ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 Date: February 22, 2017 CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS Projektgruppen Session 1 .............................................................................................................................. 1 Projektgruppen Session 4 .............................................................................................................................. 2 Projektgruppen Session 15 ............................................................................................................................ 3 Projektgruppen Session 19 ............................................................................................................................ 4 Seminarplenum 8: Common responsibility - shared burden or Who is the change? ................................... 5 Arena: Film Bon Voyage .................................................................................................................................. 5 Projektgruppen Session 38 ............................................................................................................................ 6 Projektgruppen Session 41 ............................................................................................................................ 7 Seminarplenum 31: Compassion, Motivation and Activism for Social and Ecological Justice .................... 8 Seminarplenum 32: Sustainability, energy and complexity .......................................................................... 8 Seminarplenum 34: Present and future of Biomass sustainability ............................................................... 9 Seminarplenum 35: Climate Change after COP 21 ........................................................................................ 9 Arena: Leverage Points for Sustainability.................................................................................................... 10 Seminarplenum 42: Sustainability: Variation in conceptualizations and representations ........................ 10 CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 08:30-12:00 AM, C 9.102 Projektgruppen Session 1 Title of Presentation Actors Description of Presentation Format Project Seminar Representation of Sustainability/Sustainable Development in UK media Mette Freidel, Sara Georgy, Mina Janebdar, Fiona Hasenbach Critical Discourse Analysis draws attention to the way in which newspaper discourse influences the way we view particular concepts and events. In our project we address the question as to how sustainability and sustainable development are portrayed differently in the UK media. Specifically, we carry outran in-depth critical discourse analysis of articles published in the daily newspapers The Guardian (UK), centre-left, and The Telegraph (UK), centre-right, at the time of the RIO+20 Earth summit in 2012. Powerpoint Presentation, Poster Presentation Ecolinguistics: Language and the environment (Anne Barron) Indigenous tourism (post-)colonial tourism? In current developments, intercultural contact is one of the most demanded attractions of tourism. Media representations mostly focus on the experiences of the Bastian Heinke, Jan Besler, Alina Kathleen cultural tourists, but what about their hosts? In this Powerpoint presentation we take a closer look at indigenous Meinke, Jacqueline cultures and the forms of tourism they offer. Our goal is Presentation Riess to explain how these forms are affected by historical relations of colonialism, and how they respond to environmental and cultural threats of the modern world. Sustainability in the postcolonial world (Joanna Chojnicka, Norman Laws) "Greenwashing on American print media" Julia-Christina Breil, Sheikh Nasir Uddin Greenwashing is a PR-strategy by means of which companies attempt to falsely portray themselves as environmental friendly. This research project examines how different Powerpoint newspapers portray the issue of greenwashing. Using the methods of critical discourse analysis and corpus Presentation, linguistics, the project focuses on the representation of Discussion greenwashing in articles published between 2009-2017 in two American newspapers, specifically the conservative The Wall Street Journal and the liberal left The New York Times. Alternative living concepts in the context of sustainable development Leonie Schimmelpfennig, Janika Dirschauer, Trami Nguyen, Sophie Mittelstaedt, Sara Diekmannshenke In the beginning of our project work we wondered about different views on and different definition of development. Therefore we decided to do a project Powerpoint dealing with alternative living concepts shaped by colonialism. To get a broader view on development we