Annual Course Calendar 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS Austrian Sicherheitsakademie Rights of Victims 5 Study Visits Info 6 Course descriptor is in German language. There are only two additional seats for AEPC members available. Applications in an informal way have to be sent via e-mail to [email protected] and CC to [email protected] Belgian Police College School Shooting Incidents 7 Basic Communication skills 9 Common Curriculum Europol 11 Gold Commander Course 13 Basic Generic Training (Mission Predeployment) 15 France, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police (ENSP) Management of Change 17 Islam and Radicalism 21 (Course descriptor attached both in English and French language) German Police University Police on the Web 2.0 (Basics) 25 Police on the Web 2.0 – New Media and Crime / Crime on the Internet 26 Cross-Border Traffic Control in a Common European Traffic Area 27 Strategy and Tactics to Cope with Operational Situations 28 Migration, Illegal Immigrant Smuggling, Trade in Human Beings: … 29 Politically Motivated Crime 30 Police Leadership and Management 31 Present Forms and Strategic Aspects of Fighting Organised Crime 32 Drug Crime 33 Present Medical Developments in the Police Medical Service 34 Managing Operational Incidents to Fight Politically Motivated Crime 35 Innovations in Police Technology 36 Current Problem Areas in Police Top Management 37 2 Criminal Strategy 38 The complete course calendar and detailed information to above listed courses (also in German and French language) are available on the website Hungary, National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the European Union 39 The History and Structure of the Hungarian Police 41 Mediation and Restorative Justice 44 Challenges tax and customs administration are facing 47 Lithuanian Police School Professional English language course for Police officers B1 49 Professional English language course for Police officers B2 51 Crime within and against ethnic groups 53 Drug Crime 56 Fight against Corruption 59 MEPA Course descriptor is in German language. Applications in an informal way have to be sent via e-mail to [email protected] and CC to [email protected] Police Academy of the Netherlands Meeting the Police Education Below Sea Level (light version) 62 Meeting the Police Education Below Sea Level (long version) 64 Poland, Police Academy in Szczytno Commanding Police Operations during Crisis Situations 66 Swedish National Police Academy Analysis of phenomena within strategic criminal intelligence operations 68 Scrutiny and classification of child pornography materials 69 Basic IT-forensic training 70 3 IT-forensic overview Prevention and detection of violent endorsement radicalisation on 71 local level (train-the-trainers concept) 72 Special Police Tactics – crowd control 73 Italy, Interagency Law Enforcement College of Advanced Studies Advanced Training Course for Senior Police Officers 74 Training Course for police officers responsible for special anti-drug units 76 Crime Analysis Training Course ( 1st level) 78 Police Academy of Montenegro Training of police officers for sensitive work with the LGBT community 80 Albanian basic course 82 Regional conference on illegal immigrations (in co-operation with DCAF) 84 Application form 86 Switzerland: no special courses; police officers interested in attending an ordinary Swiss course and if they speak enough German, French or Italian to really participate, are always welcome to sign up for courses published on the website 4 Opferrechte - Workshop zur opfergerechten Ermittlungsarbeit Zielgruppe: Bedienstete der Sicherheitsexekutive, die häufig mit Opfern von Straftaten – insbesondere mit Opfern von Gewaltdelikten – zu tun haben; es wird erwartet, dass die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer bereit sind, wesentliche Seminarinhalte im Rahmen der dezentral durchgeführten Fortbildungsmaßnahmen (Fortbildungstage) weiterzugeben Ziele: die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer kennen die rechtliche Situation des Opferschutzes, diskutieren mögliche psychologische Auswirkungen auf die Opfer von Straftaten und erweitern ihren diesbezüglichen Handlungsspielraum unter Berücksichtigung der bestehenden Opferschutzeinrichtungen Inhalte: Situation des Opfers aus psychologischer Sicht; Rechtslage; Opferschutzeinrichtungen und deren Aufgaben; Schnittstelle und Zusammenarbeit mit der Polizei Termin: 26. - 28.05.2014 (Beginn 1. Tag: 09:00 Uhr) Ende der Bewerbungsfrist: 17.03.2014 Ort: BZS Wien, Lehrsaal 135 Marokkanergasse 4 1030 Wien Vortragende: Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der Opferhilfeorganisation „Weisser Ring“ 5 Study visits infos Name of the Police Training Institution Original name Bundesministerium für Inneres - Sicherheitsakademie (SIAK) English translation Federal Ministry of the Interior - Sicherheitsakademie (SIAK) Location address Original version Postal address: A-1014 Vienna, Herrengasse 7 Address vor visitors: A-1030 Vienna, Marokkanergasse 4 Main activities of the PTI (short description) Kind of activities all kind of general training (no special training for criminal police, intelligence, squads, dog handlers, alpinists) Level of education all levels Specialised training Working languages German Type of visits Groups Yes No Individuals Yes No Accommodation at the PTI Yes No Meals at the PTI Yes No breakfast lunch dinner Supplement of information Guest rooms in the guest house of Vienna Police can be offered, if available. All meals are on participants expenses (breakfast: 3,50 €, lunch: 4.80 € Travel access by plane – name of the airport Vienna Airport by train – name of the station(s) Vienna by car or bus Location map Contact Federal Ministry for the Interior - Sicherheitsakademie Unit for International Affairs, A-1014 Vienna, Herrengasse 7 E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: +43 1 53126 4852 6 Name of the Police Academy Belgian Police College Course title School shooting incidents ("AMOK") Date To be determined by end January Duration 1 day Contents - Experiences from abroad; - The situation in Belgium; - AMOK working group; - Tactical processes; - AMOK tactical concept; - Legal considerations. Objectives - To strengthen the police's attention towards AMOK; - To highlight to importance of a quick intervention; - To highlight the AMOK threat in the light of events in Belgium and abroad; - To understand the mission, work and recommendations of the AMOK working group; - To learn the methodology to efficiently address AMOK incidents; - To apply the relevant techniques for AMOK interventions; - To raise awareness about the preparatory and prevention rules that ca be implemented at local level. Deadline for registration Min. 2 weeks before the start of the course. Place Belgian Police College - Brussels Languages French - Dutch Fee No registration fee. 7 Number of Participants max. 300 Target group Senior Police Officers Information and Registration Gaëlle Bistiaux Tel: +32 2 42 70 05 Mobile: +32 473 65 02 25 Email: [email protected] Accommodation Basic comfort single rooms available within the police compound (free of charge, according to availabilities). Catering Breakfast and lunch available in the police compound (about 5€/meal). Many snacks and restaurants in the surroundings. Extra Costs / Additional Remarks / 8 Name of the Police Academy Belgian Police College Course title Basic Communication skills Date To be determined by end January Duration 3 days Contents - Formal and informal communication; - The communication scheme; - Systematic communication approach; - Communication traps; Verbal and non-verbal communication; - Active listening; Assertiveness and self-confidence; - Metacommunication. Objectives - To apply basic communication principles; - To describe verbal and non-verbal communication limits; - To explain links between communication and HRM projects within he police; - To implement basic communication skills. Deadline for registration Min. 2 weeks before the start of the course. Place Belgian Police College - Brussels Languages French - Dutch Fee No registration fee. Number of Participants max. 15 Target group 9 Senior Police Officers Information and Registration Gaëlle Bistiaux Tel: +32 2 42 70 05 Mobile: +32 473 65 02 25 Email: [email protected] Accommodation Basic comfort single rooms available within the police compound (free of charge, according to availabilities). Catering Breakfast and lunch available in the police compound (about 5€/meal). Many snacks and restaurants in the surroundings. Extra Costs / Additional Remarks / 10 Name of the Police Academy Belgian Police College Course title Basic Generic Training (Mission predeployment) Date To be determined by end January Duration 10 days (two consecutive weeks) Contents Objectives Deadline for registration Min. 2 weeks before the start of the course. Place Belgian Police College - Brussels Languages English Fee No registration fee. Number of Participants max. 24 Target group Senior Police Officers willing to be deployed in a EU/UN mission. Information and Registration Gaëlle Bistiaux Tel: +32 2 42 70 05 Mobile: +32 473 65 02 25 Email: [email protected] Accommodation Basic comfort single rooms available within the police compound (free of charge, according to availabilities). Catering Breakfast and lunch available in the police compound (about 5€/meal). Many snacks 11 and restaurants in the surroundings. Extra Costs / Additional Remarks / 12 Name of the Police Academy Belgian Police College Course title Gold Commander Course Date To be determined by end January Duration 13 days (NOT in a row) Contents - Leading and