SANGLI MISSION SILVER JUBILEE (1990 - 2015) MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE JUBILEE EMBLEM Explanation of the Jubilee Emblem The jubilee emblem explicitly highlights S and M referring to Sangli Mission. The middle portion of the emblem suggests chalice, paten, the Holy Eucharist as well as the missionary personnel offering the Holy Qurbana signifying the communion of the members who are being enkindled by the fire of the Holy Spirit. The jubilee motto “Being with Jesus to serve humanity” explains the perennial principle and the plan of our mission. An overview of the emblem represents Mother Mary with Jesus whose motherly protection has been an assurance for our Mission from its inception. It also signifies the mother figure which Sangli Mission has been advancing over the past 25 years through varieties of apostolates. JU BILEE SANGLI M R ION SILV S E IS (1990 - 2015) THE EPARCHY OF KALYAN DIOCESE 1 Bishop's House, Plot No. B/38, P.B. No. 8434, I.I.T. P.O., Powai, Mumbai - 400076, India. Mar Thomas Elavanal SANGLI MISSION SILVER JUBILEE Bishop of Kalyan Message K.S/11.07/09/14 Name Sanglimission@25 Motto Being with Jesus to serve humanity Objectives 1. To rekindle the missionary enthusiasm and zeal among missionary personnel 2. To mobilize spiritual, human and material resources for the mission 28-04-2014 To Rev. Fr. Jose Cheriampanattu Director (Sangli Mission) Dear Rev. Fr. Jose, I am very glad to know that you intend to bring out a booklet cum annual planner on the occasion of 25th Anniversary of the Sangli Mission. I am sure that the booklet you intend to publish will become a vehicle of good news to everyone and be a means to bring everyone together for the greater fellowship. I take this opportunity to appreciate you and all the priests and sisters over there for your good and dedicated pastoral and missionary activities irrespective of caste and creed both in spiritual and social life. May the celebration of the Jubilee be an occasion to proclaim to the world, through your ministry, that those who have best served the church and the faithful are those who have been closest to Christ and to the people, who are the images of Christ. I wish you every success and May God bless you. With prayerful greetings, 3. To gauge for various means & ways to impart Mar Thomas Elavanal, Bishop of Kalyan love of God. Tel.: +91 -22 - 2578 5515 / 2385 2 Fax : +91 -22 -2577 6100 [email protected] 3 Sangli Mission Society (Reg. No. F/3827/Sangli/Maharashtra) Sant Thoma Bhavan, P. B. 306, Raman Mala, Kolhapur-416 003, M.S. (India). E-mail : [email protected], Message I am delighted to know that Sangli Mission has planned various programs to mark the silver jubilee of MST mission in Maharashtra. On this great occasion let us look back with gratitude and joy, the wonderful ways the Lord has guided our Society through the missionaries at Sangli Mission. Remembering the challenges of the past with joy, you may prepare yourself to face the challenges of today with more enthusiasm and courage to be living witnesses of Christ. Let the conviction continue to inspire the missionaries in Sangli Mission that "the Church's faith in Jesus is a gift received and gift to be shared; it is the greatest gift which the Church can offer" (EA.10). Jubilee year is an occasion to rekindle the lamp of faith in the spirit of the mission 'ad gentes'. May the celebrations bring more and more blessings to missionaries there and the people whom you serve. Assuring you of my prayers, good wishes, collaboration and support Fr. Kurian Ammanathukunnel Director General MST Message Jubilee is an occasion to recall the past with gratitude, live the present with enthusiasm and to march towards the future with hope. When we look back we are happy and we find enough reasons to be grateful to God and to the superiors of the Eparchy of Kalyan and the Missionary Society of St. Thomas the Apostle (MST) for their guidance and the Women Religious Congregations for their collaboration. Our presence and involvement really made substantial contribution to the growth of the Church in Maharashtra. The tiny seed planted at Miraj on 1 May 1990 has spread its shade to 4 districts in Maharashtra and even beyond through our various social and educational apostolates. It has grown into a mighty tree with 32 mission centers / centers of social apostolate and 40 priests and 53 religious sisters. At this juncture, we express our heartfelt gratitude to the pioneers for their faith and courage to step into this strange land to give a start for this great cause and to all others who followed them and collaborated with them. We can say with conviction that deep spiritual life, farsightedness, uncompromising commitment, strong love and zeal for the mission, spirit of team work were some of the values which made our presence flourish to become powerful witnesses of the Lord. May this jubilee be an occasion for us to renew, revitalize and unleash our missionary zeal. I wish and pray that the jubilee celebrations pave the way for us to review the glorious past of the selfless missionaries and add a new vigour to our activities and chalk out new projects and goals for the future. We raise our hearts in praise to the Almighty who has been our strength in trials and tribulations and to our heavenly patroness, St Alphonsa, for her powerful intercession to the Lord for the success of our mission. Phone : 04822-236353 / 237753 (D.G.) 237873 (Off.) Fax : 04822-236353 Website : E-mail : [email protected] 4 0231-2660275 Fr Jose Cheriampanatt Regional Director, Sangli Mission 5 aOVO¶§Vr JrV aOVO¶§Vr JrV ho JmD$ CëhmgmZo, ‘Ý‘Zr AmZ§XmZo nd©V S>m|Ja AmnU gmao, XodmgmR>r, JmD$ EH$ñdamZo drnwbVoZo OrdZ Xoʶm g‘¥ÜXrZo amhʶmg ‘amR>r‘mVrV§ XodmZo aMbobo ho H$mì¶ nwÌr hr H$ë¶mUMr - gm§Jbr ào[fV YaUr MST ào{fV ^y‘r (aOVO¶§Vr JrV...) ‘ma Wmo‘mÀ¶m M¡VݶmZo nmdZ hmoD$¶m EH$‘ZmZo ‘mZdm§Zm gmú¶ hr XoD$ ¶m ‘V^oXm§Zm Xÿa H$ê$Zr ào{fV H$m¶© H$ê$ H$ê$UoMo ho dñÌ ZogyZr X[aж§gmR>r PQy>¶m ghZe³VrMr H$ݶm, g§V Aë’$moÝgm gmaIo hmoD$ Amåhr ào{fV (aOVO¶§Vr JrV...) na§naoMo OnyZr Xm¡Ë¶ H$amd¶mg gm¡^m½¶ H¥$nm {‘imbr AmåhmgmR>r XodñVyVr nmhʶmg ‘amR>r ‘mVr ‘YyZr OÝ‘br XodmMr ‘§S>ir {¼ñVmR>m¶r EH$ hmoD$Zr {eî¶ ~Zy ào‘mMo ‘oS>nmimg§Jo ‘|T>am gmaIo, ‘mJo ‘mJo OmD$ (aOVO¶§Vr JrV...) 6 7 aOVO¶§Vr àmW©Zm gd© OJmV OmD$Z g§nyU© g¥ï>rbm gwdmV}Mr KmofUm H$am (‘mH©$ 16:15)/ à^y ¶oeyMr hr Amkm KoD$Z / ^maVm‘ܶo {dídmgmMr noaUr H$ê$Z,/ a³Vgmjr Pmboë¶m g§V Wmo‘mÀ¶m Y¡¶m©Zo / Am{U g§V Aë’$moÝgm à‘mUo ghZmÀ¶m ‘mJm©Zo / gm§Jbr {‘eZ‘ܶo ào{fV H$m¶© H$aʶmgmR>r / Amåhmbm Y¡¶©, e³Vr Am{U gm‘϶© XoUmè¶m ¶oey /Amåhr VwPo Am^ma ‘mZVmo Am{U VwPr ñVwVr H$aVmo. ào{fV H$m¶© H$aʶmMr Amkm XoÊmmè¶m ho ¶oey / Jobr 25 df} gm§Jbr {‘eZ‘ܶo ào{fV H$m¶© H$aʶmgmR>r / jUmojUr Amåhmg Am{edmªX XoD$Z / ¶eñdr Ho$ë¶m~Xb / Amåhr VwPo Am^ma ‘mZVmo. gm§Jbr {‘eZÀ¶m OÝ‘mnmgyZ AmOn¶ªV / AZoH$ àH$mao ‘XV H$aUmao / Am{U gm§Jbr {‘eZgmR>r {ZñdmW©nUo H$m‘ H$aUmao / Am{U gm§Jbr {‘eZMo {hVqMVH$ / Aem gd© ~§Yy ^{JZrda / Am{U ˶mÀ¶m Hw$Qy~m§da ‘wbm~mim§da / VwPm Am{edmªX Agy Xo. ¶m gdmªZm Vy ¶mo½¶ à{V’$b Xo. doimodoir Amåhmbm ‘mJ©Xe©Z H$aUmao / H$ë¶mU Y‘©àm§VmMo [~en Am{U ˶mMo ghH$mar dJ© /Am{U g§V Wm°‘g {‘eZar gmogm¶Q>rMo A{YH$mar dJ© / ¶m§Zm gwÜXm Vy Am{edm©XrV H$a. ho n{dÌ AmËå¶m, ¶m {‘eZ ‘ܶo {‘eZ H$m¶© H$aUmè¶m / gd© Y‘©Jwê$, Y‘©^{JZr, Y‘©~§Yy, gd© àmn§{MH$ / ¶m gdmªda VwPr H¥$nm gX¡d Agy Xo. AS>rAS>MUrÀ¶m àg§Jr / Y¡¶m©Zo Am{U lÜXoZo / ào{fVr¶ H$m¶© nwT>o Mmby R>odʶmg / Amåhm gdmªZm Am{edmªX Xo. ¶oeyMr AmB© ‘[a¶o/ Am‘Mm {nVm g§V Wmo‘m / {‘eZÀ¶m Aml¶XmÌr g§V Voaogm / Am{U gm§Jbr {‘eZÀ¶m Aml¶XmÌr g§V Aë’$moÝgm / AmåhmgmR>r ¶oey Odi ‘ܶñWr H$am. {nVm nwÌ Am{U n{dÌ AmË‘m ¶m§À¶m Zmdo, Am‘oZ. . 