CPTN Conference 2014 Brochure

MAY 29TH - 31ST, 2014
RockFit Performance
Movement Taping Clinic
Working with Clients
with Disabilities
Assessment Tips and Tricks
for the Pelvis
The Shoulder Joint
Tabata Training
Unmasking Superfoods
Benefits of Physical Activity
and Aging Well
Fascial Posture Training
Earn CECs
for CPTN
and NSCA
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
Toronto, Ontario Canada
Welcome to the 2014
CPTN Conference
CPTN Training Camp
for Practical Assessors
Continuing education will keep you current with new developments in the
personal training and fitness fields. With the 2014 CPTN Conference and
Pre-Conference programmes, you will have the opportunity to learn from
experts who will draw from their experiences and research to keep your
clients well-prepared for healthier lifestyles and higher performances.
This annual conference also offers you an opportunity to connect with
friends and network with new colleagues. Join in — to share an idea, ask
questions and try something new — as we continue to grow as a CPTN
community of learners, educators and professionals.
We look forward to seeing you at the 2014 CPTN Conference.
Warmest wishes,
Susan Lee, MPE, MA, CPTN-CPT
CPTN President
CPTN Annual
Conference Research
Poster Presentation
As part of its objective to integrate current research and evidence-based practice to the
education of its Certified Trainers, CPTN will host a research poster presentation at its
2014 conference. Graduate students are invited to take advantage of the opportunity
to promote their research to practitioners in the field. Research topics must have direct
applicability to the field of health and fitness. Posters can range from psychological,
physiological or biomechanical topics that can be implemented by practitioners. All
submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a committee to determine that the research
has the appropriate applicability and impact on the health and fitness industry.
with Sheldon Persad, MSc, CSCS, CPTN-CPT.M, NCCP, SWC
Become a CPTN Practical Assessor for your
geographical area and play a key role in the certification
of new personal trainers.
You will be taught the essentials of how to effectively
assess candidates using CPTN’s unique assessment tool.
You will learn the skills necessary to successfully evaluate
candidates on their competence in cardiovascular training,
resistance training, program design and interpersonal
Date:Thursday, May 29th, 2014
Time: 9:00am–6:00pm
Location: Advantage 4 Athletes
Fee: $299 + HST
(includes practical assessor manual and assessment tool)
Text: Abstracts must provide a brief introduction to its relevance to the field, and include
APPLICATION statement of the research findings.
Abstracts must contain a respectable mix of scientific data to substantiate the findings,
however, a clear statement regarding the research results with wording that a practitioner
without a scientific background will understand is required.
Interested students should submit their proposal and abstract
by April 4th to [email protected].
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lucinda Jensen at 416-979-1654.
CPTN Award of Merit
Nominate yourself or a colleague!
Abstract Submission Requirements
The CPTN Award of Merit was developed to recognize the excellent contributions of CPTN
Certified Personal Trainers (CPTN-CPT) in the areas of: advance certification, professional
development of trainers, community involvement, athletic accomplishments and media
recognition. Recognized trainers are awarded the designation: CPTN-CPT.M. Applications
will be accepted until May 14th, 2014.
Abstract Deadline – April 4th, 2014
Abstract Acceptance/Rejection Notification
– Mailed electronically – April 30th, 2014
Authors: First and last name of authors (do not list degrees).
Application Guidelines:
• Trainers may nominate themselves or be nominated by others.
• The nominee must complete a scoring form for the merit point system and provide relevant documentation as required. (See the CERTIFICATION page at www.cptn.com
for details and points system.) All information to be submitted to [email protected].
• A CPTN committee review panel will assess the nomination and all submitted materials.
Institution: Name of institution and department will be included.
Trainers receiving an Award of Merit will be recognized at the 2014 CPTN Conference.
Preparing the Abstract
– Abstract submissions will be limited to 2500 characters (not including spaces, title or
author block), and should include the following headings:
Title: a brief title explaining the research topic.
MAY 29, 30 & 31st 2014
LOCATION: Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
6 Garamond Court, Toronto, ON M3C 1Z5 www.jccc.on.ca
ACCOMMODATIONS: Accommodations can be made at Toronto Don Valley
Hotel and Suites, 175 Wynford Drive, Toronto, M3C 1J3. Call 416.449.4111 or
1.877.474.6835. This is the closest hotel in the area and about a 10-minute walk
from the Centre.
pre-conference delegates may register by completing the registration form supplied
with this brochure or online at www.cptn.com. Please scan and email registration
forms to [email protected] or mail to CPTN, 122 D’arcy Street, Toronto, ON, M5T
1K3, Canada. Early-bird registrations must be postmarked and mailed on
or before April 11, 2014. VISA, MasterCard, Amex, certified cheques and money
orders are accepted. Registration forms sent without a method of payment will not
be processed.
SESSION SELECTION: Sessions for the conference day are divided into six time
slots. Only one session per time slot can be assigned to a registrant. On your completed session selection you may indicate your order of preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd) for
each time slot in case you are unable to receive your first choice. This is done by filling
in the last digit of the session code (session codes precede the session names) on the
registration form included with this brochure. Session distribution is determined on
a first-come, first-serve basis. Register early!
