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Dr Abdul Rahmat, M. Pd
Lecturer Faculty of Education, Gorontalo State University
email: [email protected]
mobile phone. + 062-81244384444
This study aims to gain an overview of the service management package B
program on quality culture in SKB In Gorontalo city.
The design of this study is a qualitative phenomenological approach and case
study design. Data collection through (1) interview depth, (2) participant
observation and (3) study the documentation. Analysis of the data using
This study shows: 1) Service management needs identification stage to perform
data collection. The results obtained were then verified for later established as the
main goal of equality education program. 2) Planning Phase. At this stage the data
that has been obtained, processed and then made recommendations for the
development of learning materials or other needs. 3) Phase Organizing.
Organizers carry out an inventory of the various needs required. 4)
Implementation Phase. Organizers cooperation with various parties, such as tutors
and related agencies. 5) Phase Control. Phase control is as a way to maintain the
quality of graduates. 6) Evaluation Phase. At this stage the assessment carried out
by looking at the condition of tutors, such as attendance, role in developing the
learning process more meaningful and innovative products are implemented based
on learning needs.
Suggestions their follow-up phase. Stage follow-up conducted with cooperation.
Neither the educational institutions as well as with government agencies / private.
Keywords: program, quality, and non-formal learning.
I. Introduction
Education equality is non-formal education program that organizes public
education equivalent to SD / MI, SMP / MTs, and SMA / MA which includes
program package A, package B, and C. The package organized non-formal
education is not limited to the hours of study which binds to learn as befits a
formal education. Hours of study can be applied in a more flexible and adapted to
the available time of the target students. People who still can take their economic
difficulties to participate as learners, because education organized according to the
conditions in the environment surrounding the base of learning communities.
Implementation Package B in the SKB program Gorontalo City takes place every
week from Monday to Friday. Learning activities of this program lasts from
morning until noon as well as a formal school. But because there are conditions of
learning spaces that are not worth that need improvement, and some classrooms
are used for other activities, so some classes in equality programs implementing
the learning process in the outdoors. But this does not reduce the significance of
the learning process. Learners keep up with the material provided by the tutor.
Likewise, the tutor remains conditioned learning process with the existing
Based on the results of the initial observation, the problem is far more
related to the implementation of educational programs equality Package B very
much, especially in the learning process that ultimately, the competency of
graduates learners Package B. To determine the various problems that occur in the
learning process equivalency Package B the need to hold the identification of
needs in order to develop a learning model of education equality Package B. thus,
the researcher will carry out research in Gorontalo City SKB program
management titles Package B as in the SKB program.
II. Theoretical
A. Nature of Non-Formal Education Program
The program is everything you do in hopes of bringing the results or
benefits. From this definition we could conclude that all human actions from
which is expected to get the results and benefits can be called program (Sudjana,
2006: 71). The program can be understood in two senses, namely general and
specific. In general, the program can be defined by a plan or design activities to be
carried out by someone at a later date. While the specific understanding of the
program is usually when associated with a meaningful evaluation of a unit or
entity whose activities are ize or implementation of a policy, takes place in a
continuous process and occurs in an organization that involves a group of people
(Widoyoko, 2010: 12).
Given this special sense, then a program is a series of activities carried out
continuously in time implementation are usually long. In addition, a program does
not only consist of one event but a series of events that make up a system that is
linked to one another by involving more than one person to carry it out. A
program must end with evaluation. This is because we will see whether the
program successfully perform the function as predetermined. According to them,
there are three stages of a series of program evaluation are: (1) states the question
and specify the information to be obtained, (2) search for data relevant to the
research and (3) provide information needed by decision-makers to continue,
amend or terminate the program the (Arikunto & Saprudin, 2010: 125) Nonformal education in this research as educational activities organized outside the
school system be established either separately or as an important part of a larger
activity, done deliberately to serve the citizens of a particular study in order to
achieve learning goals (Saleh, 2009: 91).
