Research Advances in Fireworks Algorithm and Its Applications 譚営

世界トップレベル研究者招聘プログラム Progress 100 公開セミナー
Research Advances in Fireworks Algorithm and
Its Applications
譚営(TAN Ying)教授
北京⼤学 信息科学技術学院
平成28年12⽉5⽇(⽉)Dec. 5 (Mon)
[Abstract] Recently, inspired from the collective behaviors of
many swarm-based creatures in nature or social phenomena,
swarm intelligence (SI) has been received attention and studied
extensively, gradually becomes a class of efficiently intelligent
optimization methods. Inspired by fireworks explosion at night,
the fireworks algorithm (FWA) was developed in 2010. Since
then, several improvements and some applications were proposed to improve the efficiency of FWA. In this talk, the fireworks algorithm is first described in detail and reviewed, then
●場 所 (place) ︓
several effective improved fireworks algorithms are highlighted
individually. By changing the ways of calculating numbers and
amplitudes of sparks in fireworksʼ explosion, the improved FWA
ISEE Meeting Room 2 (Room 547), 5F
algorithms become more reasonable and explainable. In addition, the multi-objective fireworks algorithm and the graphic
West Zone Building No.2, Ito Campus
processing unit (GPU) based FWA are also briefly presented,
particularly the GPU-based FWA is able to speed up the optimi●問合せ (contact) ︓
zation process considerably. Extensive experiments on IEEECECʼs benchmark functions demonstrate that the improved fireシステム情報科学研究院
教授 村⽥純⼀ (murata @ works algorithms significantly increase the accuracy of found
solutions, yet decrease the running time dramatically. Finally,
some applications of FWA are briefly described, while its short教授 ⾼⽊英⾏ (takagi @ comings and future research directions are identified.
協賛︓ IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Japan Chapter,
IEEE SMC Japan Chapter, IEEE 福岡Section, 進化計算学会,
計測⾃動制御学会 (九州⽀部,コンピューテーショナル・インテリジェンス部会)