Pre-Conference Sessions – Thursday, May 29, 2014
PC1A: Assessment Tips and Tricks for the Pelvis – Angela Pereira, BSc., CSCS, CES
Join Angela Pereira for an interactive two-day course including hands-on teaching of a wide range of assessment tools for
the pelvis— Explore a logical progression of techniques to examine the stability and balance of the pelvic region – from
muscle activation, to appropriate muscle patterning, to adequate muscle endurance. This course will be especially helpful
for those fitness professionals who work with older adults living with chronic recurrent low back, hip and leg pain.
An introduction to therapeutic exercise progressions will be addressed. Come out and challenge your anatomy knowledge
and your assessment expertise!
Thurs./Fri., May 29/30 Time: 9:30am–5:30pm Fee: $230+HST (mem); $295+HST non-mem
CEC: CPTN-14, NSCA-1.4
PC1B: CPTN Yoga Level 3: Yoga for Athletes and Personal Trainers
Serious athletes understand that muscle balance and flexibility are key components to remaining injury-free. Originally
created by local yoga guru Caron Shepley, this program is specifically designed to increase strength, flexibility and muscle
balance in athletes. This seven-hour workshop, which is geared to demonstrating how a trainer can incorporate yoga into
clients’ training sessions, will include a brief history of yoga, basic theory of pranayama and asana practice, discussion about
different types of yoga, the practice of sun salutations and other warm-ups, the practice of specific postures, and explanations
about how athletes in specific sports might benefit from this kind of yoga practice.
Time: 9:30am–5:30pm Fee: $169 + HST mem; $229 + HST non-mem CECs: CPTN-7, NSCA-0.7
PC1C: The Flexible Periodization Method: Individualized Program Design
For Athletes – Why your “Sport-Specific Programs” are “Hit or Miss”
– Karsten Jensen, MSc., CPTN-CPT.M, CHEK 2, HLC 3
Sport-Specific Training — training that is customized to the needs of a particular sport — sounds attractive, yet sportspecific training, overall, seems to only produce “hit or miss” results because each individual athlete has different strengths or
weaknesses in relation to the needs of the sport. For example, a plyometric program for a volleyball player who already jumps
high enough to be competitive, but misses every second match because of a knee injury, is an example of a GREAT PROGRAM
with the WRONG goals. To produce consistent results, the training program must focus on the needs of the individual athlete
requirements to practise and compete successfully. Through theory and practical examples, this two-day workshop teaches
you The Flexible Periodization Method — a proven nine-step Method to create completely individualized training programs.
The workshop includes an opportunity to work on a case of your choice.
Thurs./Fri., May 29/30 Time: 8:00am–4:00pm Fee: $230+HST (mem); $295+HST non-mem CEC: CPTN-14, NSCA-1.4
PC1D: The Shoulder Joint: The Most Versatile Joint in the Body – Kevin Duguay, CAT (C)
This full-day seminar provides personal trainers a much more in-depth understanding of the shoulder joint through theoretical, practical and functional techniques to better serve their clients. From dislocations to subluxations to tendinopathies to
strains and postural syndromes, this joint has it all. Who would have guessed that technology would challenge personal trainers even more when working with their clients? This seminar reviews the major muscles and structures involved with some of
the most common ailments that we see in this area. We will look at the most common tendinopathies in rotator cuff and long
head of biceps; dislocations and subluxations of the shoulder to gain a better understanding of how to manage these injuries
both pre-op and post-op; thoracic outlet syndrome, which is growing in popularity due to the use of computers, laptops and
hand-held devices, and what you can do from a preventative aspect for your client. We will also look at postural assessment
tools that you can use when assessing your clients to help them in understanding why posture is critical in the prevention of
MAY 29, 30 & 31st 2014
M AY 2 9 , 3 0 & 3 1 s t , 2 0 1 4
WRISTBAND AND TICKET POLICY: Wristbands must be worn by all
conference delegates for the entire day (they are waterproof). They are your proof
of conference registration and allow official access to the session rooms. Wristbands
and applicable session badge must be shown at the entrance to each session room.
A $75 fee will be charged and picture ID will be required to replace a lost or removed
wristband. Sessions schedule must be provided to monitor at each room to receive
a verification stamp. Only sessions with stamps will be recognized for continuing
education credits.
pre-approved for CECs for CPTN and NSCA. Please visit us online at www.cptn.com
for CEC updates. All conference delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.
cancel or change speakers due to unforeseen circumstances.
Thursday, May 29th 7:30am–10:00am
Friday, May 30st 7:30am–10:00am, 12:30pm–1:30pm
Saturday, May 31st 7:30am–10:30am
Saturday, May 31st
8:30am–1:00pm, 2:00pm–5:30pm
overuse injuries and how the cell phone can be a valuable tool in the postural assessment of your client. As per my courses,
exercise prescription, PNF techniques, facilitated stretching and manual muscle-testing techniques will be incorporated into
the manual part of this course. Be prepared to use your hands, eyes and experiences in learning more about this wonderful
joint that can do so much but can be so problematic in everyday life. Please wear appropriate clothing to allow for hands-on
palpation of the shoulder and surrounding areas.
Time: 9:00am–5:00pm Fee: $169 + HST mem; $229 + HST non-mem CECs: CPTN-7, NSCA-0.7
Pre-Conference Sessions – Friday, May 30, 2014
PC2A: RockFit – Performance Taping Clinic – Brad Norris, M.Ed, Reg.Kin.
