Te Tukaiaia Te Karanga o te Iwi Whiringa-ā-nuku / October 2014 Chairman - Haydn Edmonds address to the AGM on 11th October 2014 at Northtec Haydn Edmonds addresses the audience at the Ngātiwai AGM. Ngātiwai held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at Te Puna Ō Te Mātauranga Marae, NorthTec, on 12th October 2014. Here are the abbreviated highlights of chairman Haydn Edmonds Annual Report to the AGM. Financial - Consolidated net profit for the year ended 31 March 2014 was $663,300 compared to a profit in the previous year of $1,201,221. The results are distorted by the inclusion of a “one off” dividend from Aotea Fisheries Ltd of $831,086 in the 2013 result and a gain on sale of $400,000 on the disposal of shares in Oceanz Seafood in 2014. The restructuring of Group Companies has also distorted the “parent company” comparatives in the 2014 year, making year-to-year comparisons difficult. Resource Management - Another busy year highlighted by the signing of a MOU with the Ministry for Primary Industry for provision of bio-security services. Staff member Dane Karapu has trained as an Operations Manager and will take charge when a risk arises and a response is required. Ngātiwai are the first Iwi in the country to be involved in this way. The Unit has continued its involvement in the Auckland Unitary Plan and been involved in a joint GIS project with Whāngārei District Council to identify and record sites of significance to Maori throughout the Ngātiwai rohe. Ngātiwai Fishing Limited, Ngātiwai Holdings Limited - Its been a challenging environment for the Fishing Industry but it is pleasing to see improved returns. The Board has entered into an agreement with Aotea Fisheries for a three year period with an opportunity to continue for three more years. However, recent statements by the Government regarding the establishment of marine recreational fishing parks in the Hauraki Gulf is of concern. This will affect customary rights and commercial fishing operations and must be strongly resisted. During the year the Board sold its remaining 20% stake in Oceanz Seafood Markets Ltd for $600,000. As the investment had previously been written off the sale resulted in a revenue gain of $400,000 and a capital gain of $200,000. Oceans Resort Tutukaka Limited Oceans hotel has again struggled in what has been a depressed operating environment, particularly with room occupancy. To reverse this trend the Board re-branded the hotel as “Quality Hotel Oceans Tutukaka” and joined the Choice Hotels franchise. New manager, Craig Walker has recently been appointed. Ngātiwai Investment Holdings Ltd - Following the restructuring last year this Company now holds the property Te Tukaiaia Page 1 interests at Oceans, the Westpac building and the recently acquired interest in the James Street car park. It also holds the Board’s interest in the newly formed joint venture, Ngātiwai Education Ltd. The vacant floor on the Westpac building has now been tenanted by a government Department on a long term basis and that the car park is now almost fully let. Education - The Education team has expanded since last year and during the year formed a joint venture Private Training Establishment to further its the strategic goal of achieving full Wananga status. The Unit was recently granted New Zealand Qualifications Authority registration. Wireless Network - The network continues to operate below the breakeven point and moves are being taken to improve utilisation. Considerable work has also been done to improve the reliability of the network and to provide cost effective phone services. Bland Bay Camp Ground - Facilities at the camp ground were extensively renovated which attracted complimentary comment. Stage 2 of the renovations is currently underway with the replacement of the northern ablution block, the extension of the number of camp sites by the construction of a retaining wall and the levelling of previously undulating areas. We have also established a website and on-line booking system and now advertise through the Holiday Parks Association, Mediaworks Radio Advertising and the Motor Homes Association. Treaty Claims - Following extensive consultation involving over 20 Hui during the course of the year the mandate strategy was adopted by a vote of 82% in favour. Submissions on the Deed of Mandate have seen the Crown has meet with submitters prior to making a recommendation to the Minister on whether or not to grant a mandate. It is hoped that a decision on this will be made before Christmas. If granted the next phase in the process is “terms of negotiation” which should take approximately three months before official negotiations can commence. Considerable work has been done since the mandate strategy vote to improve the accuracy of our beneficiary database, in particular to reduce the number of “gone no address” (GNAs) returns. Strategic Plan - The strategic plan has been updated to incorporate