22 BUFFALO COURIER-EXPRESS. Wednesday. April 4, 1956 •" 3?atljB .Notices Received Until 1:30 a.m. Dpatijfl Light Poles Held Below Standards Obituaries Name Listed in Error — AI Mi RIM-LotilM H«lm A!3*rin» of 4S5 EDWARDS—Shack Louis of 10 Hamlin PtCCIO—Daniel (Diego* Puccio. April Joseph A. Schwendler Purchase IDirector Joseph R. Fillmor* Av«.. April 2, 1»5#. wife of Rd.. April 3. 1958. beloved husband of 2. 193*». of 253 Plymouth A v e . beloved Funeral services for Joseph A. Stiglmeier a i d yesterday that a th« Uf William F. Allrrtm: tisttr of Florence Edwards: brother of Willie husband of the late Josephine (nee the iiite Mrs. Minnie Masaman and Green, James Edwards. Ida Brewer D'AngeloK father of Mrs. Angelo Schwendler, 63. will be at 10 Fri- steel firm Which submitted the M n . Mary Bteratnrh. Funeral from of Farnham, N. Y.. Mary Lowe. Paul (Tomasina) lanneJlo. Anthony S.. he Schlager Funeral Home. «7« and Clifford Edwards of Buffalo, Charles C-. Samuel J. and Ignatius day morning in the Nativity of low bid fo# street light stanBroadway. Thursday morning at » N". Y., Parlor Edwards of Texas. T. Puccio: brother of Ignatius and Our Lord Church, dards and Ipses did not receive •*etoek and at St. Anna Church at Friends may call at Brown's Funeral Charles Puccio of Italy. Funeral from Orchard P a r k , the contract because its product »J0. Friends arc invited. 3U Home. 8« -East Uttea St. Funeral the Mario Barone Funeral Home. 132 Saturday afternoon at 1:3© o'clock, Albany St. corner of Plymouth. Fridav following prayers did not map city specifications. ARAMBrSC—Antonio, in Lackawanna. from Calvary Baptist Church, 339 morning at «:I5 and from Our Ladv N Y , March f t . J»5«, of 54 Glenwood in the Lenahan William St. Friends invited. 4t« of Loretto Church at 9 o'clock. De The comppiy, which filed a low St., beloved husband of Mrs. Julia; ceased was a member of the Campn Funeral H o m e , bid of $2Q8,J§7, has protested the father of Anthony Jr.: ttep-father of GEORGE—Mary Boiler. April 3. 1908. Be!!© Dl Lieata Society and the Holv 2037 Seneca St.. awarding of the contract to Bufbeloved wife of the late Benjamin F. John S. Miller: aunrived by one grandName Society of Our Lady of Loretto George: mother of Edward A. and daughter, Mary Ann Miller. Funeral Church. Friend* invited. 4t3 Buffalo. Burial falo ElectrM Co. on a bid of Helen M. George. Friends may call •ervlcva from the Lackawanna Spaiv BAPPOLD— Lydla L. (nee Jentzen) of will be in the $248,217. at the family residence, 82 Wohlers iih Welfare Hall. H» Ridge Rd.. Parker Rd.. Hamburg. N Y.. April Ave. Funeral Saturday at 10:15 a.m.. Thursday morning at 9 o'clock and United German 2. 1936. wife of Charles P.; mother of Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Mary of from Assumption Church at arSt. BurMilton A.. Arthur W. and Raymond and French HoSorrows Church at 11 a.m. Deceased ial in Holy Cross Cemetery- Friends N. Rappofd of West Seneca: sister of was a member of the Women's Sorn a n Catholic invited. Deceased was a member of Mrs. Laura Potter and Albert Jent dality Altar Sortetv and L.C.B.A. NoJ Lackawanna Spanish Welfare Associasen; also survived by 10 grandCemetery, Pine New Yorker rinxa, 4-Door. Power 233. Friends Invited. 4t3 tion. \ at4 children. Funeral from the J. War Hill. steering, poi ren Hov Funeral Home. 3976 Seneca HERMAN—George Sr.. April 3. 1958 of brakes, ( 1 2 8 9 l.lLACsi-OWSKl—Mary 'nee ShlmburSt., West Seneca. Thursday afternoon radio and he Mr. Schwendler, 427 Cornwall Ave., husband of the »kl). April 2. IMA beloved wife of at 2. Friends invited. 3t6 late Caroline Hersher Herman: father the late Frank Balachowskl: beloved of the late George F. Herman; brother ROTT—Sylvester J. Rott. April 2. 1956. J. Schwendler Erie County pubmother of Frank. Mrs, Douglas <Rtta> a d m i n i s t rator of Albert Herman and Mrs. Richard of 1479 Hertel Ave., husband of Anna SullJvao. and Mr*. Zlgmund (Rose> Peterson: grandfather of Mrs. Allen Gibson Rott; father of Mrs. Jeremiah since Sept. 3. 