+^€ GOVERNMENTOF KARNATAKA No. LD 53 LET2013 KarnatakaGovernment Secretariat. VikasaSoudha, Bangalore,Dated:2L0 2-2014. NOTIFICATION WHEREASthe Governmentof Karnatakavide NotificationNo. LD 53 LET ZO13 Dated 04-02.2014 declared lT/ITES/StartupslAn imatisn/GaminglComputerGraphics/ Telecom/BPO/KPO/otherknowledge based industries to be PUBLIC UTlLlTy SERVTCESfor a period of Five yearS from the date of publication of the said Notificationin the OfficialGazette. WHEREASSub-clause(vi) of Clause(n) of the Sub-section 2 of the Industrial DispulesAct, 1947 (CentralAct 14 of 1947)providesfor a maximumperiod of Six (6) .months onlyof such an exemption. - In view of the above, Gou"rnrunt Notification No. LD 53 LET Dated.04.02.2014 is herebywithdrawnwith immediateeffec! 201.3 ' THEREFORE,in'exerciseof the powersconferredby Sub-clause(vi) of Clausb (n) of Sub-section2 of the IndustrialDisputes'Act,1947 (CentralAct 14 of 1947),The of Karnatakabeing satisfiedthat the'Public Interestso requires,hereby .9-o-y..gn.ngnt declare lT/ITES/Startups/Animation/Gaming/Computer Graphicsffeleiomi BpO/KpO/ other knowledgebased industriesto be PUBLICuTlLlTy sERvlcES for the purpose of the said Act for a periodof Six (6) months only from the date of publicationof this Notificationin the Official Gazette. By order and in the name of the of Karnataka Under Secretary to Go.vernment, Laboun Department To, The Compiler,KarnatakaGazatte,Bangalore- with a requestto publish the above Notification in the Extraordinary GazetteDt. 21.02.2014 with a requestto furnish100 copiesof the Notification to the UnderSecretary to Government, LabourDepartment and 100copiesto the Commissioner of Labourin Karnataka, Karmika Bhavana,Bannerghatta Road,Bangalore. Copyto: 1. The Secretaryto Government of India, Ministry of Labour & Employment, Shramshakthi Bhavan, NewDelhi-1 10001. t--'*, fi . t P B a F t 2 . P.s. to Hon.Ministerfor LabourDepartrnent, vidhanasdudha. 3 . P.s. to Hon. Ministerforlr, BT and s&T, Governrnent of xar#ara 4 . The Secretary to Government,Departnrentof ParliamentaryAffairs & Legislation, VidhanaSoudha,Bangalore 5. The $ecretary to Govemment, InformationTechnologylBiotechnobgy & Science E Technolog y Department,M-S.guilding,gargalore. 6 . Gommissioner of Labour in Karnataka, Karmika ghavana, .Bannerghatta Road,Bangalore.560029 7 . P.S.to Secretaryto Government, . LabourDepartment 8. CabinetSection(SublectNo.C 684t2O13) 9 . WeeklyGazette/S.G.F/SpareCopies.
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