84 ARTIFICIAL ANTIGENS WITH AGAR, GUM ACACIA AND CHERRY GUM SPECIFICITY. S. M. PARTRIDGE* AND W. T. J. MORGAN. From the Biochemical Department of the Lister Institute, London. Received for publication March 3, 1942. THE conversion of a bacterial polysaccharide into an antigenic complex that will induce the formation of immune-body complex specific for the polysaccharide component of the complex has been reported in earlier papers (Morgan and Partridge, 1940a, -1941a, b; Partridge and Morgan, 1940). The method of combining bacterial polysaccharide and protein components in formamide solution has now been extended to include the formation of antigenic complexes that contain as the serological specific haptens polysaccharides- of vegetable origin, and in the present paper the conversion of agar-agar, gum acacia and cherry-gum into antigenic complexes is described. A preliminary account of the work with the artificial agar antigen has already appeared (Morgan and Partridge, 1940b). EXPERIMENTAL. The experiments were made with the polysaccharides, agar-agar, kanten, gum acacia and cherry gum. In each instance the commercial material was subjected to a simple purification procedure that removed the gross impurities present and reduced considerably the nitrogen content of the polysaccharide preparations. The agar antigenic complex. A commercial sample of agar was freed from gross impurities and inorganic matter by solution in anhydrous formamide. The clear viscous solution was fractionated by precipitation with alcohol, and the main fraction that separated between the alcohol levels 50 per cent. and 60 per cent. was again dissolved in formamide. The fraction was precipitated from solution by 60 per cent. alcohol, and thoroughly washed with 60 per cent. alcoholic formamide and finally with absolute alcohol. The agar was then dissolved in boiling water to make a 0-1 per cent. solution and after cooling, dialysed for several days against distilled water at 00. The purified agar was recovered by the addition of alcohol to the dialysed solution, the material being subsequently washed with alcohol and dried in vacuo. The substance contained 0-8 per cent. N and was tested * Beit Memorial Research Fellow. ARTIFICIAL ANTIGENS. 85 for antigenicity in rabbits (Table I, animals 140, 141, 170 and 171). Two animals received eight doses of 0 05 mg. and two others ten doses of 02 mg., but in no instance were agar precipitins subsequently detected in the sera of these animals. For convenience, kanten, a breakdown product of agar, was used as hapten in the precipitation tests. A portion of the agar (60 mg.) was dissolved in 3 ml. of anhydrous formamide (m.p. + 20) and a sample of conjugated protein (40 mg.) prepared from the specific somatic antigen of Bact. shigae was added as a dry powder. The conjugated protein was prepared according to the method described by Morgan and Partridge (1940a, 1941a, b) and contained 11-4 per cent. N. The protein slowly passed into solution. The mixture was then allowed to stand at 370 for 2 hours, and, after increasing the volume by the addition of 10 ml. of formamide, was kept at 0-2° for 48 hours. The agar-protein complex was recovered by the addition of alcohol to the formamide solution, the precipitate was thoroughly washed with alcohol, was taken up in 10 ml. of boiling water and, after cooling, was evaporated to dryness from the frozen state. Samples of the material (10 mg.) were prepared for animal inoculation by suspension in 10 ml. of sterile saline and boiling for a few secorfds to ensure solution or fine dispersion. The opalescent, colloidal solution that was formed, however, was unstable on cooling, and a sediment of fine particles appeared on standing at room-temperature for several hours. The whole suspension was given to rabbits Nos. 142 and 143 (Table I). Three doses each of 0 05 mg. failed to induce the formation of specific precipitins, but after a rest period of one week and a further course of five 0-2 mg. doses, the serum of both animals gave precipitation when mixed with an equal volume of 1 in 104 or 105 dilution of kanten. Definite, though slight, precipitation was also given by the kanten preparation at a dilution of 1 in 106. The gelatinous character of a solution of the antigenic complex suggested that the preparation contained an excess of uncombined agar. The material was therefore dissolved in boiling water, allowed to cool slowly and to stand for some hours until the formation of the sparingly soluble floccules was complete. The suspension was then centrifuged and the deposit washed with small quantities of boiling water. The residue was dehydrated with alcohol and dried in vacuo. The material contained 8-9 