1954, died Monday Zvsek: sister of Michael. John and MAIN ST. W. Swader. Mrs. Thomaa F. Burns: J. Moriarty and John G. Rott; son of Joseph ShlmfcuTskl. Mrs. Clara Brttt in his home at 161 S. Buffalo St., the late Mr and Mrs George C. Rott; great grandfather of Pamela, Susan Open Pvet. GA. #233 and Mrs. I^onard fCella) Knise. Fubrother of Mrs. Frank A. Clark. Mrs. Orchard Park. and Diane Burns. Friends received He was senior neral services Thursday morning at Justin S. Walters and Lawrence A at the George A. Schlmmel Funeral • : » from Okoniewskl Brothers FunerRott and the late Mrs George P member of the law firm of Home. 3«8 Pougeron St. at Genesee. al Home. KM Sycamore, and at St. Hoove* Mrs William K Ferrick Prayer Friday morning at «:3fl o'clock. Marv of Sorrows Church at 10 a.m. Jame^C. and Charles L. Rott. Funer Schwendler & Schwendler. Mass at St. Matthew's Church at & Friends Invited. Born in Buffalo, he attended al from the Murphy Funeral Home. o'clock. Deceased was a member of 1700 Hertel Ave , Wednesday morning St. Ann's Parochial School, CaLoyal Order of Moose and Retired BIRD—Graca M . tn Hamburg. N T.., at 9:30 and from St. Margaret's Church Firemen's Benevolent Assn. 4t5 wife of the lata George Bard. Fuat 10 o'clock Friends invited De- nisius High School, Bryant & neral from the Fogelsanger Funeral H O I X E R - B Crown Holler, of 394 Benceased was a member of the Holy Stratton Business Institute and 2-tone finim radio, beater, hyHome. Long Ave. at Lake St., Hamnett St.. North Tonasvanda. N. Y.. Name Society of St Margaret's Church burg. Wednesday afternoon at 1:30. April 2, 193H. husband of Elsie Adams the University of Buffalo Law dramatic, l o # mileage. Used for 3t4 Friends Invited M Holler: father of Richard. James and 8CHAMBERC.ER— Cecile. of 32 Pomona School. pleasure o Linda: son of Mrs. Lena R. Holler, BKCK—LIElan Amelia Back of 85 GushPL, April 3. 193«. beloved daughter all of the Tonawandas. Friends may Mr. Schwendler was a member ing PI April 2. IMS. wife of Rayof William and the late Emma call at the Hamp Funeral Home. 3T mond C. Back: mother of Mrs. Leslie Flanders Schamberger; sister of Mrs. of Buffalo Council 184, Knights Adam St., Tonawanda. where services A. A. Benson. Mrs. Byron Hasktn Gertrude Rundell: aunt of*Ricbard will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 'Betty Louisa Gates) of Calif.. Mrs. and William Rundell. Friends may of Columbus, Order of Alhambra, o'clock. Burial fn White Chapel MeWalter Bernhardt and Mrs. Wayne call at the funeral home of Oscar S. Erie County Bar Assn., New morial Park. Mr. Holler was a memStutnm: sister of Jack .E. and Cart E. Wltte. 1294 Fillmore Ave.* until noon York State Bar Assn., Catholic ber of Tonawanda Lodge 247, F. & A. Molin: grandmother of Joanne BenM.: the Masonic Past Master AssociaFriday. Services at Forest Lawn son Rledel, Susan and Michael BenLawyers Guild, First Friday Club, tion: the Buffalo Launch Club: the Chapel at 2 o'clock. 4t« son, P e t e ' man. Barbara Bernhardt University of Pennsylvania Club of SCHWEMDLER - Joseph A.. April t. Greater Buffalo Advertising Club and Pamela Stumra; great-grandest Pontiae Dealer Buffalo?* Western New York: the University of 1958. of Orchard Park. N. Y.. husband mo'her of Deborah Lea Rledel. Pennsylvania Varsity Club: the GreatDE. 0639 of Iva E. Abbott: father of Joseph E.. and the Lawyers Club of Buffalo. 2262 Delai ire Friends may call at H. R. Potts Fuer Buffalo Association of Insurance Mrs. Earl X (Rita) Miller. Raymond neral Home. 1361 Hertel Ave. from He is survived by his wife, Iva Agents Inc.: the New York State H.. Ruth M., Charles H., Margaret A.. 2 to * and 7 to 10 o'clock. Services Association of Insurance Agents Inc.. Helen E.: stepfather of Mrs. Joseph E. Abbott Schwendler; three sons, Thursday afternoon at I o'clock. and the Insurance Club of Buffalo. /Ball of Dayton. O.. and Miss Mary Joseph Friends Invited. Interment at AnE., Raymond H. and Lou Weppner; brother of Edward J. gola. N. f.. at a o'clock. tt* ie blue, heater, d e 2-door, 2 and Mrs. Frank A. Cusack and the Charles H; four daughters, Mrs. late Alois N. Schwendler; grandfather Earl J. Miller and • the Misses Bi»i % \ n - M a r y Boland (nee Elliott) INCE— Martha Thees Ince. of 43 Tyler froster, a of six grandchildren. Friends may St., April % 1936. wife of the late April l , 196C of 143 Crescent Ave., Margaret and Helen call at the funeral home of George Ruth, Dudley Ince: mother of Dudley D. wife of the lata Patrick J. Boland; J. Lenahan of 2037 Seneca St.. where Schwendler; two step-children, Ince of Hamburg. N. Y.; sister of beloved mother of Mary C . James A., funeral will be held Friday morning Anna H. Thees of Buffalo and Mra. Martha V , Beorga B.. Geraldtna T. STMT MAY 15 PAYMI at 9 o'clock, and from Church of Mrs. Joseph Ball and Miss Mary Byron D. Paddon of Nassau, N. Y.: Roland and the Late John R. Boland. Nativity of Our Lord, Orchard Park, Lou Weppner; a brother, Edward grandmother of Dudley Ince. Friends Funeral from the* George J. Roberts at 10 o'clock. Friends Invited. 