coordinating police actions on one or several districts/provinces; Taking and implementing strategic decisions, taking all actors into account (organisers, authorities, emergency services,…). Objectives At the end of the training, participants will be able to: - Determine strategic objectives and expected results; - Determine risk levels and tolerance limits; - Collect and analyse information; - Develop police plans and tactics; - Present structured strategic briefings; - Validate bronze and silver plans; - Plan internal and external communication. Deadline for registration Min. 2 weeks before the start of the course. Place Belgian Police College - Brussels Languages French - Dutch Fee No registration fee. Number of Participants max. 25 Target group Senior Police Officers preparing to reach the Gold Commandement level. Information and Registration 13 Gaëlle Bistiaux Tel: +32 2 42 70 05 Mobile: +32 473 65 02 25 Email: [email protected] Accommodation Basic comfort single rooms available within the police compound (free of charge, according to availabilities). Catering Breakfast and lunch available in the police compound (about 5€/meal). Many snacks and restaurants in the surroundings. Extra Costs / Additional Remarks / 14 Name of the Police Academy Belgian Police College Course title Basic Generic Training (Mission predeployment) Date 14-25 April 2014 13-24 October 2014 Duration 10 days (two consecutive weeks) Contents - Conflicy cycle; - EU / UN missions: structure, mandate, procedures,… - Mentoring and advising; - Code of conduct; - Stress management; - Mine awareness; - Land navigation and radio communication; - International rule of law; - Human Rights; - Women and children in armed conflicts; - Mediation and negotiation; - Interviews; - …. Objectives During this basic training, participants will: - Understand the conflict cycle; - Get detailed knowledge of the functioning of EU (and UN) missions; - Learn about the main challenges and issues faced during a mission, both at professional and personal levels; - Identify all partners in a mission and how to work with them; - Exchange will colleagues who already have mission experience; -¨Prepare for the mission interviews Deadline for registration Min. 2 weeks before the start of the course. 15 Place Belgian Police College - Brussels Languages English Fee No registration fee. Number of Participants max. 24 Target group Senior Police Officers willing to be deployed in a EU/UN mission. Information and Registration Gaëlle Bistiaux Tel: +32 2 42 70 05 Mobile: +32 473 65 02 25 Email: [email protected] Accommodation Basic comfort single rooms available within the police compound (free of charge, according to availabilities). Catering Breakfast and lunch available in the police compound (about 5€/meal). Many snacks and restaurants in the surroundings. Extra Costs / Additional Remarks / 16 Name of the Police Academy Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Course title Management of change Date 2 to 3 December 2014 Duration 2 days Contents and objectives To identify the resistance mechanisms related to any form of change. To identify the factors and conditions for a successful change. To address issues in proper time, to define a strategy and design a strategic planning according to the different types of change. To take benefit from exchange of experience and good practice. Deadline for registration One month prior to the activity Place Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Saint Cyr au Mont d’Or (close to Lyon) France Languages French Fee Number of Participants 2 seats for participants from outside the French police service Target group Top police executives involved in the management of organizations. A good command of the French language is required. Information and Registration 17 CONTACT ENSP Superintendents' education department Ms Dominique LAMBERT Tel + 33 (0)4 72 53 18 73 Accommodation 50 €/overnight Catering 40 €/day Extra Costs (optional) domestic transport : 20 €/course Additional Remarks none 18 Nom de l’académie de police École Nationale Supérieure de la Police Intitulé Conduire et accompagner le changement Date Du 2 au 3 décembre 2014 Durée 2 jours Contenus et objectifs Décrypter les mécanismes de résistance inhérents à la mise en œuvre de tout changement. Identifier les leviers d'action et les conditions de réussite du changement : Se poser les bonnes questions au bon moment, définir une stratégie et un plan d'accompagnement adaptés à différentes situations de changement Bénéficier d'échanges d'expériences et de bonnes pratiques. Date butoir d’inscription Un mois avant le stage Lieu Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Saint Cyr au Mont d’Or (à côté de Lyon) France Langue Français Honoraires Nombre de participants 2 places sont réservées à des participants extérieurs à la Police Nationale française Public visé Directeurs de Services, au grade de contrôleur général ou équivalent. Une bonne pratique de la langue française est requise. Informations et inscriptions 19 CONTACT ENSP Département des formations des Commissaires de Police MME Dominique LAMBERT Tel + 33 (0)4 72 53 18 73 Hébergement 50 €/nuit Restauration 40 €/jour Coûts supplémentaires (en option) transports sur place : 20 €/stagiaire Précisions complémentaires 20 Name of the Police Academy Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Course title Islam and radicalism Date 1 to 16 october 2014 Duration 4 days Contents Objectives To get acquainted with the main principles of Islam through the contribution of experts on the following topics : - the basics of Islam, - the landscape of militant Islam in France, - various forms of Islamist radicalization in Europe, - the radical expression and its vectors, - radical Islam in prison, - addressing radicalization, Deadline for registration 7One month prior to the activity Place Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Saint Cyr au Mont d’Or (close to Lyon) France Languages French Fee None Number of Participants 3 seats for participants from outside the French police service Target group 21 Commanding officers from all ranks. A good command of the French language is required. Information and Registration CONTACT ENSP Superintendents' education department Ms Dominique LAMBERT Tel + 33 (0)4 72 53 18 73 Accommodation 50 €/overnight Catering 40 €/day Extra Costs (optional) domestic transport : 20 €/course Additional Remarks 22 Nom de l’académie de police Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Intitulé Islam et radicalisme Date Du 14 au 16 octobre 2014 Durée 4 jours Contenus Objectifs Intégrer les grands principes de l'Islam à travers l'intervention d'experts sur : les fondamentaux de l'Islam le paysage de l'Islam militant en France sociologie des modes contemporains d'appartenance à l'Islam le discours radicaliste et ses vecteurs imaginaires et dynamiques de nouvelles contestations dans le monde musulman les finances islamiques Date butoir d’inscription Un mois avant le stage Lieu Ecole Nationale Supérieure de la Police Saint Cyr au Mont d’Or (à côté de Lyon) France Langue Français Honoraires Nombre de participants 2 places réservées à des participants extérieurs à la Police Nationale française 23 Public visé Commissaires de police ou commandants de police chefs de services, ou leurs équivalents. Une bonne pratique de la langue française est requise. Informations et inscriptions CONTACT ENSP Département des formations des Commissaires de Police MME Dominique LAMBERT Tel + 33 (0)4 72 53 18 73 Hébergement 50 €/nuit Restauration 40 €/jour Coûts supplémentaires (en option) transports sur place : 20 €/stagiaire Précisions complémentaires 24 Crime No. 02 / 01 / 13 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Police on the Web 2.0 ‐ New Media and Crime / Cybercrime [See also: No. 01 / 01 / 01 / 2014: Police and Social media ‐ Police and Social media under operational and tactical aspects No. 03 / 04 / 26 / 2014: Police on the Web 2.0 ‐ Aspects of prevention in connection with new media No. 07 / 01 / 43 / 2014: Police and Social media ‐ Basics seminar No. 08 / 04 / 50 / 2014: Police and Social media ‐ Public relations with special reference to new media Dates: 08.12., 14:00 ‐ 10.12.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Number of participants: 80 Objectives: Participants will learn about and analyse forms, extent and development trends of crime in connection with new media as well as present prevention and control strategies including the ensuing challenges for leading police officers. Main topics: • Aspects of operative strategies to fight cybercrime • Use of the Internet by the police – legal and other limits • Police investigations of social networks and exchange of views about prevailing regulations resulting from experiences made up to now • New media and organisational development • Present situation Target group: Leading police officers and their international counterparts, public prosecutors and judges Organisational hints: Seminars of the series “Police and Social Media / Police on the Web 2.0“ are independent activities. Participation in the basics seminar is no compulsory prerequisite for admission to seminar 2 –5. The combination of various seminars, i.e. repeated participation within the seminar series is however possible. An overlapping of seminar contents shall be avoided, individual aspects may however be treated in various seminars of the series. Course manager / organisation: Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Udo Renneke, Department of Criminalistics – Basics of Criminal Strategy Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Norbert Pöggeler Department of Criminalistics – Phenomenon‐Related Criminal Strategy Seminar language: German 25 No. 02 / 04 / 16 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Present Forms and Strategic Aspects of Fighting Organised Crime Dates: 30.06., 14:00 ‐ 02.07.