per cent. N and 22 per cent. agar, estimated according to the method of S0rensen and Haugaard (1933). A specimen of the agar purified by formamide treatment was used for colorimetric comparison. The protein preparation gave only a trace of colour with orcinol and sulphuric acid, under the conditions of estimation employed. If one may judge from the limited number of animals used, the removal of the excess agar enhanced the antigenicity of the agar protein complex. Three intravenous doses of 0 05 mg. now gave rise to powerful kanten precipitins in each of the 3 rabbits inoculated (Table I, animals 182, 183 and 184). An antigenic complex was also prepared from agar and the conjugated protein obtained from the " 0 " antigen of Bact. typhosum. The same method for the formation of the complex was employed, and the resulting agar-protein complex was very similar in general appearance to that derived from agar and the " Shiga " protein component. The material again showed itself to be antigenic, and although three doses of 0 05 mg. proved insufficient to elicit 7 86 S. M. PARTRIDGE AND W. T. J. MORGAN. demonstrable kanten or agar precipitins, a further four similar doses gave rise to strongly precipitating sera (Table I, rabbits 185 and 186). In view of the claim made by Zozaya (1932) that agar could be rendered antigenic by adsorption on collodion, the agar preparation employed in the experiments described above was treated with a preparation of collodion (Schering-Kahlbaum) particles prepared according to Zozaya's technique. The particles were readily agglutinated with anti-agar immune serum, thus indicating that an agar-collodion adsorption complex had been formed. The agar-coated collodion particles were given intravenously to two rabbits (Table I, animals 176 and 177). Four doses each of 0*2 mg. gave no demonstrable anti-agar immune-body. After a week's rest a further course of four doses of 0 5 mg. was given, but there was no evidence that even weak agar precipitins had been formed. Preparation of kanten for use as test hapten. The anti-agar sera from rabbits immunized with the agar-protein complex were found to give heavy precipitation with a preparation of partially degraded agar called kanten. The preparation and properties of the substance have been described in detail by Takahashi and Shirahama (1934) and by Pirie (1936). Kanten lends itself more readily to purification than agar since it is readily soluble in cold water or saline yielding clear mobile solutions, and for this reason it has been found very convenient to use kanten in place of agar as test hapten. A 1 per cent. solution of agar was heated at 1000 for 2 hours, set aside to cool slowly and left overnight at 00. The liquid which separated from the agar-gel was collected and after concentration was evaporated to dryness. The crude kanten obtained in this manner contained 1-7 per cent. N, showed a negative rotation, [o]M5461-747, and dissolved readily in cold water to yield a clear solution. The material could be recovered from aqueous solution by precipitation with acetone, but precipitation was not complete even at 80 per cent. acetone level. A convenient method for the removal of nitrogenous impurities, however, was found and was based on the insolubility of kanten in 90 per cent. phenol solution. After three extractions with 90 per cent. phenol the nitrogen remaining in the kanten fell to 0*3-0 4 per cent. This material was used as test substance in place of agar in all experiments recorded in Table I. The gum acacia antigen. A method of purification of the commercial gum was chosen which was designed to avoid the use of strongly acid or alkaline reagents or heat treatment in order to reduce the risk of any degradation of the polysaccharide taking place. A sample of commercial gum B.P. (1 gm.) was dissolved in formamide (50 ml.), the small residue which remained undissolved was removed and the clear solution was treated with alcohol. The bulk of the material precipitated between the alcohol levels 40-50 per cent. Only a small quantity of substance was thrown out of solution above 50 per cent. alcohol and this was rejected. The main fraction was washed thoroughly with alcohol, I .. *- a - o 10oooooo H cq . o 0~~~~~~~~~ p.~o ~ V ol ca 0) | 0 o* 6 6 Z6 do 6 0 o cq q ho H x x X x 4w x X x X xX C) * 0~~~~~~~~~ 'q *SO 4a ° }H g - 1O00000 .OdS .4 -4 400-4 C,4 0 OOOO 4Z, ° O 0°. O 0 q- >.' re~~ 0 0 0 ° 0 Os 50 00 0 0 0 O0 X~ X~ X 0X0 c Ca X *S i B3~ ~ XX X*bbbbt X X C CO I. * CO COC4' a i .* . 2 ai ^ . {'Lf'}~~x wSi .R _e 40. o. e Ad 00 0 Ca . 