ARCHAEOLOGICAL TEXTILES NEWSLETTE R ATN, 3, no. 1986. EDITORIAL A number very of people pleased, were that surprised, but ArchaeologicaL the Textiles Newsletter had been able to reach a second issue, let alone often well-meaning Newsletter vanish The survival due to of the a too be such as the review first number. ventures after the Newsletter the readiness of is our simply readers contribute in so many different ways. quick glance show, a receipt at large of the subscription number of people list it will now is in hoped that their wide variety of interests will be reflected in future issues of this publication. In on this topics knitting; Denmark; ship a several ATN we have notes the as: early linen-shirt textile sank about Germany and of varied a which notes issue as from off textiles Egypt. items a the found the and finally associated Paris with Jleumiinster. section, We namely: the of the their editors article collegues references written or other the question of basis reviews and or for must be shelved concerning any book which may be of interest to the readers of the Newsletter. The a extended popular especially bibliography feature as it has of revealed previously obscure works. have included Ullemeyer, the Karl The editors a bibliographies textile to be Newsletter, number of In this issue we Schlabo� grande dames of X. Crowfoot. appears the and of Rudolf one of archaeology, would greatly the Grace , appreciate it if readers could send any comments they have concerning the appearance, etc. We need contents to know of the exactly information. facilites added Quote, to by a new which we any One from It would relevant themselves works which feel ATNwhould not overlook, published since 1980. regular in be greatly appreciated if readers could send or a would would be the best method of presenting this work for the Recent Publications list. the on it reviews what people wish to read and what they feel It is proving difficult to gather titles to moment to' commission Austria, hope people will find of interest! book articles space in the that Textilmuseum, also Quotable difficult of feel there are in library a shortage editors Newsletter, the A.E.D.T.A. the have Armada to the Ireland; of In addition, Lejre Weavers in Denmark, Viborg, Spanish coast concerning Icelandic from very the As a are Newsletter and the to Due Newsletter, All third. ATN has ·also r�ceived two books to The review. or they which has been the word: final recent the dramatic ATN is drop in suffering the value the principal costs incurred in producing the Newsl�tter have to Could guilders. Dutch in paid be please pay in Dutch subscribers, therefore, Moreover, of the pound. guilders <D. fl. necessary, the sterling <at t.3. 50>. 11.50> or, if absolutely current equivalent in pounds the time of going to press, ATN, 1986. 3, no. IOTES TO CONTR IBUTORS The Colophon Archaeolo�ical Textiles Newsletter The Archaeological Textiles Newsletter. aims to provide a source of information for No. those who are studying textiles primarily as Published in Leiden, archaeological ISSN: objects. Contributions the Newsletter are welcome, to or French. If necessary, be accepted, items but German in Russian these will be translated into English. 2. Contributions references to journals, may include courses, work in to etc. , progress (! ) books, forthcoming conferences, lectures concerning short published and seminars, G. J. X. P. BOARD: special information <see and any queries concerning archaeological textiles. the Work 3 category is on Progress: which excavations section or in should available) textiles museums. contain about the PUBLICAT ION DATES: cataloguing of who note 3), study the a of general example, from DEADLINES FOR and Xay and work Items in this (if CONTACT ADDRESS: equivalent range responsible and Vogelsang-Eastwood, HL-2334 EA Leiden, CHARGES: in pounds The Dfl. 11. 25 sterling> <or per the annum <two issues ) . Subscription payments for where of the they can be sent Vogelsang at the above address of textiles and Netherlands. may be transferred Giro Account: G. the X. G. Van Swietenstraat 45, the when; 1st respectively. who are to be published. Twice-yearly; CONTR IBUT IONS: . April where is J0rgensen, Walton recent information following: and P. October 1st for the Xay and November issues the relevant dates; the site found; for textiles textiles were found; excavated this includes, archaeological Bender Wild. SUBSCR IPTION in L. Vogelsang-Eastwood, November. recently articles exhibitions, The Netherlands. 0169-7331. EDITORIAL Contributions can be in English, will 1986. and should be in accordance with this concept. 1. 3, bank cheques or postal orders ) 2567328, again to X. using to G. X. <in the form or 1110ney the following Dutch· Vogelsang-Eastwood, the contact address given above. These notes should not exceed a maximum of three hundred words per item. Xaps showing the position of the relevant sites would be greatly appreciated. LOGO Line drawings will be considered, but 4 photographs cannot be accepted at present. 5. The editors reserve the right to suggest alterations in the wording of items sent for publication. 6. The 1st April and the 1st October, deadline for contributions The depiction is logo on is a Odenburg/Soporn, taken Hungary. illustration shows three spinning and weaving. the from Hallstatt urn, The women fa1110us found at original are who the for the Xay and lovember editions respectively. anglo saxon ailments 5 ..... for sick sheep: take a little new ale and pour Into every sheep's mouth; do It so that they swallow It quickly; It will do them good ..... 2 ATN, Iceland V. Germany Some EarU;t Examples of Icelandic Knitting Lubeck - Projekt ' 88 Storaborg: )nitting Iceland is excavated at Storaborg, of the country tentatively 16th century also found have been one A. D. at the The the In given 1650-1750. knitting to woollen mitten in the southern part 1). <Map dated a The item has been unter Fehring site, two socks but later earliest half of these date were pieces of example the of about damask <knitting from squared patterns in colour traditional on a knitting, also comes it was excavated in 1980. it has a stripes century <see A pattern of short fig. 1> and is or slightly later. Figure 2 shows an attempt to reconstruct the pattern. A number found at of knitting Storaborg in measure 2. 5-3.0 mm 1979 about 200 in diameter. measures 174 needles and also have been of in length and mm. A third, <minimum) and 2. 