Showlaser System Manual Vorläufig / Preliminary Einfuehrung / Introduction Vielen Dank fuer den Kauf dieses Showlaser Systems, welches speziell entworfen wurde, um maximal moegliche Performance bei minimal moeglichem Preis zu bie ten. Je nach Ausfuehrung erhalten Sie eine Vielzahl von Moeglichkeiten und Funktionen, die weit ueber dieses Manual hinaus gehen koennen. Sie erfahren deshalb hier alles notwendige, um Ihr Geraet in Betrieb nehmen und eine sichere Show durchfuehren zu koennen. Thank you very much for purchasing this show laser system, which was designed to offer maximum performance and minimum possible price. Depending on version of system, you get a large variety of effects and possibilities, which to determine would be above this manual´s descriptions. You therefore will learn everything that is necessary to run your device safely and accurate for your best show. Lieferumfang / Delivery contents Im Lieferumfang dieses Geraetes sollten sich die folgenden Teile befinden: - Showlaser Einheit Netzkabel Betriebsanleitung Schluessel fuer Schluesselschalter Stecker fuer Interlock-Anschluss In the delivery content you should find the following items: - Showlaser unit Power cord Manual Key for keyswitch Connector for interlock connector Auspacken / Unpacking Bitte lesen Sie vor Inbetriebnahme diese Betriebsanleitung sorgfaeltig durch, um unnoetige Fragen oder Beschaedigungen zu vermeiden. Trotz der robusten Bauweise ist ein Lasergeraet ein Praezisionsgeraet und sollte dementsprechend behandelt werden. Bitte gehen Sie beim Auspacken vorsichtig vor, um keine Teile zu beschaedigen oder zu verlieren. Ohne Schluessel wird Ihr Geraet nicht funktionieren. Die Verpackung sollte noch eine Zeit aufbewahrt werden, um bei eventuellen Garantieanspruechen einen sicheren Transport zu gewaehrleisten. Please read this manual carefully before use to ensure a proper installation and to avoid any unnecessary damages. Even if your laser unit is built for rugged environments, it is still a sensitive laser device, and necessary care has to been taken. Please be careful during unpacking to avoid any damages or losses or parts. Your device will not function without key. Please store the original package for some time for eventual warranty return procedures. Technische Daten / Technical specifications Stromanschluss / Power input: Sicherung / Fuse: Aufnahmeleistung / Total power: Ablenkwinkel / Deflection angle: Laser Power: Control signal: Laserklasse / Laser class: Umgebungstemperatur / Operating temp.: Abmessungen / Size: Gewicht / Weight: 100 – 240VAC 50/60Hz 2A Slow @ 230VAC 150W +/- 25° max. Max. 130mW 532nm green Max. 350mW 650nm red Max. 120mW 473nm blue DMX 512, ILDA 4 +10 - + 35°C 330 x 220 x 165mm 8,5kg Sicherheitshinweise / Safety instruction Prinizipiell sind Lasershow Systeme bei richtiger Benutzung sicher. Trotzdem sind einige Vorschriften und Hinweise zu beachten, um eine Gefaehrdung der anwesenden Personen auszuschliessen. Diese Vorschriften gelten fuer den gesamten europaeischen Raum und fuer die meisten Laender der Erde. v Die passende Vorschrift fuer Lasereinrichtungen ist die DIN EN 60825-1, in Deutschland auch als VDE 0837 bekannt. Die korrespondierende Unfallverhuetungsvorschrift der Berufsgenossenschaft ist die BGV-B2. v In jedem Falle muss bei einem Laser der Klasse 3 oder hoeher ein Laserschutzbeauftragter waehrend des Betriebes anwesend sein. Kurse zur Nachweis der Fachkenntnis werden u.a. durch die Fa. MediaLas ( in Balingen durchgefuehrt. v Duch die schnelle Bewegung der Laserstrahlen wird eine Augengefaehrdung weitgehend vermieden. Trotzdem kann es bei unsachgemaesser Benutzung und vor allem bei Eingriff in das Geraet zu Gefahrensituationen kommen. Hierbei sind unbedingt die Vorschriften zu beachten. v Service am geoeffneten Geraet darf nur durch Fachpersonal durchgefuehrt werden. v Diese Lasergeraete sind nur fuer Showanwendung gedacht und nicht fuer industrielle oder medizinische Zwecke geeignet. Jegliche Ansprueche durch unsachgemaessen oder nicht bestimmungsgemaessen Betrieb sind in jedem Fall ausgeschlossen. Laser in it´s proper use is a safe show device. However, there are some rules and regulation to be followed in most countries of the world. v v v v v The main regulation is the IEC 60825-1 in it´s last edition. In any time there must be a trainied operator during laser operation. Never direct laser beams to people or animals Never run the unit unattended In case of