Performance Movement Taping (PMT) is a program developed by industry-leading experts in functional movement assessment and performance. It introduces the concept of training enhancement via functional taping methods and focuses on
improving movement, posture and performance. Rocktape believes that clinics should be inclusive, interactive and stimulating with the majority of time spent ‘hands on’! You will leave with a revolutionary new skill and understanding of human
movement. This course is intended for coaches, trainers and athletes with all levels of experience with taping. The best tape
and the best taping training in the city is being brought to you for 2014!
Time: 9:00am–6:00pm Fee: $230 + HST mem; $295 + HST non-mem CECs: CPTN-8
PC2B: SST-NASE Speed Clinic (WS) – Larry Jusdanis, BPHED, CPTN-CPT
Attention all coaches and trainers who work with athletes of hockey, football, soccer and any other sports requiring
Speed, Power and Agility. Learn from the best in an interactive one-day workshop to improve your clients’ speed. This isn’t
your typical form-running clinic. Coaches will experience modalities such as over speed and sled training, the proper way to
teach lateral speed, the use of functional implements such as the tire for speed enhancement, complex training, one of the
fastest ways to enhance your speed, the proper way to teach plyometrics and when to use them, Olympic lifting and when to
use, and unique one-legged exercises to increase your performance. Plus Program Designed to Optimize Speed, SST’s
different rep scheme methods for speed enhancement, plus a few top program methods for peaking! This one-day workshop
is a must if you are SERIOUS about making your athletes the fastest! Note: This session is activity-based. Please wear
training gear. Time: 9:30am–5:30pm Fee: $169+HST mem; $229+HST non-mem CECs: CPTN-7, NSCA-0.7
PC2C: What Does it Mean to be Ready to Work with Clients with Disabilities?
– Maureen Connolly, PhD., CSCS, CPTN-CPT
Personal training is one of the professions that has to be ready to accommodate clients in compliance with the Accessibility
for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). This means that trainers must be aware of architectural, space and equipment
accessibility, and that all promotional and needs-assessment materials must be accessible across a variety of media. It means
an attitudinal shift in what training, interviewing, program planning, progression, spotting and encouraging might entail.
This session will assist you in tapping into underdeveloped creative capacities to make a difference in people’s quality of life in
ways that you might not have previously imagined.
Time: 9:30am–1:30pm Fee: $129 + HST mem; $179 + HST non-mem CECs: CPTN-4, NSCA-0.4
Conference Sessions – Saturday, May 31, 2014
8:30am - 9:30am
SA1A: Boomers as Clients: Strategizing Programming and Interpersonal Skills (L)
– Lee Fielder, MA, BKin (Hon), CPTN-CPT
Boomers as aged participants are the next generation of clients for personal trainers who are ready to move to the next level of
program design and delivery. Every clientele comes with their own unique contingencies. This session will explore the complex
needs and demands of an increasingly diverse client base. Learn strategies for program design and rapport building through
considerations of safety and respect. As well, apply the idea of “organize the week, organize the workout” (O-WOW principle) as
a strategy that will assist and support individualizing programming with the contingencies of boomer-aged clients.
SA1B: Business Essentials for Fitness Professionals (L) – Angela Pereira, BSc., CSCS, CES
When establishing yourself as a fitness professional, what will set you apart and assure you success in a highly competitive
marketplace? Join Angela Pereira for a discussion about the entrepreneurial side to business: What kind of clients will define
your business? What type of business structure will work for you? Who should be part of your business advisory team? What
type of insurance do you need? Should you hire associates? Where should you look for referrals? What other health care
professionals should you include in your network? What kind of numbers on your balance sheet will make you happy? Prepare
your questions for what will be a dynamic discussion!
SA1C: Omega-3 Supplementation (L) – Evan Lewis, HBKin, MSc., PhD Candidate, CSCS
Omega-3 fatty acids are an essential nutrient for human health and can only be sourced from diet. Canadians are under
consuming omega-3s and over-consuming omega-6s. This dietary imbalance can alter the body’s homeostatic balance. This
in turn affects how the body performs during exercise and adapts to training, at the level of the motor neuron and muscle to
cell all the way to the whole body. This session will discuss different sources of omega-3s, how they are digested, metabolized
and utilized throughout the body for improved health, and to encourage and accelerate adaptations to training.
SA1D: You Can’t Fire a Canon from a Canoe – A “Balanced” Approach to
Stability Training (WS) – Karsten Jensen, MSc., CPTN-CPT.M, CHEK 2, HLC 3
Training on unstable surfaces and with unstable equipment has been popular for a decade or more. However, strength
training on unstable surfaces has also been criticized for not getting clients real strength. A range of scientific studies
point to the fact that when instability is introduced, the muscle activity shifts from the larger prime movers to the smaller
stabilisers, in essence supporting the notion that training on unstable surfaces does not build strength.
However, by investigating the issue deeper, you will learn how to optimally periodize stable and unstable surface
training over the course of a longer training cycle.