5 mm were Two of the needles, dated to about 1700. iron, of copper, mm. All of the above mentioned items are now in the National Xuseum of Iceland. Bergthorshvoll In 1927, a of Bergthorshvoll of about are 1600 all of exception in southern Iceland They are believed to date from <see Map 1). or perhaps an of slightly later. remnants of a sock the latter is fairly complete. pieces are now in the National They w1 th the undeterminable use, mitten; and a These Museum of Iceland. The E. E. has been based on: Notes on Knitting in Iceland Reykjavik. For further 'information above note Guojonsson, <1985> , concerning these items, I. Eldjarn and G. Bergthorshvoli", fornleifaf�lags see: Gestsson, " Rannsoknir a Aibdk blns islenzka 1951-52, Rekyjavik <1952 ) , 5-75. X. Sll!I!Sdottir, "Vettlingur frll. Stdruborg", Hugur og bond. Rit Heindlsidnadarf�lags Islands 19821 Reykjavik, 47. E. E. arbei tung von der mehreren Vor und 1983 Prof. Dr. Gunter wissenschaftlichen Dr. von durchgefiihrt wurde, Wolfgang Be Erdmann haben die Archaologen an historisch wichtigen Stellen der Hansestadt Lubeck Ausgrabungen gemacht, um dabei neue Erkenntnisse vor allem tiber die 2> eingezeichnet sind. Von fast allen Fundstellen Stammen Textilien, deren alteste in das ausgehende 12. und deren jiingste in das friihe 19. Jahrhundert datiert sind. Die meisten Textilfunde hat der Verfasser in den letzten 10 analysiert und die Liibecker Zeitscbrift fiir Arcbaologie und Kulturgescbicbte mitgeteilt. Im Kittelpunkt der bisherigen Untersuchungen stand die Materialaufnahme und Erfassung In einem der verschiedenen Textiltechniken. Ergebnisse sich Jahren in nun:mehr der anschlieBendem Projekt sell eine abschlieQende uri.d zusammenfassende Be wertung aller Li.ibecker Textilfunde erfolgen. Dazu number knitted woollen scraps were excavated _at the site Leitung und Amt 1974 Stadtentwicklung im Mittelalter zu gewinnen. stitch tentatively dated to the second half of the 17th zwischen Es handelt sich um insgesamt 12 Unter suchungsobj ekte, die in den Stadtplan <Map small scrap only, diagonal der Sonderforschungs Li.ibecker stocking purl Icelandic from this site; vom 1986. a method very rarely seen in with stitch ground> , das Fri.ihgeschichte first 1979, the Programmes, und eines Rahmen Im The oldest surviving example of in 3, no. werden stricken, die Reste von Geweben, u.a. noch einmal Filzen Ge hin sichtlich ihrer gutachtet, ehe sie dann mit den Textilfunden aus alteren friiheren Lubecker Verwendung Ausgrabungen anderen Stadten verglichen werden. dem obigen Projekt stammenden be und Die aus Steffe sind oft sehr prazise datiert, textiltechnische Einordnung Herstellung, Herkunft besonders giinstig 1st. von diesen uberblick iiber was fur die in Bezug auf und Vir;endung Wir versprechen uns Forschungen einen guten die in einer m.ittel alterlichen GroRqtadt gebrauchlichen Steffe, deren textiltechnische Verii.nderung 1m Laufe von iiber 6 Jahrhunderten und auch vielleicht Auskiinfte dariiber, von welchen sozialen Schichten sie benutzt wurden. Klaus Tidow. Textilmuseum, Parkstral!e 17, Neumiinster, W. Germany. Gudjonsson, "Traditional islandsk Sticlrar ocb virlrat i nord1slr tradition, Vasa <1984> , 47-52. E. E. Gudjonsson, " Um prjon a Islandi", Hugur og bond Rit Heim111sidnadarf�lags. Islands 1985, Reykjavik <1986> , 8-12. strikning", E. E. Gudjonsson, Dept. of Textiles, National Museum of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland. 3 ATN, 3, no. 1986. Denmark konserviert. sogenannte 9th-century Shirt Linen Senderse, Viborg, Viborg silber-vergoldeten gedreht. Denmark. den Excavations by Viborg directed by Hans KrongArd, Stiftsmuseum, have uncovered a textilen finds was a zeitliche shirt, auch hat. und to about the year A.D. 1000. Graber The partly preserved shirt was made from The linen in a 20/12 per cr plain weave. fibres z/z-spun. The microscopically were The yarns have been woven material now has a black-gray colour. An of the pattern and the various seam types has shown that the shirt is of a poncho-style: the front and back were made from about 1.90 m. Ingeborg die one uncut weave-length of The rectangular neckline has Die in Xikrosonde auf bestimmen. shirt. The same shirt woven lias material added as sleeves with gussets. Grunden worden. waistline, and to the are kept backstitches the in front in place decorative and the by star back - several shapes on i see f g. 3, which also gives the measurements. I is diesen konnten gemacht aus werden, aus finanziellen um prinzipielle Sicherlich festzulegen. nicht teils sind diese Untersuchungen ausbaufihig. Diese Arbeit 1st in englischer und 1978 in deutscher I. Petrascheck-Heim, The two layers in the main part of the both zu so that the rather tight shirt is one layer only. shirt Leider teils Sprache erschienen. top der sind sicher datierte Untersuchungen 1977 shoulder aus Goldfaden Zusammensetzung Vergleich stitched the gefundenen Funden provided with a lining of the same material, to Neues oder aus dem Viktoria and Albert Xuseum etc Daten It is quite remarkable that the shirt is "Die Goldhauben Goldfaden aus Xuseumsbestanden wie einige Faden von den Gewandern der Reichskleinodien Xaterialmangel, the was unterstrichen um damit die Herkunft zu Als the from 1968 die archliologischen genugend knots, die weist hochmittelalterlichen der Villach all made und wurden durch den Chemiker Ernst Hoke mit der partly with durch von Villach-Judendorf", Alt-Villach, 7 <1970>, 57-190. herangezogen strings wurde maglich Petrascheck-Heim. Textilien a middle slit and a braid that ends in two preserved den Xinnedichtung Xetalle untersucht, examination der zeigen Einordnung Haubenformen noch which lay compressed and crammed into a post ascertained to be flax. zeigen auf die Xi tte des 13. Jahrhunderts hin, linen Oak posts in the same stratigraphical hole. level have been dendrochronologically dated vegetable Aufnahmen Auflosungsprozess wie der Webart liegen vor. erhaltenen the einem Untersuchungen Xaterialien Viborg's southern lake <Sandersa>. other unusual finds were textiles. of mit um eine Seidenseele Xikroskopische Die One Goldfaden Lahn Auflosungsprozess. 9th century urban settlement on the shore of Among Bei diesen handelt es sich um gesponnene presume unique, at this 9th least century in linen Scandinavia, shirt but I A-1190 Wien, Dionysius-Andrassy Strasse 16, Austria 1. E. Hoke "Microprobe and I. analysis of Petrascheck-Heim, gilded threads from Mediaeval textiles• , silver �udies in Xytte Fentz, Conservation, 22 <1977), 49-62. E. Hoke and I. Petrascheck-Heim, an "Herkunftsuntersuchungen mittel alterlichen Goldfaden von Villach-Judendorf durch mit einer Vergleichsanalysen stud. mag. Xikrosonde", should be grateful garments with Viborg shirt. Xoesg!rd, a for information pattern similar on to old the !rhus University, 2. <1978> , DK-8270 Hajbjerg, Jleues aus Alt-Villach, 15 137-158. Denmark. Austria Villach. Abtragung Im Jahr 1968 wurden bei der sogenannten eines Hugels dem bei Villach • Judenbichl" arcbaologische Frauengrabern Funde haben gemacht. sich drei interessante In einigen ganze Hauben und groBere oder kleinere Reste von weiteren Kopfbedeckungen, die hafteten, erhalten. Textilien wurden oder 4 als noch durch Stickfaden Die die an den Schadel teils benutzten Scbadeln und die Ireland A SPAIISH ARJW>A TE:ITILB The textile was excavated from the Trinidad Valencera, a Spanish Armada vessel which sank off the Irish coast in 1588. It has been the subject of a diploma thesis at verwebten the Goldfaden Court, Textile Conservation England. Centre, Hampton ATN, no. Figs. Map 1 I 1 damask Fragment knitted from a 1986. 