Presentation focus on the three main parts of sustainability: social, economic and ecological aspects. Doing so we also consider the North-South divide. Sustainability in the postcolonial world (Joanna Chojnicka, Norman Laws) Influence of the newspapers representing nuclear power plants Gesche Billerbeck, Patricia Stanojevic, Matthias Pumm The use of nuclear power is a common way to extract energy, yet it is controversial. The so-called accident after the Chernobyl catastrophe in 1986 and it Powerpoint attracted international attention. Using Critical Presentation Discourse Analysis, we examine whether the representation of nuclear power plants in newspapers from Great Britain and the US changed following this incident. Ecolinguistics: Language and the environment (Anne Barron) Wangari Maathai and the Greenbelt Movement Marvin Hauck, Manuel Clancett, Evelyne Schnittjer, Phuong Anh Nguyen, Aina Gasco Hoenisch We will present the case of Wangari Maathai, winner of the Nobel Prize in 2004 and founder of the grassroot organisation the Green Belt Movement (GBM) in Kenya in the year 1977 which has planted over 51 million trees in Kenya. GBM works to promote environmental conservation; to build climate resilience and empower communities, especially women and girls; to foster democratic space and sustainable livelihoods. Sustainability in the postcolonial world (Joanna Chojnicka, Norman Laws) CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM Powerpoint Presentation, Film, Discussion Ecolinguistics: Language and the environment (Anne Barron) philosophical practical political 1 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 09:00-12:00 AM, C 14.102B Projektgruppen Session 4 Title of Presentation Actors Description of Presentation Format Project Seminar Usage of one-way plastic bottles among Leuphana students Rafaela Acosta Alvarez, Lea von Guttenberg, Luisa Cadonau, Natalie Lösing, Marie-Louise Münchow, Anna Kaiser Plastic waste has become a great concern that not only affects humans, but also the environment. Therefore our group has decided to carry out a Questionnaire among the Leuphana students, that will help us analyze the present behavior of plastic consumption as well as develop alternatives to reduce it in the future. Powerpoint Presentation Sustainability and the Future (Senan Gardiner) Would it be sustainable to create new housing space, in order to reduce emissions caused by commuting? Our goal is, to find out, whether it would be more sustainable to construct new dormitories for the students, to reduce pollution caused by Silas Fenimore commuting. In order to determine how big the Kißmer, Magnus demand for new housing opportunities is, we Cunow, Patric Marcel Powerpoint constructed a survey. The results of the survey Yildirim, Thorben Elias Presentation combined with our investigations about the Riemann, Muhammad possible pollution caused by building new Amir Shafiq housing space were then compared. We are hoping to initiate another approach to reduce emissions and support a sustainable enviroment. Olympic Games have a legacy of more than a hundred years. Athletes and visitors from all over the world come together to participate and to watch these events - an exchange of high Why is hosting Olympic cultural importance. However, hosting this sport Games nowadays Julia Hellner, Jana event has become rather unpopular in Germany unpopular in Germany? Zeppan, Thilo over the last decade. Our project is aiming to Powerpoint To what extent can sustainability contribute to Peperkorn, Kaja Möbs, explain why Germans don't approve the Games in Presentation strengthen the approval of Dorian Balla their home country and if strengthening future Olympic Games by sustainability in the social, cultural, ecologic and the German citizens? economic dimension could change their minds. What is your perception of Olympic Games in Germany? Only if you raise your voice today, it can make a difference in the future. An investigation of place attachment and connections to sustainability 2 philosophical practical political Neele Kühl, Hanna Ruwoldt We explored important circumstances controlling place attachment and how these influence human behaviour in terms of sustainability. We asked people what is important to them in relation to specific places, including their homes. Powerpoint We asked them what home means to them. Then Presentation we asked about their commuting and mobility behaviour and connected the two. Join our presentation at the Leuphana Conference Week and get to know the research process we went through and understand the results. Sustainable energy for all: scenarios, planning and participation (Paul Upham) Sustainability and the Future (Senan Gardiner) Sustainable energy for