Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (1888-1958), named FirozBakht at birth but known in his y�uth as Muhiyi'tddin Ahmad and later adopted the pseudonym of 'Abu! Kalam Azad'; descended from a family which came from Herat to India in Babar's time; among his ancestors were well-known scholars, divines and administrators.·Born in Meeca, where his father Maulana Khairuddin had migrated after the 1857 Revolt; came as an infan'110 Calcuua in 1890 and the family reseuled here. Educated at home by his· father and by private tutors; his political awakening was expedited by the partition (later annulled) of Bengal in 1905; travelled in Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and France and had planned to visit London but returned home in 1908 on accoun11of . father's illness. Started the Urdu weekly Al Hila/ at C.alcutta in July 1912; oppmed the Aligarh line of remaining aloof from the freedom movement; with the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914, the journal was bannt:' under the Press Act. Started another Urdu weekly Al Balagh, also from C.akutta, in November 1915; this ran till March 1916 wqen Azad was exlerned under Defence of India Regulations. 'Ibegovcrnments of Bombay, Punjab, Delhi and United Provillceshaving already banned his entry, he went to Bihar; \\'as interned in Ranchi until Isl Ҋםఀྀמൌတၘ 1920. Afrrr release, was elected President, All India Khilafat Commiuee Ǖכ༜ၘ the Calcutta session, 1920); also of the Unity Conkrrnce at Delhi, 1921; presided over Nationalist Muslims Conference, 1928. President of the Indian Nariopal Congress in 1923, again in 1910; continued to hold this office urnil 1946; led negotiations with theBritish Cabinet Mission during 19·16. Joined free Ѱ۪ਨלǍฃၘ first Union Cabinet ƀɻ˖ Minister ࡵോၘ Education; remained at this ಽಙข༝ၘ until his ۩်ဲƦ̌ऱၘ on 22 February 1958. Among his other published works are Al-Bll)•a11 (C.ommc111ary; 1915- 16), Tllzkimh (autobiography; 1916), ӭ്ੈƌןఁȯƌૣȰӒཱྀ൨̍̎Ƞၘ 2 \'ols. (Commentary; 1933, 1936), Gliubar-i-Khalir (kuers; 1943), all in [Trdu. Humayun Kabir Calcutta and ǔʲȬ̋ǛΉၘ After distinguished academic career at Oxford -Universities, served as Lecturer, Calcutta ȭ̺ίၘ elected to Bengal Legislative Omncil as leader of 5tၘ Educational Adviser to Govt. of India upto ̓ΰၘ elected to Parliament as Congress Party member 5tၘ ' Appointed Minister for Civil Aviation, 5Ȯ7αၘ for Scientific Research lၘ Cultural Affairs, 7o βၘ for Petroleum lၘ Chemicals, o7ʞၘ Author of more than twenty books in English and Bengali University. Peasants Pany, on philosophy, literature, . politics and general published two novels and three volumes of verse. culture; also ɦΖ ˳ˣAƂAǚʪ&ʃDZƍ&ɂΖ ń'DD'ˤ˹ƾΖ <RĄ GJĄ U=Ą&Ą L¤m°Ą H}aĄ ¤ INDIA WINS FREEDOM ÷˖ ၘ Orient Longman Limited ၘ țၘ May ၘ December ʱȜၘ August ၘ Reissued in paperback July ၘ September ~ȝၘJune Ȟၘ October ၘ First published January Reprinted February (Sangam Books edition with new material, July 1978) Reprinted ̹̉ʝၘ ͎̊ၘ Hķ ̇ͬၘ ISBN 0 86131 003 ၘ ORIENT LONGMAN LIMITED Registered Office ̥m͋m͗ၘ ਧဍ༴࢜šȟၘ ဎ߮ۥÀ ၘۦxၘwၘ Other Offices Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate, Bombay 400038 17 Chittaranjan Avenue, Calcutta 700072 160 Anna Salai, Madras 600002 I /24 Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi 110 002 ૮Ӏʥၘѯၘ Mahlllma Gandhi Road. Bangalore 560001 ̧n͍n̟͙̠ၘ Сǖיဌ࢛ך૯ʜၘ Тဏۧ߯šÀۨၘxၘwၘ Ėķ ҈¾ ၘૢחӗಘۤטʛၘ Ӑ¾༚ၘ́ ၘ͡ ၘז 2Ą S ϰၘ Goswnmi,Road ӏ༙ၘ Ϟ̑Țၘ Guwahati ̂͘͢ၘ ̃ၘ ̀͏ϖၘ Ashok Marg, Lucknow 33͌ၘ ̄ၘ Published by Orient Longman Limited ̈ʦ~ၘ Asaf Ali Road New Delhi I I0 002 Printed in India by ҉ཿ಼ਦ༛߭ൊၘ.Offset Press းʚ္ၘ Έၘ Оъʝൃ̶ɆȾൃ Ьީࡣ॒ࣵࡤࣶൃ Industrial τଔەԱൃ Shahdara, Delhi ̅̆ၘ ̦3ၘ Ñщљൃ FTNĄ K>OSĄ ÑࡢۓTൃ ùয়Tൃ ϕ॑ଓùTൃ۔ ˖ 6É ?É É /É ၘ Ӡၘ &É :Ħ R,Ħ 4É vၘ :É :Ħ 1A½~AAÉF½~É,A~AÉÈAPÉoAPÉÃy«oUPɯoA¯É¯ou«ÉÁ~½UÉ«o½~PɽၘآFu«oUPÉ uÉ4ÁUFU É É ¯É JuJuPUÉ Ãu¯oÉ ou«É «UÁU¯uU¯rÉ Fu¢¹PAÅÉ &UÉ oAPÉ A~«É ~AUPɯÃÉ UÉÁ~½U«É UÉ A«É AÉ«U½U~Éhၘ ºu«ÉF|ÉAPÉJÁU¢ulÉUÁU¯«É AjU É É A¯oU ÉU~A lulɯoUÉUxlÉJoA¯U É\ɯou«ÉF|ÉAPÉPUA~ulÉuÉ k~~U ÉPU¯Au~ÉÃu¯oÉou«ÉU «A~É~ubɽ¯ÉÉ É4UÉ\ɯoU«UÉ~A«ÉA¯U uA~uÈUPÉ É AJJ½¯É \Éou«É «½PPUÉPUu«UÉ uÉ $UF¢½A¢ÇÉ É 7 c«« É&½AÇ½É -AFu É oA«É UÄ~AuUPÉ uÉou«É U`JUÉ hၘ ¯pv«ÉÁ~½UɲoA¯É ÃoUɶoUÉe «¯ÉP AjÉÃA«ÉJ~U°[ÉAPÉ U«U¯UPɱÉ2A½AAÉÈAPÉh ÉfB~É A ÁAÉoUÉPUJuPUQɶoA¯É«Uɯru¢¯ÇÉAlU«É«o½~PÉ¯É IUɽF~u«oUPÉi ɺUÉ U«U¯É APÉPu¢UJ¯UPÉ ¯oA¯ÉAÉ JÅÉUAJoÉ\ɯoUÉJ~U¯UɯUÄ¯É wJ~½PulÉ ¶sUÉ ¶ou ¯ÅÉAlU«É «o½~PÉ FUÉ PU«u¯UPÉ uÉ«UA~UPÉJÁU É uÉ ²oUÉ4A²uA~É/uF A ÅÉ !DJ¾³¯AÉ APÉ ¯oUÉ4A¯uA~É JouÁU«É 4UÃÉ "U~ouÉ :ou«ÉÃA«ÉP½~ÅÉJA ¨UPɽ´É ½¯ÉÃu¯oÉ1A½~AAÉÈAPÉA¬«ulÉAÃAÅÉ u ɯɯoUÉ ½I~uJA¯uÉ \É ¯oUÉ ÁU «uÉ A ÁUPÉ FÅÉ ruÉ 7 d«« É -AIu É «½lqµÉ ¯oUÉ APÁuJUÉ \É 8APu¯É*AÃAoA ~A~É4Uo ½É ¯É ÃoÉ ¯oUÉ G|ÉÃA«É PUPuJA¯UPÉ :oUÉ ¶oUÉ6 uUÉ1uu«¯U ɽ lUPÉu¯«É ½I~uJA¯uÉuɶoU«UɯU «É :oUÉF|Éu«ÉÁU ÅÉ ½JoÉ 1A½~AA«É U «A~É UAJ¶uÉ ¯É UÁU¯«É +¯É u«É uÉ\CK¯É ou«É A A¯uÁUÉ \É ÃoA¯ÉoAUUPÉ APÉ oÃÉu¯ÉA]^UJ¯UPÉrwÉ :ÉJoAlUÉ u¯ÉuÉAÅÉÃAÅÉ É¯Éu¯É A««AlU«Éý~Pɯ Éၘ ¯ou|ÉFUÉ au¢É¯ÉouÉ É¯Éou«ÉU ÅÉ ķ >ଢ଼AɯrU Ui UÉ J~UA ÅÉ\ɶoUÉuuɯoA¯É¯oUÉH|É«o½~PÉFUÉ~U\¯ÉA«Éu¯Éu«ÉAPɽF~u«oUPÉA«É(¯Éu«É Ãu¯o½¯É AÅÉ JoAlU«É É v««u«É \É «½F«¯AJUÉ u~É É É :oUÉÁU «uÉA¢ÁUPÉFÅÉ2A½~AAÉÈAPɯo½«ÉÃU¯É¯É U««ÉAPÉÃA«É½F~u«oUPÉ É2͊ၘ*A½B¢ÅÉÉ;pUÉJ~U¯UɯUįÉÃA«É~AJUPÉuÉ·oUÉ4A¯uA~É JouÁU«É APÉ ²sUÉ 4A¯uA~É /uF A ÅÉ ¿PU É «UA~UPÉ JÁU É ¯É IVÉ UUPÉ É 22ၘ %UF ¿A ÅÉ ÉÃoUÉ5 uU¯É/lAÉ É¶rUu É«½JJU«« «Éý~PÉoAÁUɶoUÉg «¯É¯uÉ\É ½I~u«qvlÉ ༫γၘ J~U¯UÉÁU «uÉ«É ¯ou«É PA¯UÉ P UÃÉ UA É«UÁU¡A~É J¯UPU «É J~BuUPÉ un¯«É ÁU É ºU«UÉ A «É <oUÅÉ «½lo¯É ~UlAÉ u¯U©U¯uÉ APÉ ¯oUÉ B¯¯X É U«¯«É ਼ၘ J½£²É A¯É U«U´É 9uMXÉu²®Éf£¬¯É½IuLA»É uÉ É ºUÉ F|É oB«É FUUÉ U u¯UPÉAÅÉ ¯uU«É ERÉ ² B~B¼®É oBÂUÉ BUB UPÉ uÉ 'uRuÉ ? 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I found great interest in French. In all these countries I also acquired a taste for the language and started to learn it, but I found that English was fast becoming the most widely spread international language and met most of my needs. I would like to take this opportunity Lo correct ž˖ been .given currency by the late l'vfahadev Desai. mistake that has ·when he wrote my biography, he put clown a number of questions and asked n1e to answer them. In reply to one question I had said that when I was about twenty I made a tour of the 1\Jiddle East and spent a long time in Egypt. In reply to another question I had said that traditional education was unsatisfactory and sterile not only in India, but also in the famous university of al Azhar in Cairo. Somehow Mahadev Desai came to the conclusion that I had gone to Egypt to study in al Azhar. The truth is that I was not a student there for a single day. Perhaps his mistake arose out of his idea that if a man has acquired some learning, he must have gone to some university. vVhen Mahadev Desai found that I had been to. no Indian University, he inferred that I must have taken a degree from al Azhar. vVhen I visited Cairo in Ȗõௐ the system in al Azhar was so defec tive that it neither trained the mind nor gave adequate knowledge of ancient Islamic science and philosophy. Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah had tried to reform the system, but the old conservative ulalllfls d��eated all his efforts. When he lost all hopes of improving al Azhar he· started a new College, Darul-Uloom, in Cairo which exists to this date. Since this was the state of affairs in al Azhar, there was no reason why I should go to study there. From Egypt I went to Turkey and France and had intended to go to London. I could not do so, as I received news that my father was ill. I returned from Paris and did not see London till many years later. I have already said that my political ideas had turned towards revolutionary activities before I left Calcutta in Ȗõ=ௐ W'hen I came to Iraq, I met some of the Iranian revolutionaries. In Egypt I came into contact with the followers of Mustafa Kamil Pasha. I also met a group of young Turks who had established a centre in Cairo and were publishing a weekly from there. When I went to Turkey I became friends with some of the leaders of the Young Turk move ment. I kept up my correspondence with them for many yeaTs after my /ێమ/xൃ to India:. Oǵ Publication of Al Hilal Contact with these Arab and Turk reYolutionaries confirmed my political beliefs. They expressed their surprise that Indian Musal- . mans were either indifferent to or against nationalist demands. They were of the view that Indian Muslims should have led the national struggle for freedom, and could not understand why Indian Musal mans were mere camp-followers of the British. I was more convinced than ever that Indian Muslims must co-operate in the work of politi cal liberation of the country. S teps must be taken to ensure that they were not exploited by the British Government. Ѫၘ felt it necessary to c;reate a new movement among Indian Muslims and decided that o n my return to India, I would take up political "\Vork with greater earnestness. After my return, I thought for some time abou t my future program me of action. I came to the conclusion that we must build up public opinion and for this ԫൃ journal was essential. There were a number of dailies, weeklies, and monthlies published in Urdu from the Punjab and the U.P. b u t their standard was not very high. Their get-up and printing were as poor as their contents. They were produced ¶ķ by the l ithognphic process and could not therefore embody any of ' the features of modern journalism. Nor were they able to print half tone pictm'.es. I decided that my journal should be attractive in get-up and powerful in i ts appeal. It must be set up in type and not reproduc ed by the l ithographic process. Accordiilgly I established the Al Hilal Press and the first number of the journal Al Hilal was published in June 1912. The publication of Al Bilal marks a turning point in the history of Urdu journalism. I t achieved unprecedented popularity within a short time. The Public was attracted not only by the superior print·· ing and production of the paper but even more by the new note of strong nationalism preached by it. Al Hilal created a rernlutionary stir among the masses. The demand for Al Hilal was so great that within the first three months, all the old issues had to be reprin ted as every new subscriber wanted the entire set. The leadership of Muslim politics at this time was in the hands of the Aligarh party. Its members regarded themselves as the trustees of Sir Syed Ahmed's policies. Their basic tenet was that Musal mans must be loyal to the British Crown and remain aloof from the freedom movement. When Al Hila! raised a different slogan and i ts popularity and circulation increased fast, they felt that their leader ship was threatened. They therefore began to oppose Al Hilal and d_ǵ ƌ ǵ Freedom ߡ even went to the extent of threatening to kill i ts editor. The more the old leadership opposed, the more popular the community. 'Within two years, 2 ǵlUƘœǵ became with 2ǵl½ƍǵ reached a circulation of §ĆuÌÌÌௐ copies per week, a figure which was till then unheard of i n Urdu journalism. The Government was also disturbed by this success of It demanded a security of Rs 2 ǵlUgǵ §uÌÌÌௐ unde1· the Press Act and thought this might curb i ts tone. I did not allow myself to be daunted by these pin-pricks. Soon the Government forfei ted the deposit and demanded a fresh deposit of Rs ÌäÌÌÌ=ௐ This also was soon lost. I n the meantime war had broken o u t in ò ௐ and the 2 ǵlUǵ Press. was confiscated in ĺ=ௐ After five months, I started ˖ new Press called 2 ǵH-Tǵ and brought out a journal under the same name. The Government now felt that they could no t stop my activities by using only the Press Act. Accordingly they resorted to the Defence of India Regulations and in April Ćௐ externed me from Calcutta. The Governments of Punjab, Delhi, U .P. and Bombay had already prohibited me from entering these provinces under the same Regula tions. The only place I cot1ld go to was Bihar and I went to Ranchi. After another six months, Кൃwas interned in Ranchi and remained i n detention till ŝ ௐ December ϰDௐ On I January §Ìௐ I was, along with other i nternees and prisoners, released from internment under the King's declaration. Gandhiji had by this time appeared on the Indian political scene. \\Then I was an i nternee at Ranchi, fie came there in connexion wi th his work among the peasants in Champaran. He expressed ½ၘ wish to meet me but the Bihar Government did not give him the necessary permission. It was therefore only after my release in J anuary §Ìௐ that I m e t him for the first time in Delhi. There was a proposal to send Ž˖ deputation to the Viceroy to acquaint him with the feelings of Indian Muslims regarding the Khilafat and Turkey's fl\ture: Gandhiji participated in the discussions and expressed