8 9 Committees Central Organising Committee Finance Media and Publication Program Committee (Seminar & Renewal) Inaugural & concluding celebration Souvenir Documentation 10 Names of the members Chairman - Fr Jose Cheriampanatt, General Convener - Fr John Madukoly Treasurer - Fr Tony Mampilly, Secretary - Fr Roshan Kuzhuppallil Fr Varghese Monoth, , Fr Sabu Maprakavil, Sr Grace Maria MSJ, Sr Joyce Maria SABS Fr Tony Mampilly (C), Fr Joe Kattuthara, Fr Jojo Chetttiakunnel, Fr Siby Kocheetathottu, Fr Binoy Vechoopadinjarethil, Fr Babu Anithanam, Fr Siju Azhakath, Mr Thomas K. A., Mr Augustine Sixtus Fr Joshy Vazhakattu (C), Fr Paul Painadath, Fr Siby Vadakeputhenpura, Fr Saji Chakiriamthadam, Fr Joby Palackathadathil Fr Shaiju Edathiparambil (C), Fr Dileep Nalannadiyil, Fr Philip Pinakatt, Fr Jose Kalarickal, Fr Joy Chitteth, Fr Benny Arthanakunnel, Fr Joby Njallyil, Fr Joe Kattuthara, Fr Jojo Chettiakunnel, Fr Joby Kozhipatt, Fr Lijo Arackalputhenveedu, Sr Valsala MSMI, Sr. Lissy Maria CPS, Sr. Lissy Stephen FCC, Mrs Pratibha Gaikwad, Mr Thomas Anchukandathil Fr Santosh Olappurackal (C), Fr John Kizhakarakatt, Fr Thomas Karamel, Fr Thomas Vattukulathil, Fr Augustine Thekkemyladil, Fr Tom Mangalathil, Fr Bino Kannamundayil, Fr Siby Kocheetathottu, Fr Binoy Vechoopadinjarethil, Fr Binish Kizhakkeparambil, Fr Lijesh Panackavayalil, Fr Anish Akkappallil, Sr. Manoj SMS, Sr Lissy DSS, Sr Hema DST, Mr Nadrajan K. Nadar, Mr Justine Xavier, Mr Biju Karamel Fr Siju Azhakath (C), Fr George Kavukatt, Fr John Kudiyiruppil, Fr CD Sebastian, Fr Saji Chakiriamthadam, Fr Bibin Vernakunnel, Mr Joy Sebastian Fr Joby Njallyil (C), Fr Siby Vadakeputhenpura, Fr George Vettukallel, Fr Anish Akkappallil, Sr Sinta SMC 11 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF JUBILEE COMMITTEES Finance Committee ! Prepare the budget for the Jubilee Year. ! List out ways and means to raise finance for Jubilee Year. ! Find out the sponsors from different strata of society to support Jubilee Programs. ! Prepare projects for different activities like seminars and renewal programs. ! Prepare final financial report. Media & Publication Committee ! Make known the message and events of Sangli Mission Jubilee Year through media. ! Prepare and print posters, banners for Jubilee Year. ! Prepare a website for Jubilee Year and update it regularly. ! Keep Catholic media and Church informed about Sangli Mission Jubilee. ! Prepare and get ready write ups based on Sangli Mission Jubilee to publish in Magazines, Journals, etc. ! Encourage and promote missionary personnel to publish Books, Articles, CDs, etc based on Sangli Mission 'ad gentes'. ! Prepare final report of the activities of the committee. Program Committee ! Prepare annual planner. ! Arrange and organize seminars and programs for Priests and Religious, Schools, Parishes, Catechism children, Youth and Social Apostolate for the year. ! Find out proper resource persons for seminars and renewal programs. ! Arrange and organize missionary meet. ! Plan and implement Jubilee Memorial Activities through various forums like social apostolate, parishes, schools, etc ( e.g. Jubilee Memorial Houses for the poor) 12 ! ! Prepare & distribute mementos to invitees, participants & personnel. Prepare final report of the activities of the committee. Inaugural and Concluding Committee ! Fixing the date, venue, time & chief guest for the inaugural and concluding function. ! Prepare the list of all the invitees (former missionary personnel-priests, sisters, managers, principals, lay missionaries, lay people, benefactors, associates, well wishers, etc). ! Prepare invitation cards & send it to all the persons & centers. ! Ensure the participation of the invitees. ! Making arrangements for train, bus and flight tickets incase of special request and unavoidable circumstances. ! Make sure about the conveyance of the chief guest, special invitees and participants. ! Arrangements for reception and accommodation. ! Make arrangements for Liturgy. ! Plan and organize public meeting with adequate cultural programs. ! Organize and distribute food at proper time. ! Prepare final report of the activities of the committee. Souvenir Committee ! Collect material (history, data, photos, activity report) from every mission station and prepare a souvenir to be published in the finale of Sangli Mission jubilee celebration. Documentation committee ! Help and assist the committees to prepare report. ! Organize all the reports of Jubilee Year in the form of reports, photos and videography. ! File and submit all the records to Central Organizing Committee. 13 DESCRIPTION OF RENEWAL AND SOCIAL APOSTOLATE PROGRAMS TO BE CONDUCTED IN VIEW OF SANGLI MISSION SILVER JUBILEE Date Program for the Priests 12-June 2014 Jubilee Discourse 1 : Jubilee from a Biblical Perspective Rev Fr Francis Eluvathingal 01-July 2014 Jubilee Discourse 2 : St. Thomas Day Celebration : Missionary Spirituality of St Thomas the Apostle Rev Dr Sebastian Kizhakkeyil 08,09-Aug 2014 Symposium : Challenges and Possibilities of Mission 'ad gentes' in Maharashtra Rev. Dr Tomy Chirapurath (Darshana Institute of Philosophy, Wardha) 11- Sept 2014 Jubilee Discourse 3 : Relevance of Priesthood in the Changing World. Silver Jubilee Celebration of Priests 26-31 Oct 2014 Jubilee Retreat for Priests Rev. Dr Joseph Pamplany 13 Nov 2014 Jubilee Discourse 4 : Radiating Emmanuel in the mission context - Mission Tour 11 Dec 2014 Jubilee Discourse 5 : Priesthood and effective management - Mr Biju Dominic 8 Jan 2015 Jubilee Discourse 6 : Missionary activity from the perspective of a laity - Mrs Roselin Thomas 7 Feb 2015 Missionary Meet – Get together of all the missionary personnel worked & working in the mission 8 Feb 2015 Thanks Giving day Venue - St. Alphonsa Ichalkaranji 14 Date Aug - Dec 2014 Program for the Religious Sisters Competitions for Rev