all: scenarios, planning and participation (Paul Upham) CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 09:00-12:00 AM, C 12.105 Projektgruppen Session 15 Title of Presentation Actors Description of Presentation Format Project Seminar Rieke Buckup, Karoline Einsiedel, Lynn Knapp, Nele Steinbrecher Every second about 3 new children are born in the world, more than 7 billion people are living on the earth and the number is growing. All of these people want to use transport, consume goods that are shipped around the world or fly to different countries. That is why the demand for transportation fuels keeps growing constantly - while the resources of fossil fuels are decreasing. Additional, the use of fossil fuels produces greenhouse gas emmisions polluting our air: That is why we are in need of a sustainable alternative for our transportation fuels are biofuels an option? Powerpoint Presentation, Discussion, Role Play, Video International Climate Protection after COP 21 (Michael PaloczAndresen) Kim Sarah Namat, Lena Reitmann, Celine Lissakowski What is the connection between prisons and sustainable development? And what is the difference between French and German prisons? Is there actually a differnce? Comparison of French and German prisons based on legal regulations of the European Union. Powerpoint Presentation, Video International Climate Protection after COP 21 (Michael PaloczAndresen) Luisa Geilhausen, Jannick Elsner, Stephany Monica, Emily Steinbiß How can something useless and annoying like a slippery banana peel help you to reduce your carbon footprint? Imagine there would be a way for you at home to use all your food leftovers and food waste in order to generate clean and renewable energy. How often could you charge your phone from this. What Powerpoint kind of opportunity would this open for you, for Presentation people in other countries like in our case Brazil. Or what possibility could it open for people in the third world? Imagine your phone eats everything you do not want, or can not eat. In the Mensa, at home, everywhere. If it would be so simple why is nobody doing it yet? From plant to waste - Could biomass be sustainable? (Beatriz Amanda Watts) The DESY Institute Sustainability through science? Felix Pahl, Jasper Mallwitz, Lennart Melz, Sebastian Heinrichs The DESY in Hamburg is one of the leading Institutes for research on a particle level. But is all the invested energy and money worth the result? We will Video, lecture you on the basics of particle accelerators Powerpoint (don´t worry, not as boring as you fear), the former Presentation and present projects of the institute and its funding. Afterwards, we want to invite you to an open disscussion about the topic! International Climate Protection after COP 21 (Michael PaloczAndresen) The potential of the bicycle in Mexico-City for enhancing sustainable development We will look at the role that the bicycle could play as a non-motorized means of transportation for supporting eco-mobility. Hence we will look at how the bicycle can facilitate Marcel Maselkowski, for sustainable development in developing countries. Manuel Klemme, Mika Powerpoint Our research project employs a transdisciplinary Hampe, Henriette Presentation approach to research in order to support a more Reinhardt solution-oriented research outcome. The presentation will be supported by a PowerPoint and an interactive mode of presenting. International Climate Protection after COP 21 (Michael PaloczAndresen) Biofuels - powering our future? Sustainable Development Goal No. 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. How can prisons contribute to society´s sustainable development? Analysis of JVA Uelzen, French prisons and European guideline Rec(2006)2.C Biogas - How your banana peel can change the Imagine how much of this energy can be created with the Mensa leftovers everyday. CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM philosophical practical political 3 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 01:00-03:00 PM, C 12.105 Projektgruppen Session 19 Title of Presentation Actors Description of Presentation Format Project Seminar Powerpoint Presentation, Diskussion Social Justice Movements and Organized Civic Engagement, 1900 to the Present (Laurie Cohen) We depend on the environment. It needs saving, and all of us share responsibility for this. In Germany, most people have realized (at least on principle) that denying climate change will not reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are released into the Powerpoint atmosphere. Other countries are still struggling Presentation with that confession. Why is this so? And how do such attitudes relate to social conditions, cultural values, and concrete