his complete sympathy and in terest in the proposal. He declared him self ready to be associated with the Muslims on this issue. On §Ìௐ January §Ìௐ a meeting was held in Delhi. Apart from Gandhiji,· Lokmanya Tilak and other Congress leaders also supported the stand Őìၘ Indian Muslims on the question of the Khilafat. The deputation m e t the Viceroy. I had signed the memorial but _did not go with the deputation as I waG of the view that matters had gone beyond memorials and deputations. In his reply, భަ ൃیҁ࡙ֈۍଏೱൃ ¬˖ Gandhiji's Programme èߡ ৯³ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ XA'ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ Ć' ̀ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 'ح6ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ³hଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼%ଢ଼ ଢ଼'ଢ଼ ଢ଼[ଢ଼ଢ଼#ଢ଼Ahଢ଼ #'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ `'ଢ଼ XA'Mଢ଼ ]ଢ଼ ʹ'%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ O6ଢ଼ ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ 6ଢ଼h#ଢ଼ }ଢ଼±hଢ଼ଢ଼q'ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼âӅଢ଼ Lଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ['ଢ଼ [%ଢ଼ Lhଢ଼ ['ଢ଼ WVଢ଼ L¥ଢ଼ ]Vଢ଼ Lmଢ଼ Úଢ଼%ଢ଼[Aଢ଼L%ଢ଼`'ଢ଼#ଢ଼ȣʎ'OhÒȇଢ଼VO¥ଢ଼'خଢ଼ଢ଼ ध'-ଢ଼ X%hmଢ଼ '%ଢ଼ hଢ଼ न'4ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ Ƙͯ'Mଢ଼ Ͱ ]ଢ଼%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ଢ଼%6ଢ଼#ଢ଼ %hOଢ଼%ଢ଼'ރଢ଼'ଢ଼A'Mଢ଼ jଢ଼ ଢ଼ %'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ :'ଢ଼ #'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ XA'ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ hଢ଼ ଢ଼ %ଢ଼'%ଢ଼ଢ଼XƧ'ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼'Mଢ଼]ଢ଼%ଢ଼ଢ଼ ଢ଼XA'ଢ଼ଢ଼%ଢ଼ଢ଼':'O%Pଢ଼ଢ଼'ଢ଼%ଢ଼³hଢ଼ hଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 6%Pଢ଼ 5O%hଢ଼ %ଢ଼ 'hଢ଼ #'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 'Ahଢ଼ %ଢ଼ '#:ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Vଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ '̤ଢ଼hOଢ଼ ଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ h%ଢ଼ 'Mଢ଼ Lଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ X%mଢ଼ %'h%ଢ଼ hଢ଼ 'ଢ଼ 5ଢ଼ ''%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ਢhଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ '4ଢ଼ hଢ଼ f6ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ hO³ଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ 6'ଢ଼ -ଢ଼ 5ଢ଼ ×xr×Õߡ ଢ଼ 'ଢ଼ qV%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ VOଢ଼ #ଢ଼ 5ਥ6Mଢ଼ }6ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼hଢ଼%%'%ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼'ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼O'ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼%ଢ଼#ଢ଼ Π A ଢ଼'6ଢ଼'ଢ଼³ଢ଼Ċ$ʟ6ଢ଼#ଢ଼ଢ଼-ଢ଼ >#ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Vh߿%Pଢ଼ 'ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ Vଢ଼ hଢ଼ Șଢ଼ 5Oଢ଼ #ଢ଼ Ahଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ %'ɏଢ଼ 'q'ଢ଼ ƧhOMଢ଼ 5Oଢ଼ ଢ଼ ̋'Vଢ଼ %Ƒଢ଼ xèxߡ ''h'ଢ଼'%ଢ଼ଢ଼#ଢ଼ଢ଼%ଢ଼#ଢ଼A'6ଢ଼''hॾଢ଼Vh%Mଢ଼fଢ଼ġଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ˪'%'ଢ଼ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ %4Ԁ̥ଢ଼ Mଢ଼ f߾6ଢ଼ ӿ%Ah%ଢ଼ ਣଢ଼ଢ଼''ଢ଼%ଢ଼ଢ଼q'6ଢ଼Oଢ଼ऩ'hAଢ଼XA'Oଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼ '#ଢ଼Pଢ଼'hଢ଼#'ଢ଼ଢ଼'Ahଢ଼O%ଢ଼6ଢ଼hhhଢ଼'į ଢ଼ଢ଼XA'Ȓଢ଼]ଢ଼A%ଢ଼ଢ଼:ܨଢ଼ଢ଼'4ଢ଼%ଢ଼ƍ ଢ଼6ଢ଼ XAॿଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼ਤଢ଼ '¼ଢ଼ 5ଢ଼ଢ଼''³ଢ଼ଢ଼5ଢ଼%ଢ଼ 6#ଢ଼׃ଢ଼ଢ଼h'ଢ଼'4ଢ଼hଢ଼ଢ଼ 'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 2 ǵĎðǵ ·'ଢ଼ '%ଢ଼ '%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ h'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Vʂ%ଢ଼ ]Vhଢ଼ Lmଢ଼ Úଢ଼ h%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ hଢ଼ ଢ଼ h³'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 'Ę '-ଢ଼ ]ଢ଼³ଢ଼ ଢ଼ hVଢ଼ ଢ଼ %Ahଢ଼ 'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼hଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ''ଢ଼ #Mଢ଼ [Ahଢ଼ L%ଢ଼ `'ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ଢ଼ X%mhǿଢ଼ ୋଢ଼'%ଢ଼ #%ଢ଼ hଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ଢ଼ hAଢ଼ ଢ଼ '˸ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ %h%ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ଢ଼ %Ahଢ଼ %O-ଢ଼ [³ଢ଼Lhଢ଼%ଢ଼WVଢ଼ Lhଢ଼ %ଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ ³ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ [Ahଢ଼ L%˪ଢ଼ Г'hŔଢ଼ ³hhଢ଼ ଢ଼ VMଢ଼ XO%hmބଢ଼ ଢ଼ '³ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ͱ >ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ଢ଼ଢ଼ ǿଢ଼ hଢ଼ ଢ଼ >ଢ଼ #6ଢ଼ ³ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 'á '¯ଢ଼ >#ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 'ࠀ6ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ }'V6®ଢ଼ 'ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ 'OAଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼प'F'ǂଢ଼ߠք³ଢ଼˴ଢ଼X³hߍșଢ଼ ¯ൃ 10 India Ǡ ǵ Freedom After a few weeks, a Khilafat Conference was held at Meerut. It was in this conference that Gandhiji preached for the first time the non-co-operation programme from a public platform. After he had spoken, h੯ followed him and gave him my unqualified support. InSeptember 1920, a special session of theCongress was held at Calcutta to consider the programme for action prepared byGandhiji. Gandhiji said that the programme of non-co-operation was necessary if we wished to achieveSwaraj and solve the Khilafat problem in a satisfactory manner. LalaLap j atRai was thePresident of this session andMrC.R. Das one of its leading figures. Neither of them agreed with Gandhiji. Bipin Chandra Pal also spoke forcefully and said that the b�st weapon to fight the BritishGovernment was toboycott British goods. He did not have much faith in the other items of Gandhiji's programme. In spite of their opposition, the resolution for the non-co-operation movement was passed with an overwhelm ing majority. Therefollowed a period of intensive touring to prepare the country for the non-co-operation programme. Gandhiji travelled extensively. I was with him most of the time and Mohammed Ali andShaukat Ali were often our companions. In December 1920, the annual session of theCongress was heldinNagpur. By this time, the temper of the country had changed. MrC.R. Das now openly favoured the non-co-operation programme. LalaLajpatRaiwas at first somewhat opposed but when he found that the Punjab delegates