1 and 2 I Mop of Iceland showing the locations of Bergthorshvoll, Storaborg, S. Drawing 1986: Gu5mundur Olafsson. Fig. 3, of B, and a pattern woollen scrap excavated at St6raborg in 1980, Fig. dated 1650- 1700. 2 struction by E. Possible of E. Drawings the recon pattern Gudj6nsson. E. 1984: E. Gudj6nsson. Fig. 3 Layout linen shirt Viborg, Denmark. of the found at 5 ATN, no. 3, 1986. Map 2 Hansestadt Lubeck, Innenstadt mit Rekonstruktion der FluBliufe nach W. Ohnesorge . . . ...: 0 100 2. 00 300m Untersuchungsobjekte: j_ Burgkloster; ..1_ Koberg; ]_ Koberg 2 l.ind Kra nenkonvent; ....i. Heiligen-Geist-Hospi tal; 2._ UundestraBe 9-17; ..§.. Alf stralle 38/ Untertrave 97; .]_ Sc!'lrangen; � Konigst.raile 53-63; ..i. Jo hanniskloster; 1Q. GroBe Petersgrubei ll.·Kapitelstrane S/7; li Com� 6 ATN, I Map Map 3 showing Viborg the of 3, 1986. Denmark position where century A. D. no. of a 9th linen shirt was found. ,. 7 (X) Areas Studied -·-·-·- No Wall Surviving �Town Walls - - -_High Water Mark 0 QASR I BRIM 1986 .... ... � I! lb. ..... <0 CD ()) VJ � 0 -� ATN, CORRECT! ON AND ADDENDUM ( �TN, no, 1, page 3, In conclusion then, list of archaeological sites in Britain) Correction: Ne�castle-on-Tees should that read this object Two tents are the vessel parallels Norton-on-Teei, Tent. it with 1986. 3, it can be suggested most known to when it is no. probably have sank been and features a tent. on board the on evidence the Turkish A Tibetan Festival Tent made in 1985 also displays a similar construction to the To be added: Newcastle upon Tyne, 15th -19th Turkish centuriei, archaeologist, Barbara Harbottle; Tent, so the design seems to vary little with time or location. Further analytical work is to be carried textile specialist, Penelope Walton out on the fibres and tent construction. Cathy McClintock, The object was a shapeless mass, Penn' s Place, composed of layers of compressed fabric and mud with rope, small wooden toggles and 9a Church Street, squares of leather. The greatest dimensions Middlesex, were 710 mms . 430 x 50 x several problems unknown: the fibres were cellulose, but have not been original yet as The ' mass' posed its composition identified, and its Hampton, TW12 2EB, England. was use could not be immediately identified. Following order to the 'mass', work a series determine of the experiments best in treatment for the object was freeze-dried and started on There proved to cloth in the taking be the two object, layers distinct both apart. types plain of <tabby> a Z-twisted fibre with 10 threads/om in both directions. Fragments were between found of density this second weave proximity The fragments. to a weave or leather in of case the in was nine threads/em <?warp> x four threads/em <?weft). threads were both z and s The warp twisted and the weft z twisted only. A three The quantity of rope was found showing different plies: Z4s, Z3s4z and S4z. first two rope types . are than the third form. more common Rope type two is of a The toggles are of turned wood, Lime, and are about 30 x 15 13 possibly diameter in lDIII leather pieces using were square x 13 Rosalie at Manchester scientific techniques, David, the Curator of and this new gallery is now displayed in the Daily Life in Ancient Egypt of at the museum. W. Flinders Petrie excavated the Twelfth Dynasty pyramid of Sesostris II (1897-1878 B. C. ), at Illahun in the Fayum lengths of rope, of officials and a 10 10 knotted rope, toggles, between the large quantity of favourably Turkish with Tent dated diameter lDIII holes. lDIII on one Small side 1 leather leather the main similar to with pieces are The the compare features 1598. rope, and fabric the sides of this tent are on roof separate, a the Dating pyramid. loom, remains from unique as about a The loops leather reinforcing binding and opposite compound instigated pass found are points over A section. on analytical 1895 Middle B. C. , Kingdom and heddle-jacks, and attached on the toggles copper the work on tent on the proofing Turkish fragments with positive results. to the Tent Armada and bodkins, as well as netting copper piercers and These tools represent a watershed in Egyptian textile history; for after the end of the )(iddle Kingdom <c. 1640 B.·C. >, a new spindle type and the vertical loom were introduced. The Kahun the famous material is contemporary painted scenes of textile with workshops in the nobles tombs at Beni Hasan. Although actual cloth is lacking, being attached to one another by a loop and toggle arrangement. of which may be parts of a cloth loom and a mat a still extant in some of the holes. The section The squares two, weave 1888- purpose-built homes of the workmen who built needles and a bone needle-case. with from 1889, with its adjoining cemetery and the nearby town of Kahun, where he uncovered 13 llllll A. material reels 15 Dr. Egyptology, set up a research project on Kahun in 1984, central hole and the rectangular pieces were x Museum, town. In the houses Petrie found a flax stripper, spindles and whorls, wood bars with lDIII or collections modern occuring in pairs with fabric sandwiched between them. were As part of the policy of re-working the Egyptian Kahun rectangular in shape, Textile Xaterial froa Twelfth Dynasty houses heavier quality than the others. -size. . The Kahun: Egypt The main fabric is woven from weave forms. number Egypt unspun and· fibres, spun netting linen and and matting other enough ·plant survives to indicate considerable activity in the homes of Kahun. according The to rarest Petrie find, among discovered weavers' waste, was wool, unspun, spun and woven scraps, dyed red and blue. Tests carried out at the Shirley Institute, Manchester, revealed that 9 ATN, no. 1986. 3, the red dye is madder with an alum mordant, with and that the blue may be a local species of worked in tapestry indigo. of a Study continues on the dyes and on other evidence of Pharaonic Egypt. the use of wool in representations of offering weave: tables several fragments fine Roman shaded band in wool, and a very colourful tapestry-woven pattern, also in wool. interlace A much more complete example of the tapestry figure illustrated Late Nubian Textiles <fig. 52, ALC and pls. 57, 58 and 73) ( 11 was discovered in two fragments near the temple. An unexpected deposit in the wet area of Complex 1037 yielded six hundred textile fragments. A single location of Xeroitic date provided 76.5� of the fragments, 92� of which were of cotton. All of the major in J. Allgrove McDowell, 15, Powis Villas, Brighton, Bl1 3HD, England. Textile Finds at Qasr Ibri:a, 1986. fabric The ran 1986 from April, 22nd 1986 Egyptian Egypt at under 1985 Society recovered from the Cathedral Plaza, constructed and destruction areas in lapatan in recorded number four from the included half textured Features of the weaving process itself were of and basket found: weaves, pile weave with starting multiple borders, ending bcrders. The collection weave and a wefts. selvedges provided an and example in (c. 750 its specimen 550 <the measures were Plaza. specimens Their found in 59 x 90 probably worn as a skirt. openwork textiles Cathedral 2,672 textiles weave, until A.D. thousand Xeroitic plain the I-Group period at Qasr !brim). Almost in group: fragmentary form of each of the recognizable Meroitic garment types. The most complete times approximately found this the area 1 and Temple 4 use in basket London. two types occurred 5th <see Map 3). remained in to of were site: Egypt, until Organization Exploration B.C.