Physics at LHC – Israeli contributions S. Tarem RECFA meeting, Tel Aviv 10.4.2014 SM Higgs Statistical methods for hypothesis testing Eilam Gross w O, Vitellis • • • Eur. Phys. J. C 71, 1554 (2011) Eur. Phys. J. C 70, 525 (2010) Phys. Rev. D 81, 055010 Eilam Gross: Editor of Higgs discovery paper in role as Higgs convener • Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC Phys. Lett. B 716 (2012) H 4l VBF, Yoram Rozen, Eitan Gozani (PhD), Alessandro Di Mattia (postdoc) • Measurements of Higgs boson production and couplings in diboson final states with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, Phys. Lett. B 726, 88 (2013) SM Higgs, ttH, H with both decay hadronically, one top hadronic and the other to lepton. E.Gross with Michael Pitt (PhD) and Jana Schaarschmidt (postdoc) – in progress BSM Higgs Search for neutral MSSM Higgs bosons decaying to τ+τ− pairs : Eilam Gross w Michael Pitt – Physics Letters B 705, 174 (2011) Charged Higgs search: Eilam Gross with Liron Barak (PhD), Yoram Rozen with Silvia Behar (finished PhD). JHEP 1206, 039 (2012) Eilam Gross with Liron Barak, Jana Schaarschmidt • Heavy charged higgs decaying to top+bottom – in progress Shikma Bressler, Avital Dery, Aielet Efrati • Lepton flavor violating Higgs decays – in progress Studies for high luminosity • Physics at a High-Luminosity LHC with ATLAS ATL-PHYS-PUB2012-001 • Beyond-the-Standard-Model Higgs boson searches at a HighLuminosity LHC with ATLAS ATLAS-PHYS-PUB-2013-016 • Liron Barak - WI SUSY – long lived charged particles Shlomit Tarem with S. Bressler, E. Kajomovitz (both graduated), Elisa Musto (postdoc), Revital Kopeliansky (PhD) • Search for long-lived charged particles (stau, R-hadrons, charginos) – – – – Phys. Lett. B 720, 277 (2013). (2011 data) Phys. Lett. B 703, 428 (2011). (2010 data) Eur.Phys.J.C62:281-292 (2009). (methods) Paper on 2012 data in progress, preliminary ATLAS-CONF-2013-058 A method for fast LLP search • When a Muon Is Not a Muon, Detecting Fast Long-Lived Charged Particles from Cascade Decays Using a Mass Scan, I. Galon, Y. Shadmi, S. Tarboush and S. Tarem, Journal of High Energy Physics, 5 (2012), 136, arXiv:1112.4486 [hep-ph] Long-lived neutral particle Avner Soffer with Nimrod Taiblum (PhD) and Arik Kreisel (postdoc, now staff at Soreq) - TAU • Searches for long-lived particles: 2 papers with muon + displaced vertex, working on 3rd paper (adding new channels) – Phys.Lett. B719 (2013) 280 (2010 data) – Phys.Lett. B707 (2012) 478 (2011 data) Non LLP SUSY • Search for new phenomena in final states with large jet multiplicities and missing transverse momentum – Ehud Duchovni, Itamar Roth - WI (PhD), JHEP 11 (2011) 099 • Search for supersymmetry in events with photons, bottom quarks, and missing transverse momentum – Ehud Duchovni, Ofir Gabizon (finished PhD, now postdoc) - WI, Phys.Lett. B 719 (2013) 261-279 Search for Exotics Physics (TAU) • Team: Erez Etzion, Gideon Bella • Postdoc: Merlin Davies • Recently graduated: Noam Hod, Yiftah Silver, Yonathan Munwes • Graduate students: Nir Amram, Avi Gershon, Adi Ashkenazi, Gidi Littwin Search for dijet resonance • Dijet resonance - A. Ashkenazi, G. Littwin, M. Davies, G. Bella, E. Etzion – TAU • Trigger Level Analysis for Dijets Mass Resonance Search - G. Littwin, E. Etzion, C. Doglioni, M. Davies, G. Bella, A. Ashkenazi • Dijets Angular Distribution – Complementary for to mass resonance search, to account for wide resonances or high tail Search for heavy resonances • Search for heavy resonances: di-muons - N. Hod, Y. Urkovsky, Y. Silver, Y. Oz, G. Bella, E. Etzion – TAU • Dileptons->Zkk - In collaboration with TAU Theorists – JHEP 1211 (2012) 138 • Search for WZ resonance in 3l channel - M. Davies – TAU – ATLAS-CONF-2014-015 (soon to be published) • Search for top antitop resonances - A. Gershon, G. Bella, E. Etzion - TAU combine resolved and boosted selection • Exotics: Dark Matter search • Yoram Rozen, Eitan Gozani (PhD), Sandro Di Mattia, Henso Abreu (postdocs) -Technion • DM candidate may come from or in association with heavy quarks. Search for DM by looking for large MET in tt-bar environment (high jet multiplicity) and in association with a single b jet (low jet multiplicity) QCD • J/ψ cross section and polarization - N. Amram, Y. Munwes, G. Bella, E. Etzion – TAU • Extracting the signal of double parton scattering in four-jet events (7TeV, 2010) – Halina Abramovitz, Orel Gueta (PhD) TAU Heavy ion physics - Weizmann People: • Sasha Milov • Zvi Citron • • • • PI Post-doc Short term visitors Petr Balek Charles U. visiting student Thomas Balstri Stony Brook U. visiting student Evgeny Shulga MEPhI. visiting student • Direct collaborators • Alexei Antonov MEPhI. Joint analysis • Natalia Korotkova Moscow State U. Joint analysis Z and W Z – with Zvi Citron • Goals: Initial state of collisions, Jet energy loss by jet tagging • Signature: W and Z bosons produced in hard interaction processes and immediately decay into a pair of leptons. Leptons leave hot medium without interacting with it, and provide direct insight on initial state of Heavy Ion collisions. – Z in PbPb published Phys. Rev. Lett 110, 022301 (2013) – Z+jet in PbPb preliminary ATLAS-CONF-2012-119 – Z in pPb work in progress W – with Thomas Balestri, Zvi Citron – W in PbPb work in progress More HI dNch/d in pPb - Natalia Korotkova, Alexei Antonov and Sasha Milov • Goals: Study of soft particle production, Understanding centrality behavior. • Signature: charged tracks down to very at low pT. Centrality behavior is very interesting in asymmetric collisions. Test for centrality determination in pPb (first time) – ATLAS-CONF-2013-096 Hadron spectra: • Goals: Charged hadron suppression at high pT. Initial state effects. • PbPb Petr Balek and Sasha Milov – ATLAS-CONF-2012-120 • pPb Evgeny Shulga and Sasha Milov – ATLAS-CONF-2013-107
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