According to Kamil non-formal education is organized effort cecara
sistemmatis and continuously outside the school system through social
relationships to guide individuals and community groups in order to have a social
future goals to improve the lives (Kamil, 2009: 14) This model of education is an
education that is both social including scouting, exercises and literacy skills are
developed and expanded by utilizing the facilities and infrastructure that are
increasingly. Non-formal education as well as a form of activity that is directed to
prepare, improve and develop human resources in order to have the knowledge,
skills, attitudes, and competitiveness to seize opportunities to grow and develop
by optimizing the use of existing resources in the environment. Kamil (2009: 34).
Associated with the development of reference non-formal education in the
community, SIH (2001: 41) says the program activities of non formalmempunyai
Education is the source of some of the factors determining the success in the
1) The need for non-formal education community. Community needs are
characteristic for the management of the non-formal education itself. In this
context the role of non-formal education is actually about how to translate what
the needs and desires of the community learning, and how after the program
activities. 2) Flexibility in the delivery of education programs on non-formal
learning activities; flexibility of organizing learning activities is one of the
3) Diversity program. Diversity learning activities provides opportunities for
learning or community to choose a program that suits your interests and needs of
communities to take. 4) stewardship program is not designed to pursue a diploma,
but for significance for the community. In this context the development of non
formalperlu Education specify the orientation of the interests of poor people, both
economically and socially. 5) The curriculum is developed according to the
learning needs of the learners. In particular learning program execution will
always be based on a reference curriculum, both existing and newly developed.
6) The program of activities managed by the community. In any implementation
of non-formal education programs, community involvement or participation
becomes the main criterion in the success of the educational activities of non
formalitu program itself. Community involvement will foster a sense of
kebermilikan for programs developed. 7) Having a clear direction for each
execution of community learning. In this context, the fit between needs and
programs offered is the key to success for the organization of non-formal
B. Program Package B in Non-formal Education
In the development of non-formal education basically follow a number of
specific steps. Saleh (2009: 71). suggests that measures the development of nonformal education includes a few things, namely: a) Determination of the target
population; Determination of the target population is the first step that needs to be
firmly established. Because of this determination will be deciding the next step.
However nonformal education programs leave and eventually lead to the target
population less will help smooth the next step. b) identification of learning needs,
identification of learning needs is an activity that can not be separated from nonformal education program delivery activities. Identification will see what the
learning needs of the community. The identification results will be the
determinant of what programs are implemented, what methods will be used, a
source of learning what is needed and what the various needs required in the
delivery of education later. c) Identification of sources of learning. The term
learning resources menrujuk on all sorts of sources, both human and nonhuman
form that allows the activity and learning. Learning resources can also be obtained
from members of the community who have an excess of either the knowledge,
skills, attitudes and are able and willing to divert (transfer) dimiliknya knowledge
to other learners. Nonhuman sources can include buildings, equipment study,
functional institutional, and there may be other sources of value function for the
activities and learning in non-formal education. Identification of learning
resources allows for the utilization of non-formal education programs.
d) Determination of non-formal education strategy implementation. Determine the
non-formal education strategy implementation is basically dependent on the
achievement of discovery or identification of the target population, learning
needs, learning resources. In the fourth step is required for a thorough and
innovative thinking.
To determine the steps of developing this non-formal education programs,
using SWOT strategy approach. Where he also revealed some important issues
relating to the development of non-formal education, such as the internal aspects
from concept, support personnel, facilities owned, the cost of which is available,
the structure of the organization that will implement the development strategy of
the program activities, the results achieved sera constraints barriers experienced.
While the external aspects that need to be considered in order to develop a non
formalmeliputi education programs; community support, the development
environment and the changes caused by the safety factor, politics and law.
