Slides - College of Engineering, Purdue University

ECE 382—Feedback Systems Analysis and Design
Stan Zak
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
[email protected]
August 27, 2014
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Today’s class
The first homework assignment posted
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Today’s class
The first homework assignment posted
Today’s topic—The Laplace transform review
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Today’s class
The first homework assignment posted
Today’s topic—The Laplace transform review
The The Laplace transform defintion
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Today’s class
The first homework assignment posted
Today’s topic—The Laplace transform review
The The Laplace transform defintion
Examples of taking the Laplace transform
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Today’s class
The first homework assignment posted
Today’s topic—The Laplace transform review
The The Laplace transform defintion
Examples of taking the Laplace transform
Some properties of the Laplace transform
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Today’s class
The first homework assignment posted
Today’s topic—The Laplace transform review
The The Laplace transform defintion
Examples of taking the Laplace transform
Some properties of the Laplace transform
The initial-value theorem
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Today’s class
The first homework assignment posted
Today’s topic—The Laplace transform review
The The Laplace transform defintion
Examples of taking the Laplace transform
Some properties of the Laplace transform
The initial-value theorem
The final-value theorem
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The Laplace transform
The Laplace transform is an operator that transforms a function of time,
f (t), into a new function of complex variable, F (s), where s = σ + jω,
Z ∞
F (s) = L(f (t)) =
f (t)e −st dt
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The Laplace transform is a linear operator
Schematic representation of the Laplace transform operator
f (t) -
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
F (s) = L(f-(t))
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The Laplace transform is a linear operator
Schematic representation of the Laplace transform operator
f (t) -
F (s) = L(f-(t))
The operator L denotes that the time function f (t) has been
transformed to its Laplace transform, denoted F (s)
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The inverse Laplace transform
L−1 (F (s)) = f (t)
F (s)-
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
L−1 (·)
f (t) = L−1
(F (s))
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The inverse Laplace transform
L−1 (F (s)) = f (t)
F (s)-
L−1 (·)
f (t) = L−1
(F (s))
We will use only the one-sided Laplace transform
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Consequences of using the one-sided Laplace transform
Because we are using the one-sided Laplace transform, we define all
functions, whose Laplace transforms we compute, to be zero for
t < 0−
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Consequences of using the one-sided Laplace transform
Because we are using the one-sided Laplace transform, we define all
functions, whose Laplace transforms we compute, to be zero for
t < 0−
The definition of the unit step function, u(t),
1 if t ≥ 0
u(t) =
0 if t < 0
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Consequences of using the one-sided Laplace transform
Because we are using the one-sided Laplace transform, we define all
functions, whose Laplace transforms we compute, to be zero for
t < 0−
The definition of the unit step function, u(t),
1 if t ≥ 0
u(t) =
0 if t < 0
The unit step function is also called the Heaviside function
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Solving differential equations using the Laplace transform
Need the Laplace transforms of derivatives
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Solving differential equations using the Laplace transform
Need the Laplace transforms of derivatives
L dfdt(t) = sF (s) − f (0− )
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Solving differential equations using the Laplace transform
Need the Laplace transforms of derivatives
L dfdt(t) = sF (s) − f (0− )
Differentiating in the time domain corresponds to multiplying F (s) by
s and then subtracting the initial value of f (t)
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Solving differential equations using the Laplace transform
Need the Laplace transforms of derivatives
L dfdt(t) = sF (s) − f (0− )
Differentiating in the time domain corresponds to multiplying F (s) by
s and then subtracting the initial value of f (t)
2 df (0− )
L dfdt(t)
= s 2 F (s) − sf (0− ) − dt
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Solving differential equations using the Laplace transform
Need the Laplace transforms of derivatives
L dfdt(t) = sF (s) − f (0− )
Differentiating in the time domain corresponds to multiplying F (s) by
s and then subtracting the initial value of f (t)
2 df (0− )
L dfdt(t)
= s 2 F (s) − sf (0− ) − dt
n =
L dfdt(t)
df (0− )
d n−2 f (0− )
d n−1 f (0− )
s n F (s) − s n−1 f (0− ) − s n−2 dt − · · · − s dt n−2 − dt n−1
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The impulse function
The impulse function, denoted δ(t), also called the Dirac function, is
a signal of infinite amplitude, zero duration, and unity area
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The impulse function
The impulse function, denoted δ(t), also called the Dirac function, is
a signal of infinite amplitude, zero duration, and unity area
We can construct an impulse function as the limit of pulse functions
pεi (t) =
(u(t) − u(t − εi ))
as εi → 0
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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Generating δ(t) as the limit of pulse functions
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The Initial-Value Theorem
Let F (s) = L(f (t)) be a strictly proper rational function. Then,
lim sF (s) = f 0+
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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The Final-Value Theorem
Suppose that F (s) = L(f (t)) has poles only in the open left-half complex
plane, with the possible exception of a single-order pole at s = 0. Then,
lim sF (s) = lim f (t)
Stan Zak
(Purdue University)
ECE 382: Second class of Fall 2014
August 27, 2014
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