4t3 received at tha Dohn Funeral Home. Funeral Home, 2400 Main St., ThursJ. Schwendler, and a sister, Mrs. 143 Kenmore Ave., near University day morning at 9 o'clock and from SHAPIRO—April 2. 1956, Anna Worobec- Frank Cusack. riAC CORP. Plaza, where funeral services will be St. Vincent de Paul Chureb at »:30. zlk Shapiro, of 1494 Genesee St.. held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. wife of Barnett Shapiro; mother of Friends are Invited. 4*4 SU. 7793 Friends Invited. 3t4 1250 MAIN ST. Nathan, Dr. Hyman N Shapiro and B. Crown Holler Bl IX — Margaret L. LaRocque Bull, JAEGER—John Peter, suddenly April 3, Jacob Shapiro of Freeport. L. I.; sisNORTH TONAWANDA, April 1938, of 73 Woeppel St.. beloved husApril 2. 1W«, of «M Lisbon Ave., ter of Mrs. Abraham Bliznik of Bronx, band of Mary M. (nee Moeach); beloved wife of Frank F. Bull; mothN. Y.; also survived by eight grand- 3—Funeral services for B. Crown father of Joseph P.; brother of the er of Mrs. Frank Bartha and Frank children and one great-grandchild. Holler, locaf insurance executive, late Julius, Pater, Joseph and FredBull; alio survived by 4 grandchilService* at tha Etkin Mortuary. 576 erick; grandfather of Marilyn and dren; sister of Mrs. George Barrett. Llnwood Ave.. Wednesday morning will be at 2 tomorrow at the Janet Jaeger. Funeral from tha Carl Mrs. Burton Robinson. Mrs. William at 11 o'clock. Friends Invited. Please Hamp Funeral Home. 37 Adams Marti Jr. Funeral Home. 1322 Fillomit flowers Contributions to Rosa Clemens and Edward LaRocque. Fumore Avt., Friday morning at 9 Coplon Jewish Old Folks Home would St., Tonawanda, with the Rev. neral service from Carlton A. Ullrich be appreciated by the family. 3t4 o'clock and at St. Mary Magdalene Funeral Home, S2T2 B a l k y Ave., Alexander Korti, rector of St. Church at 9:38. Friends Invited. 4t3 Thursday morning at 8:13 and at St. STEVE—Anna Galley Steve. April 2. Mark's Episcopal Church officiatRadio, h^pter, hydramatic. A :oy»lus Church at 9 o'clock. Friends EOSZtTA — Lottie (nee Gielskl) of 1956. wife of Charles F. Steve; mother Burial will be in White are invited. 3t4 Depew, N. Y., April 2. 1988, wife of of Mrs. John O'Connell and the late ing. Shaft conditioa the late John: mother of Bertha and Dorothy Steve: sister of Mrs. Robert Chapel Memorial Park, Town of CACTUS—Thomaa CantMn. April X Delphlne: mother-tn-lawof Walter Marsh Mrs. Elizabeth Jayes, Mra. 1900, son of the lata John and Anna Len and Ervin Blelanskl; survived Gust Seltz and Joseph Galley; grand- Amherst. Welti Cantlln: brother of Alice Cantby grandchildren Diane Len and Carl mother of Mary Carol and John F. Mr. Holler, 46. president and IIn. Funeral from the Driscoll FunerBlelanskl: daughter of the late O'Connell. Friends are Invited to al Home. 1336 Main St., Friday morntreasurer of Crown Agency Inc., Joseph and Catherine; sister of call at the family residence, 240 Pine ing at 8:48 and from St. Joseph's New Thomas and Albert Gielskl Funeral St.. where funeral will be held Friday died Monday night at Buffalo Cathedral fDelaware Ave.), at 9:30 Saturday morning from the family morning at 8:15 and at St. Mary's o'clock- Friends are Invited to atresidence. 209 Olmstead Ave.. Depew. Church at 9 o'clock. Mrs. Steve was General Hospital a f t e r a protend. 3t» at 9:30 and at St. Peter and Paul a member of Our Lady's Sodality and longed illness. He lived with his Church at 10 o'clock. Interment, St. the Arch-Confraternity of the Holy CHMfELOWSEI—Josephine 'nee Pawewife and three children at 394 Stanislaus Cemetery. Friends Invited. Family of St. Mary's Church. 3t5 lek). April 2. 19M. formerly of 148 s t Pontiae Dealer Deceased was a memher of Holy 8YMONS— Alfred Symons. April 2. 