Equality Education Program Package B, is one of the non-formal education (PNF)
which on the mastery of knowledge, functional skills and professional attitude and
personality development of students. Equality Directorate of DG PNFI now
provides that there are three spectrum policy needs to be implemented, namely
Spectrum KMA (Pure Equality Academic), KIV (Equality Integration of
Vocational and KMV (Vocational Pure Equality). The three spectra are expected
to be implemented to respond to changes and developments in the current era .
Equality education and Package B provides a service education for the poor,
children DO, never went to school, dropping out of school and up, as well as
reproductive age who want to increase their knowledge and life skills, other
community members who need special services to meet their needs as the impact
of changes in improvement of the standard of living, science and technology
(Kindervatter (1979: 288). the results of non-formal education can be valued on
par with the results of formal education after equalization assessment process by
the institution designated by the Local Government with reference to the national
standard of education, the above excerpts contained in the Education Law No. 20
of 2003 on National Education System, Article 26 Paragraph (6). excerpts
reinforces that equality of educational outcomes commensurate with formal
III. Research Methods
The research was conducted in SKB Gorontalo. This research was carried
out for 4 months, starting in August to December 2013. This study used a
qualitative approach. Qualitative research is finding the proper interpretation of
the facts in order to make the study, a picture, or painting in a systematic, factual,
accurate information on the facts, properties and relationships between
phenomena investigated (Basrowi and Kelvin. (2008: 122).
Data are the result of the recording of the research, either the facts or figures
that can be used as material to construct an information. Data were explored in
this study is generally a qualitative data. According to Miles and Huberman
(1992: 167) qualitative data is data in the form of words, utterances or events. In
the context of this study, which is the source of data in the form of man is the
subject of the relevant and directly involved in learning activities. Specified
research subject tutors and learners are engaged in learning activities. While
related people that are expected to provide information. The sources of data in this
Moleong, LJ (2006: 60), the procedures used in collecting the data required
are: 1) Observation of them see and observe yourself, then record the behavior
and events as they happen in real situation. 2) Documentation. Documentation is a
technique where the data obtained from existing documents written in objects
such as books, minutes, regulations, daily catatatan and so on. 3) Interview.
Informants as a resource done with the intent to gather information regarding the
focus of research. The role of the researcher in this study is a participating
observer (participant-observer).
To ensure the validity of the data, in this research, triangulation, which is a
technique to check data by using something other than the data for checking
purposes or as a comparison of data. The analysis used is qualitative analysisinteractive, which consists of three flow of activities that run simultaneously,
IV. Results and Discussion
1. Concept of Education Equality SKB Package B in Gorontalo
According Korpam:
Pendidikan kesetaraan paket B memberikan tempat dan melayani
pendidikan bagi masyarakat yang kurang mampu, anak DO, tidak pernah
sekolah, putus sekolah dan putus lanjut, serta usia produktif yang ingin
meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kecakapan hidup, warga masyarakat lain
yang membutuhkan layanan khusus dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya
sebagai dampak dari perubahan peningkatan taraf hidup, ilmu pengetahuan
dan teknologi. (W/IB/10.08.2013)
Equality Education Package B, equivalent definition is equivalent in civil
effect, size, influence, function and position. "The results of non-formal education
can be valued on par with the results of formal education after equalization
assessment process by the institution designated by the Local Government with
reference to the national standard of education", excerpts of the above are in the
Education Law No. 20 of 2003 on the National Education System, Article 26
Paragraph (6).
Education learning process Equality Package B, using an inductive
approach, thematic, participatory (andragogis), constructive and environment.
Inductive point is the approach that build knowledge through events or
phenomena with emphasis on empirical study based on direct experience. This
approach develops the knowledge learned from the problems people closest to
him. Build knowledge of a series of problems and phenomena experienced by the
learners and that given by the tutor, so that the learners can make the conclusion
of a series of problem-solving that is created.