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Number of participants: 80 Objectives: Participants will analyse forms of organised crime under national and international aspects, assess their threat potential and discuss preventive and repressive counter strategies. Main topics: • Present forms of organised crime (national and international) • The situation of organised crime in Germany • Counter measures / deficiencies • Possibilities and forms of international cooperation (e.g. organised crime in and from Russia) • Rocker crime (international development, international counter measures) • Cybercrime • OC situation EUROPOL (EU‐SOCTA) 2013 (if published) and backgrounds as well as cooperation with EUROPOL Target group: Leading police officers, particularly heads of criminal police offices with a leading role in fighting organised crime, judges and public prosecutors as well as staff members of the ministries of the interior and justice departments, of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution responsible for fighting organised crime as well as their international counterparts. Course manager / organisation: Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Matthias Zeiser, Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Norbert Pöggeler, Department of Criminalistics – Phenomenon‐Related Criminal Strategy Seminar language: German 26 No. 02 / 05 / 17 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Drug Crime Dates: 03.09., 14:00 ‐ 05.09.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Number of participants: 80 Objectives: Participants will discuss international and national developments in the field of drug crime, gain knowledge from recent scientific studies on drug crime and discuss the continuation of national and international anti‐drug policies. Main topics: • National/international situation • Consideration of present phenomena and developments • Cooperation between police / judiciary / customs duty (e.g. telecommunications surveillance, lawsuits) • International cooperation (e.g. “mirror proceedings“, JIT) shown by selected cases • Present developments in criminal law and criminal law proceedings, in narcotics law and jurisdiction Target group: Leading police and customs officers as well as customs investigation officers tasked with the fight against drug crime, representatives of the judiciary Course manager / organisation: Ltd. Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Klaus Welter, Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Udo Renneke, Department of Criminalistics – Basics of Criminal Strategy Seminar language: German 27 No. 02 / 06 / 18 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Criminal Strategy Dates: 05.11., 14:00 ‐ 07.11.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Number of participants: 80 Objectives: Seminar participants will discuss present crime‐strategic aspects of fighting crime and crime‐ tactical problems of relevance for police chiefs and explore the resulting consequences for the planning of crime‐combating strategies. Main topics: • Optimisation of open / undercover operations • Concepts and experiences to improve the conditions for fighting crime • National / international cooperation with internal and external authorities • “best practice“‐examples Target group: Leading police officers dealing with the planning of crime control strategies, public prosecutors, representatives of criminological / criminalistics research institutions Course manager / organisation: Ltd. Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Klaus Welter, Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Udo Renneke , Department of Criminalistics – Basics of Criminal Strategy Seminar language: German 28 No. 02 / 07 / 19 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Politically Motivated Crime Dates: 11.06., 14:00 ‐ 13.06.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Number of participants: 80 Objectives: Participants will analyse present forms and backgrounds of politically motivated crime in Germany including its international connections, assess its threat potential and discuss preventive and repressive control strategies. Main topics: • National and international crime situation • Preventive and repressive crime control strategies • Criminal policy aspects Target group: Leading police officers, judges, public prosecutors as well as members of the ministries of the interior and judiciary, of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, of the Federal Intelligence Service responsible for politically motivated crime as well as their international counterparts. Course manager / organisation: Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Norbert Pöggeler, Department of Criminalistics ‐ Phenomenon‐Related Criminal Strategy Polizeidirektor im Hochschuldienst Andreas Grosser, Department of Police‐Related Crisis Management Seminar language: German 29 No. 02 / 08 / 20 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Present Developments in International Cooperation in the Field of Crime Fighting Dates: 21.05., 14:00 ‐ 23.05.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Number of participants: 60 Objectives: Participants will discuss international and national developments in connection with the present challenges of international cooperation in the fight against crime. The participants will gain knowledge on legal conditions and discuss the requirements and decisive factors by referring to selected problems and/or examples. Main topics: • Survey of the situation of international cooperation • Consideration of present phenomena and situations in selected fields of crime • Cooperation between police/judiciary/national customs offices • Challenges of international cooperation (e.g. “mirror proceedings“, JIT) shown by selected examples. • Present developments in the relevant fields of law Target group: Leading police officers Course manager / organisation: Ltd. Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Klaus Welter, Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Udo Renneke, Department of Criminalistics – Basics of Criminal Strategy 30 No. 02 / 09 / 21 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Strategy and Tactics of Negotiation Groups Dates: 16.07., 14:00 ‐ 18.07.2014, 12:00 ‐ The seminar is offered every two years ‐ Venue: DHPol Category: seminar, function‐related (international) Number of participants: 60 Objective: Participants shall analyse, discuss and evaluate present strategic and tactical aspects as well as concepts of the work of negotiation groups. Main topics: • Strategy and tactics of leading negotiations (among others: new media, terrorism situations) • Problem‐oriented presentation seen from the point of view of negotiation groups of ‐ hostage takings and threats ‐ kidnappings ‐ serious cases of blackmailing ‐ operations in connection with terrorist threats ‐ evaluation of amok threats • Developments and possibilities in the field of training and further training • Staff selection procedure • Level‐specific exchange of views Target group: Leaders of negotiation groups, police leaders responsible for negotiations during operational incidents, psychologists involved in the work of negotiation groups Course manager / organisation: Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Matthias Zeiser, Faculty of Criminalistics – Phenomenon‐Related Criminal Strategy Polizeidirektor im Hochschuldienst Ingo Dudenhausen, Faculty of Serious Crime Management Seminar language: German 31 No. 02 / 10 / 22 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Undercover Personal and Technical Investigations – Possibilities and Limits Dates: 04.08., 14:00 ‐ 06.08.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Participants: 80 Objective: Participants will learn about, discuss and assess present legal, technical and tactical developments in the field of undercover investigations. Main topics: • Use of undercover investigators • Use of confidants • Use of non‐overtly investigating police officers • Cooperation with authorities responsible for the protection of the constitution • Experiences gained in the field of NSU investigations • Technical developments in the field of undercover investigations • Undercover investigations in connection with cybercrime • Legal conditions Target group: Senior police officers and their international counterparts, customs officers and officers responsible for the protection of the constitution commissioned with the conduct of undercover investigations, public prosecutors Course manager / organisation: Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Matthias Zeiser, Faculty of Criminalistics – Phenomenon‐Related Criminal Strategy Ltd Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Klaus Welter, Faculty of Criminalistics – Basics of Criminal Strategy Seminar language: German 32 No. 04 / 02 / 28 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): European Road Traffic Safety Work – New Challenges and Ways Dates: 10.03., 14:00 ‐ 12.03.