Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) 1 3 2 Photographs from USAID PRIORITAS District Showcase Meetings in (1) West Bandung, West Java; (2) Maros, South Sulawesi; and (3) Batang, Central Java, to present the results of training in the Cohort 1 districts. Quarterly Report No. 8 January–March 2014 April 2014 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by RTI International. The contents are the reszponsibility of RTI International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) Quarterly Report No. 8 Contract AID-497-C-12-00003 January–March 2014 Prepared for USAID/Indonesia Prepared by RTI International 3040 Cornwallis Road Post Office Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 USA The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Table of Contents LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................................. V LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................................... V LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMS ..................................................................................... VI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 1 RINGKASAN UTAMA .................................................................................................................................... 4 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 SCOPE OF WORK ........................................................................................................................................... 7 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................................................................... 7 PROCUREMENT ............................................................................................................................................. 7 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................................. 7 STAFF PROJECT AND PLANNING WORKSHOP ....................................................................................................... 9 VISIT BY RTI’S PRESIDENT AND IDG EXECUTIVE VICE‐PRESIDENT ............................................................................ 9 PROJECT ROLLOUT ........................................................................................................................ 10 2.1.1 USAID PRIORITAS and DBE Districts ........................................................................................ 10 2.1.2 Papua Grants ........................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE (GDA) ........................................................................................................ 11 2.2.1 US‐Indonesia TTI Partnership .................................................................................................. 11 2.2.2 Improving the Supply of Books to Schools .............................................................................. 11 3 STRENGTHENED INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS .................................................................................. 12 3.1 THE WHOLE‐SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ............................................................................................... 12 3.1.1 Completion of Training Materials and Round 2 National Training of Trainers ....................... 12 3.1.2 National Training of Trainers for Round 2 of Whole‐School Development ............................ 13 3.2 DISTRICT SHOWCASE MEETINGS IN COHORT 1 DISTRICTS .................................................................................... 16 3.2.2 Training of Trainers for Cohort 2 Districts ............................................................................... 17 3.2.3 Training of Partner Schools in Cohort 2 Districts .................................................................... 18 3.3 TRAINING PEDAGOGY LECTURERS IN PRE‐SERVICE CURRICULA AND MATERIALS ...................................................... 20 3.4 PROVINCIAL TTI CONSORTIA MEETINGS .......................................................................................................... 21 3.5 STUDY VISITS TO DBE DISTRICTS OF TTI LAB AND PARTNER SCHOOLS ................................................................... 22 3.6 TRAINING OF TTI LAB AND PARTNER SCHOOLS .................................................................................................. 23 3.7 MEETING AND WORKING WITH TTI LAB AND PARTNER SCHOOLS. ........................................................................ 25 3.8 GOOD PRACTICE SCHOOLS PROGRAM ............................................................................................................. 26 4 GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND LINKAGES ............................................................................ 27 4.1 TEACHER DEPLOYMENT COHORT 1 ................................................................................................................. 27 4.1.1 Teacher Distribution Mapping Results .................................................................................... 27 4.1.2 Policy Recommendations for Teacher Deployment ................................................................ 29 4.1.3 PPG Policy Implementation Cohort 1 ...................................................................................... 30 4.1.4 District PPG Reports ................................................................................................................ 30 4.1.5 Service Provider (SP) Evaluation ............................................................................................. 31 4.2 PREPARATION FOR TEACHER DEPLOYMENT (PPG) COHORT 2 .............................................................................. 32 4.2.1 Review of PPG Materials ......................................................................................................... 32 4.2.2 Guidelines for PPG .................................................................................................................. 32 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 iii 4.2.3 Technical Guidelines for DAPODIK Data Analysis .................................................................... 32 4.2.4 National Workshop and Training of Trainers .......................................................................... 32 4.2.5 Provincial Training of Trainers (Refresher Workshop) ............................................................ 33 4.2.6 Preparation of PPG Activity Schedules .................................................................................... 33 4.3 STUDIES .................................................................................................................................................... 33 4.3.1 Cohort 2 District Capacity Assessment.................................................................................... 33 4.3.2 Preliminary Study on Training Needs Analysis (TNA) .............................................................. 34 4.4 SCHOOL FINANCE REPORTING (ALPEKA) ........................................................................................................ 35 4.5 DISSEMINATION OF DISTRICT LEVEL PROGRAMS ................................................................................................ 36 5 DISSEMINATION OF SCHOOL LEVEL PROGRAMS ............................................................................ 37 6 TECHNICAL COORDINATION WITH GOI .......................................................................................... 38 7 COMMUNICATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 40 7.1 MEDIA ...................................................................................................................................................... 40 7.1.1 Newsletter ............................................................................................................................... 40 7.1.2 Project Website ....................................................................................................................... 41 7.1.3 Media Monitoring ................................................................................................................... 41 7.1.4 Project Videos ......................................................................................................................... 41 7.1.5 Module Layout ........................................................................................................................ 42 8 DISSEMINATION STUDY ................................................................................................................ 42 9 MONITORING AND EVALUATION .................................................................................................. 43 9.1 EARLY GRADE READING (EGRA) IN TTI LAB AND PARTNER SCHOOLS .................................................................... 43 9.2 PREPARATION OF COHORT 1 SCHOOL MONITORING REPORT ............................................................................... 44 9.3 RESULTS OF SCHOOL MONITORING IN COHORT 2 DISTRICTS ................................................................................ 45 9.3.1 Results of Teacher Observations and Interviews with Principals (Volume 1) ......................... 45 9.3.2 Results of Student Tests (Volume 2) ....................................................................................... 46 9.3.3 Results of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (Volume 3) .................................................. 48 9.4 MONITORING OF TTI LAB SCHOOLS ................................................................................................................ 49 9.5 MONITORING OF PARTNER TTIS ..................................................................................................................... 50 9.6 MONITORING OF PARTNER DISTRICTS AND PROVINCES ....................................................................................... 50 10 PLANS FOR QUARTER 9 ................................................................................................................. 52 ANNEX 1: PROVINCIAL REPORTS ................................................................................................................ 53 ANNEX 2: DISSEMINATION ........................................................................................................................ 107 iv USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 List of Tables Table 1: Newly Hired Staff ........................................................................................................................... 7 Table 2: Short‐Term Technical Assistance (STTA) ....................................................................................... 8 Table 3: Staff Termination and Resignation ................................................................................................ 8 Table 4: Staff Movement ............................................................................................................................. 8 Table 5: Total Number of Staff, by Office .................................................................................................... 8 Table 6: USAID PRIORITAS Cohort 1 District Showcase Meetings ............................................................. 17 Table 7: Training of Trainers in Cohort 2 (Module 1—Whole School Development) ................................ 18 Table 8: School Training in Cohort 2 (Module 1—Whole School Development) ...................................... 18 Table 9: Participants in School Training, Quarter 8 ................................................................................... 19 Table 10: Participants in TTI Lab and Partner School Training .................................................................. 23 Table 11: TTI Lab and Partner Schools Trained in Quarter 8 ..................................................................... 24 Table 12: District PPG Reports (as of March 2014) ................................................................................... 30 Table 13: Level of SP Participation in PPG Activities ................................................................................. 31 Table 14: Schedule of “Refresher” Training on PPG for Service Providers ............................................... 33 Table 15: Participants in Dissemination Activities in Quarter 8 (January–March 2014) ........................... 37 Table 16: Coordination Meetings with National GOI during Quarter 8 .................................................... 38 Table 17: Distribution of the National Newsletter, Fifth Edition .............................................................. 40 Table 18: Number of Hits on Project Website in Quarter 8 ...................................................................... 41 Table 19: Monthly Media Coverage .......................................................................................................... 41 Table 20: EGRA Schedule for TTI Partner Schools ..................................................................................... 43 Table 21: Activities for Quarter 9 .............................................................................................................. 52 List of Figures Figure.1: Figure.2: Figure.3: Figure.4: Figure.5: Figure.6: Maps of USAID PRIORITAS Cohort 1, Cohort 2, and DBE Partner Districts ............................. 10 Participants in School Training, Quarter 8 .............................................................................. 20 Participants in TTI Lab and Partner School Training ................................................................ 24 Adequacy of Class Teacher Provision in Cohort 1 Districts ..................................................... 28 Ratio of Students to Number of Classes and Teachers (Primary Schools–SD, Cohort 1) ........ 29 MOEC’s Teacher Appraisal Model ........................................................................................... 35 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 v List of Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms ALPEKA APBD BAPPEDA BAPPENAS BERMUTU BKD BOS BOSP Bupati COP COR CTL DAPODIK DBE DC DCOP Dewan Pendidikan DF Dinas DPRD EDC EGRA EMIS EU FKIP FY GDA GOI IAID IAIN IDG IR IT JSE JSS Kabupaten MENKO KESRA KKG KKKS KKM KLN Kota LPMP vi Aplikasi Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan BOS Tingkat Sekolah (School Level Finance (BOS) Reporting Application) District Budget Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah (Regional Development Planning Board) Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (National Development Planning Board) Better Education through Reform Management and Universal Teacher Upgrading Project Regional Personnel Bodies Government allocated School Operational Assistance Funds Biaya Operasional Satuan Pendidikan (School Operational Funding) District Council Head Chief of Party (project position) Contracting Officer’s Representative Contextual Teaching and Learning Data Pokok Pendidikan, MOEC’s national web-based EMIS Decentralized Basic Education Project District Coordinator (project position) Deputy Chief of Party (project position) District Education Council District Facilitator District or Provincial Government Offices Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Local Legislature) Education Development Center Early Grade Reading Assessment Education Management Information System European Union Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Education Faculty) Fiscal Year Global Development Alliance Government of Indonesia Islamic Religious College State Islamic Institute International Development Group Intermediate Result Information Technology Junior Secondary Education Junior Secondary School District or Regency (abbreviated as Kab.) Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare Kelompok Kerja Guru (Teacher Working Group-secular primary schools) Kelompok Kerja Kepala Sekolah (School Principals Working Group) Kelompok Kerja Madrasah (Teacher Working Group-religious schools) Office of International Cooperation at MOEC City or Municipality Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (Provincial Quality Assurance Institute) USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 M&E Madrasah MBS MGMP MI MKKS MOEC MORA MOU MT NGO P4TK PAKEM PC PGRI PLPG PNS PPG PPG PPL PRIORITAS Renstra RKAS RKS RKT RTI SBM SD SIMDIKDAS SK 5 Menteri SK SMP SOW SP STAI STAIN STKIP STTA TK TNA TOT TTI TTO UIN UKSW UM Monitoring and Evaluation Islamic School Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (School Based Management) Subject Teachers Working Groups (for Junior Secondary Schools) Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Primary Islamic School) Secondary School Principals’ Working Group Ministry of Education and Culture Ministry of Religious Affairs Memorandum of Understanding Madrasah Tsanawiyah (Junior Secondary Islamic School) Nongovernmental Organization Teacher and Education Staff Development and Empowerment Center Pembelajaran yang Aktif, Efektif dan Menyenangkan (Active, Effective and Enjoyable Learning) Provincial Coordinator (project position) Teacher Union In-Service Teacher Education and Training Program (teacher upgrading unit) civil servants Teacher Deployment Program (Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru) Teacher Professional Education Program (one year post-baccalaureate) Teaching Practice/Practicum (practice teaching) Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students Project Rencana Strategis (Five-Year Educational Development Plan) Rencana Kerja Anggaran Sekolah (Annual School Budget) Rencana Kerja Sekolah (School Work Plans) Annual Plan RTI International (trade name for Research Triangle Institute) School-Based Management Sekolah Dasar (Primary School) Basic Education Data Management System Five Minister Edict Surat Kuasa (Official Letter of Authority from Government) Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Junior Secondary School) scope of work Service Provider Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam (Islamic Tertiary Education Institute) State Islamic Tertiary Education Institute Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan (Tertiary Teacher Education) Short-term Technical Assistance Kindergarten Training Needs Analysis Training of Trainers Teacher Training Institute Teacher Training Officer State Islamic University Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Universitas Negeri Malang USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 vii UMN UMS UMSU UNBAJA UNESA UNIMED UNM UNNES UNS UNTIRTA UNY UPI UPTK US USA USAID USD Walikota WSD YASUMAT YKW viii Universitas Muslim Nusantara Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatra Utara Universitas Banten Jaya Universitas Negeri Surabaya Universitas Negeri Medan (Medan State University) Universitas Negeri Makassar Universitas Negeri Semarang Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret Universitas SultanAgeng Tirtayasa Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Sub-district office United States United States of America United States Agency for International Development United States dollar City Council Head or Mayor Whole-School Development Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil (NGO) Yayasan Kristen Wamena, Wamena Christian Foundation USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The United States Agency for International Development–Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) project began in May 2012 with the aim of achieving expanded access to quality basic education (IR1). The intermediate results (IRs) that the project aims to achieve are as follows: strengthened instruction in schools in targeted districts (IR1-1) improved education management and governance in targeted schools (IR1-2) strengthened coordination between all levels of the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and education institutions (IR1-3). On July 12, 2013 USAID issued a revised scope of work (SOW) for the project. Subsequently, a revised SOW for the contract between USAID and RTI International (RTI) was signed on November 1, 2013. This report describes activities and achievements with reference to this contract. The report covers the period from January through March 2014 (quarter 8 of the project). Key Accomplishments in Quarter 8 USAID PRIORITAS achieved the following during quarter 8: Project Management Finalized grant agreements with two partner nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) for the Papua program in two districts: Jayawijaya and Yahukimo. The agreements were approved by USAID in March, and a staff member has been appointed to work with the two foundations, which will implement the program: Yayasan Kristen Wamena (YKW) and Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil (YASUMAT). Conducted a series of high-level meetings with the Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) and national partners, as well as with partner teacher training institutes (TTIs), to further improve coordination in project planning and implementation. Hosted a visit from RTI’s President and the International Development Group’s (IDG’s) Executive Vice President. Discussed plans with USAID for possible Global Development Alliance (GDA) partnerships: (1) United States-Indonesia TTI partnership to develop literacy programs, (2) partnership with Indonesian publishers for to develop school reading books and provide them to project schools. Strengthened Instruction in Schools Completed national-level training of provincial facilitators in the second module for training schools in whole-school development (WSD) this quarter. A total of over 280 training facilitators were trained over seven days in Bandung (for primary schools) and in Makassar (for junior secondary schools. The Makassar training was opened by the Vice Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr. Musliar Kasim, and a presentation was given by the Director of Basic Education, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal. Trained Cohort 2 district facilitators and partner school staff in teaching-and-learning practices and school-based management (SBM). A total of 3,729 participants completed the school-level training this quarter. Most of those trained were teachers, but 321 school principals, 213 school committee members, and 164 school supervisors also took part in the USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 1 training, as well as a considerable number of staff from the District Education and Religious Affairs Offices and the partner TTIs. Held district showcase meetings in 16 Cohort 1 districts at which project achievements were shared with stakeholders and dissemination was encouraged. The showcases in the remaining seven districts and all the seven provincial level showcase meetings are scheduled for next quarter. Trained approximately 80 TTI lecturers in the use of Pre-service Curriculum Resource Material Modules for Primary Reading and Literacy, Junior Secondary Mathematics and Junior Secondary Science. Held meetings between provincial TTI partners and their consortia members in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province; and in Medan, North Sumatra Province, to discuss the USAID PRIORITAS TTI program. Completed study visits for staff and stakeholders of the project TTI laboratory and partner schools from Banten and East Java provinces. The purpose of these visits was to provide firsthand experience of effective WSD in action. Trained 715 teachers, school principals, and committee members, along with the associated university staff of TTI laboratory and partner schools in Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java in teaching-and-learning practices, SBM, and community participation, to develop examples of good practice schools, where effective SBM, student-centered teaching-andlearning practices, and effective contributions from the school community are evident. Governance, Management, and Linkages Completed the main phase of the USAID PRIORITAS Teacher Deployment Program in all but two Cohort 1 districts this quarter. (Two Banten districts are expected to complete the program in the next quarter).Of the 23 Cohort 1 districts, 21 completed their analysis of teacher deployment and policy recommendations to address uneven distribution of teachers. This analysis and the recommendations were discussed in multi-stakeholder forums and at public consultation events. Reported that all districts in East Java are now using the School-Level Finance Reporting Application (ALPEKA), developed by MOEC and USAID PRIORITAS for Governmentallocated School Operational Assistance Funds (BOS) management and reporting. Continued consultations with MOEC and the new European Union (EU)-funded project, which will provide grants to 110 districts to help them achieve minimum service standards in basic education. Developed plans for the next major intervention at district and province levels, planned for Year 3, Training Needs and Cost Analysis and Development of School Training Plans. Started dissemination of the Teacher Deployment Program (PPG) in one district. Communications 2 Published the fifth edition of the national newsletter, PRIORITAS PENDIDIKAN; the sixth edition is being finalized for printing Recorded 286,706 hits to the project website in quarter 8, and a total of 16,548 unique visitors. The used bandwidth increased from 35.56 GB in quarter 7 to 96.37 GB in quarter 8 Made available through mass media, USAID PRIORITAS activities were published in a total of 292 news items. Most of the content concerned the second National Training-of-Trainers in Teaching-and-Learning and SBM, showcasing good practices of district partners, implementing the teacher deployment program, and conducting schools visits USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Produced 12 instructional videos, which were mainly to support the Module 2 Teacher, SBM, and Community Participation Training in partner schools. Monitoring and Evaluation, including Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) Completed three Baseline Monitoring Reports for the 20 Cohort 2 districts and submitted to USAID. These reports include the following: o o o Volume 1: Assessing the Impact of the USAID PRIORITAS Program on Schools in Cohort 2 Districts Volume 2: Assessing the Impact of the USAID PRIORITAS Program on Student Performance in Bahasa Indonesia, Mathematics, and Science (for Primary and Junior Secondary Schools) in Cohort 2 Districts Volume 3: An Assessment of Early Grade Reading (EGRA)—How Well Children are Reading in Cohort 2 Districts. Concluded that the EGRA findings for Cohort 2 draw the same conclusions as the Cohort 1 findings: that children in grade 3 in this sample have well-developed reading skills; however, many of the children do not understand much of what they read or hear in the Bahasa Indonesia language. More than half (53.9%) of the students assessed were able to read with 80% comprehension. Conducted baseline monitoring, including EGRA with grade 2 students and student assessments at grade levels 4, 5, and 8 in 80 lab and partner schools of the 16 partner TTIs in the seven partner provinces, using the same instruments as for USAID PRIORITAS Cohorts 1 and 2 schools. EGRA was implemented in 48 primary schools, with 24 students sampled from each school. Dissemination Supported dissemination activities in three provinces. These activities involved 4,200 participants, including 3,240 participants from 947 schools in 13 project-assisted districts. That is an average of 3.4 participants per school. Approximately 90% of the participants were teachers. Local expenditure from local government and schools amounted to USD 132,703, while project support was USD 21,987. This means that project funds were leveraged by more than six times. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 3 RINGKASAN UTAMA Proyek The United States Agency for International Development Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) dimulai pada bulan Mei 2012 dengan tujuan meningkatkan akses pendidikan dasar yang berkualitas. Hasil menengah (Intermediate Results) yang akan dicapai proyek adalah: Meningkatnya pembelajaran di sekolah pada daerah mitra (IR I-1) Meningkatnya manajemen dan tata kelola pendidikan di sekolah mitra (IR I-2) Menguatnya dukungan koordinasi antar semua jenjang Pemerintah Indonesia dengan institusi pendidikan (IR I-3). Pada tanggal 12 Juli 2013, USAID melakukan revisi Ruang Lingkup Kerja proyek. Selanjutnya, revisi Ruang Lingkup Kerja untuk kontrak antara USAID dan RTI ditandatangani pada tanggal 1 November 2013. Laporan triwulan ini menggambarkan kegiatan dan capaian berdasarkan kontrak yang telah direvisi tersebut. Laporan ini mencakup periode bulan Januari hingga Maret 2014 (Triwulan 8 proyek). Pencapaian Utama pada Triwulan 8 USAID PRIORITAS telah mencapai beberapa hal berikut selama Triwulan 8: Manajemen Proyek Menyelesaikan perjanjian dana hibah dengan dua mitra Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) untuk program Papua di dua kabupaten: Jayawijaya dan Yahukimo. Perjanjian tersebut telah disetujui oleh USAID pada bulan Maret dan satu staf PRIORITAS telah direkrut untuk berkerja dengan Lembaga yang berbasis di Wamena yang akan mengimplementasikan program: Yayasan Kristen Wamena (YKW) dan Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil (YASUMAT). Melaksanakan serangkaian rapat tingkat tinggi dengan Kemendikbud dan mitra nasional, serta mitra LPTK, untuk lebih meningkatkan koordinasi dalam perencanaan dan implementasi proyek. Menerima kunjungan Presiden RTI dan Wakil Presiden RTI dari International Development Group (IDG). Membahas rencana dengan USAID mengenai kemungkinan kerjasama dengan Global Development Alliance (GDA): (1) Kemitraan LPTK Indonesia-Amerika Serikat untuk mengembangkan program membaca, (2) Kemitraan dengan penerbit Indonesia untuk penyediaan buku bacaan ke sekolah. Peningkatan Pembelajaran di Sekolah 4 Penyelenggaraan pelatihan tingkat nasional Modul kedua dalam pengembangan sekolah secara menyeluruh telah diadakan pada triwulan ini. Lebih dari 280 fasilitator telah dilatih selama tujuh hari di Bandung (untuk tingkat SD/MI) dan tujuh hari di Makassar (untuk SMP). Pelatihan di Makassar dibuka oleh Wakil Menteri Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Prof. Dr. Musliar Kasim dan presentasi diberikan oleh Direktur Pendidikan Dasar, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Melatih fasilitator kabupaten, sekolah, gugus pembelajaran, dalam pembelajaran dan manajemen berbasis sekolah kohor 2. Sejumlah 3.729 peserta mengikuti pelatihan tingkat sekolah pada triwulan ini. Sebagian besar dari mereka adalah guru, yang lain terdiri dari 321 kepala sekolah, 213 komite sekolah dan 164 pengawas sekolah serta staf yang jumlahnya cukup signifikan dari Kantor Dinas Pendidikan, Kementerian Agama dan Universitas. Menyelenggarakan pameran pendidikan tingkat kabupaten di 16 kabupaten kohor 1. Pada kesempatan ini, proyek berbagi capaian dengan pemangku kepentingan dan mendorong kegiatan diseminasi. Pameran di tujuh kabupaten lain dan pameran tingkat provinsi telah dijadwalkan pada triwulan berikutnya. Melatih sekitar 80 dosen LPTK dalam penggunaan Materi Ajar Kurikulum Membaca dan Literasi untuk SD, Matematika untuk SMP dan IPA untuk SMP. Melaksanakan rapat dengan mitra LPTK dan anggota konsorsium di Banda Aceh, Aceh dan Medan, Sumatra Utara untuk membahas program LPTK USAID PRIORITAS. Telah melakukan kunjungan studi bagi para staf dan pemangku kepentingan sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK dari provinsi Banten dan Jawa Timur. Tujuan dari kunjungan tersebut adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman langsung dalam pengembangan sekolah secara menyeluruh secara riil. Melatih 715 guru, kepala sekolah dan komite sekolah dan staf universitas terkait dari sekolah lab dan mitra di Banten, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur dalam pembelajaran, manajemen berbasis sekolah dan partisipasi masyarakat untuk mengembangkan contoh sekolah yang melaksanakan praktik yang baik, di mana tedapat bukti yang jelas dalam manajemen berbasis sekolah yang efektif, pembelajaran berpusat pada siswa dan kontribusi yang efektif dari komunitas sekolah. Tata Kelola, Manajemen dan Keterkaitan Menyelesaikan fase utama Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru (PPG) USAID PRIORITAS di seluruh provinsi kecuali dua kabupaten/kota kohor 1 pada triwulan ini. (Kabupaten/kota di Banten diharapkan akan menyelesaikannya pada triwulan berikutnya). 