Tematik adalah pendekatan yang mengorganisasikan pengalaman dan
mendorong terjadinya pengalaman belajar yang meluas tidak hanya
tersekat-sekat oleh batasan pokok bahasan, sehingga dapat mengaktifkan
warga belajar dan menumbuhkan kerjasama. (W/IB/10.08.2013)
Constructive approach involves five phases, such as tutors estimate prior
knowledge learners in early learning through questioning and examination
activities, tutor test ideas learners, tutors guiding learners structuring all existing
ideas, tutors provide an opportunity to the participants to apply the ideas newly
acquired to test the truth, and tutors guiding learners make reflection and
Rights of citizens to learn to move between educational pathways. Once the
mandate of the Education Law 20/2003 Article 12 paragraph (1) of paragraph (e).
This system enables the learners to move from the informal educational
paths and formal education to non-formal education path or vice versa. Equality
education curriculum allows citizens to learn from informal education and formal
education moved into education equality through credit transfer process by
calculating the Credit Unit of Competency (SKK) has been achieved by the
learners. Credit transfer requirements considering curriculum vitae, achievement
of learning outcomes in the form of transcripts, transcripts, report cards, portfolios
and the like. If not meet the requirements necessary to follow the placement test,
which gives recognition to the learning acquired independently of experience,
pembelajarandan profession.
Provisions for credit transfer is set in manual set Directorate General of
Non-formal Education. Study load is expressed in SKK equal education that
demonstrate competence to be achieved by the learners in the learning program
either through face-to-face, practice skills, and / or independent activity.
Satu SKK dihitung berdasarkan pertimbangan muatan standar kompetensi
(SK) dan kompetensi dasar (KD) tiap mata pelajaran. Kemudian
keseluruhan SKK untuk mencapai SKL program Paket A, Paket B, dan
Paket C di distribusikan per semester. SKK dapat digunakan untuk alih
kredit kompetensi (konversi kompetensi) yang diperoleh dari jalur
pendidikan informal, formal, kursus, keahlian dan kegiatan mandiri.
Penentuan dan pengakuan bobot SKK hasil alih kredit memperhatikan
tingkat kompetensi berdasarkan hasil belajar sebelumnya, portofolio,
transkrip, sertifikat, raport, surat penghargaan, surat keterangan tentang
berbagai keikut sertaan dalam pembelajaran, pagelaran, pameran, lomba,
olimpiade dan kegiatan unjuk prestasi lainnya. (W/IB/10.08.2013)
2. Equality Education Service Package B
Diversification of education services are needed in education equality
Package B in accordance with the diversity of conditions, needs, and potential
learners as follows:
a) Move System Line
Perpindahan jalur terjadi melalui proses penyetaraan yang akan menentukan
kompetensi warga belajar dan kesesuaiannya terhadap Darjah-Darjah
tertentu. Sisitem ini memungkinkan warga belajar Pendidikan Kesetaraan
dapat keluar dengan berbagai alasan (masalah ekonomi, bekerja, pindah
tempat), tetapi mereka tetap berpeluang masuk kembali ke Pendidikan
Kesetaraan dengan menunjukkan portofolio apabila keadaan telah
memungkinkan. Calon warga belajar juga belum mempunyai catatan
perkembangaan pencapaian kompetensi dapat masuk ke Pendidikan
Kesetaraan melalui tes penempatan Darjah. (W/IB/26.9.13)
Residents learn formal education can move to the Education Equality in the
same level of education adapted to the competence or Darjahnya.
b) Ranking System
Sistem Darjah (peringkat) yang diberlakukan pada pendidikan kesetaraan
dimaksudkan untuk mengakui hasil pembelajaran dan pengalaman warga
belajar yang diperoleh baik secara mandiri maupun secara terkelola dalam
jalur pendidikan formal maupun informal. Secara sederhana sistem Darjah
ini dibagankan sebagai berikut. (W/IB/26.9.13)
3 degrees skilled rank 1 is the end of the 2-year study on equality Education
Package B. This means that if someone is able to control more than 80% of
competence Darjah 3 completely then it is equal to grade 8 Package B equivalent
to grade 8 SMP / MTs. If only reached more than 60% of his new grade 7 Package
B equivalent to grade 7 SMP / MTs.