were all supporting Gandhjii he also joined our ranks. It was during this session thatMrJinnah finally left theCongress. The Government retaliated by arresting leaders throughout the country. InBengal, Mr C. R. Das and I were among the first to be arrested. Subhas Chandra Bose and Birendra NathSasmal also joined us in prison. We were all placed in theEuropean ward of the Alipur CentralJail which became a centrefor political discussions. MrC.R. Das was sentenced to six months' imprisonment. I was held under trial for a long time and finally a"lvarded one year's imprisonment. I was in fact not released till1January1923. MrC. R. Das was released earlier and presided over the Congress at its Gaya session. During this session, sharp differences of opinion appear ed among theCongress leaders. C.R. Das, MotilalNehru andHakim Ajmal Khan formed the Swaraj Party and presented the Council entry programme which was opposed by the orthodox followers Gandhiji. of Congress was thus divided between no-changers and- ˖ The Salt Satyagraha ŜŜௐ pro-changers. When I came out, I tried to bring about a reconcilia tion between the two groups and we were able to reach an agreement f theCongress inSeptember 1923. I was then in the special sessio� o thirty-five and asked\to preside over this session. It was said that I was the youngestman· to be electedPresident oftheCongress. After 1923, Congress activities remained mainly in the hands o f theSwaraj party. It obtained large majorities in almost all legisla tures and carried thefight on the parliamentaryfront. Congressmen who remained outside the Swaraj party continued with their con structive programme but they could not attract as much public support or attention as theSwaraj party. There were many incidents which have a bearing on thefuture development of Indian politics but I must ask the reader to waitfor afuller account till the first volume of my autobiography is published. In 1928, political excitement tnounted with the appointment o f theSimonCommission and its visit to India. In1929, Congresspass ed the Independence resolution and gave theBritishGovernment one year's notice of its intention to launch a mass movement f i the nation al demand was notfulfilled. TheBritish refusedto comply with our demand, and in 1930, Congress declared that Salt laws would be violated. Many people were sceptical when the Salt Satyagraha began but as the movement gathered strength both theGovernment and the people were taken by surprise. TheGovernment took strong action and declared the Congress an unlaw ful organization. It ordered the ah-est of theCongressPresident and hisWorking Com mittee. We met the challenge by authorizing eachCongressPresident to nominate the successor. I was elected one of thePresidents and nominated myWorkingCommittee. Before I was arrested, I nomi natedDrAnsari as my successor. Atfirst he was not willing to join the movement but I was able to persuade him. In this way, we were able to baffle theGovernment and keepthe movementgoing. My arrest was on the basis of a speech I had delivered inMeerut. fore detained in the Meerutjailfor about a year and a I wa:s there half. After the struggle had continued over a year, Lord Irwin released Gandhiji and the other members of theWorking Committee. We met first atAllahabad and then atDelhi and theGandhi-IrwinPact· was signed. This led to a general release of Congressmen and the participation ofCongress in theRoundTableCon ference. Gandhiji was sent as our sole representative but the negotiations proved §̬ൃ ̟੯ ࣝƄמŠԏൃ ҍŠƄƶൃ Ϫ[[ןƑाൃ P #v੯੯ DR ੯vˍv੯vM(੯Rv»੯ ¬੯ R ੯ vE੯§NJʈ੯ ОĊ੯DR ੯৬੯` ੯vv੯੯੯() .੯1੯1vR੯v(v ʓ੯ )E.Rv\੯ Ƌ੯i :) ੯৭ ˦v੯̚v৮੯° .v੯੯Rv੯ ੯ ŷ੯ . ੯ ੯ ):੯ 6vMv\੯ ď੯ U੯ ੯ v:R ੯ ੯ v v੯ ʓ੯ Rv੯ v)R ੯IJ` :੯§੯ #v੯ ੯ vC੯ ^R ੯ (v ੯ U੯ M੯ . v੯ NJ§੯ Ε੫v੯ æ.ԙv੯ ੯h ੯ ()l .)੯ R ੯ PE੯ 1੯ Rvv੯ :ं੯ Rv੯ vv੯ ME੯U ੯§੯ Rv Ƈخ੯ #:EMv\੯ h ࢬţ੯ ȞŝĺĘௐ Rv੯D#vMv੯§੯hl੯.੯ ǖ੯ (vՓ੯ǖڅή.ߓ੯(# v੯ 1੯ (ࠢসɢϯ :੯ M੯ ੯ `੯ §vv:੯ D#vMv੯ Ƈ੯ Rv੯ 6vv\੯ h੯ ੯Rvv੯ R੯ ड़̓ݛ੬ρύज़੯h੯U R੯ ੯ v))੯ ੯ Rv੯ (v੯#:EMv੯ Pv C੯ C ONGRE S S I N O F F I CE the first elections held in accordance with the of India Act, ĩo�·ern�nent ķ ϸĺĘ the Congress won an O\;erwhel111 ing vietory. ąௐ I t secured an absolute majority in five of the major proYinces and was the largest single party in four. It was only in the Punjab and Sind that the Congress did not achieve comparable siiccess. This victory of' the Congress has io be judged ag<rinst the Cqn gtess's early reluetance to contest the elections at all. The Govern,.- ment of India Act, ϱŝĺௐ provided for pro\'incial autonomy b1fr there was a fly in the ointmen�. Special powernvet·ereserved to the G<�>Yer nors to declare . a state of emergency, and' 011.ce a Governor did so, lie could suspend the constitutio1i. and assume ΐáâăΖpo"'ers to himself. Democracy .in the provinces could therefore furi� tion ·only so lo11g as the Governors permitted·� t. The position was even worse- so fat . as the CenfraL Government was concerned. Here there was an attempt to re-introduce the principle of diarchy which ' had' already been discredited in the. provinces. N o t on,ly was the Central Govern, ment to be a we·ak . federation but it was also overweighted in favour of the princes and o ther yested interests. These could generally . be expected to side with the British rulers of the country. I t was therefore not · surprising that the Congress whi_ch was . . fighting for complete i ndepende nce of the coun try ";as ave'rse to accepting this arrangement. The Congress cortdenrned outright the type of federatimi. proposed .for the Central Government. . For a long time, the Congress vVorking Committee was also against the scheme proposed for the prO\:inces. It had a s trong secti . o n which was oppos�d even to participating in the elections. My views were quite differ I held that i t w6uld be a mistake .to boycott the elections. If e n t. the Congress did so; less desirable elemeri ts would capture the ɶnjΖthe | central and prO\·indal Le islatures and speak in the name Indian people. Beside�, the election ca.mpaign offered ˖ splendid opportun i ty for educating the masses in the basic issues of Indian Ŝ³ௐ India H'ins Freedom politics. Ul timately the point of view I represented prevailed, and the Congress participated in the elections with results which I have already indicated. New differences were now