Catholic Kolping Society of Chicago Established 1872 National Kolping 40th Convention Hosts: Catholic Kolping Society of Chicago When: August 29th thru September 1st, 2014 Where: Embassy Suites Hotel Phone: 847-678-4000 - 5500 N. River Rd., Rosemont, Ill., 60018 Registration on Friday, August 29th Hospitality Greeting Party from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Delegates Meetings on Saturday, August 30th Planned activities during the day for non-delegates Hofbrauhaus House on Saturday Evening Mass: Sunday, August 31st, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. Queen of all Saints Basilica - 6259 N. Sanganash Ave. Chicago, Ill 60646 Phone: 733-736-6060 Luncheon: Chicago Kolping Center Sunday, August 31st, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. Rosemont Embassy Suites Hotel Ballroom ****************************************************** Bus transportation: Cincinnati to Chicago & during our stay in Chicago Banquet: Awards dinner: Cost per person: $125.00 Make your check payable to: Catholic Kolping Soc. Cincinnati Send to: Doris Wilke, 5180 Deeridge Lane, Cincinnati, O 45247 For more info call: Doris Wilke, 513-521-5019 There are vacancies on the Kolping National Board which will be filled at the National Convention. If anyone is interested in becoming a candidate or would like more information please contact: Ted Wilke, 513-941-0247 Kolping Bulletin May 2014 Kolping History In the last two months, a mountain of information has been supplied by Bill & Phyllis Lunnemann, Christa & John Olding, Hank Gerbus, Mary & Ted Tegenkamp, Doris & Werner Wilke, Jane Fitzpatrick, Gene Bertke, Ron Von Den Benken, Cathy Weissmann, Paul Boehm, Jim & Joyce Brown, Liz Ruether, Carol Kalkhoff, Dottie & Carl Nissen, Joan Rehling, Trey & Cindy Seibel, Larry Fehrenbach, Clara & George Ostendorf, Charlie & Helen Zix, Ferd & Walburga Kappen, Joe & Doris Ahrnsen, Otger Kappen, Harry & Dianne Schwietering, Nancy Ellensohn, Bev Meyer, Gerry Kreutzjans, Ben & Regina Albers and Nancy Finke. These people are known by most at Kolping, except for Jane Fitzpatrick, who is the granddaughter of Ed Lamping, a member from 1925 to 1999, as well as the Schützenkönig in 1929. Ed carved the eagle for Schützenfest for most of Kolping’s ninety year history. It is a stroke of good luck for today’s members that he also saved so many things and that Jane has done an excellent job of preserving the physical memories of her grandpa. The King’s Court information is nearly complete for the last fifty plus years. Still needed are court pictures for Willi & Christine Gerdes, as well as all court pictures from 1959 and before. It may not have been the general rule to even take court pictures before 1960, though we did find one from 1955. Pictures of the King and Queen from King’s Ball invitations are still needed for Frank and Vera Rosenacker (1964), and August Breuwer and Betty Lindner (1960), as well as any from 1959 and before. Like court pictures, these may not have even existed before 1962. A nice snapshot of the king and queen would be a good substitute. We have the names of all who were on the King’s Courts back to 1972 and also for 1965 and 1962. Does anyone have the name lists for the other years? We have a picture of every president of Kolping except for Fred Kuhn (1972), and Jack Bloemer (1986). Can anyone help with these two? They can be cropped out of a group shot, if necessary. Now for the hard part - personal stories and memories - When did you join Kolping and why? How many generations of your family have been involved in the Society? What are your earliest memories of Kolping? What are some of your favorite memories? How has being a member of the Kolping Society changed your life and/or made it better? These questions and others were asked of members back in 1991. Three of the members from the 1920’s and 1930’s answered before the project ended unfinished. Now, twenty-three years later, so many memories have been lost. Let’s not go down that road again! There is a reason we celebrate longevity of membership in the Kolping Society. Memories are important and need to be preserved. Now is the time to do that. We have a form, full of questions