4 degrees skilled rank 2 is the end of the 3-year study on equality Education
Package B. This means that if someone is able to control more than 80% of
competence Darjah 4 completely then it is equal to grade 9 Package B equivalent
to grade 9 SMP / MTs.
3. Equality Education Standards Package B in SKB Gorontalo City
Equality of educational standards Package B is a minimal criteria of equality
Program Package B to have the skills to meet the demands of the world of work,
and learning clock is set to face-to-face meetings, the approximate time allocation
as follows:
Jam belajar yang diatur dengan sistem kredit kesetaraan, akan diatur kemudian
(disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan beban belajar warga belajar).
Standar kompetensi lulusan (SKL) digunakan sebagai pedoman penilaian
dalam menentukan kelulusan warga belajar dari satuan pendidikan. SKL
pendidikan kesetaraan berorientasi pada kecakapan hidup. SKL pada
jenjang pendidikan dasar bertujuan meletakkan dasar kecerdasan,
pengetahuan, kepribadian, akhlak mulia, serta keterampilan untuk hidup
mandiri dan mengikuti pendidikan lebih lanjut. SKL pada jenjang
pendidikan menengah bertujuan meningkatkan kecerdasa, pengetahuan,
kepribadian, akhla mulia, serta keterampilan untuk hidup mandiri dan
mengikuti pendidikan lebih lanjut. (W/IB/26.9.13)
Equality of education financing consists of: investment costs for
infrastructure, human resources, and working model, the operating costs for
teachers and education personnel, materials and equipment, indirect operating
costs, as well as personal expenses incurred by the learners.
4. Implementation of Equality of Educational Assessment and Report Package B
in SKB Gorontalo City
Hasil penilaian dapat digunakan untuk melengkapi hasil tes penempatan
Darjah yang menentukan posisi pencapaian warga belajar. Penilaian hasil
belajar oleh pemerintah (pusat penilaian pendidikan, badan penelitian dan
pengembangan) bertujuan untuk menilai pencapaian SKL secara nasional
pada mata pelajaran tertentu pada
kelompok mata pelajaran ilmu
pengetahuan dan teknologi dan dilakukan dalam bentuk ujian nasional.
Setelah penilaian akhir atau ujian nasional akan memberikan sertifikasi
sebagai tanda telah menyelesaikan sesuatu jenjang pendidikan kesetaraan.
5. Equality Education Program Implementation System Package B in SKB
Gorontalo City
In the implementation phase, the organizers cooperated with various parties,
such as tutors and related agencies. It is implemented to support the
implementation of educational equality Package B.
Untuk program pendidikan kesetaraan Paket B sendiri, SKB berupaya
untuk memberikan fasilitas yang seoptimal mungkin dalam
mengembangkan potensi warga belajar dengan dukungan sumber daya yang
tersedia. Meskipun belum mencapai titik yang diharapkan, namun
setidaknya hal ini akan membantu pelaksanaan dan pengembangan program
di masa yang akan datang sehingga menjadi lebih baik. (W/Y.L/29.9.13)
In each activity, SKB introduced a program that has been and will be
implemented. Basically every event is as a means of improving communication
range with related institutions / organizations. So that the implementation of
equality of educational programs will be more varied and meaningful. By
introducing people to the new world of learning, it is hoped will help them to get
to know other communities, so that a wider range of interaction, there is also an
open discourse. With such conditions, is expected to increase the power of
creativity and innovation learners in seeing a problem, either in relation to self and
6. Characteristics of Residents Learning Package B in SKB Gorontalo City
Karakteristik warga belajar adalah keseluruhan kelakuan dan kemampuan
yang ada pada warga belajar sebagai hasil dari pembawaan dan lingkungan
sosialnya sehingga menentukan pola aktivitas dalam meraih cita-cintanya.