9:45am - 11:00am
SA2A: Intro to NLP and the Mind-Body Connection (L)
– Mike Cicinelli, CMC, CHT, CMPTLT, CPTN-CPT
As a fitness professional, our goal is to create lasting change in our clients’ lifestyles. What if there were techniques and
skills available to you that could help increase your clients’ results in all areas of their life? How valuable is effective and
precise communication in teaching? Intro to NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is an opportunity for fitness and health
professionals to come and learn all about some of the secrets of how to create powerful and lasting change for themselves
and their clients. We will discuss the mind-body connection and how it can impact the health and lifestyle of individuals.
This “Intro” talk is geared to expose some of the most powerful transformational tools available today!
SA2B: Unmasking Superfoods: The Truth and Hype Behind Acai, Coconut,
Kale, and More (L) – Jennifer Sygo, MSc., RD
With mounting interest in health wellness, athletes and active individuals are often turning to so-called “superfoods” to
improve their health and their performance. But what is the evidence behind the at-times outlandish claims made about
these foods? Do we really know what the health benefits - or, in some cases, risks - are? And can these foods really impact
performance? In this presentation, Jennifer will provide an overview of the myths and realities behind a number of popular
and controversial foods, including acai and goji berries, kale, chia, hemp, and coconut, while also highlighting the potential
benefits of underappreciated superfoods, including cheese, mussels and oysters. Controversial topics, including the role of
saturated fats in our health, will be highlighted.”
SA2C: Tabata Training: Facts, Fallacies and Applications (L) – Mark Young, B.Kin
Tabata training has become very popular as a proposed means of shedding body fat at an accelerated rate. In fact, this is so
much the case that entire classes and programs have been designed around the use of this method. This presentation will
investigate the origins of the Tabata method, how it was studied, the results that were measured, and the applicability of how
and when to use Tabatas as part of an overall fat-loss routine.
SA2D: What a N.E.A.T. Idea! (WS) – Deanna Lawson-Langford, BA, CPTN-CPT
Current research tells us that, in addition to providing structured exercise programs, we must attend to our clients’ N.E.A.T.
(non-exercise activity thermogenesis — that is, everything else they do outside of the gym to increase their movement) for
the best results. This session will give trainers out-of-the-box ideas to assist clients to enhance their N.E.A.T. throughout daily
activities, and help take their clients’ results to the next level!
SA3A: Financial Fitness Testing (L) – Graham Brown, HBPhe, CPTN-CPT
Ever wonder why some trainers dominate their market while others fade away? What are the key performance indicators
for your business? It’s time to take a brutally honest look at how you really spend your time. Learn how to evaluate your own
fitness business and learn how to find your strengths, weaknesses and then persistently pursue excellence to dominate your
market. Whether you are a new trainer or an industry vet, you won’t want to miss this.
SA3B: Improving Strength Qualities in a Concurrent Training Model (L)
– Chris Chapman, MSc.(c), HB.Kin, CEP, CSCS
Many sports and activities require training both strength and endurance qualities at the same time (i.e., concurrent training
model). This can prove challenging due to the interference phenomenon, which is well documented in the literature. This
presentation will review both the current and historical science on this topic. A full Yearly Training Plan (YTP) of Olympic
Canoe Kayak athletes will be used as an example of the application of these principles. While this model is a must for any
cyclical endurance sport athlete, it most definitely applies to team sport athletes and general populations trying to maximize
training adaptations.
SA3D: True Functional Training with Unusual Implements (WS)
– Larry Jusdanis, BPHED, CPTN-CPT
Larry will teach the proper way to use unusual implement training for your clients and athletes. Participants will be put
through activities such as tire flipping and grappling, prowler, sledgehammer and sled variations plus much, much more
unique equipment! Larry will explain how and when to use all implements for your clients. Learn how to use implements for
fat loss, strength gains, development of power and speed. This interactive presentation is a must see!
Note: This session is activity-based. Please wear workout gear.
12:30–1:00 Lunch - hot lunch served to all delegates
Luncheon Address – Research in Fitness (L) – Mark Young, B.Kin.
The fitness industry is so saturated with claims from so-called-experts, media and marketers that it is sometimes hard, even
for the brightest trainers, to cut through the confusion and get straight to the truth of what works and what doesn’t. The
purpose of this presentation is to allow you to stop being spoon-fed by the gurus and media, and to teach you how to begin
to think for yourself. By learning to use research as your guide, you’ll effectively be able to slice through the nonsense and get
straight to the truth of what will actually produce results for your clients.
SA4A: Eight Hidden Reasons your Clients Can’t Lose Weight (L) – Igor Klibanov, BA, CPT
What if your approach to fat loss is completely backwards? After all, fat loss is about a lot more than calories, exercise and
willpower. In fact, you don’t just lose fat to be healthy, you need to be healthy to lose fat. In this session, you will learn the
eight hidden reasons why your clients can’t lose fat, even if they are doing everything right with their nutrition and exercise.
This presentation will cover factors such as hormonal balance, brain chemistry, digestive health, toxicity and more. This session will transform you into a fat-loss detective to enable you to detect each individual client’s blueprint for fat loss.
SA4B: Building the Athletic Development Model in Youth Sport (L)
– Derek Salvador, BA, CSCS
Long-Term Athletic Development is a popular topic within the Strength and Conditioning community. In this session you will
learn about the importance of athletic development and its relevance in youth sport. Learn how to create and implement
youth-level training programs in relation to age and gender. Using concepts from various LTAD models, this lecture will also
discuss training models, methods of program design and delivery, and the growing concerns with early sport specialization.