>, !brim, a licence granted by Complex 1037, area 4 was Qasr December, Antiquities Textiles the season border, decorative the finish em., and was It has a narrow typical on garments. Xeroitic Also found in less complete condition were two types of loin cloth, a kilt with remains of the usual Temple 4, of which twenty were extraordinary embroidered in of also with fragments of embroidery, and part terms weaving and aesthetic quality, of 1984, which has an angular shape. were all of cotton, with very Excavations fine spinning and weaving, many having tapestry produced woven was designs either iconography, or There three were sizes, having of derived a from geometric specimens, similarly may Egyptian character. of varying organized termed fairly which "picture• was were surrounded in woven season, "frame" in dark blue, and set on an undyed ground in half-basket weave. Three specimens in blue plain weave were assembled several to from areas have been fragments of recovered the temple; they deliberately torn from appeared up more All have at least one dimension than 0.8 m, suggesting that they were perhaps used as curtains or drapery in the temple. Other textiles from the temple are less complete, but all of them exhibit quality spinning and fine, well-controlled tapestry woven designs. Found nearly were in the temple sanctuary forty small weavings. complete, having the were Xany of starting them border, both selvedges and bare warp ends. their they they quality were used textiles varied, made by motifs and it seems Although clear that novice weavers, other found temple on the and that temple furnishings as models for their tapestry-woven designs. Other notable textiles from the Cathedral Plaza include two cotton fragments lO seasons such deal numbers adequately considerable backlog have that with in it all As a result, of unstudied analysed thus and recorded finishing from the the backlog 1982 of unrecorded textiles at the site. 'Iettie !C. Adams, Assistant Curator, Museum of Anthropology, and scattered. of recognized past in apron, material accumulated in the years between A total of 4,732 specimens 1980 and 1984. The tapestry-woven a to first of them in the allotted time. a textites. case by •picture" in textiles impossible elements, each be design garment, pendant furnishings. twenty unnamed a and were almost certainly part of the temple With three flax exceptions the an decoration, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40504, U.S.A. [1] See Ingrid Bergman, Late Nubian Textiles, The Scandinavian Joint Expedition to Sudanese 'lubia, val. 8, 1975. ATN, diverse notes In addition, The Textile Workshop in the Lejre Research Historical-Archaeological all Experi following embroideries shawls, which specialises in experiments weaving. The several warp-weighted band looms, equipment recent years, carried out researchers to Workshop concerning Workshop looms, spinning related Textile tubular tools and textile has looms, other In work. several experiments have been in in cooperation Denmark: the with textile fine diamond Kalamkari textiles are to the warp-weighted loom and the tubular loom have been compared and tested; in the summer of peplos costume was woven on a tubular loom, and finally, the patterned weaves of the German ReibeDKTliber from the 5th-8th centuries A.D. <Rippenkoper, Rosettenkoper, Vabengewebe etc. ) have been Reports tested on the warp-weighted loom. on the experiments <in Danish> can be obtained by writing to the Workshop, prices range from DKK 20 to 60. The weavers of the Textile Workshop welcome research projects from textile researchers and museums in Denmark and abroad. Scholars interested in working with the Workshop should contact us at the following address: The Textile · Workshop, Historisk-Arkmologisk Forsagscenter, Slangealleen 2, DK 4320 Lejre, Denmark. L. 1985 the a In of centuries) and textiles. fabrics, Jamdani, to continent, Chinese the there <17th-19th <17th Indonesian as Patola, addition Japanese the Pakistani floorspreads; Indian number covers Indian and Benares, the centuries); to ( 19th 19th century> The total number of textiles in the collection is approximately 2600. A. E.D. T.A. I related of and costumes, tents textiles. from 60bis, borders Indian well as Baluchari, selvedges finishing and patka, twills of the Birka type have been copied on a warp-weighted loom; starting borders, side and collection areas: a includes activities The reports are provided free Denmark was founded Prehistoric the specialists. in It and is sent out to over two hundred mental Centre in Lejre, 1964. symposia Association, of charge. The textile DeiUIBrk. The conferences, 1986. guided visits are held at frequent intervals in the Centre and every year a report, covering Centre, 3, no. Avenue de Breteuil, 75007 Paris, France. a Arcbaologische Publikationen Seit tiber 50 Jahren Textilmuseum Ieumi.inster Ausgrabungen untersucht. Museumsausstellung. iiber Textilfunde Stein-, Eisenzei t, allem der sowie aus in dem den im aus Die Ergebnisse finden ihren Abteilungen der Bearbeitungen dieser �iederschlag in mehreren aus werden Textilien der viele Bronze- letzten und Jahren vor und der Mittelalter Fruhneuzeit sind Artikel in Fachzeit schriften erschienen, die aber nicht allen Interessierten zuganglich sind. Anla8lich des Textilsymposiums in Heumi.inster 1981 wurde deshalb von den Teilnehmern angeregt, Dokkedal and A. Kargaard. an einer zentralen Stelle alle Publikationen tiber archaologische nordeuropaischen Textilien Raum zu aus sammeln. dem Diese !ufgabe ubernahm das Textilmuseum Ieumi.inster The A.B.D.T.A. Collection und richtete daraufhin in seiner Bibliothek dafur eine besondere Abteilung ein. Alle <Association for the Study and Documentation vorhandenen of Asian Textiles> Zei tschriftenartikel und bekannten Bucher wurden nach geordnet in einer Kartei erfait. The Association for Documentation of Asian established in 1982, its president. centre for Asian fabrics, techniques and and was with Krishna Riboud as The idea of establishing the dissemination the Study Textiles collection however, of premises, provide a traditional and for information methods 1980. The of was a the concerning initiated in umfa8t covering area facilities, library sentations and other nearly 250 r, for conservation, preaudiovisual activities. The Inzwischen die Sammlung rund 40 Bi.icher und 250 aus Fachzeitschriften von Sonderdrucke insgesamt 90 Die !utoren. Veroffent lichungen betreffen alle Bereiche, die mit archaologischen Textilien zu tun haben, u.a. Berichte tiber die textiltechnische Analysen, tiber Herkunft tiber Produktionsmittel, Konservierung. suitable sowie Autoren stammen und Verwendung Einige allerdings i.iber der auch der Steffe, Fragen der Untersuchungen aus anderen Regionen, doch lieft der Schwerpunkt 1m nordeuropaischen Raum. Von den meisten !utoren sind au8erdem noch Veroffent technical and administrative staff regularly lichungen participate Sonderdrucke bzw bibliografische Angaben, so daB die geplante Liste mit allen Bi.ichern und tions, in the catalogues, organizing and of research exhibi projects. bekannt, doch fehlen davon 11 ATN, no. Artikeln Jedem 1986. 