service at opened unit, only skilled personel is allowed to work on the unit v This laser device is only for show and entertainment, no use in industrial or medical or any other applications except entertainment is allowed. Sicherer Betrieb / Safe operation Fuer einen sicheren Betrieb befolgen Sie bitte die nachfolgenden Hinweise und beachten Sie auch die allgemein gueltigen Umgangsverfahren mit elektrischen Geraeten. v Bitte entsorgen Sie nicht mehr benoetigtes Verpackungsmaterial sorgfaeltig und umweltschonend. v Um elektrische Stromschlaege zu vermeiden darf das Geraet weder Wasser noch Regen oder Schnee ausgesetzt werden. Jeglicher Kontakt mit Fluessigkeiten ist zu vermeiden. v Um Kondensation zu vermeiden sollte das Geraet nach groesseren Temperaturschwankungen fuer einige Zeit nicht in Betrieb genommen werden, um sich der Umgebungstemperatur anzupassen v Die Geraete sind prinzipiell nur fuer den Betrieb in geschlossenen Raeumen konzipiert v Bitte beachten Sie einen Mindestabstand von 50cm zu Mauern, Wänden oder Vorhaengen v Sorgen Sie immer fuer eine ausreichende Luftzufuhr und bedecken Sie Luftoeffnungen nicht mit Klebeband oder anderen Gegenstaenden v Vermeiden Sie den Betrieb in staubigen Umgebungen v Halten Sie das Geraet von Kindern fern v Elektrische Anschlusse duerfen nur von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal durchgefuehrt werden v Ein Oeffnen des Geraetes ist nur qualifiziertem Servicepersonal erlaubt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass durch unerlaubtes Oeffnen jegliche Garantie erlischt For a safe operation and installation please follow these safety instructions. v Please recycle unused packing material in it´s proper way to safe our environment v To prevent the use from electrical shock, please do not expose this appliance to rain, water, moisture or other liquids and fluids v To avoid condensation inside and outside, pls allow this unit to adapt to the ambient temperature after huge temperature changes. v This units are for indoor use only v Please mount the unit in a well ventilated place. v Mount the unit at least 50cm from walls, curtains or any other drapings v Do not cover ventilation openings v Avoid operation in dusty environment v Please keep away from children v Electrical connections should only be carried out by qualified service personal v Do not open the cover. Any service or maintenance should only be carried out by experienced service technicians. Any unallowed opening voids warranty Anschluss / Connection Der Anschluss der UltraLase Modelle bietet zahlreiche Moeglichkeiten der Ansteuerung durch Lasershow-Software oder DMX Geräte. Aufgrund der Komplexitaet der DMX-Speicherkarte empfehlen wir die Nutzung einer DMX Software oder eines professionellen DMX Steuerpultes. The connection of UltraLase model offers various control variations through lasershow software or DMX control units. To take advantage of all complex features of the DMX control board, a DMX control software or professional DMX desk is recommended. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Kaltgeraetebuchse / Mains connection Luefter / Cooling fan DMX through DMX Eingang / DMX input Interlock Schluesselschalter / Key switch ILDA Eingang / ILDA Input ILDA through X-Groesse / X-Size Y-Groesse / Y-Size X-Spiegelung / X- mirror Y-Spiegelung / Y- mirror ILDA Ansteuerung / ILDA control Um den ILDA-Eingang zu aktivieren, muessen die Pins fuer externen Interlock verbunden sein (Pin 4 + Pin 17). Sind diese Pins nicht verbunden, ist das Geraet im DMX-Mode. Voll ILDA kompatible Interfaces wie DMX-Box bieten diese Funktion bereits intern. Mittels dem ILDA Out Anschluss koennen bis zu 4 Geraete in Serie geschaltet und parallel betrieben werden. To activate the ILDA-compatible input, pls make sure to connect pins for Interlock (Pin 4 and Pin 17). If these pins are not shortened, the unit will be in DMX mode. Fully ILDA compatible interfaces, just as DMX-box, integrate this feature already in it´s internal connector structure. The integrated ILDA Out connector DMX Ansteuerung / DMX control Der UltraLase benoetigt 3-9 DMX Kanaele zum vollstaendigen Betrieb, je nach Setup des internen Playerboards. Die AdressSelektion erfolgt mittels Up/Down Tasten und einer 7-Segment Anzeige auf der Frontplatte. Mehrere Geraete koennen am DMX Bus in Reihe geschaltet werden. Weitere Informationen zur DMX Ansteuerung und programmierung der Speicherkarte entnehmen Sie bitte Anhang 1. UltraLase requires 3-9 DMX channels for proper operation. The address selection is done on the front panel´s push buttons and is shown in the upper LED display section. Multiple units can be wired in series on the DMX bus. More information about DMX usage and features, please refer to attachment 1. DMX Kanaele / DMX channels Bedienung / Operation Das Netzkabel an die Steckdose, Hauptschalter auf „on“, Schluesselschalter auf „on“ und los geht´s. Je nach Stellung der DIP -Schalter 9 und 10 ist ein automatischer oder DMX gesteuerter Betrieb moeglich. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu auch den Aufdruck am Geraet sowie Anhang 1. Connect power cord to mains, switch on and turn the key to the OnPosition.Chose operation mode with DIP-switch 9 and 10 for automatic or DMX control. Pls check also the printing on the unit itself, and attachment 1. Einstellung der Laserstrahlen / Adjustment of laser beams Nach Transport oder nach starken Vibrationen kann es vorkommen, dass die einzelnen Laserfarben nicht mehr korrekt auf eine Linie eingestellt sind. Die Einstellung der Farben ist ziemlich einfach, es muss jedoch das Frontblech abgenommen werden. Zur Justage dieser Farbkonvergenz beachten Sie bitte das separat erhaeltliche Servicemanual. After transportation or vibrations, single color lines could be slightly misaligned. Alignment procedure is quite easy, but the fron panel has to be removed. For alignment of color convergence please refer to the separat available service manual. Montage / Installation GTech ShowLaser koennen entweder an der Wand, an der Decke oder an einer Traverse montiert werden. Im Falle einer Traversenmontage wird das 10mm Loch fuer einen C-Haken oder Halfcoupler benutzt. Zusaetzlich sollte ein Fangseil durch das „Safety Eye“ und einen Traversenarm gezogen werden. Achten Sie darauf, dass das Geraet genuegend Frischluft zur Kuehlung erhaelt. Elektrische Anschluesse sind von Fachleuten durchzufuehren. GTech showlasers can be mounted on a wall, on the ceiling or a truss system. If mounted on a truss, a C-mount or halfcoupler has to be screwed to the 10mm hole in the bracket. Additionally, a safety rope must be used. Please take care for enough fresh air to the unit. Electrical connections have to be made by experienced and trained personal. Pflege und Reinigung / Maintenance v Schalten Sie das Geraet aus, entfernen Sie das Netzkabel und warten Sie, bis das Geraet abgekuehlt ist. v Ueberpruefen Sie alle externen Schraubverbindung auf sicheren Halt und Festigkeit. v Ueberpruefen Sie optische Austrittsfenster auf Verschmutzung oder Defekte. Ggf. tauschen Sie diese aus. v Alle Luftzufuehrungen muessen staubfrei sein. Reinigen Sie diese mit leichter Druckluft oder einem feuchten Tuch. Interne Reinigung Die folgenden Schritte sollten nur durch qualifiziertes Servicepersonal ausgefuehrt werden. Ueberpruefen Sie die optischen Komponenten auf Befestigung und Sauberkeit. Zur Reinigung verwenden Sie normalen Fensterreiniger und Lenspaper. v Switch off the unit, remove power cable and wait until the unit has cooled down. v Check all external screws to be securely fastened. v Check for scratches or cracks on the optical lens or window. If such damages appear, the optical piece has to be replaced. v Fan openings must be free from dust and dirt. If needed, clean with forced air or a tissue. Internal maintenance We strongly recommend internal maintenance only by qualified and trained service personal. v Check optical surfaces for dirt or scratches. If necessary, clean optical surfaces with lens paper and a light alcohol, such as Methanol. If not available, window cleaner will do perfectly. v Check mechanic mounts and screws to be securely fastened. GTech UltraLase DMX functions description The showlaser system ULTRALASE allows a PC-independent playback of Lasershows in ILDA-format under DMX-control. A SD Card is used as memory media, on which the shows are stored for playback. For editing the memorycard and setting up device parameters, a PC with Windows** operating system and a simple flashcard reader is required. Selection of the show sequences and settings of various showparameters are controlled via standard DMX 512 signal line. How to select a show from the SD memory card 1. Connect a proper and working DMX controller to the DMX input 2. Select the starting DMX channel on the front panel of UltraLase accordingly to the DMX controller. 