21 dari 23 kabupaten/kota telah menyelesaikan analisis PPG dan rekomendasi kebijakan untuk menyampaikan pemerataan guru yang tidak imbang. Analisis dan rekomendasi tersebut didiskusikan pada forum multi-pemangku kepentingan, kegiatan konsultasi publik. Melaporkan bahwa seluruh kabupaten di Jawa Timur telah menggunakan ALPEKA yang dikembangkan oleh Kemdikbud dan USAID PRIORITAS untuk mengelolaan BOS dan pelaporan tingkat sekolah. Konsultasi yang berkelanjutan dengan Kemdikbud dan dengan proyek baru yang didanai oleh Uni Eropa, yang telah menyediakan hibah pada 110 kabupaten/kota untuk membantu mereka dalam mencapai standar pelayanan minimum (SPM) dalam pendidikan dasar. Mengembangkan rencana untuk intervensi utama selanjutnya pada tingkat kabupaten-provinsi, membuat perencanaan tahun ke-3, termasuk Analisa Kebutuhan dan Biaya Pelatihan Guru. Memulai kegiatan diseminasi program PPG di satu kabupaten/kota. Komunikasi Menerbitkan buletin nasional, PRIORITAS PENDIDIKAN, edisi lima; edisi ke-enam saat ini sedang dalam persiapan. Merekam sejumlah 286.706 hits pada situs dalam Triwulan 8, dan 16.548 pengunjung unik. Pengunaan bandwith yang digunakan naik dari 35,56 GB pada Triwulan 7 menjadi 96,37 GB. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 5 Kegiatan USAID PRIORITAS telah diliput dalam 292 artikel berita di media massa. Banyak dari konten berita meliputi pelatihan fasilitator tingkat nasional kedua dalam pembelajaran dan manajemen, pameran praktik yang baik di daerah mitra, program penataan dan pemerataan guru, dan kunjungan sekolah. Membuat 12 video pembelajaran untuk mendukung Modul 2 bagi pelatihan guru, MBS dan patisipasi masyarakat. Pemonitoran dan Evaluasi, termasuk Asesmen Membaca Kelas Awal (EGRA) Menyelesaikan Laporan Pengumpulan Data Awal bagi 20 Kabupaten kohor 2 dan memberikan laporan tersebut kepada USAID. Laporan tersebut adalah: o Volume I: Mengkaji Dampak Program USAID PRIORITAS di Sekolah di Kabupaten Kohor 2 o Volume 2: Mengkaji Dampak Program USAID PRIORITAS tentang Kinerja Siswa dalam Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika dan IPA (untuk SD dan SMP) di Kabupaten Kohor 2. o Volume 3: Asesmen Membaca di Kelas Awal (EGRA). Seberapa Baik Kemampuan Membaca Siswa? Temuan EGRA menyimpulkan hal yang sama dengan temuan pada kohor I: anak kelas 3 yang disampel pada umumnya memiliki keterampilan membaca dengan baik; akan tetapi, banyak siswa tidak mengerti apa yang mereka baca atau dengar dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Lebih dari setengah (53,9%) siswa yang diases dapat membaca dengan 80% pemahaman. Melakukan pengumpulan data awal termasuk EGRA dengan siswa kelas 2 dan asesmen pada kelas 4, 5, dan 8 di sekolah lab dan mitra di seluruh 16 mitra LPTK di tujuh provinsi menggunakan instrumen yang sama dengan sekolah PRIORITAS kohor 1 dan 2. EGRA telah diimplementasikan di 48 sekolah dan melibatkan sebanyak 24 siswa sampel dari setiap sekolah. Diseminasi 6 Mendukung kegiatan diseminasi di tiga provinsi. Kegiatan diseminasi melibatkan 4.200 peserta, termasuk 3.240 peserta dari 947 sekolah di 13 kabuaten yang dibantu oleh proyek. Terdapat rata-rata 3.4 peserta dari satu sekolah. Sekitar 90% dari peserta merupakan guru. Pendanaan dari pemerintah lokal dan sekolah adalah sejumlah USD 132.703, sementara pengeluaran dari proyek adalah USD 21.987. Ini artinya pemerintah mengeluarkan dana lebih dari 6 kali dari pengeluaran proyek. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.1 Scope of Work On July 12, 2013, USAID issued a revised SOW for the project. Subsequently, a revised SOW for the contract between USAID and RTI was signed on November 1, 2013. This report describes activities and achievements with reference to this contract and covers the period from January through March 2014 (Quarter 8 of the project). 1.2 Information Technology In this quarter, USAID PRIORITAS completed the installation of the encryption software for 191 computers in all eight offices (Jakarta, plus seven provincial offices). Of these, 25% are remote users (district coordinators). The software installation is aimed to increase the data security for project users. The USAID PRIORITAS Information Technology (IT) Team has also completed updates and security checks for all computers. 1.3 Procurement During this quarter, USAID PRIORITAS completed the procurement process for portable and desktop computers for new staff, including for Cohort 2 staff, and also the procurement of video cameras. The purchase of project vehicles via the Government of Indonesia’s (GOI’s) Duty Free facility is not yet complete. In early January 2014, an Office Memo (Nota Dinas) was issued by the Coordinating Ministry of People’s Welfare (Kemenkokesra) for purchasing five vehicles via the Duty free facilities. Discussions are continuing between RTI and Toyota concerning the purchase of the vehicles. While the process is being finalized, the project has extended the rental car contracts for all the project offices to support their operations and program activities. 1.4 Personnel Management The recruitment of District Coordinators has now been completed in Aceh. A number of other recruitments, due to staff resignations, have also been completed. Tables 1-5 provide details. Table 1: Newly Hired Staff Name Position Organization Location Starting Date Anwar Suhut District Coordinator RTI North Sumatra January 2, 2014 Yusrizal A District Coordinator RTI Aceh January 2, 2014 Cut Rahmawati District Coordinator RTI Aceh January 2, 2014 Ibnu Surahman M&E & Performance Evaluation Specialist RTI Jakarta January 6, 2014 Erni District Coordinator RTI South Sulawesi February 3, 2014 Bagio Kurniawan Operations Manager EDC East Java February 17, 2014 Oktin Catur Palupi Provincial Governance & Management Specialist RTI Banten February 24, 2014 Yusriwiaty District Coordinator RTI North Sumatra February 24, 2014 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 7 Name Position Organization Location Starting Date Ferdiand Rahmadya Provincial M&E & Performance Specialist RTI Banten March 3, 2014 Rd. Lukmanul Hakim IT Manager RTI Jakarta March 10, 2014 Asih Amurahati Accountant EDC Central Java March 24, 2014 Table 2: Short-Term Technical Assistance (STTA) Name Title Organization Location Contract Dates Teguh Triwiyanto Teacher Distribution Specialist RTI East Java March 6 to December 31, 2014 Jajang Kusnandar Teacher Distribution Specialist RTI West Java March 24 to December 31, 2014 Ziad Abi Abdallah Finance Analyst EDC Jakarta February 15 to March 5, 2014 Table 3: Staff Termination and Resignation Name Position Organization Location Effective Date Hasanuddin District Coordinator RTI South Sulawesi January 20, 2014 M. Samsir Gamang District Coordinator RTI South Sulawesi January 20, 2014 Kamaluddin Pane District Coordinator RTI North Sumatra January 31, 2014 Bagio Kurniawan Junior Accountant RTI East Java February 15, 2014 S. Rahno Arko IT Manager RTI Jakarta March 21, 2014 Parapat Gultom TTI Development Specialist EDC North Sumatra March 15, 2014 Table 4: Staff Movement Name Position Organization Location Movement to Effective Date Alfiansyah Operation Manager EDC East Java West Java February 17, 2014 Table 5: Total Number of Staff, by Office Province Male Female Total Jakarta 16 13 29 Aceh 15 9 24 North Sumatra 18 6 24 Banten 15 5 20 West Java 18 6 24 Central Java 18 7 25 East Java 17 7 24 South Sulawesi 16 8 24 133 61 194 Total 8 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 1.5 Staff Project and Planning Workshop A three-day staff project and planning workshop was held in Yogyakarta on January 8–10, 2014. All staff involved in technical, management, financial and administrative implementation of the USAID PRIORITAS project attended this event, which was convened to: Review program implementation over the previous six months; Discuss and resolve technical, logistical, and financial issues related to program implementation; Clarify roles and responsibilities of staff in carrying out the program; and Plan the program for the upcoming 4–6 months’ period. On the first day of the workshop, a meeting for all staff was held to discuss both technical and nontechnical issues. The second day was taken up with discussions in groups, mainly according to project function, to ensure that the staff understood the program and their role in its implementation. The third day included a session in provincial groups to plan the future program in each province. The USAID Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) was present for the duration of the workshop. 1.6 Visit by RTI’s President and IDG Executive Vice-President The President of RTI International, Wayne Holden, and the Executive Vice-President of the International Development Group (IDG), Aaron Williams, visited Indonesia on February 16–22, 2014. They met with senior RTI management staff and with staff working on all the RTI projects in Indonesia. During a visit to Makassar in South Sulawesi, they spent approximately two hours visiting two schools in the city: SD Mamajang 2, a state primary school; and SMP YPP PGRI, a private junior secondary school. Both schools were former DBE partner schools. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 During the visit to SMP YPP PGRI in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on February 19, 2014, a grade 9 student asked RTI President Wayne Holden in English, “How do you become successful?” This was a challenging question, which he continued to debate on the way back to the hotel, where he was staying! 9 2 PROJECT ROLLOUT 2.1.1 USAID PRIORITAS and DBE Districts In Year 1, a first cohort of 23 USAID PRIORITAS partner districts had been selected in the seven partner provinces. In Year 2, activities are continuing in these districts. USAID PRIORITAS has also provided support to 46 former DBE districts to encourage dissemination of good practices developed under the DBE project and to leverage the capacity built within these districts, to support implementation in the Cohort 1 USAID PRIORITAS districts. In Year 2, a second cohort of 20 districts was selected. Activities commenced in these 20 districts during quarter 7 (see Figure 1). Figure.1: 2.1.2 Maps of USAID PRIORITAS Cohort 1, Cohort 2, and DBE Partner Districts Papua Grants USAID approved Fixed Obligation Grants to two Christian NGOs in Papua Province—Yayasan Kristen Wamena (YKW) and Yayasan Sosial Untuk Masyarakat Terpencil (YASUMAT)—in March 2014. The two NGOs had been preparing proposals since the latter half of 2013. An initial meeting was held with USAID, the two NGOs, and project staff during quarter 7 to review the NGOs’ draft grant proposals and budgets. Following that meeting, the revised proposals were sent to USAID in January 2014. USAID reviewed the documents and provided additional feedback, which was subsequently incorporated into the proposals. On February 10–14, 2014, the USAID PRIORITAS Operations and Finance Managers went to the YKW and YASUMAT offices in the town of Wamena 10 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 in the Papuan highlands for a pre-award visit. During the visit, they assessed the two NGOs’ capacity to implement the grant-funded programs. Following the visit, the final proposals were submitted to USAID, and were approved in March. A meeting was held in the USAID PRIORITAS office in Jakarta on March 26–27, 2014, to discuss the grant agreements with two representatives of each organization and to finalize the grant agreements. It is expected that the agreements will become operational on April 1, 2014. RTI has recruited a Technical Coordinator to be located in the YKW office in Wamena, to support and monitor the implementation of the grants programs. RTI plans to appoint an Administrative and Finance Assistant to provide additional support for this task. 2.2 Global Development Alliance (GDA) During this quarter, USAID PRIORITAS met with USAID staff to discuss two potential GDA activities: establishing a US-Indonesia TTI Partnership and improving the supply of books to schools. 2.2.1 US-Indonesia TTI Partnership A statement of work for establishing a US-Indonesia TTI partnership has been agreed with USAID. USAID PRIORITAS will identify a US teacher training institution with a strong record in teacher training and materials development related to reading and literacy, especially in the early grades. The project will also identify one of the partner Indonesian TTIs with the potential to become a leader in reading and literacy development. The partnership between the two teacher training universities is intended to: Develop curricula and courses for pre- and in-service teacher training in developing reading and literacy, especially in the early grades; Develop and pilot supporting training and classroom materials; and Roll out these course and materials to other TTIs. The selection of the US teacher training institution has been delayed because of RTI’s concerns over the willingness of potential partners to co-fund the activities. Following a meeting with USAID on March 12, it was agreed that RTI would try to find potential partners who might be willing to cofund, but without co-funding being a pre-condition, and report results to USAID in the next quarter. 2.2.2 Improving the Supply of Books to Schools USAID PRIORITAS has drawn up a statement of work, which has been approved by USAID, to work with Indonesian publishing houses to expand existing and develop new collections of attractive reading materials suitable for early grades, including both graded and non-graded books that would be appealing to beginning and emerging readers. The activity will use templates of books, which have been developed by the Education Development Center (EDC), to develop new reading books for the Indonesian market. It is hoped that this activity will attract sufficient co-funding to be a full GDA partnership. The project is in the process of appointing a consultant as a short-term technical assistant (STTA), to initiate the development of the GDA partnership. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 11 3 STRENGTHENED INSTRUCTION IN SCHOOLS USAID PRIORITAS is working to improve the quality of instruction in schools by developing more effective in- and pre-service training programs for teachers and is working to support teacher training providers, specifically in TTIs and District Education Offices, to implement these programs. 3.1 The Whole-School Development Program The WSD program is being delivered to partner schools in the USAID PRIORITAS districts. It consists of a series of activities as follows: Study visits to DBE schools that exhibit good practices Cluster-based training in teaching-andlearning, SBM, and community participation Structured mentoring of training participants at the cluster and school levels after the training Showcases of the results of the training and its impact on schools approximately two months after the training. 3.1.1 Vice Director of the USAID Education Office, Dr. Larry Dolan, (far right) and MOEC and USAID PRIORITAS staff visiting a school in Maros, South Sulawesi (20/3). Completion of Training Materials and Round 2 National Training of Trainers The second set of materials (Module 2) for WSD was completed this quarter. The training materials focus primarily on reading across the curriculum, both from a teaching-and-learning and a management perspective. Material for the first component of Module 2 focuses particularly on deepening understanding of the issues previously covered in the Round 1 training and on how teachers can improve students' reading ability. The emphasis of material for the second component, SBM, is on how schools can Cover of Module 2 for Primary and Junior Secondary School training. support learning with resource management (human resources, facilities, equipment, and funds), as well as how better school management can promote a reading culture in schools—how it can support a reading program in the classroom, across the school, and in the community. In addition, Module 2 incorporates two special units in the teaching and learning component: Unit 4, Addressing Individual Differences in Learning; and Unit 7, Gender in Education. Unit 4 discusses the diversity of learners in the classroom: some children are quick to understand new material and completing tasks, some are slower. Both types of learners have special needs and need a different 12 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 approach. In this unit, participants discuss various strategies to cater to individual differences in learning, so that each child can comfortably keep up with the learning process and can develop his or her full potential. In Unit 7, Gender in Education, participants are expected to develop an understanding that “gender” is not only concerned about women, but about women and men, girls and boys. Through this unit, participants are asked to identify gender issues in schools, how they affect the learning process, teaching materials, activities, and facilities in the school, and what efforts have been made to overcome related problems and to plan ahead to create a gender-responsive school. The aim is that participants implement these approaches in their own schools. Most of the Module 2 design and writing took place in quarter 7. During a workshop held on January 20–22 in Jakarta, the module writers gathered to finalize the units. All materials, including the training module, PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, and videos, were reviewed and finalized at this workshop. 3.1.2 National Training of Trainers for Round 2 of Whole-School Development During this quarter, two major national training workshops were conducted to train provincial facilitators in the second set (Module 2) of training materials for primary schools (secular and religious [SD/MI]) and junior secondary schools (secular and religious [SMP MTs]). The seven-day event for junior secondary school trainers was held from February 26 to March 4 in Bandung and for primary school trainers from March 19 to 25 in Makassar. Over 280 participants attended the two events. In the coming quarter, events are planned to train the district facilitators in each Cohort 1 district, ahead of school-cluster level training and subsequent school mentoring. a) Preparation for Round 2 of the National Training of Trainers (TOT) On February 5–7, 2014, USAID PRIORITAS held a workshop in Yogyakarta in preparation for the upcoming national training workshops. During the workshop, facilitators were prepared to deliver each unit of the training. The workshop was attended by the module writers’ team, provincial specialists from each province (Teacher Training Officers [TTO], WSD), and six facilitators from each province: two facilitators for primary teaching and learning, two facilitators for junior secondary school teaching and learning, and two SBM facilitators. In addition to discussing the content of the module and presentation materials, each facilitator practiced delivery of the units that they were to deliver in the national workshops. The workshop also discussed provincial TOT implementation scenarios and requirements for logistics, equipment, and materials. b) Implementation of Round 2 of the National TOT for Junior Secondary Schools The national TOT for junior secondary schools was held in Bandung, West Java, from February 26 to March 4. The event was opened by Dr. Djuandanilsyah of MOEC’s Junior Secondary School Directorate. A total of 137 facilitators participated—105 district facilitators (15 from each province) and 32 from the TTIs (two from each of the project’s partner TTIs). Also attending were one representative from the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and 10 from MOEC. In all, a total of 148 attended the TOT. Moh Najid (left), USAID PRIORITAS East Java Teacher Training Officer, facilitating a discussion among the participants in a small group at the TOT in Banding in late February 2014. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 13 The TOT covered the following topics: Teaching and Learning Units 1. Reviewing the Results of the Module 1 Training in Teaching and Learning 2. Managing Learning Effectively 3. Understanding the 2013 Curriculum 4. Addressing Individual Differences in Learning 5. High Level Questioning and Worksheets 6. Authentic Assessment 7. Gender in Education 8. Literacy Across the Curriculum (Indonesian Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and English) 9. Preparation and Teaching Practice 10. Follow-up Planning School-Based Management Units 1. Review of School's Progress (since the Module 1 Training) 2. Reporting on Implementation of the Module 2 Training in Teaching and Learning 3. Instructional Leadership 4. Developing a Reading Culture Program 5. Managing a Reading Culture Program 6. Developing a Budget to Support Learning Programs in the School 7. Follow-up Planning c) Evaluation of Round 2 of the National TOT for Junior Secondary Schools Evaluation of the training focused on both the management of the training and the learning outcomes. Specifically, the evaluation assessed perceptions of participants about the following matters: 1. The extent to which the training and materials will benefit them in everyday tasks; 2. The extent to which training materials increase participants' understanding of Active Learning and School Management; 3. The extent to which the training process reflected an Active Learning approach, the approach that is recommended for implementation in schools; 4. The extent to which the training activities support participants' understanding of the material; 5. The extent to which the training process provided participants with an overview of how the training can be implemented in the classroom, in the schools, and in the context of school management; 6. The extent to which facilitators have mastered and understand the training materials. Evaluation results showed that 98% of participants regarded the training materials as useful or very useful. Some 95% of participants reported that they understood or “really understood” the active learning materials, and 97% understood or “really understood” the materials about school management. 14 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Some 97% of participants stated that most or almost all activities in the training reflected Active Learning principles. In addition to reflecting Active Learning principles, participants felt that the activities and tasks in the training had helped them to understand the training materials. This was stated by some 96% of participants. In connection with the management or implementation of training in the area of active learning in the classroom, as well as in the SBM, more than 92% of participants stated that the training process provided a clear picture—or very clear picture—of how to implement new practices in future. In line with the responses above, some 89% of participants stated that the presenters had mastered the training materials. d) Implementation of Round 2 of the National TOT for Primary Schools Deputy Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Musliar Kasim (left), and Director of Basic Education, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal (right), at the opening of the Module 2 TOT for primary schools in Makassar on March 18, 2014. The Module 2 TOT for primary schools took place in Makassar over seven days from March18 to 25, 2014. The event was opened by the Deputy Minister of Education and Culture, Prof. Dr. Musliar Kasim, and a presentation was given by the Director of Basic Education, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal. A total of 137 facilitators attended—105 district facilitators (15 from each province) and 32 from the TTIs (two from each of the project’s partner TTIs). Also attending were six representatives from MOEC, one representative from MORA, and 10 from the Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (Provincial Quality Assurance Institute [LPMP]) in South Sulawesi. In all, a total of 154 attended the TOT. The TOT training materials were similar to those that had been used for the junior secondary school training, but adjusted for use in primary schools. e) Above: Participants in the TOT in Makassar in March 2014 have made “Big Books” for use in practical teaching with early grade students. Below: Practical teaching in schools during the TOT in Makassar in March 2014. Evaluation of Round 2 of the National TOT for Primary Schools According to the TOT evaluation, 98% of participants assessed that the material was beneficial or very beneficial, and 98% reported that they believed the USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 15 facilitators had mastered the material. Aside from that, 100% of participants reported that they understood or “understood well” the training materials delivered. Not less than 95% of participants commented that most or almost all activities in the training reflected Active Learning principles. Apart from reflecting Active Learning, the activities and tasks had reportedly helped them to understand the training materials. This perception was reported by 92% of the participants. 3.2 District Showcase Meetings in Cohort 1 Districts The school principals, teachers, and committee members in partner schools in the 23 Cohort 1 USAID PRIORITAS partner districts received training in teaching and learning, school management, and community participation between August and October 2013. This training was followed by mentoring by the district facilitators through the teachers working groups (KKG, MGMP), and at individual school and classroom levels. During quarter 8, 16 of the 23 districts held District Showcase Meetings to demonstrate the impact of the training and mentoring on their schools. These meetings took place over a morning or a whole day, and the venue was, in most cases, a prominent location such as the District Head’s Auditorium (Pendopo). At these showcase events, each of the 24 partner schools in each district made a display of students’ work, teaching aids, and school and teaching plans, which have resulted from the training. A program of activities took place, which included presentations of practical teaching activities by students, and presentations and talk shows involving school principals, committee members, school supervisors, and District Education and MORA Office staff. The showcase meetings were opened by the District Head or other senior district personnel and attended by other senior district staff, including representatives of the District Education and Religious Affairs Offices, the local parliament, and education council. The school principals, teachers, and many students from the partner schools attended, as did representatives of other nonpartner schools. MOEC and MORA representatives from Jakarta and from the provincial government attended many of the showcase meetings. Top: Junior secondary school students from Bandung Barat at their District Showcase Meeting on February 17, demonstrating a measuring wheel they had made while working on diameters of circles. Middle: A group of students from SMPN 1 Turikale in Maros District, South Sulawesi, at the District Showcase Meeting on February 20, in front of their school’s display. Bottom: A grade 6 student from Batang District at the The showcases were an effective means of District Showcase Meeting on March 13, talking about a demonstrating the impact of the program to district, stethoscope she had made and how it works. provincial, and national government stakeholders. There was considerable demand from non-partner schools present at the meetings to receive training 16 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 similar to that given to the partner schools. Many districts made public commitments at the meetings to fund dissemination of the program to non-partner schools. The schedule of showcase conducted during quarter 8 is shown in Table 6. Table 6: USAID PRIORITAS Cohort 1 District Showcase Meetings Province North Sumatra Banten West Java Central Java East Java South Sulawesi District 2014 Quarter 8 Schedule Kabupaten Labuhan Batu Thursday, March 6 Kabupaten Nias Selatan Thursday, February 20 Kabupaten Serang Thursday, March 27 Kabupaten Bandung Barat Monday, February 17 Kabupaten Ciamis Wednesday, February 19 Cimahi Monday, February 10 Kabupaten Banjarnegara Thursday, March 6 Kabupaten Batang Thursday, March 13 Kabupaten Purbalingga Tuesday, March 4 Kabupaten Sragen Wednesday, March 5 Kabupaten Semarang Tuesday, March 11 Kabupaten Pamekasan Tuesday, March 11 Kabupaten Situbondo Monday, March 24 Kabupaten Mojokerto Wednesday, March 12 Kabupaten Maros Thursday, February 20 Kabupaten Wajo Thursday, March 6 The district showcase meetings in the other seven Cohort 1 districts will take place in quarter 9. 3.2.2 Training of Trainers for Cohort 2 Districts During this quarter, 14 training events were conducted to prepare newly-appointed district facilitators in Cohort 2 districts to deliver training for schools (primary and junior secondary) in the first module of WSD The training took place at province level in each province. Overall, 773 participants attended, as shown in Table 7. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 17 Table 7: Training of Trainers in Cohort 2 (Module 1—Whole School Development) Province Aceh North Sumatra Banten West Java Central Java East Java South Sulawesi Total 3.2.3 TOT SD/MI Number of Participants Date M F Total 30 Jan–5 Feb 33 33 66 11–17 Feb 38 34 72 8–15 March 16 14 30 16–22 Jan 40 25 65 16–22 Jan 26 6 32 26 Jan–2 Feb 25 15 40 19–26 Jan 27 56 83 205 183 388 TOT SMP/MTs Number of Participants Date M F Total 13–19 Feb 37 31 68 11–17 Feb 44 30 74 15–21 Feb 14 16 30 16–22 Jan 41 27 68 16–22 Jan 22 9 31 26 Jan–2 Feb 21 13 34 22–29 Jan 41 39 80 220 165 385 Training of Partner Schools in Cohort 2 Districts Following on from the province-level Training of Trainers, school-level training (SD/MI and SMP/MTs) in active learning and school-based management commenced in all seven provinces with the exception of Aceh, as shown in Table 8. Table 8: School Training in Cohort 2 (Module 1—Whole School Development) Province North Sumatra Kab. Langkat School Training SD/MI Number of Participants Date M F Total School Training SMP/MTs Number of Participants Date M F Total 10–12 Mar 2014 16 101 117 10–12 Mar 2014 47 71 118 13–15 Mar 2014 41 42 83 13–15 Mar 2014 36 8 44 28–30 Jan 2014 (2 activities) 99 99 198 18–20 Jan 2014 (2 activities) 64 61 125 17–19 Mar 2014 16 39 55 10–12 Mar 2014 25 40 65 24–26 Mar 2014 11 44 55 11–13 Mar 2014 35 30 65 11–13 Mar 2014 Banten Serang West Java Kuningan Bekasi Tasikmalaya Cirebon Central Java Pekalongan Wonosobo 18 17 35 52 17–19 Mar 2014 24 45 69 - - - - 17–19 Mar 2014 41 85 126 - - - - 18–20 Mar 2014 20 40 60 10–12 Mar 2014 31 54 85 13–15 Mar 2014 60 90 150 22–24 Feb 2014 42 78 120 8–10 Mar 2014 28 31 59 1–3 Mar 2014 23 37 60 14–16 Mar 2014 30 14 44 10–12 Mar 2014 25 18 43 - - - - 14–16 Mar 2014 27 16 43 - - - - 6–8 Mar 2014 17 40 57 45 56 101 15–17 Mar 2014 20 35 55 28 11 39 8–10 Mar 2014 (2 activities) 11–13 Mar 2014 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Province East Java Kab. Lumajang Kab. Ngawi School Training SD/MI Number of Participants Date M F Total School Training SMP/MTs Number of Participants Date M F Total 19–21 Feb 2014 19 44 63 19–21 Feb 2014 33 35 68 22–24 Feb 2014 19 44 63 22–24 Feb 2014 27 41 68 11–13 Mar 2014 56 36 92 11–13 Mar 2014 33 17 50 2–4 Mar 2014 15 45 60 19–21 Mar 2014 15 43 58 - - - 5–7 Mar 2014 - 18 42 60 - - - - 18–20 Feb 2014 55 81 136 - - - - 14–16 Mar 2014 33 13 46 25–27 Feb 2014 19 102 121 18–20 Feb 2014 34 93 127 13–15 Mar 2014 38 50 88 13–15 Mar 2014 27 18 45 58 59 117 South Sulawesi Bone Takalar Tana Toraja 13–15 Mar 2014 31 89 120 Parepare Total 13–15 Mar 2014 32 632 91 1,181 123 1,813 17–19 Mar 2014 (2 activities) 13–15 Mar 2014 47 845 89 1,071 136 1,916 Tables 8 above and 9 below show that a total of 3,729 participants completed the school-level training this quarter. Figure 2 shows that most of these were teachers, but 321 school principals, 213 school committee members, and 164 school supervisors also took part in the training, as well as a considerable number of staff from the District Education and Religious Affairs offices and the partner TTIs. Table 9: Participants in School Training, Quarter 8 Participant Type Total School Principals Teachers School Committee Members School Supervisors MORA Staff District Education Staff TTI Lecturers Others 321 2,886 213 164 13 53 74 5 Grand Total 3,729 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 19 Figure.2: Participants in School Training, Quarter 8 Post-training mentoring. Following the class-based training, district facilitators provide mentoring for participants in classrooms, schools, and clusters through the teachers’ and school principals’ working groups (KKG, MGMP, KKKS, and MKKS). The aim is to support them in implementing the skills and knowledge acquired in training. Mentoring for schools in Cohort 2 districts will start in all provinces next quarter. 