From Tables 5 and 6 it is clear that the natural frequencies of the plate reduce with increase in the fraction of the critical buckling temperature and the natural frequency of the fundamental mode approaches zero as the temperature rise applied reaches critical buckling temperature. This is because reduction in the stiffness of structure reduces with increase in temperature due to the compressive thermal stresses. This phenomenon happens irrespective of ttcs , type of core material, type of thermal environment, and number of layers. The mode shapes are not significantly affected by thermal environment. The membrane stress distribution pattern due to thermal load is the same for all temperatures even though the magnitude of the membrane stresses increases with temperature. This is due to symmetric boundary conditions associated with the plate analyzed. Vibration and acoustic response studies In order to analyze the vibration and acoustic response characteristics of the multilayered viscoelastic sandwich plate, a frequency range of 0–1500 Hz is chosen. Before carrying out the harmonic response analysis, an appropriate excitation location is chosen using the mode shapes of the plate. The location of excitation is chosen in such a way that it does not lie on the nodal lines of modes in the frequency range of 0–1500 Hz; this is done at room temperature but since the mode shapes are independent of temperature the excitation location would still not coincide with any nodal lines. Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Uniform temperature rise EC2216 (ttcs ¼ 3) Linear temperature rise EC2216 (ttcs ¼ 2) Uniform temperature rise EC2216 (ttcs ¼ 1) EC2216 (ttcs ¼ 1) 0Tcr 0.25Tcr 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr 0Tcr 0.25Tcr 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr 0Tcr 0.25Tcr 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr 0Tcr 0.25Tcr T 224 (0.021) 195 (0.033) 161 (0.044) 118 (0.073) 61 (1.292) 224 (0.021) 195 (0.0314) 158 (0.0442) 113 (0.0788) 50 (0.3661) 290 (0.0388) 246 (0.0591) 193 (0.0372) 135 (0.0562) 152 (0.3101) 344 (0.0274) 283 (0.0725) Mode (1,1) 449 409 370 326 286 449 410 366 320 276 569 498 429 370 319 662 551 (0.0341) (0.049) (0.055) (0.062) (0.374) (0.0341) (0.0468) (0.0549) (0.0634) (0.0776) (0.0621) (0.0833) (0.0435) (0.0428) (0.0492) (0.0421) (0.0972) Mode (1,2) Natural frequencies (loss factors) 449 409 370 326 286 449 410 366 324 288 569 498 429 370 319 662 551 (0.0341) (0.049) (0.055) (0.062) (0.374) (0.0341) (0.0468) (0.0549) (0.0610) (0.0690) (0.0624) (0.0832) (0.0434) (0.0421) (0.0492) (0.0421) (0.0973) Mode (2,1) Table 5. Natural frequencies (Hz) and loss factors of the three layered sandwich plate 649 600 554 506 464 649 602 552 506 468 809 712 627 562 511 931 774 (0.0442) (0.062) (0.065) (0.068) (0.369) (0.0442) (0.0574) (0.0622) (0.0662) (0.0690) (0.0774) (0.0983) (0.0474) (0.0445) (0.0412) (0.0517) (0.0111) Mode (2,2) Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 (continued) 787 (0.0522) 730 (0.071) 681 (0.073) 629 (0.074) 586 (0.388) 787 (0.0522) 732 (0.0688) 676 (0.0701) 622 (0.0732) 575 (0.0754) 970 (0.0089) 853 (0.0109) 756 (0.0512) 687 (0.0561) 636 (0.0408) 1105 (0.0581) 912 (0.1207) Mode (3,1) Jeyaraj et al. 525 Uniform temperature rise Uniform temperature rise DYAD606 (ttcs ¼ 1) Table 5. Continued 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr 0Tcr 0.25Tcr 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr T 474 415 353 407 356 297 235 157 225 (0.0714) 166 (0.0855) 81 (0.2611) 211 (0.032) 182 (0.0632) 149 (0.126) 106 (0.323) 32 (4.391) (0.0856) (0.0681) (0.0689) (0.0486) (0.0862) (0.147) (0.277) (0.660) Mode (1,2) Mode (1,1) Natural frequencies (loss factors) 474 415 353 407 356 297 235 157 (0.0855) (0.0684) (0.0681) (0.0486) (0.0862) (0.147) (0.277) (0.660) Mode (2,1) 680 617 554 575 502 421 342 249 (0.0914) (0.0682) (0.0611) (0.0026) (0.0977) (0.0065) (0.0068) (0.0068) Mode (2,2) 807 742 679 684 595 498 409 307 (0.0902) (0.0711) (0.0593) (0.0662) (0.106) (0.161) (0.261) (0.454) Mode (3,1) 526 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 7 layers 5 layers 3 layers 0Tcr 0.25Tcr 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr 0Tcr 0.25Tcr 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr 0Tcr 0.25Tcr 0.5Tcr 0.75Tcr 0.95Tcr T 687 589 502 438 362 427 390 353 311 272 300 274 245 214 196 354 (0.0470) 295 (0.0674) 232 (0.0802) 167 (0.1053) 30 (2.4351) 212 (0.0151) 182 (0.0245) 150 (0.0338) 105 (0.0621) 41 (0.3861) 148 (0.0072) 126 (0.0106) 98 (0.0194) 57 (0.0538) 7 (1.774) (0.0726) (0.0907) (0.0875) (0.0778) (0.0826) (0.0254) (0.0371) (0.0425) (0.0491) (0.0592) (0.0117) (0.0157) (0.0222) (0.0277) (0.0161) Mode (1,2) Mode (1,1) Natural frequencies (loss factors) 687 589 502 438 362 427 390 353 311 272 316 274 245 214 196 (0.0726) (0.0907) (0.0875) (0.0778) (0.0826) (0.0254) (0.0371) (0.0425) (0.0491) (0.0592) (0.0043) (0.0157) (0.0222) (0.0277) (0.0161) Mode (2,1) 971 (0.0882) 837 (0.1025) 728 (0.0922) 661 (0.0760) 586 (0.0703) 541(0.0183) 540 (0.0025) 540 (0.0043) 540 (0.0023) 540 (0.0022) 316 (0.0042) 325 (0.0004) 325 (0.0005) 325 (0.0005) 325 (0.0003) Mode (2,2) Table 6. Natural frequencies (Hz) and loss factors of the sandwich plate analyzed for influence of number of layers 1158 (0.100) 995 (0.1119) 873 (0.097) 804 (0.0777) 729 (0.0687) 541 (0.0183) 540 (0.0025) 540 (0.0042) 540 (0.0023) 540 (0.0024) 319 (0.0030) 325 (0.0004) 325 (0.0005) 325 (0.00057) 325 (0.0003) Mode (3,1) Jeyaraj et al. 527 Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 528 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Figures 5–7 show the displacement, velocity, and average rms velocity as the excitation frequency is varied for a three-layered viscoelastic sandwich plate having EC2216 as core with ttcs ¼ 1. Two trends can be seen, (i) The natural frequencies reduce with increasing temperature and (ii) the resonant amplitudes are decreasing with increase in temperature. Generally the pre-stress due to thermal load will reduce the stiffness of the structure causing the amplitude of vibration to be increased. This is not clearly seen in the vibration amplitudes at the resonant frequencies. Even though the prestress reduces the natural frequency, the vibration amplitude at the resonant frequency is influenced by the modal damping. As the modal damping increases significantly with the temperature it reduces the vibration amplitude at the resonant frequencies as seen in the response curves. The vibration response for three-layered plate with ttcs ¼ 2 and ttcs ¼ 3 is quite similar. Figure 8 shows the radiation efficiency for three-layered viscoelastic sandwich plate having ttcs ¼ 1 as a function of frequency. Sound power is directly proportional to the product of square of the averaged surface normal velocity and radiation efficiency. The expression for critical frequency (fcr) of an isotropic plate given by Ohlrich and Hugin [20] is: c2 plate tplate 2 2 D 1 fcr ¼ ð38Þ Displacement (m) 1E-5 1E-6 1E-7 ΔT/Tcr =0 ΔT/Tcr =0.5 T =60 °C ΔT/Tcr =0.95 cr 1E-8 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 Harmonic frequency (Hz) Figure 5. Displacement at the excitation point for three-layered plate (ttcs ¼ 1). Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 529 0.01 Velocity (m/s) 1E-3 1E-4 1E-5 ΔT/Tcr =0 ΔT/Tcr =0.5 T =60 °C ΔT/Tcr =0.95 cr 1E-6 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 Harmonic frequency (Hz) Figure 6. Velocity at excitation point for three-layered plate (ttcs ¼ 1). Average rms velocity (m/sec) 0.01 1E-3 1E-4 ΔT/Tcr =0 ΔT/Tcr =0.5 ΔT/Tcr =0.95 T =60 °C cr 1E-5 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 Harmonic frequency (Hz) Figure 7. Average rms velocity for three-layered plate (ttcs ¼ 1). Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 1500 530 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) 2.0 Radiation efficiency 1.5 1.0 0.5 ΔT/Tcr =0 ΔT/Tcr =0.5 T =60 °C ΔT/Tcr =0.95 cr 0.0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Harmonic frequency (Hz) Figure 8. Radiation efficiency of three-layered plate (ttcs ¼ 1). where D is the bending stiffness of the plate. The equivalent bending stiffness of the viscoelastic sandwich plate is calculated using the expression given by Altanbach et al. [21] and substituted in Equation [38] to obtain the critical frequency of the sandwich plate. The critical frequency obtained for the sandwich plate analyzed is 2206 Hz. Figure 8 shows a peak around this frequency. From Figure 8 it can be clearly seen that the radiation efficiency of the plate generally decreases (no significant variation in higher frequency range) with increase in temperature. The sound power level shown in Figure 9 reflects the average rms velocity response as sound radiation is directly related to normal velocity of the structure. To analyze further, average of mean square velocity is calculated for three-layered plate for different values of ttcs in the entire frequency band as shown in Figure 10 and for constant bandwidth frequency bands (250 Hz) as shown in Figure 11 for three-layered plate with ttcs ¼ 1. From Figures 10 and 11 one can see that the velocity generally decreases with temperature. When the uniform temperature rise reaches the critical buckling temperature, there is a marginal increase in overall average rms velocity. From the band wise representation it is also clear that the rms velocity is higher when there is no rise in uniform temperature (except at the lower band) and is lower when the uniform temperature rise approaches the critical buckling temperature. This is due to significant increase in modal loss factor when the uniform temperature rise is nearer to the critical buckling temperature of the structure. In the lower frequency band, vibration response is influenced by the stiffness of the structure; it can be clearly seen in the displacement, velocity, and average rms velocity responses. Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 531 Sound power level (dB) 100 80 60 40 ΔT/Tcr =0 ΔT/Tcr =0.5 T =60 °C ΔT/Tcr =0.95 cr 20 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 Harmonic frequency (Hz) 34 Overall rms velocity (dB, ref 1x10 –6 m/s) Figure 9. Sound power level for three-layered plate with (ttcs ¼ 1). 32 30 tc/ts=1 (Tcr=60 °C) 28 3 layerd plate tc/ts=2 (Tcr=90 °C) tc/ts=3 (Tcr=126 °C) 26 0.00 0.25 0.50 ΔT/Tcr 0.75 Figure 10. Overall average rms velocity for three-layered plate with (ttcs ¼ 1). Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 1.00 532 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) average rms velocity (dB ref 1x10 –6 m/s) 35 ΔT/Tcr=0 ΔT/Tcr=0.25 ΔT/Tcr=0.75 ΔT/Tcr=0.95 30 ΔT/Tcr=0.5 (Tcr =60°C) 25 20 15 10 0-250 250-500 500-750 750-1000 1000-1250 1250-1500 Frequency band (Hz) Figure 11. Overall average rms velocity in constant frequency band for three-layered plate with (ttcs ¼ 1). To get a clearer picture, the overall sound power level for the entire frequency band is computed for three-layered plate with different ttcs ratios and the results are shown in Figure 12. Figure 13 shows the sound power level represented in constant bandwidth frequency bands for three-layered plate with ttcs ¼ 1 this shows the shift towards lower frequencies. The resonant amplitude of vibration and acoustic response increases with temperature rise for an isotropic plate [12] while the resonant amplitudes are decreasing with increase in temperature rise for the viscoelastic sandwich plate. Even though the structural stiffness reduces with the increase in temperature rise, the modal loss factor reduces the resonant amplitude as it is increasing significantly with temperature rise for the sandwich plate. Due to this reason, there is no significant change in overall sound power level of the sandwich plate also. From Figure 14, which shows the comparison of overall sound power level for two different thermal fields, it is clear that there is no significant variation in overall sound power level. As already explained the mode shapes are not significantly influenced by the two different temperature fields considered. Because of the symmetric boundary condition, the bending modes are not affected by the in-plane stresses developed due to thermal pre-load. From Table 6 one can observe that variation in natural frequencies and loss factors with increase in temperature for both the thermal fields are same. This indicates that the change in structural stiffness is the same irrespective of the nature of temperature distribution. Figure 15 shows the influence