3. Select the desired animation from the SD card by using channel 1 and channel 2 of the DMX controller. 4. Set scanspeed and other parameters on channels 3 - 8 Selecting the DMX address on front panel, example: • • • • • • • • • Setting DMX-baseaddress to 200. Press “Mode” until “Adr” blinks Press “Select” until current value is displayed and right digit blinks Press “Up” until “0” is reached. Press “Select” to go to middle digit Press “Up” until “0”. Press “Select” until left digit blinks Press “Up” until “2” is reached. Press “Mode” for exit this parameter. The value is stored automatically. Selection of desired show/animation by using DMX The ULTRALASE uses 2 channels for showselection, these are arranged in a 16x16 matrix field. Using the first channel (Showselect L), shownumbers 0 to 15 can be accessed and the second channel (showselect H) selects one bank out of 16. So, 16 banks containing 16 Shows each, can be selected. Examples: Showselect H = 0, Showselect L = 8 (fader center position): shownumber = 0 x 16 + 8 = 8 Showselect H = 8 (center position), Showselect L = 3, shownumber = 8 x 16 + 3 = 131 Showselect H = 15 (fader max), Showselect L = 15 (max): Shownummer = 15 x 16 + 15 = 255 Shownumber zero (both faders placed to minimum) is meant to be empty per default to pause the show. Output is shut down when no show corresponds to this showselection. For special applications, a show can be stored to location 0, when this selection contains a valid show. This allows to play a show even whithout using DMX control. Memorycard (MMC-/SD-Card) Multimedia - or SD-cards up to a maximum capacity of 2 GB can be used. Important: The card has to be formatted with FAT16 filesystem only. The manufacturer recommends the use of high quality cards. No-name cards can cause read errors. All cards shipped with the ULTRALASE are formatted correctly and must NOT be reformatted. Caution: When using own cards or reformat cards by using a PC with Windows operating system, it is not ensured, that the cards are formatted FAT16. Depending on the memory size of the card, Windows will format these with FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32 filesystem. The ULTRALASE will not work with other filesystems than FAT16. Check your Windows manual for formatting the memory card with FAT16 file system. No subdirectories are supported by the ULTRALASE! All showfiles and configuration files must be placed in the rootdirectory of the card. Subdirectories are allowed, but cannot be found by the ULTRALASEsystem. There may be not more than 260 files located in the rootdirectory. It is recommended not to store more files as necessary on the card. Only short filenames will be processed (8.3-format) by ULTRALASE! The name of the files should be not longer than 8 charcters plus the extension (for example ILD). When copying files to the card, both long and short filenames are created. The ULTRALASE only reads the short names Reserved Filenames Some filenames are reserved for device control. These files will be read out by ULTRALASE automatically and must NOT be deleted or renamed. The following filenames are reserved: CONFIG.DAT FLASHMP.BIN FWUP12LX.BIN Contains output settings. Control program for firmwareupdate. File for a specific firmwareupdate. When this file is found, ULTRALASE automatically updates the firmware. After this procedure, this file will be deleted automatically. The Showmanagement of the player The complete management of the show output is controlled by the configuration file CONFIG.DAT. This file is the heart of showcontrol and must be stored on the card! When the operating system of the ULTRALASE will not find this file, an error occurs. The configuration file is created or modified by the use of a free softwaretool (Windows9x-XP**), which is stored on the card. Always store a backup of the card on your PC for saving the contents of the card in case of a card failure. Setting up showparameters All settings of the showparameters are global, when enabled for DMXcontrol. But different shows often need different settings. To ensure every show be outputed under the right settings, the settings should be stored as a scene on the DMX-desk together with the showselection. When showparameters are not directed to a DMX-channel, a fixed value can be set and this value is global for all shows. Also, DMX-faders can jump between 2 values, even when the fader is left untouched. This results in changing showselection and