that we will gladly mail to you upon your request. Hank Gerbus and Otger Kappen have already beaten everyone to the punch with this. Please join them in this worthwhile endeavor. Translation help needed – We have some articles that appeared in the Kolping Banner in the early 1930’s, as well as some other articles that need to be translated to English. Anybody willing and able to help? It’s too big of a job for Manfred Schnetzer and Joe & Doris Ahrnsen alone! We need some “old timers” who have e-mail addresses, so we can pass along some pictures with the many faces that need to be identified. Thanks so much to all who have stepped forward with assistance and contributions of information. The positive response has been overwhelming. Our contact information is below. Mike & Nancy Pelzel 6205 Twinwillow Lane - Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 Kolping Bulletin May 2014 513-385-3120 or [email protected] The Kolping Sängerchor is always Interested in new members. If you are Interested in singing with us, please Talk to one of our singers about applying for membership. Make Music a Part of Your Life Join the Choir! ****************************** th Congratulations on your 90 Birthday April 4th Karoline Engler Thanks To the Kolping Sängerchor for a wonderful Spring Concert and meal. It was enjoyed by all. To all the people who supported the choir and to all the choir members who worked so hard to make it a success. Jim Slouffman, Chairman Doris Wilke, Co Chairman Join the group and tour the GM Assembly plant and Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:45 a..m. Leave the Kolping Center, 10235 Mill Rd. 11:30 a.m. (Bowling Green Time) Lunch 12.45 p.m. Arrive at the GM Assembly Plant 1:00 p.m. Tour of GM Assembly plant begins 2:00 p.m. Tour the Corvette Museum 3:30 p.m. Leave the museum for home 5:30 p.m. Rest stop 8:30 p.m. Approx. arrival at the Kolping Center Cost Per Person - $69.00 per person (Includes Lunch, Tour of GM and Corvette Museum) Make you check out to the Kolping Seniors: Send to: Doris Wilke, 5180 Deeridge Lane Cincinnati, Ohio 45247 Note: We will be gaining 1 hour on the way to Bowling Green and loosing 1 hour on the way home Seth Stevens SoccerTournament May 16, 17 & 18, 2014 Come out to Kolping and Joyce Park in Hamilton and watch so super soccer games all day Saturday & Sunday - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday games at Kolping in the evening Kolping Bulletin May 2014 SICK & SHUT-IN LIST Agnes Oevermeyer Gene & Sis Meister Ray Shively Tom Brinkmann Gunther Uhlhorn Frances Deddens Ted Segbers Bill Kraeling Hank Gerbus Mary Tensing Angela Hermes Keep these folks in your prayers. Send a card, make a visit or phone them. The days are long when you are sitting by yourself and have no visitors. ********************************** DEATHS John Albers, a long time Kolping member, passed away on April 21st, John was active with the Kolping Band and working at many events behind the scenes. We extend our sympathy to John’s wife, Agnes and sons, Arnold, Michael & Richard Carl Tempel, another long time member passed away on April 20th. Our sympathy to his daughter, Sharon. Our sympathy to Theo Leuker whose brother, Heinrich passed away in April in Germany. May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. DRIVERS NEEDED Many of our members are no longer able to drive for various reasons. If you are able and available to help in that cause, please contact me and we will be able to help you get in touch with a member who needs transportation to a doctor’s appointment. Thank you, Christa Olding, 513-385-1476 **************************************** 2014 KOLPING LENTEN PROJECT DONORS LIST Amrein, Walter & Elizabeth Eismann, Rudy & Margret Hoerstmann, Ferd & Lorraine Lunnemann, William & Phyllis Kolping Seniors 200.00 Kreutzjans, Gerry Meyer, Vince & Bev Mueller, Herman & Helen Ostendorf, George & Clara Pieper, Thomas & Lorraine Schrand, Helene Schulte, Eric & Mary Etta *************************************** KOLPING SENIORS Meeting – May 13. 