SA4C: Fascial Posture Training (L) – Melissa Putt, BA
Fascia is a body-wide continuity and force transmission system. Without fascia no movement would be possible. It links toe
to brow, organs to spine, arm to core and links all systems together. Fascial Posture Training System is a two-day seminar to
teach five fascial lines. These are the foundation of posture and alignment and ultimately the root of all physical improvement. In the FPTS you will learn: 1) How the Fascial system works, 2) Muscle testing to highlight fascial tension, 3) Five major
fascial lines, 4) Posture reading through the fascial lines, and 5) Facilitated fascial Pinning, Stretching and Releasing.
SA4D: Leaking when you Jump Is NOT Normal! (WS) – Bellies Inc.
Stress urinary incontinence and pelvic floor dysfunction are common — common but not normal. The high-intensity activities we participate in coupled with the amount of sitting we do each day is wreaking havoc on our bodies and contributing
to more and more women leaking when they jump or laugh or skip or run. While you may hear some tell you it is normal and
not to worry about it, we are going to set the record straight — it is common but NOT normal and it can be fixed! This session
will look at the anatomy of the pelvic floor, its role in core stability, signs of a weak pelvic floor, and functional movements
that will help you and your clients build a stronger core.
SA5A: BIM Yoga Breathing (WS) – Mike Chapman, RYT, CPTN-CPT, CPTN-CYS
Breathe Into Motion Yoga System includes a variety of Pranayama or breath-control techniques that will aid in core stability in
a variety of fitness models including strength and cardiovascular training. Unique in its design, the Breathe Into Motion Yoga
System was built specifically to enhance athletic performance and aid in the rehabilitation of injuries. Breathing is the key to
success in physical yoga practice. Mike Chapman will lead you through a wide variety of BIM Yoga breathing techniques to aid
in training your clients.
SA5B: Holistic Nutrition (L) – David Lee, Hons. BSc., B.Ed., B.R.E., CPTN-CPT
This informative workshop will provide you with current information required to implement sound nutritional regiments
using whole food recipes. Topics covered include organic foods, foods good for digestion and how to improve digestion using
food-combining principles. Additionally, this session will highlight the benefits of using a juicer; the benefits of quality,
natural food herbal supplements to help give your body enough of the right elements; and minerals and vitamins.
SA5C: Osteoarthritis of the Knee: What Happens to the Knee when your Articular
Cartilage is Compromised? (WS) – Kevin Duguay, Sports Rehab Specialist, CAT (C)
This seminar is designed with the personal trainer in mind. We will conduct both a theoretical and hands-on partner-involved
review of the knee and relevant anatomical landmarks pertinent to the condition. We will then look at the physiology of the
disease and how it affects knee function. The final step in this seminar will use your knowledge from this seminar in designing and implementing exercises that can be performed by your client to maintain healthy knee function. We will discuss current trends in the management of this condition and gain a better understanding of indicated and contraindicated exercises
for the knee joint. We will also review what is critical to maintaining healthy articular cartilage. Please wear appropriate
clothing to allow for hands-on palpation of the knee joint and surrounding anatomy.
SA5D: Vegetarian Diets for an Active Lifestyle (L) – Jodi Robinson, BSc., RD
Vegetarian athletes have unique nutrient concerns due to the demand of physical activity on their bodies. For instance,
consider protein, iron, vitamin B12, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids. This session will address the nutrient needs of active
vegetarians/vegans, discuss healthy pre/post workout meal options and provide tips for overall meal planning. Also, learn
which vegetarian ‘Superfoods’ you should be discussing with your clients. The goal of this session is to have you walk away
feeling confident that you can discuss healthy eating with your vegetarian and vegan clients.
SA3C: The Benefits of Physical Activity and Aging Well (L) – Patricia Clark, BPHE
Ongoing research continues to confirm the effects of physical activity on optimum aging and the prevention of chronic
diseases. As we reach 2015, when there will be more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 14, it is more important
than ever to get the message to older adults that it is never too late to be active. This session will highlight recent research
as it relates to physical activity, and the prevention/management of several chronic diseases and how to encourage positive
lifestyle behaviour changes in an older individual.
MAY 29, 30 & 31st 2014
[email protected]
Complete registration
form, scan and email.
Money Order - Make payable to CPTN
Please have ready
credit card number
and expiration date
Registration incomplete without signed waiver on reverse side
Cancellation requests must be received in writing and postmarked prior to May 16, 2014.
A processing fee of $50.00 will be charged for all refunds. No refunds will be given after
May 26, 2014. NSF cheques will incur a $50.00 charge.
Name on Card:_________________________________________________
Authorized Signature:____________________________________________
Expiry Date (mm/yy):____________________________________________
Card Number:_________________________________________________
122 D’arcy Street
Toronto, ON
M5T 1K3 Canada
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2014 CPTN CONFERENCE - Dare To Be Excellent!
