Exhibitor Badge Registration DEADLINES: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2013 IF YOU WANT YOUR BADGES MAILED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 TO REGISTER ONLINE To ensure the accuracy of your badges, please register online at www.probeauty.org/isselb How To Register: Log On to: www.probeauty.org/isselb x www.probeauty.org/isselb> Exhibitors> Exhibitor Log-in> enter Password> Register Your Booth Staff x If you don’t have your password, enter your email address to have it emailed to you. Exhibitor badges will be sent via UPS approximately two (2) weeks prior to the show provided your company has met ALL of the following conditions: x You registered your staff before December 18, 2013 x You chose “UPS” as your Badge Delivery Method when you registered your badges x Your company is located in the United States x You have paid in full for your booth space x You have submitted original proof of insurance and CA Sellers Permit x Your PBA Membership is current beyond January 27, 2014 If any of these conditions have not been met, you must pick up your badges at Exhibitor Registration located in the ARENA Lobby of the Long Beach Convention Center beginning Friday, January 24, 2014. Badges will only be issued onsite if all of the above criteria have been met. Badge Allotment Guidelines The number of badges you receive is determined by the size of your booth space. Please consult the chart below for booth size and badge allotments. Complimentary Badge Allotment Guidelines 100 SQ/FT: 5 Badges 400 - 600 SQ/FT: 20 Badges 200 SQ/FT: 10 Badges 700-1400 SQ/FT: 35 Badges 300 SQ/FT: 15 Badges 1500-3000SQ/FT: 50 Badges 3100 + SQ/FT: 70 Badges ¾ Additional badges are $25.00 each. Restrictions: Children under the age of 16 (including infants) are not permitted on show floor. Do not include children when registering. By registering online, you acknowledge that you have received and read all Rules & Regulations in the Exhibitor Resource Guide. Registration Services • International Salon & Spa Expo • 15825 N. 71st. Street #100 • Scottsdale, AZ 85254 USA • Fax: 301.694.5124 • Register by phone: 866.229.2386 • Local: 301.694.5243 24 Due to extravagant booth heights and sightline violations, all booth displays that exceed the 8ft height limit, regardless of booth size, must turn in a picture or diagram of the booth display, to be approved by Show Management. The layout should label all measurements of the display (height/width), along with any other pertinent booth design information. Accepted rendering types include: - A picture of the booth display (Photos) - A line drawing - Building plans (each form above must include dimensions) Please submit diagrams to ISSE Show Management by December 5th using one of the following methods: x Fax: 480-905-0708 x Email: [email protected] x Mail: 15825 N. 71st Street #100 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Approval will be sent within 2 weeks of submission. Don’t delay set-up with extra costs or alterations. Get your design proposal approved before the December 5th deadline! DUE DECEMBER 5, 2013 25 ISSE2014 BestBoothAwards TheProfessionalBeautyAssociationwillbejudgingboothstodeterminethe“BestofISSE”boothdisplays.All exhibitorsareautomaticallyenteredintothecompetition.Youdonotneedtosignuptoparticipate.Besureto considerthiscompetitionwhenplanningyourboothpresence.Thinkcreativity,thinkinnovation,thinkoutside thebox–youmayjustwin“BestofISSE”! WhataretheAwardCategories? x BestLinearBooth(10’x10’–10’x40’) x BestIsland/PeninsulaBooth(20’x20’–20’x30’) x BestIslandBooth(20’x40’orlarger) Howwillboothsbejudged? x CorporateBranding–Useofcorporatelogoand/orbrand,clearlystateswhoyouareandwhatitisthat youdo,integrationofcompanyidentityintographicsanddesign;quality,clarityandvisualimpactof graphicelements. x ProductPresentation–Neat,tidyandwelldisplayed,easilyaccessible,adequatesupply,uniquenessof productdisplay,informative,benefitmessaging,keepsattendeesattentionandintheirbooth,unique trafficbuilder. x ExhibitPersonnel–Attentive,friendly,professionalappearance/etiquette,acknowledgeotherswhen busy,proactivelyengageattendees,adequatestaffing. x BoothDesign–Innovativeanduniqueboothdesign,creativeuseofspace,eyeappeal,pleasingandwell appointed,inviting. Whoarethejudges? x Acommitteewillbeselectedofindustryandnonindustrypeerstoratetheexhibitboothsbasedonthe abovecriteria. x Judgesareanonymous x Judgesarevolunteersanddonotreceiveanyrecognitionorcompensationfortheirservices. x