3, nicht herausgegeben interessierten jedoch einem die Kartei Besuch 1m werden Textilforscher und die kann. illustrations reflect a specific interest in steht the identification of fibre and weave types. Bibliothek Textilmuseum bei Neumunster zu Verf}igung. It should include be a noted number deteriorated that of fibres. the illustrations photographs This showing aspect of f1 bre identification is all too frequently missing · Klaus Tidow. from the 'official' Textilmuseum, A ParkstraBe 17, lreumunster, W. Germany. more books on the subject. detailed Farke' s book, which textile conservator description will be should of written appear H. by in a the next issue of the ATN. The second book mentioned above surveys the vast of Prehistoric number Scandinavia as well archaeological Viking <Denmark, · as Germany, of to bog In were 1888 a large excavated Hawara by the at quantity the English Flinders Petrie. of Egyptian textiles site Egyptologist, of Sir Xany of the fragments came to England and according to Petrie " .. . .But for Xiss Bradbury the large mass of textiles would have however, soaked, <W. had but they have, scant attention; under her care, Arsinoe, F. Petrie, 1889, Hawara, comparative material Britain, finds, Biabmu, books have recently been treatment sent two of these books, <a> Heidemarie Farke, Archaologische Fasern, und Gewebe: Bestimmung Geflechte, Konservierung, Weimar <1986) [ ISSN 02322609, A4, 75 pages, 35 pages of illustrations and 7 pages of pattern drafts] <b> L. Bender Jergensen, Forhistoriske i Prehistoric Text!ler Skandinavien: Scandinavian Tertiles, Copenhagen (1986> . [ ISBN 0105 578X, A4, 390 pages] . The first book is primarily concerned with the identification and conservation of archaeological textiles. It also deals to a lesser extent with related objects such as basketry. Both the text and the choice of illustrated with maps, diagrams and photog�aphs <292 illustrations in all> . The is of the main text. an English References the text to the ill11strations in the Danish section. 12 have personally analysed by the author. been The parts, text is made up of two distinct the first is written in Danish and is and namely: part now housed " and conservation of archaeological textiles. second and Xost of recent publications published concerning the history, copiously products the pieces described in the book, H. X. been corrosion in museums throughout lorthern Europe, Andersen and translation Bender and D. Tweddle Anglo-saxon in (1986), "The Xaaseik England, 13 65-96. X. Budny and D. textiles Journal, at Tweddle Xaaseik, "The early medieval Belgium", 65 pt. 2 <1985> , Antiquaries 353-389. D. Gatling and J. Grayson, Identification of Vegetable Fibres, <1982), London. H. E. Dalrymple, National Xuseum and Historical (1985) 1 25-26, V. Daniels, "Dye of related Archaeolgoical Dyes on Archaeological Textiles, 4 Daniels, at the Dyes on Textiles4 "Analysis of samples containing turmeric", V. work Antiquities", Historical and 10-12. <1985> , "Dye analysis of ' two fragments from Enkomi", Dyes on Historical and Archaeological Tertiles, 4 <1985> , 15-18. Jr. Easthaugh, "Dye Centre, analysis are given in Conservation which Dyes on Historical and Textiles, 4 <1985> , 19-20. appear Jergensen, Textilfund Tertilforu111 2 Deutsches Budny <1984)' L. euro�ischer embroideries", ATN has The fragments have come metal Di!.nemark�, 48-49. The W. Ireland, now, 4> of from variety of sources including graves, "Altester number in Norway>, impressions of textiles on pottery. S. A and been all cleaned and ironed .. ....... .. . X. Sweden textiles found The Netherlandp, Poland and Russia. from a QUOTABLE QUOTES date Hampton at the Textile Court Palace", Archaeological ATN, X. Flury-Lemberg, "The fabrics grave of St. Anthony C.I.E.T. A., 61-62 <1985> , of from Padua", the Bull. P. E. XcGovern purple and of Lebanon", 56-76. and the R. 3, no. H. 1986. Michel, pre-Phoenician dye 3, �SCA Journal, "Royal industry no. 3 <1984> , 67-70. V. Furmaner odievania na K. Pieta, Slovensk:u, and Tatran "Pociatky 1985", Ars slovaca antiqua, 19 <1986> , 1-142. <"Beginnings of clothing in Slovakia", with J. summaries in Russian, X. !Iockert, Bockstensmannen och hans Driikt, Falkenberg <1985) (with an English summary> . A. Geijer, A.M. English and German> Franzen K. and Hackert, "Marine Xusty, Current colours", 101 (1986> , Archaeology, 169. Drottning Xargaretas gyllene kjortel i Uppsala Domlryrkn, Uppsala <1985) <with an English summary> . G. S. Grierson, E. E. Peacock, "Deacidification of degraded linen", Studies in Canservation, 28, no. 1 "Anthocyanin dyes. Tests using Dyes on Historical and Archaeological Textiles, 4 (1985> , 3-9. petals and berries", S. Grierson, Tt'borl and Tt'beel, the Story of Handspinning in Scotland, Perth, <1985> <available from Mrs. S. Grierson, Hewmiln Farm. Tibbermore, Perth, PH1 1QN, Scotland; price t2.30 inclusive; ISBN 0 9510132 0 3) . G. H. <1983}, I. "Wood, textile techniques conservation and leather for the North Vest Anthropological 9 <1975> , 180-197. archaeologist", Research J/otes, Petrascheck-Heim, "Der Agnes-Schleier in Jahrbuch des Stiftes Klosterrieuburg", 13 Klosterneuburg, I. Hill, "The recreation of historical <1986> , Petrascheck-Heim, Gewebe", Klosterneuburg, 13 I. Petrascheck, "Die 59-94. Leopoldstoffe und Jahrbuch des (1986> , 95-142. Stiftes "Die Textilien aus dem Grab < t 1143> in Jahrbuch des Stiftes 12 <1983> , 37-42. Karkgrafin der Klosterneuburg" , D. in Anglo-Saxon < ISBN 0-7190- 8-14. verwandte Grosso, Dress < 1986> R. Owen-Crocker, England, Manchester 1818-8) Klosterneuburg, Agnes dyes" , Dyes on Historical and Archaeological Textiles, 4 (1985) , 13-14. 