3.3 Training Pedagogy Lecturers in Pre-Service Curricula and Materials Following the completion of the Pre-service Curriculum Resource Material Modules for Primary Reading and Literacy, Junior Secondary Mathematics, and Junior Secondary Science in quarter 7, workshops were held in all provinces in quarter 8 to train lecturers and selected consortia partners in the use of the materials. A total of approximately 80 lecturers from partner and consortia member universities attended the training held in February. Training was held in each of the partner provinces. All partner provinces received training in all three resource material modules, which were developed by selected provincial teams. The use of key persons to facilitate the training ensured the quality and consistency of workshops across the provinces. The key persons consisted of expert university staff and consultants who were instrumental in the development of their subject module. The resource materials were introduced, explored, and implemented through activity sessions that linked theory to practice. The aim of the materials was to strengthen content knowledge of selected topics in teaching reading, mathematics, and science, and most importantly, to show how this knowledge could be practically applied in the pre-service program. Some groups explored the activities in a two-layer fashion: (1) lecturer to student-teacher and (2) student-teacher/teacher to classroom. The workshop consisted of an overview of the materials and explored the possible usage in a variety of situations, including for lecturers, pre-service practicum training, and school-based in-service 20 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 training programs. The facilitators selected a number of units to model and simulate, emphasizing the links between the knowledge developed and the practical application through problem-based or inquiry approaches. Participants were actively involved in trying out the activities and considering how these could enrich their current lecture program. Details of participant evaluation and feedback can be found in provincial reports; however, overall, the following comments are reflective of the evaluations given by participants: Big Book simulation activity during the West Java Literacy Pre-Service Curriculum Materials workshop held in Bandung in February 2014. In a number of provinces, 100% of participants felt the materials linked theory to practice for student teachers and lecturers. Participants believed the format of the material will make it easier to integrate into courses and training programs. A high percentage of participants felt the material introduced new information that was practical for lecturers, especially the Reading and Literacy materials. The material was highly rated for its use in a variety of courses, such as the practicum program. Participants would recommend the use of this material to others. Feedback and suggestions for improvement from the participants were noted by the key persons and will be incorporated into the final version of the published module. 3.4 Provincial TTI Consortia Meetings Meetings between provincial TTI partners and their consortia members were held in Banda Aceh, Aceh Province, and in Medan, North Sumatra Province, in quarter 8. The meeting in Banda Aceh was conducted on January 29 at the Grand Naggroe Hotel, Banda Aceh. It was attended by 25 leaders from the TTI consortia members in Aceh, including the Rector and Dean of the Education Department of UNSYIAH; the Rector of Almuslim University; the Dean of the Education Department The Dean of FKIP UNSYIAH (Dr. Djufri, M. Si.) shared his experiences of the study visit to the U.S. at the Aceh TTI consortia meeting on January 29 in Banda Aceh. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 21 (Tarbiyah), Muhammadiyah University; program directors of IAIN Ar-Raniry; and teaching practice coordinators and lecturers. The meeting was opened by the Rector of UNSYIAH and was followed by a presentation by the Dean of the Education Department, UNSYIAH, on the USAID PRIORITAS Education Policy Workshop in the U.S. He expressed the belief that Aceh could adopt several activities and components of the U.S. education system, such as effective management, the strong commitment of teachers, active learning, research activities and observation by students, appreciation to students, and scientific information displayed on the classroom walls. The Rector of UNSYIAH emphasized that all education stakeholders in Aceh, especially TTI partners and consortia of USAID PRIORITAS, have responsibilities and a strong commitment to improve education quality in Aceh. In this meeting, TTI partners and consortia also presented brief progress reports related to USAID PRIORITAS programs. All reported that they were very pleased with USAID PRIORITAS programs because the trainings were seen as very important and met their needs. Lecturers learned about active learning from USAID PRIORITAS facilitators and, as a follow up, they have already implemented new strategies in their classes, which students enjoyed. They proposed that more lecturers be trained by USAID PRIORITAS. In this meeting, participants also discussed how to improve the quality of practice teaching (PPL) and hoped that USAID PRIORITAS could support its improvement and effectiveness. In North Sumatra, the meeting was held on March 11 in the Aryaduta Hotel, Medan. It was attended by 20 representatives from all TTI partners (UNIMED and IAIN Sumatra Utara) and consortia (University of HKBP Nomensen, University of Muhamadiyah, University of Muslim Nusantara Al Wasliyah, University of Sisingamangaraja XII Tapanuli). The Rector of IAIN North Sumatra, Prof. Dr. Nur Fadhl Lubis, MA, presented “How to Become a Professional Lecturer,” while Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik (Rector of UNIMED) gave a presentation on “The Challenges of the University in the Future.” The Dean of the Engineering Faculty, UNIMED, (Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid), who participated in the Education Policy Workshop in the U.S., gave a presentation on “Learning Systems in U.S. Education.” Group discussions focused on the successful implementation strategies of USAID PRIORITAS programs in the TTIs and a dissemination strategy for USAID PRIORITAS programs in the TTIs. Recommendations included conducting training for TTI lecturers who have not yet taken part in project activities, mentoring for trained TTI lecturers, and incorporating active learning into microteaching and practicum teaching (PPL) programs. Recommendations for dissemination included: requiring students who conduct micro-teaching and practicum teaching to implement active learning, expanding implementation of active learning for the one-year post-graduate practice teaching programs and In-Service Teacher Education and Training Programs (PLPG), and programming active learning as a main activity of community services. 3.5 Study Visits to DBE Districts of TTI Lab and Partner Schools During this quarter, Banten and East Java completed study visits for staff and stakeholders of the project TTI lab and partner schools on January 15 and March 17, respectively. The purpose of these visits was to provide firsthand experience of effective WSD in action. Participants varied according to the provincial organization and included teachers and school principals from each of the TTI lab and partner schools, TTI staff, District Education Office representatives, district supervisors, and project staff. 22 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 In these study visits, teachers and school principals heard lessons learned about the implementation of teaching and learning and effective SBM school-based management from former DBE school partners. All participants stated that this study visit was very useful and very important. They believe that their schools will be able to implement active learning and improved SBM after receiving training from USAID PRIORITAS. The study visit program is now completed in every province. 3.6 Representatives of partner schools from the State University of Malang, East Java, in discussion withwith teachers of SDN Hang Tuah 10 Sedati, Sidoarjo during a study visit to the school on March 17, 2014. Training of TTI Lab and Partner Schools During this quarter, training of TTI lab and partner schools took place in Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java. The aim of this program is to develop examples of good practice schools, where effective SBM, student-centered teaching and learning, and effective contributions from the school community are evident. The schools will provide model settings for teacher practicum activities and be used as focal points for later program activities, such as practicum interventions and classroom action research. Teachers from MI Miftahul Falah, who are giving a presentation about the group discussion result at the TTI lab and partner schools training in Bandung, West Java, in March 2014. As shown in Table 10, the 715 participants in this training included partner TTI lecturers and teachers, principals and school committee members from the lab and partner schools, and invited members from the District Education Office, MOEC, and MORA. Figure 3 shows that the participants included teachers and lecturers in almost equal proportion. Table 10: Participants in TTI Lab and Partner School Training Participant Type Total School Principals Teachers School Committees School Supervisors District Education Staff TTI Lecturers Others 59 300 84 7 6 257 2 Grand Total 715 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 23 Figure.3: Participants in TTI Lab and Partner School Training Training of the TTI lab and partner schools’ staff used the appropriate Round 1 USAID PRIORITAS in-service training modules (Module 1) for primary and junior secondary school teacher training and for SBM. The training program replicated that received by all project partner schools. The training facilitators included TTI lecturers and supporting project staff. The training informed school principals, teachers, and school committees about the importance of WSD for successful school development, and included practical teaching in the classroom by the participants. Training participants in all four provinces were very enthusiastic and showed a strong commitment to implement what they had learned in the training on returning to their schools. This was evidenced in their follow-up activity plans that were developed jointly by teachers, principals, and school committees during the final day of the training. All the TTI partner universities, apart from the State University of Malang, have now completed the first round of training. A list of the partner schools trained is listed in Table 11. Table 11: TTI Lab and Partner Schools Trained in Quarter 8 Banten UNTIRTA IAIN ( SMH) 24 Primary Schools Junior Secondary Schools SDN 7 Kota Serang SDN 20 Kota Serang SDN Banjar Agung 4 Kota Serang SDN Sumber Agung SDN 21 Kota Serang SDN Karundang 1 MIN Langon MIN Baros MIN Kopo MI Jamiyatu Utsbuiyah MI Nurul Falah Kemuning MI Padarincang SMPN 6 Kota Serang SMPN 7 Kota Serang SMPN 3 Kota Serang MTsN Kota Serang MTsN Curung MTs Padarincang USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 West Java UPI Bandung UIN Bandung Central Java UNNES IAIN Walisongo UNY East Java UNESA IAIN 3.7 Primary Schools Junior Secondary Schools SDN Kayuambon 1 SDN Cirateun Kota Bandung SDN Lab UPI Bandung SDN Isola Kota Bandung SDN Gegerkalong Girang SDN Sukarasa Kota Bandung SMPN 12 SMP Lab UPI SMPN 3 MIN Cicendo Kota Bandung MIN 2 Margasari Kota Bandung MIS Abdurrahman Kota Bandung MIS Al Misbah Kota Bandung MIS Miftahulfalah Kota Bandung MIS Naelushibyan Kota Bandung MTsN 2 Bandung MTs Ar-Rosyidiyah MTs Kifayatul Achyar SDN Kalibantengkidul 01 SDN Ngaliyan 01 SDN Tambakaji 04 SDN Ngaliyan 03 SDN Sekaran 01 SDN Beringin 02 MI Nurul Islam MI Negeri Sumurrejo MI Miftakhul Akhlaqiyah MI Darul Ulum MI Walisongo MI Miftahus Sibyan SDN Gedongkiwo SDN Ngotho SDN Kiyaran 2 SDN Gembongan SDN Golo SDN Karangjati SDN Giwangan SMPN 13 Semarang SMPN 7 Semarang SMPN 12 Semarang SDN Jeruk 1 SDN Jeruk 2 SDN Lidah Wetan 2 SDN Babatan 1 SDN Wiyung MI Raidiati Banat MI H. Achmad Ali MI Muhammadiyah 23 MI Badrus Salam MI Darunnajah MINU Ngingas Waru SMPN 21 Surabaya SMPN 28 Surabaya SMP Muhammadiyah 6 MTs N 02 Semarang MTs Darul Ulum Semarang MTs Al Asror SMPN 2 Depok, Sleman SMPN 5 Sleman SMPN 3 Sewon SMPN 1 Yogyakarta MTs Al-Fatich MTs Wachid Hasyim MTs Hasyim Asy’ari Meeting and Working with TTI Lab and Partner Schools. USAID PRIORITAS is supporting ongoing meetings and mentoring of TTI lab and partner schools to ensure continued progress and to support identified needs following the first round of training. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 25 These meetings provide the opportunity for TTI partners and their schools to promote the development of action plans and activities for implementing TTI activities, training, and sharing of results. The one-day meetings assist schools in developing their roles and capacity in implementing improved teacher practicum programs and better teaching and learning techniques. During Year 3 of the program, practicum and classroom action research programs will begin, and the partner and lab schools will be the focal point of these activities. This quarter, Aceh and South Sulawesi completed their first meetings with TTI partners and lab schools. On February 24, university partners met in Aceh to discuss the role and relationships with their partner and lab schools and worked on a mentoring schedule that will involve lecturers visiting and working with teachers in their respective partner schools. The meeting was attended by 44 persons, including school Group discussion at the meeting of TTI lab and partner schools in Aceh on February 24, 2014. principals and teacher representatives from lab and partner schools, representatives from the university partners, and local education office stakeholders. In South Sulawesi, the meeting was held in Makassar on March 17 and attended by 10 facilitators from UNM and UIN Makassar, along with 54 representatives from their partner SD, MI, SMP, and MTs. Each school was represented by the school principal, a teacher, and a member of the school committee. At this meeting, TTI facilitators and staff of the TTI lab and partner schools developed an action plan for ongoing mentoring. The schools agreed to provide a budget for their teachers to participate in the mentoring activities. 3.8 Good Practice Schools Program Good practice schools in USAID PRIORITAS districts will provide a hub for improved pre-service and in-service teacher professional development at the local level. These schools will emerge from trained partner schools in the Cohort 1 and 2 districts that show strong evidence of embracing reform and that display a commitment and willingness for school improvement. The good practice schools will perform multiple functions as centers for professional development and as examples of effective schools, where active teaching and learning practices, SBM, and community participation are evident. Activities such as teacher working group (KKG and MGMP) meetings, in-service teacher training, and pre-service practice teaching programs can be carried out in these schools, providing an effective context for continued school improvement in the district. Good practice schools can also host visits from other schools, both from inside and form outside of the district, to provide concrete examples of effective WSD. The selected schools will be supported by the project’s TTI and district facilitators to ensure continued growth. Following the completion of school level training of Cohort 1 schools and clusters in quarter 7, the selection of good practice schools will take place in the coming quarter. The selection will involve a three-step process: nomination, verification, and selection. District showcase meetings will be used 26 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 where possible to begin the identification process. Those schools that show promise through evidenced commitment and adoption of good practice will be considered for nomination. A meeting of stakeholders, including project, TTI, and district education staff, will discuss and nominate schools according to agreed-upon criteria. The school and classroom environment, teaching and learning practices, school leadership, and community participation will be considered in the nomination process. The number of nominated schools is not set, but will be decided according to the number of schools that display effective WSD. Following the nomination process, verification of the school selection will be conducted by a team that includes the District Coordinator, district facilitators, and project staff. The same criteria used for the nomination of the school will be used in the verification process. The selection process will be completed during a meeting of the original nomination team, taking into account the information gathered during the verification of schools. All provinces are currently preparing for nomination of good practice schools in the coming quarter. Selection of these schools will take place, where possible, before the end of the coming quarter. 4 GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND LINKAGES Activities under Components 2 and 3 in this quarter focused on: (1) teacher deployment, (2) collaboration with MOEC on school financial reporting, (3) preparation for the Teacher Inservice Training Planning program (to include training needs analysis), (4) participation in district showcase events, and (5) preparation for dissemination of SBM and district-level programs (PPG and strategic planning) in DBE districts. Each of these is described below. In addition, the Governance and Management team conducted collaborative district capacity assessments in Cohort 2 districts, reported above, in Section1. 4.1 Teacher Deployment Cohort 1 The teacher deployment program, known as Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru (PPG) assists districts to map their teacher deployment; identify problems, such as poorly served schools and over-served schools; and make policies and plans to address these issues in line with current government regulations. 4.1.1 Teacher Distribution Mapping Results The mapping of teacher distribution was successfully completed in all 23 Cohort 1 districts by the end of January 2014. Results for 21 of these 23 districts have been analyzed at the national level. (Two districts in Aceh have not yet been analyzed, because the district level analysis was not based on the national government database, DAPODIK.) The national analysis shows that the distribution of teachers is uneven among schools, within districts, and among districts. The results are illustrated in Figure 4 below. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 27 Figure.4: Adequacy of Class Teacher Provision in Cohort 1 Districts Adequacy of teacher provision. The requirement for number of teachers is based on the National Education Standards of one teacher per class in primary schools and 24 teaching periods per week for junior secondary school teachers. Teacher provision is measured separately for tenured civil servants (PNS) and for non-tenured (non-civil servant-PNS) teachers, hired directly by schools. The Figure 4 graph above shows the adequacy of teacher provision in primary schools (SD), including both PNS and non-PNS, based on these National Education Standards. As shown, the range is large, with Pandeglang District showing an excess of over 350 teachers and Medan City a deficit of nearly 300 teachers. As illustrated in Figure 5 below, the teacher requirement, based on the standards of one teacher per class in primary and one teacher for 24 lessons in junior-secondary, is artificially high, as many schools have small classes and small teacher-student ratios. If classes were larger (closer to the Minimum Service Standards of 32 for primary and 36 for junior secondary schools1), then the requirement for teachers would be much less. Overall, Indonesia has a substantial excess of teachers. The nationally aggregated ratio of students to teachers is 16:1. Class size. Based on analysis of the distribution of schools by the number of students in this sample of 21 districts, more than half (57%) of Indonesian schools have classes with less than 20 students. According to the National Education Standards, the ideal class size for primary schools is 20–28 students and the Minimum Service Standard is 32 students. Furthermore, some 13% of schools have an average class size of less than 10 students. Student-teacher ratio. The ratio of students to teachers in primary schools, including class teachers and subject teachers (Religion and Physical Education), is even more surprising. In nearly three-quarters (73%) of schools in partner districts, the student-to-teacher ratio is less than 20. Moreover, some 26% of schools have a student-teacher ratio of less than 10. 1 Note that the National Education Standards (Standar Nasional Pendidikan [SNP]) are different from the Minimum Service Standards. SNP is 28 for primary classes and 32 for junior secondary classes. 28 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Figure.5: Ratio of Students to Number of Classes and Teachers (Primary Schools–SD, Cohort 1) 4.1.2 Policy Recommendations for Teacher Deployment In addition to mapping teacher distribution, USAID PRIORITAS assisted districts to develop policy options to address the issues highlighted, and to discuss these in multi-stakeholder policy workshops. As described, the need for teachers illustrated above results from standard formulae based on the number of teachers required per school/class in primary schools and the number of teaching lessons required per teacher in junior secondary schools. Most policy recommendations were related to reducing the need for teachers (demand side) rather than increasing teacher availability (supply side). This is in part because it is very difficult to increase availability at the moment, considering that 60% of the districts face restrictions imposed by the national government on increasing the number of public servants. The policy recommendations to reduce the need for teachers include the following: 1. Regrouping small schools and schools co-located on a shared campus 2. Use of multi-grade teaching 3. Use of mobile teachers (teachers teach in more than one school) 4. Optimization of teaching hours in junior secondary schools 5. Redistribution of teachers from schools with excess teachers to schools that lack teachers 6. Re-tasking junior secondary teachers from a subject that is oversupplied with teachers to an under-supplied subject. This requires provision for re-training. The results are also being analyzed at the province level, for presentation and discussion in policy forums at the province level in the coming quarter. In some cases, discussions will take place in conjunction with provincial showcase events; in other cases, they will be arranged as separate events. The role of the province can be important where adjacent districts have an over- and undersupply of teachers, respectively. In such cases, the province can facilitate the reassignment of teachers from one district to another. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 29 In addition, a national level report is currently being prepared on these results. The intention is to present the results in a national government stakeholder forum and discuss national policy options with decision makers and national officials at an appropriate time. 4.1.3 PPG Policy Implementation Cohort 1 In January 2014, the USAID PRIORITAS work plan and budget was adjusted to allow for an additional activity in the PPG program. It was agreed that a small amount of further facilitation and assistance to districts will greatly improve the validity of data analysis, the feasibility of policy implementation, and the likelihood that policies to improve teacher distribution will be implemented. A National Workshop was held on February 17–20, 2014, to review progress and results of the PPG program in Cohort 1, and to discuss the proposed PPG implementation workshop. The workshop was attended by project personnel from the Jakarta office and all provinces, together with service provider personnel from TTI in all provinces. Presentations were given by officials from MOEC’s national web-based EMIS (DAPODIK) team and the Badan, the department within MOEC responsible for management of teachers and education personnel. Subsequently, it was agreed that the PPG policy implementation activity will include three stages: (1) preparation, (2) implementation workshops, and (3) mentoring. New modules and materials have been prepared. The preparatory phase activity was carried out in the districts of Semarang on March 12–13 and Sragen on March 25–26. Follow-up PPG Policy Implementation Workshops and mentoring are scheduled for early in the coming quarter. 4.1.4 District PPG Reports District PPG Reports are currently being completed. These reports will be submitted to each district and will also form a part of the national database on teacher distribution. In addition, they will provide input into the national analysis currently being undertaken. To date, reports have been completed for 11 of the 23 Cohort 1 districts (48%) as shown in Table 12. Table 12: District PPG Reports (as of March 2014) Number of Districts Reports Completed Aceh 2 0 North Sumatra 3 1 Banten 2 0 West Java 3 1 Final Central Java 5 5 Final East Java 5 1 Final South Sulawesi 3 3 Draft 23 11 Province Total Status Final Twelve districts are still in the process of preparing reports. We expect that all reports will be completed by late April 2014. 30 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 4.1.5 Service Provider (SP) Evaluation Since the commencement of activities with districts, USAID PRIORITAS has been working with facilitators from partner TTIs to develop them as “service providers.” This development is a key sustainability strategy. Ultimately, the universities and their personnel will take on the role of delivering and facilitating the programs developed under the project for districts and provinces. This role change is already happening with programs developed under DBE1 and it is beginning to happen with USAID PRIORITAS programs, such as PPG and ALPEKA, which are being disseminated to nontarget districts. Service provider personnel were involved in all steps of the implementation of PPG in Cohort 1 districts. The intention is that they “learn on the job.” By attending and participating in training events and in program implementation in the districts, they learn the methodologies and approaches required. They can then replicate these in new districts. Prior to continuing with Cohort 2 districts, USAID PRIORITAS conducted an evaluation of these service provider personnel, who were evaluated on two aspects: (1) the level of participation and (2) capacity to implement the program independently. Based on the level of participation as shown in Table 13, a majority of the SP (60%) were categorized as active or very active. Approximately one-quarter of them (27%) were categorized as having a low or very low level of participation. There are several reasons for the low participation of this group: besides being generally busy with commitments at the university, some were unable to participate in the PPG activities due to conflicts with Teacher Education and Professional Training (PLPG) activities conducted by the TTIs. Table 13: Level of SP Participation in PPG Activities Level of Participation Number of SP Percentage Very active 26 43.3 Active 10 16.7 Adequate participation 8 13.3 Low participation 8 13.3 Very low participation 8 13.3 60 100.0 Total Those service provider personnel assessed as very low participators will no longer take part in the PPG program, whereas those with low or adequate levels of participation were evaluated by provincial Governance and Management Specialists according to their levels of independence and commitment. Based on this evaluation, the majority will be invited to continue their involvement with the program in Cohort 2. Also based on this evaluation, a number of service provider personnel were selected as “nationallevel” SP, similar in status to the national facilitators (or “fasnas”) for school-level programs. These personnel will be used to support the rollout of PPG across provinces and especially to support the dissemination of PPG to non-target districts where demand exists. Two SP, with strong experience under DBE1 and USAID PRIORITAS, have also been appointed as short-term technical assistants (STTA) to support the rollout. In this way, personnel from TTI can begin to see a career path in development, commencing as a participant, progressing to becoming a service provider facilitator at the district-province level, then to national-level service provider facilitator, and finally to becoming a USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 31 short-term or long-term consultant. While these types of consultants are currently hired by the project, ultimately, it is expected that they will be hired by government. 4.2 Preparation for Teacher Deployment (PPG) Cohort 2 Following the rollout of PPG in Cohort 1 districts, the program has now been reviewed and preparations undertaken for finalization and publishing of materials and rollout in Cohort 2 districts. 4.2.1 Review of PPG Materials A review of the tools for facilitating PPG was conducted with the aim of improving the quality of the program, based on the experience from Cohort 1. This review included the guidelines, modules, materials, presentations and films, software, and worksheets. An initial review was conducted by a small team of specialists from Jakarta, West Java, and Central Java. Following this initial review, the materials were discussed again at the National Workshop held in February. As a result of this process, the modules and materials are improved—better structured, simpler, and easier to follow. The modules and guides are now being finalized with formatting, layout, and typographical arrangement for printing. 4.2.2 Guidelines for PPG The results of PPG in Cohort 1 varied among provinces, not only due to the characteristics of each region, but also due to varying understandings of the module and materials. To address the diversity of understandings, a Technical Guide for PPG has been prepared. The guide will be used by specialists, service providers, and government partners in Cohort 2 and dissemination districts. It is a slim booklet that will accompany the training modules, materials, and software. This guide covers the PPG stages in simple terms: (1) perception, (2) mentoring, (3) data analysis and policy analysis workshops, (4) public consultation, and (5) policy formulation and implementation workshops. The guide is designed in such a way that it is easy to understand and guides the PPG practitioner in the field. 4.2.3 Technical Guidelines for DAPODIK Data Analysis A technical guidebook has also been prepared to assist specialists and service provider personnel who support the use of the DAPODIK software application for data analysis. The guidebook is structured to guide users through each stage of PPG, specifically related to data processing. The stages are as follows: downloading the data from the DAPODIK server, importing the data into the Basic Education Data Management System (SIMDIKDAS) software application, conducting analysis, and presenting the data graphically in several alternative ways. This technical guide is a supplement to the PPG modules. 4.2.4 National Workshop and Training of Trainers The National Workshop and TOT, mentioned above, took place in Jakarta on February 17–20. The aims were to: (1) conduct a review of PPG presentations, modules, and materials and evaluate the implementation of PPG in Cohort 1 district; (2) introduce the PPG guide and manual for data analysis to national facilitators; and (3) share experiences in facilitating PPG in the district, including the dissemination of PPG in a former DBE district. 32 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 The workshop was attended by 27 participants, which included national-level service providers, national and provincial specialists, and STTAs and stakeholders from MOEC and USAID. Two speakers from MOEC gave presentations: Dr. Sumarno, from MOEC’s Directorate of Basic Education P2TK, presented on the national policy about mapping and equitable distribution of teachers, and Dr. Supriyatno, a staff member of MOEC’s Basic Education Directorate General Secretariat, presented on the use of DAPODIK. 4.2.5 Provincial Training of Trainers (Refresher Workshop) Provincial level TOTs or “refresher activities” were also conducted for provincial-level service providers, who did not attend the National TOT in Jakarta. These events was held in each province and facilitated by national facilitators. The purpose of the provincial TOTs was to introduce the new approach for the Policy Implementation Workshop, developments in the use of DAPODIK for PPG, and the technical guides described above, as well as some minor revisions to the modules, presentations, and materials. Workshops were held as noted in Table 14. Table 14: Schedule of “Refresher” Training on PPG for Service Providers 4.2.6 Province TOT Schedule Aceh March 6–7 North Sumatra March 25–27 Banten March 17 West Java March 20–21 Central Java Planned April 8–9 East Java March 27–28 South Sulawesi March 27–28 Preparation of PPG Activity Schedules All provinces have now prepared plans for the rollout of PPG activities in Cohort 2 districts. The schedules include the full sequence of activities ranging from the initial Persamaan Persepsi (or socialization) event, mentoring, Workshops 1 and 2, up to five visits to provide assistance, and concluding with the pubic consultation, preparation of reports, and Policy Implementation Workshops. The activities are planned to take place between now and October. 