Basedonthejudge’sratings,ShowManagementwillmakethefinaldeterminationofwinners. Whenwillthejudgingtakeplace? x JudgingwilltakeplaceduringshowhoursonJanuary2526,2014 Whenwillthewinnersbeannounced? x WinnerswillbeannouncedontheshowfloorPAsystempriortoshowopeningonJanuary27,2014 Whatwillthewinnersreceive(besidesbraggingrights)? x Halfpageadinthe2015ISSELongBeachpreshowbrochure* x Onefullpageadintheonsitedirectoryfor2015ISSELongBeach* x Awardcertificatesenttoyoufollowingtheevent x RecognitioninanISSEpressrelease *MustbeacontractedISSELongBeach2015exhibitor 26 Required forms to be obtained by exhibitor TAXES - CALIFORNIA SALES PERMIT If you sell taxable merchandise or provide a taxable service in the state of California you must have a seller’s permit. If you already possess a valid CA Sales Permit, send a copy to [email protected] or fax to 480-905-0708 no later than December 5, 2013. Show management must possess proof of sales permit in order for exhibitor to receive badges or enter the expo floor. If you don’t have a copy of your sellers permit or don’t have a current permit, please fill out the attached BOE-410-D form and email or fax to [email protected]. For further tax questions please contact: CA Board of Equalization (800) 400-7115 Or visit their website at www.boe.ca.gov Insurance Exhibitor insurance is mandatory. Following are the guidelines for procuring proper insurance coverage. Exhibitor must supply ISSE with proof of the following insurance coverage no later than 30 days before the start of the show. Workers’ compensation, commercial general liability including products and completed operations, independent contractors, personal injury, and blanket contractual liability insurance of at least $500,000 per occurrence, $500,000 aggregate. The proof of insurance shall be a Certificate of Insurance with a 30-day notice of cancellation provision to the holder and shall name the Professional Beauty Association, International Salon & Spa Expo, Long Beach Convention Center, and GES Exposition Services as additional insured. Please fax/email the sample Certificate of Liability (following this page) to your insurance company to ensure the form is completed correctly. Exhibitors are also encouraged to have sufficient insurance coverage protecting their property while at and in transit to and from the show. We will need the insurance form in order to issue badges or to enter the expo floor. This can be easily sent from your insurance company. It is often helpful if you send the “sample” certificate to your insurance company along with the pertinent dates so they can issue the necessary coverage. Please have forms sent to: ISSE [email protected] or Fax: 480-905-0708 If you need assistance with obtaining insurance you may call Rainprotection Insurance 800-528-7975 Email: [email protected] Apply online at www.Rainprotection.net (Please see following sample certificate) EMAIL the above forms to [email protected] (or fax: 480-905-0708) Show Management must receive TAX & INSURANCE Information by December 5, 2013. (If forms are not received you will not receive your badges or allowed on the showfloor) 27 BOE-410-D REV. 6 (5-12) STATE OF CALIFORNIA SWAP MEETS, FLEA MARKETS, OR SPECIAL EVENTS CERTIFICATION BOARD OF EQUALIZATION People who sell merchandise in California are generally required to hold a seller’s permit. You may not sell at this event unless you have a seller’s permit or are not required to hold a permit. You are required to have a permit if you are selling, even temporarily, new or handcrafted items or used items you purchased for the purpose of reselling to others. You are not required to hold a permit if you are only making “occasional” sales, selling products that are not taxable when sold at retail, or selling on behalf of a section 6015 retailer. You may electronically register for seller’s permit at no cost to you by visiting our website at www.boe.ca.gov. To find a Board of Equalization (BOE) office near you, call our Taxpayer Information Section at 800-400-7115 (TTY:711) or visit our website. If you obtain a temporary seller’s permit, the business address on your temporary permit should be the address of the temporary selling location and the mailing address should be your permanent place of business or residence. Occasional and Nontaxable Sales - Occasional sellers are usually people who are not required to hold a seller’s permit because they will not be making a series of qualifying sales. A person who has cleared their garage of used items accumulated for their own use and