2013 This is our “Annual Baby Shower” for the St. Mary’s Pregnancy Center. Any items for babies and or toddlers are always needed (diapers, under shirts, sleepers, etc) . Come and enjoy your friends—A good lunch and Gemütlichkeit. He is the Light In times of trouble, sorrow and care, Be still and listen, know that he is there, To comfort and give you, The strength that you need Whatever the problem, your prayers He will heed Protecting and guiding each soul in it’s plight, In dark hours, He is the light. Colette Fedor Kolping Bulletin May 2014 COMMUNION SUNDAY June 15, 2014 - 11:00 A.M. Kolping Center – 10235 Mill Rd. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS CELEBRATION In addition to honoring all the Kolping fathers at the June Communion Sunday Mass, we will also be celebrating the wedding anniversaries of all the Kolping couples who have been married 10, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 55, 60, 65 or 70 years in 2014. Thus far, we have 5 couples to honor: 60 Years John and Christa Olding Joseph and Marta Stukenborg 55 Years Ben and Magda Geers John and Sharon Schweitert 50 Years George and Clara Ostendorf There is still time to call Rita Musbach at 513-7931148 if you would like to celebrate your anniversary at Kolping. Following Mass, a buffet brunch will be served. Those celebrating will receive two tickets for brunch in the mail prior to the event. Please come join the honorees and their families for this special day. Cost for brunch is $8.00 per person. Children 10 and under, free. From The President Desk To the Cincinnati Kolping Sängerchor, on the celebration of their 25th, anniversary. This wonderfully talented group of dedicated ladies and gentlemen are the face of the Cincinnati Society. Not only have they performed many concerts here at Kolping, but CONGRATULATION also they have appeared at even more prestigious locations such as the May Fest the symphony, Riverbed. In addition, let us not forget their tours in Germany. Again, CONGRAULATION for your hard work. *(************************************** KOLPING PHONE NUMBERS President – Walter Amrein, 513-367-1511 V. President – Richard Ellensohn, 513-742-5895 Membership – Nancy Ellensohn, 513-742-5895 Sick Comm. – Christa Olding, 513-385-1476 Sub Group Presidents: Brewing Klub – Mike Seibel, 513-256-8213 Sängerchor – Jim Slouffman, 513-871-8447 Schützen Club – Aaron Callahan, 513-406-3188 Seniors – Christa Olding, 513-385-1476 Sports Club – Rick Hill, 513-858-1174 Young Families – Paul Ahrnsen, 513-542-8554 House & Grounds – Werner Wilke, 513-521-5019 Kolping Center Clubhouse Rentals – 513-851-7951 then press 1 Business Office – 513-851-7951 then press 1 Clubhouse – 513-851-7951 then press 5 Hall, 513-851-1951 then press 4 Kolping Bulletin May 2014 Euchre Schedule 2014 Kolping Center – 10235 Mill Rd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 May 4 Be sure to come early to register. We begin playing at 1:30 p.m. For info call: Doris Wilke, 513-521-5019 or 513519-1167 Happy Birthday to all our members celebrating in May 5/1 Koehling 5/1 Kraeling 5/2 Hessler 5/2 Lawrence 5/3 Curley 5/4 Reifenberger 5/5 Talkers 5/5 Meyer 5/5 Deyhle 5/5 Meister 5/5 Sterwerf 5/6 Lintz 5/7 Grinkemeyer 5/7 Rebholz 5/7 Kurzner 5/8 Oevermeyer 5/8 Schulten 5/8 Schon 5/8 Tabler 5/8 Albers 5/9 Kinne Herman William Russell William Robert Lynn Harry Vincent G. Sr. Herbert Zettarose (Sis) Kim Charles L., Jr. Robert Richard Dennis Gerhard Werner Vera Marcella Ben James 5/10 Ahrnsen 5/11 Lahrman 5/13 Schlake 5/13 Tonyan 5/13 Moore 5/13 Hessler 5/14 Ficker 5/16 Toebben 5/16 Wurzelbacher 5/17 Finke 5/17 Goetz 5/18 Olding 5/18 Thiemann 5/18 DeFranco 5/19 Hinnenkamp 5/20 Luther 5/20 Luther 5/20 Salemme 5/21 Kemper 5/22 Biederman 5/23 Koehling 5/23 Schnieder 5/24 Ruthman 5/24 Koester 5/24 Kirby 5/25 Abell 5/26 Resing 5/26 Probst 5/26 Hoerstmann 5/27 Gunning 5/28 Lunnemann 5/29 Meyer 5/29 Gottenbusch 5/29 Cissell 5/30 Ahrnsen 5/31 Walter 5/31 Lowry Josef Anna Agnes Mike Lisa Andrew Maria Matt Joseph Nancy Katherine John Donald Daniel Michael Kevin Kevin Tracy James David Joan James Thomas Gary Jeremy Lee James C. Dale Dan Bruce Phyllis Erich Wilhelm Jim Paul Karl Scott Kolping Bulletin May 2014 LENTEN PROJECT To date there has been $820, contributed towards the renovations of the organ at Old St. Mary’s church. The Project will