the 2013 census information and the new management and organisation structures. The vision, mission and values remain unchanged and are considered to be still relevant. We continue to focus on these and the associated objectives when making decisions, and remain well on track to achieve our strategic objectives by the end of 2016. Conclusion - We have again experienced a period of sustained change across all facets and I believe that considerable progress has been made in all areas. I consider that we can look forward to the future with some optimism. Treaty Settlement Update: OTS Hui with Submitters On 18 October the Office of Treaty Settlement’s (OTS’s) met with people who made submissions on the Ngātiwai Trust Board’s (NTB’s) Deed of Mandate (DoM). The meetings took place at: • Te Puna Ō Te Mātauranga Marae, NorthTec, Whangarei from 11:30 am and; • The Kingsgate Hotel, Whangarei from 3pm onwards into the early evening. The purpose of the Hui was for submitters to have a first-hand opportunity to speak face to face with OTS about their concerns. The Ngātiwai Trust Board also attended the Hui to listen and consider the concerns raised by submitters. Rauru Kirikiri a Crown facilitator who managed the Crowns engagement with submitters at the Marae Hui concluded that while there were no completely new issues raised in submission there appeared to be “hope” for a way forward. While meetings with individual submitters continued on into the evening at the Kingsgate, those submitters opted not to have the Ngātiwai Trust Board present. The Ngātiwai Trust Board now awaits the Crown’s considered views on any substantive matters raised by submitters. Te Tukaiaia Page 2 Kia Tūpato! Ka tangi a Tūkaiāia kei te moana, Ko Ngātiwai kei te moana e haere ana; Ngātiwai at prestigious conference again Ka tangi a Tūkaiāia Kei tuawhenua, ko Ngātiwai kei tuawhenua e haere ana Beware! When Tūkaiāia calls at sea, Ngātiwai are at sea; When Tūkaiāia calls inland, Ngātiwai are inland Subscribe to our e-panui If you or anyone else you know that is of Ngātiwai descent, would like to register to receive this epanui, please contact us with an email address or register with us online. If you have already registered but we don’t have your current postal or email address let us know by emailing: [email protected] NGĀTIWAI TRUST BOARD Phone: 09) 430 0939 Fax: 09) 438 0182 129 Port Road Whangarei PO Box 1332 Whangarei 0140 www.Ngātiwai.iwi.nz www.facebook.com/Ngātiwaitb Opinions expressed in Te Tukaiaia are not necessarily those of Ngātiwai Trust Board, the publisher or the editors. However all due care and diligence has been taken to ensure content is correct as at the time of printing. General Manager of Education Phil Alexander-Crawford. Ngātiwai is being represented at the International Conference of Research and Innovation (2015). The conference is again being held in Seville, Southern Spain in early November. Our General Manager of Education Phil Alexander-Crawford is presenting a paper in the Cultural Diversity and Learning section of the conference. The conference is attended by over 700 educationalists from around 80 different countries from all over the world. It is an opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the field of teaching and learning methodologies, educational projects and innovations and new technologies applied to Education and Research. Phil’s paper looks at the new Maori Trades training scheme and how it has engaged (or otherwise) with Maori in Tai Tokerau. Ngātiwai is a key player in that pilot initiative. Phil has also been made chair of the session and his ‘team’ of speakers include professors from Finland, Italy and Romania. “I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak of something that I know could be a game changer for many of our whanau. As well it is putting the Ngātiwai name out onto that world stage again. I was especially pleased that I have been made chair. In awarding me the honour the selection committee noted the relevance of the paper on that wider stage.” Philip was supervised by Dr Mark Ewen (Director of Future Trades), NorthTec. Mark has been a huge advocate for Maori Trades in the North. The paper will be in two publications. As well as his using his own resources Philip has been supported by Ngātiwai Education and NorthTec to attend and said he is very appreciative of that. Come see what’s NEW at BLAND BAY CAMPGROUNDS 80 minutes north-east of Whangarei, Bland Bay Campground has been a trusted name in relaxation by families for close to 50 years. Upgraded facilities mean diving, swimming or fishing, you’ll have a great experience every time. Dogs welcome. Book z Online: blandbaycamp.co.n Copyright © 2013 Te Tukaiaia Page 3 Ngātiwai sponsored Taitamariki Voyage Executive Trustee of the R. Tucker Thompson Jane Hindle. In early October 11 Taitamariki sailed on the maiden Ngātiwai voyage around the Rohe and came back lavishing praise for