1. P. van van de techniek der Koptische weefsels", Handwerken Zander Grenzen, 3 <1986> , 21-26. • G. t Hoeft 110 Textiel, "Granaatappels in Lei den", <1986> , Jmrgensen, L. Bender Jmrgensen, K. Jerspersen, E. 0stergaard and K. Christensen of and medieval wood from Archaeology of Svendborg, 1-126 L. plant 4 Denmark, R. Kalyanaraman, X. X. of jute, flax "Morphology of the fibres and electron Agric. Sci, J. x-ray fiber method of artifacts", 6 (1985> , hemp as seen under microscope", 49 <1979> , Ind. a J. 483ff. Lamm, Xartiniani-Reber, · et byzantines coptes (1985) . Xasurel, Soieries Ve-IX sassanides, si�cles, P. Ryan,. "Misidentification Egyptian plant no. 3 (1985> , fibers", of ancient Varia EBYPtiaca, 1, 143-149. K. Sichel, National Russia, (1985> , London. Costume Reference: Lyon G. W. Taylor, "Detection and identification of dyes on Anglo-Scandinavian textiles", Studies in Canservation, 28 <1983> , G. W. Taylor, early ve·stiges textiles Origini, civilta " Identification William Xorris Castle Howard", 153-160. of dyes Textile History, 16 on from embroideries <1985) , 97-102. G. W. Taylor, "Les dans 1' imbarcation", Preistoria e protostoria delle Antiche, X I <1977-82> , 381-410. retrouvees D. 186-188. Carpet Fragments: The Xarby rug and some fragments of carpets found in Egypt, ed. B. Hovstadius, Nationalmuseum skriftserie HS 7, Stockholm <1985> . H; Rahman, scanning "An archaeological �SCA Journal, 3, no. X. K. The <1986> , Bender Jmrgensen, dating C. Y. Ragib, Xarchands d'etoffes du Fayyoum au IIIeiiXe siecle <1982; supp. to the Annales Islamologiques, no. 5) . remains, Svendborg", Forhistoriske Textiler i Skandinavien, Prehistoric Scandinavian Textiles, Nordiske Fortids:minder, series B, 9 (1986> ' 1-390. A. "Herondtdekking 21-22. "Analyses textiles Pollet and D. De Jonghe, y " Insect red d es: on Historical and Dyes Textiles, 4 (1985) , 21-24. R. S. Sinclair and C. Wilson, constitution, dyes an update", Archaeological "The chemical colour and fastness of natural <part 1> , Dyes Archaeological Textiles, on Historical 27-3. and 13 ATN, 1986. 3, no. cloths double •cotton Thompson, D. and embroidered and brocaded linen fabrics from tenth to fourteenth century Egypt" , Bull. 35-49. <1985), 61-62 C. I. E. T. A., 3 Dffa, 4 Offa, G. Vial� soie in Itzehoe", 85-88. <1938>, (1939), Webers" , bronzezeitlichen des Spinngut "Das Galgenberg vom "Textilreste 109-127. "Deux exemplaires d' utilisation de non-murier anciens", Bull. <Tussah> dans les 61-62 C. I. E. T. A., tissus "Textilfunde <1985), 83-86. a Coptic Haithabu", aus Offa, <1940), 5 50-55. Spinngut des bronzezeitlichen Webers", (1942>, 32/33 Praehistorische Zeitschrift, 325-338. "Das P. in purple "Shellfish Walton, textile", on Dyes Archaeological Textiles, 4 and Historical <1985), 33-34. "Die 3500-jil.hrige germanische Hutmacherkunst P. Tweddle, D. in " Textiles" , Walton, "The small finds from Parliament Street and other The Archaeology in the city centre", of York, 17/4 <1986>, 321-234, 268. sites Fund auf deutschem Boden und Fortschritte, Forschungen 29/30 <Berlin, 1943>, 295-297. durch neuen einen bestatigt" , Extended Bibliographies Dffa, 8 von <1949>, der Pelzschulterkragen und • Haartracht Moorleiche Krs. Osterby, Eckernforde" , 3-7. Rudolf Ullemeyer "Ein neuer Maorfund gibt AufschluB tiber Form Beitrage Lederfunde und Haithabu" , aus Haithabu. in Ausgrabungen leumtinster <1970), 56-68. Bericht 4., D. "Ein Pinienzapfen aus Lommersum", Bonner Jabrbiicher, 170 <1970), 255-258. Wortmann, with K. Tidow, Textil- " Die Lederfunde und der Grabung Feddersen Wierde" , Probleme der siidlichen Nordseegebiet, Kiistenforschung im 10 (1973), 69-93. with K. Tidow, "Textil- und Lederfunde aus Liibe cker SChriften der Lubecker Innenstadt", und Archiiologie zur <1978), 133-138. und Faltenfall des germanischen Mantels zur Eisenzeit", N. F. Die Kunde, 1 "Der Thorsberger Prachtmantel, altgermanischen zum Festschrift fiir Gustav Geburtstag, leumunster (1950>, 8-12. der Schlussel Webstuhl", Schwantes zum <1951>, in: 65. 176-201. der Eisenzeit aus Maorfunden in die durch ft'egweiser SChleswig-Holstein: SChleswig des Holstenischen S8mDUung LandesJliUseuJliS fiir Vor- und Friihgeschichte in Schleswig, 5 <1951). "Trachten in: Lommersum•, aus "Textilreste zur Viktorstiftes, Friihgeschichte des Xantener Dusseldorf (1969>, 24-26. "Textil- Domgrabungen der 36 Borger, H. in: 1966" , Xanten Grab aus "Gewebefunde Kulturgeschichte, 1 Krs. 1m Ruchmoor, Heimatgemein der Jahrbuch schaft des Kreises Eckernforde, <1951), 7375. einer "Fund Opfergrube Eckernforde", "Der Prachtmantel bei Oldenburg" , <1953>, Jr. I I aus dem Vehnemoor Jabrbuch, Dldenburger 160-201. •rextilreste vom Reihengril.berfeld Bovenden" , 16 <Grottingen), Plesse-Archiv, <1980), 11"Leichtvergangliche 13. Wurtengrabung • Textilreste an aus Bronzebecken 59 K. Grabung einem frankischen lordeifel• , Germania, 383-385. (1981), with der Tidow, Feddersen zur suchungen Wiesbaden <1981>, und Lederfunde Wierde" , Feddersen 77-152. der EinzeJunterI I I, Vierde, aus der Probleme der siidlichen Nordseegebiet, Kiistenforschung im <1953)' 26-43. 5 der Xahndorfer Dune• , in: des Friihgeschichte JCahndorf, Bremischen Raumes, Bremen-Horn <1953>, 244247. • Textilreste "Textil- Steffe Hessens", E. aus, "Textilfunde und Hausopfer von Tofting• , lilrl Schlabow Germanische Tuchmacher der Bronzezeit, "Spil.tmittelalterliche leumunster (1937). Textilfunde Kleidungsstucke Damendorf", 14 Offa, aus 3 <1938), dem Moorfund 114-121. von aus der Altstadtgrabung 1952", Zeitscbrift Vereins fiir Liibeckische Geschichte und Li.ibecker "Die in: eine vorgeschicht Tofting, A. Bantelmann, liche ft'arft an der EiderJliUndung, Offa Biicher, 12 (Jeumunster, 1955>, 94-97. des AltertulliSkunde, 36 <1956), 133-153. ATN, Die Kunst lichungen JeumUnster, des Brettchenwebens. des Fordervereins 1 (1957). ; rextilfunde", K. Bohner: Herrn aus in: frankischen eines Veroffent Textilmuseum "Das Morken" Ausgrabungen in Deutschland <1958> , dem Krs. Windeby, Priihistorische Zeitschrift, 219. 36 Xoorleichenfunde von Neue Domlandsmoor Eckernforde", 118- Textilfunde j ungsteinzei tlicher "Verleich mit Webearbeiten der Bronzezeit", Nord in Eisenzeit der Gottinger Schriften zur Vor und Friihgeschichte, 15 <1976). "Textilfunde GRACE X. The Handspinning of Cotton <printed privately, 1920?) Feustel, R. in: Leder" und "Textilien Bronzezeitliche Hiigelgraberlrultur 1m Gebeit von Schwarza <Sudthuringen> <1958> , 28-36. 101. von Blackmer, Kreis Celle" in: Untersuchungen Xlteren zur Liineburgischen Bronzezeit (1958> , 18-19. 100. bronzezeitlichen und Mltteldeutschlands", Gewebetechnik Jahres Vorgeschnichte, fiir Xitteldeutsche 101-126. schrift der Erforschung zur jungsteinzeitlichen 34 (1959> , K. Bohner, Das Grab eines friinlrischen Herren aus Xorlren 1m Rheinland, Koln-Graz <1959> , 23-26. and Archaeology of Annals Liverpool Anthropology, X <1917> , 7-20. H. Looms", Piesker, Ancient tablet-weaving?", with conversant the "Were Roth, Ling H. with "Gewebefunde CROWFOOT Egyptians Germania, 36 1/2 <1958>, 6-9. "Beitrage 1986. Grab 449-452. <1958> ' 3, deutschland", with aus "Zwei no. in Sudan, the Egyptian of "Models Roth, Ling pt. IV <1921> , 97Ancient Egypt, with J. Griffiths, "A tablet woven band from 98<1924) , Ancient Egypt, Qau el-Kebir", Egypt", Ancient 110-117. (1928> , Egypt, Modern in "Handspinning in Xethods of Handspirming SUdan, Halifax, 1931. Egypt and the "A note on the stringing of Sudanese beds and stools", Dryad Quarterly, (1933), 12-17. "Textilfunde" in: "A East, "Eine Wollfilzkappe. <1959) J the Die Kunde Neue, 10 109-111. Textilien von Tongefii.Ben an fur ndttel Jahresschrift deutsche Vorgeschichte, 44 (1960), 51-56. in: "Gewebeuntersuchung" Landesmuseum Hessen, 1 auf Kassel", (1961), Bergmann, Hiittenlehm im (1934> , 5-12. mat Palestine stateJJJent, "The Huleh, of Exploration Fund <1934), 195-198. looms Palestine", Quarterley "Ein Hessischen Fundberichte IX der Jungsteinzeit", Gewebeabdruck "On the