Sisters: Drawing Competition, Poem, Short Story (Biblical & Mission Themes). Sept 12-13 Symposium First Phase : Personal growth and renewal for 2014 effective missionary life - Rev Fr Thomas Manjalankal MST Oct20-25 2014 Jubilee Retreat for Sisters - Rev Fr Zacharias Thadathil MST Nov 7-8 2014 Symposium Second Phase : Personal growth and renewal for effective missionary life - Rev Fr Thomas Manjalankal MST Dec 26-27 2014 Mission Tour Date Dec - Jan 2014 Dec 23 2014 Date Program for Mission Stations Vegetable & Flower Garden Competition Crib Competition Program for Staff and Students in the Schools Aug 2014 Essay Competition Sept 2014 Teachers' Meet Skit Competition Date Program for the Students Aug - Dec One day seminar 2014 Sept - 2014 Social Awareness Program for School Children Jan - 2015 Sept - 2014 Inter School Dance Competition Jan - 2015 15 Date Program for Staff and Students in Special Schools June 12 -14, Training program for Special School Teachers 2014 Sept - Dec 2014 Date Teaching Aid Competition Program for Special Children Sept - Dec 2014 Sports & Cultural Competition 3 Dec 2014 Disabled Day Rally Date Programs Related to Social Action June - Sept 2014 June - Sept 2014 To provide financial support to 25 poorest families to begin agro based Income Generating Activities Providing facilities to safe drinking water to 1000 people June - Sept 2014 June 2014 April 2015 To promote Group Organic Farming involving farmers' clubs Provide nutritious food to 1000 disabled, HIV/AIDS infected and affected children in villages June 2014 Distribution of education materials to 100 HIV infected/affected school going children June 2014 - Empathetic visit to people who are seriously ill April 2015 July - Sept 2014 July - Dec 2014 July 2014 April 2015 Date Programs Related to Social Action July - 2014 April 2015 July - 2014 April 2015 July - 2014 Feb - 2015 To organize 50 blood donation and medical camps in rural villages Panchayati Raj Institution capacity building program in 50 villages Helping 300 Students through school counseling program in 10 schools July - 2014 May - 2015 July - Dec 2015 July - Jan2015 To construct 5 Jubilee Memorial houses for the poorest people in the villages To Provide financial Support to Start Income Generating programs to 250 families of the persons with disability Aug - Nov 2014 Aug - Nov 2014 Aug - Nov 2014 To construct 10 biogas plants Aug - Dec 2014 Aug - Nov 2014 To support 75 children with disability for corrective surgery To begin 25 children's parliament for the integral development of children To conduct ten trainings for adolescent boys and girls on sexual education, social issues and communication To conduct awareness programs for youth groups on different social evils Gathering of Self Help Groups (SHGs) members in different phases Sept 2014 Reaching out to cancer patients through mobile counseling and community based rehabilitation program Nov 15-16, 2014 Program for the Ministerial Staff To plant 500 trees in the villages and sustain them Dec 2014 Arrange public rallies in villages on World AIDS Day, World March 2015 Disabled Day and on International Women's Day Reaching out to 15000 women in rural villages through Self Help Groups Providing nutritional intake to 500 poorest pregnant ladies, nursing mothers and malnourished children Dec 2014 Gathering of all the staff working in social apostolate Dec 2014 To conduct Christmas Gatherings in 10 villages involving the Community based organizations and to distribute Gifts to 600 disabled children. 16 17 Date Parishes And Catechism Students July - Sept 2014 Aug 2014 Aug - Dec 2014 Formation of pious associations Oct 2014 Mission Fest & reaching out to every family Oct 2014 Mission Sunday Celebrations Nov 2014 Camp for Catechism Students Jan 2014 Gathering of Lay Faithful Faith Formation for Catechism Teachers Bible Quiz SANGLI MISSION (ST ALPHONSA MISSION REGION) Sangli Mission formally consisted of four civil district of Maharashtra, viz. Sangli, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri & Sindhudurg, which is a part of the Eparchy of Kalyan. It was formally entrusted to MST for mission work on May 1, 1990 by His Excellency Mar Paul Chittilapilly, the then bishop of Kalyan. The Regional Director of Sangli Mission is also the Episcopal Vicar of the bishop of Kalyan in the Region. Local Hierach Address Media and Publication July 1 2014 Publishing of a Video CD about Sangli Mission to describe its missionary activities Publishing of various printed materials in related to Sangli Mission Jubilee and Missionary activities Use of print media to highlight the activities of Sangli Mission in the mission territory Mar Thomas Elavanal MCBS Bishop of Kalyan - Mar Thomas Elavanal MCBS Bishop's House, P. B. No. 1, Plot B/38, IIT P. O., Powai, Mumbai - 400076, M. S. Tel. : 022- 25785515, 25792016, Fax : 022- 25776100 Email : [email protected], [email protected] Web : MST Central Administration Very Rev. Fr Ammanathukunnel Kurian - Director General Rev. Fr Palakeel Jose - Vice Director General Rev. Fr Aryankalayil Jose - Secretary General Rev. Fr Chenganariparampil Thomas - Third Councillor Rev. Fr Koorumullumpurayidom George - Fourth Councillor Rev. Fr Kunnel Kuriakose - Treasurer General Address - Deepti Mount, Melampara P. O. - 686 578 Bharananganam, Kottayam Dt, Kerala, India Tel.: 04822 - 236353 / 237873 / 237753 (D. G.) Fax : 04822 - 236353 Email : [email protected] Website : 18 19 REGIONAL ADMINISTRATION Regional Director First Councillor Second Councillor & Procurator - Rev. Fr Cheriampanatt Jose Rev. Fr Monoth Varghese Rev. Fr Mampilly Tony Address : Sant Thoma Bhavan, P.B. 306, Raman Mala, Kolhapur - 416 003, M. S., INDIA Tel: 0231-2660275, 2660088(RD) Email : [email protected] Web: Vision Sangli Mission Society envisions having the life in fullness to all human beings Mission Enabling the sustainable development of humanity through a process of empowering the less privileged, exploited, weak, marginalized and downtrodden of the society Goal Welfare of all sections of humanity irrespective of cast, creed, race or other discriminating factors Objectives 1. Make accessible quality education to all through educational institutions and non formal education. 2. Empower the disabled to live a full life with equal life and opportunities. 3. Improve the life situation of the HIV/AIDS infected and affected people and stigma eradication and prevention of HIV/AIDS. 4. Enabling the people to be the primary decision makers and executers through decentralized governance. 5. Enabling the women to become into the main stream of society for its integral development safeguarding the dignity and integrity of women. 