end on May 31. If you intend to donate, make your checks out to: Cincinnati Kolping and on the lower left hand side of the check mark, “Lenten Project. Mail your checks to: Kolping, 10235 Mill Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45231. I want to thank all the donors thus far. There is a list of donors in the mailing. The Final list will be in the next addition. Walt Amrein President ************************************ Sorry to have omitted Ingrid and Joe Thompson from the bulletin workers list last month. ********************** Notice Upon the death of a MEMBER, please call the President of the Kolping Society or one of the Bereavement Committee members. In order that the membership can be aware that a MEMBER has died, the family of the decedent should be willing to place in the Death Notice that the decedent is a Member of the Kolping and at what time Kolping members should assemble for prayers. (This should be mutually agreed upon by the family and the Kolping representatives). The Board of Trustees agreed that this notice should present members of the Bereavement Committee are: Christa Olding, Marilee Uhlhorn, Lois Kemper or Berni Brunsman Bulletin Articles for June Bulletin articles must be in by Wednesday, June 4th for the June Bulletin. Send to: Doris Wilke Email: [email protected] ******************************************* Fr. David Hiller Fund Report The fund received donations from the following folks during the past month Donation: Mrs. Hessler Wally Gerbus Memorial John Krallman Mary Ann & Lee Schmidlin John (Hans) Albers Clara & George Ostendorf Roma & Hank Gerbus Mary & Ted Tegenkamp Chris, Bill & Billy Janszen We extend our sympathy to the families who lost a loved one and that God may give them strength during this difficult time. Thank you all for supporting this Fund. Ted Tegenkamp, Treasurer (513)941-6439 ****************************************** Kolping Bulletin May 2014 20.00. If your team gets together and buys 40 tickets you get them for the price of $100.00. That's only $20 per team member and a chance to win $3000. More Details to follow on shooting night this month. SCHUETZEN KLUB KORNER Next Shooting Date: May 16, 2014 Place: Kolping Clubhouse Practice: 7:00 Competition: 8:00 Targets: NEED Bar: Team Hoerstmann Food: Team Wilke Tickets: NEED We need two teams to help out. One for targets and one to sell tickets. This is the last month of shooting so please talk to your team about filling these spots. This is your last chance to help out during shooting season Last Month Honors Competition High Individual: Brian Sunderman - 68 Competition High Team: Team Abell - 327 Workers sign-up sheet for Schuetzenfest will be available this month. (TEAM CAPTAINS - talk to your team now and pick your shift). We are working with Jim Stukenborg on the Grand Raffle for Schutzenfest. We are wanting team support in buying Grand Raffle tickets. The Grand Raffle is a progressive split the pot with a minimum payout of $3000 and no cap on how much can be won. Tickets are $5.00 each, 3 for 10.00, 7 for We will be having an end party this year. It will be held outside at the pavilion on Friday June 20th. This is for team members and their spouse/girlfriend. Team Captains - please get me a number of how many from your team will be attending. We need a number to buy food for the event. There will also be an awards ceremony with awards going to the top team for the year and the top shooters from each month. Please feel free to email me or call me with any questions at 513-406-3188 or [email protected]. Thanks! Aaron Callahan, President ****************************************** I will do more (Twelve Guideposts for Living) I will do more than belong – I will participate I will do more than care – I will help I will do more than believe – I will practice I will do more than be fair – I will be kind I will do more than forgive – I will forget I will do more than dream – I will work I will do more than teach – I will inspire I will do more than earn – I will enrich I will do more than be friendly – I will be a friend I will do more than be a citizen – I will be a patriot Carl Britt
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