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Participants: 80 Objective: Against the background of the specific geographic position of Germany participants will be informed about cross‐border prospects of European road traffic safety work and its implementation at the national level. Main topics: • Requirement of an enforcement guideline at the European level • Requirement of a road traffic safety agency at the European level • Objectives and functioning of the new Land Transport Security Expert Group of DG MOVE Target group: Senior officers from ministries and senate administrations as well as senior police officers from Europe responsible for road traffic safety, transportation lecturers from police training institutions as well as representatives from institutions commissioned with road traffic safety tasks Course manager / organisation: Polizeidirektor im Hochschuldienst Heinz Albert Stumpen, N.N., Department of Transportation Sciences Seminar language: German 33 No. 05 / 02 / 30 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Current Problems in Police Top Management Dates: 20.10., 14:00 ‐ 22.10.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Participants: 80 Objective: Participants will learn about the law enforcement situation with regard to issues of conflict of national and international significance as well as major reasons for police operations. They will get the chance to discuss future scenarios in order to derive consequences for the field of internal security. Main topics: • Analysis of present social developments • National / international security discussions by considering selected police‐relevant situations • Problem‐oriented discussion of police operations of considerable fundamental importance or international relevance • Cross‐border cooperation during outstanding police operations • Conceptions for controlling special crime and/or violence‐related phenomena • Strategies and tactics to fight international terrorism • Present situation of European security policy • Factors influencing objective and subjective security • Strategic orientation of the Länder police forces with regard to the 2011 – 2020 traffic safety scheme in Germany • Role of private security services Target group: Inspector generals, Chief Superintendents of the Länder, Chief Detectives of the Länder, presidents/heads of the Federal Criminal Police Office and of the Criminal Police Offices of the Länder, heads of police authorities as well as comparable ranks from Germany and abroad. Course manager / organisation: Ltd. Polizeidirektor im Hochschuldienst Thomas Kubera, Department of Basics in Police Operations Research and Temporal Stages N. N. Seminar language: German 34 No. 05 / 04 / 32 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Police Leadership and Management Dates: 14.07., 14:00 ‐ 16.07.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Participants: 80 Objective: Participants will learn about present developments in the field of police leadership and management and reflect about them against the background of their leading functions in police authorities and offices. Main topics: • Strategic management, such as for example strategy development processes and their implications on leadership and management • HR Management • Quality management • Present developments in the fields of management, information management and digitization • Present developments in the fields of police leadership, among others leadership concepts, aspects of police leadership • Settings of police leadership, among others financial politics and debt ceiling Target group: Senior police officers Course manager / organisation: Regierungsdirektor Dr. Christian Barthel, Department of Police Management Studies Seminar language: German 35 Technology No. 06 / 01 / 41 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Innovations in Police Technology Dates: 01.09., 14:00 ‐ 03.09.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Participants: 80 Objective: Participants will analyse the situation and present concepts in the field of police technology, share their experience, discuss solutions and approaches towards problem solving as well as possibilities of European cooperation. Main topics: • Weapons and tools technology • ICT • Self Defence Technology • Safety Research • Traffic control technology Target group: Leading police officers (senior service or comparable) having to cope with operational incidents during which technical and operational tools have an important supportive function as well as leading police officers (senior service or comparable) from tactical and technological units. Course manager / organisation: Regierungsdirektor Dr. Gerd‐Dieter Wicke, N. N., Institute for Police Technology Seminar language: German 36 Law No. 07 / 01 / 43 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Police and Social Media (Basics seminar) [See also: No. 01 / 01 / 01 / 2014: Police and Social Media ‐ Social media under operational and tactical aspects No. 02 / 01 / 13 / 2014: Police on the Web 2.0 ‐ New media and crime / cybercrime No. 03 / 04 / 26 / 2014: Police on the Web 2.0 ‐ Aspects of prevention in connection with new media No. 08 / 04 / 50 / 2014: Police and Social Media ‐ Public relations with special reference to new media] Dates: 20.01., 14:00 ‐ 24.01.2014, 12:00 Venue: DHPol Category: Seminar, general introduction and function‐related further training seminar (international) Participants: 40 Objective: Participants will learn about forms, extent and development trends of crime in connection with new media as well as current prevention and control strategies and will assess the ensuing challenges for leading police officers. Main topics: Imparting of basic knowledge with reference to the following subjects Investigative work Operational strategies Public relations Recruiting junior officers Legal aspects Technology Prevention Society and ethics Target group: Leading police officers (senior service) and their counterparts from abroad, prosecutors and judges Organisational hints: Seminars of the ‘Police and Social Media / Police on the Web 2.0‘series are independent activities. Participation in the basics seminar is no compulsory prerequisite for admission to seminars 2 to 5. The combination of several seminars, i.e. repeated participation within the seminar series is possible. Course manager / organisation: Kriminaldirektor im Hochschuldienst Udo Renneke, Department of Criminalistics – Basics of Criminal Strategy N.N., Department of Criminal Law, Law of Criminal Procedure and Criminal Politics N.N., Department of Criminology and Interdisciplinary Crime Prevention Seminar language: German 37 No. 10 / 12 / 66 / 2014 Title of activity (central issue): Present Medical Developments in the Police Medical Service Dates: 00.00., 16:00 ‐ 00.00.2014, 12:00 (3 days) Venue: still to be determined Category: Seminar, function‐related (international) Participants: 80 Objective: Participants will exchange, compare and discuss their medical and organisational experiences and findings from all areas of work of the police medical service at federal and state level. Main topics: Issues such as determined during the 2013 conference for leading police physicians. Target group: (Leading) police physicians at federal and state level Course manager / organisation: Polizeidirektor André Konze, Office for Police Studies and Further Training N.N., Representative of police medical service Seminar language: German 38 Name of the Police Academy National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement Budapest, Hungaryt Course title Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in the European Union Delivered by: Dr. Judit NAGY PhD, pol. major, associate professor, acting head at the Department of Constitutional and Public Administration Law, Institute of Criminal Science Date TBD in 2014 Duration 2 days Contents 1. The place and role of Hungary in the international arena. (NATO and other kind of relations. Some words about the public administration law, legal system, constitutional structure, judicial structure, the structure of the public prosecution and that of the municipalities of Hungary.) 2. The development of European integration. The main legal and institutional characteristics of the EU. The process of development related to the former thirdpillar policies. 3. The impact of Lisbon Treaty on the everyday life and structure of the EU. Perspectives and dilemmas. (Multi-speed Europe, enhanced cooperation, exemption, etc. ). 4. The main characteristics of the police and judicial cooperation of the EU in criminal matters: Policies related to Freedom, Security and Justice, EU Internal Security Strategy, Stockholm Programme, Prüm Treaty, Swedish Initiative, European Arrest Warrant, etc. 5. The mandate, structure and powers of the EU agencies: Europol, Eurojust, OLAF, CEPOL. 6. Europol: SOCTA and TE-SAT reports, Analytical Workfiles, EU Policy cycle 7. The advantages and operation of joint investigation teams in the international police cooperation. 