20 6. Enabling the exploited and weaker sections of society for justice, dignity and integrity and address the issues of social evils and problems. 7. Preservation and promotion of healthy environment Integrated and sustainable development through organic farming and allied activities. Sangli Mission at a Glance • Area 29678 km2 • Population 91,60,878 • Language used - Marathi, Konkani, Hindi, Kannada, English • Districts 04 • Talukas 39 • Catholics • Priests 40 • Religious Sisters 53 • Brothers 08 • Parishes 08 • Mission Stations/ Centers of Apostolate 32 • Convents 18 • Counselling Centers 04 • Retreat Centre 01 • Nursery 05 • English Medium Schools 09 • Higher Secondary 01 • Hostel for School Children 01 • Special Schools 04 • Home for Physically & Severely Handicapped 01 2000 21 • Rehabilitation Center for differently abled adults 01 • Care Home for HIV patients 01 • Hostel for HIV infected boys 01 • Hostel for HIV affected girls 01 • Center for Mentally ill 01 • Old Age Home 01 • Center for the children in need of care and protection - Childline 01 • Mission Animation and Language Center 01 • Vocational Training 02 • Working Women's Hostel 01 • Center for Social and Development Action 01 • Center for Agriculture Promotion 01 • Rehabilitation & Settlement of Migrants 01 • Printing Press 01 No. Districts 01 Kolhapur 02 Sangli 03 Ratnagiri Talukas Karvir, Kagal, Bhudargad, Panhala, Gadhingalaj, Shirol, Hatkanangale, Ajra, Chandgad, Gaganbawada, Radhanagri, Shahuwadi. Miraj, Tasgaon, Kawethemahankal, Jath, Khanapur, Palus, Kadegaon, Walwa, Atpadi, Shirala. Mandangad, Dapoli, Khed, Chiplun, Guhagar, Sangameshwar, Ratnagiri, Lanja, Rajapur. 04 Sindhudurg Kudal, Devgad, Kankavli, Malvan, Vengurla, Sawantwadi, Vibhavwadi, Dodamarg. 22 MISSION STATIONS / CENTERS OF APOSTOLATE & ADDRESS 1. ALPHONSA: MIRAJ a) Deepti Nursery b) Alphonsa High School c) St Alphonsa Parish d) Snehagiri Missionary Sisters (SMS) Convent (1991) Address: Alphonsa School, Miraj, Kupwad Road, Miraj P. O., (Dt.) Sangli, M. S. - 416 410 2. ALPHONSA: YADRAV - ICHALKARANJI a) Sanjoe Nursery b) Alphonsa High School c) Alphonsa Higher Secondary d) Pastoral Care e) DST Convent (1991) Address: Alphonsa School, Yadrav, Ichalkaranji P. O., (Dt.) Kolhapur, M. S. - 416 145 3. JAI MATHA: BHEDSHI a) Jai Matha Social Service Centre b) Jai Matha Parish c) Agriculture Promotion (1991) Address: Jai Matha Nivas, Sateli-Bhedshi, (Dt.) Sindhudurg, M. S. - 416 530 4. MARY MATHA: CHIPLUN a) Mary Matha School Address: Mary Matha School, MIDC, Kherdi, Chiplun P.O., (Dt.) Ratnagiri, M. S. - 415 604 23 (1991) b) Mary Matha Parish c) Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate (MSMI) Convent Address: Mary Matha Church, Kalambaste, Chiplun P. O., (Dt.) Ratnagiri, M. S. - 415 605 5. DEEPTI: MULAS a) Centre for Agriculture Promotion b) Pastoral Care (1993) Address: Deepti Pantations, Bamberde (Mulas), Tervan Madhe P. O., (Tk) Dodamarg, (Dt) Sindhudurg, M. S. - 416 549 6. ST THOMAS: RATNAGIRI (1994) a) St Thomas High School b) Navjeevan Arogya Kendra c) St Thomas Parish d) Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate (MSMI) Convent e) San Joe Computer Centre & Working Women's Hostel f) Non-formal Education Address: St Thomas Church, P. B. 12, Karvanchiwadi Road, MIDC P. O., (Dt.) Ratnagiri, M. S. - 415 639 7. ANUGRAHA: KHED a) Anugraha Balwadi b) Anugraha Special School c) Agriculture Promotion d) St Theresa Parish (Quasi) e) FCC Convent Address: Anugraha, Veral, Budhawadi, Khed P. O. (Dt.) Ratnagiri, M. S. - 415 709 (1994) 8. ALPHONSA: DEVDHE a) Alphonsa Parents' Care Home b) Alphonsa Social Service Center c) Agriculture Promotion d) Franciscan Clarist Congregation (FCC)Convent (1994) Address: Alphonsa Welfare Center, Manchekarwadi, Devdhe P. O., (Dt.) Ratnagiri, M. S. - 416 712 9. SANT THOMA: KOLHAPUR (Head Office) a) Sangli Mission Society Head Office b) Office of the Regional Director & Sincellus c) Office of the Childline d) St Alphonsa Parish (Quasi) Address: Sant Thoma Bhavan, P. B. 306, Raman Mala P.O., (Dt.) Kolhapur, M. S. - 416 003. (1994) 10. SHANTI NIVAS: KHUTALWADI (1994) a) Care Home for the Profoundly Disabled Children b) Social Service Centre c) Snehagiri Missionary Sisters (SMS) Convent Address: Shanti Nivas, Khutalwadi, Supatra, (Dt.) Kolhapur M. S. - 416 213 11. ASHADEEP: SANGLI a) Ashadeep Guidance Center b) Ashadeep Special School c) Ashadeep Nursery d) Aastha CBR Program e) Pastoral Care Address: Ashadeep, Rajendra Housing Society, Balaji Nagar East, (Dt.) Sangli, M. S. - 416 416. (1996) 12. PRATIKSHA: VILAVADE (1997) a) Pratiksha Special School b) Pratiksha Hostel for the Special Children c) Vocational Training d) Pastoral Care e) Agriculture Promotion f) Congregation of Preshitaram Sisters (CPS) Convent Address: Nirmala Bhavan, Vilavade, Watul (Tk) Lanja, (Dt.) Ratnagiri , M. S. - 415 643. 13. ST JOSEPH: KODOLI a) St Joseph Nursery b) St Joseph Social Service Center c) St Joseph Parish d) Deena Sevana Sabha (DSS) Convent Address: St Joseph Church, New Church Road, Kodoli P. O., (Dt.) Kolhapur M. S. - 416 114 (1997) 14. AMALASHRAM: TALSANDE (1997) a) Retreat Centre Address: Amalashram, Talsande P. O., Hatkanangale (Tk), Kolhapur (Dt), M. S. - 416 112 15. JEEVDAN: ZARAP a) Jeevdan Special School b) Jeevdan Hostel for the Special Children c) Agriculture Promotion d) Pastoral Care e) Medical Sisters of St Joseph (MSJ) Convent (1998) Address: Jeevdan, Khan Mohalla, A/p. Zarap, (Tk) Kudal,(Dt.) Sindhudurg, M. S. - 416 510. 16. DIVYA JYOTI: BANDA (1998) a) Divya Jyoti School b) St John's Hostel c) Agriculture Promotion d) Infant Jesus Parish e) Congregation of Preshitaram Sisters (CPS) Convent Address: Divya Jyoti School, Banda P. O., (Tk) Sawanthwadi (Dt.) Sindhudurg, M. S. - 416 511 17. ALPHONSA: JATH a) Alphonsa School b) Pastoral Care c) MSMI Convent Address: Alphonsa School, P. B. No. 7, Jath P. O., Shegaon Road, (Dt.) Sangli, M. S. - 416 404. (1999) 18. ALPHONSA: KARANJOSHI a) Alphonsa High School b) Pastoral Care c) Snehagiri Missionary Sisters (SMS) Convent (2002) Address: Alphonsa School, Karanjoshi, Shahuwadi P. O., (Dt.) Kolhapur, M. S. - 416 215 19. NIRMALGIRI: AMBERI (2003) a) Cherish-Rehabilitation center for the differently abled (adult male) persons b) Sustainable Development Program through Organic Agriculture c) Women Empowerment d) Pastoral Care e) Medical Sisters of St Joseph(MSJ) Convent f) Hostel for the HIV affected girl children 22. SANTHOME: ANKALI - SANGLI (2005) a) Santhome High School b) Pstoral Care c) St Martha's Congregation (SMC) Convent Address: Santhome School, Ankali, Near Sangli Naka, Ankali, Kolhapur Road, (Dt.) Sangli M. S. – 416416 23. DILASA: TASGAON PHATA - MIRAJ (2005) a) HIV/AIDS Counseling & Guidance b) Care Home for the PLHIV Address: Cherish, Nirmalgiri, Amberi (Gadwane), Mangaon, Kudal, (Dt.) Sindhudurg, M. S. - 