After April 11
Before April 11
After April 11
Take Advantage Of Our Member Rates
Before April 11
After April 11
CPTN Certification Renewal
1 Year * 2 Years *
$75** $140**
+HST (13%)
9:45 to
2:30 to
4:00 to
3rd Choice
12:30 to
2nd Choice
11:15 to
1st Choice
8:30 to
Office Use
SATURDAY, MAY 31st, 2014
Complete your session selection in order of preference (1st, 2nd, 3rd) for each
time slot by filling in the last digit of the session code. Session codes precede the
session names. Registration is completed on a first come, first served basis.
An email confirmation will be sent for all registrations received by May 25th, 2014.
Thereafter, confirmations can be picked up at the registration desk at the JCCC with your conference package.
(add all circled
**Fees listed for certification renewal are applicable only
with a 2014 CPTN Conference registration.
* One year certification renewal requires 7 CPTN CECs.
Two Year CPTN Certification Renewal requires 14 CPTN CECs.
Renewal will apply conference CECs.
Proof of valid CPR and First Aid may be required.
Indv StudentGroup Indv StudentGroup Indv StudentGroup
280 $175 $260 $295 $175 $260 $345 $225 $310
179 $109 $155 $179 $109 $155 $229 $159 $205
219 $139 $195 $219 $139 $195 $269 $189 $245
After April 11
Group Rate = 4+. All forms must be submitted at the same time.
*Student Rate: applies to high school and university students enrolled in full time studies in 2014. Copy of student ID required with registration.
Saturday, May 31st, 2014
Saturday Sessions Only
Indv StudentGroup
230 $125 $210
Before April 11
Indv StudentGroup Indv StudentGroup Indv StudentGroup Indv StudentGroup
230 $125 $210 $280 $175 $260 $295 $175 $260 $345
145 $219 $139 $195 $219 $139 $195 $269 $189 $245
230 $125 $210 $280 $175 $260 $295 $175 $260 $345
145 $219 $139 $195 $219 $139 $195 $269 $189 $245
-- -- --- -- -$
Before April 11
RockFit – Perf. Movement Taping
Working with Clients with Disabilities
SST-NASE Speed Certification
PRE-con – Extended Sessions
Friday, May 30, 2014
Assessment Tips and Tricks for the Pelvis (2-Day Workshop)
CPTN Yoga Level 3
The Flexible Periodization Method for Athletes (2-Day Workshop)
The Shoulder Joint
CPTN Practical Assessor Workshop
PRE-con – Extended Sessions
Thursday, May 29, 2014
PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM COMPLETELY AND PRINT CLEARLY. USE ONLY ONE FORM PER PERSON. This form may be copied for additional registrants. Please ensure form is fully completed. Keep a copy for your records.
MAY 29TH - 31ST, 2014
Please consult your physician prior to starting an exercise or fitness program, and prior to participating in this event.
This is a release of claims and by signing it I agree to the following:
I represent to the Certified Professional Trainers Network, hereinafter referred to as “CPTN” that I am in excellent physical health.
I further represent that I do not suffer from any physical ailment or any cognitive impairment; and that I am not taking any
medication or drugs which might cause me harm or limit my participation.
I understand and agree to abide by the conditions of the cancellation policy, session request and stand-by procedures and that
pre-paid registration does not guarantee session requests.
CPTN may videotape, audiotape or photograph me and retain the rights to use these items and may employ any or all of these
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I consent that the information collected herein may be used to send me updates on CPTN offerings as well as marketing initiatives
from select companies associated with CPTN.
I am aware that there are risks associated with participating in fitness activities and exercise. My participation is completely
voluntary and I freely accept and fully assume all responsibility for all risks, and all possibilities of personal injury death property
damage or loss to myself or any other person as a result of my participation in fitness activities. I agree as do my heirs, next of
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To waive all claims, known or unknown, that I have or may have in the future against CPTN including their owners, officers,
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That CPTN is not liable or responsible for any damage to, loss or theft of my property;
To release and forever discharge CPTN from all liability for any personal injury, death, property damage or loss resulting
from my participation in fitness activities due to any cause; including, but not limited to negligence, (failure to use such care
as a reasonably prudent and careful person would use under similar circumstances), breach of any duty imposed by law, breach
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To be liable for and to hold harmless and indemnify CPTN from all actions, proceedings, claims, damages, costs demands,
including court costs on a solicitor and own client basis, and all liabilities of whatsoever nature or kind arising out of or in any
way connected with my participation in fitness activities.
I agree that in the unlikely event of cancellation due to extreme conditions beyond the control of CPTN including, but not limited
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I consent to receive medical treatment which may be deemed advisable in the event of injury, accident or illness during the
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D A R E T O B E E X C E L L E N T !
1. Graham Brown, HBPhe, NCCP, CPTN-CPT
Graham Brown is the membership director at New Heights Fitness Centre in Hanover, Ontario. He holds a
degree in physical education and Kinesiology and additional training in Coaching and Sports Psychology. He
spent a year overseas studying at an elite sports school where he taught North American sports and coached
several athletes. His qualifications in fitness, and ability to teach, have given him several opportunities within
the fitness industry as an educator, conducting courses for people wanting to become a personal trainer, and
a presenter for conferences and seminars.