4.3 Studies A number of studies are currently being completed: a national level analysis of PPG results from Cohort 1, a capacity assessment of Cohort 2 districts, and a preliminary study on teacher training needs analysis–as currently undertaken by government bodies in provinces and districts. The first of these studies was described above in section 4.1.1. The second two are described below in sections 4.3.1 and 4.3.2. All of these studies are expected to be completed in the coming quarter. 4.3.1 Cohort 2 District Capacity Assessment The collaborative assessment of district capacity to support and manage education has been completed in all districts in Cohort 2. The assessment focused particularly on (1) the role of the USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 33 districts in teacher management and quality improvement and (2) coordination between levels and agencies in the management and governance of education. The results have been reported to districts and were compiled in Jakarta in early March. An analysis of these results is underway at the national level and will be completed in the coming quarter. Preliminary results obtained from the analysis show that most districts have programs to improve the quality of education delivery, both in terms of improving the quality of teachers and principals, as well as in terms of teacher deployment (PPG). The effectiveness of these programs is varied but generally weak. Meanwhile, some, but not all, districts and provinces provide financial support for schools through a Local School Operational Assistance (BOSDA) program. This is important, as studies conducted under the DBE1 program showed that the national per-capita School Operational Assistance (BOS) grants are insufficient for schools to meet minimum service standards. Inter-agency cooperation in the governance and management of education would benefit from strengthening. Nearly all districts reported that the only cooperation was between the Education Office and the Personnel Office (BKD). The role of the Education Board (Dewan Pendidikan) is still weak. In some districts the Board of Education rarely meets with the District Education Office. The role of the province is still very weak, and many district programs require synchronization between the province and the district. USAID PRIORITAS will focus on this area with the coming program that is designed to improve province and district coordination for planning of teacher in-service training programs (see section 4.3.2 below). 4.3.2 Preliminary Study on Training Needs Analysis (TNA) USAID PRIORITAS is preparing for a second major intervention at the province-district level, to start with a pilot in the coming project year. The intervention will assist districts and provinces to plan and budget for teacher in-service training. The approach to information-based planning will be integrated and will employ user-friendly methods for training needs analysis, training cost-benefit analysis, and district/province education finance analysis. Work has already been undertaken to develop methodologies for district and province education finance analysis, based on the earlier DBE1 approaches, and unit cost analysis for teacher in-service training. Training needs analysis will form part of the overall approach, enabling districts and provinces to develop plans based on identified needs of teachers, along with strategic priorities of the system such as the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum (and associated active learning pedagogies) and SBM. The approach to training needs analysis will be similar to that used for PPG, in the sense that it draws on good practices and lessons learned from international and Indonesian experience, synchronized with relevant government regulations in Indonesia. This is an effective approach, because it is based on prior learning and proven methodologies. Moreover, explicitly aligning the intervention with regulations supports sustainability, take-up, and dissemination, because it situates the intervention within a clear legal framework, ensuring that the approach is mandated for provinces, districts, and schools. To support the development of this program, a preliminary study on current practices in teacher training needs analysis (TNA) is being conducted. The study aims to identify current practices in TNA, ranging from implementation at the central level (Pusbangprodik, the Centre for Development and Empowerment of Teachers and Education Personnel [P4TK], Malang), provincial level (the LPMP and Provincial Education Office in East Java and South Sulawesi), and at district, schools, and schoolcluster level (Madiun, East Java, and Wajo, South Sulawesi). International experience will also be surveyed. 34 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Initial findings identified several good practices at the national level that were developed under the World-Bank funded BERMUTU Project. Through BERMUTU, MOEC developed the concept of Continuous Professional Development (PKB), one aspect of which is the training needs analysis developed in collaboration with P4TK, LPMP, and District Education Offices. This model is shown in Figure 6 (in Bahasa Indonesia). Teacher training under BERMUTU always began with a needs assessment. Moreover, the needs assessment was conducted at the cluster level, through KKG and MGMPs. This good practice has been followed up by MOEC with a grant scheme. The TNA study is expected to be finalized and a report submitted in the coming quarter. Figure.6: MOEC’s Teacher Appraisal Model Source: Book 1. Continuing Professional Development, Ministry of Education and Culture, 2012. 4.4 School Finance Reporting (ALPEKA) In late 2012, MOEC requested the assistance of USAID PRIORITAS to prepare a software application that helps schools to produce financial reports, including mandated reports for national per-capita school funds (known as BOS). This was a follow-on from the earlier DBE1 assistance. Since then, the project has been working with MOEC’s national BOS team to develop and Front page of ALPEKA software. disseminate the application, now called Aplikasi Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan BOS Tingkat Sekolah (ALPEKA). It is a relatively simple, user-friendly USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 35 application, using an Excel platform to produce reports on school funding and spending from all sources. The new software has been available for free download from the MOEC BOS website since the past quarter. It is recommended by MOEC for use in every school in the country. The website address is as follows: The software has been protected to prevent people from tampering with it. It is clearly labelled as free and mandated for use by MOEC. The support of USAID PRIORITAS in developing the software is also acknowledged on the software. It is mandated for use in all schools (SD and SMP) in Indonesia. A number of districts have indicated that they have adopted ALPEKA as the official software for management and reporting of BOS funds at the school level. All districts in East Java, for example, are now using ALPEKA for the BOS management and reporting at the school level. A small number of glitches in ALPEKA were detected after schools used it. These glitches can be categorized as two types: (1) user error when inputting data, and (2) a small error in the writing program. The second error has already been corrected and improvements have been made to the technical guidelines and software to reduce the chance for mistakes in data inputting. USAID PRIORITAS is providing ongoing support to MOEC to ensure that the software functions properly. Whenever improvements are needed, the project still provides technical assistance to make changes to the software. Although ALPEKA is intended to be “stand-alone,” many districts have requested support with training in using the software. Generally a half-day training event is sufficient. Over the previous two quarters, USAID PRIORITAS provided assistance to MOEC and to some provinces and districts with training in the software’s use. This training was initially conducted for BOS managers and then for technical teams from all districts. However, as the demand has increased, the project is no longer providing this type of assistance directly. Instead, the project now recommends qualified service provider personnel and district facilitators, who provinces and districts can hire directly to provide training. In order to assist in this process and to ensure that USAID PRIORITAS partner schools are familiar with the software, all WSD specialists were trained at the TOT in Makassar on March 25 in using ALPEKA. In the coming quarter, they will provide simple training in the software to all district facilitators, through routine coordination meetings at the district level. ALPEKA improves financial management and transparency in schools by reducing the opportunity for double accounting and similar forms of low-level corruption. As a national program potentially impacting every school in the country, the effect of this intervention is very significant. 4.5 Dissemination of District Level Programs During the previous year, a number of district level interventions were disseminated in former DBE districts. However, due to limited project resources, USAID PRIORITAS had to limit the number of districts they agreed to support with major programs such as strategic planning (renstra). For example, a number of former DBE and other non-target districts have already requested assistance with PPG. The project’s general approach to this has been to wait until the first round (Cohort 1) of PPG was completed, and service provider personnel are prepared to support PPG, before agreeing to provide limited support for dissemination. Notwithstanding this, one former-DBE district in West Java (Karawang) completed PPG late in 2014. In November–December, the District Education Office in Kabupaten Karawang disseminated the PPG program. The steps and process used were faithful to the USAID PRIORITAS model. Support from the project was limited to sending a trained service provider from the partner university, UPI, to conduct the training and to facilitate the process. 36 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Several more non-target districts have budgeted and are planning to complete PPG with district funding in quarter 9. This includes Kota Bogor and Subang District in West Java, which are DBE districts. Where USAID PRIORITAS is able to respond positively to these requests, the project will assist by providing recommended service provider personnel as facilitators, access to all materials, and monitoring and back-up technical support for the facilitators. Districts will fund all participant and associated costs, and in some cases, they will also fund some SP costs. 5 DISSEMINATION OF SCHOOL LEVEL PROGRAMS Table 15 shows that dissemination activities took place in 13 individual districts in three provinces, as well as a provincial activity in East Java for non-project districts. The activities involved 4,200 participants. This total includes 3,240 participants from 947 schools in the project-supported districts, which averages to 3.4 participants per school. Approximately 90% of the participants were teachers. Local expenditure from local government and schools amounted to USD 132,703, while project support was USD 21,987. This means that project funds were leveraged over six times. Further detailed data on dissemination can be found in Annex 2. Table 15: Participants in Dissemination Activities in Quarter 8 (January–March 2014) Province Aceh East Java West Java Grand Total % District Aceh Besar Aceh Tengah Bireuen Pidie Bangkalan Madiun Pasuruan Sidoarjo Nganjuk Kota Mojokerto Multiple Districts* Situbondo Karawang Bogor Male 2 51 26 8 80 56 168 13 19 26 455 80 461 142 1,587 37.7% Female 36 63 86 32 157 28 482 170 34 20 505 18 722 260 2,613 62.3% Total 38 114 112 40 237 84 650 183 53 46 960 98 1,183 402 4,200 100% *Dissemination was organized by the Provincial Office of Education with participants from multiple districts. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 37 6 TECHNICAL COORDINATION WITH GOI During quarter 8, USAID PRIORITAS has continued to collaborate with the GOI all national, provincial, and district levels through technical workshops and meetings. A number of meetings have been held with national GOI counterparts, as reported below. The focus of most meetings was to increase the coordination between the project and the Directorates and relevant agencies in MOEC and MORA. Table 16 gives a summary of the meetings. Table 16: Coordination Meetings with National GOI during Quarter 8 Date Institution Outcomes Directorate General for Basic Education, MOEC February 13, 2014 Bp. Hamid Muhammad, Director General for Basic Education, MOEC Agenda : Progress Report: 1. Pak Hamid indicated that he is ready to be the focal point for USAID PRIORITAS in MOEC, as suggested by MOEC’s planning bureau. 2. Pak Hamid expressed interest in attending the provincial showcase in Central Java in April. Directorate for Junior Secondary Schools, MOEC February 19, 2014 Ibu Mudjiyem, Head of Learning Sub-division, Directorate of Junior Secondary Schools, Agenda : Planning for the JSS-level TOT in Bandung and showcase meetings: The Directorate indicated that it would support the project by giving a presentation for the TOT opening in Bandung. The Directorate also undertook to send technical staff to participate in the TOT in Bandung. In addition, the Directorate offered support by agreeing to participate in district level showcase events. Directorate for Primary Schools February 13 & 18, March 14, 2014 BP Didik Prabangkat, Head of Learning Subdivision, Directorate of Primary Education, MOEC Ibu Dewi Fauziah Utama, Head of Curriculum Section, Directorate of Primary Education, MOEC Agenda : Planning for District Showcase Meetings and the primary school TOT in Makassar: 1. Support with participation of the Directorate in district showcase meetings. 2. Participation of the Director in the opening of the primary school-level TOT in Makassar and participation of Directorate technical staff in the event. Planning Division for of Basic Education, Secretariat of Directorate General for Basic Education, MOEC January 29, 2014 Supriyatno, Head of Data and Information, Directorate General of Basic Education, MOEC Agenda: Making use of basic education data (DAPODIK): MOEC responded positively indicating that USAID PRIORITAS is already make good use of DAPODIK for PPG. In response to a request from MOEC, USAID PRIORITAS sent the data format for PPG used in the districts. Directorate General of Higher Education Directorate of Teachers and Education Personnel March18, 2014 38 Pak Supriyanto, Director of Development of Teachers and Education Personnel, MOEC Agenda : National Workshop for TTI: Confirmed support for the national TTI workshop by providing a meeting room at the Higher Education Building. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Date Institution Outcomes General Secretary Bureau of Planning and International Cooperation January 25, 2014 February 7, 2014 Bp. Rekso dan Ibu May, Technical staff of the Office of International Cooperation, MOEC Agenda : Technical cooperation with MOEC: As suggested by KLN (Office of International Cooperation, MOEC), USAID PRIORITAS sent a letter to the Office of International Cooperation on January 27, 2014, to provide a basis for discussion with MOEC’s General Secretary concerning the need for routine coordination and synchronization of programs to follow. Amero, Bp. Medi dan Pak Rekso, Head of Subdivision for America and Europe and Technical Team of the Office of International Cooperation Agenda : Program cooperation (Follow-up to the letter from USAID PRIORITAS): It was suggested that a Technical Agreement between USAID PRIORITAS and MOEC (Secretariat of Directorate General for Basic Education) would be appropriate. The technical agreement is still pending for the extension of the MOU between USAID and Kemenkokesra. The Agency of Human Resources Development on Education and Culture and Education Quality Assurance Center for Education Quality Assurance January 28, February 10, March 4, 6, & 26, 2014 Bp. Dr. Bastari, Head of Center for Education Quality Assurance Agenda : Synchronization of the program and technical coordination for the following training programs: 1. In line with a request from PPMP, USAID PRIORITAS sent a list of names of schools and district facilitators to help PPMP select schools for support from their own program. 2. The participation of PPMP technical staff in the TOTs in Bandung and Makassar. 3. Use of USAID PRIORITAS training modules and national facilitators by GOI for LPMP training, to be delivered by PPMP. 4. Technical assistance from USAID PRIORITAS for the implementation of Stage I Training (April 3–5, 2014) for participants drawn from Section Heads of MOEC and province-level supervisors (pengawas) (a total of 60 persons). Stage II training is proposed for April 2126, 2014, with the following participants: LPMP, teachers, and school heads from 33 provinces, totaling 148 persons. Center for Development of Teachers Profession in Basic Education January 28, 2014 Ibu Dian Wahyuni, Head of Center for Development of Teachers Profession in Basic Education, MOEC Agenda: Curriculum Training for USAID PRIORITAS facilitators: A list of USAID PRIORITAS national and provincial facilitators was sent to Pusbangprodik so that they can be trained by MOEC and become certified national instructors in the 2013 Curriculum. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 39 7 COMMUNICATIONS 7.1 7.1.1 Media Newsletter The fifth edition of the national newsletter, PRIORITAS PENDIDIKAN, was published in quarter 8. This latest newsletter includes information on many of the project’s activities and good practices, including the second National Training of Trainers in teaching and learning practices and management for primary and junior secondary school facilitators, the Deputy Ministry of Education and Culture’s presentation and appreciation of the training, especially as it is aligned with the 2013 Curriculum, and the good practice showcase events in partner districts. Stories from all partner provinces were also included in the newsletter. For example, a story about MI Asih Putera, Cimahi, West Java, focused on the many strategies being undertaken to develop a reading culture for their students; dissemination of the ALPEKA software by the East Java Education Office to help schools prepare school operational fund reports; and SMP Bintang Laut, North Sumatra, using the USAID PRIORITAS program for improving the quality of teaching and learning and management in their school. A total of 10,150 copies were published and distributed to key partners and stakeholders in all project provinces, as shown in Table 17 below. Table 17: Distribution of the National Newsletter, Fifth Edition Province Total Aceh 1,275 North Sumatra 1,275 Banten 40 825 West Java 1,650 Central Java 1,350 East Java 1,650 South Sulawesi 1,725 Jakarta 400 Total 10,150 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 7.1.2 Project Website The project website is used as a medium to disseminate good education practices and innovations developed by USAID PRIORITAS. Project products such as training modules; videos; newsletters; research studies; good practices; inspiring stories from teachers, school principals, supervisors, the Regional Education Office, and the Regional Parliament are uploaded onto the website. Table 18 shows that a total of 286,706 hits to the website were recorded in quarter 8, and the number of unique visitors was 16,548. The bandwidth use increased from 35.56 GB in quarter 7 to 96.37 GB in quarter 8. Much content on the website is being utilized by visitors, so this shows a significant increase. Table 18: Number of Hits on Project Website in Quarter 8 Month Unique Visitors Bandwidth January 2014 4,549 75,917 11.97 GB February 2014 4,787 73,947 9.53 GB March 2014 7,212 136,842 74.87 GB 16,548 286,706 96.37 GB Total 7.1.3 Hits Media Monitoring For the period of January to March 2014, USAID PRIORITAS activities were published in a total of 306 news items in the mass media. Most of the content concerned the second National Training of Trainers in teaching and learning and management, showcasing good practices in district partners, the teacher deployment program, and school visits. Table 19, below, shows the total monthly media coverage. This type of coverage is very effective in disseminating information about the project to the general public. Table 19: Monthly Media Coverage 7.1.4 Month Total Media Total News January 57 88 February 55 83 March 84 121 Total 196 292 Project Videos The project communication team produced 12 videos during quarter 8. These are very useful in illustrating the processes and goals that the project is aiming to accomplish, especially relating to good practices in reading programs. The following videos were produced this quarter: Effective Learning Management in Primary and Junior Secondary Schools (4 videos) Integrated Thematic Learning in Primary Schools and the Scientific Approach in Social Science in Junior Secondary Schools (2 videos) Differentiated Learning in Primary and Junior Secondary Schools (4 videos) Gender Problems in Primary and Junior Secondary Schools USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 41 Developing a Reading Culture in Schools Instructional Leadership School Budgeting to Support Learning 7.1.5 Module Layout The project Communication Team also prepared templates for the layout of the school training modules and the curriculum enrichment books for the TTIs. This was done by the Communication Team so that the layout process can be completed faster, making it easier for technical staff to be able to directly review the materials, and so that they can be printed quickly. The following modules were produced during quarter 8: Module II for Primary Schools. Module II for Junior Secondary Schools. Early Grades Literacy Module for TTIs Mathematics in the Junior Secondary School Module for TTIs Science in the Junior Secondary School Module for TTIs 8 Dissemination Study USAID PRIORITAS made preparations for the implementation of a study of the dissemination of program activities. The international consultant, who will lead the study, visited Jakarta in midJanuary for approximately 10 days to plan out the study and make other preparations. The study will be implemented between April and June 2014 and will: 42 1. Review studies and reports of dissemination and sustainability in Indonesian education, especially those undertaken by the DBE projects 2. Assess the extent to which the recommendations of these reports and studies have been taken into account in implementing the USAID PRIORITAS programs 3. Review a sample of plans by DBE districts taking part in USAID PRIORITAS to disseminate DBE and USAID PRIORITAS programs, to assess their likely effectiveness 4. Review which programs have been disseminated, to what extent, and how far dissemination has been in line with USAID PRIORITAS guidelines and lessons learned from the DBE studies 5. Analyze the sources of funding for dissemination activities 6. Monitor a sample of dissemination sites; assess the effectiveness of the dissemination programs and their sustainability and to what extent i they have successfully created good practices or changes in the dissemination areas 7. Identify challenges and lessons learned in implementing dissemination strategies used in DBE and USAID PRIORITAS districts. 8. Make recommendations to USAID PRIORITAS to guide future dissemination and sustainability of project programs. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 9 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 9.1 Early Grade Reading (EGRA) in TTI Lab and Partner Schools Early grade reading assessment (EGRA) was conducted between February 26 and March 28 in all 16 partner TTIs in the seven partner provinces. The design was the same as for USAID PRIORITAS Cohorts 1 and 2 schools, in which 24 students were to be assessed from each school. There were a total of 48 schools, which equates to half the number of TTI lab and partner schools. The same EGRA instruments used for Cohort 1 and 2 schools were Implementng EGRA in MIS Nurul Fadhilah, a partner school of the State University of also used with these students, Medan, North Sumatra. (March 2014) except the instruments were used with grade 2 students as opposed to grade 3. This was done because the assessment was undertaken in the second semester, and most of the schools, being from TTI partner schools, were located in the city or semi-urban areas. To measure the impact of the project’s intervention, the next assessment will need to be implemented with the same grade students at the same time of the year. Table 20 shows the schedule of the EGRA implementation. Table 20: EGRA Schedule for TTI Partner Schools Province EGRA Data Collection Aceh February 25–27 North Sumatra March 18–21 Banten March 27–28 West Java March 26–28 Central Java March 15, 18–20, & 27 East Java March 11–15 South Sulawesi March 8, 10–11 The assessment was conducted by the same enumerators who are experienced and have been trained and are familiar in using the instruments. In all the provinces, a one-day preparation training was carried out prior to the data collection. The assessment results will be reported next quarter. During quarter 8 (January to March 2014), the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Team conducted the following activities: 1. Writing up the results of school monitoring in Cohort 1 districts 2. Writing up the results of school monitoring in Cohort 2 districts (baseline) USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 43 3. Preparation and implementation of data collection in TTI lab schools 4. Data collection in partner TTIs 5. Data collection at districts and provinces. Each of these is described below. 9.2 Preparation of Cohort 1 School Monitoring Report The report on Cohort 1 monitoring was completed at the end of March 2014. The report presents the achievements of the project by comparing the results of the first monitoring (baseline in 2012) and the second monitoring (progress monitoring in 2013) in 23 districts. The main findings are as follows: 1. In 2012, about one-fifth of the teachers in partner schools met the indicator for teachers demonstrating good practice in teaching and assessment. After one year, the percentage more than doubled to 55%. 2. Percentages increased for teachers in four of the criteria for this indicator (physical organization of the classroom, use of different groupings when working with students, asking nonrecall questions, and move around and help students). The percentages, however, declined in two criteria (use of varied learning approaches and use of tools to gather data about student achievements). 3. There has been a 12% increase in the indicator for early grade teachers who demonstrate good practice in teaching and assessing reading (from 35% to 47%). Nineteen specific activities related to teaching early grades were observed during the data collection to gain an accurate estimate for this indicator. The percentages of teachers where evidence of the good practices was observed increased in all specific activities, including those that had been implemented by relatively few teachers during the baseline, such as “ask students to make stories based on pictures presented to them” and “keep necessary progress records of student reading.” 4. Less than 10% of teachers in both primary and junior secondary schools met the criteria of supporting the development of student reading skills during the first monitoring. There was a fivefold increase in the second monitoring. An increase was observed in all four criteria for this indicator, including two criteria (“provide different types of materials for students to read other than textbook” and “discuss new words and concepts in texts”), which had been implemented by less than 10% of teachers in the baseline observations. 5. The percentage of classrooms with students showing positive learning behavior increased significantly from 16.8% at the first monitoring to 73% in the second monitoring. Most likely, the improvements were influenced by changes in teachers’ teaching practices, as intended. 6. The percentage of schools which met the criteria of regularly using early grade reading materials also increased from 24% in the first monitoring to 44% in the second monitoring. The increase of percentages was found in both criteria for this indicator: “have a regular reading period” increased from 43% to 90% and “allow students to take reading books home to read” increased modestly from 35% to 47%. 7. Only 7% of the principals met the indicator for being effective instructional leaders during the first monitoring. The percentage increased to 27% in the second monitoring. Two of the four criteria for this indicator, organizing professional development for teachers and providing learning to take place” were met by most principals. However, relatively few “hold monthly 44 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 meetings with teachers to discuss curricular matters or make regular visits to classes.” There is thus room for improvement in these areas. 8. Only a few of the schools produced annual budgeted plans in a transparent manner: 9% in the baseline survey. This remained at the same level during the first monitoring. This is likely because the SBM training began in September 2013, one month before the first monitoring. Therefore, the school managers have had little time to practice what they had learned. 9. About a quarter of schools (26%) were found to have parents involved in school-related activities. The percentage doubled in the second monitoring (50%). The parents are mostly involved in “extra-curricular and environment related activities,” but very few in “helping teachers in the class-rooms” such as working as substitute teachers, helping with the student practicum, or as resource person. The parents were also involved in specific initiatives such as health related programs: very few were involved in gender, and almost none with inclusive education. 10. A total of 25% of school managers had already initiated activities to develop a reading culture in the first monitoring. This figure increased to 65% in the second monitoring. The main activities implemented in schools included: “up-grade the library, use funds to purchase age-appropriate reading materials, establish reading corners, set aside specific reading times during class-hours.” The percentages were relatively lower for activities that need to be implemented outside the schools, where parents and community could be involved, such as “establish reading clubs, involve parents in reading activities, and set up system for home-based reading.” 11. The second monitoring showed significant increases in percentages for all school-related indicators in partner schools. The comparison schools also showed percentage increases in some of the indicators, but not as high as for partner schools. In a few other indicators, the percentages in comparison schools dropped. 12. In the first monitoring, the performance of religious schools (madrasah) was usually lower than for regular schools. None of the principals in religious schools met the criteria for the indicator of instructional leadership. During the second monitoring, however, there was a significant increase in percentages for all school-related indicators in religious schools, both at primary (MI) and secondary level (MTs). The increases were similar to those in secular schools. 9.3 Results of School Monitoring in Cohort 2 Districts The first monitoring (baseline) for Cohort 2 is reported in three separate volumes. These were submitted to USAID at the end of March 2014. Volume 1 presents the results of observation of teachers’ classes in grades 4, 5, and 8, as well as of interviews with principals and coordinators of the Teachers Working Group (KKG). Volume 2 presents the results of students’ tests in Mathematics and Bahasa Indonesia in grades 4 and 8, and in Science in grade 5 and 8. Volume 3 presents the results of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA). 