○●CALE 外国人研究員 Mogana Sunthari Subramaniam 先生による 研究報告会のご案内●○ 12 月 21 日(水)10:00 より CALE 外国人研究員の Mogana Sunthari Subramaniam 先生(マレーシア・マラヤ大学)による研究報告会を開催いたします。 ご関心のある方は是非ご参加下さいますようご案内申し上げます。 記 日 時:12 月 21 日(木)10:00~11:30 場 所:セミナールーム 1(アジア法交流館 2 階) 報告者:Mogana Sunthari Subramaniam CALE 外国人研究員 (Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, Malaysia, PhD, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University) 題 目:"Judicial Dilemma: Secular or Syariah for Inter-Faith Family Disputes in Malaysia" 概 要:Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country which has two parallel legal systems; one for the Muslims and the other for the Non-Muslims. Jurisdictional conflicts often arise between the Civil Courts and the Syariah Courts on child custody disputes and unilateral conversion of Non-Muslim children to Islam by a converted spouse. Landmark cases on inter-faith family disputes, disparities in judicial opinions, proposed legislative reforms and increasing Islamic Religious Rulings (Fatwa) will be discussed. Japanese divorce by agreement (kyogi rikon) and family court mediation (chotei) are examined by conducting discussions with Japanese academics, lawyers and mediators to propose viable measures to resolve the inter-faith family disputes in Malaysia. 言 語: 英語 (連絡先) 名古屋大学法政国際教育協力研究センター TEL:052-789-2325/4263 FAX:052-789-4902 [email protected] ○● Announcement of the CALE Seminar ●○ by CALE Visiting Research Fellow We are pleased to announce that the Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE) Nagoya University will be organizing a seminar by Senior Lecturer Mogana Sunthari Subramaniam, a Foreign Visiting Research Fellow on "Judicial Dilemma: Secular or Syariah for Inter-Faith Family Disputes in Malaysia" as following. Your participation will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Date : Wednesday 21st December 2016 10:00-11:30 Venue: Seminar Room 1 (Asia Legal Exchange Plaza, 2nd Floor) Speaker: Senior Lecturer Mogana Sunthari Subramaniam, (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, Malaysia PhD, Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University ) Presentation title: " Judicial Dilemma: Secular or Syariah for Inter-Faith Family Disputes in Malaysia " Presentation outline: Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country which has two parallel legal systems; one for the Muslims and the other for the Non-Muslims. Jurisdictional conflicts often arise between the Civil Courts and the Syariah Courts on child custody disputes and unilateral conversion of Non-Muslim children to Islam by a converted spouse. Landmark cases on inter-faith family disputes, disparities in judicial opinions, proposed legislative reforms and increasing Islamic Religious Rulings (Fatwa) will be discussed. Japanese divorce by agreement (kyogi rikon) and family court mediation (chotei) are examined by conducting discussions with Japanese academics, lawyers and mediators to propose viable measures to resolve the inter-faith family disputes in Malaysia. Language use: English Contact: Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE), Nagoya University Tel: 052-789-2325 / 4263 Fax: 052-789-4902 E-mail: [email protected]
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