circumstances? Which environmentally friendly approaches might motivate people to be more open to this challenge? Social Psychology of the Climate Crisis: Prerequisites and Obstacles to Adequate Responses (Josef Berghold) We have analyzed right-wing movements in Germany focussing on the Identitarian strategies and ideas. For Anna Kalinina, context, it is essential to highlight the historical Angelina Kluge, Moritz Case study on the rightfoundation such as the social and cultural basis wing Identitarian Movement Piendl, Meike of xenophobia. How are right-wing movements Friedrichs perceived by Germany? We conclude by presenting an extract of an interview with a member of the Identitarian Movement. Jona Peters, Jakob Bode, Finja Löher, "Just another hoax"? reasons for climate change Niklas Hobrecker, denial Anna Emmendörfer, Gesa Schaffrath 4 philosophical practical political CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 03:30-05:30 PM, C 14.006 Seminarplenum 8: Common responsibility - shared burden or Who is the change? Project Seminar: KREactIV zu Globaler Gerechtigkeit! (Ralf Classen) Description: Global Justice how does it work? Who is responsible? Who bears the costs? Such questions determined the world climate conferences of the last years. The project groups of the seminar KREactIV zu globaler Gerechtigkeit Nassoro Mkwesso and consider the question who will have to be the actors of a global transformation. Format: Guests: Lecture, Presentations, Round-Table Nassoro Mkwesso (Founder and Director of the "Kigamboni Community Centre" in Dar es Salaam (Tansania)) Yes English Open to the Public: Language: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 06:30-08:00 PM, C HS 1 Arena: Film Bon Voyage Description: Wir kennen alle die Bilder von Geflüchteten bei ihrer Ankunft an der griechischen oder italienischen Küste - nach der Überfahrt. Aber was bedeutet es, sein Leben der erbarmungslosen See auszusetzen? Der in der aktuellen Oscar-Shortlist geführte Kurzfilm BON VOYAGE versucht, dem Publikum die physische und emotionale Realität der riskanten Überfahrt nahezubringen und stellt die entscheidende Frage: Wie sehr sind wir bereit die Annehmlichkeiten, den Komfort und den Luxus, den wir aktuell genießen, zu riskieren um Menschen in Not zu helfen? Jonas und Silvia genießen ihren Segelurlaub auf dem Mittelmeer. Eines Nachts stoßen sie auf ein überladenes Flüchtlingsboot, das im Begriff ist zu sinken. Sie sind schockiert, aber zu verängstigt um zu helfen. Sie rufen die Küstenwache, das Boot gerät jedoch außer Sicht. Am frühen Morgen finden sie sich in einem Meer toter Körper wieder. Das Flüchlingsboot ist gesunken, doch Jonas und Silvia können noch einige Überlebende aus dem kalten Wasser ziehen. Was folgt, ist ein Konflikt zwischen den Träumen und Hoffnungen der Geflüchteten und Ängsten und Idealen der Freizeitsegler. In Anschluss an die Vorführung findet ein moderiertes Gespräch mit dem Regisseur Marc Wilkens statt. Die Filmvorführung ist Teil des "co-creaid festival #2" , an dem verschiedene Intiativen und Organisationen aus der Willkommensarbeit teilnehmen. The language of this event is both English and German. Format: Guests: Language: Short film screening and discussion with regisseur Marc Wilkins Marc Wilkins (Regisseur) English and German CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM philosophical practical political 5 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 01, 10:00-12:00 AM, C 14.102B Projektgruppen Session 38 Title of Presentation Actors Description of Presentation Format Project Seminar Jannis Claßnitz, Michelle La, Henrik reasons of Leuphana Lach, Thomas students to buy sustainable Eisermann, Dzhakhongir Normatov Our presentation will give insight to current problems caused by the fashion industry and the consumer. We will show our results of our Powerpoint research on consumer behaviour regarding Presentation sustainable clothing aswell as analyse our online survey. We will conclude with an outlook on the future of fashion. Sustainability and the Future (Senan Gardiner) An estimate of PV area and wind turbine numbers Dustin Rusteberg required to power electric vehicles on campus Electric vehicles are the thing to have on the market right now. The sales of car brands like Tesla are going through the roof. But have you ever asked yourself how the Leuphana would look like if there were only e-vehicles? How many Powerpoint square meters of PV would be covering the Presentation Campus or how many wind mills would be standing around in order to power all of them? This project makes an estimate and tries to answer this questions. Sustainable energy for all: scenarios, planning and participation (Paul Upham) Carina Köser, Katharina Busch, Ann-Kathrin