2. Chris Chapman, MSc.(c), HB.Kin, CEP, CSCS
Chris Chapman currently works as a Strength & Conditioning Coach and Assistant Sport Scientist for the
Canadian Sport Institute Ontario. He is primarily responsible for Canada’s National Teams in the sports of
CanoeKayak, Trampoline and Women’s Hockey Junior Program. Chris is a Certified Exercise Physiologist (CSEP),
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA), Certified Level 1 Kinanthropomitrist (ISAK) and NCCP
trained in Olympic Weightlifting and Track & Field (Sprints and Jumps). He is currently completing a Master’s
of Science in Biomechanics at the University of Toronto. His area of focus is the biomechanics of exercise and
movement systems theory.
3. Mike Chapman, RYT, CPTN-CPT, CPTN-CYS
6. Maureen Connolly, PhD, CPTN-CPT, CSCS
Dr. Maureen Connolly is a professor of Physical Education and Kinesiology, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences,
Brock University. Interests include narrative and arts-based inquiry, poetic and bodily expressive modalities
and how these function across scholarly, pedagogic and other creative outlets. A university and national
teaching award winner, Maureen’s teaching and research include curriculum, stressed embodiment (disability
studies), movement education, and Freirian approaches to teaching and learning.
7. Julia Di Paolo, BScPT, Cert MDT, MCPA, Reg.PT
Julia Di Paolo is a co-founder of Bellies Inc — a company dedicated to abolishing mummy tummy. Julia is
a pelvic floor physiotherapist who has been treating pre- and post-natal women for nearly a decade. She
is passionate about sharing her knowledge with others to help increase awareness about women’s health.
8. Kevin Duguay, Sports Rehab Specialist, CAT (C)
Kevin Duguay graduated from the Athletic Training and Management Program at Sheridan College in 1984,
receiving the Cooper Canada Award for Outstanding Achievement. He is a Sports Rehabilitation Specialist
and has worked as the Head Athletic Therapist for a wide range of teams in both professional and amateur
settings. He has also lectured at Seneca, Humber and Sheridan College in the field of health and wellness.
Mike Chapman, owner and head instructor of Breathe Into Motion Yoga Studios, has studied yoga for over 29
years and taught yoga full time for the last 11 years. Having taught thousands of classes, Mike has developed
a unique approach to yoga based on his experience not only as a yoga instructor, but also as a personal trainer,
coach and fitness instructor. He has combined these experiences to offer the Breathe Into Motion Yoga System.
Mike has had the good fortune to study with ashtanga yoga masters Danny Paradise, David Williams, David
Swenson, Nicki Doane and Ed Modestini, as well as study anatomy under Thomas Myers (author of ‘Anatomy
Trains’ and student of Ida Rolf).
9. Lee Fielder, MA, BKin (Hon), CPTN-CPT
4. Mike Cicinelli, , CMC,CHT,CMPTLT,CPTN-CPT
A Strength and Conditioning Expert, Karsten Jensen has trained world-class and Olympic athletes and coaches
from 24 different sports for over 16 years. He has taught several certification, college and continuing education courses for novice trainers and European national team coaches. Karsten believes in the unlimited
potential of individuals and shares his viewpoints as an international speaker, author of several books, educator with CPTN and contributing writer to several online training resources and magazines in both English
and Danish. He also shares insider principles of world-class strength and conditioning methods through his
website, www.yestostrength.com.
Mike Cicinelli is the CEO of SHED Fitness & Conditioning Inc., Head instructor at SHED school of Hypnotherapy,
Board Approved Coach and Trainer of NLP and Hypnotherapy, Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy and
CPTN Certified Personal Trainer. Mike opened SHED Fitness in 2010 with the intention of empowering Personal
Trainers to professional success and raising the level of personal training in the community. His passion and
excitement to continually learn more is what drives him to teach some of the top mind-body tools recognized
in the world today. Mike believes that as a fitness and health coach we have the opportunity to create and
influence some of the greatest successes in our clients lives. How we do that is what keeps its fun.
5. Patricia Clark, BPHE
Patricia Clark has worked with ALCOA in the capacity as National Executive Director since 2007.She has over
30 years’ experience working in the health and fitness field at both the provincial and national level. She has
made numerous presentations across Canada speaking to practitioners, older adults and the media about the
benefits of an active, healthy lifestyle.
MAY 29, 30 & 31st 2014
Lee Fielder has a Master of Arts in Applied Health Science from Brock University and is currently teaching
health and fitness topics part-time at the college level. She has been CPTN-CPT certified since 2003, a Practical Assessor since 2009 and a Course Conductor since 2010. She has had the opportunity to share her experience at conferences dealing with creating proficient trainers and dealing with challenging clients. Lee has
trained a wide range of clientele but enjoys working with Boomers and people with physical disabilities.
10. Karsten Jensen, MSc, CPTN-CPT.M, CHEK 2, HLC 3
11. Larry Jusdanis, BPHE, CPTN-CPT
Larry is the owner of SST — the #1-rated speed facility in Canada. He has been training athletes for the
last 16 years and is the leader in Speed training. His athletes include NFL, CFL, NHL, NCAA, CIS and more
importantly young athletes! Larry is the Canadian and Northern US Director of the National Association of
Speed and Explosion.
2014 FACULTY cont’d
12. Igor Klibanov, BA, CPT
Igor Klibanov was selected as one of the top five personal trainers in Toronto by Metro News newspaper and
is the author of a book called Unlimited Progress: How to Unlock Your Body’s Potential. In 2010, he founded
Fitness Solutions Plus, which provides both personal training and fitness education.