0 Ca CDON l4 0 0b 88 S. M. PARTRIDGE AND W. T. J. MORGAN. dissolved in water and dialysed against repeated changes of distilled water. The acid polysaccharide was recovered by addition of an equal volume of ethyl alcohol after acidification with 1 ml. glacial acetic acid. The substance was redissolved in distilled water and again precipitated from solution by addition of an equal volume of alcohol. The dried preparation contained 0-23 per cent. N and 0 4 per cent. ash. A group of 6 rabbits was inoculated with varying doses of the purified gum acacia as set out in Table II (animals 178, 179, 199, 200, 205 and 206), but no precipitins specific for gum acacia were detected in any, of the sera examined. Uhlenhuth and Remy (1933, 1934) showed that certain commercial preparations of gum arabic are antigenic, but that after purification to remove a nitrogenous contaminant, the resulting gum no longer gave rise to immunebody. Similarly, Seideman (1940) showed that the serum of animals immunized with gum arabic preparations that gave positive protein reactions responded with the formation of immune-bodies reactive against a purified non-antigenic gum arabic. The sample of " Shiga " conjugated protein used to prepare the gum acacia antigen was obtained from the bacterial antigen isolated by the phenol method (Morgan and Partridge, 1941b). The purification of the conjugated protein consisted of a single precipitation with acetic acid from solution in cold, dilute NaOH solution. The sample contained 112 per cent. N, 1-07 per cent. P, and showed [cx]546l-48 ± 3°. The finely powdered protein (20 mg.) was mixed with the purified gum acacia (30 mg.) and formamide, m.p. + 20, (1 ml.) was added. The mixture was thoroughly stirred and allowed to stand at 0-20 overnight. Solution was not quite complet9; the small residue was rejected, however, and the clear supernatant was transferred to another centrifuge tube and 4 ml. alcohol added. The precipitate of protein-gum acacia complex was washed three times with alcohol to effect the complete removal of formamide, and the substance was suspended in 10 ml. of 0 9 per cent. NaCl solution. An opalescent suspension of the complex was obtained which slowly settled on standing. The suspension was centrifuged and the clear supematant discarded. The insoluble material contained 8-9 per cent. polysaccharide. It was again taken up in 10 ml. of 0-9 per cent. NaCl solution and finely dispersed by means of a glass tissue grinder. The protein content of the suspension was estimated and the volume adjusted so that the suspension contained 1 mg. of protein per ml. The dose given to the animals (Table II, animals 217, 221 and 227) was O 5 ml. A sample of the conjugated protein component of the " 0 " antigen of Bact. typhoaum was also used in place of the " Shiga " conjugated protein as the second component in the gum acacia antigenic complex. The protein was prepared from a diethyleneglycol primary extraction product of a culture of the " 0 " strain " 901 " and contained 11.5 per cent. N. Details of its preparation and properties will be given in a later paper. The technique used to accomplish the combination was the same as that already described. The complex proved to be a powerful antigen, and three intravenous doses of 0 05 mg. (calculated as polysaccharide) only were sufficient to induce the formation of strong gum acacia precipitins in the two animals immunized (Table II, animals 197 and 198). 0 * oooooo *i *+:: qW ..co 4 40 : : :°°°°°° - * t o *;@ H C * 0 * o ;i Cqa 00 ;i W 0~~~~~~~~~ C C O CO E~~~~~ o S AV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C ct § O O | 0 0 0 - *g p4 ,~ ~ ~ ~~0 x x (L 00 0O C;> 'sb *o 1e o Az 4) t't4-4400 cq Nq cq i0o N I'lI _ 0 p4 > C) ~~~~~~~~*_ 4) P4 eoXceh3~ ~ ~ ~ ~c 00~~~~~~~b (m .- .q aqt 0 0 40 et pie tDm E+Q 4) A~~~~~~~ *; 0 sOl C;> o I 2) 0 08 I 4) 0 ._ .e A ZH ,0 0 p 4 0 CO OF 00 d aO .10 Q) 4) 0 90 S. M. PARTRIDGE AND W. T. J. MORGAN. Cherry-gum antigen. A specimen of cherry-gum (0-75 mg.) kindly supplied by Prof. J. R. Marrack was dissolved in water (25 ml.). A small insoluble residue was removed, and the gum was precipitated from solution by the addition of 50 ml. alcohol containing a few drops of glacial acetic acid. The material was thoroughly washed with absolute alcohol and dried in vaCuo. The gum contained 0-52 per cent. N and was further purified by extraction with 90 per cent. phenol solution. The powder swelled to a clear gelatinous mass but did not dissolve. After three extractions the phenol was removed from the gum by trituration with alcohol. The material after drying in vacuo weighed 0-46 g. and was free from N. The antigenic complex was prepared exactly as described above for the gum acacia antigen. The complex after precipitation from formamide with alcohol was taken up in saline, vigorously shaken and- centrifuged. The