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Ratoath College
Ms Máire Ní Bhróithe
Deputy Principal:
Ms Oonagh Prendergast
Ratoath College, Jamestown,
Raotath, Co Meath
00353 1 8254102
00353 1 8254541
Page Number
Message from the Principal
Mission Statement
Our School Ethos
Background to Ratoath College
Student Council
School Extension
Board of Management
Parents Association
Attendance & Punctuality
School Uniform
Whole School Assembly
Lunch Time Arrangements
Supervised Study
Book Rental Scheme
School Dialann
Guidance Councillor
Pastoral Care in the School
Chaplaincy Service in the School
The Moltóir
The Caomhnóir
Anti-bullying in Ratoath College
Junior Certificate Cycle
Leaving Certificate Programme
LCVP- Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
Leaving Certificate Applied Programme
Transition Year Programme
Special Educational Needs
Aonad Arkle (Autism Unit)
Information Technology in the School
School Website
Music/Drama in the School
Tours, Outing & Field Trips
Physical Education
Sport in Ratoath College
Extra-Curricular Activities
Teaching & Learning in Ratoath College
Teaching & Learning Projects
Art Competitions
Ratoath College as a Green School
Our School Library
Our Principal
Welcome to Ratoath College! Have a look at our on-line prospectus
and enjoy!
Our School Ethos:
Mol an Óige
Our motto is “Mól an Óige agus Tiocfaidh Sí” (Praise the youth and
they will flourish). We aim to live this motto on a daily basis. Our
Code of Behaviour is a positive code. There is a greater emphasis on
rewards rather than on sanctions. We praise our students daily at
assembly, we hold monthly prize giving ceremonies, send home positive notes through the students’ Dialann (School Diary), present students with commendation slips and post positive postcards home. We
are very proud of our current students and believe that their behaviour is exemplary. All teachers actively support our emphasis on
positive behaviour.
Mission Statement
“We in Ratoath College are a partnership of students, staff, parents
and the community. We foster personal development and learning
through hard work, creativity and commitment. Each individual is
given the opportunity to realise their full potential in a community
that is inclusive, respectful, caring and positive. In all our pursuits we
embrace the spirit of “Mol an Óige agus Tiocfaidh Sí”
Background to Ratoath College
Ratoath College is a Deed of Trust co-educational Community College founded in 2005, under the joint trusteeship of the Bishop of
Meath and Co. Meath Vocational Education Committee. The school
endeavours to provide an education for all of its students, one which
has as its aim the development of all aspects of the individual – aesthetic, creative, critical, cultural, emotional, intellectual, moral, physical, political, religious, social and spiritual development; for personal
and family life, for working-life, for living in the community and for
1. Ratoath College Prospectus
Student Council
The student council is a very important aspect of school life in Ratoath College and has
been functioning since 2006. The Council provides a forum for students to express their
opinions and enables them to play a partnership role with the staff, Parents’ Association
and Board of Management. This ensures that the students play a positive role in our
school’s decision making process. Each year one student is elected from each class by
their peers to form the Student Council. This group addresses student issues and highlights them to the Principal. A member of staff is responsible for liaising with the Council. The Council meets on a weekly basis and have been responsible for some changes
made such as the introduction of trousers for female students during the winter.
School Extension
This year we had confirmation that we have been approved for a new extension of 3,288
square metres due for completion in late 2014. The extension will bring the school accommodation up to 1,300 students. The design team were appointed recently and the first
meetings have taken place in the Department of Education.
2. Ratoath College Prospectus
Board of Management
Attendance and Punctuality
The board members who have served since 2005 have provided direction and sound management to the school under the chairmanship of
Mr. Nick Kileen. Its job is to make sure that the school is run efficiently and provides all students with a good education.
Ratoath College has excellent attendance records. The national average for attendance at second level schools is 92%. We currently have
an average of close to 95%. Congratulations are due to our current
second year students who were the year group with the highest
attendance in the school last year. All students are required to be on
time for morning Assembly and for all classes throughout the school
day. Last year we introduced new initiatives to reward students who
had full attendance in 2011/12 and in previous years. In addition to
this, all students who did not miss a day between September to
Christmas and January to Summer were entered for a draw to win a
bumper prize of €20 phone credit.