1956. Bennett St. Orlando St., Buffalo and 3884 Gene*ee Rosary Society. 4t5 St.. Cheektowaga. N. Y.; wife of the of 1223 South Eggert Rd.. EggertsHe was graduated in 1931 from DE. 0639 lata Frank: mother of Walter and EOTKCKI—Bugenla A. (nee .Splatt). of ville, beloved husband of Margaret Helen: mother - In • law of Laura 220 Cass Ave., Cheektowaga, N. Y.. Sappelt Symons; father of Mrs. Earl the Wharten School of Finance, Chmlelowski and Aurellua Pacer Sr.: April 1, 1956. beloved wife of RichRohl; grandfather of Marilyn and University of Pennsylvania, where grandmother of Aureliua (Ray), Sanard; dearest mother of Richard J. and Lynda Rohl: brother of George, dra and Robert Pacer: daughter of James and Mr*. Charles Schott. Fu- he was active in Delta Upsilon Cheryl Ann; daughter of Helen (nee the lata Jacob and Takla; slater of neral service from the Carlton A. Ull- Fraternity. He immediately en* Olejnlcxak) and the late Stephen: sisAndrew of Syracuse. N. T.. Cella rich Funeral Home, 3272 Bailev Ave. ter of Emily; granddaughter of Mary PugaJ of Poland and the lata Leon, Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. tered the insurance business with Olejnfezak. Funeral w i l l b e held from f u n e r a l Saturday morning at 9:30 Friends are invited. Mr. Symons his father, Benjamin N. Holler, tha E. L. Cwikalowskl Funeral Home. from the Max F. Ruteckl Funeral was s member of the Eggertsvllle 185 Crocker St.. Thursday morning at Exempt Firemen. VFW Amherst who headed the Crown Agency Home. 373-S79 Peckham St. and at 9:30. and at St. losaohafs Church at Township Post 416. 8t5 St. Valentine's Church at JO o'clock. 10. Interment St. Stanislaus Cemeuntil his death in 1945. Interment St. Stanislaus Cemetery. tery. Deceased was a registered THOMAS —Mary Jednoralski Thomas, M. Holler was a member of the Frtends Invited. Deceased w a s a • nurse at E. J. Meyer Memorial HosApril 3, 196H. of Paxon Rd.. Eden. member of the Polish Grocers Ladles pital. Friends ara invited to attend. New York State Assn. of InsurN.Y.: beloved wife of Patrick Thomas; Auxiliary. St. Florlan** Society Polish 3t4 mother of Mrs. Paul Renaldo, John ance Agents Inc., Insurance* Club 1*n»on of America Group 240, St. Thomas. Mrs. Raymond Lehner, Mrs. Hedwig's Society Group 419 Polish LOOAJI—James Rov Logan, of 4 Jewett Felix Juzdowskl, Joseph and Pvt. of Buffalo, executive board of Pky.. April 2. 1938. beloved husband For BETpR USED CARS Women's Alliance. Mothers Club of Richard Thomas; survived by 22 Greater Buffalo Assn. of Insurof Catherine Clark Logan: father of SS. Peter and Paul Church and the grandchildren and 3 sisters In BufGeorge W. and Robert R. Logan: also Ladlee. Auxiliary of Villa Marie Acad1575 Main i t . GA. 8000 falo. Member of Catholic Daughters ance Agents, former agent consurviving ara five grandchildren. emy. 4t3 of America, Women's Club of Ham- sular for Excelsior Insurance Co. Friends may call at the Bury Funeral burg and Immaculate Conception COLE—William E Colo, of 448 MassaOpen flptry Eve. Till 9 Home. 3070 Delaware, corner Klnsey. Church of Eden. Prayers from Rose of Syracuse, WNY University of chusetts Ave.. Buffalo. N. Y., April where funeral services will be held Funeral Chapel, 207 Main St., Ham- Pennsylvania Club. University of 2. 1938. husband of Helen *.ckerson Saturany Till Noon Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. burg, Saturday at 9:30. Mass from Cole: brother of Mrs. Marc Trltcbler. Friends are invited. St4 Immaculate Conception Church, Eden, Pennsylvania Varsity Club, the Mrs. J"Hn Ch»mr. M>-« D*-'el r**rat 10. Friends invited. 4t« bone. Mrs. Ralph Macklin. Mrs. Ber- LYNN—E. Harvey Lynn. April 2. 1958. Town Club, Buffalo Launch Club. nard Pendrvs and Mrs. Thomas Grev. son of the late John and Alice Adams VAN VOLKKNBt'RG—Charles J.. April He was past master of TonaFuneral from the Link Fox Co. MorLynn: brother of the late John F. 3. 1»36. of 123 Keneineton Ave., hustuary. 