of type of core material on overall sound power level of a three-layered viscoelastic sandwich plate with ttcs ¼ 1. From Figure 15, it is clear that the overall sound power level decreases with increase in temperature rise Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 533 Overall sound power level (dB) 110 108 106 104 102 tc/ts =1 (Tcr=60°C) tc/ts =2 (Tcr=90°C) 3 layerd plate 100 tc/ts =3 (Tcr=126°C) 98 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 ΔT/Tcr Figure 12. Influence of core thickness on overall sound power level for three-layered plate. Overall sound power level (dB) 110 ΔT/Tcr =0 ΔT/Tcr =0.25 ΔT/Tcr =0.75 ΔT/Tcr =0.95 ΔT/Tcr =0.5 T =60°C cr 105 100 95 90 85 0-250 250-500 500-750 750-1000 1000-1250 1250-1500 Frequency band (Hz) Figure 13. Overall sound power level in constant frequency band for three-layered plate with (ttcs ¼ 1). Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 534 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Overall sound power level (dB) 110 109 108 107 106 Uniform temperature rise (Tcr =60 °C) 105 Linearly varying temperature (Tcr =91 °C) 104 0.00 0.25 0.50 Δ T/ T 0.75 1.00 cr Figure 14. Influence of type of thermal environment on overall sound power level for threelayered plate with (ttcs ¼ 1). when the core material is DYAD606 while the overall sound power level is not significantly affected when the core material is EC2216. Generally damping due to DYAD606 core is more compared to EC2216 due to high material loss factor () associated with DYAD606. There is a significant increase in material loss factor () for DYAD606 compared to EC2216, in the temperature range analyzed for the present study. This can be clearly seen in Figure 3. This reflects the overall sound power level variation with temperature shown in Figure 15. Figure 16 shows the overall sound power level for different total number of layers. From Figure 16 one can see that overall sound power level increases with the total number of layers. The core thickness reduces with increase in number of layers, which in turn reduces the stiffness of the plate as seen in Table 6. The overall sound power level increases with uniform temperature rise for three-layered plate while there is no significant change for five- and seven-layered plate. Even though the modal damping increases with uniform temperature rise for three-layered plate as seen in Table 6, the overall sound power level is influenced by stiffness of the plate. This reflects the overall sound power level shown in Figure 16, which increases with temperature. There is no significant change in overall sound power level with temperature for five-layered and seven-layered plates compared to three-layered plates. Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 Jeyaraj et al. 535 Overall sound power level (dB) 110 108 106 EC2216 (Tcr =60°C) 104 DYAD606 (Tcr =49°C) 102 100 98 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 ΔT / Tcr Figure 15. Influence of type of core material on overall sound power level for three-layered plate with (ttcs ¼ 1). 107 Overall sound power level (dB) 106 105 104 103 102 101 3 layers (Tcr = 119°C) 100 5 layers (Tcr = 106°C) 7 layers (Tcr = 101°C) 99 0.00 0.25 0.50 ΔT/Tcr 0.75 Figure 16. Influence of number of layers on overall sound power level. Downloaded from jsm.sagepub.com at Indian Inst Of Tech Madras on December 14, 2014 1.00 536 Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials 13(5) Conclusion The effect of a thermal environment on the vibration response and consequent sound radiation from a multilayered viscoelastic sandwich under a thermal environment is investigated. It is found that the amplitudes of vibration and sound power at the resonant frequencies decrease with the increase in temperature. The resonant amplitude is less when the uniform temperature rise approaches the critical buckling temperature of the structure. Overall sound power level increases with core thickness and number of layers. The type of thermal environment does not affect the overall sound power level significantly while type of core material influences significantly. 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