output parameters. For this reason, a direct (live) operation of the DMX-desk is not the best way. A better solution is storing all settings as scenes (presets) on the desk. Calling these scenes by keyboard or chaser ensure a stable showplayback. Showselection via DMX The ULTRALASE uses 2 channels for showselection, these are arranged in a 16x17 matrix field. Using the first channel (Showselect L), shownumbers 0 to 15 can be accessed and the second channel (showselect H) selects one bank out of 16. So, 16 banks containing 16 Shows each, can be selected. Examples: Showselect H = 0, Showselect L = 8 (fader center position): shownumber = 0 x 16 + 8 = 8 Showselect H = 8 (center position), Showselect L = 3, shownumber = 8 x 16 + 3 = 131 Showselect H = 15 (fader max), Showselect L = 15 (max): Shownummer = 15 x 16 + 15 = 255 Shownumber zero (both faders placed to minimum) represents a special condition. This shownumber is called PAUSE, because output is shut down when no show corresponds to this showselection. But also a show can be played for pause, when this selection contains a valid show. This allows to play a show even whithout using DMX control. The ULTRALASE always playbacks PAUSE, when show number 0 is selected or when any other shownumber does not correspond to a showfile (showtable is empty). DMX Fail Protection The ULTRALASE automatically recognizes a valid DMX512-signal. When signal fails in case of interruption of the DMX connection, the output automatically switches to PAUSE. When a show is placed in PAUSE, this show will be outputted, even when there is no valid DMX connection. Creating the configuration file CONFIG.DAT The free softwaretool, shipped together with every ULTRALASE, allows the creation and modification of the configurationfile. DMX-baseaddress can be set and every control parameter can be directed to a specific DMXchannel inside the group of 16 channels. Also, DMX-control of every parameter can be disabled and a fixed value can be set instead DMX-Baseaddress Select the DMX-baseaddress of UltraLase. Valid values are 1-512. Maximum sum of baseaddress plus highest used control channel is 512. Any overflow will be watched by the software and a message will be displayed. Setting up DMX-channels Each parameter control can be directed to any channel starting from the baseaddress. By checking NONE, DMX-control can be disabled and a fixed value will be used. Showselect L This DMX-function cannot be disabled! Enter here the channel for showselection. When just this channel is used for showselection, one of the first 16 shows (including Pause) can be selected through DMX. Showselect H 16 banks of shows, 16 shows each, can be selected by using this function. When DMX-control of this function is disabled, only shows number 0 (pause) to 15 are selectable via Showselect L from the DMX source. Speed Kpps WARNING! High Scanspeed can cause serious defects to the scanners! This function controls the output speed (points per second, pps). The ULTRALASE internal controller runs a maximum speed of 26000 pps and minimum 1000 pps. Keep in mind that changing the point output speed also will change the speed of the displayed animation and also will influence the blanking settings (blankshifting). For this reason, the speedshould be adjusted carefully. When DMX-control of this function is disabled, the value set in the showtable individual for every show is displayed. Framerepeat Shows in ILDA-format do not contain any timing information. When all frames of a show are played one after the other, the animation speed is probably too fast. By repeating every frame a number of times, the speed of the animation movement can be controlled. Common used values are 3-6. Values by DMX-control are 1 to 16. When DMX-control of this function is disabled, the value set in the showtable individual for every show is displayed. Size (projection size) When changing size by using DMX-control, a faderposition of 0 (minimum) can cause a single laserbeam. This can be a dangerous condition and should be avoided! It is recommended not to use this DMXcontrol and use the fixed global value instead. Pls note, that the ULTRALASE manual size adjustments are not wired to the DMX playback board. Offset X (horizontal position) This setting has an unsigned value. A value of zero results in the maximum negative offset. 