who sells only those items would usually qualify as an occasional seller, provided they make sales no more than twice in a 12-month period. Some sellers who make only nontaxable sales are also not required to hold seller’s permits. Examples include sellers of fresh produce or other cold food products sold “to go.” Please note, however, some food sales are taxable, including sales of food for consumption in places where admission is charged. Section 6015 Retailers - Revenue and Taxation Code section 6015 relieves certain individuals of the requirement to obtain a seller’s permit when: (1) the product supplier is a BOE approved section 6015 retailer, (2) the product supplier reports and pays tax on the actual “retail selling price,” (3) the individual is selling only those items purchased from the section 6015 retailer, and (4) the individual provides the name of the product supplier. Typical section 6015 retailers include multi-level marketing retailers that solicit sales through a network of individual salespeople/representatives (for example, Avon, Tupperware). Verification of a seller’s status is required by law. Please complete all four sections of this form. Please print. 1. EVENT INFORMATION EVENT NAME AND PLACE International Salon & Spa Expo, Long Beach Convention Center EVENT DATE(S) TABLE/BOOTH/LOCATION ID# January 25-27, 2014 2. VENDOR/EXHIBITOR INFORMATION OWNER’S NAME MAILING ADDRESS (street number or P.O. box) (city, state and zip code) TELEPHONE NUMBER ( ) DRIVER LICENSE NUMBER OR STATE ID NUMBER AND STATE TYPE OF BUSINESS, DESCRIPTION OF ITEMS TO BE SOLD/DISPLAYED 3. STATUS—Check appropriate boxes, and provide requested information I hold a valid seller’s permit. My number is: S No sales of tangible personal property are being made or solicited at this event. I am not required to hold a seller’s permit because: My retail product sales are not subject to tax I sell on behalf of a section 6015 retailer My sales are exempt occasional sales 4. CERTIFICATION—Partners/additional sellers, complete a separate copy of this form The above statements are certified to be correct to the best knowledge and belief of the undersigned. NAME (typed or printed) TITLE SIGNATURE DATE See reverse for disclosure information. 28 BOE-324-GEN-S REV. 7 (5-12) STATE OF CALIFORNIA BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Privacy Notice This is not a request for you to provide information. This is an informational notice according to the requirements of the Information Practices Act (Civil Code §1798.17). No action is required. We ask you for information so that the BOE can administer the state’s tax and fee laws. The BOE will use the information to determine whether you are paying the correct amount of tax and to collect any amounts you owe. You must provide all information requested, including your social security number (used for identification purposes [see Title 42 U.S. Code sec.405(c)(2)(C)(i)]). A list of authorized agencies, among others, who the BOE may disclose information to, and a complete list of the California Revenue and Taxation Codes is available on our website at www.boe.ca.gov/pdf/boe324gen.pdf, then scroll to the second page. What happens if I don’t provide the information? If your registration information is incomplete, the BOE may not issue your permit, certificate, or license. If you do not file complete returns, you may have to pay penalties and interest. Penalties may also apply if you do not provide other information the BOE requests or that is required by law, or if you provide fraudulent information. In some cases, you may be subject to criminal prosecution. In addition, if you do not provide the requested information to support your exemptions, credits, exclusions, or adjustments, they may not be allowed. You may owe more tax or fees or receive a smaller refund. Can anyone else see my information? Your records are covered by state laws that protect your privacy. However, the BOE may share information regarding your account with specific state, local, and federal government agencies. The BOE may also share specific information with companies authorized to represent local governments. Under some circumstances, the BOE may release the information printed on your permit, certificate, or license, such as account start and closeout dates, and names of business owners or partners, to the public. When you sell a business, the BOE may give the buyer or other involved parties information regarding your outstanding tax liability. With your