revealed wi thin the leadership of the Congress. A section of those 11·ho had participated in the elections opposed assumption of office by Con gress nominees. They argued that, wiLh special powers resen·ed to the Governors, provincial autonomy was a · mockery. M inisLries would hold office at Lhe Governor's ple<isure. If Congress wished Lo carry out iLs election p ledges, a clash with the GoYernor was inevitable. They argued tha t · Congress should therefore try to wreck t h e constitu tion from 11· i thin the Legislature. On this issue also ൃ held the opposite view and argued that the powers given to the ProYincial Go\'ernmenls should be exercised to the full. If a clash with the Governor arose, i t should be faced as and when occasion demanded. ·without actual exercise of power, the programme of the Congress could not be carried out. If, on the other hand, Congress l\Iinistries had to go ou t on a popular issue, it would only s trengthen the hold of the Congress on the popu lar imagination. The Governors did not wait for the conclusion of this debate. \\Then they found that Congress was hesitating to form the M inistry, they sent for the parties which had the second largest support in th� Legislature, even though they did not command a majority. These interim M inistries were formed by non-Congress and, in some cases, anti-Congress elements. Congress indecision about acceptance of office not only indicated divisions of opinion within its ranks, but what is worse it allowed reactionary forces an opportun i ty to get over the shock of the defeat in the General Elections and retrieve lost grou,n d. During the prolonged negotiations with the Viceroy, an attempt was made to wrest an assurance that the Gowrnors would not interfere with the work of the Ministries. After the Viceroy · clarified the position, some members of the ·working Committee changed their opinion i n favour of acceptance of office. Congress ha'd however spoken so strongly and insistently against the Govern ment of India Act that in spite of growing recognition of the need to change �he policy, nobody dared to suggest i t openly. Jawaharlal was President of the Congress at the time. He had expressed himself . in such_ categorical terms against the acceptance of office that it was difficult for him _to propose acceptance now: v\Then the Working Com mittee met at Wardha, I found ˖ strange reluctance to face facts. I 15 ϭಕĽ ࢙ െæ**ၘ Ѐ௺דĽၘ Ҩਝ ਞ*༔േਟæ*ၘ therefore proposed i n clear terms that Congress should accept office. After some discussion Gandhij i supported my view and Congress decided to form Ministries in the provinces. This was a historic deci sion, for till now Congress had followed only a negati \'e policy and refused to. undertake the responsibility of office. Now · for. the first time, Congress adopted a positi\'e attitude towards administration and agreed to take up the burden of GoYen1ment. One incident happened a t the time which left ˖ bad impression abou t the atti tude of the Provincial Congress Committees. The Congress had grown as =ၘ national organization and gi,·en the oppor: tun i ty of leadership to men of different commu n i ties. In Bombay, Mr Nariman was the acknowledged leader of the local Congress. '\Vhen the question of forming the proYincial GoYernment arose, -there was general expectation that Mr Nari man would be asked to lead i t in view of his status and record. This was not howeYer done. Sarclar Patel and his colleagues did not like Nariman and the result was that Mr B. G. Kher became the first Chief Minister of Bombay. Since Nariman was a Parsec and Kher a H i ndu, this led . to wide speculation that Nariman had been by-passed o n communal grounds. Even if it is not true, i t is difficult to disprove such an allegation. Mr Nariman was naturally upset about this decision. H e raised the question before the Congress Working Committee . .Jawaharlal was still President and many hoped that in view of his freedom from communal b ias, he would rectify the injustice to Nariman. Unfor tunately, this did not happen . .Jawaharlal did not agree w i th Sardar f.ltel i n many thi ngs but· he did not also think that Sardar Patel '.>ould take a decision on communal considerations alone. He reacted s.omdvhat unfarnurably and rejected Nariman's appeal. Nariman was surprised at .Jawaharlal's a ttitude. He then ap proached Gandhij i and said that he would place his case in Gandhij i's भג௹ۣʘၘ Gandhij i listened patiently and directed that the charge against Sardar Patel should be investigated by a neu tral person. Since Nariman was himself a Parsee, Sardar Patel 'arid his friends suggested that =ၘ Parsec should be entrusted w ith the ei1quiry. They hacl planned their move carefully and prepared the case in a way which clouded the issues. I n addition, they exercised their influence in various ways so that poor Nariman had los t the case even before the enquiry began. It was in any case very difficult to establish positively that N ariman had been overlooked only because he was a Parsec. I t was therefore held that nothing was proved · against 16 _ǵ á ǵ kǵ Sa r dar P atel . Poor Nar i man was hear t-br ok en and hi s p ub il c ilf e cameʶଢ଼ԩൃ end. . AsIr e fl ect " on the re atment me et d out toпൃ Nari man, my mi nd g oes b ack to. Mr C. . D as, one o f the most powerf ul. pe r sonali ti es on-Co� oper ati on Mov ement. Mr Das occupi es . thr own up b y the av ery speci al positi on i n the hi story of out nati onal str ugg le. He \1r asԨൃ man of gTe atvi si on and br eadth of im agi nati on. At the same tirri e he hada pra cti� al mi nd whi ch look ed atev e ry q uesti onfr om the poi nt of vi ew o f ar eal.i st. He had the co 1u- a g eo f hi s con vi cti ons and stood upf�arl es lsy f or any posi it on her e g ar ded asb ei n g rig ht. W hen .Gandh ij i plac edt he non-co• o pe ra: it on p r ogr amm eb ef or e the countr y, ҧŠή ϳבၘ h ad atfirs t o ppose d i t'i n the pec s i al e s ssi on hel d at Ca l c utta ĶĒķ i n 1 920. Ay ear later, ,i, hen the Con gr ess met atNag pur, he joi ned . ou r rank s a nd th e ·pr o gr amme· of ΓD non c co -oper ati on wa s launche d. asha d aprinc ely pr ac ti ce at theC aiqi ttaBar and was one o f th e mos t us.c;c es fso l law y er s i n t he count ry. He was also noted f or hi sf ondnessf or l uxu r y� b u t heg av e it p his pr acti ce wi thout a mo ment ' s hesit ati on , . don ned k haddai· an d h t r ew hi mself whol e-hear ted y l int o. theC ongr essm ov em ent. Iw asgr eatly i m pr essedଢ଼ hi m. µķ Asѩၘ haYc sai d, M r Das had ၘאpr actic al b ent of mi nd. He look ed at po _ il tica lq uesti onsfr om the poi nt o f vi ew of what wasb oth desir a bl e an d. p r actic a b le. He hel d th a t if Indi a was to wi n he!