333 Grant St.. Thursday afterLynn. Services at the Legg & Burns band of Elizabeth M. Besch; father of wanda Lodge 247 F&AM, member noon s t 3:3©. Friends Invited Funeral Home. 1084 Elmwood Ave.. Edward P.. Charles F.. Daniel J. and of Masonic Past Masters Assn., Thlrsdav afternoon at 2 o'clock. Robert M. VanVolkenburg; brother of COOPER—Jennie Hogan Cooper of 9* Friends are Invited to attend. George N„ Laura M. and the late and a member of the Tonawanda East Royal Pky.. Wllltamsville, April Frederick and Roy VanVolkenburg; First Presbyterian Church. He X 1998, wife of Joseph Cooper: MAHOXEY—Jamea J. Mahoney, April grandfather of Thomas E. and Michael mother of Dr. Anthony J. Cooper of 2. 1936, beloved husband of Catherine equipped. G. VanVolkenburg. Friends may call also belonged to the Delaware Angola. Mr*. Albert Oeehsner. Helen Yecker Mahoney; father of Mra. Rayat the funeral home of Lux & Sons. Hose Co., Eldredge Bicycle Club, U Cooper and Mrs. Alfred Tarnmond O'Brien (Catherine), Mrs. Jamea 252S Main St.. where funeral will be berelli: sister of Helen B. Hogan. Scanlon (Dolores). Mrs. William Group held Friday morning at 9:30 o'clock North Tonawanda Elks 860, TonFuneral from Beach-Tuyn Funeral and from St. Vincent's Church at It). awanda Eagles, Aerie 1411, the (Agnes), Mrs. Raymond Berchou H o m e , S S 4 l Main St. corner Cayuga Friends invited. Deceased was a mem(Rita). Slater Mary Anita 0.S.F."-»nd Rd.. Wllllamsville. Thursdsv mornber of Holy Name Society. Troop 1 Kiwanis and Chamber of ComJamea J. Mahoney; survived by 12 tng at 9 o'clock and at SS. Peter Post. Fathers Club of Bishop Fallon merce in the city and town of grandchildren. Funeral from the famand Paul Church at 9:30, Friends High School and Campion Society. ily home. 1019 Lovejoy St.. Thursday are Invited. tt4 Tonawanda. 4t5 morning at 8:30 o'clock and In VisitaBEVISTOM — Charlotte M. Andrews tion Church at 9:30 o'clock. Friends WAN DELL—Ida C. Wandell. of 362 ColSurviving are his wife. Elsie Denlston of 181 Crocker St.. April 2. vin Ave.. April 1, 1956, daughter of are Invited. Deceased was a member Buffalo'* ist Pontiae Dealer Adams Holler, and three children, 1938, beloved wife of the lata Laveme the late Carl and Ann Smith Wandell; of the Holv Name Society of VisitaF.: mother of Willard I. of Milsister of the late Julia Wandell Fos- Richard, James and Linda. tion Church. tt4 waukee. Wis.. Mrs J. H. Cawood of ter and Flora Pierce Beam: aunt of 2262 Delcn > DE. 0639 Amerlcua. Ga.l and Charles L. of MARR—Francis j _ of 183 Ooulding Mrs. Earle H. Barker. Dr. Harvey F.. Sloan. N Y.: sister of Mrs. H. A. Vincent W„ and Herbert S. Foster. E. Harvey Lynn Ave . Anril 2 193*. be'oved husband Snipes of Palm Beach. Fla. Funeral Funeral from tha Austin Funeral of Caroline Staufenbell; brother of Funeral services for E. Harvey aorrtcoa will be held from the E. L. Home Inc.. 665 Elmwood Ave., Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Toronto. Cwikalowski Funeral Home. 183 Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock. Friends Lynn, 80, will be at 2 tomorrow Ont.. and the late Marion and William Crocker St.. Thursday afternoon at 2. Invited. 1 2t4 Marr. Friends may call at the Moest at Legg & Burns Funeral Home, Deceased waa a member of Osseo Funeral Home, at Sleek & Mast. 10O9 1084 Elmwood Ave. The Very Chapter OES? Lebanon Shrine and ZAMAS—John. Apni 1. 1956. Friends Kensington A v e . where funeral will the Araeramhe. Friends Invited to may call at 394 Elmwood A v e , where Rev. Philip F. McNairy. dean of be held Thursdav afternoon at 2 attend. St4 services will be held Wednesday at o'clock. Friends Invited. Mr. Marr was a member of DeMotay Lodge No. 1:30 and at 2 p.m. at Annunciation St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, DIETRICH—Hortraaa LarrabM. of 1T2 498 F. & A. M. Masonic services to Church, Delaware Ave. and West will officiate. Burial will be in Anderson PI.. April 2, 1958, wife of be held Wednesdav at 8 o'clock. Iltlra St. Burial tn Elmlawn Ceme- Forest Lawn. the late William M. Dietrich: mother tery. 3U 4tS of Xorman L. Bemelmans of SpartanMr. Lynn, a former cab starter burg. S C . and Lambert J. Bemel- McSWEENEY — Mary M. McSweeney, at Hotel Statler for about 27 mans of Dallas. Tex.: daughter of Mrs April 3, 1936, of 27 Red Jacket Pkwy.. Maud Larrabee of Spartanburg: sister sister of Catherine McSweeney: aunt years, died Monday at Buffalo of Lee L. Larrabee of Spartanburg. of Marie McSweenev; dear friend of General Hospital. He lived at 31 HAROLD MI Funeral from the Austin Funeral Frank and the late Mrs. Frances KiefHome Inc.. 5*s Elmwood Ave.. Thursfer, Francis and Edward Kieffer. W. Eagle St. day at 1:30 o'clock. Friends Invited. Funeral from the Kennedy Mortuary. Charles J. Van Volkenburg While employed by Van Dyke 914 Abbott Rd.. Thursday morning at 4tS A High Masr of Requiem will 9 o'clock, and from St. Thomas Taxi & Transfer Inc., Mr. Lynn PIPKIN - Marv A. Dlffln. April 3. 