Jahn, Svea Boyd Aviation is essential for globalization, a phenomenon which is rising at an extremely high rate. Not only are aircrafts causing pollution and harm, but also airports. With this presentation we aim to inform the audience about the ecological Powerpoint footprint of airports, specifically involving energy Presentation consumption in the Frankfurt airport. We will thus explore the current situation and how improvements can be made which will benefit the environment. Sustainability and the Future (Senan Gardiner) Sustainable Fashion - Sustainable use of energy for airport development: evidence from Frankfurt Airport case study 6 philosophical practical political CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 01, 01:00-03:00 PM, C 12.105 Projektgruppen Session 41 Title of Presentation Actors Description of Presentation Tupac, BLM and why it matters Collin Daniel Hooper, Kira Marie Schoon, Nisah Sebiha Gür, Larissa Malin Letz Tupac: Gangsta rapper or his generations Martin Luther King, Jr.? We will present Tupac's life and draw a connection between his lyrics and the list Powerpoint of demands published by Black Lives Matter. The Presentation final question is: has the situation for black Americans changed and if so to what degree? Social Justice Movements and Organized Civic Engagement, 1900 to the Present (Laurie Cohen) Even if the climate crisis received wide attention in the general consciousness of our world community, practical solutions are not successfully implemented yet. The responsibility of taking action lies not only in the hands of political and economic actors but especially with every individual. In order to enable people to Powerpoint change their habits and consumption patterns, a Presentation new ethics entailing a consciousness of sustainability is required. We seek to analyze how mindfulness and compassion training can foster emotional concern and lead to a more sufficient lifestyle with reference to the outcome of our interview with neuroscientist and psychologist Matthias Bolz. Social Psychology of the Climate Crisis: Prerequisites and Obstacles to Adequate Responses (Josef Berghold) Tanja Montag, Thea How mindfulness and Heck, Lilith Daxner, compassion training can lead to a sufficient lifestyle Tessa Meimerstorf, Leo Hoffmann CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM Format Project Seminar philosophical practical political 7 THURSDAY, MARCH 02, 10:00-12:00 AM, C 14.027 Seminarplenum 31: Compassion, Motivation and Activism for Social and Ecological Justice Project Seminars: Social Justice Movements and Organized Civic Engagement, 1900 to the Present (Dr. Laurie Cohen) AND Social Psychology of the Climate Crisis: Prerequisites and Obstacles to Adequate Responses (Prof. Dr. Josef Berghold) Description: The aim of this tandem workshop is for the participants in these two Leuphana-Semester seminars to reflect on their research experiences together. After a short introduction, participants will be invited to meet in small groups and discuss their experiences: On the one hand, listening to lectures, writing blogs, participating in seminar work, reading relevant literature and presenting results; on the other hand, discussing content, such as: How connected are social issues and extreme climate change concerns in academic, political, or traditional work settings? How compatible are the different approaches to sustainability as emphasized in the semester? What is needed to provide proper responses to fears and denial regarding our troubling social, political and environmental times? Where exactly are the common grounds between being informed and participating in a movement to create a more just and healthy world? Do you agree that polite incremental change is not enough? We conclude with a brief final roundup. Format: Open to the Public: Language: Panel discussion and world café yes English THURSDAY, MARCH 02, 10:00-12:00 AM, C 12.105 Seminarplenum 32: Sustainability, energy and complexity 8 Project Seminars: Sustainability and the Future (Senan Gardiner) AND Sustainable energy for all: scenarios, planning and participation (Prof. Dr. Paul Upham) Description: In this event we will facilitate a discussion on the role of energy on society and together critique scenarios of different energy futures. We emphasise that for most people, energy use is viewed not in technical terms, but as part of everyday life. This makes energy a complex topic, crossing the natural and social sciences as well as the Humanities. Given this complexity, we ask how the sustainability movement can best support the transition towards more sustainable energy futures and what forms those futures might take. Format: Open to the Public: Language: A beginning impulse