416 519 c) Hostel for the HIV infected Children d) Rehabilitation of the Mentally Ill e) Agriculture Promotion 20. VISHWADEEPTI: KOLHAPUR a) Training & Animation Center b) Language Center c) Missiological & Pastoral Orientation Center d) Agriculture Promotion (2003) Address: Vishwadeepti Missiology Center, P. B. No. 4, Kalamba, (Dt.) Kolhapur, M. S. - 416 007 21. ALPHONSA: PADLI KHURD - KOLHAPUR (2004) a) Alphonsa High School b) Sisters of the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (SABS) Convent Address: Alphonsa School, Padli Khurd, Off Phulewadi Ring Road, (Dt.) Kolhapur, M. S. - 416 012 f) Deena Sevana Sabha (DSS) Convent Address: Dilasa Bhavan, Samani Mala, Miraj P. O., Tasgaon Phata, (Dt.) Sangli, M. S. 416 410 24. SNEHSADAN: ALTE (2007) a) Centre for Social & Development Action b) Training Center c) Women Empowerment & Micro Finance d) Promotion of Micro Insurance e) Promotion of Micro Enterprises & Alternate Livelihood f) Promotion of Organic Agriculture Address: Snehsadan, Alte P. O., (Tk) Hatkanangale (Dt.) Kolhapur, M. S. - 416 109 25. DILASA: KOLHAPUR (2007) a) HIV/AIDS Counseling & Guidance Centre b) Care & support of the HIV/AIDS infected and affected Children c) Home based care of the malnourished children Address: 1495 C, Kondaol, Laxmipuri, (Dt.) Kolhapur M. S. - 416 002. 26. THERESA: SINDHUDURG NAGARI (2010) a) Theresa Welfare Centre b) Organic Farming & Sustainable Agriculture Promotion Address: Theresa Welfare Centre, Dabachavadi, P. O. Kudal, Sindhudurg - 416 812 27. ALPHONSA: HALONDI a) Alphonsa Vocational Training Center b) Printing Press (2010) Address: Suvarta Printers, Halondi, MIDC Shiroli P. O.,(Tk) Hatkanangale, (Dt.) Kolhapur, M. S. 416 122. 28. AASTHA: MALGAON - MIRAJ a) Aastha Samaj Seva Kendra (2010) Address: Aastha, Malgaon, Miraj, (Dt.) Sangli, M.S 29. AASTHA: NANDRE - MIRAJ a) Aastha Samaj Seva Kendra Address: Aastha, Nandre, Miraj, (Dt.) Sangli, M.S (2010) 30. SWANTAN: TASGAON PHATA - MIRAJ (2013) a) Snehagiri Missionary Sisters (SMS) House b) Rehabilitation of the Mentally ill Women Address: Swantan SMS House, Samani Mala, Miraj P. O., Tasgaon Phata, (Dt.) Sangli, M. S. 416 410 31. MARYGIRI: KURUNG - LANJA (2013) a) Marygiri Rehabilitation & Settlement of Migrants' Project Address: H. No 742, Mauje whel Kurung-Kontge, (Tk) Lanja, (Dt) Ratnagiri, M. S. Pin 415 612. 32. ALPHONSA: HERLE a) Alphonsa Social Service Centre b) Sustainable Agriculture Practices c) Pastoral Care Address: Alphonsa Bhavan, Herle P. O., Hatkanangale (Tk) Kolhapur (Dt), M. S. - 416 005 (2013) 24 25 No. Name 01 Fr Akkappallil Anish Birthday Feast Ordination nd No. Name Birthday Feast Ordination 21 Fr Kuzhuppallil Roshan Jan 26 Oct 9 Apr 19th Apr 17 22 Fr Madukoly John Jan 17th Jun 24th Jan 1 Mar 19 Dec 28th 23 Fr Mampilly Tony Jun 3 Feb 11 Jul 15 th Apr 25 24 Fr Mangalathil Tom May 11th 05 Fr Chakiriamthadam Saji Jan 1st Mar 19th Jan 3rd 25 Fr Maprakavil Sabu Oct 6 06 Fr Cheriampanatt Jose Jan 18 Mar 19 th Dec 27 26 Fr Monoth Varghese May 11 Apr 25 Jan 12th 07 Fr Chettiakunnel Jojo Aug 31st Mar 19th Apr 19th 27 Fr Muthuplakkal Joseph Jan 3rd Mar 19th Jan 3 08 Fr Chitteth Joy Sep 23 Dec 3 Apr 28th 28 Fr Nalannadiyil Dileep Jan 12 Jan 20 Apr 13th 09 Fr Edathiparampil Shaiju Nov 10th Sep 21st Apr 3 29 Fr Njalliyil Joby Nov 23rd Jan 20th Dec 30 10 Fr Kalarickal Jose Jan 15 Mar 19 Apr 6th 30 Fr Olapurackal Santhosh Sep 4 Jul 3 11 Fr Kallakulam Nimin Apr 9th Sep 21st Apr 24 31 Fr Palackathadathil Joby Apr 13th Jul 15 Apr 15th 12 Fr Kannamundayil Bino Jul 24 Dec 25 April 19th 32 Fr Panackavayalil Lijesh Apr 6th Jul 3rd Apr 14 13 Fr Kannathukuzhy Joseph Aug 4th Mar 19th Jan 5 33 Fr Pinakatt Philip Dec 14 th May 3 Jan 2nd 14 Fr Karamel Thomas Aug 8 Aug 28th Dec 30 15 Fr Kattuthara Joe rd Mar 19 Jan 2 02 Fr Arackalputhenveedu Lijo Oct 25th Mar 19th 03 Fr Arthanakunnel Benny Nov 20 04 Fr Azhakath Siju Aug 3 th th th rd th th th th rd th th th th th rd th th th rd th Jul 3 Apr 26th Jul 3rd Jan 3rd Sep 21st Dec 29 rd th th th th st th th th rd th rd Apr 23 rd th th rd th Jul 3 Dec 27th Jan 25 Jun 29th Apr 24 35 Fr Vadakeputhenpura S Aug 11 Apr 25 16 Fr Kavukatt George Mar 4th Apr 25 Mar 1st 36 Fr Vattukulam Thomas Apr 17th Jul 3 Apr 9th 17 Fr Kizhakarakatt John Apr 11 th Jun 24 Dec 24 37 Fr Vazhakattu Joshy Oct 8 Jul 3rd Apr 19 18 Fr Kizhakkeparampil B Sep 4th Mar 19th Apr 21st 38 Fr Vechupadinjarathil B Jun 4th Jul 3 Apr 23rd 19 Fr Kocheettathott Siby Jul 15 Jul 25 Apr 18th 39 Fr Veranakunnel James Sep 9th Jul 25th Apr 10 20 Fr Kozhippatt Joby Jul 13th July 3rd Apr 23 th th th 26 rd th th th th th rd th 34 Fr Thekkemyladil Augustine Mar 28 40 Fr Vettukallel Daison th th rd st th Jan 4 th rd May 31 27 th th Apr 25 th Jan 1st No. Name Mobile No. Name Mobile 01 Fr Akkappallil Anish 9503304321 21 Fr Kuzhuppallil Roshan 9420678618 02 Fr Arackalputhenveedu Lijo 9970373123 22 Fr Madukoly John 9422590740 03 Fr Arthanakunnel Benny 9423275475 23 Fr Mampilly Tony 9421299703 04 Fr Azhakath Siju 9421122204 24 Fr Mangalathil Tom 9422583075 05 Fr Chakiriamthadam Saji 9422580767 25 Fr Maprakavil Sabu 9420678520 06 Fr Cheriampanatt Jose (RD) 9405409560 26 Fr Monoth Varghese 9405193099 07 Fr Chettiakunnel Jojo 9404930429 27 Fr Muthuplakkal Joseph 7768904300 7259235630 08 Fr Chitteth Joy 9657660861 28 Fr Nalannadiyil Dileep 9637195341 9175542178 09 Fr Edathiparampil Shaiju 9422411225 29 Fr Njalliyil Joby 9422632230 10 Fr Kalarickal Jose 8805507913 30 Fr Olappurackal Santhosh 7588200370 11 Fr Kallakulam Nimin 8547692872 31 Fr Palackathadathil Joby 9503329427 12 Fr Kannamundayil Bino 9923990051 32 Fr Panackavayalil Lijesh 9527396557 13 Fr Kannathukuzhy Joseph 8605378737 33 Fr Pinakatt Philip 9405298719 14 Fr Karamel Thomas 9422479600 34 Fr Thekkemyladil Agustine 9404158900 9764776188 15 Fr Kattuthara Joe 9423816970 35 Fr Vadakeputhenpura Siby 9422625489 9730080190 16 Fr Kavukatt George 9422091922 36 Fr Vattukulam Thomas 9420474542 8975642003 17 Fr Kizhakarakkatt John 9420204171 37 Fr Vazhakattu Joshy 9011536955 18 Fr Kizhakkeparampil Binish 8087328318 38 Fr Vechupadinjarethil Binoy 9422576515 19 Fr Kocheettathott Siby 9423810163 39 Fr Veranakunnel Bibin 9370019206 20 Fr Kozhippatt Joby 9689066974 40 Fr Vettukallel Daison 9422580781 28 9423859330 7276660031 8275031397 9422576525 9637170352 7875379458 29 9028827494 9049160739 8007478484 8087328276 Birthday No. Name 01 Sr Manoj SMS May 1 02 Sr Vimala SMS 03 Feast No. Name Birthday Feast st Oct 1 July 26 21 Sr Kochutresia MSJ Dec 1 Dec 3 June 28th 22 Sr Greety MSJ Apr 22 Mar 25th Sr Arpana SMS Feb 3rd Dec 8th 23 Sr Deepa FCC Nov 8th Dec 8th 04 Sr Sneha Maria SMS Feb 17th Sept 8 th 24 Sr Anjaly FCC Aug 9th Aug 15 05 Sr Maria Anns SMS Apr 10 th Dec 8 th 25 Sr Lissy Stephen FCC Dec 9 Oct 1 06 Sr