Dengan demikian, penentuan tujuan belajar itu sebenarnya harus dikaitkan
atau disesuaikan dengan keadaan atau karakteristik warga belajar itu sendiri.
There are three things that need to be considered in the characteristics of the
learners, namely: a) characteristics or circumstances relating to the ability of early
or prerequisite skills, such as intellectual ability, the ability to think, say things
related to psychomotor and other aspects. b) Characteristics berhungan with
background and social status (socioculture). c) characteristics related to
personality differences such as attitudes, feelings, interests and others.
Residents learn to have the following characteristics: 1) Derived from poor
families 2) A package graduates, graduates SD / MI not continue 3) Drop out
SMP / MTS formal 4) Moving SMP / MTS formal. Characteristics residents learn
the average age of adults is happy playing, happy to move, enjoy working in
groups, as well as the happy feeling / doing something directly. Therefore,
officials should develop learning that contains elements of the game, allowing
learners to move or move and work or study in groups, as well as providing an
opportunity to the participants to be directly involved in learning.
7. Mastery Learning, Performance Assessment, and Increase Depth and Darjah
Residents Learning in SKB Gorontalo City.
Ketuntasan belajar setiap indikator yang dikembangkan sebagai suatu
pencapaian hasil belajar dari suatu kompetensi dasar berkisar antara 0100%. Pengelola Kelompok belajar harus menentukan kriteria ketuntasan
minimal sebagai target pencapaian kompetensi (TPK) dengan
mempertimbangkan tingkat kemampuan rata-rata warga belajar serta
kemampuan sumber daya pendukung dalam penyelenggaraan pembelajaran.
Kelompok belajar secara bertahap dan berkelanjutan selalu mengusahakan
peningkatan kriteria ketuntasan belajar untuk mencapai kriteria ketuntasan
ideal. (W/F.P/30-9-13)
The increase in the level and Darjah carried out at each end of the
achievement of competence. SKB divide one level and Darjah in some unit of
time at the end of the time unit held assessment of learning outcomes as a form of
achievement of competency standards. After all attainable standard of competency
levels do rise and rise Darjah criteria applicable in study group SKB is after
residents learned meet the following requirements, namely: a) Complete the entire
learning programs and Darjah one level; b) Obtain a minimum value both at the
final assessment for the entire group of religious subjects and noble character,
civic groups and personalities, groups of subjects aesthetics, and group physical
subjects, sports, and health; c) Consider the presence of face-to-face in achieving
at least 70%.
8. Criteria for Determining Success and Graduation Citizens Learning Package B
in SKB Gorontalo City
With reference to the provisions of Regulation 19/2005 Article 72
Paragraph (1), residents learned otherwise have completed Junior Package B
Equivalent LCS Gorontalo after fulfilling the following conditions, namely: a)
Complete the entire program of learning; b) National Exam Pass all subjects
Success Criteria and Determination of graduation with the following
criteria: 1) Having studied the progress report (report card) Package B.
2) Has the exam and has value for all subjects tested, the minimum value of each
subject 6.00 3) Pass the national exam in accordance with applicable government
decision. 4) Residents learn that passed were given a diploma. 5) Residents who
do not pass the study did not receive a diploma and repeat at levels IV and
national test next period.
V. Conclusion
A. Conclusions
Based on the description of the description in the previous chapter, we can
conclude the following matters; 1) that the Program Implementation Package B as
PTK-PAUDNI program in Gorontalo city SKB is not only designed to pursue a
diploma, but further significance for the community. In this context the program
PTK-PAUDNI in Gorontalo city SKB specify the orientation of the interests of
poor people, both economically and socially. 2). the results of the learning
program organized been run in accordance with what is expected.
B. Suggestions
On this occasion, the researchers suggest that the organization of education
equality especially in Gorontalo city LCS is enhanced. This increase would have
to be supported by all levels of society, especially the government in order to
provide assistance in the form of budget support the implementation of the
equality of education.
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