1938. Aquinas Church at 9:30 o'clock. be offered at 10 Friday morning was stationed at the Genesee St. formerly of 8 Crestwood Ave., wife Friends are invited. 4t5 of the late John A. Dlffln; beloved in St. Vincent de Paul Church door of the Hotel Statler for about mother of Jack Diffln. Mrs. John V. MUXCREFP—William J. Munereff. of for Charles J. Van Volkenburg, 22 years and later at the Delaware Costello. Mrs. Walter D. Morris and 119 Mayvllle Ave., Kenmore. April 1. Mrs. Daniel J. Hanssel. Funeral from He was known as 1936 Friends may call at the Bury 62, of 125 Kensington Ave. He Ave. exit. the George J. Roberts Funeral Home. Funeral Home. 3070 Delaware Ave.. died y, este rd a y in Roswell Park Harvey to the hotel's regular 2400 Main St.. Friday morning at 9 where funeral services will be held o'clock and from St. Amelia's Church Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Memorial Institute. Burial will be patrons. st »:30 o'clock. Friends ara Invited. Friends are Invited. Mr. Munereff in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Before joining Van Dyke, he 4t3 was a member of the Grotto; Grand Mr. Van Volkenburg was suworked for the old Jacob Dold D W Y E R - E l l e n B. fnea McLaughlin). Lodge No. 23, B.P O.E.; Iron WorkIn Buffalo. April 3. 1938, beloved wife ers Local No. 6. and Americus Lndge perintendent of Lafayette Gen- Packing Co. as a credit man and Finished in » of Miles R. Dwyer: alster of Mrs, No. 533. F. A A. M. 3t 4 Jama* E. Kenney of Ridgefleld Park, NOLAN—Leo M. Nolan of 192 Dellwood eral Hospital from 1950 through worked in the freight offices of with white rich dark rreen, \ f . Edward J. McLaughlin of De1955. and spearheaded a drive for the old Western New York & new matchii 11 tires, and a like Rd.. Eggertsvtlle. suddenly. AprH 3. troit. Mich.. Mra. W. E. Mcdusky, 1938. beloved husband of Mae Welzel funds which resulted in construc- Pennsylvania Railroad and the terior. Heaten radio, 2 toneHydramatic, rreen inMrs. John A. McXamara. John B. Nolan: father* of Mrs. Fred (Betty) tion of a new wing in 1953. He Central Railway Clearing House. Mclaughlin. Francis J. McLanghHn, power pleasure to Sell of Victor. N. Y.. Terence M. of David B. McLaughlin and Mlaaea VirWilliamsvllle. Wilbur M. Nolan of took sick leave last Jan. 1. drive ginU and Alva McLaughlin, all of EggertsviHe and Mrs. Robert <Grace> A native of Buffalo, he atSyracuse. N.T.. Mrs. G. Reese Foofe Root of Snvder. N Y.; brother of of Buffalo and the lata Thomaa F. Raymond and William of Buffalo, tended School 6 and Central High McLaughlin of Baltimore. Md. Funeral Gerald Nolan of East Aurora and the School. He had been paymaster from the Amlgone Funeral Home. lata Harry Nolan: also survived bv 1230 E. Delavan A w , Friday April five grandchildren. Friends received for the Danahy Packing Co.. had 0 at 9:13 a.m. and at St. Benedict's at the Dohn Funeral Home. 143 Ken- worked in the office of the WeckChurch. Eggertsvtne at. 10. Burial will more Ave. near University Plaza, be In St. Agnes Cemetery. Syracuse. where funeral services will be held erle Dairy and was secretary of N Y . , at t i l l p.m. Friday. Friends Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Friend* the Irish-American Loan Co.. invited. 4ti invited. Mr. Nolan was a member of Radio, heater, hydramatic. 138 Pearl St. for 32 years, before B. of R. T. No. 244. «" 4t« XRNST—laella C. (Peggy) Ernst of «33 Choice joining the hospital staff. Eggert Rd.. In this city April 3. 193*. XYE— Marv Catherine (Mamie) Kohl Nve. In Buffalo. N. Y.. April 2. 