13. Deanna Lawson-Langford, BA, CPTN-CPT
Deanna Lawson-Langford is a fitness coordinator at YWCA Hamilton, with 20 years’ experience in the fitness
field. As a group exercise instructor, personal trainer and instructor trainer, Deanna shares her passion for
educating new and experienced fitness professionals by providing engaging, practical and effective program/
exercise ideas.
14. David Lee, Hons. BSc., B.Ed., B.R.E., CPTN-CPT
David Lee is a Naturotherapist, certified in Herbalism, Nutrition, Shiatzu, Quantum Bio-Feedback, Iridology
and a certified trainer for the past 15 years. He has competed in regional powerlifting and bodybuilding and
15. Evan Lewis, HBKin, MSc., PhD Candidate, CSCS
Evan Lewis completed his MSc at the University of Toronto, Faculty of Kinesiology, where he investigated the
hydration and energy requirements for Canadian Sailing Team athletes in preparation for the 2012 Olympics.
From there he moved to the Department of Nutritional Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine to pursue his
PhD researching the effects of different nutritional interventions on human performance and health. Evan
is currently investigating the use of omega-3 supplements to improve athletic performance and adaptations
to training.
16. Samantha Montpetit-Huynh, BA, CPTN-CPT, PFS, NWS, RAB
18. Angela Pereira, BSc., CSCS, CES
A graduate of the Honours Bachelor of Science Kinesiology program at the University of Waterloo, Angela
Pereira has specialized in clinical assessment and the prescription of therapeutic exercise over the course of
her 20-year career. Previously the founder and President of the First Line Group of companies — First Line
Kinesiologists Inc., First Line Education Inc. and First Line Works Inc. — Angela closed these companies in
2013 and continues her practice as a sole practitioner operating as Angela Pereira Kinesiology.
19. Melissa Putt, BA
Melissa Putt is the owner of Healthy Habits Nutrition and Fitness Consulting Inc. for the past 27 years.
Throughout her career she has trained in fascial normalization modalities including Somatherapy, Cranial
Sacral, Thai massage and Fascial Fitness. Her mantra is to change posture through fascial release is the root
of permanent physical change.
20. Jodi Robinson, BSc., RD
Jodi Robinson is a Registered Dietitian, Fitness Professional and Professor at Humber College. She specializes
in nutrition for physical activity, weight management, disordered eating and chronic disease management.
Jodi is acting co-chair of the Dietitians of Canada Consulting Network and consults regularly with media and
the food industry. With a background in fitness, Jodi provides personal training and group fitness, and is currently enrolled in yoga teacher training.
21. Derek Salvador, BA, CSCS
Derek Salvador brings over 10 years of experience working with clients from rehabilitation to high performance in individual and team settings. He is currently the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach for the
Oakville Soccer Club U13 Boys and Girls teams. He recently held the position of Head Strength & Conditioning
Coach for the Givova Soccer Academy and as an Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach for Guelph Wrestling.
As an athlete, Derek competed for many years in the Ontario Soccer League, winning a league championship
in 2007.
Samantha Montpetit-Huynh is a co-founder of Bellies Inc — a company dedicated to abolishing mummy
tummy. As a certified pre- and post-natal exercise specialist and the mother of two girls she has established
herself as an expert in the field and created the successful ‘ab rehab’ program for the treatment of DRA, which
has helped hundreds of clients. Samantha is the fitness expert on “The Marilyn Denis Show.”
22. Nick Smith, BPE, Autism Specialist
17. Brad Norris, M.Ed., RKin.
Jennifer Sygo, M.Sc., RD, is a Registered Dietitian and Sports Nutritionist with Cleveland Clinic Canada, and
the nutrition columnist for the National Post. A service provider for the Canadian Sports Institute Ontario and
Coaching Association of Canada, Jennifer works with Canada’s top national teams and Olympic athletes, sports
organizations including Hockey Canada and Gymnastics Canada, as well as active individuals and weekend
Brad Norris, company founder and lead clinician of PowerTek, is an exercise physiologist/kinesiologist and
Poliquin-certified strength coach. As a former member of the Canadian Olympic Bobsleigh Program, he
holds a Master’s Degree in exercise physiology and biomechanics. Over the last 25 years, Brad has served as
a strength and conditioning/human performance consultant working with athletes at every level of sport
including the OHL, NHL, CFL and National/NCAA Team programs including Stanford University and the Canadian Olympic Bobsleigh Program. He is a sought-after lecturer in the fields of human performance, program
design and injury prevention.
(Certified Professional Trainers Network)
122 D’arcy Street • Toronto, ON
M5T 1K3 • Canada
Nick Smith is a teacher in the Niagara region with five years’ experience in programs specializing in children
and youth with autism and mental illness.
23. Jennifer Sygo, MSc, RD
24. Mark Young, B.Kin.
Mark Young holds a degree in kinesiology from McMaster University. He has also done graduate-level research as part of the world-renowned exercise metabolism research group at McMaster and his work has been
published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology. Mark has 13 years’ experience as a trainer and now
provides online exercise and nutrition coaching as part of the team at Lean Bodies Consulting.