r(B)/AI /201.1 NO.5686/POUESTT. GOVERNMENTOF PUDUCHERRY GENERALOFPOLICE OFFICE OT THE INSPECTOR Puduche'l, lhe lo,rO.&r+ MEMORANDU}I to therecruired/absorbed Sub:Allotneni of bucklenumbers lolice -Issued Finalordef Reg. Constable- Ref:ThisofliceMeno.of evenNo-dt.06.08.2014 it is infomedtha12Nos.of citedabove. tn pursuance oflhe Memorardum to r€ considerdre requcsting PoliceConstableshave filed their obj€ctions arecarefullyexantuedand senioriry ofre arivebucklenumbef.Theobjections lo ihe ob.jectos. andthesame$,ascommunicaled wirhproperreasons oveFruled Futher,it is iifomed that the nameof Thiru. M. Velappan,RPC,who is is remoredifom Lhelisl of xndergoing basicPoliceTrainingal PTS,Pondichery to theRec iredPolice bucklenunbers.Accofdingly,orderof drebucklenumber andissued. inlhe annexure enclosed is finallyassessed Constables asmenrioned Theabovesaidbuckle numbeLsshouldnorbeiakenasseniorilyfor poslol accodingto die meri!Lisrasand Police Constable andlhesamecouldbechanged wher seniorjlyLis!is issued. Thisissues whhrl]eappo\alof TGP. -), I t-.t-v'ri (I.R.C.['IOHAX)v suPDT.OFPOltCtr0{Q) To - rhro'proper TheIndividual concemed channel L All Supdts of Police,PuduchenyKaraikalMahe,^lananr. 2. TheSecreta.I to IGP. l. Readerro (c&r),ssP(HQ) ssP(L&o)/ssP -r\ \\EB Officer,PoliceDeparrDenr. Puducheflr. /0lr
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