8. The role of Hungary in the bloodstreams of the international cooperation in 39 criminal matters (Centre for the International Cooperation in Criminal Matters). Objectives The participant will get an overview on the developments, priorities, future tendecies and new instruments of the European police and judicial cooperation. Deadline for registration 1 month prior to the course Place National University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement 1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi u. 12. Languages English Fee no Target group law enforcement officers, researchers and lecturers of the police academies Information and Registration dr. univ. Rita Kiss: [email protected] Accommodation National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Venue: 1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi u. 12 Dormitory: 5.000 HUF/person/night Catering at the participants' own cost Extra Costs no Additional Remarks The course will be held only for non-national participants. Time Schedule of the 1st and 2nd day: 1st class: 09.00 - 10.30, coffee break: 10.30 - 11.00 2nd class: 11.00 - 12.30, lunch break: 12.30 - 14.00 3rd class: 14.00 - 15.30, short break: 15.30 - 15.45 4th class: 15.45 -17.15 40 Name of the Police Academy National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement Budapest, Hungaryt Course title The History and Structure of the Hungarian Police. Training at the Hungarian Police Delivered by: Dr. habil. Andrea KOZÁRY, college professor, Department of Applied Law Enforcement Science, Institute of Public Law Enforcement and Applied Management Theory Date 05-06 March in 2014 Duration 2 days Contents The history of the Hungarian Police, police training and education especially in the aftermath of the Second World War. The police force of the present-day Hungary, its past, the role of police in a democratic society, namely police officers have different opinions about the importance of various aspects of their job. I will talk about the activities and training of the Hungarian police officers, about the work of the Department, the new BA and MA courses, and about the current questions of policing and police reform (community police) in Hungary. Objectives The participant will be familiar with the history and philosophy of the Hungarian police and with the training of the law enforcement officers. The history and the metamorphosis of the Hungarian Law Enforcement 1. The beginnings: from the middle ages (11 – 18. century) until the civil society 2. From the absolutism until the compromise 3. Austrian-Hungarian Empire (Monarchy). Centralisation, 1881. acts, organisation of the public security service (Budapest police) and local police in the country side, (gendarmarie= constabulary) based on the French system. (independent national police), crime prevention 4. 1918-1944. The monarchy disintegrated. Hungary became a kingdom without king. (Governor Admiral Horthy) The politicians were focusing on revisionism. World 41 War II. 5. 1690/ 1945. act: gendarmerie was abolished (first of all because its role in the deportation) and the State Police were founded. A united, centralised and militarised police force. 6. The State Security Authority: the dictatorship’s political police. 7. 1956. Revolution: Prime Minister Imre Nagy ordered the abolition of State Security Authority on 28 October in his radio speech. 1957. 13. act: Workers’ Militia 8. The Hungarian transition period. The police were fundamentally reorganized. Reform: decentralisation, depoliticise, demilitarisation. 9. 1994. 34. 2007. 88. 89. act.: The modern societies' safety and order must be a product based on collective cooperation which is demanded and created by a lawabiding society itself. Integration of the Hungarian Police and Boarder Guard. 10.The sociological examinations: the transparency and accountability of all police activities. The presence is one of the police's obligations. The professionalism is the most important requirement. 11. Police Science. Community police or policing with the community? 12.The Hungarian Auxiliary Police: established in 1989 and brought under the provisions of Act 52 of the Hungarian Parliament in 2006. It is composed of civilminded residents of the community who work together to improve the level of safety and security in their community. Deadline for registration 1 month prior to the course Place National University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement 1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi u. 12. Languages English Fee no Number of Participants Target group law enforcement officers, researchers and lecturers of the police academies 42 Information and Registration dr. univ. Rita Kiss: [email protected] Accommodation National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Venue: 1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi u. 12 Dormitory: 5.000 HUF / night Catering at the participants' own cost Extra Costs no Additional Remarks The course will be held only for non-national participants. 05-06 March, 2014. Time Schedule for both days 1st class: 09.00 - 10.30 coffe break: 10.30 - 11.00 2nd class: 11.00 - 12.30 lunch break: 12.30 - 14.00 3rd class: 14.00 - 15.30 43 Name of the Police Academy National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement Budapest, Hungaryt Course title Mediation and Restorative Justice Delivered by: Dr. habil. Andrea KOZÁRY, college professor Department of Applied Law Enforcement Science, Institute of Public Law Enforcement and Applied Management Theory Date 12-13 March, in 2014 Duration 2 days Contents In frame of this subject I will introduce the students the main results of the mediation theories and practise. I'll pay attention to the main problems and possibilities of solutions. We'll examine the aim, tasks, organisation, and feature of law enforcement organisations. The teaching material discusses in great details the prejudice and the views held against the minorities within the police. Objectives It is crucial to highlight the actuality of studying mediation, restorative justice. e.g. The challenges of a multicultural society vs. a society with emerging minority groups. A collection of the competencies (fairness, respect, tolerance, empathy, responsibility, good communication) and how they can be achieved. 1-2. topic: Mediation and Restorative Justice: Definition. I wish to approach the basic facts and questions of the citizenry’s everyday problems from a pragmatic point of view according to mediation and restorative justice. 3-4. topic: The history The history of the concept of restorative justice. It has been applied successfully by Anglo-American research in relation to police-minority conflict and related problems. 5-6. topic: Prejudice and the philosophy of restorative justice The philosophy of restorative justice is a suitable guide to criminal/sociological policy 44 re-form and the restorative justice creates a closer link between attitudes based on ethical or penal law considerations 7-8. topic: Victim-Offender Criminal justice should serve justice for those involved in the conflict, whether the offenders or the victims, so that the norm itself and its moral contents are strengthened. 9-10-11-12 topic: „To bridge the gap”. Training The role of mediators and police officers. Confidence and trust. 13-14. topic: National Strategy for Community Crime Prevention prevention and reduction of juvenile crime; improving urban security; prevention of vio-lence within the family; prevention of victimization, assisting and compensating victims; prevention of recidivism. 15. topic: Summary and evaluation Deadline for registration 1 month prior to the course Place National University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement 1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi u. 12. Languages English Fee no Number of Participants Target group law enforcement officers, researchers and lecturers of the police academies Information and Registration dr. univ. Rita Kiss: [email protected] Accommodation National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Venue: 1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi u. 12 Dormitory: 5.000 HUF / night Catering 45 at the participants' own cost Extra Costs no Additional Remarks The course will be held only for non-national participants. 12-13 March, 2014. Time Schedule for both days 1st class: 09.00 - 10.30 coffe break: 10.30 - 11.00 2nd class: 11.00 - 12.30 lunch break: 12.30 - 14.00 3rd class: 14.00 - 15.30 46 Name of the Police Academy National University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement Department of Customs and Finance Budapest, Hungary Course title Challenges tax and customs administration are facing Delivered by the Department of Customs and Finance Date October 2014 Duration 2 days Contents 1. Criminal and policing activities (prevention, detection, and investigation of financial and economic crimes) - Classic customs-related offences - Breaching intellectual property rights - Economic and financial crimes - Money laundering 2. Tax and financial administration - Controls, collects - Cooperation with other tax authorities 3. Customs and excise administration - Classification, customs value, origin - Customs and Excise related IT Systems 4. The Hungarian Higher Education System related to Customs Officers, Tax and Financial Investigators (In the Faculty of Law Enforcement of National University of Public Service) 5. Mobile Control/In-depth Control Objectives The participant gets an overview on the developments, priorities, tendecies and (new) instruments related to tax,customs and financial investigation. Deadline for registration 47 August 2014 Place National University of Public Service Faculty of Law Enforcement 12 Farkasvölgyi út,, 1121 Budapest Languages English Fee Number of Participants Target group Law enforcement officers especially customs/tax officers and financial investigators, researchers and lecturers of the police academies. Information and Registration dr. univ. Rita Kiss: [email protected] Accommodation National University of Public Service, Faculty of Law Enforcement, Venue: 1121 Budapest, Farkasvölgyi u. 12 Dormitory: 5.000 HUF/person/night Catering at the participants' own costs Extra Costs Additional Remarks 48 Name of the Police Academy Lithuanian Police School Course title Professional English language course for police officers (level B1) Date 5/5/2014-9/5/2014 Duration 5 days (40 hours) Contents -introduction, personal information, describtion of working responsibilities and competences -work communication -introduction to the