written permission, the BOE can release information regarding your account to anyone you designate. Can I review my records? Yes. Requests should be made in writing to your closest BOE office. A complete listing of BOE locations can be found at www.boe.ca.gov. Additional information regarding your records can be found in publication 58-A, How to Inspect and Correct Your Records. For a copy of this publication, go to www.boe.ca.gov or call the Taxpayer Information Section at 800-400-7115 (TTY:711), Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Pacific time), except state holidays. If you need more information, you may contact the BOE’s Disclosure Officer at 916-445-2918 or by writing: Disclosure Officer, MIC:82 State Board of Equalization PO Box 942879 Sacramento, CA 94279-0082 Who is responsible for maintaining my records? The officials listed below are responsible for maintaining your records. Sales and Use Tax Board of Equalization Deputy Director, SUTD, MIC:43 PO Box 942879 Sacramento, CA 94279-0043 800-400-7115 Property and Special Taxes and Fees Board of Equalization Deputy Director, PSTD, MIC:63 PO Box 942879 Sacramento, CA 94279-0063 800-400-7115 29 Rainprotection is an Authorized Official Supplier of insurance for PBA at this show International Salon and Spa Expo (ISSE) Long Beach Convention Center January 25 - 27, 2014 Exhibitor Liability Insurance Program As a standard requirement for all exhibitors, it is necessary to provide proof of general liability coverage from an insurance company in good standing with minimum policy limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate. ISSE, Professional Beauty Association, GES and the Long Beach Convention Center shall be named as Additional Insured. This insurance must be in force during the lease dates of the event, January 2329, 2014. If you do not have this coverage in place, Professional Beauty Association (show management) has made arrangements so that all exhibitors can instantly acquire this coverage at significant savings from Rainprotection Insurance. Your cost will be just $79. Purchase your Insurance Now…. There are no applications to fill out. Simply purchase your exhibitor insurance, which is already pre-filled with all the proper show information, directly online using a credit card. Click the link below to purchase insurance: https://securevendorinsurance.com/Rainprotection/ApplicantInformation?GroupEventKey=d563b34518f9 Your Insurance Certificate is instantly emailed to you and a copy is sent to show management. Proof of Insurance is Mandatory Proof of alternative coverage satisfying these minimums, or secured coverage through the link provided above must be in place prior to your scheduled move-in date. Deadline for this and other forms is December 5, 2013. If you are a Non U.S. Company (exhibitor), please read further instructions on Page 2. Questions? Please feel free to direct all insurance questions to Rainprotection Insurance: (800)528-7975 [email protected] www.Rainprotection.net [email protected] ph. (800)528-7975 / fax (631)586-3039 30 www.Rainprotection.net NON U.S. EXHIBITORS If you are a non U.S. company, please read the following instructions: When filling in your company information it will ask for a phone number and address. Please use our phone number and the address of the Venue (Long Beach Convention Center). Here is the address you should use: 300 Ocean Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90802 Here is the phone number you should use: 800-528-7975 Please feel free to direct all insurance questions to Rainprotection Insurance: (800)528-7975 [email protected] www.Rainprotection.net 31 4BNQMF " %;< ><[%]"]>^%< ;_`{<[ ]| ^} %;< ~_`]>]<| |% < <}{_[|<{ " |<>% %_ ~ %;<%<[|^}{>_}{]%]_}|_"%;<~_`]>><[%^]}~_`]>]<|^[<][<^}<}{_[|<<}% |%^%<<}%_}%;]|><[%]"]>^%<{_<|}_%>_}"<[[] ;%|%_%;< <<}%| ><[%]"]>^%<;_`{<[]}`]<_"|>;<}{_[|<<}%| _% ^]}~[_%<>%]_}, ~ {<[<}< {<[<}< ]]``| ]]``| ^]}~[_%<>%]_}}<% _ "#$% &' $+$+%#& "$#-'+$ #%#& 8"<$= &> >$#<"? &' If insurance, If you you already already have have this this type type of of insurance, fax fax or or email email aa copy to: copy of of your your Certificate Certificate of of Insurance Insurance to: fax fax (480)905-0708 (480)905-0708 or or email email [email protected] [email protected] (1 6 &6= &¡ ' < = = = = KQX[Q\]^_\` { { KQX[Q\~\_[Q` ' ' = ''= ''= ''= 3¢1 =}= =}= | } K^ \Q` K\_~\_[Q` K\_^ \Q` K\_^ \Q` £ D ' ' ' ^}{^%_[]} ]X\ \_^\Q \_ \[ < %%^>; ¤{{]%]_}^`<^[E|>;<{`<]"_[<|~^><]|[<][<{ $,%$,66(*(6/ %&¡& $¢£ ¢(¤¥ &£¢,66¢(¤¢,66( 1SPGFTTJPOBM#FBVUZ"TTPDJBUJPO Z O /PSUITU4USFFU /PSUITU4USFFU 4DPUUTEBMF"; 5DLQSURWHFWLRQ,QVXUDQFH F¥¥¦¤¤ ``[] ;%| [<|<[<{ ¦§¦¤¤¤§ ;< }^<^}{`_ _^[<[< ]|%<[<{^[E|_" 32 Application For Use Of An Outside Contractor Exhibitors wishing to use an outside contractor (independent I&D firm other than GES Exposition Services) in the Convention Center must submit this form to ISSE by December 5, 2013. Outside Contractor to be used: Company Name:_________________________________________________________________ Representative’s Name:___________________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________State:_______Zip:___________________ Phone:________________________________Fax:_____________________________________ Outside Contractors must provide: 1. A list of all exhibitors/clients to be served by your firm. 2. Verification of adequate insurance coverage. NOTE: If you are subcontracting through a local company, a copy of their insurance coverage must also be submitted. 3. All work is to be performed by full-time employees of your company or hired through the local union. Indicate below if you intend to hire your labor direct or wish to have the Official Contractor, GES Exposition Services, handle it for you: ____We will hire labor direct with the local union. ____We will have GES, the Official Contractor hire labor. Outside Contractor Must Comply with the Following Requirements: 1. Abide by the same rules and regulations pertaining to an ISSE Exhibitor. 2. Admittance to the trade show floor is allowed only to those with a temporary pass. You must obtain a pass at the ISSE Registration Desk (Long Beach Convention Center). 3. As an outside contractor, you are expected to keep all equipment within the confines of the booth on which you are working. Only GES Exposition Services, the Official Contractor, is permitted to set up a service desk on the trade show floor. Solicitation on the trade show floor will automatically result in the revocation of your admittance privileges. 4. No outside contractor companies are allowed on the ISSE floor during hours of show operation. As an exhibitor, you are responsible for the contract of all personnel hired by your outside contractor in conjunction with the ISSE trade show. These guidelines are required to ensure your safety, as well as the safety of all attendees, and for the smooth operation of the ISSE trade show. Submitted by:___________________________________________________________________ Exhibitor Company:______________________________________________________________ Contact Name:__________________________________________________________________ Booth Number:___________________________________Phone:_________________________ Return this application to: ISSE (fax: 480-905-0708) st 15825 N. 71 Street, Suite 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Attention: Jen Burns Questions? Call ISSE at 800-468-2274 or 480-455-3433 or email [email protected] Due December 5, 2013 33 Exhibitor Model Procedures Thank you for exhibiting/educating at the International Salon & Spa Expo. To help your classes and stage time run smoothly, please read the following information. Model Guidelines: ISSE requires that all models participating in presentations on the expo floor be at least 16 years old. NO EXCEPTIONS! Please explain to all models that this is a professional industry event and family and friends are not permitted to attend. Release forms must be completed by all models. Please do not begin any service without a signed model release form. Exhibitors with booth space of 300 sq. ft. or less who are not teaching an ISSE education class are limited to 3 models per day. Exhibitors with booth space of 400 sq. ft. or more and those teaching an ISSE education class are limited to 12 models per day. Model Procedures – Days of Show: Each Exhibitor/Educator must submit Form D (Model List) to the Arena Model Registration Desk by 6:00pm on the day BEFORE the performance is to take place. One Form D should be submitted for each day that you will have models working for you. Once submitted, the model list is considered FINAL. If you have not reached your model limit for the day, you may add names for $25 each until you reach your daily limit. All models must check in at the Model Registration Desk in the Arena or Promenade lobbies. Please make sure that your models check in through the entrance closest to your prep room. Models will not be permitted to cross the expo floor before the floor opens. Models must present