193«. beloved wife of Walter William Ernst A veteran of World War I. he wife of Victor W. Nve: mother of Friends received at the Marvin E. Robon K. \ v « : *»*ter of Mrs Clfntun was a member of Troop I Post. Malzan Funeral Home. 1320 Keneine G. Oliver and Mra. Arnold A. Hay. American Legion. He also was a ton Ave., where funeral services will HAMBURG* BUICK DEAIXR Calls may he made at her home, il© be held Fridav at 2 p.m. Friend* W. Ferry St.. until noon Wednesdav member of Buffalo Council 184, Invited. Mrs. Ernst was a member of Funeral service* at S t Paul's AngliAmherst Chapter No. 333 O. E. JL. 252 IAIN ST. can Church. Ft. Erie. Ont.. Wednes- Knights of Columbus, the FaJenny O n d Court No. iaa Order of thers' Club of Bishop Fallon day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock Friends the Amaranth. Lebanon Shrine No. 3 4343 are Invited 8t4 Order of the White Shrine of Jeru salem. Past Queen of Athor Temple O H O E - Lillian C. Welmer, April 2. High School, and the Holy Name Buffalo's Oldest Ponttac Dealer Society of St. Vincent de Paul Open Mor thru Fri. til 9 No. I t Daughters of the Nile and 1938. wife of the late Henrv Ohde: present Supreme Deputy of Supreme CJiurch. mother of Gertrude and Mrs. Anthonv Temple Daughters of the Nile and 2262 Delaware DE. 0639 *tlr 6 J Russell: sister of Mrs John Jordan p » « h gh t>rte«tess of A titans! Court He is survived by his wife, the and William Weimer. Friends may No. 12 Indies Or'efitajt WIISSX of call at her late residence. 297 Grover former Elizabeth M. Besch: four North America. Altoona and McKcesCleveland Highway where funeral sons. Edward P.. Charles F., port. Pa. papers please copy. 4t3 will be held Thursday morning at 9:30 and from St. Benedict's Church Daniel J. and Robert ML; a brothat 10 o'clock. Frtends invited. De- er. George N.. and a sister. ceased was a member of Rosary and A .tar Society. tt4 Miss Laura M. Van Volkenburg. BEREAVEMENT PATTEN—Bernard F. Patten, April J. 1936. son of the late Richard and Mrs. Lillian A. Beck Sarah Patten (nee Kane): brother of is a Prayers for Mrs. Lillian A. Marv C Patten, Mrs. William J. Mullen. Mrs. U l l i a i r Mvers and the Beck will be said by the Rev. shattering late Mrs. Katherine Schick. Friends may call at tha family residence. 1S1 Leo J. Engler of Woodside Methexperience OConneil Ave., where the funeral odist Church at 1 tomorrow at will be held Friday morning at 8:30 and from tha Church of Our Ladv the H. R. Potts Funeral Home, of Perpetual Help at 9 o'clock 1361 Hertel Ave. Burial will be Friends i t * !nvt»ed to attend St3 TURN in Angola Cemetery, with Mrs. P1CONE—Pauline Freddura Plcone. of Becks nephew. Jhe Rev. Earl WITH CONFIDENCE 79 West Lane. Lakeview. S. Y- suddenly io Canandaigua. N". Y.. April Gates of Jerusalem Corners Com3. 1938; wife of Joseph Pioone: mother TO US FOR of Joseph Pioone Jr.: daughter of munity Church, officiating. Ja/nes Freddura and the "ate Palma COMPLETE SERVICE Mrs. Beck, 60. was vice presiGtjHiano Freddura: sister of Mrs. Terry tSantina* Fiducia. Mrs. Con- dent of Molin Service Inc., a stance Cooper. Mra. Joseph <M!!dred> wholesale auto parts firm at 153 Phone: Chfarenxa. Mrs. Michael (Marie) d o c k and Mrs. Joseph (Gloria) Trtpi. Grant St., for the last 17 years. Springviile 647 Funeral from Joseph Spano and Sons Prior to that she worked for New Funeral Home Inc.. 473 Niagara St. near Hudson. Time to be an- the American Express Co., and nounced later. Frtends are Invited. for two years operated the Am\o Down Payment — A* L o i r A* .75 « Voiilh 4tS bassador Apartment restaurant in 411 Cmr* in Gnnd Condit i Peter Grippe, of New York City, said yesterday he will not take part in judging of the spring art exhibit starting Sunday at the Sisti Galleries. 469 Franklin St. Grippe said his name had been erroneously listed among the jurors of the show, being held in protest against the decisions made at the Western New York show now in progress. '55 POKTIAC 2-door. green, equipped, heater. defroster, dlrectionals. 81695 PAYMENTS START MAY 15 DAVE WAITE PONTIAC COtr\ 1250 MAIN ST. SU. 7793 Diet Ricttbamntir Says: Save 1 nday Buy Todmy— Ymu'rm S a r i sag Every Dmu You It rive A Villa I h o rough ft/ Hecoml Itioned I s e d Cmr IRYSLER '53 LAMONT-WRAY '55 PONTIAC Statmn Wagon ENTIRE STOCK ON SALE mm SUE' OPEN IVES. USED C A R SALE PRICE BERRII Bel Air 4-door Sedan, Powergrlide, radio, heater. V-8. Was $2390 '55 CNEV. '52 CHEV. .YMOUTH '55 '54 CHEV. 1395 '54 CHEV. WAITE '53 CHEV. DA '53 CHEV. '52 CHEV. '51 OLDS. '54 CHEV. *W| 4-Door '53 CHEV. '54 CHEV. 95 '54 CHEV. -GRAHAM '53 CHEV. '52 CHEV. '53 CHEV. '53 CHEV. INC '49 CHEV. '55 CHEV. '51 CHEV. '53 MERC. '55 FORD '53 CHEV. '51 FORD idor '55 CHEV. '51 CHEV. 95 '52 CHEV. BERRIMAN - GRAHAM '50 CHEV. '54 CHEV. Harold Says Obituaries "Its Good' It's Ri \ '1900 2-door Deluxe Sedan, original paint, excellent eondi. Was $825 2-door Sedan, beautiful tu-tone rreen finish. Was $1225 '895 '1025 '1025 2-door Deluxe Sedan, original rreen finish, sharp. Was $127$ Bel Air 4-door Sedan, radio, heater. Was $1295 . . 