early use of Journal of valley", with F. Ll. Griffith, lile the cotton in Egyptian Archaeology, "Abdri.icke of collection Hood Ancient Egypt and the 43-45. <1933> , von Xoorfund Bargerfehn/Ostfriesland", from textile Egyptian antiquities", aus 10-11. VeroffentPelting, von Xoorleiche Die Textil-11111seum Fordervereins des 11chungen Neumiinster, 2 <1961> . Bronzezeit•, zur Gewand und Gewebe Veroffentlichungen des Fordervereins Textil museum Neumiinster, 3 (1962> . Veroffent PrachtJDIJntel, Thorsberger Der TextiliDUseum Fordervereins des lichungen Neumiinster, 5 <1965>. "Ein Beitrag zum Stand der Leinengewebe Die vorgeschichtlicher Zeit", forschung 111edersiichsischen des Sonderdruclr Kunde: Landesmuseum Hannover (1972>, 419-422. "Linen textiles from the Cave of Ain Feshka in the Jordan Valley", Quarterly, 83 Palestine Exploration <1934> . "Ramallah -·Embroidery", X. Sutton, with P. Embroidery I I I. 2 <1935)1 25-37. "Embroidery (1936)1 of Bethlehem", Embroidery, V. 1 25-37 • the warp-weighted loom•, Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athen.s, XXXV I I <1936-7> , 36-47. "Of Liverpool Impressions on pot bases•, Annals of Archaeology and � nthroplogy, XXV (1938)' 3-11. "Kat "The tablet-woven braids from the vestments Antiquaries Durham", at Cuthbert St. of Journal, 32 (1939), 57-80. "Vor- und F.riihgeschichtliche Textilfunde aus Palaeo nordlichen den Niederlanden", historia, 16 <1974> , 169-221. 15 ATN, 1986. 3, no. "Coptic textiles in two with J. Griffiths, of Egyptian Journal 40-47. • bands <1939), XXXII Journal, vertical loom in I. Palestine and Syria" , Quarterly, Tutankhamun" , " The Journal (1941>, the upon <Oct. of tunic of Egyptian 113-130. XXVII Archaeology, "lotes the from fabric woollen "The Eadarloch" , in Crannog or Proceedings of the $ociety of Antiquaries of SCotland, LXXVI (1941-42>, 64-66. Lake-dwelling "A textile from Whitby", in: C. Peers and C. Ralegh Radford, "The Saxon Monastery of A. Archaeologia, LXXX IX Quarterly, <1943 ) , Plaiting and Palestine 75-88. Exploration hammock-cradles and "The (1944>, pattern Palestine 34-46. in <1945 ) , Exploration Quarterly, "The Palestine 121-130. beautiful - a study Jordan" , Trans tent weaving Jerusalem rugs", Hebron Exploratio� Quarterly, of of Maiden Castle and Antiquity, 75 <1945 ) , 157-8. "gouges" bone other sites• , Museum, National the from Proceedings of the Society of the Antiquaries of Scotland, LXXX I I <194748 ) . 225-231. "Two textiles Edinburgh", "Textiles on the a from of Isle grave Viking Eigg" , of embroidery Embroidery, 1 <1950>, at Xildonan, Proceedings of Antiquaries the of Society LXXX I I I (1948-1949>, 24-28. "The the of the SCotland, Northern Sudan", 11-18. Sudan Notes camel-girth in and Records, double XXX I I weave" , <1951>, 71- 76. "Textiles of the Saxon period in the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology• , Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, <1951 ) . 27-32. 16 Shortt, de H. An Anglo-saxon Pewsey, near Petersfinger, at cemetery fliltshire, <1953>, 61. that D. Knowles (1954 ) •A 1 W. and in, Charterhouse, Manny", de Grimes, F. chapel, Charter house Walter century thirteenth from braid Eastbourne", 1 Sir of 89-90, attached (19�4 ) at tomb a from • Braid possibly in E. T. The textile remains" , "Appendix I I, and to Ulster Journal 115. 1950", 15 <1952>, of ArchaeoloBY, Waterman, entrance with buckle bronze near Botton, Bramble XXXIV Journal, Antiquaries 234-235 Singer, A History of in C. basketry and mats", E. J. Holmyard and A. R. Hall, Technology, "Embroidery" , and Crowfoot 414-447. I Oxford (1954 ) , A. in J. G. Henshall, S. Proceedings Scotland", in Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, (1954-56 ) , 35-38. the of LXXXV I I found "Textiles, matting and basketry" , in: D. Barthemy and J. T. I <1955>, 18-38. Milik, "The Sudanese gamel-girth", 34-38. M. textiles "Early Beckwith, Appendix A Qunran Cave Kush, IV <1956>, C. F. Battiscombe (ed), The <1956 ) , Oxford Saint Cuthbert, "The Braids" in: Relics of 433-461. textiles Thompson, and impressions", Lincolnshire• , F. in: sites "Anglo-Saxon 36 Journal, Antiquaries H. in (1956>, 188-189. in the Jordan valley", Palestine Exploration Quarterly, <1950/1>, 5-31. Sudanese the at M. D. in pit", bridge "Excavations "The "Linen textiles from the Cave of !in Feshkha "The The textiles from Carrickfergus "Appendix I, Castle Antiquaries (1952) , · 189-191. XXXII Journal, weaving", tablet "Anglo-Saxon "Textiles, I I. Palestine, in "Handicrafts 86-88. I. "Handicrafts in Palestine, finger-weaving• , <1943 ) , the XXV 202-32. 1 Leeds Crannog at Loch Treig", in J. Ritchie, Whitby", Proceedings of at Felixstowe" , Archaeology, of Institute SUffolk found Carrickfergus Castle, Davies, G. de Antiquaries 57-80. Exploration Palestine 1941 ) 1 141-151. with vestments the from Durham" , at Cuthbert St. "The <1939 ) , 25 Archaeology, "A medieval tablet-woven braid from a buckle (1951 ) " blet-woven ta The of reverse" , in pattern with weave faced XL I V Kush, "The Sudanese camel girth", IV <1956 ) , 34-38. E. with basketry• , Vaux, 'de Crowfoot, in P. "Les "The Discoveries in the Judean Desert 2: 1, (1961 ) 1 51-63, "Fragments of a woollen cloak, and D. M. and textiles Benoit, J. T. Milik and R. Murabba' at", de Grottes Wilson, "Three in: Viking G. Oxford Bersu graves in the Isle of Man", The Society for Xedieval Archaeology, Xonograph series no. 1, 1966. ATN, a L I ST OF SUBSCR I BERS -S , H, Abels and C, Abels-Klarenbeek, Oalweg 12, NL -9464 �-Netherlands , TE Eexterzandvoor t, The -N , K , Adaas, 957, Wolf Run Road, Lexington, KV-40404, USA , -J , Allgrove-McOowell, 13, Powis Villas, Brigh ton, England, BNl 3HO, -H , M, Appleyard , Bridle a, Stile, Shelf I Halif ax, England, HX3 7NW -J , Arnold, 4, Brayf ield Terrace, I slington, London, Nl 1HZ, England , -E, Barber, 1126 North Chester Ave , , Pasadena, CA , 91104, USA , -A , Bergli, Historisk Konserveringsavdelingen, Museum I Arstadsvollen N-5000 Bergen, Norway , 22, -M, Bergs trand, c/o E1aus, Vildgtsvtgen l l A, S-22235 Lund, Sweden , -K , M, 9oe, Stationsgade 20, OK-8240 Risskou, Den1ark , -W , Cooke, Dept , of Textiles, U M I ST, PO Box Crowfoot, Geldeston, Oriel-Murray, Fentz, Norupvej 7, -R , Laan 44, van Ouderzorg Vaa1en, Western Gardens, DK-9800 London I WS I Edinburgh EH4 2NR, Scotland , Alfaro Giner, 6obernador Viej o 34�·, 46003-Yalencia, Spain , -H , Granger-Taylor, 22, Park Village East, London, NWl 7P2, England , -E , E, I celand, Gud j 6 nsson, PO Box National 1499, Museu• I S-121 of Reyk j avik , I celand , -R , Hall, Petrie Archaeology, Museu• University of College, Egyptian Gower Street, London, WC l E 6BT, England , -L, � eck ett, Dept , Elsa Brans tro111 s traa t 12, Haarle•-Schalkwi j k , Janaway, School The of of Archaeology, Univer1 1 ty College, Cork, Ireland , -A , Htdeager Madsen, Lollandsgadt 8000 Arhus C, Den1ark, 63, OK- -J , M , 6 , Hel1holt, Tuinfluiterlaan 35, NL2566 SJ Den Haag, The Netherlands , The Archaeological University of Bradford, Bradford, W, York shire, 907 l OP, England , Johnson, R,nnek