9.3.1 Results of Teacher Observations and Interviews with Principals (Volume 1) Very few teachers in Cohort 2 partner schools demonstrated good practice in teaching and assessment, as defined by the project. Overall, only 15% of early grades teachers were USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 45 teaching reading well, and only 9.3% of all teachers of other subjects demonstrated effective practices. Only about one-fifth (22.6%) of all students observed in partner schools met the indicator for exhibiting positive learning behaviors. The following are the percentages of three criteria for this indicator. Although 62% were generally engaged in their tasks, and 40% undertake activities that require them to use problem solving skills, only 28% of classes demonstrated that students had the chance to express their ideas and opinions in class. Only 16% of partner school principals can be described as being instructional leaders. The majority of principals was found to be good in organizing professional development for teachers and in providing learning to take place, but relatively few were found to hold monthly meetings with teachers to discuss curricular matters or make regular visits to classes. Only 8.6% of principals were found to have led the process of producing a budgeted school plan in a transparent and participative manner. However, over a quarter (27.5%) of school leaders reportedly involved parents or community members in supporting school activities. About half of the school managers in partner schools (42.1%) have initiated activities to create a reading culture, but this is mostly focused on upgrading libraries to meet the National Minimum Service Standards. About one-third (33%) have included a reading program in their school improvement plans, but only 8% involve parents in systematic reading activities with their child. 9.3.2 Results of Student Tests (Volume 2) The main findings of student testing in Cohort 2 schools are as follows: Primary Level: 46 Grade 4 Bahasa Indonesia Test: The average score for all schools in the Grade 4 Bahasa Indonesia test was 37% for reading and 36.1% for writing. The reading test scores were similar for partner and comparison schools, whereas scores for writing in partner schools were substantially higher than in comparison schools (38.7% compared to 33.5%). Some 13% of children in partner schools and 20% of children in comparison schools wrote nothing. It is evident that many grade 4 children in USAID PRIORITAS schools have difficulty in comprehending meaning in what they read and in communicating ideas in a coherent and legible manner. Grade 4 Mathematics Test: The overall average score was 39.2% for partner schools and 36.9% in comparison schools for the grade 4 Mathematics test. Areas in which students had particular difficulties included recognizing the value of both decimal and simple fractions and operations with decimal fractions. Students also scored very low on questions that required problem solving and creativity in their answers. Grade 5 Science Test: In the grade 5 Science test, the overall average score was 33.6%. There was little difference in scores between partner and comparison schools. Children found the traditional format of questioning (with multiple choice answers) in Section A easier than in Section B, which required them to make deductions and apply concepts that they have learned. Comparisons between Different Groups: Girls scored higher than boys on all tests, considerably so in all tests except Science. The scores for children who had previously attended TK (kindergarten) were substantially higher than for those who had not. From USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 observations at school level, it appears that many children who have attended TK enter primary school already having mastered some of the basics of literacy and numeracy, which gives them a significant advantage, and which is sustained over the length of their school career. Average scores at SD were considerably higher than at MI in all tests for the partner districts, but in the comparison districts, scores in reading and writing for the MI were considerably higher than the SD, and only slightly lower in mathematics and science. Historically, madrasahs have tended to underperform in comparison with secular schools on these tests, and the reason for the apparent over-performance of MI on these tests is not evident from the data collected. Private schools performed better on most tests than state schools. The majority of these private schools were madrasah, which suggests that the MI selected to take part in the assessment were among the better endowed madrasah, possibly managed by well-funded foundations. The number of private schools was, in any case, small: 24 schools or 15% of the sample, which may reduce the significance of the figures for private schools. Differences between Schools and Districts: The schools initially selected as USAID PRIORITAS partner schools, and then chosen from among these schools to take part in the student assessment, were not intended as a representative sample of the schools in each district. There were large differences in scores among schools. Junior Secondary Level Bahasa Indonesia Test: The average scores in Bahasa Indonesia reading and writing tests were 64.9% and 46.6%, respectively. Comparison schools scored slightly higher, on average, than partner schools on the reading comprehension test, while partner schools scored higher on the writing test. The highest quartile of students in partner schools scored 87% on the reading test and the lowest quartile 40%, while the highest quartile scored 74% and the lowest 23% on the writing test. Between 23% and 35% of students scored poorly or very poorly in the writing test in terms of the ability to write in sentences, the quality of ideas, spelling and punctuation, and handwriting. Almost 50% had difficulty writing in paragraphs. Mathematics Test: The scores on the mathematics test were relatively low (on average only 33.1% of the possible score), which reflects the difficulty students had answering questions with an emphasis on understanding, and questions requiring an ability to apply concepts. Partner schools scored on average slightly higher than comparison schools. Students found considerable difficulty with questions that involved problem solving, which had to be worked out in two or more stages (i.e., solving one part of the problem first and then using the answer from that part of the problem to solve the whole problem). Science Test: The average overall score in the test was 37.6%, with partner schools scoring higher than comparison schools. Students were relatively weak in all areas, but especially so where they had to reason or make deductions from data. They also seem not to have acquired measuring skills through practical work. For example, they had difficulty in reading measurements of a ruler, reading weight scales, and measuring cylinders. They also had a weak knowledge of technical terms and difficulty in applying concepts to everyday situations. Comparisons between Different Groups: Girls performed considerably better than boys in the Bahasa Indonesia reading and writing tests and in the mathematics test, whereas there was little difference between boys and girls in the science test. SMP students performed better than MTs students in the partner schools on all tests, while MTs students performed better than SMP students in the comparison schools. The comparisons between USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 47 public and private schools produced mixed results, with no clear overall difference between the two. Only 14 schools (12% of the sample) were private schools. 9.3.3 Differences between Schools: There were wide differences in average scores between schools in every subject, indicating that students are learning much better in some schools than in others. In some cases, there will be mitigating social and economic circumstances. However, it is noticeable that many schools rate relatively well in one subject and poorly or very poorly in another. This indicates variable quality in the teaching within the same school. Results of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (Volume 3) Overall, the findings draw the same conclusions as the Cohort 1 findings: that children in grade 3 in this sample have well-developed reading skills; however, some of the children do not always understand everything they read or hear in the Bahasa Indonesia2 language. The results of the sampled schools show some sub-groups of children outperforming others in comparison with their grade 3 peers, including: Sampled children on the island of Java are reading at a better level than their peers elsewhere. Children in Aceh Province are reading at lower levels than their peers in other provinces. Girls in the sampled schools are significantly outperforming the boys on all subtasks. Children in the rural schools are reading at lower levels than their peers in urban schools. Children in project partner schools are significantly outperforming students in the nonpartner schools, although more of the partner schools are urban than the non-project schools. Children with access to books at home score higher on all subtasks than those that do not have access to books at home. The most striking difference in average subtask scores in the study was for students reporting having attended preschool. The students in the sampled schools who had attended preschool scored, on average, 20.5 words per minute higher in oral reading fluency and 17 words per minute higher in familiar word reading than those students who had not attended preschool. One study result, which is less consistent with results from other studies and education research, shows that students in the sample scored better when they indicated no parent support for their studies. However, the results and conclusions of this study (Cohort 2) closely match the ones from the Cohort 1 study. One way to interpret this is to look at the actual item. The wording of the item may have had some children identify they were not receiving help at home, when in fact, they were. How well teachers are teaching reading in the early grades The project also conducted classroom observations and interviews with grade 1 and 2 teachers in the same 160 schools where EGRA data were collected, to see how they taught reading. A total of 320 teachers were observed and interviewed. Additionally, focus group discussions with principals and parents were also held to find out how schools and parents supported reading. The results of classroom observations showed the following: only 15.5% of the teachers observed met five out of six criteria for teaching well; about the same percentage (15%) of the classrooms The terms “Indonesian language” and “Bahasa Indonesia” are used interchangeably throughout this document and mean the same thing. 2 48 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 observed had a reading corner; only 24.7% of teachers were observed to be checking students’ comprehension while reading, with most teachers asking questions about the content of the text (46.3%), compared to retelling (19.4%) and predicting (10.9%). Of the schools assessed, almost three-quarters (73.7%) said they had a school plan that supported reading, although the kind of support was largely limited to purchasing non-textbook reading materials. A lower percentage (13.7%) of schools reported having set up a system for home-based, parent-child reading activities. How the project is addressing the EGRA findings The results of the project’s Cohort 1 EGRA have been used as a basis to strengthen project activities in reading and to advocate for the host government institutions, schools, community, and parents to develop a culture that supports children’s reading through the following programs: Component 1: Improve the quality and relevance of teaching and learning in schools through pre- and in-service training. The project will work with partner TTIs to develop new curricula and teaching resources on reading and train TTI lecturers in teaching early grade reading. For inservice teacher training programs, the project will provide additional and more comprehensive training for teachers at all grade levels in instructional strategies to develop language and literacy in all grades, not only early grades. Component 2: Develop better management and governance in schools and districts. The project will work with partner districts to develop policies on reading and to allocate funds to procure reading books for schools. The school management training will also address ways to support improvements in early grade teaching of reading, as well as promotion of reading culture and development of reading facilities. Component 3: Support better coordination within and between schools, TTIs, and government at all levels. The project will increase the focus of its work with MOEC, MORA, provincial/district governments, and TTIs on reviewing current practices and resources and developing policies and initiatives to support improved student reading, including increasing the amount of time and resources allocated to supporting reading development. Apart from the above, using the budgeted Global Development Alliance (GDA) funding, the project will also promote the United States–Indonesia TTI Partnership to develop, pilot, and roll out curricula and courses for pre- and in-service teacher training in developing reading and literacy, especially in the early grades. Another proposed activity using the budgeted GDA funds is to work with Indonesian publishing houses to improve the supply of books to partner schools. 9.4 Monitoring of TTI Lab Schools Monitoring was conducted in 80 TTI lab and partner schools. These consist of 48 primary and 32 junior secondary schools. The preparation (selection of schools, selection and training of data collectors) took place in February, while the data collection began in early March and is expected to be completed by mid-April. The monitoring results are expected to be reported in early May 2014. The design of the monitoring is the same as for monitoring of partner schools. This covers the teachers’ observation in early grades and in grades 4, 5, and 8. For each TTI, a sample of three primary schools and two junior-secondary schools have been selected. The principals are also interviewed regarding school management. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 49 The monitoring in lab schools also uses the same instruments: the observation schedule for teachers, questionnaire for principals, and tests for mathematics, science, and Indonesian language. 9.5 Monitoring of Partner TTIs The monitoring at TTI level focuses on four indicators: 1. TTI lecturers as a model of active learning (Indicator 1R10), 2. TTI emphasis on more practice-oriented practicum (1R12), 3. Student teachers’ capacity and skills to demonstrate good practice in teaching and learning (1R13), and 4. The function of the TTI as hubs for continuing professional development (1R14). Monitoring of these four indicators was delayed for two main reasons: (1) significant changes were made to the indicators, both in terms of criteria and methods for data collection; (2) during the second monitoring (October to December 2013), the number of districts to be covered (43) was almost twice as many as at the time of the first monitoring (initial baseline, 23). At that time, it was decided that the first phase of the first monitoring would focus on schools, while other monitoring would be postponed until the first quarter of 2014. The monitoring status for each of the four TTI indicators is now as follows: TTI lecturers as model of active learning behavior: The methodology used to collect data in the first monitoring was group discussion, with four to five students taking the same course offered by the same lecturer as in the previous semester. The students assessed the teaching methods/strategies based on criteria set for this indicator. Subsequently, in July 2013, it was decided that the monitoring of lecturers should use the same observation methodology as used for the primary and junior secondary school teachers. Emphasis on more practice oriented practicum is a new indicator. During the first monitoring in 2012, the emphasis on a more practice-oriented practicum was monitored through interviews with student teachers who had just completed their teaching practices. In the new revised indicator, it is monitored through interviews with TTI managers. Student teacher capacity to demonstrate good practice in teaching and learning: The schedule of student teachers’ teaching practice in schools varies among TTIs. Observation results are available from TTIs in five provinces (Aceh, North Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, and East Java). Data collection in Banten and South Sulawesi is planned for early April. TTIs function as hubs for continuing professional development: Originally, the project aimed to focus on selected centers at each TTI for further collaboration. However, after surveying the TTIs, it was realized that the arrangement for centers within the TTIs vary a great deal. It was decided that the focus will be on the TTI, rather than on “centers” within the universities. As a result of these major changes in the criteria and methods for measuring the indicators, the data that are being collected in quarter 8 are effectively the baseline data. 9.6 Monitoring of Partner Districts and Provinces Monitoring at district level focuses on four indicators: 1. The use of the teacher deployment tool for improving the efficiency of education (2R4); 50 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 2. The development of needs-based, in-service training plans and collaboration with provincial training providers to implement these plans (2R5); 3. The districts’ use of financial analysis to allocate more resources to quality improvement; and 4. The districts have better reading programs. The monitoring at province level focuses on four indicators related to coordination: 1. The provincial government coordinates the management and provision of teacher professional development (3R1); 2. The provincial government channels funds for teacher professional development (3R2); 3. The provincial government develops public policies and plans for improvement in education (3R3); and 4. National, provincial, and district governments have better policies and plans to improve education (3R4). All the district and provincial level indicators described above are the results of major revisions of the earlier ones. Therefore, the baseline data from 2012 related to partner districts and provinces are no longer relevant, and the monitoring in districts and provinces that is currently underway will be considered as the baseline survey. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 51 10 PLANS FOR QUARTER 9 The main activities planned for quarter 9 are listed in Table 21 below. Table 21: Activities for Quarter 9 Project Management Complete Work Plan for Year 3 Improved School Instruction and Management Cohort 1 Districts Train District Facilitators at provincial level in use of the round 2 modules Start round 2 school-level training in clusters Conduct dissemination program in some districts Hold district showcases in seven remaining districts Select good practice schools Cohort 2 Districts Train District Facilitators at provincial level in use of the round 1 modules Conduct school training in Module 1 Papua Start-Up Draft detailed work plan Select partner schools Train trainers and mentors Socialize to local government Hold program launch Improved Teacher Training Conduct workshops with good practice schools Hold materials adaptation workshops for TTIs Train pedagogy lecturers Mentor TTI lab and partner schools Hold TTI Practicum National Review meeting (initial workshop) Provincial Coordination Hold provincial showcase meetings Hold provincial policy meetings Improved Governance, Management, and Linkages Conduct Teacher Deployment Implementation Workshops in Cohort 1 Start rollout of Teacher Deployment Training in Cohort 2 Dissemination Training in DBE Districts Continue in most DBE districts Monitoring and Evaluation Complete the monitoring report of TTI lab and partner districts Studies Implement Dissemination Study 52 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 ANNEX 1: PROVINCIAL REPORTS Provinsi: ACEH RAPAT KOORDINASI, REVIU, PERENCANAAN Tanggal Dengan siapa 15 & 16 Januari Bupati Aceh Utara, Disdikpora, Kemenag dan jajarannya Semua pihak mengetahui keberadaan DC dan saling memberikan informasi untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan di Aceh utara. 16 & 24 Januari Wakil Bupati Pidie Jaya, Disdikpora, Kemenag dan jajarannya Semua pihak mengetahui keberadaan DC dan saling memberikan informasi untuk peningkatan mutu pendidikan di Pidie Jaya. 17 Januari Dinas Pendidikan dan kepala sekolah mitra di Aceh Tamiang Mendukung pelaksanaan program agar dapat melatih guru yang memiliki mental dalam mengajar dan mengusai bahan pembelajaran. 27, 28 Januari dan Dinas pendidikan, Kemenag dan fasilitator daerah Aceh Barat Daya, Pidie Jaya dan Aceh Utara Pembekalan kepada fasilitator daerah dan persiapan pelatihan fasilitator daerah tingkat provinsi. 29, 31 Januari dan 1 Februari Fasilitator daerah dan sekolah mitra di Bener Meriah, Banda Aceh, dan Aceh Besar Disepakatinya jadwal pendampingan. 11 Februari Kepala sekolah dari Kelompok Kerja Kepala sekolah dan guru di SD 4 Inti Calang – Aceh Jaya Pengaktifkan kembali KKG dan peremajaan komite sekolah. 12 Februari Dinas Pendidikan, kepala sekolah, 3 kepala bidang dinas pendidikan, kepala sekolah SD dan SMP Kabupaten Aceh Besar Kepala sekolah diharap dapat manfaatkan program Diseminasi yang dibantu PRIORITAS dengan Sumber dana BOS. 7 Maret dan 10 Maret Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag, Fasilitator daerah dan sekolah mitra di Pidie Jaya, Aceh Barat Daya dan Aceh Utara Dukungan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kemenag untuk kegiatan kunjungan belajar dan pengarahan teknis kunjungan. 14 Maret Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag, Fasilitator daerah dan seluruh sekolah mitra Aceh Besar Dinas dan Kemenag mendorong kembali sekolah mitra untuk memperkuat komitmen sebagai sekolah binaan. 20 Maret Kasi SMP dan kemenag Kasi PAIS dan Mapenda Aceh Utara, Fasilitator daerah, Guru, Komite sekolah, Kepala sekolah Aplikasi RTL di sekolah dari hasil kunjungan belajar. 21 Maret Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag, Fasilitator daerah, dan kepala sekolah mitra Aceh Jaya Dinas Pendidikan dan Kemenag mendorong kepala sekolah mitra mengimplementasikan keterampilan pedagogik dan MBS yang diperoleh dalam pelatihan yang dibantu USAID PRIORITAS sehingga mempu memperlihatkan ciri sekolah efektif. 11 Februari Hasil koordinasi USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 53 SOSIALISASI PROGRAM PRIORITAS, PROGRAM PPG DAN ASESMEN KABUPATEN KOHOR 2 Sosialisasi dan Asesmen di Kabupaten Pidie Jaya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Januari di Aula Bupati dengan peserta sejumlah 27 orang (L:24;P:3). Di Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang, sosialisasi dan asesmen dilakukan pada tanggal 30 Januari di Aula Bupati dengan peseta 23 orang (L:21;P:2). Hasilnya adalah sebagai berikut: (a) Tersampaikannya program kerja pada pemangku kepentingan, (b) teridentifikasinya kebutuhan pengembangan kapasitas satuan pendidikan dan dinas pendidikan kabupaten, dan (c) teridentifikasinya sistem koordinasi dinas pendidikan kabupaten secara horizontal dan vertical. (d) Teridentifikasinya kebutuhan pengembangan kapasitas satuan pendidikan dan dinas pendidikan kabupaten yang relevan dengan program USAID PRIORITAS, terutama program Pemetaan dan Pemerataan Guru (PPG). SELEKSI FASILITATOR DAERAH KOHOR 2 Penyeleksian fasilitator di daerah kohor 2 dilakukan bersama dengan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kemenag pada tanggal 21-23 Januari secara paralel di 4 Kabupaten. Hasilnya adalah terpilihnya 15 fasilitator daerah SD/MI dan 15 fasilitator daerah SMP/MTs dari masing-masing dari 4 kabupaten mitra kohor 2. Calon fasilitator daerah yang diseleksi adalah sebagai berikut: Aceh Utara tingkat SMP 34 orang (L:20;P:14), SD 31 orang (L:13;P:18), Aceh Barat Daya SD dan SMP 71 orang (L:42;P:29), Aceh Tamiang tingkat SMP 48 orang (L:24;P:24), tingkat SD 65 orang (L:29;P:36) dan Pidie Jaya SMP berjumlah 39 orang (L: 24; 15) dan SD/MI 37 Orang (L:11;P:26). KUNJUNGAN BELAJAR KOHOR 2 Kunjungan belajar dilaksanakan di Kota Medan, Binjai dan Lubuk Pakam untuk jenjang SD/MI pada tanggal 11 Maret dan SMP/MTs pada tanggal 13 Maret. Sekolah yang dikunjungi adalah: SDN 0202566 Binjai, SDN 023895 Binjai, SDN 024767 Binjai, SDN 060843 Medan Barat, SDN 060849 Medan Barat, MIN Binjai, MIN Medan Barat, MIN Medan Tembung, SMPN 16 Medan Barat, SMPN 27 Medan Barat, SMPN 2 Lubuk Pakam, dan MTSN 2 Medan. Hasilnya adalah peserta mendapatkan pengetahuan baru tentang penerapan pembelajaran dan manajemen sekolah serta partisipasi masyarakat dan ide-ide baru untuk menerapkan di sekolahnya. Kabupaten Dinas Pendidikan LK PR Kemenag LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR Guru Komite Lainnya Total LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR Total Pidie Jaya 1 0 1 0 14 12 14 30 22 2 6 2 58 46 104 Aceh Utara 0 0 1 0 23 6 21 26 24 0 2 0 71 32 103 Aceh Tamiang 1 0 1 0 13 15 16 34 22 3 1 1 54 53 107 Aceh Barat Daya 1 0 1 0 18 8 24 25 20 2 1 0 65 35 100 PENDAMPINGAN Pendampingan siklus 1 Kabupaten Aceh Jaya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 Februari - 17 Maret 2014 pada 15 SD, 3 MI, 5 SMP, 2 MTs. Pendampingan siklus 2 di Kabupaten Bener Meriah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Januari – 30 Maret 2014 pada10 SD, 5 MI, 5 SMP, 3 MTs. Hasil yang dicapai adalah penyusunan jam minggu efektif, penyusunan RPP dan lembar kerja siswa yang baik, simulasi peer teaching di KKG/MGMP, pendampingan di sekolah langsung & model pembelajaran dari fasilitator 54 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 daerah, menyusun RKS & RKT yang sesuai dengan 8 standar dan penyusunan pengelolaan anggaran sekolah. PELATIHAN TINGKAT PROVINSI KOHOR 2 Pelatihan tingkat provinsi untuk fasilitator daerah SD/MI dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Januari – 5 Februari di Banda Aceh. Pesertanya adalah fasilitator daerah terpilih dari 4 kabupaten mitra kohor 2 yaitu 66 orang. Hasilnya adalah telah terlatihnya modul 1 PAKEM & MBS serta fasilitator menjadi lebih efektif. Tingkat partisipasi peserta dalam kegiatan ToT di kelas ataupun saat praktik mengajar sebagian baik dan sebagian yang lain cukup baik. Pelatihan tingkat provinsi untuk fasilitator daerah SMP/MTs dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13–19 Februari dan dihadiri oleh fasilitator daerah terpilih dari 4 Kabupaten mitra kohor 2 yaitu 68 orang. Hasilnya adalah telah terlatihnya modul 1 CTL & MBS serta fasilitator menjadi lebih efektif. Tingkat partisipasi peserta dalam kegiatan ToT di kelas ataupun saat praktik mengajar cukup baik. Kepala sekolah LK PR Tingkat SD/MI SMP/MTs Kepala madrasah LK PR Guru Pengawas LK PR LK PR Total LK Total PR 12 7 1 0 17 25 3 1 33 33 66 8 4 1 0 24 24 4 3 37 31 68 PELATIHAN MATERI AJAR SAINS, MATEMATIKA, DAN LITERASI PENDIDIKAN DASAR UNTUK DOSEN LPTK Pelatihan bagi dosen LPTK dalam kurikulum dan materi ajar diselenggarakan pada tanggal 18-20 Februari di Banda Aceh. Pelatihan dihadiri oleh peserta dari 2 LPTK mitra dan 2 LPTK anggota konsorsium. Hasilnya adalaah tersosialisasinya buku sumber kepada dosen LPTK dan telah dilatihnya dosen tentang cara penggunaan buku sumber tersebut dalam pembelajaran di LPTK (masing-masing 20 orang dosen untuk setiap materi ajar Sains, Matematika dan Literasi. Beberapa topik/unit dimodelkan oleh fasilitator dan unit/topik lainnya disimulasi oleh peserta pelatihan. Secara individu peserta membuat rencana tindak lanjut: (1) Peserta menentukan unit/topik dari buku sumber untuk diimplementasikan ke mata kuliah tertentu di LPTK. (2) Peserta membuat rencana kegiatan yang akan dilakukan untuk 3 bulan kedepan. Peserta Dosen LPTK Unsyiah LK PR 9 13 UIN Ar Raniry LK PR 8 12 Muhammadiyah LK PR 0 6 Al Muslim Total LK PR LK PR 5 7 22 38 Total 60 PERTEMUAN LPTK DAN SEKOLAH MITRA Pertemuan dengan sekolah lab dan mitra LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24 Februari di Banda Aceh dan diikuti oleh Dekan FKIP Unsyiah, Dekan Tarbiyah UIN Ar Raniry, dosen, perwakilan dari Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag dan kepala sekolah mitra. Hasilnya adalah disusunnya rencana pendampingan pembelajaran dan MBS untuk semua sekolah mitra LPTK SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dengan sejumlah 68 guru SD/MI dan 90 SMP/MTs yang akan didampingi. Juga disepakati pelaksanaan pengumpulan data awal (baseline) EGRA dan M&E untuk sekolah mitra LPTK. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 55 Dekan Peserta Dosen LK PR LK PR 2 0 16 8 Kepala Sekolah LK PR 8 Guru Lainnya LK PR LK 2 2 2 6 Total PR 1 LK 30 Total PR 17 47 EGRA SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK PROVINSI ACEH EGRA sekolah mitra LPTK Aceh dilaksanakan dari tanggal 25 hingga 27 Februari 2014 di enam sekolah mitra LPTK: SDN 1 Banda Aceh, SDN 16 Banda Aceh, SDN 54 Banda Aceh, MIN Banda Aceh, MIN Merduati Banda Aceh, dan MIN Lambaro Aceh Besar mitra LPTK Unsyiah dan UIN ArRaniry Banda Aceh. Pengambilan data dilakukan oleh dua orang perwakilan LPTK (Unsyiah dan UIN Ar Raniry) dan lima orang perwakilan kepala sekolah/guru. PERTEMUAN KONSORSIUM PROVINSI Pertemuan konsorsium provinsi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 29 Januari di Banda Aceh. Peserta yang 23 orang (L:18;P:5) terdiri dari unsur rektor, dekan, direktur, ketua jurusan dari 4 LPTK mitra. Kegiatan dibuka oleh Rektor Univ. Syiah Kuala. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah berbagi pengalaman dari kunjungan lokakarya kebijakan pendidikan di Amerika oleh Dekan FKIP Unsyiah, terlaporkannya kemajuan Program USAID PRIORITAS, berbagi manfaat yang dirasakan dari Program PRIORITAS oleh masingmasing LPTK dan rencana program diseminasi serta terusulnya rencana usaha peningkatan mutu PPL. Pembelajaran: melalui kerjasama dengan jurusan/program studi, PRIORITAS sebaiknya memonitor rencana tindak lanjut (RTL) dari peserta pelatihan secepat mungkin setelah pelatihan dilaksanakan. KEGIATAN TATA KELOLA DAN MANAJEMEN TINGKAT KABUPATEN PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU Konsultasi Draf Peraturan Bupati (Perbup) tentang PPG dilakukan pada tanggal 3 Januari di Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Dan diikuti oleh 16 orang (L:15;P:1). Hasilnya adalah dipublikasikan draf Perbup kepada pemangku kepentingan pendidikan dan terealisasinya revisi draf tahap 1. Implementasi PPG Kabupaten Bener Meriah dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6-7 Februari dengan 7 peserta (L:7;P:0). Hasilnya adalah diperolehnya data hasil reviu berdasarkan masukan dari konsultasi tabel dan data untuk persiapan implementasi PPG dalam Draft Peraturan Bupati (Perbub). DISEMINASI TINGKAT KABUPATEN Selama periode Januari-Maret 2014, total jumlah sekolah yang didiseminasi oleh pemerintah daerah adalah 31 (4 SMP, 20 SD, dan 7 MI). Total peserta yang mengikuti diseminasi adalah 315 (L: 172; P: 143). Total dana yang telah digunakan adalah Rp 172.428.500,- Perincian dana dirangkum di tabel di bawah. 56 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Tanggal Kabupaten Jenis program diseminasi Sumber dana BOS Total peserta 26-28 Januari Bireuen, SMPN I Jeumpa, CTL 32 orang (L:13;P:19)/ 1 SMP 36.346.000,- 22-24 Februari Bireuen, Gusus V MI Jangka Kemenag PAKEM 56 orang (L:34;P:22)/ 7 MI 14.800.000,- 24-26 Februari Aceh Tengah, Gugus 1 Kebayakan PAKEM 56 orang (L:34;P:22)/ 7 SD 16.746.000,- 24-26 Februari Aceh Tengah, Gugus 1 Bintang PAKEM 28 orang (L:9;P:19)/ 7 SD 16.746.000,- 25-27 Februari Pidie, SDN Inti Titeu UPTD Pendidikan Wilayah 8 Sakti PAKEM 29 orang (L:9;P:19)/ 6 SD 18.000.000,- 27-29 Februari Aceh Tengah, Gugus 1 Kebayakan MBS 29 orang (L:17;P:12)/ 7 SD 16.746.000,- 27-29 Februari Aceh Tengah, Gugus 1 Bintang MBS 29 orang (L:21;P:8)/ 7 SD 16.746.000,- 6-8 Maret Bireuen, MGMP Subrayon 4 Peusangan CTL 56 orang (L:34;P:22)/ 3 SMP 36.298.500,- 25-27 Maret Aceh Besar, MIN Gugus Pagar Air PAKEM 38 orang (L:2; P36) 5 MIN 10.000.000,- Total 182.428.500 KEGIATAN LAIN Pertemuan internal staf kantor provinsi diadakan pada tanggal 21 Februari di kantor Aceh diikuti oleh seluruh staf teknis, operasi dan DC. Pada pertemuan dilakukan kaji ulang kegiatan yang telah terlaksana, berbagi pengalaman kegiatan di lapangan, memperkuat koordinasi dan tersusunnya perencanaan 3 bulanan. RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN Pelatihan tingkat SD/MI dan SMP/MTs kohor 2 (4 kabupaten) Pertemuan unjuk karya praktik yang baik di 2 kabupaten Pemilihan sekolah praktik yang baik di 2 kabupaten USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 57 Galeri Foto Diskusi sesama guru dalam kunjungan belajar kohor 2 SDMI 11 Maret 14 di SDN 060843 Medan Barat Diskusi antara guru dan kepala sekolah dalam kunjungan belajar kohor 2 SMPMTS 13 Maret 14 di MTsN 2 Tembung Medan Praktik mengajar di sekolah dalam ToT fasilitator daerah SD/MI Provinsi 29 Jan - 5 Feb 14 di Banda Aceh Pemanfaatan lantai ruangan pelatihan dalam ToT fasilitator daerah SMP/MTs Provinsi 12-19 Feb 14 di Banda Aceh Kelompok Penyelenggara Pendidikan mengisi form asesmen pada Asesmen dan PPG Aceh Tamiang Fasilitator daerah mendampingi sekolah dalam penyusunan RKS dalam kegiatan pendampingan 58 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Pembukaan pertemuan konsosium LPTK oleh Rektor Universitas Syiah Kuala Pembukaan ToT fasilitator daerah provinsi oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Aceh USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 59 Provinsi: Sumatera Utara RAPAT KOORDINASI, REVIU, PERENCANAAN ATAU PERTEMUAN LAIN YANG PENTING Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal 3 Februari 2014, di LPMP Sumut Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi Kepala LPMP Sumatera Utara, koordinator widyaiswara, widyaiswara dan staf. Meminta LPMP untuk melibatkan fasilitator daerah USAID PRIORITAS dalam pelatihan Kurikulum 2013. Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi 15 Januari 2014, Kantor PRIORITAS Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Binjai, fasilitator daerah dan kepala sekolah Disepakati akan melatih guru SD/MI dan SMP/MTs dengan dana BOS pada pelatihan diseminasi. (Dalam pelaksanaan, 457 peserta dilatih) Disepakati setelah pelatihan, staf Dinas pendidikan dan fasilitator daerah melakukan pemonitoran penerapan di sekolah. Proyek sedang menunggu laporannya. 30 Januari 2014 di Kantor Walikota Binjai Walikota, Sekda, PC, Kadis, DC Pak walikota menyetujui rencana kegiatan pelatihan guru, dan akan hadir membuka acara (Realisasinya 457 guru dilatih, dan acara dibuka oleh walikota) 3 Januari 2014 di Kantor PRIORITAS Medan Kasubag Program Dinas Pendidikan Deli Serdang, Staf 2 orang Menyepakati kegiatan diseminasi APBD tahun 2014 yang meliputi pelatihan ditingkat sekolah, PPG, AKPK dan Renstra Pendidikan Menyepakati PRIORITAS memfasilitasi audiensi Pemkab Deli Serdang dengan Konsulat Amerika. 25 Februari 2014 di Kantor Wakil Bupati, Stabat Langkat Wakil Bupati dan Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Menyampaikan perkembangan program Meminta Pak Wakil Bupati membuka pelatihan sekolah pada tgl 10 maret 2014. Pak Wakil Bupati hadir membuka pelatihan. SOSIALISASI PROGRAM PRIORITAS KOHOR 2 Sosialisasi program berlangsung pada tanggal 16 Januari 2014 di Balige, Tobasa. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 80 peserta yang terdiri atas perwakilan dari Dinas Pendidikan, Kementerian Agama, Kepala UPT, kepala sekolah mitra. Peserta mendapatkan gambaran program USAID PRIORITAS dan memberikan dukungan. 60 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 STUDI BANDING KOHOR 2 Langkat: Studi banding ke Deli Serdang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 Januari 2014. Sebanyak 95 peserta mengunjungi 5 sekolah yang terdiri dari 1 SMP, 1 MTs dan 3 SDN. Setelah kunjungan sekolah, peserta melakukan diskusi dengan pemangku kepentingan Deli Serdang yang dipimpin oleh Sekretaris Daerah Drs. Asrin Naim. Tobasa: Studi banding ke Binjai dilakukan pada tanggal 23 Januari 2014. Sebanyak 90 peserta mengunjungi 5 sekolah yang terdiri dari 1 SMP, 1 MTs, I MIN dan 2 SDN. Setelah kunjungan sekolah, peserta melakukan diskusi dengan pemangku kepentingan Binjai yang dipimpin Staff Ahli Walikota Binjai Bidang Pembangunan Amran Matondang. Aceh : Studi banding Tim Provinsi Aceh ke Sumatera Utara diselenggarakan pada tanggal 11 Maret 2014. Tim SD dari 4 kabupaten/kota di Aceh berkunjung ke sekolah di Medan dan Binjai. Tanggal 13 Maret tim SMP Provinsi Aceh berkunjung ke Medan dan Deli Serdang. Selain kunjungan ke sekolah, kegiatan diskusi dan berbagi pengalaman juga dilaksanakan antara pemangku kepentingan dari Aceh dengan Dinas Pendidikan Deli Serdang dan Dinas Pendidikan Kota Medan. ToT PROVINSI FASILITATOR DAERAH KOHOR 2 (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Pelatihan berlangsung pada tanggal 11- 16 Februari 2014 di Hotel Grand Kanaya Medan. Pelatihan diikuti oleh mitra kohor 2 yaitu Langkat dan Toba Samosir (Tobasa) ditambah fasilitator daerah baru dari mitra kohor 1 yaitu Medan, Labuhan Batu dan Nias Selatan. Peserta Pelatihan PAKEM untuk SD/MI Kabupaten Guru Kepala sekolah LK PR LK PR Langkat 5 5 2 Tobasa 5 5 Medan 1 Nisel Labuhan Batu Pengawas LK PR 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 LPTK LK PR LPMP LK PR Dinas Pend LK PR Kemenag LK PR Lain LK PR Total LK PR 0 9 6 2 0 8 7 1 1 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peserta Pelatihan CTL untuk SMP/MTs Kabupaten Guru Kepala sekolah LK PR LK PR Langkat 4 6 2 Tobasa 4 6 Medan 0 Nisel 0Labuhan Batu Pengawas LK PR 0 3 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 LPTK LK PR LPMP LK PR Dinas Pend LK PR Kemenag PR Lain LK PR Total LK PR 0 9 9 2 0 8 7 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 LK 61 Peserta Pelatihan MBS untuk SD/MI Kabupaten Kepala sekolah LK PR Guru LK PR Langkat 5 5 2 Tobasa 5 5 Medan 1 Nisel 0Labuhan Batu Pengawas LK PR 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 LPTK LK LPMP PR LK PR Dinas Pend LK PR Kemenag LK Lain PR LK PR Total LK PR 0 9 6 2 0 8 7 1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Peserta Pelatihan MBS untuk SMP/MTs Kabupaten Kepala sekolah LK PR Guru LK PR Langkat 4 6 2 Tobasa 4 6 Medan 0 Nisel 0Labuhan Batu Pengawas LK PR 0 3 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 1 LPTK LK LPMP PR LK PR Dinas Pend LK PR Kemenag LK Lain PR LK PR Total LK PR 0 6 9 2 0 8 7 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 PELATIHAN SEKOLAH Langkat: Pelatihan PAKEM dan CTL dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10-12 Maret 2014, dan pelatihan MBS pada tanggal 13-15 Maret 2014. Pelatihan dilaksanakan di Aula Sekolah YAPIM Stabat dan diikuti oleh sekolah mitra. Pelatihan sekolah mendapat perhatian serius dari Wakil Bupati Langkat Drs. H. Sulistianto, MSi dan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Langkat, Drs. Sujarmo yang hadir membuka kegiatan pelatihan dan meninjau langsung kegiatan dari kelas ke kelas. Peserta Pelatihan MBS untuk SMP/MTs Kabupaten Langkat Guru Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala Sekolah LK PR Pengawas LK PR 6 90 0 0 6 8 1 CTL/MTs 36 71 0 0 5 0 MBS SD/MI 13 31 18 1 7 MBS SMP/MTs 15 7 9 0 6 PAKEM SD/MI LK PR Lain Total Total LK PR LK PR 3 3 0 16 101 117 5 0 1 0 47 71 118 8 1 2 2 0 41 41 83 1 5 0 1 0 36 8 44 KEGIATAN TATA KELOLA DAN MANAJEMEN TINGKAT KABUPATEN PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU Medan : Audiensi dan konsultasi hasil analisis data dan alternatif kebijakan PPG kota Medan dengan Sekretaris Daerah dan sekaligus Plt. Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, Ir. Syaiful Bahri, dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 Januari 2014 di Kantor Walikota Medan. 62 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Peserta Audensi/Konsultasi Hasil PPG Kabupaten LPTK (Calon Fasilitator) LK PR Medan 1 0 Dinas Pend. Kantor MenAg Bappeda dll BKD LK PR LK PR 1 0 0 0 LK 0 Total Total PR LK PR LK PR 0 1 1 3 1 4 LPTK PELATIHAN KURIKULUM DAN MATERI BAGI DOSEN LPTK Pelatihan kurikulum dan materi bagi dosen LPTK untuk Matematika, IPA dan Membaca diikuti oleh 64 peserta (Matematika 17 orang, IPA 20 orang dan Membaca 27 Orang). Pelatihan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11- 13 Februari 2014 di Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan. Peserta pelatihan berasal dari 6 LPTK konsorsium yaitu Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed), IAIN Sumatera Utara, Universitas Muhammadyah Sumatera Utara (UMSU), Universitas Muslim Nusantara Al-Waslyah (UMN), Universitas HKBP Nommensen (UNH) dan Universitas Sisingamangaraja Tapanuli Utara (UNITA). PETEMUAN KONSOSIUM LPTK Telah dilaksanakan pertemuan konsorsium LPTK pada tanggal 11 Maret 2014 bertempat di Hotel Aryaduta Medan. Kegiatan konsorsium diikuti oleh 20 orang peserta dari 2 LPTK mitra dan perwakilan dari anggota konsorsium UMSU, UNITA, UNM, Universtias HKBP Nomensen. Kegiatan diawali dengan pengantar oleh koordinator provinsi (PC) dan dilanjutkan dengan presentasi oleh Rektor IAIN Sumatera Utara, Prof. Dr. Nur Ahmad Fahdil Lubis, MSCs tentang menjadi dosen professional dan presentasi Rektor Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed) Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, MS tentang pengelolaan LPTK yang profesional. DISEMINASI TINGKAT DISTRIK Binjai. Lokakarya pendidikan untuk memperkuat praktik PAKEM dan CTL di Binjai dilaksanakandalam enam gelombang di Aula SMPN 5 Binjai dengan peserta sebanyak 457 orang. Lokakarya dibuka oleh Walikota Binjai H. Idaham, SH, MSi. Gelombang Tanggal Lokasi Peserta I 18 – 20 Februari 2014 Aula SMPN 5 Binjai 77 II 25 – 27 Februari 2014 Aula SMPN 5 Binjai 75 III 3-5 Maret 2014 Aula SMPN 5 Binjai 77 IV 6 – 8 Maret 2014 Aula SMPN 5 Binjai 75 V 10 – 12 Maret 2014 Aula SMPN 5 Binjai 75 VI 13 – 15 Maret Aula SMPN 5 Binjai 78 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 63 UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1 Nias Selatan: Kegiatan lokakarya unjuk karya praktik yang baik dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 Februari 2014 bertempat di Aula Paroki di Teluk Dalam, Nias Selatan. Bupati Drs. Idealisman Dachi hadir dalam kegiatan tersebut, dan beliau sangat terkesan dengan presentasi anak-anak SD dan SMP. Bupati setelah memberikan pidato pembukaan masih mendengarkan presentasi dari guru dan kepala sekolah dan dilanjutkan dengan kunjungan ke setiap stan pameran sekolah. Selain dari SKPD di Nias Selatan, kegiatan unjuk karya ini juga dihadiri oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Gunung Sitoli Dr. Sadieli Telaumbanua, M.Pd. Labuhan Batu: Kegiatan dilaksanakanpada tanggal 6 Maret 2014 bertempat di Ballroom Hotel Suzuya, Rantau Prapat. Bupati Dr. Tigor Panusunan Siregar, Sp.PD dan Istri Dr. Hj. Fitria Laia Sp.THT menghadiri kegiatan dari awal hingga siang hari. Selain melihat presentasi para siswa, Bupati juga mengunjungi 3 sekolah mitra USAID PRIORITAS. Bupati dan istri sangat terkesan dengan perubahan di kelas. Setelah kunjungan sekolah, Bupati melakukan kunjungan ke stan pameran dari setiap sekolah. Selain 24 sekolah, juga terdapat stan pameran dari 2 sekolah akepala sekolahelerasi/diseminasi. KEGIATAN LAIN AUDIENSI DENGAN KONSULAT AS PRIORITAS memfasilitasi audiensi antara Pemerintah Kabupaten Deli Serdang dengan Konsulat US pada tanggal 21 Januari 2014 bertempat di Kantor Konsulat US. Tim Pemerintah Kabupaten Deli Serdang di ketuai oleh Kepala Bappeda. Turut hadir pada acara ini adalah Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, Sekretaris, Kasubag Program Dinas Pendidikan, Kepala Bidang Dinas Kesehatan dan Direktur Rumah Sakit Umum Deli Serdang. RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN 64 Lokakarya unjuk karya praktik yang baik progam USAID PRIORITAS di Kota Medan. Lokakarya unjuk karya praktik yang baik program USAID PRIORITAS di Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Pelatihan sekolah Praktik yang Baik tingkat SD/MI untuk mitra kohor 2 Pelatihan sekolah Praktik yang Baik tingkat SMP/MTs untuk mitra kohor 2 Pelatihan ToT Fasilitator Modul 2 untuk mitra kohor 1 Reversing service provider PPG Lokakarya Implementasi PPG Sosialisasi PPG untuk mitra kohor 2 ditambah Deli Serdang dan Binjai Lokakarya analisis data PPG untuk mitra kohor 2 ditambah Deli Serdang dan Binjai Lokakarya kebijakan PPG untuk mitra kohor 2 ditambah Deli Serdang dan Binjai USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Galeri Foto Peserta ToT fasilitator daerah kohor 2 melakukan praktik mengajar di SMPN 16 Medan Peserta pelatihan untuk dosen LPTK dalam kurikulum dan bahan ajar mengujicobakan bahan ajar yang dikembangkan USAID PRIORITAS. Rektor Unimed Prof.Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, MS menyampaikan materi tentang pengelolaan LPTK yang profesional dalam Pertemuan Konsorium Provinsi di Hotel Grand Angkasa Medan. Bupati Nias Selatan Drs. Idealisman Dachi dan Koordinator USAID PRIORITAS Sumatera Utara Agus Marwan mencoba menggunakan media belajar murah untuk matematika dalam Lokakarya Unjuk Karya Praktik yang Baik di Nias Selatan. Delegasi Deli Serdang yang dipimpin Kepala Bapeda Ir H Irman Dj Oemar Msi bertemu dengan Konsul AS untul Pulau Sumatera untuk mengembangkan program kerjasama Bupati Labuhan Batu Dr. Tigor Panusunan Siregar, Sp.PD dan Koordinator USAID PRIORITAS Sumatera Utara melihat langsung praktik PAKEM di SD mitra USAID PRIORITAS di Labuhan Batu. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 65 Tim PPG bertemu dengan Sekda Kota Medan Ir. Syaiful Bahri untuk menyampaikan perkembangan implementasi PPG. Peserta kunjungan belajar dari Langkat melihat praktik CLT di SMPN 1 Tanjungmorawa, Deli Serdang. 66 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Provinsi: Banten RAPAT KOORDINASI, REVIU, PERENCANAAN ATAU PERTEMUAN LAIN YANG PENTING Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi 23 Januari 2014 Bupati Serang Bupati Serang bersedia mendukung kegiatan USAID PRIORITAS dalam meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dasar di Kabupaten Serang. Selain melalui pelatihan tenaga pengajar dan manajemen sekolah, Bupati juga mendukung upaya USAID PRIORITAS dalam membantu menyusun kebijakan penataan dan pemerataan guru. 24 Februari 2014 Bupati Pandeglang Bupati Pandeglang menyatakan perlunya peningkatan kompetensi tanaga pengajar di tingkat SD/MI dan SMP/MTs. Beliau mendukung penuh langkah USAID PRIORITAS yang berupaya meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dasara dengan melatih tenaga pengajar dalam pembelajaran dan manajemen sekolah. Beliau juga mengapresiasi upaya USAID PRIORITAS yang membantu pemerintah kabupaten dalam menata dan memeratakan jumlah guru berkualitas. 4 Maret 2014 Kepala Dinas Pandeglang dan jajarannya Kepala Dinas Pandeglang menyatakan mendukung sepenuhnya kegiatan USAID PRIORITAS dan memberikan kesempatan untuk menggunakan Pendopo Kabupaten sebagai lokasi penyelenggaraan Unjuk Karya. 6 Maret 2014 Kepala Dinas Serang dan jajarannya Kepala Dinas Serang menyatakan dukungannya terhadap rencana USAID PRIORITAS Banten menyelenggarakan Unjuk Karya Kabupaten Serang yang sedianya diagendakan pada tanggal 27 Maret 2014 KOHOR 2 SOSIALISASI PROGRAM PRIORITAS KOHOR 2 Sosialisasi Program di daerah kohor 2, Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kota Tangerang Selatan, baru akan dilaksanakanpada tanggal 3 dan 15 April 2014. ASESMEN KABUPATEN KOHOR 2 Asesmen Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kota Tangerang Selatan sebagai daerah mitra kohor 2 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 dan 16 Januari 2014. Dalam pertemuan tersebut, USAID PRIORITAS Banten mengundang sejumlah perwakilan dari dari Bappeda, Dinas Pendidikan, Kantor Kemenag, DPRD, dan Dewan Pendidikan. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 67 SELEKSI FASILITATOR DAERAH KOHOR 2 Sejumlah 60 fasilitator daerah telah dipilih dalam acara seleksi fasilitator daerah kohor 2 yang diselenggarakan pada tanggal 29 Januari 2014 di kantor Dinas Kabupaten Tangerang dan tanggal 30 Januari di MAN Insan Cendekia, Kota Tangerang Selatan. KUNJUNGAN BELAJAR KOHOR 2 Kunjungan belajar untuk daerah kohor 2 baru akan dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2014. ToT PROVINSI BAGI FASILITATOR DAERAH KOHOR 2 (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) ToT Fasilitator daerah kohor 2 (Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kota Tangerang Selatan) untuk tingkat SMP/MTs dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15-21 Februari 2014. ToT untuk tingkat SD/MI dilaksanakan sebulan kemudian pada tanggal 8-15 Maret 2014. Guru Kabupaten Tangerang Kota Tangsel Kepala sekolah LK PR LK PR 10 10 1 7 13 2 Pengawas LPTK LPMP Dinas Pend LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR 1 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 Kemenag Lain Total LK PR LK PR LK PR 0 0 0 0 0 16 14 0 0 0 0 0 13 17 PELATIHAN TINGKAT SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) KOHOR 2 of the aro and the app following up on a data that are in the ad in all of the one that of the office on the people of all in the the the Vienna in the Pelatihan tingkat sekolah di daerah kohor 2 belum dilaksanakan. Di Kabupaten Tangerang, rencananya pelatihan ini akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei 2014. Di Kota Tangsel belum ada tanggal. KOHOR 1: UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1, TINGKAT DAERAH Unjuk Karya Praktik yang Baik Tingkat Daerah atau District Showcase dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27 Maret 2014 untuk Kabupaten Serang, dan tanggal 1 April 2014 untuk Kabupaten Pandeglang. UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1, TINGKAT PROVINSI Unjuk Karya Praktik yang Baik Tingkat Provinsi atau Provincial Showcase masih dalam tahap rencana. Sejauh ini tanggal yang akan kami komunikasikan kepada para pemangku kepentingan di daerah adalah 16 atau 17 April 2014. PEMILIHAN SEKOLAH PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1 Pemilihan sekolah praktik yang baik baru akan dilaksanakan setelah penyelenggaraan Unjuk Karya Praktk yang Baik tingkat daerah. PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU (PPG) KOHOR 1 1. Sosialisasi/Penyamaan Persepsi Kegiatan sosialisasi/penyamaan persepsi PPG untuk Kabupaten Serang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16 Agustus 2013 yang dhadiri oleh Wakil Bupati Serang, Hj. Ratu Tatu Chasanah. Di Kabupaten Pandeglang kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 Juli 2013 di Aula Bappeda Kabupaten 68 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Pandeglang. Komponen peserta yang hadir di dua kegiatan tersebut antara lain dari unsur DPRD, Bappeda, Dinas Pendidikan, BKD, Kantor Kementerian Agama, Dewan Pendidikan, perwakilan pengawas, kepala sekolah dan guru dari sekolah mitra, PGRI, LSM pendidikan, dan media. Capaian kegiatan ini sesuai dengan tujuannya yaitu komitmen bersama antara USAID PRIORITAS dengan Kabupaten Serang dan Pandeglang sebagai mitra dalam melaksanakan penataan dan pemerataan guru, serta meningkatkan kesadaran akan pentingnya data dasar sebagai pengambilan kebijakan. 2. Pendampingan 1 Di Kabupaten Serang kegiatan pendampingan 1 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Juli 2013 dan di Kabupaten Pandeglang pada tanggal 19 Juli 2013. Kegiatan itu menghasilkan Tim Teknis Analisis Data atau Tim Pokja PPG masing-masing Kabupaten serta tersedianya data yang siap dianalisis terdiri dari data DAPODIK masing-masing sekolah dan APBD sektor pendidikan Kabupaten Serang dan Pandeglang 3 tahun terakhir sebagai bahan/materi Lokakarya 1. Tim Pokja Analisis Data Kabupaten Serang terdiri dari Kasi Sosbud Bapeda, Kasi Kelembagaan BKD dan dari Dinas Pendidikan terdiri dari staf Bidang TK/SD, Staf Pembinaan SMP, Staf Kelompok Kerja Data pendidikan, dan staf bidang Kepegawaian. Sedangkan di Kabupaten Pandeglang, anggota Tim Analisis Data beranggotakan 7 orang dari unsur Kepala sub-bidang Sosial budaya, Kasi Kurikulum TK/SD, Staff Perencanaan Dinas, staf Kelompok Kerja Data Pendidikan Dinas, Kepala sub-bidang Fungsional Badan Kepegawaian Daerah. 3. Lokakarya 1 Pelaksanaan Lokakarya 1 ini dilaksanakan bersama dengan kabupaten mitra lain di Provinsi Jawa Barat pada tanggal 27-28 Juli 2013 di Lembang dan diikuti oleh 13 peserta yang merupakan Tim Analisis Data (Tim Pokja PPG) dari masing-masing Kabupaten serta 5 orang penyedia layanan. Dalam Lokakarya I ini, sesuai tujuannya, masing-masing kabupaten memetakan distribusi guru secara rinci dan merumuskan isu-isu strategis berdasarkan hasil analisis data yang telah disiapkan pada saat pendampingan 1. Keluaran dari lokakarya ini adalah peta kecukupan (kelebihan dan kekurangan) guru antar mata pelajaran, antar sekolah dalam kecamatan, dan antar sekolah antar kecamatan, serta isu-isu strategis distribusi guru di Kabupaten Serang dan Kabupaten Pandeglang. 4. Pendampingan 2 Kegiatan pendampingan 2 dilaksanakan di masing-masing kabupaten, untuk mendampingi Tim Teknis Analisis Data dalam pemutakhiran data, analisis data, dan identifikasi isu-isu strategis yang telah dirumuskan dalam Lokakarya 1. Di Kabupaten Serang kegiatan pendampingan 2 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 4 dan 10 September 2013 dan melibatkan 9 orang peserta. Sedangkan di Kabupaten Pandeglang, pendampingan 2 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21 dan 26 Agustus 2013 dengan melibatkan 7 orang peserta. 5. Lokakarya 2 Kegiatan lokakarya 2 diselenggarakan secara bersama untuk Kabupaten Pandeglang dan Serang bertempat di Hotel Fiducia, Tangerang, selama dua hari, 29-31 Oktober 2013. Kegitan ini melibatkan 3 orang penyedia layanan dari LPTK dan 17 peserta yang merupakan tim perumus kebijakan (Dinas Pendidikan, BKD, Bappeda, dan Kemenag) Kabupaten Serang dan Pandeglang. Lokakarya 2 lanjutan diselenggarakan pada tanggal 10-12 Desember 2013 bertempat di Hotel Fame Tangerang dan diikuti oleh 11 peserta dan 5 orang penyedia layanan. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 69 Lokakarya 2 ini membahas peta distribusi guru secara rinci dan merumuskan isu-isu strategis berdasarkan hasil analisis data untuk penataan dan pemerataan guru. 6. Pendampingan 3 dan 4 (Pasca Lokakarya 2) Sebagai tindak lanjut dari lokakarya 2, kegiatan pendampingan 3 di Kabupaten Serang dilaksanakan di kantor Dinas Pendidikan pada tanggal 26 November 2013 dengan melibatkan 6 anggota tim perumus kebijakan dan 1 orang penyedia layanan. Pendampingan juga dilakukan pada tanggal 27 November 2013 dan melibatkan 7 anggota tim dan 1 orang penyedia layanan serta staf USAID PRIORITAS. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pendampingan 4 pada tanggal 5 Desember 2013 dengan melibatkan 6 anggota tim. Di kabupaten Pandeglang pendampingan 3 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 November 2013 dengan melibatkan 7 anggota tim perumus kebijakan dan 1 orang penyedia jasa. Kegiatan pada tanggal 28 November 2014 melibatkan 5 anggota tim serta staf USAID PRIORITAS. Pendampingan 4 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6 Desember 2013 dengan melibatkan 7 anggota tim. Hasil pendampingan 3 ini antara lain adalah rumusan opsi-opsi kebijakan berdasarkan isu strategis yang telah dipilih pada lokakarya 1 berdasarkan kriteria yang telah disepakati dan rumusan rekomendasi kebijakan sebagai bahan konsultasi publik. 7. Konsultasi Publik Kabupaten Serang melaksanakan Konsultasi Publik pada tanggal 23 Januari 2014 bertempat di Ruang Rapat Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Serang dan diikuti oleh 30 peserta dan melibatkan 3 orang penyedia layanan. Untuk Kabupaten Pandeglang, konsultasi publik kabupaten dilaksanakan tanggal 24 Februari 2014 bertempat di Ruang Rapat Bupati Pandeglang dan dihadiri oleh 60 peserta. Capaian dari konsultasi publik berupa masukan dari pemangku kepentingan pendidikan masingmasing kabupaten terhadap isu-isu strategis dan rekomendasi kebijakan PPG yang telah dirumuskan serta komitmen bersama untuk mengimplementasikan. Kabupaten LPTK (Calon Fasilitator/SP) LK PR Dinas Pend. LK PR Kantor MenAg LK PR BKD LK PR Bappeda Dll LK PR Total Total LK PR Serang 6 0 14 1 0 0 1 0 4 1 25 2 27 Pandeglang 6 0 29 2 1 0 1 0 22 5 59 7 66 LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) PELATIHAN PAKEM/CTL/MBS SEKOLAH LAB AND SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK 1. Pelatihan pembelajaran aktif untuk tingkat SMP bagi sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK dilaksanakan di Hotel Ratu Bidakara pada tanggal 18-20 Januari 2014. Pelatihan ini dibuka secara resmi oleh TTI DS Banten John Pahamzah. Pelatihan ini difasilitasi oleh 5 orang fasilitator dari Untirta dan 5 orang fasilitator lainnya berasal dari IAIN ‘SMH” Banten. Peserta yang dilatih yaitu sebanyak 76 orang dengan rincian perempuan 49 orang dan laki-laki 27 orang. 70 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 2. Pelatihan MBS tingkat SMP bagi sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK dilaksanakan di Hotel Ratu Bidakara pada tanggal 22-24 Januari 2014. Kegiatan ini dibuka secara resmi oleh Dekan FKIP Untirta Drs. H. Suherman, M.Pd. Fasilitator dalam pelatihan ini berasal dari Untirta sebanyak 1 orang dan dari IAIN ‘SMH” Banten sebanyak 5 orang. Peserta yang dilatih sebanyak 50 orang dengan rincian peserta perempuan 13 dan peserta laki-laki 37. Peserta dari LPTK lainnya terdiri dari 1 perempuan dan 3 laki-laki. 3. Pelatihan PAKEM untuk tingkat dasar bagi sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK dilaksanakan di Hotel Ratu Bidakara pada tanggal 28-30 Januari 2104. Fasilitator dalam pelatihan ini berasal dari Untirta 5 orang dan dari IAIN ‘SMH” Banten sebanyak 5 orang. Peserta yang dilatih yaitu sebanyak 72 peserta dengan rincian 43 peserta perempuan dan 29 peserta laki-laki. 4. Pelatihan MBS untuk tingkat dasar bagi sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK dilaksanakan di Hotel Ratu Bidakara pada tanggal 2-4 Februari, 2104. Kegiatan ini dibuka secara resmi oleh TTI DS Banten John Pahamzah. Fasilitator dalam pelatihan ini berasal dari Untirta 3 orang dan dari IAIN ‘SMH” Banten sebanyak 3 orang. Peserta yang dilatih yaitu sebanyak 63 orang dengan rincian 19 perempuan dan 44 laki-laki. Data Untuk Rangkaian Pelatihan PAKEM, CTL, dan MBS Sekolah Mitra LPTK: Guru Kabupaten Serang LK PR 74 98 Komite sekolah/ KomMas LK PR 23 6 Kepala sekolah/ KepMas LK PR 10 5 Pengawas Lain Total Total LK 16 PR LK PR LK PR 6 13 13 136 128 260 PELATIHAN KURIKULUM DAN MATERI BAGI DOSEN LPTK Pelatihan kurikulum dan materi bagi dosen LPTK dilaksanakandi Hotel Ratu Bidakara Serang Banten pada tanggal 16-18 Februari 2104. Kegiatan ini dibuka secara resmi oleh Dekan FTK IAIN “SMH” Banten Dr. Naf’an Tarihoran, M.Hum. Tujuan pelatihan adalah untuk melatih dosen LPTK mitra dan konsorsium mengenai materi dan bahan ajar Literasi, Matematika, dan IPA dari LPTK mitra yakni FKIP Untirta dan IAIN “SMH” Banten dan dari LPTK konsorsium yaitu UNBAJA Kota Serang, UNMA Pandeglang, UMT Kota Tangerang, dan STKIP Setiabudi Rangkasbitung Lebak. Pelatihan ini difasilitasi oleh 9 fasilitator, 5 perempuan dan 4 laki-laki, dan didukung oleh berbagai staf proyek dan konsultan yakni Ujang Sukandi (Jakarta), Parapat Gultom (sumatera Utara), Nugrahety (UNNES Semarang), Erman (UNESA Surabaya), Hepsi Nindiasari, Herwan dan Enggar Utari (Untirta), Fitri Hilmiyati (IAIN “SMH” Banten) dan Yayu Heryatun (IAIN “SMH” Banten). Peserta pelatihan ini adalah dosen LPTK mitra yaitu FKIP Untirta dan FTK IAIN “SMH” Banten dan dosen dari LPTK konsorsium yaitu UNBAJA Kota Serang, UNMA Kabupaten Pandelang, UMT Kota Tangerang, dan STKIP Setiabudhi Rangkasbitung Kabupaten Lebak dengan total peserta sebanyak 53 peserta, 29 perempuan dan 24 laki-laki. DISEMINASI TINGKAT KABUPATEN Kegiatan replikasi di Kota Cilegon dilaksanakan menjelang akhir bulan Desember 2013. Replikasi pelatihan modul PAKEM dan CTL program PRIORITAS untuk angkatan 1 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 – 27 Desember 2013 dan Angkatan 2 pada tanggal 28 – 29 Desember 2013 di Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Cilegon. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 71 Acara ini dibuka secara oleh Kepala Kantor Kementerian Agama, Drs. H. Ubik Baehaqie, M.Si. Peserta terdiri dari perwakilan guru dan kepala sekolah yang berada di lingkungan Kementerian Agama Kota Cilegon. Jumlah peserta yang ikut serta dalam pelatihan ini sebanyak 279 guru, kepala madrasah dan wakil, dengan rincian berikut: 1. Angkatan 1 L:62, P:84, Total: 146 peserta guru MI dan MTs 2. Angkatan 2 L:33, P:43, Total: 76 peserta guru MI, MTs dan MA dan L:43, P:14, Total: 57 peserta kepala madrasah/wakil MI, MTs dan MA Secara keseluruhan kegiatan berjalan dengan lancar dan seluruh peserta terlibat dengan aktif dan semangat dari awal hingga akhir. Beberapa komentar peserta termasuk “pelatihan yang menyenangkan”, “baik untuk diterapkan”, “tidak ada waktu untuk mengantuk”. Masing-masing kegiatan difasilitasi oleh 8 orang untuk setiap angkatannya. Total pendanaan DIPA adalah Rp 60.000.000,Dalam kurun waktu Januari-Maret 2014, di Provinsi Banten dilaksanakan 2 (dua) kegiatan replikasi di Kota Cilegon dan di Kota Tangerang. Kegiatan replikasi pelatihan Modul CTL PRIORITAS di Kota Cilegon dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 – 16 Januari 2014 di Restoran Bintang Laguna Kota Cilegon. Acara dibuka oleh Kepala Kantor Kementerian Agama, Drs. H. Ubik Baehaqie, M.Si yang mendukung peningkatan mutu pendidikan dalam sambutannya yang terkutip sebagai berikut: “Bukan soal instrumen, tetapi bagaimana anak merasakan begitu mudah untuk belajar bersama. Sehingga mudahmudahan kalau anak merasa mudah untuk belajar, maka insya Allah peningkatan mutu dan prestasi anak didik akan lebih baik. Kita punya harapan besar bahwa ke depan akan memiliki guru-guru yang berkualitas.” Peserta terdiri dari unsur guru yang berada di lingkungan Kementerian Agama Kota Cilegon. Jumlah peserta yang ikut serta dalam pelatihan ini sebanyak 293 guru, dengan total 293 (L:133, P:160). Pelatihan ditangani oleh fasilitator sebanyak 16 yang bekerja secara simultan. Pendanaan dari DIPA sebesar Rp.80.000.000,Di Kota Tangerang, replikasi dilaksanakan di Yayasan Perguruan Islam At Taqwa Kota Tangerang, pada tanggal 22 – 24 Februari 2014. Acara ini dibuka pada tanggal 22 Februari 2014 oleh Ketua Yayasan Perguruan Islam At Taqwa, Kota Tangerang, Drs. Habibullah Djamhuri, M.Ag. Peserta terdiri dari 61 guru dan staf tenaga umum (L:25, P:38) serta 2 orang Kepala Madrasah (Perempuan). Pelatihan ini diselenggarakan dengan dana dari DIPA sebesar Rp 20.000.000,- RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN Kegiatan yang direncanakan untuk kuartal depan (April – Juni 2014) adalah sebagai berikut: 72 Unjuk karya di Pandeglang Sosialisasi program di kohor 2 Studi banding kohor 2 Seleksi sekolah praktik yang baik Unjuk karya tingkat provinsi ToT Module 2 bagi fasilitator daerah provinsi kohor 1 Pelatihan sekolah kohor 2 Modul 1 Pelatihan sekolah kohor 1 Modul 2 Lokakarya dan pendampingan PPG USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Galeri Foto: Asesmen kohor 2 - Asesmen untuk 2 daerah kohor 2, Kabupaten Tangerang dan Kota Tangerang Selatan, dilaksanakan secara berurutan pada tanggal 15 dan 16 Januari 2014. Seleksi fasilitator daerah kohor 2 – 30 orang terpilih menjadi fasilitator daerah masing-masing di Kabupaten Tangerang dan di Kota tangerang Selatan. ToT fasilitator daerah kohor 2 tingkat provinsi – Para fasilitator daerah yang telah terpilih menjalani pelatihan selama 7 hari penuh. Mereka sangat bersemangat mengikuti pelatihan. Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru – Bupati Pandeglang, H. Erwan Kurtubi (ketiga dari kanan), mendukung penuh upaya penataan dan pemerataan guru demi peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dasar di wilayahnya. Pelatihan sekolah mitra LPTK – sebanyak 261 guru, kepala sekolah, dan komite sekolah dari 18 sekolah dan madrasah mitra Untirta dan IAIN “SMH” mendapat pelatihan PAKEM, CTL, dan MBS. Pelatihan kurikulum dan materi bagi dosen LPTK – 53 dosen dari 4 perguruan tinggi mitra Untirta dan IAIN “SMH” yang tergabung dalam konsorsium mendapatkan pelatihan kurikulum dan materi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan Kurikulum 2013. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 73 Provinsi: Jawa Barat RAPAT KOORDINASI, REVIU, PERENCANAAN ATAU PERTEMUAN LAIN YANG PENTING Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal Dengan siapa 6 Januari 2014 6 Maret 2014 Hasil koordinasi Dinas Pendidikan, LPMP, dan P4TK Dinas Pendidikan, Biro Otonomi dan Kerjasama, Biro Pelayanan Sosial Usulan dari USAID PRIORITAS kepada LPMP agar fasilitator daerah proyek diikutkan dalam pelatihan menjadi calon instruktur national K-13. Sebagai tindak lanjut, sesuai permintaan dari LPMP, USAID PRIORITAS mengirim daftar peserta pelatihan dan daftar fasilitator daerah ke LPMP Dipahami bersama oleh peserta diskusi bahwa fokus pelatihan USAID PRIORITAS adalah pada standar proses dan penilaian Hasil diskusi menyepakati beberapa hal terkait dengan showcase di tingkat provinsi: Showcase akan diselenggarakan tanggal 30 April 2014 bertempat di kantor Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat. Pemprov meminta daerah non mitra diundang semua Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi 27 Februari 2014 Kasubag Program Dinas Pendidikan Subang Dinas Pendidikan meminta fasilitasi diseminasi Renstra dan PPG kepada USAID PRIORITAS 12 Maret 2014 Kepala Dinas, Sekdis, Kabid Dikdas, Kabid PAUDNI, Kasi Kurikulum, Kasi Kesiswaan, , Kasi Kurikulum Dikmen, Kemenag dan DF Anggaran diseminasi program USAID PRIORITAS telah masuk dalam sistem APBD sehingga di tahun 2014 ini dan 2015 terdapat 200 juta rupiah untuk kegiatan diseminasi Permintaan fasilitasi diseminasi Renstra dan PPG Bappeda mendorong Dinas Pendidikan supaya program kegiatan mutu masuk dan mewarnai RPJMD dalam Perencanaan Strategis SKPD Dinas Pendidikan. Ciamis memiliki bidang baru, yaitu MUTENDIK (mutu tenaga pendidikan) yang akan beririsan banyak dengan USAID PRIORITAS. Terdapat sekitar 17 kegiatan 18-19 Maret 74 Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, Kepala Bidang Pendidikan, Kemenag, Kabid Sosbud Bappeda, DF SD, DF SMP USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Tanggal Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi peningkatan mutu yang dapat diiriskan dengan USAID PRIORITAS, diantaranya: Diklat KKG, Diklat MGMP, Diklat Gemar Membaca Ada kajian/wacana, membuat sekolah rujukan di kecamatan Ciamis dengan memanfaatkan fasilitator daerah. Rencana lokakarya pengelolaan sekolah kecil untuk tiga kecamatan. KOHOR 2 STUDI BANDING KOHOR 2 Dalam rangka mendapatkan gambaran tentang praktik yang baik hasil dari pelaksanaan PAKEM/CTL serta MBS di sekolah maka daerah mitra kohor 2 melakukan studi banding ke Kota Cimahi pada tanggal 5, 6, 12, dan 14 Februari 2014. Peserta yang mengikuti studi banding terdiri dari unsur kepala sekolah, guru, komite sekolah, pengawas, kepala UPTD, dinas pendidikan, kantor kemenag, Bappeda, dewan pendidikan, dan fasilitator daerah. Peserta dibagi-bagi dalam kelompok untuk mengunjungi 1 sekolah. Total sekolah yang dikunjungi adalah 1 MI, 5 SD, 1 MTs, dan 2 SMP. Setelah melakukan kunjungan ke sekolah, semua peserta meminta agar USAID PRIORITAS segera melatih sekolah mitra. Tanggal Kabupaten Asal Kabupaten Tujuan Peserta (LK/PR) 5 Februari Tasikmalaya Cimahi LK: 59, PR: 50 6 Februari Bekasi Cimahi LK: 75, PR: 33 12 Februari Cirebon Cimahi LK: 82, PR: 28 14 Februari Kuningan Cimahi LK: 71, PR: 38 ToT PROVINSI UNTUK FASILITATOR DAERAH KOHOR 2 (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi fasilitator daerah dalam manajemen, pembelajaran, dan teknik fasilitasi serta menyiapkan fasilitator untuk melatih dan mendampingi di tingkat sekolah maka dilaksanakan ToT untuk fasilitator daerah kohor 2 pada tanggal 16-22 Januari 2014 bertempat di Hotel Panorama, Lembang, Bandung Barat. Total peserta yang mengikuti pelatihan adalah 125 orang yang terdiri dari fasilitator daerah SD/MI, fasilitator SMP/MTs, unsur dinas pendidikan provinsi, LPMP, dan kanwil kemenag. Menurut peserta, pelatihan yang diselenggarakan USAID PRIORITAS sangat mudah dicerna dan dipahami dibandingkan dengan pelatihan-pelatihan yang pernah peserta ikuti sebelumnya. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 75 Guru Kabupaten Kepala sekolah LK PR LK PR Cirebon 9 6 4 Kuningan 9 6 Tasikmalaya 6 Bekasi Jawa Barat Pengawas LPTK LPMP Dinas Pend LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 6 1 0 0 0 0 12 3 3 2 4 0 0 0 11 9 4 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kemenag Lain Total LK PR LK PR LK PR 0 0 0 0 0 24 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 12 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 5 0 TOTAL 78 47 PELATIHAN TINGKAT SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) KOHOR 2 Pelaksanaan pelatihan tingkat sekolah kohor 2 di Jawa Barat periode Januari - Maret 2014 adalah sebagai berikut: Kabupaten Kuningan Jenis Pelatihan Pembelajaran SMP/MTs Tasikmalaya 76 10-12 Maret 2014 (Cilimus) Unsur Peserta Kepala Sekolah, Guru, Pengawas, Disdik, dan Kemenag Sekolah/Instansi SMPN 1 Cilimus, SMPN 2 Cilimus, SMPN 3 Cilimus, MTsN Sangkanhurip 11-13 Maret 2014 (Garawangi) SMPN 1 Garawangi, SMPN 2 Garawangi, SMPN 1 Jalaksana, MTsN Sindangsari 17-19 Maret 2014 (Cilimus) SDN 1 Cilimus, SDN 2 Cilimus, SDN 4 Cilimus, SDN 5 Cilimus, SDN 3 Bojong, SDN 4 Bojong, MI PUI Ciwedus 2, MIN Manis Kidul 24-26 Maret 2014 (Garawangi) SDN 1 Lengkong, SDN 3 Lengkong, SDN Tembong, SDN 1 Purwasari, SDN 2 Purwasari, SDN 3 Purwasari, MI Cokroaminoto, MI PUI Cikaso Pembelajaran SD/MI 11 – 13 Maret 2014 (Cikarang Pusat) SDN Jayamukti 1, SDN Jayamukti 2, SDN Jayamukti 3, SDN Hegarmukti1, SDN Hegarmukti 2, SDN Hegarmukti 3, SDIT An Nuur, MIS Al Hidayah Muslim Cendekia Pembelajaran SMP/MTs 17-19 Maret 2014 (Cikarang Pusat & Cikarang Selatan) SMPN 1 Cikarang Pusat, SMPN 2 Cikarang Pusat, SMPN 3 Cikarang Pusat, MTs Nurul Huda, SMPN 1 Cikarang Selatan, SMPN 2 Cikarang Selatan, SMPN 3 Cikarang Selatan, MTSN Serang Pembelajaran SMP/MTs 17-19 Maret 2014 (Singaparna) SMPN 2 Singaparna, SMPN 1 Mangunreja, SMPN 1 Padakembang, MTsN Singaparna 18-20 Maret 2014 (Ciawi) SMPN 1 Ciawi, SMPN Sukaresik, SMPN Pagerageung, MTsN Pamoyanan Pembelajaran SD/MI Bekasi Waktu USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Kabupaten Cirebon Jenis Pelatihan Waktu Unsur Peserta Pembelajaran SD/MI 10-12 Maret 2014 (Plered & Dukuhpuntang) Sekolah/Instansi SDN 1 Panembahan, SDN 2 Panembahan, SDN 3 Panembahan, SDN 1 Trusmi Wetan, SDN 2 Trusmi Wetan, SDN 1 Trusmi Kulon, MI As Salafiah Bode Kec. Plumbon, MI As Shobirin Gombang Kec. Plumbon, SDN 1 Cangkoak, SDN 2 Cangkoak, SDN 1 Sindangjawa, SDN 2 Sindangmekar, SDN 2 Balad, SDN 1 Kepunduan, MIN Sindangmekar, MI Miftahul Mutaalimin Balad Pembelajaran SMP/MTs Guru Kabupaten 13-15 Maret 2014 (Plered & Dukuhpuntang) Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala Sekolah LK PR LK PR Kuningan 64 105 - - 9 Bekasi 47 119 - - Tasikmalaya 38 81 - Cirebon 91 186 - SMPN 1 Plered, SMPN 2 Plered, SMPN 3 Plered, MTsN Cirebon 2 Kec. Weru, SMPN 1 Dukupuntang, SMPN 2 Sumber, Kec. Sumber, SMPN 3 Sumber, Kec. Sumber, MTsN Cisaat Pengawas Dinas Pendidikan LK PR LK PR 4 3 - - 8 3 2 1 - 3 1 - - 16 11 6 Lain Total Total LK PR LK PR - - - 76 109 185 - - - - 57 123 180 3 - - - - 41 85 126 - 5 3 - - 118 200 318 KOHOR 1: UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1 TINGKAT DAERAH Kota Cimahi melaksanakan unjuk karya pada tanggal 10 Februari 2014 bertempat di SMPN 3 Kota CImahi dengan dihadiri oleh Walikota Cimahi. Unjuk karya di Kabupaten Bandung Barat dilaksanakan pada tanggal 17 Februari 2014 bertempat di kantor Bupati, dihadiri oleh Wakil Bupati. Kabupaten Ciamis melaksanakan unjuk karya pada tanggal 19 Februari 2014 bertempat di Gedung Koperasi, dihadiri oleh Wakil Bupati. Peserta yang hadir kurang lebih sekitar 200 orang di tiap kabupaten. Pemangku kepentingan di daerah terlihat memiliki program USAID PRIORITAS karena kepala daerah, kepala dinas pendidikan/kemenag, pengawas sekolah, kepala sekolah, komite sekolah, dan guru bergerak secara all-out untuk menyukseskan kegiatan ini. Semua sekolah mitra benar-benar merasakan adanya perubahan dan manfaat. Beberapa siswa mengatakan bahwa pembelajaran sekarang lebih enak, lebih menyenangkan, pelajaran jadi mudah dimengerti, tidak bosan di kelas, dan nilai ulangan pun mengalami peningkatan. Masing-masing kepala daerah menyampaikan komitmennya untuk mendiseminasikan program USAID PRIORITAS ini kepada sekolah-sekolah non mitra secara bertahap. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 77 Jumlah dan Unsur Peserta Unjuk Karya kohor 1 Unsur Peserta Ciamis LK PR Kabupaten/Kota Kabupaten Bandung Cimahi Barat LK PR LK PR Total LK Total PR 1 - - - - - 1 0 1 25 40 22 44 30 49 77 133 210 Kepala Dinas 1 - 1 - - - 2 0 2 Kepala Kemenag 1 - - - - - 1 0 1 22 8 14 15 15 13 51 36 87 3 - - - 2 - 5 0 5 Komite Sekolah 23 1 17 6 22 2 62 9 71 Lainnya 35 37 22 54 33 56 90 147 237 Pengawas 8 2 4 1 7 2 19 5 24 Rektor - 1 - - - - 0 1 1 Staf atau pejabat Bappeda 1 - - 1 1 - 2 1 3 Staf Dinas 4 3 1 15 7 22 8 30 Staf Kemenag 2 1 1 2 5 2 8 5 13 staf/pejabat BKD 1 - 1 - - - 2 0 2 Pejabat Universitas (kajur, dekan, dll) - - 1 - - - 1 0 1 Anggota/Ketua DPRD - - - - 1 - 1 0 1 Dosen - - - - 1 - 1 0 1 127 90 86 124 132 131 345 345 690 Anggota/Ketua Dewan Pendidikan Guru Kepala Sekolah Kepala UPTD Total 217 210 263 PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU KOHOR 1 Konsultasi public PPG di Kota Cimahi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 7 Februari 2014. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh Wakil Walikota dari awal acara sampai dengan selesai. Peserta yang hadir berjumlah 19 orang terdiri dari BKD, Bappeda, Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan, Kepala bidang pendidikan dasar, Kasubbag Program, dan perwakilan sekolah (pengawas, kepala sekolah, guru). Wakil Walikota menyampaikan bahwa guru mengajar jangan hanya sekedar memenuhi jam mengajar. Hasil dari konsultasi public adalah tim PPG akan menindaklanjuti isu PPG dengan membuat Peraturan Walikota mengenai Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru. Sementara menunggu peraturan tersebut maka akan dikeluarkan Surat Keputusan Kepala DInas untuk Implementasi Penataan untuk memenuhi 24 jam tatap muka. 78 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Kabupaten Dinas Pend. LK PR Cimahi 6 Kantor Kemenag LK PR 7 - - BKD LK PR - - Bappeda dll LK PR 1 Kepala Sekolah LK PR Pengawas LK PR 3 2 - - Guru Total Total LK PR LK PR - - 10 9 - LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) PELATIHAN PAKEM/CTL/MBS SEKOLAH LAB AND SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK Pada periode Januari –Maret 2014, pelatihan sekolah mitra LPTK yang dilaksanakan di Jawa Barat adalah: Jenis Pelatihan Tempat Pembelajaran SD (UPI) Waktu Hotel Banana Inn, Bandung Jumlah Peserta 25-27 Jan 2014 LK: 8 PR: 37 Pembelajaran SMP (UPI) Hotel Banana Inn, Bandung Pembelajaran MI (UIN) Hotel Bali Word, Bandung 25-27 Jan 2014 LK: 11 PR: 33 18-20 Feb 2014 LK: 14 PR: 28 Pembelajaran MTs (UIN) Hotel Bali Word, Bandung MBS SD/MI Hotel Banana Inn 18-20 Feb 2014 LK: 10 PR: 33 13-15 Maret 2014 LK: 30 PR: 18 MBS SMP/MTs Hotel Banana Inn 13-15 Maret 2014 LK: 27 PR: 10 LPTK Guru Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR LK PR UPI 25 75 13 3 4 UIN 32 64 14 3 6 Pengawas Lain Total Total LK PR LK PR LK PR 7 3 0 0 1 45 86 131 3 2 0 0 0 54 70 124 PELATIHAN KURIKULUM DAN MATERI BAGI DOSEN LPTK Pelatihan kurikulum dan materi bagi dosen LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal 21-24 Februari 2014 bertempat di Hotel Pesona Bamboe, Lembang, Bandung Barat. Peserta yang mengikuti terdiri dari laki-laki 27 orang dan perempuan 25 orang. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 79 19 LPTK Laki-Laki Perempuan Jumlah IAID Ciamis 4 4 8 STAI Siliwangi Cimahi 2 1 3 UIN Bandung 1 5 6 UNINUS Bandung 6 5 11 UNPAS Bandung 3 2 5 UPI Bandung 11 8 19 Jumlah 27 25 52 DISEMINASI TINGKAT DISTRIK Sepanjang bulan Januari-Maret 2014, daerah DBE yang melaksanakan diseminasi adalah Karawang dan Kota Bogor. Karawang mendiseminasikan melalui KKG dan MGMP di 17 kecamatan. Jumlah peserta yang dilatih melalui kegiatan diseminasi ini adalah 1.589 orang yang terdiri dari 603 orang laki-laki dan 986 orang perempuan. Jumlah dana yang berasal dari APBD adalah Rp. 280.800.000,- sedangkan jumlah dana yang berasal dari mandiri sekolah adalah Rp112.620.000,- Di Kabupaten lainnya tidak ada diseminasi karena anggarannya belum tersedia pada periode ini. KEGIATAN LAIN EGRA Sekolah Mitra UPI dan UIN EGRA terhadap sekolah mitra UPI dan UIN dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26-28 Maret 2014. Sekolah yang diases terdiri dari MIN 2 Margasari, MIN Cicendo, MI Al-Misbah, SD Isola, SD Lab School UPI, dan SD Sukarasa. EGRA dilakukan oleh asesor yang telah melakukan EGRA di daerah mitra PRIORITAS. Monitor Awal Sekolah Mitra UPI dan UIN Pengambilan data awal terhadap sekolah mitra UPI dan UIN dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18-19 Maret 2014. Sekolah yang disurvei adalah SDN Isola, SD Lab School UPI, SMPN 12 Bandung, SMP Lab School UPI, MI Al Misbah, MIN 2 Margasari, MTs Kifayatul Achyar, dan MTsN 2 Kota Bandung. Terdapat 2 sekolah sampel yang tidak bisa disurvei pada tanggal tersebut, yaitu SDN Sukarasa dan MIN Cicendo karena sedang melaksanakan UTS. Kedua sekolah tersebut akan diambil datanya pada awal April sesuai dengan kesepakatan dengan kepala sekolah masing-masing. Pengambilan data dilakukan oleh enumerator yang berasal dari fasilitator daerah DBE yang juga menjadi enumerator pada kegiatan pemonitoran di daerah mitra PRIORITAS. RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN Kegiatan yang direncanakan untuk kuartal depan (April – Juni 2014) adalah sebagai berikut: 80 Pelatihan tingkat sekolah kohor 2 Unjuk karya Provinsi TOT fasilitator daerah kohor 1 Modul 2 PPG kohor 2 Rapat perencanaan dan reviu kabupaten USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Rapat dengan sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra LPTK Diskusi Kebijakan PPG di tingkat provinsi Galeri Foto: Peserta TOT calon fasilitator daerah kohor 2 tengah aktif menyusun skenario belajar. Siswa bermain peran saat belajar IPS, bagian dari praktik mengajar pada TOT calon fasilitator daerah kohor 2. Saat studi banding ke Cimahi, para guru dari Cirebon, Tasikmalaya, Kuningan, dan Bekasi mendapati siswa sedang aktif belajar di kelas/luar kelas. Ki-ka: Wali Kota, Kadisdikpora, kepala sekolah dan Asda I Kota Cimahi didampingi Erna Irnawati mengunjungi seluruh stan pameran sekolah mitra saat unjuk karya di Kota Cimahi. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 81 Betapa bangga Wakil Bupati Bandung Barat dan Stuart saat didaulat oleh siswa SDN Rajamandala 2 yang sangat percaya diri ini untuk mencoba hasil karya mereka pada simulasi pembelajaran, bagian dari rangkaian unjuk karya di Bandung Barat. Rangkaian unjuk karya di kabupaten Ciamis: 82 Bupati dan PC meninjau stan pameran Siswa menjelaskan kepada PC proses belajar dengan alat peraga dan menjelaskan hasil karyanya Siswa tengah belajar mewawancarai Bupati dan Kepala Kabupaten Ciamis. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Provinsi: Jawa Tengah RAPAT KOORDINASI, REVIU, PERENCANAAN ATAU PERTEMUAN LAIN YANG PENTING Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal Dengan siapa 3-13 Maret 2014 Dinas Pendidikan, Bappeda, Kemenag, Setda, Dewan Pendidikan Provinsi, dan LPTK Hasil koordinasi Pemangku kepentingan mengetahui perkembangan program di 5 kabupaten mitra USAID PRIORITAS kohor 1. Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan di LPTK Tanggal Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi 6-7 Januari dan 4 Februari 2014 Contact person dan fasilitator UNY, UNNES, dan IAIN Walisongo Disepakatinya tempat, jadwal, undangan, dan peserta pelatihan sekolah lab/mitra UNY, UNNES, dan IAIN Walisongo Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten Tanggal Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi 15-Jan-14 Kadinas Pendidikan, Aminudin Kasi Kurikulum SD, Kabid SMP Kabupaten Semarang Dinas Pendidikan siap mendampingi program PPG dan unjuk karya siap dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Semarang 20 Jan 2014 Kasi SD, Kasi SMP, Kabid Dikdas, Dinas Dikpora Karangayar Pendanaan diseminasi terkomunikasikan dan pengajuan diseminasi PPG dari Dinas Dikpora 23 Januari 2014 Fasilitator daerah SD, MI, SMP, MTS dan kepala Sekolah Mitra di Banjarnegara Terkoordinasinya hasil evaluasi program USAID PRIORITAS Banjarnegara 24 Januari 2014 Fasilitator Daerah dan Kepala Bidang Tenaga Pendidikan Kabupaten Purbalingga Masukan-masukan dari pendampingan tersampaikan untuk di tindaklanjuti oleh Dinas pendidikan dan unjuk karya siap dilaksanakan di Purbalingga 11 Februari 2014 Dinas pendidikan, fasilitator daerah dan kepala sekolah mitra Kabupaten Semarang Terpetakannya capaian program di kabupaten Semarang 10 Maret 2014 Kepala Disdikpora Kabuaten Batang Kepala Dinas mendukung unjuk karya dan akan mengalokasikan sejumlah dana pendamping. KOHOR 2 TOT FASILITATOR DAERAH KABUPATEN KOHOR 2 Pelatihan untuk fasilitator modul 1 untuk kabupaten kohor 2 diselenggarakan di Hotel Solo Paragon, Surakarta pada tanggal 16-22 Januari 2014. Peserta berasal dari unsur fasilitator daerah dari 2 kabupaten mitra kohor 2 yaitu Kabupaten Pekalongan dan Kabupaten Wonosobo. Selain fasilitator dari kedua kabupaten tersebut, terdapat fasilitator dari kabupaten Sragen, Purworejo dan Banjarnegara yang mengikuti pelatihan karena ada pergantian fasilitator daerah sehingga total peserta berjumlah 63 orang (L:43, P:30). USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 83 Kabupaten Guru LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR Pengawas LK PR Pekalongan 13 4 5 1 1 Wonosobo 8 4 4 5 9 Sragen 1 Banjarnegara Purworejo 1 1 6 LPTK LK LPMP LK LK 19 PR Dinas Pendidikan LK PR Kemenag LK PR Total Total LK PR 19 19 11 30 21 21 21 9 30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 PELATIHAN TINGKAT SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) Kabupaten Pekalongan Pelatihan PAKEM tingkat SD/MI di Kabupaten Pekalongan dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahap, tahap 1 pada tanggal 22 – 24 Februari 2014 dan tahap 2 pada tanggal 28 Februari – 2 Maret 2014 di Gedung Pemuda Kecamatan Kajen. Tahap 1 adalah untuk kepala sekolah/madrasah dan guru kelas 1, 2, dan 3 Kecamatan Wiradesa dan guru kelas 4, 5, dan 6 dan kepala sekolah/madrasah Kecamatan Kajen. Tahap 2 adalah untuk guru kelas 4, 5 dan 6 dan kepala sekolah/madrasah Kecamatan Wiradesa dan guru kelas 1, 2, dan 3 dan kepala sekolah/madrasah Kecamatan Kajen. Peserta tahap 1 terdiri dari 59 orang (L:15, P:44) dan tahap 2 berjumlah 60 orang (L:23, P:37). Unsur yang terlibat berasal dari guru, kepala sekolah, pengawas dan staf dinas pendidikan/kemenag. Pelatihan CTL tingkat sekolah di Kabupaten Pekalongan dilaksanakan dalam dua kelompok. Kelompok 1 diadakan pada tanggal 22-24 Februari 2014 di Aula SMKN 1 Kedungwuni Pekalongan dengan diikuti oleh 61 orang (L:34, P:27). Kelompok 2 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8-10 Maret 2014 bertempat di Gedung Pemuda Kecamatan Kajen. Pelatihan diikuti oleh 59 orang (L:31, P:28). Pelatihan MBS untuk jenjang SD/MI dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahap. Tahap 1 diadakan pada tanggal 10 – 12 Maret 2014 bertempat di Aula SMKN 1 Kedungwuni dan diikuti oleh 44 orang (L:25, P:19). Tahap 2 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14–16 Maret 2014 bertempat di Aula Kemenag Kabupaten Pekalongan. Peserta dalam kegiatan ini sejumlah 43 orang (L:27, P:16). Pelatihan MBS tingkat SMP/MTs dilaksanakan pada tanggal 14–16 Maret 2014 di Gedung Pemuda Kabupaten Pekalongan. Kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh 44 orang (L:30, P:14) peserta. Kabupaten Wonosobo Pelatihan PAKEM jenjang SD/MI di Kabupaten Wonosobo dilaksanakan dalam 2 tahap. Tahap 1 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6–8 Maret 2014, tahap 2 dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15–17 Maret 2014 di Rumah Makan Sari Rasa, Wonosobo. Peserta tahap 1 berjumlah 57 orang (L:17, P:40) dan tahap 2 berjumlah 55 (L:20, P:35). Pelatihan CTL jenjang SMP/MTs di Kabupaten Wonosobo bagi 101 orang (L:45, P:56) dilaksanakan pada tanggal 8-10 Maret 2014 di Rumah Makan Sari Rasa Wonosobo. Praktik mengajar dilaksanakan di SMPN 1 Garung, MTs Ma’arif Garung, SMPN 1 Kertek, dan MTs Ma’arif Kertek Wonosobo. Pelatihan MBS tingkat SMP/MTs dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11-13 Maret 2014 di RM Sari Rasa Kabupaten Wonosobo. Kegiatan diikuti oleh 39 orang (L:28, P:11). Pelatihan untuk jenjang SD/MI dilaksanakan pada 29-31 Maret 2014 untuk tahap 1 dengan jumlah peserta 41 orang (L:27, P:14) dan tanggal 3-5 April untuk tahap 2. 84 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 PAKEM SD/MI Kabupaten Guru LK PR Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR Pengawas LK Pekalongan-1 10 38 5 2 1 Pekalongan-2 13 35 6 2 2 Wonosobo 1 8 38 6 2 1 Wonosobo 2 15 33 3 2 PR 1 Lain LK Total PR 1 LK 1 Total PR 17 42 59 2 23 37 60 2 17 40 57 2 20 35 55 CTL SMP/MTs Kabupaten Guru LK PR Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR Pekalongan-1 21 33 4 Pekalongan-2 23 29 2 Wonosobo 42 56 3 Pengawas LK 1 2 PR 1 2 Lain LK Total PR LK Total PR 1 27 34 61 1 28 31 59 45 56 101 MBS SD/MI dan SMP/MTs Kabupaten Guru LK PR Komite sekolah LK PR Pekalongan SD/MI 1 21 12 Pekalongan SD/MI 2 5 11 14 Pekalongan SMP/MTs 5 11 16 Wonosobo SMP/MTs 6 8 14 Wonosobo SD/MI 3 13 15 Kepala sekolah LK PR Pengawas LK 4 4 5 2 1 5 2 1 2 6 - 7 2 PR Lain LK Total PR LK 3 Total PR 25 19 44 27 16 43 3 30 14 44 1 2 28 11 39 1 2 27 14 41 2 1 1 KOHOR 1: UNJUK KARYA (SHOWCASE) PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1 TINGKAT DAERAH Unjuk karya praktik yang baik program USAID PRIORITAS di 5 kabupaten Prioritas dilaksanakan secara bergantian dan masing-masing dilakukan dalam 2 hari yaitu, satu hari untuk persiapan dan satu hari untuk pelaksanaan acara. Peserta berasal dari unsur Bupati, BKD, Bappeda, DPRD, Dewan Pendidikan, PGRI, Sekretariat Daerah, Dinas Pendidikan dan jajarannya, Kementrian Agama dan jajarannya, forum guru, fasilitator daerah, dan sekolah mitra. Di Kabupaten Purbalingga kegiatan unjuk karya dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3-4 Maret 2014 di Aula Bupati Purbalingga dan dihadiri oleh 205 orang (L:77, P:128). Di Kabupaten Sragen unjuk rasa diadakan pada tanggal 4-5 Maret 2014 di Gedung Kartini. Jumlah peserta dalam pameran berjumlah 249 orang (L:149, P:100). Di Kabupaten Banjarnegara pelaksanaan diadakan di Gedung Wanita Kabupaten Banjarnegara pada tanggal 5-6 Maret 2014 dengan diikuti oleh 222 orang (L:121, P:101). USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 85 Di Kabupaten Semarang diadakan pada tanggal 10-11 Maret 2014 dan diikuti oleh 220 orang (L:131, P:89) di Griya Robusta Kopi. Di Kabupaten Batang unjuk karya diadakan pada tanggal 12-13 Maret di Aula Bupati Batang dan diikuti oleh 233 orang peserta (L:121, P:111). Selain dihadiri oleh pemangku kepentingan kabupaten untuk karya di Jawa Tengah juga dihadiri oleh pemangku kepentingan provinsi dan nasional seperti dari Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi, Bappada Provinsi, Biro Kerjasama Luar Negeri, Biro Humas, Kantor Kementrian Agama, UNNES, IAIN Walisongo, IKIP PGRI Semarang, Universitas Katolik Satya Wacana Salatiga, STAIN Pekalongan, dan STAIN Purwokerto, serta dari Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Jakarta. UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1 TINGKAT PROVINSI (direncanakan bulan April atau Mei 2014) PEMILIHAN SEKOLAH PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1 Pemilihan sekolah praktik yang baik diawali dengan pemilihan nominasi sekolah dan akan dilanjutkan dengan verifikasi ke sekolah serta penetapan sekolah praktik yang baik. Pada tahap ini, pemilihan nominasi sekolah praktik yang baik telah selesai dilakukan. Di masing-masing kabupaten, 6 SD/MI dan 4 SMP/MTs telah dinominasikan untuk menjadi sekolah praktik yang baik. PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU KOHOR 1 Kegiatan Konsultasi Publik Program Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru dilaksanakandi Kabupaten Sragen pada tanggal 16-17 Januari 2014 di Ruang Krida Manggala Kabupaten Sragen dan Kabupaten Purbalingga pada tanggal 22-23 Januari 2014 di Aula Bupati Kabupaten Purbalingga. Hasil kegiatan ini yaitu pemangku kepentingan di kabupaten telah mengetahui, mendukung, dan memberikan alternatif kebijakan yang bisa dilakukan untuk menata dan memeratakan guru. Sebagai tindak lanjut dari kegiatan Konsultasi Publik PPG dilaksanakanlah kegiatan Pra-lokakarya Penyusunan Rancangan Implementasi Kebijakan PPG. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Semarang pada tanggal 12-13 Maret 2014 dan di Kabupaten Sragen pada tanggal 18-19 Maret 2014. Tujuan kegiatan tersebut yaitu untuk penguatan kapasitas Tim Kebijakan PPG kabupaten. Hasil dari implementasi ini kabupaten telah mendapatkan pemetaan secara rinci sekolah mana yang akan melakukan alternatif kebijakan seperti pada kebijakan penggabungan sekolah. Kabupaten LPTK Dinas Pend. LK PR LK PR Sragen 1 0 8 Purbalingga 1 1 11 Bappeda BKD LK PR LK 2 1 0 1 2 2 0 3 Lainnya PR Total Total LK PR LK PR 0 3 5 13 6 21 0 5 0 21 2 25 LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) PELATIHAN PAKEM/CTL/MBS SEKOLAH LAB AND SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK Pelatihan PAKEM bagi sekolah mitra UNY dilaksanakan pada tanggal 24–27 Januari 2014 di Gedung FIP UNY dan untuk sekolah mitra UNNES dan IAIN Walisongo dilaksanakan pada tanggal 15 – 17 Februari 2013 di Hotel Gumaya Semarang. Kegiatan di UNY diikuti oleh 7 SD dengan jumlah peserta 55 orang (L:12, P: 43) dan di Semarang diikuti oleh 6 madrasah dan 6 sekolah dasar dengan jumlah peserta 89 orang (L:31, P:58). 86 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Pelatihan CTL bagi mitra UNY dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25-27 Januari 2014 di Ruang Seminar FBS UNY dengan peserta 54 orang (L:21, P:33). Pelatihan CTL bagi sekolah/madrasah mitra UNNES dan IAIN Walisongo diadakan pada tanggal 15-17 Februari 2014 di Hotel Gumaya Semarang dengan peserta 78 orang (L:34, P:44). Pelatihan MBS sekolah mitra LPTK UNY baik SD dan SMP dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 – 12 Februari 2014 di Fakultas Bahasa Sastra UNY dan diikuti oleh 37 orang (L:20, P:17) sedangkan peserta SMP sebanyak 20 orang (L:17, P:3). Pelatihan MBS sekolah mitra LPTK UNNES dan IAIN Walisongo Semarang baik SD/MI dan SMP/MTs diselenggarakan pada tanggal 22 – 24 Februari 2014 di Hotel Gumaya Semarang dan diikuti oleh 60 orang (L:22, P:38) dan sebanyak 32 orang (L:25, P:7) peserta SMP/MTs. PAKEM SD/MI UNY, Unnes, dan IAIN Walisongo. LPTK UNY Unnes & IAIN Walisongo Guru Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR Pengawas LK Lain PR LK Total PR LK Total LK PR PR 6 36 - - 4 3 - 4 2 - 12 43 55 21 51 - - 6 6 2 1 2 - 31 58 89 CTL SMP/MTs UNY, Unnes, dan IAIN Walisongo. LPTK Guru LK PR Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR UNY 15 32 3 Unnes & IAIN Walisongo 30 43 4 Pengawas LK 1 PR 2 Lain LK Total PR 1 1 Total LK PR 21 33 54 34 44 78 MBS SD/MI dan SMP/MTs UNY, Unnes, dan IAIN Walisongo LPTK Guru LK PR Komite sekolah LK PR UNY SD 4 10 10 UNY SMP 7 2 7 Unnes & IAIN Walisongo SD/MI 11 13 18 Unnes & IAIN Walisongo SMP/MTs 3 4 13 3 Kepala sekolah LK PR Pengawas LK PR Lain Total Total LK PR LK PR 4 3 1 - 1 1 20 17 37 3 1 - - - - 17 3 20 3 6 5 1 1 2 - 38 22 60 2 6 1 1 25 7 32 2 PELATIHAN KURIKULUM DAN MATERI BAGI DOSEN LPTK Pada tanggal 20-22 Februari 2014 dilaksanakan pelatihan dosen LPTK dalam kurikulum dan materi pembelajaran di Hotel Grand Artos, Magelang yang diikuti oleh 84 peserta (L:35, P: 49) dari 8 LPTK mitra dan anggota konsorsium. Berikut adalah rincian peserta pelatihan. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 87 IAIN Walisogo IKIP PGRI STAIN Pekalongan STAIN Purwketo UKEPALA SEKOLAHW Salatiga Unnes UNY UNS Total LK 6 1 1 - 1 3 5 - 17 PR 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 10 LK 5 1 - - 2 5 4 3 20 PR 5 1 - - - 1 2 2 11 LK 5 2 - - 1 1 3 - 12 PR 2 2 1 - 1 2 3 3 14 24 8 3 2 6 13 18 10 84 Mapel Literasi Science Mat Total MONITORING DAN EVALUASI KOHOR 2 Tim Monitor telah melakukan pengambilan data untuk tingkat kabupaten mitra baik kohor 1 maupun kohor 2 yang dilakukan antara tanggal 16 Januari – 17 Februari 2014. Data yang diambil antara lain jumlah siswa, rombongan belajar, guru, APK, APM, APS, dan data APBD. Kegiatan lain yaitu pengambilan data awal pada sekolah mitra LPTK (UNNES, IAIN Walisongo, dan UNY) dengan mengambil sampel 5 sekolah untuk tiap LPTK (3 SD/MI dan 2 SMP/MTs) dengan total 15 sekolah sampel. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan kepala sekolah, guru, komite sekolah, dan melalui pengamatan terhadap guru yang sedang mengajar, dan tes siswa kelas IV dan V untuk tingkat SD/MI serta kelas VIII untuk tingkat SMP/MTs. Tes dan pengamatan pembelajaran dilakukan untuk mapel IPA, Matematika, dan Bahasa Indonesia. KUNJUNGAN PEMANGKU KEPENTINGAN KE KABUPATEN PRIORITAS Kunjungan pemangku eepentingan provinsi dilakukan pada tanggal 3-13 Maret 2014. Rangkaian kegiatan setiap kabupaten dilaksanakan dalam 2 hari. Pada hari pertama tim pemangku kepentingan yang telah dibekali instrumen pengamatan dibagi menjadi 2 rombongan sesuai dengan jumlah kecamatan dan mengunjungi 2 sekolah/madrasah, sehingga total dalam sehari ada 4 sekolah/madrasah yang dikunjungi. Pada hari kedua tim pemangku kepentingan provinsi mengikuti rangkaian acara unjuk karya sampai selesai. Jumlah pemangku kepentingan yang mengikuti rangkaian acara berjumlah 21 orang (L:13, P:8) dengan pembagian berikut: Kabupaten Purbalingga 3-4 Maret 2014 sejumlah 3 orang, Sragen 4-5 Maret 2014 sejumlah 6 orang, Banjarnegara 5-6 Maret 2014 sejumlah 3 orang, Semarang 10-11 Maret 2014 sejumlah 4 orang, dan Batang 12-13 Maret 2014 sejumlah 5 orang. DISEMINASI TINGKAT DISTRIK Kegiatan diseminasi dari bulan Januari sampai Maret 2014 di Provinsi Jawa Tengah tercatat sebanyak 6 kali kegiatan, dengan rincian 2 kali di Kabupaten Demak, 2 kali di Purworejo, 1 kali di Jepara, dan 1 kali Grobogan. Kegiatan berupa pelatihan praktik yang baik dalam pembelajaran, baik SD/MI maupun SMP/MTs. Total peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan adalah 590 orang (L:284, P:306) yang berasal dari unsur guru, kepala sekolah, komite, pengawas, UPTD, dan staf Dinas Dindikpora dan Kemenag. Jumlah dana untuk 6 kali kegiatan tersebut adalah sebesar Rp. 124.325.000 dengan rincian: BOS sebanyak Rp. 45.530.000, Non BOS/Mandiri sebesar Rp. 19.500.000, dan USAID PRIORITAS sejumlah Rp. 59.295.000. RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN 88 Unjuk Karya tingkat provinsi Jawa Tengah Lokakarya PPG tingkat provinsi Jawa Tengah USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Implementasi kebijakan PPG di 5 kabupaten kohor 1 TOT, pelatihan dan pendampingan PPG di 2 kabupaten kohor 2 TOT fasilitator daerah Pakem/CTL dan MBS modul 2 Pelatihan kabupaten/sekolah untuk Pakem/CTL dan MBS mudul 2 di 5 kabupaten kohor 1 Pendampingan Pakem/CTL dan MBS modul 1 di 2 kabupaten kohor 2 Diseminasi di kabupaten DBE dan kabupaten kohor 1 Galeri Foto Peserta pelatihan PAKEM untuk sekolah lab/mitra UNNES dan IAIN Walisongo berdiskusi, Jumat, (14/2) Siswa MI Sojomerto berinterasi dengan Wakil Bupati Batang dan COP USAID PRIORITAS untuk menguji aliran listrik pada acara Unjuk Karya di Kabupaten Batang, Kamis (13/3) Salah satu kelompok IPA sedang melakukan percobaan ketika simulasi, Kamis (20/2) Siswa MI Mrebet Purbalingga memamerkan alat GABILBASING secara interaktif pada unjuk karya di Purbalingga, Selasa (4/3). USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 89 Drs Ashari, Kabid Tendik Dindik Purbalingga memaparkan hasil analisis data di hadapan Bupati dan pemangku kepentingan pada Konsultasi Publik Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru, Rabu (22/1) Salah satu guru kelas awal peserta pelatihan PAKEM sedang praktik mengajar di Kelas Awal SDN Jengkol 2 Wonosobo, Sabtu (8/3) Ibu Agustanti, Kepala SMPN 3 Garung sedang memaparkan hasil kerja kelompoknya pada pelatihan MBS di Wonosobo, Selasa (11/3) Kelompok Mapel Bahasa Inggris sedang menempel hasil karyanya pada pelatihan CTL di Wonosobo, Sabtu (8/3) 90 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Provinsi: Jawa Timur RAPAT KOORDINASI, REVIU, PERENCANNA ATAU PERTEMUAN LAIN YANG PENTING Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Provinsi Tanggal Dengan siapa Hasil koordinasi 21 Januari 2014 Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur, Sucipto Membahas teknis kegiatan unjuk karya provinsi dan melaporkan pelaksanaan kegiatan USAID PRIORITAS Jawa Timur 21 Februari 2014 Bappeda Jawa Timur, Pemprov Jawa Timur Biro Kerjasama, 8 lembaga donor di Jawa Timur Persiapan lokakarya kemitraan pembangunan Jawa Timur bersama 38 Kabupaten/Kota se-Jawa Timur 25 Februari 2014 Bappeda Jawa Timur, Pemprov Jawa Timur Biro Kerjasama, 38 Bappeda kabupaten/kota, 8 lembaga donor di Jawa Timur Lokakarya kemitraan pembangunan Jawa Timur bersama 38 Kabupaten/Kota se-Jawa Timur menghasilkan kesepakatan bahwa Bappeda Jawa Timur akan memfasilitasi kabupaten/kota yang ingin melakukan diseminasi Program USAID PRIORITAS Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Tingkat Kabupaten/kota Tanggal 18 Maret 2014 Dengan siapa GMS bertemu dengan Tim Teknis Kabupaten Lumajang. Hasil koordinasi Koordinasi dan persiapan Sosialisasi program penataan dan pemerataan guru (PPGP) berbasis pendataan Kabupaten Lumajang pada tanggal 1 April 2014. STUDI BANDING KOHOR 2 Studi banding kohor 2 dari kabupaten Lumajang dan Ngawi ke Kabupaten Sidoarjo dilaksanakan pada tanggal 12-13 Februari 2014. Sekolah yang dikunjungi adalah SDN Sedati Gede 2, SD Hang Tuah 10, SMPN 4 Sidoarjo, SMPN 5 Sidoarjo dan MTs Nurul Huda. Tanggal 12-13 Februari 2014 Kabupaten Asal Lumajang & Ngawi Kabupaten Tujuan Sidoarjo Peserta (LK/PR) Lumajang L: 72, P:26; Ngawi L:74, P:23 ToT PROVINSI FASILITATOR DAERAH KOHOR 2 (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) TOT fasilitator daerah kohor 2 untuk Lumajang dan Ngawi dilaksanakan pada tanggal 26 Januari – 2 Februari 2014 di Hotel Purnama Batu dengan total peserta 74 orang (L:46, P:28). USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 91 Fasilitator daerah SD/MI: Guru Kabupaten LK PR Kepala sekolah LK PR Lumajang Ngawi 2 3 Madiun Pengawas LK PR 2 4 4 5 4 3 4 1 LPTK LK LPMP PR LK PR Dinas Pend LK PR Kemenag LK 1 PR Lain LK PR 1 1 Total LK PR 11 6 11 6 1 Situbondo 1 1 2 2 1 3 Fasilitator daerah SMP/MTs: Guru Kabupaten Kepala sekolah LK PR LK PR Lumajang 3 5 0 Ngawi 7 3 3 Blitar 1 Mojokerto 1 Pengawas LK PR 2 1 3 LPTK LK LPMP PR LK PR 2 Dinas Pend LK PR Kemenag LK PR Lain LK PR Total LK PR 1 6 9 1 13 3 1 1 1 1 PELATIHAN TINGKAT SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) KOHOR 2 Kabupaten Lumajang: 1. Pelatihan PAKEM SD/MI Kecamatan Sukodono, 19-21 Februari 2014 2. Pelatiahan PAKEM SD/MI Kecamatan Lumajang, 22-24 Februari 2014 3. Pelatihan MBS SD/MI, 11-13 Maret 2014 4. Pelatihan CTL SMP/MTs Kecamatan Sukodono, 19-21 Februari 2014 5. Pelatihan CTL SMP/MTs Kecamatan Lumajang, 22-24 Februari 2014 6. Pelatihan MBS SMP/MTs, 11-13 Maret 2014 Kabupaten Ngawi: 1. Pelatihan