128 is the center position and 255 is the maximum positive offset. When DMX-control of this function is disabled, the value set behind „global Value“ will be taken. For centerpostion, use a value of 128! Offset Y (vertical position) Same as Offset X, but for Y-channel. Blankshift This function can be controlled in 16 steps. Here, the timing of the blanking (Laser = off) and the colors can be controlled. Since the mechanical scanners are slower than the modulation of colors or blanking, the timing has to be adjusted properly to avoid unwanted artefakts in the projected image. Common used values are 2 to 5. Valid values are 0 to 15. When DMX-control of this function is disabled, the value set behind „global Value“ will be used. A global value for all shows often is critical, because different shows need different settings. The best solution is to adjust the value via DMX and save the settings together with the showselection as a scene on the DMX-desk. Note: Changing the point speed (Kpps) will also influence the blankshifting. Intensity Intensity controls the signal amplitude of the colorsignals RGB and Intensity Out. When DMX-control of this function is disabled, the value set under the parameter 'Int' at the LED control panel is used. When no panel is connected, the value behind „global Value“ will be taken. WARNING! This function should be used by experienced users only! The Showtable In the showtable, all DMX-values of the channels ShowselectH and ShowselectL are listed, giving a maximum count of 256 shows. A showfile and several showparameters can be allocated to any DMX-value. When only using ShowselectL for showselection, rows from 16 to 255 will be disabled, because only 15 shows plus Pause can be accessed by DMXcontrol. When clicking in a row under Filename, a dialog openes for selecting a file. The same file can be used in different rows of the table. Watch that the card (removeable media) is selected as the path. Then you can be sure, that your showfile is available on the card. It is also possible to work in a backup directory on the harddisk and then copy the whole content to the memorycard. But then, it must be sure, that there are short filenames available. This is normally only sure, when using FAT-filesystem. Otherwise, Windows will create a short filename, when copying data to memorycard, and the names would be changed. The player then will not find the filename on the card. It is better, first to place all showfiles on the memorycard and then selecting them directly from the card! Note for Windows 2000 or Windows XP with NTFS-filesystem: NTFS will not create short filenames or change the names when copying files to the card. It is recommended first copying all showfiles to the card and then select all files directly from the memorycard, when making configuration. Speed, Framerepeat and Displaymode When clicking on this fields in the showtable, a new dialog openes. Here the values corresponding to the selected show (line in table) can be set. Copy and paste can be used to copy all values of a row into another row of the showtable (Fig. 6). “No File”-Button Use this button to delete Showentries from the showtable. This cannot be done in the filedialog, so this additional button was added. This is important, for example, to remove a show from the Pause-field (Show 0). Speed Kpps This is the outputspeed (pointrate) for the current show. This value only will be used, when the speed is not controlled by DMX-channel. The lasershowplayer ULTRALASE supports a maximum output speed of 26 Kpps. When using a value greater than 26000, the player limits the speed to 26K internally. Depending on the projection size, a scanspeed between 20k and 26k is recommended. Framerepeat This value only will be used when framerepeat is not controlled by DMXchannel. Displaymode Here, one of four possible displaymodes can be selected. PAUSE is fixed to one mode. Displaymode is the combination of 2 showmodes and 2 prioritymodes. The 2 showmodes are Loop or Oneshot. Loop When using this mode, playback of the show will be repeated as long as no new show will be selected. For example, when the show only consists of one single frame, this frame will be displayed permanently. Oneshot The selected show will be displayed exactly one time. When the show only consists of one single frame, htis frame will be displayed n-times, where n is the value under Framerepeat. When playback of the show or frame is finished and no new show is selected for playback, the player automatically will switch to PAUSE (show 0). The 