Latest developments in PMTs for low temperature operation DM2014 on February 28, 2014 Yuji Hotta Electron Tube Division Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Contents 1. PMT Lineup for Low Temperature Operation 2. Countermeasures against Light Emission 3. Developmental Status for 4 inch Metal Bulb PMT 1. PMT Lineup for Low Temperature Operation PMTs for Low Temperature Operation R8778 (2 inch round) R11410 R11065 (3 inch round) R8520-406 R8520-506 (1 inch square) R6041-406 R6041-506 (2 inch round) PMT for Low Temperature Operation Items R8520-406 R8520-506 R8778 R6041-406 R6041-506 R11410 R11065 Size / Shape 1 inch square 2 inch round 2 inch round 3 inch round Outer Size 25.7 mm sq. 57 mm dia. 57 mm dia. 76 mm dia. Min. Effective Area 20.5 mm sq. 45 mm dia. 45 mm dia. 64 mm dia. Tube Length 28.3 mm 111.5 mm 32.5 mm 123 mm QE 30% at 175 nm 25% at 420 nm 26% at 175 nm 30% at 175 nm 25% at 420 nm 26% at 175 nm 25% at 420 nm Min. Operating Temp. -110 deg. C -186 deg. C -110 deg. C -110 deg. C -186 deg. C -110 deg. C -186 deg. C Dynode Structure Metal Channel Box & Line Metal Channel Box & Line Number of Dy Stages 10 12 12 12 Supply Voltage 800 V 1500 V 800 V 1500 V Gain 1E+06 5E+06 1E+06 5E+06 Rise Time 1.8 ns 5 ns 2.3 ns 5.5 ns Pulse Linearity at +/-2% deviation 30 mA 13 mA 40 mA 20 mA Radioactivity 10 mBq/PMT 70-100 mBq/PMT 150 mBq/PMT 70-100 mBq/PMT R11410 & R11065 Quantum Efficiency 175 nm 26% typ. 30% min. 420 nm 25% typ. 30% min. R11410/R11065 Series Glass Stem Kovar Leads Ceramic Stem Ceramic Insulator Quartz Insulator Estimated RI 16 mBq/PMT Estimated RI 75 mBq/PMT 40K U Th 60Co Total 40K U 7 6 1 50 20 (mBq/PMT) 2 16 R11410-10 R11065-10 R11410 R11065 Th 60Co Total 3 2 75 (mBq/PMT) R11410/R11065 Series Aluminum Sealing Kovar Metal Co free Metal d = 1.0 mm d = 2.3 mm High-Purity Aluminum R11410-20 / R11065-20 (Cobalt free metal type) is now available. Kovar metal contains 60Co, its RI is about 2 mBq/PMT. Cobalt free metal can reduce it to 0.4 mBq/PMT. 8 2. Countermeasures against Light Emission Light Emission Last year, we were informed from a customer that R11065-20 might emit light at liquid argon temperature. As a result of our checking, we confirmed light emission in R11065-20. Top View FLANGE Bottom View STEM Light Emission / Countermeasure Possible Cause of Light Emission (1) Voltage tolerance of ceramic Reduce supply voltage between pins Enlarge distance between pins (2) Electron charge up on ceramic stem Put metal plate or quartz plate on ceramic stem Use metal stem Light Emission / Countermeasure Disk The maximum voltage gap between Pin#11 and Pin#12 is more than 1000V. Original Type Current Type 1176V Getter 1419V K 0V Max. Voltage Gap 1176 V (Pin#11 - #12) at 1500 V (K-P) Dy10 Dy6 Dy8 Dy2 Dy4 G Light Emission / Countermeasure The maximum voltage gap is reduced to 324 V from 1176 V. Modified Type Modified Type Getter 324 V 0V 324 V Max. Voltage Gap 324 V (Pin#17 - #18) 324 V (Pin#1 – #20) at 1500 V (K-P) K Pin#20 Pin#18 Dy4 Dy2 G Output Monitor for Modified type (at -1750V) Condition: 5uA output, -1750V, at -196C(Liq.N2) Tube Type Serial Number R11065-20 R11065-20 R11065-20 ZK6853 ZK6854 ZK6855 Output Stability (in Liq.N2) Stable Stable Unstable Two of three tubes showed stable output for 2 hours at -1750V. Modified type shows some effect, but it could be not perfect solution. ZK6854 ZK6853 Stable output for 2 hours operation This result was informed during Capri meeting. ZK6855 Stable output for 2 hours operation Light emission after 30 minutes Countermeasure / Fillet It could be necessary to modify the shape of Ceramic Stem so that the distance between pins can be enlarged. Current Type Ceramic Plate Metalizing Current Type Kovar Pin Fillet Type Ceramic Fillet Fillet Type Fillet Countermeasure / Metal Plate & Stem We guess that electron charge-up could be a trigger for light emission. Metal Plate Metal Plate Nippers as a stand Metal plate is connected to K. Metal plate is floating against the ceramic plate. Metal Stem <Side View> <Bottom View> Countermeasure / Quartz Plate The other idea to prevent charge-up of electrons is to place a quartz plate on the ceramic stem. NC (Pin#10) Stopper Ceramic Stem Quartz Plate with bore NC (Pin#19) holes (transparence) K (Pin#20) We made 7 trial tubes. All the tubes showed stable output over 7 hours in liquid nitrogen. 3. Developmental Status for 4 inch Metal Bulb PMT 4-inch Metal Bulb PMT Development Tube Length: 130 mm 400 nm 99.0% 175 nm 3.3 ns (FWHM) B/L 12 stages Diameter: 104 mm Effective Area: 91 mm Simulated values 90.5% 4.3 ns (FWHM) 4-inch Development / Trial for sealing Quartz Faceplate Aluminum Sealing Attachment of Kovar Flange to Quartz Faceplate was completed. Aluminum Ring Kovar Flange (It consists of 2 parts.) 4-inch Development / He Leak test Quartz faceplate with Kovar flange is placed on the stage. He gas is applied at the edge of Kovar flange by spray gun. Leak Tester He Gas Cylinder < Helium Leak Test System > He peak is not appeared. 4-inch Development / First trial 3 inch PMT 4 inch PMT <Top View> 4 inch PMT 3 inch PMT <Side View> 4-inch Development / First trial 4 inch Metal Bulb PMT Quantum Efficiency Quantum Efficiency [ % ] 35 28.1% at 420 nm 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 150 Gain : 6.3E+06 at 1500 V Idb : 4.6 nA at 1500 V 200 250 300 350 400 450 Wavelength 500 550 [ nm ] 600 650 700 750 Summary - We are trying to solve the light emission problem. It seems that quartz plate type would be effective to prevent light emission at liquid argon temperature. - We are developing 4 inch metal bulb PMT for low temperature operation. The development has gone well so far.
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