WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION International Sport Federation (IF) recognized by the International Olympic Committee Gianarrigo Rona President To The Presidents of the WBF NBOs WBF Executive Council Members WBF President of the Congress WBF President Emeritus WBF Committee of Honour Members WBF Zonal Conference Presidents Lausanne, 1st September 2014 Dear Friends, WBF CONGRESS 2014 Following the preceding communication, I am pleased to confirm to you that the Congress of the World Bridge Federation will be held on Thursday, 16th October 2014 at 09.30 am at the MGM Grand Hotel in Sanya, China to examine and discuss the following Agenda 1. Roll call to determine quorum 2. Approval of minutes of preceding Congress Meeting in Lille 3. Report of the President 4. Report of the Treasurer 5. Unfinished business 6. New Business 7. Presentations: future events 8. Adjournment Headquarters :Maison du Sport International – 54 av. de Rhodanie – 1007 Lausanne –Switzerland Tel.: +41 21 544 7218 – Fax: +41 21 601 2315 President’s Address : Via Moscova 46/5 – 20121 Milano – Italy Tel.: +39 02 367 04 987 – Fax: +39 02 367 05 962 [email protected] I would like to remind you that, according to the WBF Constitution and By-Laws: each NBO in good standing may designate and accredit one delegate to the Congress any NBO in good standing may be represented at the Congress by a duly accredited proxy, but no person may represent more than one NBO I am also pleased to inform you that a continental breakfast will be served beforehand from 9.00 am and all delegates are invited to attend. Looking forward to meeting you in Sanya, Yours sincerely Gianarrigo Rona WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION Page 2 WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CONGRESS Saturday, 11th August 2012 – 09:30 Lille, France In Attendance Mr Gianarrigo Rona, President in the Chair Mr. J. Ortiz-Patiño, President Emeritus Mr. José Damiani, Chairman Emeritus Mr Marc De Pauw, Treasurer Mr George Retek, Secretary Mr Jeff Polisner, General Counsel The following Executive Council Members attended Mrs Sevinç Atay Mr Yves Aubry Mr Bruce Blakely Mrs Chen Zelen Mr Patrick Choy Mr Jean-Louis Derivery Mr Ernesto d’Orsi Mrs Joan Gerard Mr David Harris Ms Georgia Heth Mr Mazhar Jafri Mr Radek Kielbasinski Mr Bernard Pascal Mr John Wignall Also in Attendance Ms. Carol von Linstow, Secretary to the President The meeting was called to order at 09.30 a.m. by the President, Mr. Rona, who welcomed the delegates to this Congress meeting and thanked them for their presence in Lille. The meeting then proceeded as follows: 1. Roll Call to Determine Quorum Mr George Retek declared a quorum. The following member NBOs were represented by their President or his accredited representative, or by that representative’s proxy: ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BELGIUM BERMUDA BOTSWANA BRAZIL CANADA CHINA CHINA HONG KONG CHINA MACAU CHINESE TAIPEI COSTA RICA CROATIA CYPRUS DENMARK ENGLAND FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY GREECE GUADELOUPE ICELAND INDIA IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY JAPAN JORDAN KENYA LUXEMBOURG MALAYSIA MARTINIQUE MEXICO MOROCCO NETHERLANDS (THE) NEW ZEALAND NORWAY PAKISTAN PANAMA PHILIPPINES POLAND ROMANIA RUSSIA SAN MARINO SCOTLAND SINGAPORE SLOVAKIA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SWEDEN THAILAND TRINIDAD & TOBAGO TURKEY UKRAINE USA WALES The President declared the meeting open, there being 56 NBOs represented. 2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2010 Meeting The minutes of the 2010 meeting of Congress, held on 8th October 2010 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which had previously been circulated to all NBOs, were approved and ordered filed with the official records of the Federation. 3. President’s Report The President requested the delegates to stand in silence in memory of Mr Ding Guan Gen, the former President of the WBF Congress who died a few days ago. He then read his report which is attached as Exhibit 3. He emphasized the changes to the structure of the organization. During the past two years, an office had been established in Lausanne and we have obtained official recognition from the Canton de Vaud which will give us fiscal and administrative benefits. Minutes of the Congress Meeting 11th August 2012 – Lille, France Page 2 A great deal of emphasis had been placed on the development of Youth bridge which we hope will produce benefits in the years to come. He thanked the staff who had worked with him over the years and the delegates for attending the meeting. The report was adopted with acclamation. 4. Treasurer’s Report Mr. De Pauw presented his report which summarized the financial position of the WBF at end 2010 and 2011 which is attached as Exhibit 4. He explained that the objects of the WBF were to match the fixed items of expenditure with the fixed income. To date this has been satisfactorily achieved with the variable items showing a reasonable amount of income over expenditure. The President thanked Mr De Pauw for his report which was unanimously adopted. 5. Future Championships The President informed the meeting of the forthcoming future events. Mr Pascal, speaking on behalf of Zone 8, referred to the level of entry fees for world events. For small countries the entry fees are proportionally very high. The rules regarding participation in the Bermuda Bowl, Venice Cup and d’Orsi Seniors Cup, mean means they cannot play if they have not taken part in Lille. Thus it is likely that they will not participate in the Zonal Championships next year because they could not qualify in any case. The President thanked him for his comment which will be given consideration. Esther Sophonpanich pointed out that several countries from Zone 6 would be participating in the PABF Congress starting on 24th August, the day after these World Bridge Games finish. Since they were unable to attend both, it seems harsh that they cannot qualify to play in Bali. Minutes of the Congress Meeting 11th August 2012 – Lille, France Page 3 Samina Esmail from Kenya endorsed what Mr Pascal said for the countries in Africa and asked that the Executive give this some consideration. 6. Unfinished Business There was no unfinished business. The President thanked all the delegates for coming and, there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned sine die at 10:34. Minutes of the Congress Meeting 11th August 2012 – Lille, France Page 4 WORLD BRIDGE FEDERATION (Name & address of NBO) POWER OF ATTORNEY The undersigned ______________________________________ President of: NBO ______________________________________ hereby give proxy to ____ _______________________________ to represent ___________________________________ at the Congress of the World Bridge Federation to be held on 16th October 2014 in Sanya, China during the 2014 World Bridge Series. Date: _________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ Title _____________________________________________
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