deposit was again shaken with saline and finely dispersed with the aid of a glass tissue grinder. The resulting suspension was not stable, but slowly settled out on standing overnight in the cold room. Four rabbits were given six intravenous doses of the purified cherry-gum (Table III, animals 235, 243, 257 and 272), and three animals (Nos. 232, 262 and 263) were given the equivalent amount of gum in the form of cherry-gum protein complex. It will be seen from the results given in Table II1 that the hapten alone failed to induce the formation of specific cherry-gum precipitins, whereas the complex caused the production of specific immune-body after three doses only. Cross Precipitation Tests. In view of the overlapping specificity shown by the partial hydrolysis products of certain vegetable gums with anti-pneumococcal serum (Type II) (Marrack and Carpenter, 1938), it was considered of interest to investigate the reactions of the anti-sera described above with the pneumococcal specific polysaccharides (Types I and II) and with the heterologous gums. The undiluted immune serum was mixed with an equal quantity of a dilution of the gum or polysaccharide preparation, incubated for 2 hours at 370 and examined after standing at 0° for 18 hours. The results of these tests are given in Table IV. Gum acacia failed to give any precipitate when mixed TABLE IV.-Showing the Specificity of the Anti-polysaccharide Immune Sera. . Kanten Gum aoaoia. Precipitation test withAnti-gum acacia serum. Anti-cherry gum serum. Dilution of test hapten. Dilution of test hapten. Anti-agar serum. Dilution of test hapten. Test hapten. . . . 4 4 1 . 1 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . 0 0 0 . 4 2 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 01 O 0 0 0 0 0 O . 1 0 0 0 0 O 4 2 . . Cherry gum. Gum tragacanth. . .0 Hyaluronic acid PneumococcueTypeI specific Ppoiy-}yeI. II saeohafid jy-Type sacharinde GEastric mucin 'A" substance . 1I O0 O . 0 0 0 0 O 1 . 3 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 O . 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARTIFICIAL ANTIGENS. 91 with an anti-cherry-gum serum, whereas cherry-gum gave distinct, although weak, precipitation with anti-gum acacia serum. Preparations of kanten, gum tragacanth, hyaluronic acid, the specific polysaccharides of pneumococcus (Types I and II) and the blood group " A " polysaccharide isolated from pig gastric mucin failed to give any precipitation. The slight precipitation given by the Type I pneumococcus hapten with the anti-agar serum was probably due to agar substance in the preparation of the specific substance. Complement-Fixation Test8. Complement-fixation tests were carried out with anti-sera prepared against agar, gum acacia and cherry gum and the corresponding polysaccharide haptens. The soluble degradation product of agar, kanten, was employed as hapten in the tests with anti-agar serum, but owing to its strong anti-complementary action up to a dilution of 1 : 100,000 the tests have been considered untrustworthy. Similarly, with the cherry-gum-anti-cherry gum system the tests were rendered unsatisfactory owing to the anticomplementary action, up to a dilution of 1: 200, shown by anti-cherry gum serum. On the other hand neither the gum acacia at 1: 1000 dilution nor its homologous serum at 1: 20 dilution showed any anticomplementary action, and the complement-fixation tests showed that 1 M.H.D. of complement (0*2 ml.) was fixed by as little as 1 part of gum in 1: 10,000,000 parts of saline (0x2 ml.) in the presence of a 1: 20 dilution of the immune-body (0 2 ml.). Anti-sheep cell serum, 3-5 M.H.D., was used as amboceptor throughout the tests. Owing to the unsatisfactory nature of the agar and cherry gum complement-fixation tests no crossreactions within the three systems were investigated. Anaphylaxis Experiments. Groups of guinea-pigs (300-450 g.) were passively immunized with antiagar, anti-gum acacia and anti-cherry gum rabbit serum by receiving an intraperitoneal injection of 2-3 ml. of the immune serum. After 24-36 hours each animal was given an intravenous dose of the homologous hapten and observed for symptoms of anaphylaxis. Three animals immunized with anti-agar serum showed severe anaphylaxis after a dose of 1 mg. kanten; one animal died after 2 minutes. Two other animals which received 0.1 mg. of kanten showed definite symptoms of anaphylaxis, but subsequently recovered. Five guinea-pigs passively sensitized with 2 ml. of anti-gum acacia serum and shocked with 1 mg. of the homologous gum showed severe anaphylaxis. Three -of the animals died in 2-3 minutes after receiving the injection; the remaining two animals slowly recovered from shock