· fr eedom _ thr ough neg oti ati ons; we mustbe pr epar ed to achiev ei t stepb y ste p. t e method I ndep e nde nc e co1il d not come i ll of a sudden wher e h f oHmif e d ,\• as that o f di scussimi and persuasi on. He pr edi cted that ' thefir st˃ʩƽʂΖ wmi ldbe the achi e v em ent o f Pr ovi nci al Autonomy. He W asS atisfi ed that the exer ci seOf eY e n J i mi ted power would ad v ance the · cause Of Indi a's fr eedom an d pr epar e Indi ans f or under taki ng larg er re spo nsibi il ti es as andw hen they wer ew on. It is @NjΖ Mr ˖ measu r e Das' sf or esigh t andvi si on that i t was on these il nes that the G ov er nme{n of India: Ac t, 193 5 w as passed almost tenye ars af ter hi s d eath. In 192 1 , the then Pri nce Of Wale s ca� e to I ndi a i n conne xi on· wi th the i nau g ur ation of the M ontag u-Chelm fs o r d scheme of r e f or ms. T heCongr essh ad deci ded tob oy cott all r ece pit ons org ani zed . to wel come theP ri nce. T hi spl ac ed theG o v er nment o f In dia i n a q uan dary . T h e V i ƣel oଢ଼ had assur ed theBri it shG ov er nmentଢ଼ the Pri nce wou l d r eceiv e a war m wel come in xଢ଼ lଢ଼ . W hen he le a r nt of h t e Co ngr ess deci sio n, he took ev er y possib le measur e o ٧ڻ٨ଢ଼ƿଢ଼͘ଢ଼ ѷި_ൃ ϴ ǡ_ƪzŸۑzǘൃ did zൃ u s c e ed i ni ts ai ms Ԫৗൃ ˽Ͱൃ HƽÖ ïǵ7ǵ Tǵ "f ǵ Ŭǵ >³Ɨǵ the Prince of W al es was coldly receiv ed i n almos t e v ery tow n he Y si itc d. His la s t haltw as inCalcuttaw hichw as then the mos t im p ort ant city ofIndia, T he ca p i tal hads hifted toDelhi b ut theV iceroy sp ent ev ery Chris tmas i n Calcutta. A sp ecial function had b een organ!z ed in the city and thePrince of"V ale s w as to op en theV ictoria Memoria l Hal l.. E lab orate arrangements w ere therefore made for his r ece p tion and theGo v ernm entsp ared no eff ort to ma ke his v si it to C alcutta as uccess . \\Tc w ere the n al l detained in the Alip orc Central Jail. P andi t :\I ad anl\f oha nM al aY iyawas trying to arrange as ettl� mentb etw een the Congress an d the Gov ern m ent. He m et theV iceroy and came b ackw ith the m i p re s s ion thati f w e agreed not tob oycott thePrince of\V ales inCalcu t at , the Go\'ernmentw ould com e to a s ettlem ent ": ith the'Congress. PanditMadanMohanl\f alav iya came o t Al p i ore J ail to dis cuss thep rop os al w ith MrD as and me. T heb asis of the , p rop o s al w as thatRound T ab le Conference s hould b e cal led to se ttle theq ue s ti on of India s' p oli ticalf uture. W e di d not gi\'e afi nal r ep ly toPandi tMal av iya a s w ew anted to dis cuss theq ues tion among oursdYcs . Both Mr D as and I came to the conclus ion tha t it w as ourb oy cott of thePrince of'V ales w hich had comp elled theGo v e rn ment ofIndia tos eek as ettlement. \V es hould take ad\' anta ge of the s ituation and meet in aRoundTa b le C onfer e nce. Itw as clea r to us that this w ould not lead to our goal b utn one the el ss itw ould mark a greats tep forw ar d ni ourp oli ticals truggle. Al l theCongress leaders excep t Gandhiji w ere then· in jail. W e p rop o s ed tha t w e s houl d accep t theBritis h off erb ut at thes ame timew e laid it dow n as a condition that allCongress leaders mus tb e releas edb efore the RoundTab leConferencew as held. \V hen next dayPandit Malaviya came tos eeus again, w e inf o rm ed him of ourv ie w s . W e als o toldh im that hes hould meetGandhi ji ands ecure his cons ent. PanditMa: la v iya rep ortedb ack to theV iceroy and after w t o days Y si i ted us again in the jail, He s aid that the G ov ernm ent ofIn d iaw erew illing to release all thep olitica l leaders w ho w ere to take p art in the dis cuss ion s . This included the Ali br others and many otherCo ngress leaders . As tatementw as p rep ar edb y us inw hichw e p ut do w n ourv ie w s in clear terms . Pandit Ma: la v i ya took the docum ent andwe nt toBomb ay to meetGandhiji . TΖ T o ours urp ris e and regret, Gandhij i di d no t accep t ours ugges tion- . He ins si ted that all the p olitical leader s , p articularly theAli b o r the rs, ǵ έၘ mu s t fi rst b e releas ed unconditionally . He de clared tha t ĩ ºǵ ǵ kºeƫǵ ³ߡ we c ouldc onsi de r the p ropos al for aRoundTa ble only afte r th e y ha d bbe n re e l a s e d. BothM rD as and I e f lt that this demandw as a mis take . Whe n th e Gov e rnme nt ha d agree d tha t theC ongress e l ad e r s w ould be re el ase d be fore h t e RoundTa ble, the re was no poi nt i ns uc hs peci al i n sis e t n ce . Pa ndi tMala v i ya wenta gai n to G a ndhi ji wi th ourc omme nts but he di d notagree. Ӭबåၘ res ultw as t h a t th e Vice roy dr oppe d his propos al. His mai np urpose i n ma ki ng the offer ha d bee n to a v oi d a boyc ott of the P ri n ce of Vl'a e l s i n Calc utta. S i nce nose ttle me ntw as made , the boyc ott was a gre at s u ccess but we ha d misse d a golden opportuni ty for a poli itca lse ttle ment. Mr Das made nosec e r t of his disa pprova la nd dis appoi ntm e nt. Ga ndhiji the nc alle d a C on e f re n ce i n Bombay wi thC . S ankaran Nai r a s the C hairm an. In this C onfe re nce, Gandhi ij hi m se lf made a proposa l for aRoundT able C onfe re nce . His et rms we re almos t the sa me as those br ou ght ea rlier by P andi t Malav i ya . T he P ri n ce of \Va e l s hadi n th e me anti me el ftIndi a and the Gove rn me nt ha d no furth e r i nt e r es t i n th e propos al. T h e y pai d no att enti onw hate ve r toGa ndhi ij's s ugges it on and r e jec e t di t outri ght. l\f rDas w as furi ous andsai d tha tGandhij i hadc ommi tt e d a greatmis take . I c ould not butaccept his j udgm ent as c orre ct Ga n d hi ij the nwe nt@=Ζ tos u s pe nd the non-c o- ope r a it on mo v e me nt on acc ount of th e C houri C houra i n ci d ent. poli tic al reac ti on i n poli tic al ci r c el s T he Gove rnm e nt took f ull advantage Gandhij i. T his ca use d a se ve re and de moralize d th e c ountry. of th e si tuati on and arres e t d He