2 showmodes can be combined with 2 output prioritoes. These are Complete and Interruptable. Complete The current running show will be outputted completely, before any new showselection is possible. Interruptable The current running show will be aborted, when a new show is selected. The following combinations are possible: Loop/Complete The current show always is displayed completely and will restart from the beginning, when no new showselction is reconized at the end of the show. Loop/Interruptable The current show will be repeated, when no new show is selected. When selecting a new show, the current running show will be aborted. Oneshot/Complete The show will be displayed completely, exactly one time Oneshot/Interruptable The show will be displayed exactly one time, but will be aborted when a new show is selected. Exceptions Show number 0 (Pause) is always Loop/Interruptable. Note When a show is running in Complete-mode, all parameters like speed, size, offset, framerepeat and blankshift will be held (also when controlled by DMX). Otherwise, the parameters would be changed when selecting a new show during playback of the current show. The Pauseshow Per default, the filename at shownumber 0 (Pause) is left blank. When selecting Pause or after finishing playback, the laser is blanked and the output is stopped. In some special cases, for example when using the system as an advertising display without DMX, it could be necessary to playback a show without any additional control. When placing a showfile to show number 0 (pause), this show always will be outputted, when no other show is selected. Useful combinations of displaymodes Long shows should be interruptable to allow changing to another show. Short shows or short effects should be set to Complete. Single frames should be set to Loop, because otherwise they just will be displayed parts of a second. Special sequences as a highlight of a show should be set to Oneshot. LED-Panel The panel can be used to acces some important parameters for the ILDAplayback directly , without the use of the configfile of the flashcard. There are 3 keys from left to right: 1. Mode By pressing Mode, the actual parameter for changing is selected. There are 3 parameters currently available: “Adr” = DMX-baseaddress “Int” = max. Intensity for color- and intensityoutput laser “Ort” = orientation of the projection 2. Select After selected the parameter with Mode, press Select and the current stored value will be displayed. By pressing Select again, the digit for changing will flash. Pressing Select multiple times will activate all digits by blinking one after the other. 3. Up Use this key to change the current number in the blinking digit. The number will be increased. When reaching the maximum number (9), the number will be start from zero again. Example: Setting DMX-baseaddress to 200. Press “Mode” until “Adr” blinks Press “Select” until current value is displayed and right digit blinks Press “Up” until “0” is reached. Press “Select” to go to middle digit Press “Up” until “0”. Press “Select” until left digit blinks Press “Up” until “2” is reached. Press “Mode” for exit this parameter. The value is stored automatically. All values are stored and activated when exit the parameter input by pressing “Mode”. After not changing anything in the parameter input routine, the panel will return to main routine after about 10 seconds without storing value to memory. Note that playback of longer shows may be interrupted (stopped) when changing parameters at the panel during showoutput. Display of single frames of short sequences normally will not be interrupted. Limits DMX-baseaddress 1 – 512 Intensity 0 – 99 Orientation 0 – 7 Limits will be controlled automatically by the panel. If trying to set a value beyond the limits, the panel automatically corrects to an allowed value during input. Intensity The value under “Int” sets the maximum intensity for the laser. All show values for RGB-outputs and analog blanking output will be devided by this value linear. Orientation There are 8 different values possible, allowing all possible projection orientations. This is important for backprojections or if it is not clear how the projector is installed at the venue. – normal – X invert – Y invert – X and Y invert – X and Y changed – X and Y changed and X invert – X and Y changed and Y invert – X and Y changed and both inverted
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