photo ID to receive a hand stamp which will allow them to access the expo floor for the day. If you do not turn in FORM D, or if the model’s name is not on the list, the model will not be admitted. NO EXCEPTIONS!! All Exhibitors/Educators MUST provide Show Management with the name and cell phone number of an onsite contact person in case a question arises regarding your models. ISSE staff is not responsible for getting your models to their proper location (see attached form to be given to your models). Please make sure your models know: o Where they need to be and when they need to be there o Your company name o The name and cell phone number of an onsite contact person 34 Model List – 2014 Exhibitors 300 sq. ft. or less x x x x This form must be submitted to the Model Registration Desk located in the Arena Lobby by 6:00pm on the day BEFORE the performance is to take place. One Model List should be submitted for each day that you will have models working for you. Models whose names are not on this list will not be admitted. NO EXCEPTIONS! Once submitted, this form is considered FINAL. If you have not reached your daily limit, you may add names for $25 each until your limit is reached. Please provide each model with a copy of the Model Registration Form (following page). Exhibiting Company Contact Name Onsite Contact Phone Number: Send my models (after they check in) to: Day (circle one): FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. LIMIT: 3 Models per Day Model Name Office Use Only ID Checked Hand Stamped 1. 2. 3. MODELS MUST CHECK IN EACH DAY - PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARRIVE AT LEAST 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO THEIR SCHEDULED PREP TIME. 35 Model List – 2014 Exhibitors 400 sq. ft. or more And Educators x x x x This form must be submitted to the Model Registration Desk located in the Arena Lobby by 6:00pm on the day BEFORE the performance is to take place. One Model List should be submitted for each day that you will have models working for you. Models whose names are not on this list will not be admitted. NO EXCEPTIONS! Once submitted, this form is considered FINAL. If you have not reached your daily limit, you may add names for $25 each until your limit is reached. Please provide each model with a copy of the Model Registration Form (following page). Exhibiting Company Contact Name Onsite Contact Phone Number: Send my models (after they check in) to: Day (circle one): FRI. SAT. SUN. MON. LIMIT: 12 Models per Day Model Name Office Use Only ID Checked Hand Stamped 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. MODELS MUST CHECK IN EACH DAY - PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THEY ARRIVE AT LEAST 15 MINUTES PRIOR TO THEIR SCHEDULED PREP TIME. 36 Model Registration – 2014 ¾ Show management will stamp hands of models for exhibitors/educators. No pre-registration arrangements are necessary. However, the Model List must be submitted to the Model Registration Desk in the Arena Lobby by 6:00pm on the day BEFORE the performance is to take place. ¾ Exhibitors with booth space of 300 sq. ft. or less who are not teaching an ISSE education class are limited to 3 models per day. Exhibitors with booth space of 400 sq. ft. or more and those teaching an ISSE education class are limited to 12 models per day. ¾ Models must check-in at the Model Registration Desk in the Arena or Promenade Lobbies. Please make sure that your models check in through the entrance CLOSEST to your prep room! Models will NOT be permitted to cross the expo floor before the floor opens! ¾ PLEASE inform your models that they must provide your company name, not their agency’s name, and photo ID in order to receive a hand stamp. Copy and detach the bottom of this page, fill in the pertinent information and give a copy to each of your models. ¾ Please inform models where to report after their hand is stamped. ******************************************************************************************************************** Copy and Distribute the below information to your models. MODEL NAME: EXHIBITING COMPANY NAME: EXHIBITING COMPANY CONTACT NAME: ONSITE CONTACT PHONE NO.: BOOTH NUMBER: ENTER CONVENTION CENTER THROUGH: PREP ROOM: Promenade Lobby Arena Lobby Once you have checked in at the Model Registration Desk and received your hand stamp, report to: Days the model will need to be allowed into the show (Keep this with you) Fri Sat Sun Mon Model must check in each day – arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled prep time! 37 OFFICIAL HOUSING BUREAU FOR ISSE LONG BEACH – RESERVATION DEADLINE JANUARY 2, 2014 SHOW DATES: JANUARY 25 – 27, 2014 Four easy ways to make your reservations: resweb.passkey.com/go/isseLB2014 Hotel Information a Headquarter Hotel b (800) 826-8798 Toll Free (310) 590-4719 Local (310) 649-3554 Distance to Convention Center Par Avion Meetings & Conventions ISSE 6033 W. Century Blvd., Ste 780, Los Angeles, CA 90045 sFirst Night Deposit × Pets Allowed b(0.08) a Hyatt Regency Long Beach – 200 South Pine Avenue King Bed/Double-Double Bed Single Occupancy $205.00 Double Occupany $230.00 Additional person fee $25.00 per person per night × b(0.14) Hyatt The Pike – 285 Bay Street King Bed/ Double-Double Bed Single/Double Occupancy $179.00 Additional person fee $25.00 per person per night Renaissance Long Beach Hotel – 111 East Ocean Boulevard King Bed/ Double-Double Bed Single Occupanncy $199.00 Double Occupany $219.00 Additional person fee $15.00 per person per night b(0.21) b(0.30) The Westin Long Beach – 333 East Ocean Boulevard King Bed/Double-Double Bed Single Occupancy $202.00 Double Occupancy $222.00 Additional person fee $25.00 per person per night × s × Rates do not include current tax of 15.065% or any other applicable hotel fees (Subject to change without notice.) 38 OFFICIAL HOUSING BUREAU FOR ISSE LONG BEACH – RESERVATION DEADLINE JANUARY 2, 2014 SHOW DATES: JANUARY 25 – 27, 2014 Four easy ways to make your reservations: resweb.passkey.com/go/isseLB2014 (800) 826-8798 Toll Free (310) 590-4719 Local (310) 649-3554 Par Avion Meetings & Conventions ISSE 6033 W. Century Blvd., Ste 780, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Contact Information Please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd hotel preferences: Name:_____________________________________________________ ______ Hyatt Regency Long Beach (headquarter hotel) Company Name:_____________________________________________ ______ Hyatt the Pike Long Beach Address:___________________________________________________ ______ Renaissance Long Beach Hotel City: __________________________________State:________________ ______ The Westin Long Beach (First night deposit to be charged on January 2, 2014) Zip/Postal Code:_______________ Phone: ____________________________________________________ Guest Type: Attendee Exhibitor Fax: ______________________________________________________ Special Requests: ADA Accessibility Email: ___________________________________________________ Individual Guest Booking Guest Name:_________________________________________________ Nonsmoking Smoking Arrival Date:__________________ Departure Date:_________________ Bed Type : King (max 2 guests) Double (2 Beds) 2nd Guest Name: _____________________________________ 3rd Guest Name: _______________________________________________ Group Booking (up to 5 rooms) Indicate the Bed type request and number of rooms required per night. For more than five rooms please contact our reservation department at (800) 826-8798 or (310) 590-4719. ® Event Days Bed Type Wed, Jan 22 Thurs, Jan 23 Fri, Jan 24 Sat, Jan 25 Sun, Jan 26 Mon, Jan 27 Tue, Jan 28 All reservations must be guaranteed with major credit card or 1st night’s deposit by check. Credit card information must be provided until check arrives. Check must be received by December 26, 2013. Room rates are on space available basis and do NOT include tax. Last day to make reservations for the discounted rates is January 2, 2014. Card Type: American Express Diners Club Discover MasterCard Visa Card Number: ____________________________________________ Expiration Date: __________ Name on Card: ____________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY: Par Avion Meetings and Conventions (travel program producer) and Professional Beauty Association (travel program sponsor) and/or their agents act only in the capacity as agents for customers in all matters pertaining to hotel accommodations, and as such are not responsible for any damage, expenses or inconvenience caused by late train or plane arrivals or departures, or by any change of schedule condition from any loss, injury or damage to any person or property from any cause whatsoever. Baggage handling throughout the program is entirely at the owner's risk. The customer agrees that Professional Beauty Association and Par Avion shall not be held responsible in the event of any errors or omissions in any promotional material. 39
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