language of meetings -international organisations, their activities and functions cooperation in combating organised crime crime prevention, fighting against organized crime in Lithuania -smuggling, smuggled goods, prevention -Schengen convention, SIS -corruption and bribery -surveillance and intelligence - counter terrorism, types of terrorism Objectives -to develop special professional english communicate competence of police officers -to develop English language vocabulary according the topics provided in the program Deadline for registration 7/4/2014 Place Lithuanian Police School Karaimu str. 73, Trakai Languages English Fee no 49 Number of Participants 3 Target group persons who can talk on well known topics, understand the point of radio and television broadcasting, is able to comunicate in many situations unprepared into a conversation, express an opinion Information and Registration Alina Suchodolska, e-mail.: [email protected] mob.: +370 601 55212 Accommodation Lithuanian Police School Karaimu str. 73, Trakai (23 €/night) Catering all meals available at Police School cafe (about 15 €/day) Extra Costs no Additional Remarks for participants arriving by plane, transport from the airport will be arranged by the Lithuanian Police School 50 Name of the Police Academy Lithuanian Police School Course title Professional English language course for police officers (level B2) Date 6/10/2014-17/10/2014 Duration 10 days (80 hours) Contents -introduction, personal information, describtion of working responsibilities and competences -work communication -international organisations, their activities and functions -dealing with applications, complaints, making decisions -business trips, international meetings, seminars -cooperation in investigating organized crime -nations, features,crime prevention, fighting against organized crime in Lithuania -crimes related to vehicles -smuggling, smuggled goods, prevention -drugs, transportation and distribution, prevention -mass events, violations of public order during mass events -sport, sport's events, violations of public order during events and prevention -illegal imigration, reasons and consequences -crimes and punishments, trends of crimes in Lithuania Objectives -to develop special professional english communicate competence of police officers -to develop English language vocabulary according the topics provided in the program Deadline for registration 8/9/2014 Place Lithuanian Police School Karaimu str. 73, Trakai 51 Languages English Fee no Number of Participants 3 Target group persons who can talk on well known topics, understand the point of radio and television broadcasting, is able to comunicate in many situations unprepared into conversation, express an opinion Information and Registration Alina Suchodolska, e-mail.: [email protected] mob.: +370 601 55212 Accommodation Lithuanian Police School Karaimu str. 73, Trakai (23 €/night) Catering all meals available at Police School cafe (about 15 €/day) Extra Costs no Additional Remarks for participants arriving by plane, transport from the airport will be arranged by the Lithuanian Police School 52 Kriminalität innerhalb und gegen ethnische Gruppierungen Zeiten und Orte Termin 10. bis 14.März.2014 Ort Bratislava Zielgruppe Tätigkeitsgebiet Polizeiliche Praktiker aus dem Bereich Bekämpfung der Kriminalität rund um ethnische Gruppierungen Zulassungskriterien Mittlere Führungsebene und Experten Herkunft der Seminarteilnehmer MEPA-Mitgliedstaaten und AEPC-Länder Zielsetzung Informationsaustausch über bekannte Formen der organisierten Kriminalität innerhalb und gegen ethnische Gruppierungen Erarbeitung von Möglichkeiten innerhalb der internationalen Zusammenarbeit Erarbeitung einer gemeinsamen Präventionsstrategie Präsentation neuer Methoden Pflege und Vertiefung der beruflichen und persönlichen Kontakte Themenschwerpunkte Aktuelles Lagebild zu organisierten kriminellen ethnischen Gruppierungen Polizei und Minderheiten - Strategien für die polizeiliche Arbeit Rolle der Kontaktperson in der Umwelt der bestimmten Ethnien Charakteristik der Opfer und Täter von Straftaten in bekannten ethnischen Gruppierungen Ausarbeitung von möglichen Lösungen zur Reduzierung der Kriminalität in Gebieten mit einem hohen Maß der Straffälligkeit (im Zusammenhang mit ethnischen Gruppierungen) Erfahrungen mit dem Verlauf der einzelnen Fahndungen in den MEPA Ländern 53 (Fallstudien) Formen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit und Optimierung ihrer zukünftigen Entwicklung Leitung und Gestaltung Verantwortlich Polizeiakademie Bratislava / SK Mitbeteiligt Referenten Referenten und Experten aus Justiz und Polizei Seminarteilnehmer zu Lagebild, Falldarstellungen, Rechtslage und Zuständigkeiten im Herkunftsland Teilnehmerzahl Mindestens 12, max. 24 Kosten Es werden keine Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung in Rechnung gestellt. Reisespesen und evtl. Versicherungskosten gehen zu Lasten der Teilnehmenden. Sprache Deutsch Dokumentation Die Beiträge von Referenten und Teilnehmenden werden am Seminarort durch die Seminarleitung elektronisch (USB-Stick oder CD) gesammelt Die Beiträge werden durch die Seminarleitung auf CD gebrannt. Jeder Seminarteilnehmer erhält eine CD mit allen Beiträgen. Außerdem erfolgt grundsätzlich die Veröffentlichung der Beiträge im "MEPAInsider (Closed User Group auf Termine Wann Wer Was Bewerber Anmeldung Wem 54 03.02.2014 Nationale Verbindungsstellen (NVS) Anmeldung der Teilnehmer BMS 10.02.2014 Nationale Verbindungsstellen (NVS) Buchung der Teilnehmer BMS 10.03.2014 Teilnehmer Anreisetag1 (Ankunft bis spätestens 18:00h) Referenten, Teilnehmer Abgabe der Referats- und Seminarbeiträge per CD oder USBStick Teilnehmer Abreisetag (Abreise ab ca. 13:00h) 14.03.2014 Seminaranleitung vor Ort 1 Das Seminar beginnt mit dem Anreisetag. Verspätete Anreisen können aus triftigen Gründen sowie eines im Voraus eingereichten Ersuchen mit Begründung an die nationale Verbindungsstelle des verantwortlichen Landes gutgeheißen werden 55 Bekämpfung der international organisierten Rauschgiftkriminalität Zeiten und Orte Termin 12. bis 16.Mai.2014 Ort Wertheim / Deutschland Zielgruppe Tätigkeitsgebiet Bekämpfung der international organisierten (einschließlich neue psychoaktive Substanzen) Zulassungskriterien Mittlere Führungsebene und Experten Herkunft der Seminarteilnehmer MEPA- und AEPC-Staaten Zielsetzung Vermittlung der allgemeinen Grundlagen und praktischer Erfahrungen bei der Bekämpfung internationaler OK-Rauschgift Austausch von aktuellen Informationen bei der Bekämpfung der internationalen RG-Kriminalität mit Schwerpunkt Legal Highs Intensivierung der länderübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit bei der Drogenbekämpfung Pflege und Vertiefung der dienstlichen und persönlichen Kontakte Themenschwerpunkte Erfolgsbeeinflussende Faktoren und Problemstellungen bei der länderübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit im Deliktsbereich OK-Rauschgift Weitere Entwicklung des Phänomens "Neue psychoaktive Substanzen" in den MEPA-Ländern Offene und verdeckte Ermittlungsansätze beim BtM-Handel über das Internet Darstellung aktueller Ermittlungsverfahren in den MEPA-Ländern Leitung und Gestaltung Verantwortlich Hochschule für Polizei Baden-Württemberg, Institut für Fortbildung Mitbeteiligt Landeskriminalamt Baden-Württemberg, 56 Inspektion 410 - GER und MEPA-Kontaktstelle Baden-Württemberg E-Mail: [email protected] Tel.: +49 (0)711 231 3956 Referenten Referenten und Experten aus Justiz und Polizei Seminarteilnehmer zu Lagebild, Falldarstellungen, Rechtslage und Zuständigkeiten im Herkunftsland Teilnehmerzahl Maximal 24 Kosten Es werden keine Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung in Rechnung gestellt. Reisespesen und evtl. Versicherungskosten gehen zu Lasten der Teilnehmenden. Sprache Deutsch Dokumentation Die Beiträge von Referenten und Teilnehmenden werden am Seminarort durch die Seminarleitung elektronisch (USB-Stick oder CD) gesammelt. Die Beiträge werden durch die Seminarleitung auf CD gebrannt. Jeder Seminarteilnehmer erhält eine CD mit allen Beiträgen. Außerdem erfolgt grundsätzlich die Veröffentlichung der Beiträge im „MEPAInsider“ (der Closed-User-Group auf Termine Wann 17.03.2014 Wer Was Bewerber Anmeldung Nationale Verbindungsstellen (NVS) Anmeldung der Teilnehmer Wem BMS 57 21.03.2014 Nationale Verbindungsstellen (NVS) Buchung der Teilnehmer 12.05.2014 Teilnehmer Anreisetag2 (Ankunft bis spätestens 16:00h) Referenten, Teilnehmer Abgabe der Referats- und Seminarbeiträge per CD oder USBStick Teilnehmer Abreisetag (Abreise ab ca. 12:00h) 16.05.2014 BMS Seminaranleitung vor Ort Sonstiges Das Seminar basiert auf dem 2013 angebotenen Rauschgift-Seminar und soll die dargestellten Themen weiter vertiefen. Es eignet sich sowohl für Personen, die erstmals an diesem Seminar teilnehmen als auch für Personen, die bereits 2013 an dem Seminar teilgenommen haben. 