Rosna SMS Apr 27th Aug 23rd 26 Sr Pauly FCC Mar 19th June 29th 07 Sr Grace Tom SMS May 8th Oct 1st 27 Sr Rosmy FCC Jan 12th Aug 23rd 08 Sr Jess Mathew SMS Jan 27 th Sept 21 st 28 Sr Delphy Jose MSMI Jan 23 09 Sr Preethi SMS Mar 13 Apr 29 th 29 Sr Mary Thomas MSMI Apr 2 July 3 10 Sr Annie Tom SMS Apr 21st July 26th 30 Sr Jeena Jose MSMI Sep 21st Mar 19th 11 Sr Majitha SMS July 21st Oct 1 st 31 Sr Valsala MSMI May 27th Sept 8 12 Sr Shanty Rose SMS Dec 29 th Nov 5 th 32 Sr Dhanya Mathew MSMI Mar 20 th Sept 8 13 Sr Angel Mary SMS June 30 Oct 2nd 33 Sr Lissy Anto MSMI Apr 6 Oct 1st 14 Sr Little Tresa MSJ July 25th Oct 1st 34 Sr Lissy Maria CPS Apr 1st Sept 8th 15 Sr Jisha Rose MSJ May 7 th Aug 23 rd 35 Sr Teslin CPS Aug 21 16 Sr Elsia MSJ Feb 6 Nov 17 th 36 Sr Karuna CPS 17 Sr Grace Maria MSJ Sept 20th Mar 25th 37 18 Sr Veena MSJ Oct 10th Oct 1st 19 Sr Sinsia MSJ June 13 20 Sr Nija MSJ st rd th th th th th Apr18 30 th th July 26 th Dec 8 nd th rd nd th st th st th Mar 19 rd th th st Oct 1 Nov 14 th Sept 24 Sr Udayamaria CPS Jan 16th Sept 8th 38 Sr Annamaria CPS May 26th July 26th 39 Sr Prasadini DSS Aug26 40 Sr Eva DSS July 16 31 st th th Oct 29 th June 20 th th No. Birthday Name Priests in Charge in Mission Stations/ Centers of Apostolate Feast 41 Sr Dhyana DSS 42 Sr Lissy DSS 43 Sr Chitananda DSS 44 Sr Treesa DSS 45 Sr Hema DST 46 Sr Preethi DST 47 Sr Sayoojya DST 48 Sr Cicily SABS Sept 24 49 Sr Joyce Maria SABS Nov 15 Dec 8th 50 Sr Linsa SABS Mar 26th Nov 17th 51 Sr Sinta SMC 52 Sr Josia SMC 53 Sr Serin George SMC th th June 13 Oct 15 Mar 8th Oct 1st th 02 Fr Varghese Monoth Apr 21 th st 03 Fr Tony Mampilly Oct 1 th Jan 15 th June 16 st Sept 1 th th th Nov 10 th Mar 10 th Nov 8 Priest in Charge 01 Fr Jose Cheriampanatt No. st Mar 11 Apr 8 Centers No. 01 Kolhapur - Head Office 04 Fr Joseph Kannathukuzhy th July 26 02 Kolhapur - Vishwadeepti 05 Fr Jose Kalarickal 03 Kolhapur - Alphonsa 06 Fr Tom Mangalathil 04 Kolhapur - Dilasa 07 Fr Roshan Kuzhuppallil 05 Halondi - Suvarta Printers 08 Fr Saji Chakiriamthadam th July 26 th Sept 8 nd Nov 22 Fr Roshan Kuzhuppallil 06 Alte - Snehsadan 09 Fr Thomas Vattukulam 07 Ichalkaranji - Alphonsa th Nov 5 10 Fr Jojo Chettiakunnel th July 29 08 Kodoli - St Joseph 11 Fr Lijesh Panackavayalil 09 Talsande - Amalashram 12 Fr Benny Arthanakunnel 10 Khutalwadi - Shanti Nivas 13 Fr Bineesh Kizhakkeparambil 11 Karanjoshi - Alphonsa 14 Fr Shaiju Edathiparampil th Oct 15 15 Fr Joshy Vazhakattu 12 Herle - Alphonsa 16 Fr Thomas Karamel 13 Sangli - Ashadeep 17 Fr Njallyil Joby 14 Aastha - Mangaon Fr Njallyil Joby Fr Njallyil Joby 15 Aastha - Nandre 32 33 Priests in Charge in Mission Stations/ Centers of Apostolate No. Centers No. Priest in Charge 16 Sangli - Santhome 18 Fr Binoy Vechoopadinjarethil 17 Miraj - Alphonsa 19 Fr John Madukoly 20 Fr Siju Azhakath 21 Fr Sabu Maprakavil 22 Fr Dileep Nalannadiyil 19 Jath - Alphonsa 23 Fr Daison Vettukallel 20 Ratnagiri - St Thomas 24 Fr Siby Kocheettathott 25 Fr Nimin Kallakulam 21 Khed - Anugraha 26 Fr Augustine Thekkemyladil 22 Chiplun - Mary Matha 27 Fr Joe Kattuthara 28 Fr Lijo Arackalputhenveedu Devdhe- Alphonsa 29 Vilavade - Pratiksha 18 Miraj - Dilasa 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Kurung - Marygiri Sindhudurg Nagari - Theresa Amberi - Nirmalgiri Banda - Divya Jyothi 34 Zarap - Jeevdan Districts Kolhapur 1) Rev. Fathers - 16 2) Rev. Sisters - 15 3) Rev. Brothers - 01 4) Mission Centers - 11 Sangli 5) Convents - 05 1) Rev. Fathers - 07 2) Rev. Sisters - 16 3) Rev. Brothers - 02 4) Mission Centers - 05 5) Convents - 05 1) Rev. Fathers - 09 Fr Joy Chitteth 2) Rev. Sisters - 13 30 Fr Bino Kannamundayil 3) Rev. Brothers - 02 31 Fr Joseph Muthuplakkal 32 Fr John Kizhakarakkatt 33 Fr George Kavukatt 34 Fr Santhosh Olappurackal 35 Fr Anish Akkappallil 36 Fr Joby Palackathadathil 37 Fr Joby Kozhipattu 38 Fr Siby Vadakeputhenpura Ratnagiri 4) Mission Centers - 06 Sindhudurg 5) Convents - 05 1) Rev. Fathers - 08 2) Rev. Sisters - 09 3) Rev. Brothers - 03 4) Mission Centers - 06 5) Convents 35 - 03 PHONE NUMBERS - SANGLI MISSION SOCIETY Sl. No. MISSION STATION CONVENT PHONE NUMBERS - SANGLI MISSION SOCIETY MOBILE (Sisters) SCHOOL/ INSTITUTION 02302 487007 01 Alte - Sneh Sadan 02302 487007 02 Amberi - Cherish 07588200370 09272442761 9420120305 09272442761 03 Banda - Divya Jyothi 02363 204116 02363 204117 8484805037 02363204116 05 Chiplun - Mary Matha Church 02355 256764 02355 25399 8600375548 02355 255809 02355 255809 02355 253999 9404155800 02355 255809 07 Devdhe-Alphonsa Welfare Center 02351 204108 02351 200409 9730577164 9527239167 9405298719 04 Bhedshi - Jai Matha Church 06 Chiplun - Kherdi School 08 Halondi - Suvarta Printers 02302 358090 09 Herle - Alphonsa Bhavan 9422479600 02302 358060 10 Ichalkaranji -Alphonsa School 02322 252802 02322 252196 9049513123 9421621062 02322 252303/723 7709941320 02344 246764 11 Jath - Alphonsa School 02344 246763 12 Karanjoshi - Shahuwadi 02329 202033 02329 202099 9421114808 02329 202044 13 Khed- Anugraha 02356 202709 02356 202580 9405869307 02356 202709 14 Khutalwadi - Shanti Nivas 02329 202384 02329 202386 8007054924 9765154411 15 Kodoli - St Joseph Church 02328 223034 9423725958 02328 223034 16 Kolhapur - Dilasa 0231 2640696 36 9423725958 0231 2640696 37 PHONE NUMBERS - SANGLI MISSION SOCIETY Sl. No. MISSION 17 Kolhapur - Head Office STATION CONVENT MOBILE (Sisters) 9960968925 SCHOOL/ INSTITUTION 0231 2660088 (RD) 0231 2660275 0231 6490130 (O) 18 Kolhapur - Alphonsa School 9175109432 0231 6515626 08888210386 19 Kolhapur - Vishwadeepti 0231 2320406 20 Miraj - Alphonsa School 0233 2211292 0233 2211764 21 Miraj - Dilasa 0233 2231557 8275379091 22 Miraj - Swanthan 23 Mulas - Deepti Estate PHONE NUMBERS - SANGLI MISSION SOCIETY 9922744978 0233 2211699 8275379091 0233 2231499 8149967873 02363 205268 9404158950 02352 203088 24 Ratnagiri - Parish & HIV Prog 02352 229959 02352 228113 25 Ratnagiri - St Thomas School 02352 203105 02352 228113 9423725958 02352 203105 26 Sangli - Ashadeep 0233 2313170 0233 2313270 9421217990 0233 2313170 27 Sangli - Santhome School 0233 6499673 28 Sindhudurg Nagari 09422091922 29 Talsande - Retreat Centre 0230 2479434 30 Vilwade - Pratiksha 31 Zarap - Jeevdan 0233 2422006 9637122980 09423810164 9423859330 0230 2479434 02351 236011 02351 236010 9561956549 9730699616 02362 232096 02362 232136 8554055054 02362 232286 38 9423275475 39 SISTERS AND CONVENTS Sl. No. Name of Sisters 01 Sr Manoj SMS 02 Sr Vimala SMS 03 Sr Arpana SMS Convent 08 Sr Jess Mathew SMS 09 Sr Preethi SMS Cong. Feast Sl. No. Name of Sisters 28 Sr Delphy Jose MSMI 29 Sr Mary Thomas MSMI Miraj - Alphonsa 04 Sr Sneha Maria SMS 05 Sr Maria Anns SMS 06 Sr Rosna SMS 07 Sr Grace Tom SMS SISTERS AND CONVENTS 1) May 24 2) Eucharistic Day 34 Sr Lissy Maria CPS 