rogen 13, OK-3400 Hiller-d, Oenflark, -D , de Jonghe, Koninkli j k e Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Jubelpark , Brussels, Belgiufl , -L, Bender J,rgensen, Bryggerivej 9, � �v, DK2500 Yalby, Oen1ark , -E, L Kal f , Westerhoutstraat 32, NL-2012 JS Haarle1, The Netherlands , -D, Kehren, Langwartweg 59, D-53 Bonn Oot tendorf, W, Ger1any , -P , van de Lee-Har•s, Statenj achts traat 494, NL-1034 EW A1sterda1, The Netherlands , House, 006 9ED, Scotland , Tayport, Fif e 222 29 Lund, Sweden, R, 0, Lugtigheid, 6ieterstraat 9 1 1 1 , NL-1015 HB AMsterdaa, The Netherlands, -I , LQtzen, Enggtrdsve j 8, DK-3060 Espergaerde, Denaark, -W , I , Mackay, 130, Maid1ont Road, Edinburgh EH9 1A4, Scotland , -L , M, Mackie, Queen ' s Park, 2C6 , -A , Hall, Manchester M14 6HP, England , -C , C, -A , -T , 6abn-Sanders, 18, Craigleith Hill Park, Ashburne LR, Sciences, Old Hall Lane, French, ' t Hoo f t, Netherlands , -C , -E , van -0, Viborg, Den1ark , -K , Finch, England , -P, NL-2037 Mus6es Royaux d ' Art 107, 2352 HL Leiderdorp, The Netherlands , -11 , SW7 2RL, England, Sk tbevagen 19, et d ' Histoire, Pare du Cinquantenaire 10, B- London, -M , Hof hann, Alllevegen 28, Oslo 9, Norway , LindstroM, England, Victor ia Road, -11 , Row, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium , van Croawe 1 1 NR34 Suf f olk, Big OLV , -C , Textile Conservation, Museu•, Links View, -J , Oosogne-Laf ontaine, Albert Liebscher, River Beccles, Hillyer, -V , 88, Manchester, England, M60 l QO , -E , -L , and 1 986. 3, no. Royal Ontario Toronto, Ontario, McClintock, Redhall, Museu•, 100 Canada, 11SS Ballycarry, Carrickf ergus, Co , AntriM, N , I reland , De Moor, Windek ekouter, 90, 9259 Scheldewindeke, BelgiuM , -N , Moore, S, Rue Eliane, F-92190 Haut-de Seine, France , -A, Morrell, Hersey, 119, Berwick S tockport, l'leudon, · Avenue, Cheshire, Heaton SK4 3AT, England, -E, Munk sgaard, Kastanievej 2, Rungsted Kyst, Oen1ark , -K-H , Nielstn, Huls,vang OK-2960 17, OK-2960 Rungsted Kyst, Oen1ark , -s , Niissen, Rij nsburgerweg 164, NL-2333 AJ Leiden, The Netherlands , �G . Owen-Crock er, Univtrsity of The English Manchester, Oepart1ent, Oxford Road, Manchesttr 1113 9PL, England, -E , Peacock, tluseet, Ark eologisk Erling Skak k es Audeling, gt, UNI T 47, N-7000 Trondheill, Norway , 17 ATN, no. -I , R, 1986. 3, Pedersen , Konserver i ngsbygget , A r stadve i e n 22 , N-5000 Bergen , Nor way , W i en , A-1190 Pet rasc heck -He i � , -1 , O i onys ius-Andrassy-Strasse 16 , Aust r ia , -N, Postgate , Fac u l ty -K, Prangsgaa r d , of O r i enta l Stud i es , -C , Wyaux , Rue -W , H, Z i Aimer mann , b Braband , Denma r k , -Abegg-St i f tung , -F , Pr itcha r d , Dept , of 173, Urban OK-8220 A r c haeol ogy , Meun i e r s Ch-3132 R i gg i sberg -Akadem i j a Nauk L i towskoj SS r , 54 , Avenue de Breteu i l , Konser ve r i ngsansta l ten , Roberts , -F , 75007 Vestergade 5-7 , DK-6870 � l god , De.n n r k , -M , L, Ryde r , · Organ i sat i on , Hill Fa r a i ng Bush Sakaaoto, 13-25 , Tennoj i - K u , Sanc i s i , P l e i aden laan K l ass i ek 10-26 , NG Sch i c k , The I srael G r o n i ngen , Museua , J e r usa lem 91012 , I srael , -E, Sch- lber g , A l l igt 38 , N-5000 Bergen , Norway , -A, Av i v Shef f e r , I nst i tute of Un ivers ity , A, Raaat Ar c haeo l ogy , Av i v 69 978 , Tel Tel van Ze i st-S l ager , W i l he l l i na l aan 9 , A, S a i th , 56 , Par c hment Street , W i ncheste r , Hants, , Eng l and , -M, Straub , 67 , H i ghset.t , nr H i l l s · Cambr i dge , CB2 l NZ , Eng l and , Road , -N , Ta r rant , Royal S c ott ish Museua , Chamber s Str eet , Ed i nburgh EH1 1JF , S c ot l and, -G, lata , P, O , Box 8414 , Sa l t Lak e C i ty , Utah 84108 , USA, -C , Thorpe , 15 , Her a i tage Road, London , N4 1DF , Eng l and, -K, T i dow , TexU l auseua , 2350 Neuaiinster 1 , Postfach 2640 t 2660 , W , Ger1any, -0 , Twedd l e , York A r c haeo l og i ca l T rust , 1, Paveaent , Yor k , VOl 2NA , Eng land, 45 , NL-2334 EA L e i den , The Nether lands, -s , Vons-Coll i s , -P, Walton , G r i end D i eaen , The Nether l ands, Garden 87 , F l at , NL-1112 12 , KZ Boothaa Ter r ac e , York , Y03 7 D H , Eng land, W ik stro• , Ber gv i k , Ado , S-19700 Bro, Sweden , -J , P, Wi ld, Dept, of Ar c haeol ogy , Manchester U n i v e r s i ty , Manc hester , Eng land, 18 1007 Luxor , -B i b l i otheek der G, AC Amsterdam , The Repub l i c R i j k sun ivers ite i t , of Postbus - H i stor i sk -Arkeo l og i sk Fors•gsc enter , S l ange A l l e 2 , DK-3423 Lej re , -Kern Denmark , ( l ndo- I raans ) , I nst i tute Arsenaa l straat 1 , L e i den , The Nether lands , -Kulturen , Box 1 , 095 , S-221 04 Lund, Sweden, -The L i brary, The Royal Onta r i o Huseua , 100 Queen ' s Park , Tor onto , Canada , MSS 2C6 , B i b l i otekstj enesten , NY Yestergade 10 , DK-1471 Copenhagen , Denaa r k , -N i ede r s i c h i s ches I nst itut f, Har s c hen-und Y i k tor iastraie 26/28 , 0- Un i vers i ty of 2940 W i l h e l mshaven , W , 6er1any , -Resea r c h Ch i c ag o , A r c h i ves , The The Or i ental I nsti tute , 1155 East 58th St r eet , Ch i c ago, I l l i no i s 60637 , USA, voor -R i j k sd i enst Bodeaonder zoek , het K l e i ne Oudhei dk undi g Haag 2, NL-3811 HE Aaer s f oort , The Nether l ands, -R i k unt i k var i eilbetet , Box 5405 , S-114 84 Stock h o l m , Sweden, -So1erset County Museu• Serv i c e , W e i r Lodge , 83, Stapl eg r ove Road, Taunton , TAl 1 ON , Eng l and , -Text i e lauseua , Goi r k estraat 96 , NL-5046 GN T i lbur g , The Nether lands, . -Text i l e Conser vat i on Centre , Hampton Court Pa l a c e , -G, M, Vogel sang-Eastwood , Van S w i etenstraat -s , House, Wurtenf ors c hung , NL-9781 C T Bedum , The Nether l ands, -R, -Ch i c ago -Nat i onal auseet , Av i v , P , O, B, 39040 , Israe l , -M , PB 5132 , Sh i npo i n The Nether l ands, -T , V , O, V , V , V , K , E , W, , Lab , Ketsust raat 8 , 232632 9501 , NL-2300 RA Le i den , The Nether l ands, I nst i tuut , NL-9742 V i l n i us , USSR , -Cent r a l Central ' na j a 2/8, Egypt , Cho , Osaka 543, Japan , -H , Poze l os Pen i c u i k , Estate , M i d l oth ia n , EH26 OPY , S c ot l and, -K, ul , k, The Nether lands , Resea r c h < Bern ) Sw itzer l and , b i b l i otek a , R i boud, 0-2935 I NST I TUT I ONS Museum of London , London Wal l , London , EC2Y -K , B-5973 Vor der Burg 26 , SHN , Eng land , Par i s , Franc e, 4, Boc khor n , W , Germany , S i dgw i c \ Avenue , Ca�br i dge CB3 9DA , Eng l and, Spob j e r gvej des G l i mes , B e l g i um , Apartaent 22 , East Mo l esey , Sur rey , KT8 9AU , Eng land, -Text i l e Laboratory , Cons e r vat i on Beva r i ngssek t i onen , Nat i onal auseet, Brede , DK-2820 Lyngby , Denaa r k , -Text i l e Conservat ion Founta i n Cou r t , Stud i os , Apt , 11a , Haapton Court Palac e , East Kol esey , Su r r ey , KT8 9AU , Eng land , -Text i l museum K r e f e l d , Andreasaar k t , 0-4150 K r e f e l d , W, Geraany, -V i ctor i a and A l bert Museua , Kens i ngton , London SW7 2RC , Eng l and , South
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