PAKEM SD/MI Kecamatan Gerih, 2-4 Maret 2014 2. Pelatihan PAKEM SD/MI Kecamatan Geneng, 5-7 Maret 2014 3. Pelatihan CTL SMP/MTs Kecamatan Geneng, 19-21 Maret 2014 Peserta Kabupaten Lumajang: Guru Kabupaten Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala Sekolah LK PR LK PR PAKEM SD/MI Kec. Sukodono 7 39 4 4 PAKEM SD/MI Kec. Lumajang 5 42 7 MBS SD/MI 9 23 12 CTL SMP/MTs Kec. Sukodono 26 CTL SMP/MTs Kec. Lumajang MBS SMP/MTs Pengawas Lain Total Total LK PR 4 19 44 63 1 4 19 44 63 4 2 5 56 36 92 34 4 1 3 33 35 68 21 39 4 1 2 1 27 41 68 7 9 4 2 2 2 33 17 50 26 15 6 1 5 PR LK 4 1 1 3 4 3 LK PR 2 92 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Peserta Kabupaten Ngawi: Guru Kabupaten Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala Sekolah LK PR Pengawas Lain Total Total LK PR LK PAKEM SD/MI Kecamatan Gerih 8 42 3 3 3 PAKEM SD/MI Kecamatan Geneng 11 38 5 2 1 CTL SMP/MTs Kecamatan Geneng 12 43 PR LK 2 1 LK PR 1 15 45 60 1 18 42 60 15 43 58 2 PR 0 KOHOR 1: UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1, TINGKAT DAERAH Kabupaten Pamekasan Kegiatan unjuk karya di Kabupaten Pamekasan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11 Maret 2014 yang dihadiri langsung oleh Bupati Pamekasan. Kegiatan ini juga diikuti dengan unjuk karya 24 sekolah mitra dan gugus. Bupatei Pamekasan mengutarakan apresiasi beliau terhadap USAID PRIORITAS yang sudah membentuk dan melatih fasilitator daerah sebagai aset daerah yang sangat bermanfaat. Kabupaten Mojokerto Unjuk karya praktik yang baik di Kabupaten Mojokerta diselenggarakan di gedung serba guna Fabupaten Mojokerto pada tanggal 12 Maret 2014 dengan menghadirkan hasil karya dari 23 sekolah mitra USAID PRIORITAS. Acara pameran dihadiri oleh Bupati Mojokerto Bapak Mustofa Kemal Pasha serta Wakil Bupati Mojokerto Ibu Choirunnisa beserta 9 orang kepala dan pejabat SKPD. Dalam sambutannya Bupati Mojokerto menyampaikan apresiasi yang tinggi terhadap kerjasama antara USAID PRIORITAS Kabupaten Situbondo Pameran pendidikan di Situbondo dilaksanakan di Gedung Bhayangkara pada tanggal 24 Maret 2014. Kegiatan ini dibuka langsung oleh Bupati Situbondo beserta jajaran SKPD terkait. PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU KOHOR 1 Sosialisasi PPGP Kabupaten Pamekasan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Januari 2014 bertempat di Aula PKK kabupaten. Kegiatan ini dihadiri dan dibuka oleh Bupati Pamekasan yang menyatakan bahwa PPGP ini sangat membantu jajarannya dalam rangka pemerataan guru sesuai dnegan Surat Keputusan Bersama (SKB) 5 Menteri. Kabupaten Pamekasan LPTK (Calon Fasilitator) LK PR Dinas Pendidikan LK 14 PR 4 Kantor Kemenag LK BKD Bappeda dll PR LK PR LK 1 1 1 9 PR Total Total keseluruhan LK PR 24 6 30 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 93 LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) PELATIHAN PAKEM/CTL/MBS SEKOLAH LAB AND SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK Serangkaian kegiatan pelatihan dilaksanakan oleh LPTK UIN Sunan Ampel yang di ikuti oleh 5 MI dan 3 MTs dengan rincian sebagai berikut: 1) pelatihan PAKEM MI pada tanggal 19-21 Januari 2014 di Hotel Santika Premiere; 2) pelatihan CTL MTs pada tanggal 19-21 Januari 2014 di Hotel Santika Premiere; 3) pelatihan MBS pada tanggal 19-21 Januari 2014 di Hotel Equator. Adapun 5 MI yang mengikuti pelatihan yaitu: MI Badrussalam, MI H. Achmad Ali, MI Roudlatul Banat dan MINU Ngingas Waru. Sedangkan dari MTs yaitu: MTs Al Fatich, MTs Hasyim Asy’ari dan MTs Wachid Hasyim. Guru Kabupaten LK PR PAKEM 7 CTL MBS Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala Sekolah LK PR Pengawas Lain Total Total LK PR 19 7 19 26 7 17 7 17 24 5 6 20 10 30 9 1 5 LK PR 2 LK PR 1 1 PELATIHAN KURIKULUM DAN MATERI BAGI DOSEN LPTK Pelatihan kurikulum dan materi bagi dosen LPTK (Matematika, IPA dan literasi) diselenggarakan di Batu pada tanggal 1-6 Februari 2014. Kegiatan pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 10 LPTK mitra USAID PRIORITAS Jawa Timur dan konsorsiumnya. Daftar peserta adalah sebagai berikut: No TTI Dosen Perempuan Lakilaki Total 1. IAIN Tulungagung 5 3 8 2. IKIP PGRI Madiun 2 6 8 3. STAIN Ponorogo 2 2 4 4. UIN Surabaya 4 4 8 5. UMSIDA Sidoarjo 3 7 10 6. UNEJ Jember 7 5 12 7. UNESA Surabaya 1 5 6 8. UNIPA Surabaya 4 6 10 9. Universitas Negeri Malang 6 6 12 10. UNP Kediri 4 2 6 38 46 84 Total 94 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 STUDI BANDING SEKOLAH LAB DAN SEKOLAH MITRA UM MALANG Sebanyak 27 peserta dari 6 SD dan 3 SMP sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra UM Malang melakukan studi banding ke sekolah mitra USAID PRIORITAS di Sidoarjo. Kunjungan ke SDN Sedatigede 2, SD Hangtuah X dan SMPN 5 Sidoarjo dilaksanakan pada tanggal 16-17 Maret 2014 dengan peserta kunjungan dari unsur guru, kepala sekolah dan komite. Sekolah-sekolah lab dan sekolah mitra UM Malang terdiri dari: SD Lab UM Malang, SDN Penanggungan Malang, SDN Percobaan 2 Malang, SDN Bareng 3 Malang, SDN Sumbersari 3 Malang, SDN Pisangcandi Malang, SMP Lab UM Malang, SMPN 4 Malang, dan SMPN 18 Malang. Guru Komite sekolah LK PR Kabupaten LK PR 5 7 Sekolah Lab Mitra UM 7 Kepala Sekolah LK PR 1 4 Pengawas Lain Total Total LK PR 2 LK PR LK PR 2 0 18 10 28 PEMONITORAN SEKOLAH LAB MITRA LPTK Persiapan tim monitor dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 Maret 2014 di Hotel Ibis Malang dan diikuti oleh 15 Enumerator (L:13,P2) yang terdiri dari unsur Pengawas, Kepala Sekolah dan Guru. Persiapan dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan pengumpulan data awal di sekolah Lab dan sekolah mitra LTPK pada tanggal 4-6 Maret 2014 (UM Malang, UNESA, UIN Sunan Ampel). Setiap LPTK diambil sampel sebanyak 3 SD/MI dan 2 SMP/MTs. Finalisasi pemasukan data dan validasi data dari hasil pengamatan kelas dan wawancara di sekolah dilakukan pada tanggal 7 Maret. EGRA SEKOLAH LAB DAN SEKOLAH MITRA LPTK Asesmen keterampilan membaca di kelas awal bagi sekolah lab dan sekolah mita LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal 11-15 Maret 2014. Masing-masing LPTK menunjuk 3 sekolah lab mitra yang akan digunakan sebagai EGRA. Persiapan oleh tim asesor dilakukan pada tanggal 10 Maret 2014. Adapun daftar sekolahnya sebagai berikut: LPTK UM Malang UNESA Surabaya UIN Sunan Ampel Sby SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA WAKTU PELAKSANAAN EGRA SD Lab UM 11 Maret 2014 SDN Pisangcandi 11 Maret 2014 SDN Sumbersari 3 12 Maret 2014 SDN Wiyung 13 Maret 2014 SDN Babatan 1 13 Maret 2014 SD Lab UNESA 14 Maret 2014 MI H. Achmad Ali 14 Maret 2014 MI Roudlatul Banat 15 Maret 2014 MINU Ngingas 15 Maret 2014 DISEMINASI TINGKAT KABUPATEN Tabel di bawah memuat kegiatan diseminasi di Jawa Timur. Tidak semua informasi tentang sumber dana dan jumlah dana terkumpul pada waktu laporan ini disusun. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 95 Kabupaten Bangkalan Tanggal Progam Target Laki Perempuan Total Sumber danan Jumlah dana 27-12 Februari (5 gelombang) PAKEM 5 gugus sekolah 10 92 102 KKKS 40.000.000 16-18 Januari CTL MTsN 70 65 135 KKKM 75.000.000 Sidoarjo 11-22 Januari (2 gelombang) PAKEM KKG Waru 13 170 183 Nganjuk 18-20 Januari CTL SMPN 1 Loceret 19 34 53 BOS 10.490.000 Pasuruan 3-5 Februari CTL MTs Hidayatun Nasyiin Pasrepan 19 49 68 Mapenda, Kemenag N/A Gempol 4-13 Februari (2 gelombang) PAKEM KKGP MI 40 67 107 N/A Pasuruan 18 Februari – 6 Maret (2 gelombang) PAKEM KKGP MI Kecamatan Rembang 22 91 113 N/A Pasuruan 25-27 Februari PAKEM KKGP MI Kecamatan Pandaan 9 32 41 N/A Pasuruan 11-20 Maret (2 gelombang) PAKEM KKGP MI Kecamatan Sukorejo 30 83 133 N/A Pasuruan 12-20 Maret (2 gelombang) PAKRM KKG Gugus 1 Grati 18 65 83 N/A N/A Lokakarya Pengelola BOS SMP di Kab Madiun Pada tanggal 14-15 Maret 2014 Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Madiun mengadakan pengelola BOS dengan agenda utama pelatihan penggunaan ALPEKA. Kegiatan ini dipandu oleh DC Kabupaten Madiun. Peserta lokakarya terdiri dari kepala sekolah dan bendahara (L=35, P=39) dari 37 SMP di Kabupaten Madiun. DISEMINASI TINGKAT PROVINSI Diseminasi ALPEKA BOS oleh Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur Diseminasi ALPEKA BOS oleh Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur dilakukan dalam dua putaran. Putaran pertama pada tanggal 10-14 Februari 2014 bagi 8 kabupaten untuk jenjang SD. Dalam putaran pertama ini terdapat 4 angkatan, setiap angkatan terdapat 2 kabupaten yang masing-masing 60 orang yang terdiri dari Manajer BOS Kabupaten, kepala sekolah SD, bendahara BOS SD/Operator. Sedangkan putaran kedua dilakukan pada tanggal 18-22 Maret 2014 dengan peserta pelatihan terpilah dalam 4 angkatan. Peserta pelatihan berjumlah 480 orang.( L= 179 , Pr =301 ) dari 96 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Kabupaten Madiun, Kabupaten Ngawi, Kabupaten Tuban, Kabupaten Magetan, Kabupaten Kediri, Kota Kediri, Kabupaten Trenggalek dan Kabupaten Tulungangung. KEGIATAN LAIN Studi Banding Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Pamekasan ke Purworejo Terkait Implementasi PPGP Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Pamekasan melakukan kunjungan ke Purworejo untuk melihat langsung implementasi PPGP dan kebijakannya di Kabupaten Purworejo. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 28 Februari 2014 dan diikuti oleh 27 orang (L=21, P=6) staf. Studi Banding Gugus 2 Kecamatan Galis, Kabupaten Pamekasan ke SDN Sedatigede 2 Sidoarjo Rombongan Gugus 2 Kecamatan Galis dari Kabupaten Pamekasan melakukan studi banding ke sekolah mitra USAID PRIORITAS di Sidoarjo yakni SDN Sedatigede 2 Sidoarjo pada tanggal 25 Februari. Kegiatan ini diselenggarakan dengan biaya mandiri dan diikuti oleh 30 orang peserta (L 13, P 17). Studi Banding SDN Kutorenon 2, Kabupaten Lumajang ke SDN Tanjunganom Nganjuk Rombongan SDN Kutorenon 2 Kabupaten Lumajang melakukan studi banding ke sekolah mitra USAID PRIORITAS di Nganjuk yakni SDN Tanjunganom Nganjuk pada tanggal 3 Februari 2014. Sebanyak 33 (L:15 P:18) orang yang terdiri dari unsur guru, kepala sekolah, komite dan paguyuban mengikuti kegiatan ini. RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN Unjuk karya di Kabupaten Blitar dan Madiun Unjuk karya Provinsi Jawa Timur ToT Modul 2 untuk Kohor 1 Galeri Foto Siswa MI H. Achmad Ali (sekolah mitra UIN Sunan Ampel Sby) asyik mewarnai dan membaca buku pasca EGRA. Salah seorang peserta sedang melakukan simulasi praktik mengajar pada diseminasi PAKEM KKGP MI di Kec. Pandaan, Pasuruan USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 97 Salah satu penampilan simulasi pembelajaran sekolah mitra dalam unjuk karya di Kab. Pamekasan. Bupati Kab. Mojokerto tertarik dengan newsletter dan modul-modul yang diterbitkan oleh USAID PRIORITAS dalam pameran pendidikan di Kab. Mojokerto. Kabid Dikmen Kab. Ngawi Bpk Istamar (paling kanan) antusias mengikuti ToT Fasilitator daerah Kohor 2. Tampak beliau sedang memberikan komentar pada hasil karya peserta lainnya. Peserta pelatihan CTL di Kab Ngawi sedang memajang hasil karya dan mendengarkan penjelasan dari salah satu fasilitator daerah. Cahyadi (DC Kab Madiun) yang menjadi salah satu fasilitator, sedang membimbing peserta dalam pelatihan BOS online jenjang SD yang didanai oleh Dispendik Provinsi Jawa Timur. Agus Nurbaktiono (Fasilitator daerah) sedang memandu siswa dalam praktik mengajar diseminasi CTL di Kab Nganjuk. 98 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Provinsi: Sulawesi Selatan RAPAT KOORDINASI, REVIU, PERENCANNA ATAU PERTEMUAN LAIN YANG PENTING Rapat Koordinasi/Reviu/Perencanaan Kabupaten Bantaeng Tanggal 18 Maret 2014 Dengan siapa Wakil Bupati, Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, Kepala Kemenag, DPKAD, Ketua Dewan Pendidikan, Kepala UPTD, Kepala Sekolah Mitra, Fasilitator Daerah. Jumlah peserta 70 orang (28 perempuan, 42 lakilaki) Hasil koordinasi Pelaksanaan unjuk karya Kabupaten Bantaeng akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 3 April 2014. Terkait hal tersebut para fasilitator daerah masih memerlukan pendampingan tambahan ke sekolah mitra Karena keterbatasan anggaran, maka diseminasi program di lingkup Dinas Pendidikan diharapkan lebih mengoptimalkan dana sekolah, namun di lingkup Kemenag akan ada dukungan dana untuk diseminasi yang sebagian akan dialokasikan dari DIPA Kantor Kemenag Dinas Pendidikan dan Kemenag sepakat untuk bekerjasama dalam pelaksanaan supervisi sekolah (kepala sekolah dan guru) di lingkungan Kemenag khususnya bantuan pengawas mata pelajaran ke madrasah yang memang tidak memiliki pengawas mata pelajaran umum. Dinas Pendidikan meminta dukungan teknis dari USAID PRIORITAS dalam hal penyiapan kerangka kebijakan Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru (PPG) KOHOR 2 ASESMEN KABUPATEN KOHOR 2 Pelaksanaan asesmen kapasitas 4 daerah mitra kohor 2 di mulai dari Kabupaten Bone pada tanggal 4 – 5 Februari, kemudian Takalar 6 – 7 Februari, dilanjutkan di Parepare pada tanggal 11 – 12 Februari, dan terahir di Kabupaten Tana Toraja pada tanggal 13-14 Februari 2014. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah FGD (focus group discussion) yang dibagi dalam 2 kelompok: 1) Kelompok Penyelenggara Pendidikan yang dihadiri dari unsur Dinas Pendidikan (kepala, sekretaris, kasubag program, kepala bidang, kepala sekolah, pengawas, ketua MKKS, operator DAPODIK) dan unsur Kantor Kementerian Agama (kepala madrasah, pengawas, ketua MKKM, operator EMIS); dan 2) Kelompok Pendukung Penyelenggara Pendidikan yang dihadiri dari unsur DPRD (ketua, ketua/wakil ketua/Anggota Komisi “Pendididikan”), Bappeda (kepala, kepala bidang), BKD (sekretaris, kepala bidang), dan Dewan Pendidikan (ketua, wakil ketua). Beberapa temuan penting: a) pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan di KKGMGMP belum efektif; b) umumnya daerah telah melakukan PPG namun masih dengan analisis sederhana; c) koordinasi antara Dinas Pendidikan dengan Kantor Kementerian Agama, DPRD, Bappeda, BKD, DPRD, dan Dewan Pendidikan masih bersifat insidentil/tidak terjadwal; d) rata-rata daerah telah memiliki sekolah inklusif (kecuali di Tana Toraja), ada beasiswa dan dana operasional dari provinsi, kabupaten/kota menyiapkan Guru Pendamping Khusus (GPK) namun komptensi belum memadai; dan e) semua daerah telah menerapkan MBS berupa PAKEM maupun PSM, namun belum USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 99 makepala sekolahimal karena ketidakberlanjutan pelatihan dari kerjasama dengan lembaga donor lain sebelumnya. STUDI BANDING KOHOR 2 Tanggal Kabupaten Asal Kabupaten Tujuan Peserta (LK/PR) 11 Februari 2014 Bone Soppeng: SDN 1 Lamappoleware, SDN 23 Tanete, 166 Laburawung, SDN 139 Tokabbong, SMPN 3 Watangsoppeng, dan MTsN Takkalalla Peserta 87 orang (62 lakilaki, 25 perempuan). Unsur yang terlibat: Kepala Dinas, Kasubag TU Kemenag, Bappeda, Ketua PGRI, Kepala UPTD, LPTK (anggota consortia), pengawas, kepala sekolah, komite, guru, dan fasilitator daerah 13 Februari 2014 Takalar Jeneponto: SDN 153 Pallantikang, SDN 122 Tamarunang, SMPN 4 Tamalatea, MTsN 1 Binamu Peserta 99 orang (56 lakilaki, 43 orang perempuan). Unsur yang terlibat: DPRD, Kabid Dikdas, Kepala Kemenag, Ketua Dewan Pendidikan, Kepala KCD, pengawas, kepala sekolah, guru, komite sekolah, dan Fasilitator daerah 15 Februari 2014 Parepare Pinrang & Sidrap: SDN 76 dan 166 Mattiro Bulu Pinrang, dan SMPN 1 Tellu Limpoe Sidrap Peserta 95 orang (71 lakilaki, 24 perempuan). Unsur yang terlibat: DPRD Sekretaris dan Kabid Dikdas Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag, Bappeda, Kepala UPTD, pengawas, kepala sekolah, komite sekolah dan guru 22 Februari 2014 Tana Toraja Enrekang: SDN 39 Cakke, SDN 119 Belalang, dan SMPN 1 Enrekang Peserta 108 orang (73 lakilaki, 35 perempuan). Unsur yang terlibat: DPRD, Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag, Bappeda, PGRI, UPTD, pengawas, kepala sekolah, guru dan komite sekolah. Beberapa hal yang dicapai dari studi banding, antara lain: a) para peserta menyatakan memperoleh pengalaman nyata tentang penerapan metode pembelajaran aktif dan kontekstual serta MBS terutama dalam hal pengembangan partisipasi masyarakat, transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan keuangan sekolah; b) sebagian sekolah jenjang SMP/MTs telah menerapkan moving class berdasarkan contoh yang dilihat pada sekolah yang dikunjungi; c) beberapa kepala sekolah merencanakan akan melakukan kunjungan secara mandiri dan akan mengajak seluruh gurunya untuk berkunjung kembali ke sekolah di daerah ekepala sekolah DBE. Kepala Kemenag Tana Toraja merencanakan akan mengajak seluruh madrasah untuk melakukan studi banding kembali ke Enrekang. 100 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 ToT PROVINSI FASILITATOR DAERAH KOHOR 2 (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) eight ToT Fasilitator Daerah kohor 2 yaitu: Kabupaten Bone, Takalar, Tana Toraja dan Kota Parepare telah dilaksanakan di Hotel Horison Makassar. Untuk jenjang SD/MI ToT dilaksanakan pada tanggal 19 – 26 Januari 2014 untuk 68 orang fasilitator daerah (35 perempuan, 33 laki-laki), dan jenjang SMP/MTs dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22 – 29 Januari 2014 untuk 68 orang peserta (26 perempuan, 42 laki-laki). Pada ToT SD/MI dihadiri dan dibuka oleh Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi, juga dihadiri oleh perwakilan LPMP dan Kemenag Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Diakhir sesi semua peserta menyatakan komitmen untuk mengimplementasikan metode pembelajaran aktif dan MBS di sekolahnya masing-masing. Guru Kabupaten Kepala sekolah LK PR LK PR Bone 5 6 8 Parepare 5 9 Takalar 7 Tana Toraja 8 Pengawas LPTK LPMP Dinas Pend LK PR LK PR LK PR LK PR 3 6 2 0 0 0 0 3 7 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 10 5 4 2 2 0 0 0 9 4 4 3 2 0 0 0 Kemenag Lain Total LK PR LK PR LK PR 0 1 0 0 0 23 11 3 0 1 0 0 0 18 16 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 17 17 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 18 15 PELATIHAN TINGKAT SEKOLAH (PAKEM, CTL, MBS) KOHOR 2 Tindaklanjut dari ToT tingkat provinsi telah dilakukan melalui pelatihan tingkat sekolah di 4 daerah mitra kohor 2. Tindaklanjut ini diawali dengan pelatihan CTL SMP/MTs Kabupaten Takalar dan Bone pada tanggal 18 – 20 Februari 2014. Pelatihan sekolah untuk jenjang SD dan SMP sudah selesai di Takalar, namun bagi kabupaten lain, pelatihan akan berlanjut di triwulan berikut. Tabel berikut memuat information tentang pelatihan yang dilaksanakan pada triwulan 8. Pelatihan Sekolah (PAKEM,CTL,MBS) Tingkat SD/MI Kohor 2 Kabupaten Bone Tanggal Pelatihan Komite sekolah LK PR Guru Kepala Sekolah LK PR LK PR - - - - - - - - 11 91 0 0 5 7 3 9 27 22 7 4 10 - - 25-27 Feb PAKEM 13-15 Mar MBS Tana Toraja 13-15 Mar PAKEM 22 82 0 0 5 Pare-Pare 13-15 Mar PAKEM 17 81 0 0 7 Takalar Pengawas LK Lain PR LK Total PR - LK Total PR - 0 0 0 3 1 19 102 121 3 5 1 38 50 88 7 2 0 2 0 31 89 120 7 4 2 4 1 32 91 123 Pelatihan Sekolah (PAKEM,CTL,MBS) Tingkat SMP/MTs Kohor 2 Kabupaten Tanggal Pelatihan Guru LK PR 18-20 Feb CTL 42 80 14-16 Mar MBS 11 5 18-20 Feb PAKEM 28 86 13-15 Mar MBS 10 11 Tana Toraja 17-19 Mar CTL 51 58 Pare-Pare 13-15 Mar CTL 36 84 Bone Takalar Komite sekolah LK PR Kepala Sekolah LK PR 5 11 11 0 5 2 0 Pengawas LK PR 8 1 Lain LK Total PR LK Total PR 55 81 136 33 13 46 5 3 6 3 3 3 2 0 2 34 93 127 4 2 2 2 0 1 27 18 45 4 1 3 0 58 59 117 6 2 5 3 47 89 136 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 0 0 101 KOHOR 1: UNJUK KARYA PRAKTIK YANG BAIK KOHOR 1, TINGKAT DAERAH Dari 3 daerah kohor 1, telah dilaksanakan show case (unjuk karya) di Kabupaten Maros pada tanggal 20 Februari dan di Wajo pada tanggal 6 Maret 2014. Unjuk karya di Maros diperkirakan dihadiri oleh sekitar 1200 orang (yang mengisi daftar hadir sekitar 300 orang). Peserta terdiri dari berbagai unsur, antara lain: Bupati, Sekda, Kepala Dinas, Bappeda, DPKAD, Kemenag, UPTD (semua kepala UPTD), pengawas, kepala sekolah, guru, Kkomite sekolah, siswa. Unjuk karya di Kabupaten Wajo dihadiri sekitar 446 orang (yang tercatat pada daftar kehadiran), meskipun pada sesi siang masih banyak peserta yang berkunjung hingga pukul 18.30. Para peserta sangat antusias, cukup banyak karya siswa hasil pembelajaran yang dipamerkan. Secara umum sekolah mitra telah menunjukkan perubahan signifikan dan telah menerapkan pembelajaran PAKEM dan CTL meskipun di beberapa sekolah belum optimal. Catatan penting dari unjuk karya di 2 daerah tersebut adalah adanya tanggapan yang sangat positif dari Pemerintah daerah, Dinas Pendidikan, Kemenag, UPTD dan sekolah non-mitra. Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Maros merencanakan akan melaksanakan unjuk karya mandiri, dan beberapa sekolah non-mitra telah melakukan studi banding ke sekolah mitra pasca unjuk karya. PENATAAN DAN PEMERATAAN GURU KOHOR 1 Rangkaian kegiatan PPG di 3 daerah kohor 1 telah dilaksanakan. Kegiatan Uji Publik di aula Pendopo Kantor Bupati Maros pada tanggal 16 Januari 2014 merupakan kegiatan terakhir. Kegiatan tersebut dibuka oleh Bupati Maros yang diwakili oleh Drs. Eka Mustafa Asisten 2. Dalam sambutannya beliau mengatakan tujuan utama penataan dan pemerataan guru adalah untuk mengatur kembali kebutuhan guru pada setiap satuan pendidikan. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh 23 orang (3 perempuan, 23 laki-laki), diantaranya: Kepala Bappeda Maros Ir. H. Dainuri, MM, Kepala BKD Maros, Drs. Arwan Malik, Kepala kemenag Maros, Drs. H. Syamsuddin, ketua Dewan pendidikan Drs. H. Abd Azis Zakariyah, Dinas pendidikan dan unsur media di kota Maros. Kabupaten Maros LPTK (Calon Fasilitator) LK PR 0 0 Dinas Pendidikan LK 5 PR 1 Kantor MenAg LK 3 PR BKD LK 3 PR Bappeda dll LK PR Lain Total LK PR 9 2 1 LK 21 PR 3 LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN TENAGA KEPENDIDIKAN (LPTK) PELATIHAN KURIKULUM DAN MATERI BAGI DOSEN LPTK Sebagai tindaklanjut dari penyusunan kurikulum dan materi pembelajaran Matematika, IPA dan Literasi untuk pembelajaran di LPTK, pada tanggal 12 -14 Februari 2014 dilaksanakan pelatihan bagi dosen LPTK mitra dan anggota konsorsiumnya. Jumlah peserta adalah 45 orang (29 perempuan, 16 laki-laki) yang terdiri dari para dosen dari 5 LPTK (UNM, UIN, UMPAR, UNCOK, STAIN BONE). Pelatihan ini dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman para dosen yang mengampuh mata kuliah tersebut terhadap modul (buku) yang telah disusun oleh Tim USAID PRIORITAS yang melibatkan beberapa dosen dari LPTK mitra. Pelatihan ini juga dimaksudkan dapat meningkatkan penguasaan metodologi pembelajaran dan kreatifitas para dosen dalam pembelajaran 3 mata pelajaran tersebut. Dalam sesi testimoni beberapa peserta diberi kesempatan untuk menyampaikan kesannya (Kelompok Literasy: Dr. Rustan, M.Hum. dari STAIN Palopo, Group IPA: Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Si dari UNM, dan Kelompok Matematika: Nasrullah, S.Pd., M.Pd. dari UNM yang termasuk salah seorang penyusun buku). Mereka mengungkapkan apresiasinya, rasa senang, dan menganggap kegiatan ini merupakan 102 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 kegiatan akademik yang sangat bermanfaat khususnya buat dosen dan selayaknya untuk ditindaklanjuti. RAPAT DAN KERJASAMA DENGAN SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK Untuk meningkatkan kualitas kemitraan antara LPTK mitra dengan sekolah lab/mitra, maka pada tanggal 17 Maret dilaksanakan pertemuan dan kerjabersama antara LPTK dan sekolah mitranya. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan kesepakatan antara LPTK dengan sekolah mitranya tentang strategi dan penjadwalan pendampingan terhadap guru dan kepala sekolah yang telah mengikuti pelatihan pembelajaran dan MBS. Kedua pihak juga sepakat tentang pentingnya meningkatkan kualitas kemitraan terutama dalam perbaikan mutu pembelajaran, PPL dan relevansi metode pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa calon guru dan kebutuhan pembelajaran di sekolah mitra. Jumlah peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan adalah 65 orang (33 perempuan, 32 laki-laki) dari unsur guru, kepala sekolah, dan komite sekolah, dan para dosen (fasilitator) dari UNM Makassar dan UIN Alauddin Makassar. PENGAMBILAN DATA AWAL PADA SEKOLAH LAB/MITRA LPTK Untuk memperoleh gambaran tingkat kemampuan membaca siswa di sekolah lab/mitra LPTK, maka pada tanggal 8 – 11 Maret dilaksanakan EGRA dengan siswa kelas 2 di 6 sekolah lab/mitra LPTK, yakni 3 sekolah mitra UNM (SDN Sudirman II, III, IV), dan 3 sekolah mitra UIN Alauddin Makassar (MI Yaspi Sambungjawa, MI Al Abrar, MI Darul Hikmah). Tim Asesor terdiri dari 4 mahasiswa dan 2 dosen yang mewakili masing-masing LPTK mitra. Pengumpulan data awal di sekolah lab/mitra LPTK dilaksanakan pada tanggal pada 10 – 14 Maret 2014, kemudian dilanjutkan pada tanggal 17 Maret 2014. Pengambilan data di tingkat dasar dan lanjutan pertama dilaksanakan di 10 sekolah lab/mitra LPTK, 6 dari jenjang SD/MI, dan untuk jenjang SMP/MTs dilaksanakan di SMPN 26 dan SMPN 27 Makassar, serta MTsN Balang-Balang dan MTs Madani Pao-Pao Kabupaten Gowa. Dari 2 kegiatan tersebut diperoleh data tentang tingkat kemampuan membaca siswa kelas 2 (EGRA), dan gambaran suasana pembelajaran dan tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap mata pelajaran Matematika, IPA, dan Bahasa Indonesia. DISEMINASI TINGKAT KABUPATEN Kegiatan diseminasi program USAID PRIORITAS terus berlangsung di beberapa kabupaten mitra eks DBE yaitu: Pinrang, Enrekang, Soppeng, Pangkep, Sidrap dan Makassar. Kabupaten Maros mitra PRIORITAS kohor 1 juga telah melaksanakan diseminasi mandiri program CTL dan MBS untuk jenjang SMP dengan dukungan dana dari APBD. Beberapa kegiatan belum bisa dilaporkan karena masih sedang berlangsung pada saat laporan ini dibuat, misalnya diseminasi PAKEM di Kabupaten Pinrang di 2 kecamatan (Suppa dan Lanrisang) secara paralel dari tanggal 27 – 29 Maret 2014, target peserta 160 guru, 34 Kepala Sekolah dan 8 Pengawas. Kabupaten Enrekang dan Jeneponto merencanakan memulai kegiatan pada bulan April 2014. Berikut adalah tabel kegiatan diseminasi di beberapa daerah yang telah diverifikasi. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 103 DAFTAR KEGIATAN DISEMINASI PERIODE JANUARI – MARET 2014 No Kabupaten Kegiatan Tempat Jumlah Sekolah Jumlah Peserta Jumlah Dana (Rp) 1 Soppeng Diseminasi Modul PAKEM V SDN 275 Jampuserenge 9 52 4,025,000 2 Soppeng Diseminasi Modul PAKEM VI SDN 44 Sekkanyili 6 34 4,025,000 3 Soppeng Diseminasi Modul PAKEM VII SDN 7 Salutonga 9 30 4,025,000 4 Soppeng Diseminasi Modul PAKEM VIII SDN 17 Bila 7 35 4,025,000 5 Soppeng Diseminasi Modul PAKEM IX SDN 23 Tanete 7 30 4,025,000 6 Soppeng Diseminasi Modul PAKEM X SDN 223 Lapine 8 44 4,025,000 7 Soppeng Diseminasi Modul PAKEM XI SDN 168 Kessing 8 32 4,025,000 54 257 28,175,000 8 Makassar Diseminase PAKEM SDN Tamalanrea 1 12 60 6,000,000 9 Pinrang Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 184 Batulappa 13 47 4,700,000 10 Pinrang Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 286 Pinrang 16 42 4,200,000 11 Pinrang Diseminasi Modul MBS UPTD Kec. Sawitto 15 46 4,600,000 44 135 TOTAL SOPPENG TOTAL PINRANG 13,500,000 13 Sidrap Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 1 Bilokka 19 59 5,800,000 14 Sidrap Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 1 Amparita 16 48 4,800,000 15 Sidrap Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 1 Arawa 24 73 7,300,000 16 Sidrap Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 11 Pangsid 26 78 7,800,000 85 258 25,700,000 69,330,000 TOTAL SIDRAP 17 Maros Diseminasi Modul MBS SMPN 1 Turikale 40 120 18 Pangkep Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 5/33 Mattoangin 10 31 11,955,000 19 Pangkep Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 5/33 Mattoangin 10 36 11,502,500 20 Pangkep Diseminasi Modul MBS SDN 5/33 Mattoangin Total Sulsel 11 44 235 900 11,955,000 178,117,500 *) dana bersumber dari dana sekolah dan APBD khususnya Kab Maros KEGIATAN LAIN Dalam periode ini ada dua kegiatan yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai kegiatan khusus. Pertama, kunjungan Presiden dan Wakil Presiden RTI pada tanggal 19 Februari 2014 ke sekolah mitra daerah eks DBE, yaitu SDN Mamajang II dan SD INPRES Bertingkat Mamajang III, serta SMP YP PGRI Makassar. Kedua, Kunjungan Tim USAID Indonesia (Larry dan Bu Mimy), perwakilan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Indonesia (Bu Santi dan Pak Feri), Tim USAID PRIORITAS (COP, DCOP, TLA, dan GMA) pada tanggal 20 Maret 2014 ke sekolah mitra di Maros. Sekolah yang dikunjungi adalah SDN 39 Kassi, SDN 111 Polejiwa, dan SMPN 4 Bantimurung Kabupaten Maros. Kunjungan tersebut telah memotivasi warga sekolah untuk terus memperbaiki kualitas proses pembelajarannya dan manajemen serta tata kelola di sekolahnya agar tetap menjadi sekolah yang layak menjadi sumber belajar bagi sekolah lainnya. RENCANA KUARTAL DEPAN 104 Pelatihan PAKEM dan MBS Jenjang SD/MI bagi sekolah mitra di Kabupaten Bone Pelatihan MBS jenjang SD/MI dan SMP/MTs bagi sekolah mitra di Kota Parepare Seleksi sekolah praktik yang baik di daerah kohor 1 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 Unjuk karya praktik yang baik dalam pembelajaran dan MBS sekolah mitra di Kabupaten Bantaeng Pelatihan MBS jenjang SD/MI dan SMP/MTs bagi sekolah mitra di Kabupaten Tana Toraja ToT Modul 2 bagi fasilitator daerah jenjang SD/MI dari daerah mitra kohor 1 Sosialisasi program PPG di daerah mitra kohor 2 (Bone, Parepare, Takalar, Tana Toraja) Pendampingan bagi guru dan kepala sekolah mitra di daerah kohor 2 Rapat perencanaan dan peninjauan tingkat kabupaten di Maros dan Wajo ToT Modul 2 bagi fasilitator daerah jenjang SMP/MTs dari daerah mitra kohor I Lokakarya unjuk karya tingkat provinsi ToT Modul 2 bagi fasilitator daerah jenjang SD/MI daerah mitra eks DBE ToT Modul 2 bagi fasilitator daerah jenjang SMP/MTs daerah mitra eks DBE Galeri Foto Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan menyaksikan PC PRIORITAS memukul gong sebagai tanda pembukaan TOT SD/MI dan SMP/MTs bagi Fasilitator daerah dari daerah mitra kohor 2 Di stan SMPN1 Turikale, Bupati Maros mendapatkan penjelasan tentang volume kerucut. Di salah satu stan Pameran, dokter cilik memeriksa detak jantung istri Bupati (6/3) Salah satu peserta pelatihan PAKEM berdiskusi dengan siswa pada praktik mengajar di SDN 05 Parepare. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 105 COP PRIORITAS Stuart Weston berkunjung ke Maros untuk menyaksikan unjuk karya kabupaten. Salah satu assesor sedang mengases kemampuan membaca anak Larry Dolan (USAID Indonesia), dan Feiny Sentosa (DCOP) sedang mengamati dan berdiskusi dengan siswa SDN 39 Kassi Maros. Ibu Mimi Santika (USAID Indonesia) ikut tertawa pada anak yang salah mengucapkan waktu presentasi di SDN 39 Kassi. 106 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 ANNEX 2: DISSEMINATION Table 2-1 Participants in Dissemination Activities in Quarter 8 (January– March 2014) Province Aceh East Java West Java District Aceh Besar Aceh Tengah Bireuen Pidie Bangkalan Madiun Pasuruan Sidoarjo Nganjuk Kota Mojokerto Multiple Districts* Situbondo Karawang Bogor Male 2 51 26 8 80 56 168 13 19 26 455 80 461 142 1,587 37.7% Grand Total % Female 36 63 86 32 157 28 482 170 34 20 505 18 722 260 2,613 62.3% Total 38 114 112 40 237 84 650 183 53 46 960 98 1,183 402 4,200 100% *Dissemination was organized by Provincial Office of Education with participants from multiple districts. Table 2-2 Occupation of the Participants by Province Province Teacher Principal Head of UPTD* School Committee Supervisor Office of Education Staff Other Total Aceh 73.0% 15.6% 1.2% 8.4% 1.8% 0.0% 0.0% 100% East Java 88.2% 2.8% 0.3% 0.0% 2.1% 4.0% 2.6% 100% West Java 96.8% 1.6% 0.0% 0.0% 1.7% 0.0% 0.0% 100% Grand Total 90.4% 3.3% 0.3% 0.6% 1.9% 2.1% 1.4% 100% *Technical unit within the District Office of Education. In dissemination activities, they are mostly Head of the Sub-district Office of Education. USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014 107 Table 2-3 2014* Participants per School of the Dissemination Activities Jan–March Province District Aceh Aceh Besar Aceh Tengah Bireuen Pidie Bangkalan Madiun Pasuruan Sidoarjo Nganjuk Kota Mojokerto Situbondo Karawang Bogor East Java West Java No. of Participants 38 114 112 40 237 84 650 183 53 46 98 1,183 402 3,240 No. of Schools 5 21 27 6 148 37 101 34 1 12 27 514 14 947 Participant/ Schools 7.6 5.4 4.1 6.7 1.6 2.3 6.4 5.4 53.0 3.8 3.6 2.3 29.0 3.4 Grand Total * The calculation does not include data from disseminations organized by the province and attended by school principals and teachers but the number of schools where they are coming from was not available at this time. Table 2-4 Expenditure for Dissemination Activities Jan-March 2014 (in Rp.000) Province/District Aceh Aceh Besar Aceh Tengah Bireuen Pidie East Java Bangkalan Kota Mojokerto Madiun Nganjuk Pasuruan Provinsi Jatim Sidoarjo Situbondo West Java Bogor Karawang Grand Total In US$ (=Rp.11,500) % 108 USAID PRIORITAS 64,101 6,915 24,840 21,585 10,761 113,505 30,525 2,460 0 4,125 49,000 7,920 18,000 1,475 75,250 17,500 57,750 252,856 21,987 14.2 GOI 183,629 11,200 66,984 87,445 18,000 949,040 115,000 12,000 30,000 10,490 78,700 672,000 27,450 3,400 393,420 112,620 280,800 1,526,089 132,703 85.8 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 8, January–March 2014
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