4-door Deluxe Sedan. Powerrllde, radio and heater. Was $122$ . 2-door Deluxe Sedan, radio, heater. Was $875 '750 2-door Deluxe Sedan, original dark rreen. low miles. Was $1295 Financo Man On Our Lit 2-door Deluxe Sedan, radio, heater. Was $1175 '900 '1075 Bel Air 4-door Sedan, fully equipped. Was $1375 .. . . . 2-door Deluxe Sedan, excellent condi., tu-tone grey. Was $1295 Deluxe Sedan, Powerrllde, powersteerinr, 2-tone. Was $119$ . 2-door Deluxe Sedan, Powerrllde, radio, heater. Was $82$ '1050 '675 4-door Deluxe Sedan, original black finish. Was $1100 '897 Deluxe Station Wagon, original finish, sharp. Was $1325 , '985 2-door Deluxe Sedan, radio & heater. Was $37$ '175 2-door Deluxe Sedan, radio, heater. Was $1695 '1450 2-door Deluxe Sedan, radio and heater. Was $695 '425 4-door Deluxe Sedan, Mercomatlc, radio, heater. Was $1275 . '995 2-door Custom, excellent condition, low mileage. Was $1550 '1350 Bel Air 4-dr. Sedan, Powerrllde, radio and heater. Was $126$ . »975 2-door Sedan, radio and heater. Was $M75 . . . . . . . , '1375 4-door Deluxe Sedan, Powerrllde, radio and heater. Was $750 .. . '567 4-door Deluxe Sedan, original paint, sharp. Was $825 .. '665 2-door deluxe Sedan, Powerrllde, radio & heater. Was $$75 . . . . '425 2-door Deluxe Sedan, Powerrllde, equipped. Was $1275 '1150 ER When KLEIN-WEIL \OBODY CHEVROLET 2-Door Fleetline, original throughout *29& BUICK Super Convertible, radio, heater, standard shift. $1Afi verj sharp .... tHW 9 E 4 CHEVROLET Convertible. radio, heater, I 4* ^ w very sharp 1 C J DODGE Coronet 4-door. tow mileage. Special at ' R f CHEVROLET 2-door. origInal throughout. Only ! K f FORD Convertible, FordoWI matte, radio, beater 9 R | PLYMOUTH 4-door. orir" I inal beige. tops OLDSMOBILE 4-door, hydramatic, radio, $A7R heater, black beauty *••* 9RA DODGE Meadowbrook 4W r j o o r , radio, heater, automatic shift. 5901% spotless m\99 ' d Q CHEVROLET 2-door. radio t w god heater, economical transportation ' A D LINCOLN 4-door. radio, ^*» heater. A steal at . . . More t o Chooie From GenerouM AHotcmnem For TrooVf CHEVROLET/ GIVES \OV A BETTER 1220 MAIN ST. BIQ FREE PARKING AREA IN 15-Minute Spot Deliveries DEAL! GR "" EVES. GR. 9137 27S1 BAfLEY - PA. 4 8 7 0 OF STORE Op«n E v o and Saturday illy Tops Cadillac ies 4-Door '51 PONTIAC 2'Door or 4-Door BERRIMAN - GRAHAM TODAY ONLY '51 •51 'SO '49 '49 '49 '48 '48 WEISMANTEL FUNERAL HOME [XT! I. MSMI Spnnfvtlle. N. Y »<S! FOR BEFORE-BREAKFAST DEUVERY" of the CourierExpress phone CL. 5353. EDW. I REGAN FUNERAL HOME 20 Salem at 500 Abbott Rd. • WO. 8808 • North St. Mrs. Beck was born in Buffalo and lived at 85 Cushing Pi. Surviving are her husband. Raymond C. Beck: four daughters. Mrs. Leslie A. A. Benson. Mrs. Walter M. Bernhardt. Mrs. Byron Haskin and Mrs. Wayne C. Stumm; and two brothers, Jack E. and Carl E. Molin. KAISER 4-Door, Cloaa . . . . HASH Ambassador, 27,000 DESOTO, automatic shift . . PLYMOUTH Club Coupe . . . CHRYSLER, very clean . . STUDE., Conv. Club Coupe . POHTIAC hydramatic . . . DODGE, Custom 4-Door . . . Ies $129 $289 $289 $289 $289 . $ 99 $129 . % 99 Vaughn & Brain, Inc. WA.2326 655 GENESEE ST. BUFFALO'S OLDEST CHRYS » Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com [R DEALER PHON* UN. 3900 |PDr»m»TmW # "Z^mMWrMUM 1,200 m 2800 Bailey USED CARS NOW! 1946 THRU 1951 ALL MAKES ALL MODELS ABSOLUTE TOP DOLLAR! BUT DONT DELAY! ACT N O W . . . NOTES PAID OFF 150 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM—rMMEDIATE DEUVERY CHOICE OF 23 CHOICE OF 25 1953s 1954s AS LOW AS AS LOW AS AS LOW AS $845 $945 $1975 CHOICE OF 90 1956 YOUR OLD CAR WILL MAKE THE DOWN PAYMENT IN MOST CASES . . . NO PAYMENTS TIL MAY 15TH PL. 5110 MAIN Optn 'Tit I ind Williimsvilli Sat. 'Til S C H E V R O L E T INC.
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