the Trust Board initiative: “This is a great opportunity for our Ngātiwai Rangatahi; perhaps this should be an annual event. It is an effective way to teach our people tribal identity, leadership building and life skills. This journey should be open to not only our Rangatahi but should be available to our pakeke and other tribal story tellers. I would also like to express my appreciation to the R. Tucker - Thompson Crew for their continuous support and professionalism,” says Matua Rodney. Here are the daily entries from his journal entries: Day One: 06 October 2014 Karakia & Whakatau at Opua Wharf. • Sailed to Te Puna, Marsden Cross, Rangihoua Bay where the crew had an introduction around the general safety and emergency procedures of life on board the R Tucker – Thompson. • Sailed out to Motu Kokako, korero around Motu Kokako and Te Tiheru (one of the seven motu tapu that our tupuna Manaia left within the rohe of Ngātiwai, named after its Kaitiaki from Hawaikii. Them being the seven whales that he left in the form of islands. • Rakaumaungamaunga, about it being one of the pa sites of Manaia. • Bedded down for the night at an old kainga at Whangamumu, the first whaling station to exist in the Bay of Islands. • Korero on tribal affiliations. The R Tucker Thompson. Day Two: 07 October 2014 • Team building, cleaning and working as a team unit. • Rules around man overboard discussed. • Emergency Processes. • Walked around the whaling Station. • Had Karakia Whakatau to the land for our ancestors of the past. Talked about the Maungaroa. Korero with Ngari Raumati whanau from Te Rawhiti. • Taupiri, Ngaiotonga, Whakaturia, Whangaruru Harbour, Ohawani, Oakura, Mokau • Bedding down at Ngahau & Mimwhangata. • Korero on Ngātiwai tribal affiliations. • • Day Three: 08 October 2014 • 4am start & sailing. • Made our way to Tawhitirahi and Aorangi which is the Poor Knight Islands. • Went into the cave Rikoriko and all the kids participated in diving within the marine reserve. • Seen the Poor Knight Lily in flower and had a korero about our tribal affiliations. • Made our way to Aotea. • Bedded down at Nagel’s Cove for the night which is Roromohunga. Day Six: 11 October 2014 • Left Te Kauwau heading to Te Riringa Parawa, Whangarei Heads. • Korero about Tukaiaia, Tu Te Mahurangi, Pakari, Omaha, Te Arai and our whanau connections. • Bedding down under our Maunga Tapu Manaia. • Started off this journey talking about Manaia from Motu Kokako and. Rakaumaungamaunga and ending up under Mount Manaia in the Te Riringa Parawa the gathering place of Ngātiwai Chiefs Day Four: 09 October 2014 • Took a walk to the Kaiaraara Hut, looked at the damages from the storm. • Talked about the Kauri Dieback within this area. Day Seven: 12 October 2014: • Poroporoaki, whakatau to the tamariki families and a debrief of our journey through the Ngātiwai tribal domain. • • • Made our way to Blair’s Landing Sailed to Smokehouse Bay in the Port FitzRoy Rorohara Harbour. Met with the OPC group whakawhanaungatanga. Smoked some fish and had tea at Smokehouse Bay. Korero on Ngātiwai tribal affiliations. Day Five: 10 October 2014 • Sailed to Manuhiri Domain. • Talked about Hauturu O Toi, Moehau. • Talked about our water space within these areas, Waitemata, Matakana to Matakana Te Kapu Moana, Te Moana Nui O Toi Huatahi. • Bedded down in Te Kauwau. • Korero on Ngātiwai tribal affiliations. Te Tukaiaia Page 4 Helping Hands to Bland Bay During Labour Weekend Bland Bay Campground had around 28 Young Single Adults (YSA) and their leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, stay for two nights. Under their banner of "Helping Hands" they wanted to give service to the community, so we picked up glass and other debris in a part of the camp ground that recently underwent re-development. The field was leveled which unearthed glass and other debris from years since passed and we collected buckets of debris. The yellow tops in the photo below are the official YSA "Helping Hands" vests. PANUI Ngatiwai Trust Board Special General Meeting Notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting of the Board will be held in the Te Whare Rangimarie Marae, Tuparehuia on Saturday 6th December 2014 commencing at 10.00am. Agenda Karakia and Mihi 1. 2. 3. Apologies To elect 9 members to the Tuparehuia Marae Committee General Business Closing Karakia Note: Morning Tea will be available at the commencement of the meeting. A light lunch will be served at 12.30pm. Enquires: Phone: (09) 4300939 Fax: (09) 4380182 Email: [email protected] Young Single Adults (YSA) "Helping Hands" with Bland Bay Campground manager Wayne Johnstone (centre). www.ngātiwai.iwi.nz Important Dates WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? Ngātiwai Trustee Meeting Ngātiwai Trust Board 28 Nov Ngātiwai Special General Meeting Te Whare Rangimarie Marae, Tuparehuia 6 Dec He TAngata Te Tukaiaia Page 5
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