Preliminary Program V I. I N T E R N AT I O N A L I N N S B R U C K A N ATO M Y C O U RS E O N S U R G E R Y OF THE SHOULDER 19 - 21 F E B R UA RY 2015 TOPICS B A S I C S – E X A M I N AT I O N – U LT R A S O U N D - M R I O P E N S U R G E R Y I N S TA B I L I T Y A N D R C MUSCLE TRANSFER TECHNIQUES A S S U R G E R Y I N S T A B I L I T Y, I M P I N G E M E N T , A C - J O I N T A N D RC PROXIMAL HUMERUS FRACTURES A R T H R O P L A S T Y I N F R A C T U R E S , A R T H R O S I S A N D C TA DRY LAP WITH SHOULDER MODELS WET LAB WITH HANDS ON ARTHROPLASTY WORKSHOP ON CADAVERS (SYNTHES EPOCA, ARTHREX, DE PUY) Bild von Ulrich Zeh I N F O R M AT I O N & R E G I S T R AT I O N: Course Office Fon: +43 / 512 / 504 - 22821 Fax: +43 / 512 / 504 - 25731 Mail: [email protected] With the experiences of two decades of open and arthroscopic shoulder cadaver lab courses we are pleased to invite YOU to our VI. INTERNATIONAL INNSBRUCK ANATOMY COURSE ON SURGERY OF THE SHOULDER 19 - 21 February 2015 The course will be held at the Institute of Anatomy of the University of Innsbruck/Austria in cooperation with the Department of Trauma Surgery and the Innsbruck Shoulder Society. The course will be devoted to open and arthroscopic shoulder operation techniques. Highlights of the course will be hands-on, dry lab and cadaver laboratories for participants (alcohol - glycerine - fixed cadavers). Thursday | 19.02.2015 07.30 Registration 08.00 Welcome 08.15 Guest Lecture 08.45 Anatomy of the Shoulder 09.00 - 10.30 Interactive case discussion in groups Instability Target: to learn - based on cases - classification, clinical and radiographic assessment techniques of shoulder instability, arthroscopic and open fixation techniques, bone block technique, analysis and treatment of failures 10.30 Coffee break 11.00 - 12.30 Interactive case discussion in groups Fracture Target: to learn to read fractures, to classify, to develop treatment algorithm, technical skills in osteosynthesis, prosthetic replacement, analysis of complication and how to avoid 12.30 Lunch 13.30 Workshop Dry Lab Anatomy | Ultrasound workshop 15.30 Coffee break 16.00 - 17.00 Interactive case discussion in groups Rotator cuff Muscle transfers Target: to analyse impingement and rotator cuff tears, biceps problems, to read MRI, to discuss treatment options (AS - open), indication and technique of muscle transfers 17.00 End of day Friday | 20.02.2015 08.00 Guest Lecture Cadaver Lab 08.30 - 13.00 AS procedures (2 surgeons | shoulder) Start with diagnostic AS of the shoulder joint, create portals and detect structures of the joint. Create Bankart lesion and perform AS Bankart. AS of the subacromial space, removal of subacromial bursa, perform subacromial decompression. Create rotator cuff tear. 10.30 Coffee break 13.00 Lunch 14.00 Discussion Cadaver Lab 14.30 - 17.00 AS prcedures (2 surgeons | shoulder) AS rotator cuff repair 15.00 Coffee break 15.30 - 17.00 Open procedures (4 surgeons | shoulder) Approaches (deltopectoral | delta split) Optional: Open instability and rotator cuff procedures or Muscle transfers & nerve exploration 17.00 End of day Saturday | 21.02.2015 08.00 Guest Lecture Arthroplasty 08.30 Stem designs 08.45 Stemless designs 09.00 Resurfacing designs 09.15 Partial resurfacing 09.25 Glenoid options 09.40 Cases & discussion 10.00 Coffee break 10.30 Options in CTA 10.40 Reverse Prosthesis rationale 10.55 Reverse Prosthesis revisions 11.10 Reversed = Reversed? 11.25 Cases & discussion 12.15 Lunch 13.15 Live Presentation Cadaver Lab 13.45 Shoulder Arthroplasty & Philos augmentation (Synthes, Arthrex, DePuy, Zimmer) 16.00 End of course Faculty Michael Blauth Medical University Innsbruck | A Davide Blonna Ospedale Mauriziano, Torino | I Erich Brenner Medical University Innsbruck | A Martin Brunner Trauma Dep. Zell a. See | A Emilio Calvo Fundacion Jimenez Diaz | E Lieven De Wilde University Gent | B Ulrich Eger Medical University Innsbruck | A Simon Euler Medical University Innsbruck | A Andreas Hamberger Trauma Dep. Schwaz | A Clemens Hengg Medical University Innsbruck | A Ralph Hertel Lindenhofspital Bern | CH Alexander Irenberger Trauma Dep. Zams | A Martin Jäger Medical University Freiburg | D Bernhard Jost Kantonsspital St. Gallen | CH Jeno Kiss Orthop. Dep. Budapest | H Dominik Knierzinger Medical University Innsbruck | A Dagmar Kolp Inselspital Bern | CH Faculty Franz Kralinger Medical University Innsbruck | A Simon Lambert Royal Hospital Stanmore | UK Ulrich Lanz Orthopädisches Spital Wien/Speising | A Jan Leuzinger Etzel Klinik Zürich | CH Sven Lichtenberg ATOS Klinik Heidelberg | D Dominik Meraner Orthopädisches Spital Speising | A Lars Neumann Nottingham City Hospital | UK Falk Reuter Köpenik Klinik, Berlin | D Ludwig Seebauer Klinikum Bogenhausen | D Heinrich Thöni Trauma Dep. Zell a. See | A Hans Peter Tschallener Orthop. Dep. Mittersill | A Manfred Waldegger Medical University Innsbruck | A Markus Wambacher Medical University Innsbruck | A Jaap Willems OLVG Hospital Amsterdam | NL Ralph Wischatta Mare-Klinikum Kiel | D Under the patronage of:
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