by means of a 15 minute presentation followed by a world café session. yes English philosophical practical political CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM THURSDAY, MARCH 02, 10:00-12:00 AM, C 3.120 Seminarplenum 34: Present and future of Biomass sustainability Project Seminar: From plant to waste - Could biomass be sustainable? (Amanda Watts) Description: Take a look at the theory and practice, present, and future of Biomass sustainability. Have a glance into a community that has moved a step forward into sustainable living and into the global ecovillage network as a movement that integrates socioecological innovative approaches from the Global South and the Global North. Discover the innovative advances in the area of potential recuperation of biomass, with an emphasis on the current state of agro industrial byproducts and food waste transformed into materials but also into energy. Format: Guests: Guest presentations and panel discussion Dr. Monika von Haaren Dr. Stella Veciana (Ecovillage Sieben Linden, Leuphana University Lüneburg) Dr. Joachim Venus (Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Department Bioengineering) Prof. Dr. Daniel Pleissner (Leuphana University Lüneburg, Institute for Sustainable Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry) yes English Open to the Public: Language: THURSDAY, MARCH 02, 10:00-12:00 AM, C 12.101A Seminarplenum 35: Climate Change after COP 21 Project Seminar: International Climate Protection after COP 21 (Prof. Dr. Michael Palocz-Andresen) Description: The international cooperation is the basic element of climate protection. The resolution of COP 21 in Paris in December 2015 decided the main requirements for future development. The main aim is the decarbonisation in the energy production, in the communal sector, and in the transportation. We consider not only the meteorological side of climate change but also the social aspects. Further, we focus on human health, influenced by tropical diseases not only in Africa but also in Europe. Air pollution, combined with climate stress will be analysed in Mexico City. New research topics and high quality research methods in DESY Hamburg will be discussed .Hamburg as the Green Capital of Europe will be presented. We treat the biofuel production by the presentation of Nordzucker technology. Format: Guests: Open to the Public: Language: Presentation in teams and after the lecture a free discussion with the audience Michael Böttinger (German Climate Computing Center, Hamburg) yes English CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM philosophical practical political 9 THURSDAY, MARCH 02, 01:00-02:30 PM, C 14.006 Arena: Leverage Points for Sustainability Description: Are you interested in meaningful insights into current research practice? Would you like to learn about leverage points for a sustainable transformation? Or are you curious about social and ecological systems and their interdependences? Take the unique chance to discuss with and learn from scholars of the transdisciplinary project ontrasting case study regions Transylvania in Romania and Lower Saxony in Germany. And find out about the approaches of an exciting research project with our experts from different academic backgrounds. Format: Guests: Language: Insights into a current research project at Leuphana University. Nicolas Jager, Moritz Engbers English THURSDAY, MARCH 02, 01:00-02:45 PM, C 12.108 Seminarplenum 42: Sustainability: Variation in conceptualizations and representations Project Seminar: Sustainability in the postcolonial world (Dr. Joanna Chojnicka, Dr. Norman Laws) AND Ecolinguistics: Language and the environment (Prof. Dr. Anne Barron) Description: the the conceptualization and representation of sustainability-related issues in different parts of the world and different cultures. While the former focuses on criticizing those discourses which promote ecologically destructive behaviour and seeking out those which encourage relationships of respect and care for the natural world, the latter approaches sustainability as a Western and elitist concept, seeking out alternative ideas of how to shape the world and make lifestyles fit for the future. In this International café, students will discuss the results of their team projects, focusing in particular on practical recommendations for the change of our ways of speaking and acting, inspired by discourse and postcolonial theory and analysis. Format: Open to the Public: Language: 10 philosophical practical political Café International no English CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM CONFERENCE WEEK 2017 // ENGLISH-SPEAKING PROGRAM philosophical practical political 11
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