2 Das Seminar beginnt mit dem Anreisetag. Verspätete Anreisen können aus triftigen Gründen sowie eines im Voraus eingereichten Ersuchen mit Begründung an die nationale Verbindungsstelle des verantwortlichen Landes gutgeheißen werden 58 Korruption Zeiten und Orte Termin 11. bis 14.November.2014 Ort Österreich Zielgruppe Tätigkeitsgebiet Polizeiliche Praktiker (Kriminalpolizei) und Justizbeamte aus dem Bereich der Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung Zulassungskriterien Sachbearbeiter, Führungsebene, Experten Herkunft der Seminarteilnehmer MEPA-Länder sowie Gaststaaten Zielsetzung Vermitteln eines allgemeinen Lagebildes unter Berücksichtigung besonderer Schwerpunkte und Erscheinungsformen in den Teilnehmerländern Austausch von Erkenntnissen und „Best Practices“ auf dem behandelten Deliktsgebiet Herauskristallisieren besonderer Probleme bei der Strafverfolgung sowie in der Prävention (national und länderübergreifend) Erarbeitung von Lösungsansätzen für internationale Strategien und Programme Aufzeigen von Möglichkeiten für eine Optimierung der regionalen und internationalen Zusammenarbeit Erarbeiten von Fazit und Schlussfolgerungen Formulieren von Anliegen an Politik und Gesetzgebung Pflege und Vertiefung der beruflichen und persönlichen Kontakte Themenschwerpunkte Kenntnisnahme deliktsspezifischer Elemente sowie Darstellung erkennbarer Tendenzen Kennenlernen von einschlägiger Rechtslage und verfügbaren Instrumentarien in den Teilnehmerländern 59 Erfahrungsaustausch über besondere polizeiliche und juristische Probleme in der Sachbearbeitung sowie der regionalen und internationalen Kooperation Diskussion über aktuelle Möglichkeiten von Polizei und Justiz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Schwächen in den nationalen Abwehrdispositiven Leitung und Gestaltung Verantwortlich BM.I/Abt. I/9 .SIAK, Zentrum für internationale Angelegenheiten, ZKB der MEPA Mitbeteiligt Bundesamt zur Korruptionsprävention und Korruptionsbekämpfung Referenten Referenten und Experten aus Justiz und Polizei Seminarteilnehmer zu Lagebild, Rechtslage und Zuständigkeiten im Herkunftsland (maximal 15 Minuten) Teilnehmerzahl Maximal 30 Teilnehmer aus den 7 MEPA-Ländern und den 4 Gaststaaten Kosten Es werden keine Kosten für Unterkunft und Verpflegung in Rechnung gestellt. Reisespesen und ev. Versicherungskosten gehen zu Lasten der Entsendestaaten. Sprache Die Seminarsprache ist Deutsch. Die Kosten für allfällige Übersetzer gehen zu Lasten der Entsendestaaten. Dokumentation Die Beiträge von Referenten und Teilnehmenden werden am Seminarort durch die Seminarleitung elektronisch gesammelt. Die gesammelten elektronischen Beiträge werden durch die Seminarleitung auf CD gebrannt. Jeder Seminarteilnehmer erhält eine CD mit allen Beiträgen. Die Übergabe der Beiträge durch die Seminarleitung per USB-Stick ist möglich. Termine 60 Wann Wer Was Bewerber Anmeldung 22.09.2014 Nationale Verbindungsstellen (NVS) Anmeldung der Teilnehmer BMS 29.09.2014 Nationale Verbindungsstellen (NVS) Buchung der Teilnehmer BMS 11.11.2014 Teilnehmer Anreisetag3 (Ankunft bis spätestens 08:00h) Referenten, Teilnehmer Abgabe der Referats- und Seminarbeiträge per CD oder USBStick Teilnehmer Abreisetag (Abreise ab ca. 13:00h) 14.11.2014 Wem Seminaranleitung vor Ort Sonstiges Betreffend die Teilnehmer der Gaststaaten ist die Voraussetzung der englischen Sprache in Wort und Schrift. Für die Verdolmetschung englisch / deutsch wird von der MEPA gesorgt. 3 Das Seminar beginnt mit dem Anreisetag. Verspätete Anreisen können aus triftigen Gründen sowie eines im Voraus eingereichten Ersuchen mit Begründung an die nationale Verbindungsstelle des verantwortlichen Landes gutgeheißen werden 61 Name of the Police Academy Police Academy of the Netherlands Course title Meeting the Police Education Below Sea Level (Light version) Date 03 - 05 June 2014 Duration 3 Days Contents The structure, responsibilities and training methods of the Dutch police as well as the educational system. Objectives Tto become more familiar with the structure, responsibilities and training methods of the Dutch police, and to gain more thorough understanding of the Dutch policing and educational system. Deadline for registration 1 April 2014 Place Warnsveld (NL) Languages English Fee Participation is free; participants only have to bear their costs of travelling and their personal expenses. Number of Participants Max. 20 Target group Persons who have interest in Police training and/or have a work relationship to police training Information and Registration By Email to: Staff International Relations and Internationalisation of the Police Academy of the Netherlands: [email protected] or [email protected] Accommodation 62 Police Conference Centre "Huis 't Velde" in Warnsveld (NL) Catering According to the programme, mainly in the accommodation Extra Costs None Additional Remarks After the first registration the formal invitation and application form will be sent to the participants 63 Name of the Police Academy Police Academy of the Netherlands Course title Meeting the Police Education Below Sea Level (Long version) Date 10 - 14 November 2014 Duration 5 Days Contents The structure, responsibilities and training methods of the Dutch police as well as the educational system. Objectives Tto become more familiar with the structure, responsibilities and training methods of the Dutch police, and to gain more thorough understanding of the Dutch policing and educational system. Various police training facilities will be visited during this course. Deadline for registration 1 September 2014 Place Warnsveld (NL) Languages English Fee Participation is free; participants only have to bear their costs of travelling and their personal expenses. Number of Participants Max. 20 Target group Persons who have interest in Police training and/or have a work relationship to police training Information and Registration By Email to: Staff International Relations and Internationalisation of the Police Academy of the Netherlands: [email protected] or [email protected] Accommodation 64 Police Conference Centre "Huis 't Velde" in Warnsveld (NL) Catering According to the programme, mainly in the accommodation Extra Costs None Additional Remarks After the first registration the formal invitation and application form will be sent to the participants 65 Name of the Police Academy Police Academy in Szczytno Course title Commanding police operations during crisis situations Date 29 September-10 October 2014 Duration 5 days Contents 1. Planing police operations. 2. Commanding police operations 3. Documenting police operations Objectives Train or refresh qualifications to command police forces during operations in crisis situations with Simulator of Police Operations During Crisis Situations. Deadline for registration March 31, 2014 Place Police Academy in Szczytno, Poland Languages English, Polish Fee Accomodation: 20 Euro a person/day; Meals and refreshments: 18,50 Euro a person. Number of Participants 12 Target group Police officers who act as a actions and operationns commanders, deputy commanders, suboperations commanders, and hedquarters employess, riot police units commanders Information and Registration Accommodation Police Academy Hotel (1 or 2 persons rooms) 66 Catering Academy Cafeteria Extra Costs Car travel from Warszawa (optional): 50 Euro a person; Organizational costs: 3 % Additional Remarks If number of foregin participants will be minimum 5, Academy will provide interpretation in English. If not - only Polish language. 67 National Police Academy Title Analysis of phenomena within strategic criminal intelligence operations. Target group Personnel within criminal intelligence services occupied with drafting strategic reports and basis for the decision making process. Aim Develop the participants understanding of criminal intelligence operations, enabling them to choose relevant methods and tools for the analyses. Venue Swedish National Police Academy, Ulriksdal-Sörentorp, SOLNA (See Duration Ten working days, including pre-activity assignments. Time Batch 1: 24 March – 4 April 2014. Batch 2: 13 – 24 October 2014. Language Swedish Cost 14,100 SEK Application Through e-mail to [email protected] Deadline Batch 1: 28 February 2014. Batch 2: 19 September 2014. 68 National Police Academy Title Scrutiny and classification of child pornography materials. Target group Aim Investigators of child pornography. Venue Swedish National Police Academy, Ulriksdal-Sörentorp, SOLNA (See Duration Ten working days. Time 13 October – 14 November 2014. Language Swedish Cost 16,400 SEK Enhancing the participants’ capabilities to investigate child pornography. Application Through e-mail to [email protected] Deadline 26 September 2014 69 National Police Academy Title Basic IT-forensic training Target group Investigators and analysts dealing with digital media in criminal investigations. Aim Develop IT-forensic competency to deal with digital media. Venue Swedish National Police Academy, Ulriksdal-Sörentorp, SOLNA (See Duration Fifty-nine working days, including forty-two days of pre-activity assignments. Time 13 October – 14 November 2014. Language Swedish Cost 45.500 SEK Application Through e-mail to [email protected] Deadline 26 September 2014. 70 National Police Academy Title IT-forensic overview Target group Aim Investigators of IT-related crimes. Venue Swedish National Police Academy, Ulriksdal-Sörentorp, SOLNA (See Duration Three working days. Time Batch 1: 23 – 25 April 2014. Batch 2: 4 – 6 November 2014. Language Swedish Cost 12,700 SEK Develop IT-forensic competency in order to seize digital evidence whenever applicable in criminal investigations under fair legal proceedings. Application Through e-mail to [email protected] Deadline Batch 1: 28 March 2014. Batch 2: 10 October 2014. 71 National Police Academy Title Prevention and detection of violent endorsement radicalisation on local level (train-the-trainers concept). Target group Aim Instructors on the subject in matter within the Police Service. Venue Swedish National Police Academy, Ulriksdal-Sörentorp, SOLNA (See Duration Ten working days. Time 29 September – 10 October 2014. Language Swedish Cost 11,000 SEK Enhance the capacity to conduct in-house training programmes on the local level pertinent to radicalisation issues. Application Through e-mail to [email protected] Deadline 5 September 2014. 