April 28,‘,1953 E. A. N_YGARD Y 2,636,235 BUTTON SECURING DEVICE Filed Sept. 22, 1951 INVENTOR. ygq'd ATTORNEYS ,- _ Patented Apr. 28, 1953 2,636,235 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,636,235 BUTTON SECURING DEVICE Erik A. Nygard, Woonsocket,‘ R. I. Application September 22, 1951, Serial No. 247,787 7 Claims. (Cl. 24-110) 1 This invention relates to a button securing de vice sometimes referred to as button back, and is particularly adapted for use in the securing of a button having two studs projecting rear— wardly in spaced relation from the rear face thereof. One of the objects of this invention is to pro vide a button back which may be pressed into place on the button and will maintain itself in sheet of stock which is utilized for the button back is designated generally it and comprises a ?rst ?at plate I I at one'end of the strip which is shown in Figures 2, 3, and 4 .and is the lower plate of the two plates there provided. This plate has a pair of openings l2'—l2 in certain spaced relation which is the spacing of the studs l3-I3 extending rearwardly from the button M shown in Figures 1 and 2. At the opposite end such relation until manually manipulated for 10 of this strip of stock It] there is a second flat plate !5 which is in slidable contact with release. the plate II and is held in this contact by the Another object of the invention is to provide edges It of the plate H being rolled over the a button back which will have a resilient action edges of the plate 15 sufficiently loosely so as to and will be of one piece of material. 15 guide the plates in a longitudinal movement. Another object of the invention is to provide Plate I5 is provided with a ?rst pair of openings a button back which will be of extremely simple ll-—ll which are spaced the same as the open construction and yet strong and durable. ings l2 and which have ?ngers l8-—l8 extend Another object of the invention is to provide ing inwardly from the opposite sides of the open a button back which will protect the prongs of the button from engaging or abrading the user 20 ing so that when the studs l3-I3 are passed through these openings H the ?ngers will flex or the clothing of the user. upwardly as shown in Figure 2 and will grip the With these and other objects in view, the in surface of the studs [3. This gripping will oc vention consists of certain novel features of con cur by reason of the sharp corners of the ?ngers struction as will be more fully described and particularly pointed out in the appended claims. 25 I8, but in order that there may be a better hold ing, notches l9 may be placed in the studs 13 at In the accompanying drawings: . diametrically opposite locations. A second pair Figure 1 is an elevational view, showing in sec of openings 20—-2|J are provided in the plate 15 tion a piece of fabric to which the button and adjacent the openings [1 as shown in Figures 5 back therefore are attached. and 6. Figure 2 is a sectional view on line 2—2 of Fig 30 The middle or shank portion 2| of the plate It ure 1. is bent sharply as at 22 and 23 where it extends Figure 3 is a sectional view at right angles to from the plates II and I5 and is then arched on the section of Figure 2, showing the studs in . a short radius as at 24 and 25 andon a rather dotted lines and the back in a position to secure longer radius as at 26 connecting these shorter the back to the studs. 35 arch portions together. The stock is so bent Figure 4 is a view similar to Figure 3 but show that normally the openings l'l-l 1 will align with ing the parts as moved to a stud releasing posi the openings l2-—l2, but when pressure is ap tion. plied as shown by the arrow 28 so as to arch the Figure 5 is a fragmental top plan view of one portion 28 greater as at 29 (see Figure 4), then of the openings and one of the plates to show the 40 the openings 2U—2ll will align with the openings gripping means and the free area of the open I2—l2 as shown in Figure 4. ings adjacent thereto. By reason of this construction the button back Figure 6 is a perspective view of the back be may be pressed on to the studs l3—l3 to as— fore bent into ?nal shape. sume the position shown in Figure l, and if re In proceeding with this invention, I cut from 45 lease is desired, pressure will be applied on the a strip of sheet stock of the required length, a opposite sharply arched portions 24 and’ 25 to blank which has a plate at each end in which ?atten these arches by causing the portion 26 to there are located openings for accomplishing the arch on a shorter radius so as to move the open ings I‘! from gripping relation with the studs l3 results desired, while the stock intermediate these plates is of a ?exible, resilient character 50 and cause the openings 28 to be in registry with opening I2 so that there will be no gripping on which may be bent into a bowed or ached shape for aligning the openings as desired while per the stud and thus the button back may be lifted mitting sliding of the plates for a di?erent posi from the studs or the studs may be Withdrawn tion of the openings. from the fabric 30 through which they may ex With reference to the drawings the single 55 tend. 2,636,235 3 By reason of the shank portion 2! connecting both the plates, the device is all formed from a single piece of sheet stock and studs are pro extending therefrom, a device for gripping said posts comprising a ?rst plate having a pair of spaced openings receiving therethrough the posts, tected from abrasion with a person or the per a second plate in slidable contact with the ?rst son’s clothing upon which the button is mounted. CH plate and having a ?rst pair of openings spaced I claim: to register with the openings in the ?rst plate and 1. A device for securing a two-post button provided with resilient means gripping the posts in place, comprising a ?rst plate having a pair and preventing movement of the posts in one of openings spaced and of a size to receive there. direction therethrough and a second pair of through the posts of the button to be secured, a 10 openings free of gripping means and communicat second plate in slidable contact with the ?rst ing with the ?rst pair of openings and permitting plate and having a ?rst pair of openings spaced the posts to move from the ?rst pair of openings to register with the openings in the ?rst plate to the second pair of openings, elastically yielding and provided with resilient means to grip the means to urge the plates to cause the ?rst pair posts and prevent movement of the posts in one F of openings in the second plate into registry with direction therethrough and a, second pair of_ open: the pair of openings in the ?rst plate but yield ings free of gripping means and communicating with the ?rst pair of openings and permitting the posts to move from the ?rst pair of openings able to align the second pair of openings in the second plate with the ?rst pair of openings in the ?rst plate for releasing the posts. Qf the 5599011? p31? 0.? openings. elastically yield.” 20 6. A button as in claim 5 wherein the posts are provided. with a plurality of axially spaced notches ing means‘ to urge the plates to move the ?rst pair‘ of openings in the second plate into registry intowhich said gripping means extend. with the pair of openings in the ?rst plate but yieldable to align the second pair of openings in the second plate with the ?rst pair of openings in the first plate for releasing the posts 7. A button as, in claim 5 wherein the posts are provided with a, plurality of axially spaced dia metrically opposite notches into which said gr_i_p-. ping means extend.v 2». A device as in claim 1 wherein the plates are ERIK ,A. NYGARD. connected by a bowed resilient strip of material. 3. A device as in claim 1 wherein the plates are References Cited in the ?le of this patent connected by a bowed resilient strip of material 30 UNITED STATES PATENTS which is the same piece of material as the plates. 4. A device, as in claim 1 wherein the edges of Number Name Date one plate are rolled over the edges of the other plate for slidably connecting the plates for move ment one along thev other. 5. In combination a button having two posts 03 Cl 183,16‘; I-Iessels _‘..,__t____._,_._ Oct. 10.1876 259,972 Alderman _, 570,576 Wadell _‘_,,___________,___e_ Nov. 3.v 17896‘ 679,910, Phelps -..-.-.-.-_-._.-._ ._-._._ Aus- 6,1301. _ _‘__ June 20., 1882
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