35 Sr Teslin CPS Khutalwadi 36 Sr Karuna CPS 37 Sr Udayamaria CPS 14 Sr Little Tresa MSJ 15 Sr Jisha Rose MSJ 40 Sr Eva DSS 41 Sr Dhyana DSS Zarap 16 Sr Elsia MSJ 17 Sr Grace Maria MSJ 18 Sr Veena MSJ 19 Sr Sinsia MSJ 20 Sr Nija MSJ 21 Sr Kochutresia MSJ 22 Sr Greety MSJ 23 Sr Deepa FCC 24 Sr Anjaly FCC 25 Sr Lissy Stephen FCC 26 Sr Pauly FCC 27 Sr Rosmy FCC 42 Sr Lissy DSS 43 Sr Chitananda DSS MSJ (9) st 1) May 1 Amberi th 2) March 19 Ratnagiri Devdhe 48 Sr Cicily SABS 49 Sr Joyce Maria SABS 50 Sr Linsa SABS 51 Sr Sinta SMC FCC (5) th Khed 40 1) October 4 th 2) August 11 52 Sr Serin George SMC 53 Sr Josia SMC 2) September 8th CPS (6) Banda Miraj - Dilasa 1) July 3rd DSS (5) st 1) June 1 th Kodoli 2) January 27 Yadrav DST (3) rd 1) July 3 Kolhapur SABS (3) 1) Corpus Christi 2) Immaculate Conce 44 Sr Treesa DSS 45 Sr Hema DST 46 Sr Preethi DST 47 Sr Sayoojya DST MSMI (6) Vilavade 38 Sr Annamaria CPS 39 Sr Prasadini DSS Karanjoshi Cong. Feast 1) December 8th 32 Sr Dhanya Mathew MSMI Jath 33 Sr Lissy Anto MSMI th 10 Sr Annie Tom SMS 11 Sr Majitha SMS 12 Sr Shanty Rose SMS 13 Sr Angel Mary SMS Chiplun 30 Sr Jeena Jose MSMI 31 Sr Valsala MSMI SMS (12) Miraj - Swanthan Convent SMC (3) th Sangli - Santome 1) July 29 nd 2) February 2 41 Email – FATHERS Sl. Name Name Email Address 21 Fr Kuzhuppallil Roshan [email protected] 02 Fr Arackalputhenveedu Lijo [email protected] 22 Fr Madukoly John [email protected] 03 Fr Arthanakunnel Benny [email protected] 23 Fr Mampilly Tony [email protected] 04 Fr Azhakath Siju [email protected] 24 Fr Mangalathil Tom [email protected] 05 Fr Chakiriamthadam Saji [email protected] 25 Fr Maprakavil Sabu [email protected] 06 Fr Cheriampanatt Jose (RD) [email protected] 26 Fr Monoth Varghese [email protected] 07 Fr Chettiakunnel Jojo [email protected] 27 Fr Muthuplakkal Joseph 08 Fr Chitteth Joy [email protected] 28 Fr Nalannadiyil Dileep [email protected] 09 Fr Edathiparampil Shaiju [email protected] 29 Fr Njalliyil Joby [email protected] 10 Fr Kalarickal Jose [email protected] 30 Fr Olappurackal Santhosh [email protected] 11 Fr Kallakulam Nimin [email protected] 31 Fr Palackathadathil Joby [email protected] 12 Fr Kannamundayil Bino [email protected] 32 Fr Panackavayalil Lijesh [email protected] 13 Fr Kannathukuzhy Joseph [email protected] 33 Fr Pinakatt Philip 14 Fr Karamel Thomas [email protected] 34 Fr Thekkemyladil Agustine [email protected] 15 Fr Kattuthara Joe [email protected] 35 Fr Vadakeputhenpura Siby [email protected] 16 Fr Kavukatt George [email protected] 36 Fr Vattukulam Thomas [email protected] 37 Fr Vazhakattu Joshy [email protected] 01 Fr Akkappallil Anish Email Address Email – FATHERS [email protected] 17 Fr Kizhakarakkatt John Sl. 18 Fr Kizhakkeparampil Binish [email protected] 38 Fr Vechupadinjarethil Binoy [email protected] 19 Fr Kocheettathott Siby [email protected] 39 Fr Veranakunnel Bibin [email protected] 20 Fr Kozhippatt Joby [email protected] 40 Fr Vettukallel Daison [email protected] 42 43 44 11303/04 51429/30 11029/30 51409/10 51407/08 17415/16 12148/47 11049/50 51427/28 11403/04 16589/90 11040/39 51441/42 17411/12 11051/52 11023/24 11046/45 Train No. Hyderabad - CSMT Kolhapur Express Sangli - CSMT Kolhapur Passenger CST Mumbai - CSMT Kolhapur Koyna Express Pune - CSMT Kolhapur Passenger Miraj - CSMT Kolhapur Passenger Tirupati - CSMT Kolhapur Haripriya Express Hajrat Nizamuddin - CSMT Kolhapur Express Ahmedabad - CSMT Kolhapur Express Miraj - CSMT Kolhapur Passenger Nagpur - CSMT Kolhapur Express Bangalore - CSMT Kolhapur Rani Chennama Express Gondia - CSMT Kolhapur Maharashtra Express Satara - CSMT Kolhapur Passenger CST Mumbai - CSMT Kolhapur Mahalaxmi Express Solapur Express - CSMT Kolhapur CST Mumbai - CSMT Kolhapur Sahyadri Express Dhanbad - CSMT Kolhapur Dikshabhoomi Express Name of the Train (Mon) 22 40 22 20 20 25 19 30 18 10 16 35 (Fri) 16 20 15 15 15 25 (Wed, Sun) 13 40 14 15 12 45 09 55 07 20 06 20 06 05 (Thu) 03 45 Arrival Time 07 35 18 35 07 55 04 45 21 30 11 35 (Tue) 09 05 (Sat) 10 50 12 50 (Mon, Fri) 14 20 12 50 15 30 16 50 20 30 23 55 22 50 (Thu) 23 45 Departure KOLHAPUR RAILWAY TIME TABLE Arrival Time Train No. Name of the Train 11403 Kolhapur Express 45 Frequency Arrival Time 11046 Dikshabhoomi Express Thur 03 45 11023 Sahyadri Express Daily 06 05 11051 Kolhapur Express Daily 06 20. 17411 Mahalaxmi Express Daily 07 20 51441 Kolhapur Passenger Daily 09 55 11040 Maharashtra Express Daily 12 45 16589 Rani Chennama Express Daily 13 40 Wed, Sun 14 15 51427 Kolhapur Passenger Daily 15 15 11049 Kolhapur Express Mon 15 25 12148 Kolhapur Express Fri 16 20 17415 Haripriya Express Daily 16 35 51407 Kolhapur Passenger Daily 18 10 51409 Kolhapur Passenger Daily 19 30 11029 Koyna Express Daily 20 25 51429 Kolhapur Passenger Daily 22 20 11303 Kolhapur Express Daily 22 40 11304 Hyderabad Express Daily 07 35 11030 Koyna Express Daily 07 55 12147 Nizamuddin Express Tue 09 05 51428 Miraj Passenger Daily 10 50 17416 Haripriya Express Daily 11 35 Sat 12 50 Mon, Fri 12 50 16590 Rani Chennama Express Daily 14 20 11039 Maharashtra Express Daily 15 30 51442 Satara Passenger Daily 16 50 51430 Sangli Passenger Daily 18 35 17412 Mahalaxmi Express Daily 20 30 51408 Miraj Passenger Daily 21 30 11024 Sahyadri Express Daily 22 50 11045 Dikshabhoomi Express Thur 23 45 11052 Solapur Express Daily 23 55 46 47 Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp SF Raj SF Exp Exp Exp GR Okha-Ernakulam Exp Gandhidham Nagercoil Veraval - Tiruvananthapuram Bhavnagar Kochuveli Mumbai LTT-Tirunelveli Marusagar Express Hazrat Nizamuddin Mangala Lakshadweep Porbandar - Kochuveli Netravati Express Hapa - Tirunelveli Express Mumbai LTT-Kochuveli 16337 16335 16333 19260 01067 12978 12432 12618 19262 16345 19578 12201 H Nizamuddin - Kochuveli SF Exp Exp Bikaner Kochuveli Exp 16311 Mumbai CST - Ernakulam SF Pune - Ernakulam SF Type 22150 04094 11404 Nagpur Express 01065 11050 Ahmedabad Express 23 05 23 05 23 05 19 35 19 00 18 30 14 50 09 45 09 45 08 25 02 55 02 55 02 55 02 55 02 55 02 00 Departure 16h 30m 18h 25m 16h 30m 19h 5m 19h 5m 16h 20m 19h 10m 15h 15m 18h 20m 18h 20m 19h 15m 19h 15m 19h 15m 19h 25m 19h 15m 17 h 0m Duration 17 20 14 10 30 10 26 9 15 24 18 27 27 28 15 12 Halts M M M T W T T T F S S S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S F S M T W T F S S 04 45 Departure Days Daily Name of the Train Train No. Name of the Train Frequency Dep. Time No. 51410 Pune Passenger Trains from Ratnagiri to Ernakulam Departure Time 23 30 23 30 22 35 21 30 21 15 17h 45m 17h 25m 15h 15m 15h 15m 15h 15m 18h 55m 19 3 9 3 24 18 27 27 15 28 15 10 10 30 26 7 14 8 17 12 Halts T T S S S S M M T T T T W W W T T S M T W T F F F F F F Departure Days S M T W T S S DISTANCE IN KMS Exp Drnt Raj Drnt Exp 20 10 20h 0m 20h 0m 20h 0m 20h 0m 