72 National Police Academy Title Special Police Tactics – crowd control. Target group Police officers assigned to lead police work pertaining to crowd control. Aim Enhance the capabilities of crowd control issues, including planning, leading and following-up special operations. Venue Swedish National Police Academy, Ulriksdal-Sörentorp, SOLNA (See Duration Twenty working days, including three days of pre-activity assignments. Time 3 March – 15 April 2014. Language Swedish Cost 55,200 SEK Application Through e-mail to [email protected] Deadline 7 February 2014. Important notes: Attendance for AEPC representatives is dependent on available seats. Accomodation can be provided within the Academy’s campus at a self-cost pricing. No interpretation services will be provided. Bo Åström Tel: +46 10 5628646, +46 70 540 53 89 [email protected] 73 Name of the Police Academy Interagency Law Enforcement College of Advanced Studies Priscilla, 6 oo199 Rome - Italy Course title Advanced training course for Senior Police Officers Date October 2014 – June 2015 Duration Nine months Contents Study and research activities on topics concerning the five major thematic areas of professional interest: Coordination and fight to the organized crime (general theory of police forces coordination, forensic sciences and fight against criminal organizations); International cooperation: international and European law on security; the criminal law in the framework of the international and European cooperation in the field of security; Sociology of communications (social research: tools, methods and new developments); Public management; public administration: legal-administrative profiles, organization and management in the public administration; International and European economic policies and security, analysis of the international geopolitical scenarios, criminal economies in the world Objectives To enhance senior police officers competences at scientific and professional level, as well as to improve their decision-making skills Deadline for registration Three months before the beginning of the course Place 74 Interagency Law Enforcement College of Advanced Studies – Rome Languages Italian Fee No Number of participants One participant in addition to the ordinary participants Target group Senior police officers Information and registration [email protected] Accommodation At the Interagency Law Enforcement College of Advanced Studies 122 euro per months Catering In all 6,20 euro per day, including lunch and dinner, from Monday to Saturday (Saturday lunch included) Extra costs 2600 euro (variable and optional) for course of Italian language (100 h) Additional remarks The Italian language course is optional and its cost is approximate. 75 Name of the Police Academy Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia - SFP (Interagency Law Enforcement College of Advanced Studies) Course title Training Course for police officers responsible for special anti-drug units Date 8 – 12 September 2014 Duration Five days Contents National, European and international conventions on and bodies engaged in the fight against drug-trafficking, action plan and coordination in the preventive and repressive activity; domestic and international crime; situation at global level concerning drug production and trafficking; old and new drugs and relevant national and international laws; chemical substances and precursors; technical and operational activity in the fight against drug trafficking; anti-drug undercover activities (legislative and procedural aspects, special technical tools, psychological aspects, etc) Objectives Professional qualification and refresher training of police officers engaged in this field, including police officers from foreign countries. Deadline for registration June 2014 Place Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia (Rome, Italy) Languages Italian/English 76 Fee None Number of Participants 1 extra place available Target group Italian and foreign senior police officers engaged in the anti-drug units Information and Registration [email protected]; [email protected] Accommodation About € 50 weekly (College accommodation) Catering A total of € 6.20 per day, lunch and dinner on college premises Extra Costs None Additional Remarks None 77 Name of the Police Academy Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia – SFP (Interagency Law Enforcement College of Advanced Studies) Course title Crime Analysis Training Course ( 1st level) Date March 13, 2014 – June 3, 2014 Duration One month Contents Studies and researches into subjects pertaining to investigative intelligence, with a special reference to operational crime analysis and economic intelligence. Objectives To further develop the professional expertise of Senior Police Officers through the acquisition of common methodologies and analysis techniques in connection with intelligence activity. Deadline for registration 2 months before the start of the course Place Scuola di Perfezionamento per le Forze di Polizia – Rome, Italy Languages Italian Fee None Number of Participants 1 Target group Senior Police Officers Information and Registration [email protected] Accommodation € 122 per month (College accomodation) 78 Catering A total of € 6.20 per day (lunch and dinner on college premises from Monday to Saturday lunch) Extra Costs Additional Remarks: a very good command of Italian language 79 Name of the Police Academy Police Academy of Montenegro Course title Training of police officers for sensitive work with the LGBT community Date 9th-13th June 2014. Duration 5 days Contents Preconceptions, myths of LGBT (phenomenology), the role of the Police, community oriented policing (situational policing), tolerance and understanding, policing hate crime, benefits and difficulties, international experiences and initiatives. Objectives The training aims to improve professional knowledge, expertise and skills of law enforcement personnel, especially for those who work on cases are related sexual orientation (front-line officers, investigators, duty officers, leadership). Deadline for registration 3 weeks before the begining of the course Place Police Academy in Danilovgrad Languages Montenengrin, English Fee / Number of Participants 2 participants from abroad per group Target group General Authority Police Sector, Middle managers Information and Registration Jelena Tomić, tel. +382 67 189 051, email: [email protected] Accommodation At the Police academy (double rooms) 21€ per a person per day 80 Catering At the Police academy, Police academy cafateria Extra Costs Travel costs Additional Remarks Transportation from the airoport and back arranged 81 Name of the Police Academy Police Academy of Montenegro Course title Albanian Basic Course Date October 2014 Duration 4 weeks, 80 classes Contents Basics of Albanian grammar, its use in practice, ability to communicate in a simple coversation, Albanian alphabet etc. Objectives To educate students to understand basic informationi for simple conversations about familiar topic, i.e. written and spoken communcation in Albanian language. Deadline for registration 3 weeks before the begining of the course Place Police Academy in Danilovgrad Languages Montenengrin, Albanian Fee / Number of Participants 2 participants from abroad per group Target group Border police officers Information and Registration Jelena Tomić, tel. +382 67 189 051, email: [email protected] Accommodation At the Police academy (double rooms) 21€ per a person per day Catering At the Police academy, Police academy cafateria Extra Costs 82 Travel costs Additional Remarks Transportation from the airoport and back arranged 83 Name of the Police Academy Police Academy of Montenegro Course title Regional conference on illegal immigrations (in coopeartion with DCAF) Date 27th-30th October 2014. Duration 3 days Contents TBC Objectives Identify reasons for illegal migrations and its consequences; Define EU standards and legal frameworks of prevention and combating illegal migration; Recognise the difference between migration/ illegal migration/ human trafficking/ refugees etc. Deadline for registration 3 weeks before the begining of the course Place Police Academy in Danilovgrad Languages Montenengrin, Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian Fee / Number of Participants 2 participants from abroad per group Target group Teachers and trainers from the network of the police academies and training institutions in the frame of DCAF Borger Security Programme responsible for the delivery of the topic Information and Registration Jelena Tomić, tel. +382 67 189 051, email: [email protected] Accommodation At the Police academy (double rooms) 21€ per a person per day 84 Catering At the Police academy, Police academy cafateria Extra Costs Travel costs Additional Remarks Transportation from the airoport and back arranged 85 PI Vocational school Police academy Danilovgrad Application Form (Fill in the green fields) “Course title” Date Police Academy of Montenegro, Danilovgrad, Božova glavica, Montenegro Please return this application form as soon as possible but no later than three weeks before the beginning of the course. Contact person: Mrs Jelena Tomić Phone/Fax number +381 20 810 011 Mobile +381 67 189 051 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.policijska (Please write legible) Country of Applicant Family name First name Gender (colour the appropriate letter in green) M/F Title / Rank Name of organisation / Police Force Full professional address Postal code Phone (incl. intern. Code) Mobile phone Fax (incl. intern. Code) E-mail address Date / signature 86
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