during the following 2-3 hours. Similarly, a group of guinea-pigs, each of which had received an intraperitoneal injection of 3 ml. of anti-cherry gum rabbit serum likewise showed all the usual symptoms of shock when given an intravenous dose of the homologous gum 24 hours after the serum. Owing to the limited amounts of immune sera that were available no anaphylaxis tests that involved the use of heterologous haptens to induce shock were made. 92 S. M. PARTRIDGE AND W. T. J. MORGAN. DISCUSSION. The method of combining bacterial polysaccharide and protein components in formamide solution to form antigenic complexes has now been extended to include the formation of antigens in which polysaccharides of vegetable origin function as haptens. In this manner the polysaccharides agar-agar, gum acacia and cherry gum have been combined with the conjugated protein components of the " 0 " somatic antigens of Bact. shigae and Bact. typhosum and powerful antigenic complexes have been formed. Agar, gum acacia and cherry gum do not possess the property of forming soluble complexes with the conjugated protein in aqueous solution in the same way as certain other bacterial and tissue haptens (Morgan and Partridge, 1941b; Morgan, 1941). It is now shown that when these gums are mixed in formamide solution with a sample of the bacterial protein, the protein firmly retains part of the polysaccharide, yielding a complex that cannot be altered greatly in composition by repeated washing with water or dilute salt solution. Although the polysaccharide content of the association complex is in each instance low compared with that of the natural bacterial antigens, the complexes are nevertheless found to induce the formation of powerful anti-gum immune sera on injection into rabbits. It is now well known that proteins when combined with mono- and di-saccharides, polysaccharides and many simple organic compounds (see Landsteiner, 1936; Marrack, 1938) acquire a new immunological specificity, and when the complexes are subsequently injected into animals they induce the formation of immune body that is largely specific for the attached group. It is, however, frequently difficult to secure a chemical linking of protein with the more complex and labile polysaccharides such as the specific acetyl polysaccharide of the pneumococcus (Type I) or the " A " specific blood group polysaccharide of gastric mucin or saliva, without damaging the polysaccharide molecule and thus modifying its immunological specificity. For this reason a method of forming an antigenic polysaccharide-protein complex that involves a procedure no more violent than solution of the components in anhydrous formamide at room temperature is likely to prove of considerable value in future investigations. Some years ago Sordelli and'Mayer (1931) found that the immune-sera of horses that had been immunized with bacteria grown on agar medium developed agar precipitins. Utilizing this observation, Morgan (1936) showed that it was possible to detect, by means of anti-agar horse serum, agar and agar breakdown products in a. number of specific polysaccharide preparations.. The potency of these anti-agar horse sera, however, is not high even after the horses have received a prolonged course of immunization lasting over a period of several months. Furthermore, such sera arise only occasionally, and must be considered as accidental by-products in the manufacture of therapeutic sera for clinical use. The potent anti-agar rabbit serum, on the other hand, produced by means of the artificial agar-protein complex has proved of considerable value in following the removal of agar and kanten from antigenic material isolated from agar grown bacteria. Indeed, the precipitation reaction ARTIFICIAL ANTIGENS. 93 of agar or kanten with its homologous immune-body is so sensitive that material which fails to yield any of the colour reactions in the tests elaborated by Pirie (1936) for the detection of agar will nevertheless give definite precipitation when tested with anti-agar serum. The strong anti-complementary properties of kanten suggest that the anti-complementary nature of certain bacteria grown on an agar medium may, in part, be due to a surface coating of kanten. Since the original observation of Sordelli and Mayer no explanation for the conversion of agar into an antigenic complex has been forthcoming, but in view of our observations it seems likely that agar or its breakdown products combines with certain protein compon'ents of the bacterial cell and in this manner is transformed into a full antigen. The anti-gum acacia and anti-cherry gum immune sera were considered suitable for studying the serological relationships that might exist