20h 5m 18h 55m 17h 25m 19h 10m 18h 15m 16h 40m 16h 0m 16h 45m 19h 35m 15 h 25m Duration Alte-Sneh Sadan-2007 Amberi-Nirmalgiri-2003 Ankali-Santhome -2005 Banda-Divyajyoti -1999 Bhedshi-Jay Matha-1991 Chiplun-Kalambaste-Mary Matha-1991 Chiplun-Kherdi-Mary Matha -2002 Dilasa Bhavan-Miraj-2005 Dilasa-Kolhapur-2007 Halondi-Alphonsa Training Institute-2010 Ichalkaranji-Yadrav-Alphonsa-1992 Jath-Alphonsa-1999 Khed-Anugraha-1994 Khutalwadi-Shantiniwas-1994 Kodoli-St Joseph Sadan-1997 Kolhapur-Head Office-1994 Kolhapur-Girgaon Phata Vishwadeepti-2003 Kolhapur-Padali-Alphonsa-2003 Lanja-Devadhe-Alphonsa Wel. Centre-1994 Miraj-Alphonsa School-1990 Mulas-Deepti Plantations-1998 Ratnagiri-Navjeevan-1994 Ratnagiri- St Thomas-2003 Sangli-Kupwad-Ashadeep-1996 Shahuwadi-Alphonsa-1999 Sindhudurg Nagari-Terasa Wel. Centre-2010 Talsande-Amalshram-2005 Vilavade-Nirmala Bhavan-1997 Zarap-Jeevdan-1998 Ernakulam - Mumbai C Ernakulam - Hazrat Nizamuddin Trivandrum Central - H Ernakulam - Mumbai L Exp 20 10 20 10 20 10 20 05 20 05 14 40 14 40 14 05 13 20 13 00 13 00 12 55 05 15 05 15 Departure 0 0 210 0 254 23 0 256 29 227 0 45 235 67 205 0 315 280 171 275 170 0 4 315 280 171 275 170 0 185 185 240 260 17 260 40 60 175 175 180 200 50 185 25 0 0 10 50 170 170 190 210 40 195 15 0 25 35 30 210 210 210 230 25 220 10 0 115 125 135 77 230 230 825 335 93 330 110 0 270 230 225 220 225 44 40 355 320 215 135 210 0 190 165 60 40 30 90 150 150 210 230 80 215 58 0 30 214 134 50 30 24 59 165 165 204 225 48 210 30 0 25 30 220 135 35 10 3 60 175 175 180 200 50 185 25 0 15 40 45 235 150 50 25 15 75 190 190 165 190 64 180 40 0 8 11 35 41 231 146 45 21 11 70 185 185 175 180 62 170 36 0 140 135 110 105 80 150 255 140 120 110 170 110 110 205 170 160 165 135 0 165 75 70 55 55 85 220 82 25 45 55 6 180 180 235 255 12 255 35 0 220 220 160 155 165 190 195 370 130 200 175 165 225 330 330 15 50 215 82 190 0 245 195 40 155 150 135 131 110 125 275 175 145 135 195 85 85 230 250 193 190 169 0 1 246 196 41 156 151 136 132 111 126 276 176 146 136 196 86 86 231 206 194 191 170 0 199 198 220 6 165 75 70 58 50 85 220 86 30 68 58 10 180 180 240 260 6 160 35 0 100 96 95 210 100 65 65 60 45 43 15 175 180 80 55 45 105 135 135 255 243 95 230 60 0 190 220 151 150 95 215 125 140 135 145 170 175 275 290 180 155 145 220 235 235 80 50 188 40 165 0 170 45 55 132 131 190 54 106 45 40 24 6 30 214 134 44 34 24 65 165 165 204 224 48 210 25 0 125 100 85 185 66 65 145 185 125 145 145 130 120 100 175 265 160 140 130 190 335 335 180 145 180 140 150 0 125 195 25 215 245 176 175 70 240 150 160 160 170 195 200 300 315 205 180 170 245 260 260 55 25 240 15 210 01066 12283 12431 12224 01068 Tirunelveli - Mumbai Kochuveli - Bhavnaga Exp 19259 Exp 12977 Thiruvananthapuram - V SF Marusagar Express 19577 16334 Exp Tirunelveli- Hapa Express 19261 16336 Exp Kochuveli - Porbanda 16346 Exp Exp Netravati Express 12617 Nagercoil - Gandhidham SF Mangala Lakshadweep 12287 16312 SF Kochuveli - Dehradun 12202 Exp GR Kochuveli - Mumbai LTT Kochuveli - Bikaner Exp SKr Kerala Sampark Kranti 12217 Ernakulam - Okha Express SF Kochuveli - Hazrat Nizamuddin 16338 SF Ernakulam-Pune SF EX 04093 Type Trains from Ernakulam to Ratnagiri Name of the Train 22149 No. Zarap Vilavade Talsande Sindhudurg Nagari Shahuwadi Sangli-Kupwad Ratnagiri-School Ratnagiri-Navjeevan Mulas Miraj Lanja-Devadhe Kolhapur-Padali Kolhapur-Girgaon Phata Kolhapur Kodoli Khutalwadi Khed Jath Ichalkaranji-Yadrav Halondi Dilasa-Kolhapur Dilasa Bhavan-Miraj Chiplun-Kherdi Chiplun-Kalambaste Bhedshi Banda Ankali-Sangli Amberi Alte 48 49 S S S S S PRIESTS ASCRIBED FOR SANGLI MISSION 01 Rev. Fr Akkappallil Joseph 23 Rev. Fr Kalarickal Joseph 02 Rev. Fr Anithanam Mathew 24 Rev. Fr Kalathoor Chandy 03 Rev. Fr Arackalputhenveedu Lijo 25 Rev. Fr Kallakulam Mathew 04 Rev. Fr Arangassery Lonappan 26 Rev. Fr Kanatt Justin 05 Rev. Fr Aranjaniyil George 27 Rev. Fr. Kannamundayil Bino 06 Rev. Fr Arthanakunnel Joseph 28 Rev. Fr Karamel Thomas 07 Rev. Fr Aryankalayil Joseph G. 29 Rev. Fr Karamullil Sebastian 08 Rev. Fr Azhakath Kuriakose 30 Rev. Fr Kattuthara Paul 09 Rev. Fr Chakiriamthadam Saji 31 Rev. Fr Kavukatt George 10 Rev. Fr Chakkalackal George 32 Rev. Fr Kavumpuram Peter 11 Rev. Fr Chandrankunnel Cyriac 33 Rev. Fr Kavunnukattil Joseph 12 Rev. Fr Cheriampanatt Joseph 34 Rev. Fr Kizhakkarakatt John 13 Rev. Fr Chettiakunnel Joseph 35 Rev. Fr Kizhakkekureethadathil Joseph 14 Rev. Fr Chirackal Thomas 36 Rev. Fr Kizhakkeparampil Joseph 15 Rev. Fr Chirayil Thomas 37 Rev. Fr Kocheettathott James 16 Rev. Fr Chitteth Xavier 38 Rev. Fr Kochuparambil Johny 17 Rev. Fr Edathiparampil Mathew 39 Rev. Fr Kollamparampil Mathew 18 Rev. Fr Ettaniyil Jiji 40 Rev. Fr Kollithadam Abraham 19 Rev. Fr Kadaparampil Thomas 41 Rev. Fr Kolthambrayil Joseph 20 Rev. Fr Kaithottumkal Antony 42 Rev. Fr Koorumullumpurayidom George 21 Rev. Fr Kalapurackal Thomas 43 Rev. Fr Koothottil John 22 Rev. Fr Kalarickal Jose 50 44 Rev. Fr Koottumkal Sebastian 51 45 Rev. Fr Koren Joseph 67 Rev. Fr Nalannadiyil Sebastian 46 Rev. Fr Kottukapallil George 68 Rev. Fr Nellikunnel Mathew 47 Rev. Fr Kozhippatt Thomas 69 Rev. Fr Njalliyil Sebastian 48 Rev. Fr Kudiyiruppil John 70 Rev. Fr Painadath Paul 49 Rev. Fr Kudukkamthadam George 71 Rev. Fr Palackathadathil Kurian 50 Rev. Fr Kunnel Kuriakose 72 Rev. Fr Palappurath Benedict 51 Rev. Fr Kuppayil George 73 Rev. Fr Panackavayalil Thomas 52 Rev. Fr Kuzhuppallil Abraham 74 Rev. Fr Parayankuzhiyil Thomas 53 Rev. Fr Madukoly John 75 Rev. Fr Pazheveettil Joseph 54 Rev. Fr Mampilly Thomas 76 Rev. Fr Pedickattukunnel Antony 55 Rev. Fr Mandapathil Thomas 77 Rev. Fr Pendanam Thomas 56 Rev. Fr Mangalappilly Elvis 78 Rev. Fr Pinakkatt Philip 57 Rev. Fr Mangalathil Thomas 79 Rev. Fr Poovathinkal Paul 58 Rev. Fr Maprakavil Mathew 80 Rev. Fr Pulavelil Joseph 59 Rev. Fr Marappillil Luke 81 Rev. Fr Pullappillil Varghese 60 Rev. Fr Monoth Varghese 82 Rev. Fr Pullattu Chacko 61 Rev. Fr Moothasseril Mathew 83 Rev. Fr Punnakuzhy Varghese 62 Rev. Fr Mulamkothra Mathew 84 Rev. Fr Purayidathil Abraham 63 Rev. Fr Muthanatt Ivan 85 Rev. Fr Puthenpurayil Michael 64 Rev. Fr Muthuplakkal Joseph 86 Rev. Fr Thaikkoottathil Thomas 65 Rev. Fr Muttathupadam George 87 Rev. Fr Thannippara Jose 66 Rev. Fr Nadackal Varghese 52 88 Rev. Fr George Thattuparampil 53 89 Rev. Fr Thekkemyladil Augustine 90 Rev. Fr Thellyil Francis 91 Rev. Fr Thonikuzhiyil Augustine 92 Rev. Fr Thottumarickal Francis 93 Rev. Fr Ullattil Subhash 94 Rev. Fr Vadakeputhenpura George 95 Rev. Fr Valiamangalam Jose 96 Rev. Fr Vanmelil John 97 Rev. Fr Vattukulathil Thomas 98 Rev. Fr Vazhakttu Thomas 99 Rev. Fr Vechoopadinjarethil Thomas 100 Rev. Fr Vettukallel George 101 Rev. Fr Vithayathil Varghese 54 3 SILVER JUBILEE
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