w as se nte nce d to si x yea sr' i m pris onme nt and th e non-c o, ope rati on mov e m e nt s lo w l y pe e t re d out. MrC. R. Da s use d to disc uss the si tuati on wi th me al mos te ve ry da y. He was c onvi n ce d th a tGandhi ij had e rre d griev ou s lyi nca lli ng o ff the move me nt. This hads o de moralize d poli itca l w orke rs i t w oul d a t ke be ɓ=̑Ζ ye ars rouse d. Besi des , Mr D as had a f ile d. He the re fore be fore that public e nth usi a s m c ould agai n he ld that Gan dhi ij's thought that we di rec t me thods mus t adopt oth e r w ays to res tore public morale . He w as noti n fav our ofw ai itn g andw atc h i ng it ll the si tuati on ag ai nim prove d. He be lieve d i n an alte rnative progra mme a nds ai d thati n the e xis itn gsi tuati on, di rec t ac it on mus t e poli itc alfi ght take ni n si de the e l gis latur es . U nder be give n up and th Ga ndh ij i's i nfl ue n ce , the C ongress had boyc otte d the elec it ons he ld i n _l 92 1 . Mr Das dec lare d that C on gress the le gis lature s i n19 24 and use m us t pre pare to c aptur e the m to furthe r our poli itca l e nds. Mr Das w as hope ful h t at all ac it ve e l ade rs of the C ongress w ould Internal Dissensions i11 Congres�· §Βൃ ঀଢ଼;Yଢ଼Y;,ଢ଼6,;,ଢ଼%ଢ଼%6șଢ଼ >ଢ଼Yଢ଼ଢ଼@,ଢ଼tˈř;;,;*ଢ଼ ਦވōଢ଼>ଢ଼%ଢ଼;Yଢ଼Ǖ;ଢ଼ Yଢ଼Yଢ଼ଢ଼,ଢ଼,%ଢ଼Yଢ଼,Y%ଢ଼*,ଢ଼ #;%,ଢ଼%ଢ଼Ƃϒ̦ଢ଼ԧൃ دଢ଼ଢ଼࣮ڲଢ଼ଢ଼О6-ଢ଼ [ଢ଼Ч,ଢ଼*ଢ଼ ଢ଼ଢ଼Yଢ଼ ҷϻଢ଼#ଢ଼Yଢ଼ Ğ6ଢ଼=,,½ଢ଼ }ଢ଼ā*ę ;ଢ଼=ࡏ;ذଢ଼ (*%ଢ଼ Y;ଢ଼Yɚଢ଼§,;%ଢ଼%ଢ଼ [ଢ଼,ଢ଼#ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ ଢ଼ *(ׄଢ଼ *6ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ *࢜૮ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ Y;,ଢ଼ Âଢ଼ ]ଢ଼ ,ଢ଼ օÉ%ଢ଼ ࠅଢ଼ Yଢ଼ ଢ଼ࠁનܩଢ଼Yଢ଼#࣯ɉଢ଼ Yਧଢ଼пJ;ଢ଼Lmଢ଼ ÚYPଢ଼ö%;ଢ଼[;ଔ ଢ଼ ѸYଢ଼ %ଢ଼W%ଢ଼ ĺ;ńYԁ;ଢ଼ §(ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ @;Yଢ଼ ;,ଢ଼ 3*Y-ଢ଼ >ଢ଼ ;,ଢ଼ ˍ;%;ଢ଼ %%,,Pଢ଼ [Ǯଢ଼ ,ଢ଼ फ,%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ =ۭa,,ଢ଼ ,ɑଢ଼ **ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ =*Ċଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ࡐଢ଼ %ଢ଼ *6ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ ;;*ଢ଼ ,ƾଢ଼;ଢ଼ Yଢ଼;,q,Æଢ଼ X%Y;ߎ;ଢ଼@,ଢ଼ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼m;ѧଢ଼ Lଢ଼ ,*Ŏ;࢚ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ =,,ଢ଼ ࠂ%ଢ଼ 6ଢ଼ W;ܪଢ଼ ҅m(*Y;ଢ଼ ,%ଢ଼ [ଢ଼ ,Şଢ଼ }Y૯ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ Ųଢ଼ ;#ଢ଼ %;*ଢ଼ q*;ǧଢ଼ @,ଢ଼ ;Aଢ଼ ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ [ଢ଼ ,İ,ଢ଼ ɿҔޅֆଢ଼ **%Åଢ଼ Yଢ଼ ĞAଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ ,ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ঁ%;É;ଢ଼#ଢ଼X%Y;ߏ;İ,ଢ଼ʠ%,Y;-ଢ଼ >ଢ଼%ଢ଼ଢ଼Y;Jଢ଼Yଢ଼WY;ଢ଼ām(*Y;ଢ଼,ଢ଼;ଢ଼;ଢ଼Y;,ଢ଼;ľ˻ ;-ଢ଼ [ଢ଼ ,ଢ଼,ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ,J;ଢ଼ଢ଼ *Ďब;,ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ йଢ଼ ଢ଼ʲ(6ଢ଼œ%;ଢ଼Yଢ଼(;;*(ଢ଼,ਨ(ଢ଼ଢ଼Űଢ଼ů%-ଢ଼]ଢ଼(˾ކ %ଢ଼ Ǒ;,ଢ଼ qଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ %;%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ,**ǀ%ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ ¨Aì;ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ Jଢ଼ %ଢ଼È(ଢ଼#ଢ଼Yଢ଼=,,-ଢ଼ WY;ଢ଼҆ߐ(*Y;Pଢ଼Mଢ଼āߑ%ଢ଼ö,%ଢ଼ ׅଢ଼ Y,ଢ଼ ,%ଢ଼ Y;ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ %#%ଢ଼ Y;,ଢ଼ ,-ଢ଼ }Yଢ଼ кԂ૰ଢ଼ =ǧ3,,ଢ଼;ଢ଼%ଢ଼[ଢ଼Ш,ଢ଼ %%ଢ଼ Y;,ଢ଼,;;¯ଢ଼ Lଢ଼ Yଢ଼6ଢ଼ ڱଢ଼=,,ଢ଼,ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ,ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ଢ଼ ;*;ଢ଼ ,ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ Ɓଢ଼N,ଢ଼ *(%ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ Ͳ*Y,ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ ij*Y,-ଢ଼ L#ଢ଼Yଢ଼,;œଢ଼Y,IJଢ଼>ଢ଼¡,ଢ଼*ࡑଢ଼ଢ଼#ଢ଼m;-ଢ଼ >ଢ଼#%ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ Yଢ଼ ȡ,,ଢ଼ૉ,ଢ଼#*Ċଢ଼ଢ଼,ং;,ଢ଼*;,;, Ҹଢ଼ >,%ଢ଼ǧ#ଢ଼Ųଢ଼;;*(ଢ଼,(ଢ଼ ;,ଢ଼ Yଢ଼ `;;,YPଢ଼ Yଢ଼ 36ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ԃ((ଢ଼ П,,ଢ଼ ,ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ %;,,;ę ୌ(ଢ଼;ଢ଼;*;ଢ଼#-ଢ଼ [ଢ଼ ,ଢ଼ §É%;ଢ଼ [;((ଢ଼%ଢ଼ ]J;ଢ଼ Lmଢ଼ơYଢ଼ଢ଼(%;ଢ଼Yଢ଼*ଢ଼#ଢ଼ͳ*Y,-ଢ଼ ȭÊm;®ଢ଼W%ଢ଼ §(ଢ଼%ଢ଼ঃଢ଼ȭm࢛%3Ջଢ଼§,%ଢ଼ଢ଼Yଢ଼ ,J,ଢ଼#ଢ଼Yଢ଼ÒرYá ,-ଢ଼`Yଢ଼Ƕ,ଢ଼;%ଢ଼ଢ଼އଢ଼Ďଢ଼ଢ଼ၘ #,%ଢ଼ଢ଼;%;#6ଢ଼6,(#ଢ଼;ଢ଼ ;Yଢ଼*-ଢ଼ >ଢ଼,ଢ଼Yଢ଼Y,ଢ଼;ଢ଼%;,,,;,ଢ଼ଢ଼%N,ଢ଼%ଢ଼ (,,ଢ଼ *ű*زJ%ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ ;Ďଢ଼ Ď;Yଢ଼՞Jଢ଼Nj Ӵӌၘ Yଢ଼ =,,Æଢ଼ >ଢ଼ Y#ଢ଼ %*;%%ଢ଼ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ ,;%ଢ଼ ÃYଢ଼*Ď,ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ ;%ଢ଼ ଢ଼ %;*ଢ଼ (ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ;ଢ଼ଢ଼Yଢ଼;;*(ଢ଼,-ଢ଼>ଢ଼ଢ଼Y6ଢ଼ଢ଼,6ଢ଼Yଢ଼>ଢ଼@,ଢ଼,**,,į #(ଢ଼;ଢ଼6ଢ଼سDŽڳ,ĝଢ଼ Lଢ଼,*;ଢ଼,,,;ଢ଼#ଢ଼Yଢ଼Р,,ଢ଼,ଢ଼Y%ଢ଼ଢ଼Y;ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ၘ ȹ,ଢ଼(ǀ*׆ଢ଼§,;%شଢ଼ࠃ୍;Yଢ଼Yଢ଼A̧ଢ଼#ଢ଼ଢ଼Yଢ଼N,-ଢ଼ >ଢ଼ ૱ଢ଼,;%;ࠄଢ଼Ԅ%%,,Pଢ଼>ଢ଼,,,%ଢ଼ Yଢ଼#Ԇ*ଢ଼ ଢ଼ଢ଼ଢ଼m*ଢ଼ ԅ,ଢ଼Yଢ଼;N´;ଢ଼#ଢ଼Yଢ଼*6-ଢ଼ W;ևଢ଼1919, @ଢ଼ %ଢ଼ଢ଼ǎʠ@;ଢ଼ ଢ଼ भaଢ଼ #ଢ଼ %;*ଢ଼ *;ଢ଼ ׇଢ଼ Y;,ଢ଼ Y%ଢ଼ ;%ɐଢ଼ *,;%aଢ଼ India Wins Ðېۏॎൃ Ɵρଢ଼ results. If now some among us felt tha t we must carry the fight into the legislatures, there was no reason why we should stick rigidly to our earlier decision. So long as the objective was the sanie, each group should be free to follow the programme which is considered best. The decision of the Delhi Congress was as I had anticipated. I t was agreed that pro-changers and no-changers should be free to pursue their own programmes. Dr Rajendra Prasad, Shri Raja gopalachari and their associates took up the constructive programme. Mr C. R. Das, Pandit Motilal and Hakim J-\ jmal Khan founded the Swaraj Party and decided to contest the elections. Their move creat ed great enthusiasm throughout the country. ਛ˼ၘ the central as well as i n all the provincial Assemblies, the Swaraj Party won a very la1-ge following. One of the major objections of the no-changers had been th" t Gandb iji's leadership would be weakened by the Council entry programme. Events proved that they were wrong. I n the Cen tral Legislature, the Swaraj Party proposed a resolu tion urging the inime diate release of Mahatma Gandhi. passed Gandhiji was released. Before the resolu tion could be I have said that the Swaraj Party won a large follo11·ing in the central as well as the provins;ial legislatures. Perhaps i ts 111ost l'e markable achiewment was it; success in capturing scats reserved for :\foslims. This was largely due to the political realism of Mr Das Ƅಓၘ which I have referred above. The electora tes were communal and only Muslim voters