between these sera and other heterologous haptens, such as the specific polysaccharides of pneumococcus (Types II and III), thus contributing to the valuable observations of Marrack (1937) and of Marrack and Carpenter (1938) on the cross reactions shown by the acid hydrolysis products of vegetable gums and pneumococcus (Types II and III) immune-body (see also Morgan, 1937). Heidelberger, Avery and Goebel (1929) showed that the native gum acacia reacted only occasionally, and then very weakly, with Type II and III anti-pneumococcus serum, and that it was necessary to partially hydrolyse the gum before it showed any pronounced cross-reactions with the pneumococcus Types II and III immune-body. These workers suggested that even the slight activity of the original gum might be satisfactorily accounted for on the assumption that traces of the specifically reacting material were formed during a period of exposure in the process of refining the commercial product or by enzyme action. Indeed, it is clear from our experiments that there is no cross precipitation reaction between the specific polysaccharide hapten of the pneumococcus (Type II) and gum acacia and gum cherry immune-body. It seems improbable therefore that the aldobionic acid structure, which plays such an important part in the cross reactions shown by the partially hydrolysed gums and the pneumococcus (Type II) immune-body, exists as a serologically important configuration in the native gum-acacia and cherry-gum. This conclusion is supported by the observation that glucuronic acid fails to inhibit either of the homologous gum-anti-gum precipitation reactions. Galacturonic acid is also inactive in similar inhibition tests. Furthermore, virulent cultures of pneumococcus Types II and III are not agglutinated by the gum acacia and cherry gum immune-body. Cretcher and Butler (1928) and Butler and Cretcher (1929) showed that by mild acid hydrolysis gum acacia loses, its arabinose and rhamnose components very readily. Under these conditions of hydrolysis it is known from the work of Heidelberger, Avery and Goebel (1929) that a new serological specificity develops and that the resulting partially degraded gum now reacts with pneumococcus (Types II and III) antibody. These observations suggest that the serological specificity of the native gum acacia might be due in part to the specific configuration of the arabinose and rhamnose molecules, especially if the ring structure of the complex acidic nucleus brought forward by Norman (1937) is accepted. In such a structure for the native gum the 94 S. M. PARTRIDGE AND W. T. J. MORGAN. arabinose and rhamnose units are joined to the nucleus by glucosidic linkage, and thus, by masking the reactive surface of the aldobionic acid molecule they might be expected to play a dominant role in determining the serological specificity of the native gum. It has been found, however, that d-arabinose, I-rhamnose and d-fucose fail to inhibit the acacia-anti-acacia or the cherrygum-anti-cherry gum precipitation reactions. There is, therefore, no evidence based on specific inhibition that the pentose and methyl pentose components of the natural gums play any dominant part in determining their immunological specificity. We have had no opportunity of investigating further many points of considerable interest arising out of this work. SUMMARY. 1. The formation of antigenic complexes from the non-antigenic polysaccharides, agar, gum acacia and cherry gum and the conjugated protein component of the specific somatic antigens of Bact. sIhgae and Bact. typlhosum are described. 2. The artificial antigens induce the formation of immune-body specific for the polysaccharide components of the artificial antigenic complexes. 3. The homologous gum-anti-gum precipitation reactions are not inhibited by glucuronic or galacturonic acid and the anti-gum sera fall to agglutinate virulent pneumococci (Types II or III). REFERENCES. AND C. BUTLER, L., CRETCHER, L. H.-(1929) J. Amer. chem. Soc., 51, 1519. CRETCHER, L. H., AND BuTLER, C. L.-(1928) Science, 68, 116. HEIDELBERGER, M., AVERY, 0. T., AND GOEBEL, W. F.-(1929) J. exp. Med., 49, 847. LANDSTEINER, K.-(1936) 'The Specificity of Serological Reactions.' Baltimore. MARRACK, J. R.-(1937) ' Proc. 2nd Intemat. Congr. for Microbiol.' London.-(1938) 'The Chemistry of Antigens and Antibodies.' London. Idem AND CARPENTER.-(1938) Brit. J. exp. Path., 19, 53. MORGAN, W. T. J.-(1936) Biochem. J., 30, 909.-(1937) J. Hyg., 37, 372.-(1941) Chem. Ind., 60, 722. Idem AND PARTRIDGE, S. M.-(1940a) Biochem. J., 34, 169.-(1940b) Chem. Ind., 59, 849.-(1941a) Ibid., 60, 722.-(1941b) Biochem. J., 35, 1140. NORMAN, A. 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