returned Muslim legislators. The i\Iuslim League and other communal parties were therefore able to play upon the fears of the Muslims and generally returned candi dates with communal leanings. Mr Das was able to ovcrco1i1e the apprehensions of the Muslims of Bengal and· was acclai med as their . leader. The way he solYed the communal problem of Bengal is memorable anp should sene as an example even today. In �engal, Muslims were the majority community, but for \'arious reasons they were educationally and politically backwanl. EYen though ༒फߧဋၘ numbered oYer P Đķ ȝĸௐ per cent of the population, they held hardly ̤ʰၘper cent of the posts under the Government'. ̕ࡌൃၘ C. đķ R. Das was a ူ ၗ ေ · ࢚ൈçהƅၘ realist and immediately saw that the problem was an economic ി ǧൃ one. He realized that till the · ��uslims were given the necessary assurances ܭ/ൃ their e�ohomic fnture, they could ఇ༑ၘ be expected ༐ಒၘ ȭɥΖ the ϑ݊ஊൃ whole-heartedly. He the/fore ၘߨۢa declara tion ̫¦ൃ C. R. Das's ϘĹօࣲøଋøఫࡖੌൃ which impre�-not only Bengal but the ಼ޣűķൃof India. He ഽ౭ք ed that when Congress secured the reins of powers in Bengal, ਘ༏ၘಿੋ̎̏đൃ reserve Ϟςଢ଼ per HǞŲࡓॗൃ cent of all new appoinm1ents for the till ོٺपၘ time as th11Y achieved proper representation ccordin࢘ၘto ౮ࣾാൃ tion. He went 'even further in respect of the Calcutta Corporation and offe1 č˖ ൃײto reserve 80 per cent of the new appointments on ƹࡐ*ࡑࣿൃ Ǖ*ƹʒൃ Ʉ Ѐళൃ pointed out that so long as the Ҧusl imൃĶଈķൃ not ଟ perly represe nted in public life and in the services, there could be no true democracy in Bengal. Once the inequalities had been rectified, Muslims would be able to compe te on equal terms with other communities and there would be no need for any special ƨ\\ଣǖŤƗʓңൃ nnouncement shook the Bengal Congress to ਙཆၘ ಔۅଥൃ Hny of the Congress Ɂ%+ʧˀΖ violent̐Ζ opposed it and started a ֑Ŷઉࡕ݇ൃ against Mr Das. He waൃ accused of opportunism and even partisanship for the Muslims but he ǖƗ ൃஉűi ൃ׳Թൃ Ż˖ ƨࢊൃ This bold fou nda ti^n . He toured the whole province and explained his point of view. His attitude made a great impression on Muslims ਚ௷ၘ'Bengal and out side. I am con vi nced that if he had not died a would h a,-e ĂƤeԕ tൃשԖൃ new at mosphre અଉ*ԣǕ౬ ۄȌൃdeath, he in the country. It i5 ˖ matter for regret that after he died, some of his followers assailed hi� position ķ and his declaration was repudiated. The result was that నൃ\ޤHǞŲŤक़ൃ - of Bengal moved away from the Congress and the - first sߥ ൃof partition we re sown. I must however make one fact clear. The Provincial Congress Committee of Bombay eITed in denying - local leadership to Nari *an and the 'Vorking Committee was not trong enouh нƧൃ ཅၘ i·ectify the wrong. Apart from this one lapse, Congress made every effort to live up to its principles. Once the Ministries were formed, necessary measures were taken to ensure justice to all mi norities . This was the first occasion on which Congi·ess was taking up the responsibi l ity of adm inਗstrt ion. It was thus a trial for the Congres5 and people watchNjd ऩ^࿏ၘ the organ ization would live up to its national chara cter. The Muslim League's main Rropaganda againt Congress ಾࡒൃ ״ĸ ాൃ Congress Ministries were carrညing out atrocities against Ķൃ minori ties. It appoin ted a committee which presented ż˖ ۇઑଊపൃॖৢൃԴԵൃ had been that it was national only in name. Not content faming Congress in general terms, the League also gave out that þlim and oi:hei' Ą˟ǯľnˠ¦/ˁ/Ζ ɉǃΖ k inds of allegations about unfair treatment of.'-- m inorities. I can speak from personal knowled tions were absolutelx unfounded. This was also ࡹʗȘၘ c˕ʶ˖ which was ΰĥ੯ India Wins Freedom )(ଢ଼ Gଢ଼ )ଢ଼ ĺ\)ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ XࣰAsଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ³\ŭଢ଼ 7A\sÆଢ଼ Ѝଢ଼ Pଢ଼)ଢ଼ā)7ଢ଼7)ʼ ଢ଼՟ଢ଼ଢ଼ԇ)ଢ଼ \)ଢ଼ଢ଼A;\sଢ଼ɿପଢ଼ ƙଢ଼ )\G()ଢ଼7Ƃ(âଢ଼ ҨÝଢ଼=)ଢ଼ )7Ρ)ێȃଢ଼ ଢ଼ö(\ ) ଢ଼` ଢ଼ ଢ଼ǎŊ)ଢ଼ ଢ଼7صA;ଢ଼)ଢ଼Vଢ଼#ଢ଼) Ǝଢ଼;\;)ଢ଼ ଢ଼\A)ଢ଼ )ଢ଼ ) (ଢ଼\Ϩଢ଼ ଫ ଢ଼sଢ଼ 7(;Mଢ଼ }ଢ଼ ` ଢ଼ \)ଢ଼#ଢ଼W ଢ଼ ö )(®ଢ଼ ଢ଼ā Ĥ) ଢ଼ ö ଢ଼ ଢ଼)#-ଢ଼ >ଢ଼ଢ଼ ଢ଼ \ଢ଼ )ଢ଼ो#ଢ଼ ଢ଼ö (\ s ଢ଼ ŭ \ଢ଼ \sଢ଼A) (ଢ଼7A\࢝ଢ଼A\ଅMPଢ଼ `s (Pଢ଼ `; ®ଢ଼ Çϼöä®ଢ଼ öĤ G®ଢ଼ W\ଢ଼ ଢ଼ )ଢ଼ ¦ਭ\)Mଢ଼ Aଢ଼ ;s։\sଢ଼ \֊ଢ଼ \ҹବ(Aଢ଼ ࡒ ºଢ଼ \ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ʽଢ଼G)yࣳضଢ଼ )ଢ଼ ¦ଢ଼ 7Ⱥ(ଢ଼Vºଢ଼ ଢ଼\ଢ଼ ଢ଼ #(ºଢ଼ )ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ )7\\ࠉʖPଢ଼ >ଢ଼ ଢ଼ )ࣴڴطঅ)ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ )ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ºقA(()ଢ଼ Gଢ଼ ଢ଼ ј\ ଢ଼ ଢ଼)ଢ଼ (\ଢ଼Ƥ) ظଢ଼މଢ଼)ଢ଼ ଢ଼\Ĥ\)ଢ଼ଢ଼ (\ࡓଢ଼ ଢ଼ਪଢ଼ࡔ;;\ଢ଼)ଢ଼ G()(ଢ଼# ()Âଢ଼ >#ଢ଼ଢ଼ ଢ଼G)ଢ଼ ଢ଼\ ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ʉଢ଼\ଢ଼ sଢ଼ࣱ#ଢ଼ ))ଢ଼ )Pଢ଼ >ଢ଼ (ଢ଼ Aଢ଼))࢞ଢ଼ଢ଼ \ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Üଢ଼ \sĤଜ\)ଢ଼ ଢ଼\ů)äଢ଼ >ଢ଼ ଢ଼)A)ଢ଼ 7ʼ )ଢ଼ ਫଢ଼љ)\®ଢ଼ \#ଢ଼) ͒ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ࢟ଢ଼\)ଢ଼ º\V)ଢ଼ \ܫäଢ଼ })ଢ଼=ଢ଼\s\ޏଢ଼))ଢ଼;sଢ଼)\ۉଢ଼ ଢ଼(;()ଢ଼()ଢ଼ ´ଢ଼ଢ଼ ®ଢ଼ Gଢ଼আ;sଢ଼;ଢ଼ଢ଼7)\ଢ଼)પ (ଢ଼\7 ଢ଼\ଢ଼)ଢ଼(ଢ଼ \sଢ଼ ƙ ଭ 7\\7()½ଢ଼W7)\ (ଢ଼ʤ)\ଢ଼ ଢ଼G)ଢ଼ Ƹعଢ଼#ଢ଼ ଢ଼(;( ;ଢ଼ ௶ ၘȰ ;sę ąފଢ଼77\\7ଢ଼ \ଢ଼( s®ଢ଼р\±H \sଢ଼ \gࠆ (ଢ଼ ;sGମଢ଼ )ଢ଼ ଢ଼ s V;sଢ଼ ଢ଼ A ଢ଼ 7B ଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ; غsଢ଼ Gଢ଼ #ଢ଼ \()ଢ଼ ଢ଼ (äଢ଼ ѾGn)ଢ଼ࠇ\V)ଢ଼ ଢ଼ G(\;ଢ଼#ଢ଼(Ȳ(ދଢ଼ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ;(\sଢ଼ŀଢ଼ Ԉ( (\ۮଢ଼ \)°sଢ଼ ))ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ˰;ܬଢ଼ ;(ۏ-ଢ଼ Ì sଢ଼ (sBଢ଼ \Oଢ଼ଢ଼Üଢ଼ ((sଢ଼Ʋଢ଼ଢ଼(;( ;Oäଢ଼>ଢ଼\ଢ଼)ĿÜଢ଼ ଢ଼ 7ϓϩ;;sଢ଼ ´ଢ଼)ଢ଼ Ĕଢ଼ \sଢ଼ ǎଢ଼ =s,ଢ଼ ଢ଼ Ĕ°ଢ଼ °7Mଢ଼ >sଢ଼ `;ű ŗଢ଼ ńଢ଼ ଢ଼)ଢ଼77\;ࢠଢ଼ ଢ଼ ࡕ° ଢ଼ ࡊၘ ǟ ଢ଼ Σ#Ŋଢ଼´sଢ଼I ´ଢ଼ ҙၘ ;)As)ଢ଼7 ((ଢ଼\ଢ଼ŋ)ଢ଼ଢ଼°()ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ;°äଢ଼ Ўŀɤইଢ଼ 7(sۯଢ଼Ʌs(´\ଢ଼ \ଢ଼ ػଢ଼ ( (ŗଢ଼ ଢ଼ ؼଢ଼ (Üଢ଼ ଢ଼ Üপ(ફֈଢ଼´ଢ଼ŀŊǟ ଢ଼Ǐ\ଢ଼ԉ(ࠈȶ)ଢ଼)\ଢ଼(\\ )ଢ଼#° ଢ଼\(°ଢ଼ s)˼ \sଢ଼ଢ଼Üଢ଼7° ´sଢ଼);ଢ଼\ਬ͓ଢ଼ } ଢ଼˰°ଢ଼°ଢ଼´(ଢ଼ଢ଼(Ĕǂଢ଼ଢ଼;V(\ଢ଼7ՠ(كŊଢ଼Һһ̩´ଢ଼(´ɛ(ଢ଼ଢ଼ ଢ଼°ଢ଼# ଢ଼Ԋଢ଼>ଢ଼ ଢ଼ s°Ĕଢ଼ ؽଢ଼\Ü;ůଢ଼ો\ଢ଼ s˵ଢ଼ 7´;( ଢ଼ ç Ѩ;sଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ଢ଼ =säଢ଼ >ଢ଼ ȱ̪ଢ଼ ʡȻଢ଼ ´\ଢ଼ ଢ଼ >ଢ଼ )ʡम°ଢ଼ ଢ଼ G\sଢ଼ °ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ѿʹԋsÜଢ଼ sଢ଼ ଢ଼ ƘƬଢ଼ ;sଢ଼ ଢ଼ (ଢ଼ °sŴMଢ଼ };ଢ଼sǍ;ଢ଼´ଢ଼Ĕŗଢ଼ ଢ଼ ;sଢ଼ űଢ଼ ;;°͔ଢ଼ =ࢡ۰)ଢ଼ ´ଢ଼Ԍ7(ଢ଼ \Ĕ;ଢ଼աɤ°sଢ଼ Y´ଢ଼ ଢ଼ ((Ģɑଢ଼ ؾܭଢ଼\ތ8ଢ଼ sଢ଼ ʈଢ଼ (Ŀʕ¯ଢ଼ T he ;ʀ;ܮଢ଼ ૌ°ଢ଼ B´ଢ଼ ´ৗଢ଼ °ଢ଼ ࡖ ܯय;ࣲsଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ľଢ଼ Ĕؿଢ଼ \s¯ـȚଢ଼ ҕଢ଼(#\ĭŗଢ଼ ļၘ ଢ଼ ଢ଼ԍs®ଢ଼77Ľଢ଼sଢ଼ ;فଢ଼ফƌ ྌਖļുဉၘ ଆ (ଢ଼ >ଢ଼ Aଢ଼)ଢ଼ގ۱ଢ଼ଢ଼ ଢ଼#Ⱥଢ଼ #ଢ଼ ଢ଼;ލଢ଼Gଢ଼ ´ଢ଼ 1ķ
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