Presently our Board of Management members are;
Mr. Nick Kileen (Chairman)
Ms. Maeve Gallagher
Mr. G. O’Connor
Fr. Gerry Stuart
Ms. Nuala McLoughlin
Ms. Miriam Toole
Mr. Derek Ball
Ms. D. Kelly/Mr. C. Connolly
Ms. Maeve Flood
Mr. Diarmuid Marron
Prof. Anne Scott
Co. Meath VEC nominee
Co. Meath VEC nominee
Co. Meath VEC nominee
Bishop’s Representative
Bishop’s Representative
Bishop’s Representative
Teaching Staff
Teaching Staff
Parents Representative
Parents Representative
Community Representative
Ms. Máire Ní Bhróithe, Principal, is secretary to the Board in a nonvoting capacity and Ms. Oonagh Prendergast, Deputy Principal
attends all meetings. The Parents are elected to the Board by the
parent body. The two teachers are nominated by the staff of the
Parents’ Association
The Parents’ Association is the structure through which parents in a
school can work together for the best possible education for their
children. The Parent’s Association works with the principal, staff and
the Board of Management to build an effective relationship between
the home and school. Collaboration between the home and school is
important because with positive and active partnership the student
gets the best that education can offer.
3. Ratoath College Prospectus
In an effort to further reward students for their dedication and commitment to school, we have designed some additional awards to recognise student’s achievements. At Junior Cycle we have the Gold,
Silver, and Bronze awards. The Platinum award is full attendance in
both years of senior cycle. Any student who has full attendance
throughout their school life will be forever immortalised in a school
attendance shield which has been kindly sponsored by Franic Construction. Winners of the Gold, Diamond and Full Attendance awards
will receive their prizes at the summer prize giving ceremony.
Whole School Assembly
Ratoath College holds a daily assembly at 8:45a.m. for all member of
the school community. We see assembly as playing a crucial role in
developing a sense of a whole school community. We believe assembly provides us with an excellent opportunity to gather together and
to celebrate individual and group achievements. We use the opportunity to praise the students in front of their peers for their achievements and efforts.
School Uniform
While respecting the individuality of all our students the school uniform is an essential part of school life. It represents the high standards that we expect from our students. By applying a strict uniform
code, we are preparing our students for life, in that most workplaces
have standards with regard to dress that should be upheld. It also
teaches the students the value of neatness, tidiness and projecting a
good image of oneself. The support of parents/guardians is of utmost
importance in this regard and sanctions will apply where there are
breaches in the uniform code. Each student is expected to wear the
full school uniform everyday and to be neat and tidy in their overall
The school uniform is as follows:
Junior Jumper Junior Rose/Navy Jumper Junior Rose/Navy
Student Boys Shirt White
Girls Blouse White
Tie Junior Navy/Red
Tie Junior Navy/Red
Boys Trousers Navy
Tartan Skirt
Ratoath College Jacket
Ratoath College Jacket
Senior Jumper Senior Navy/Rose Jumper Senior Navy/Rose
Student Tie Senior Red/Navy
Tie Senior Red/Navy
Boys Trousers Navy
Tartan Skirt
Ratoath College Jacket
Ratoath College Jacket
Ratoath College Huddie
Ratoath College Huddie
Ratoath College has introduced a Prefect System. Each year 16 of our
senior students are selected for the role of prefect and they are known
as Cinnirí. These senior students assist staff in the supervision of the
school on a daily basis as well as keeping an eye on our younger students and helping 1st years to settle in. They are all exemplary students and are role models for our younger students. With responsibility comes privileges and so they have their own Seomra na gCinnirí
which houses their lockers and has tea and coffee making facilities as
well as a study area.
Uniform Boys Blue Polo
Girls Blue Polo
Navy Tracksuit bottoms
Navy Tracksuit bottoms
White Asics Trainers
White Asics Trainers
4. Ratoath College Prospectus
Lunchtime Arrangements
Book Rental Scheme
All students remain on the school grounds during lunch and break
times. All students have a choice of bringing in their own food or
using the canteen service. Extra-curricular activities are arranged for
lunch time. These are of a sporting and non-sporting nature.
Ratoath College has operated a scheme to provide textbooks for rent
to parents/guardians of students in the school since 2005. To promote and support this scheme the following applies to all users of the
The school rents text books to parents/guardians of current
students of the school at reduced cost.
All books rented remain the property of Ratoath College.
Parents/guardians with their children are responsible for
proper care and maintenance of books rented to them.
Books must be returned when requested, or when a student
leaves the school.
Books must be returned to the school in resale condition. The
minimum requirement is that each book is intact, has all its
pages, has both a front and back cover and is free from any
All books not returned to the school in resale condition by
the date requested will be deemed lost or damaged. Parents /
guardians must pay the current replacement cost of lost or
damaged books to the school.
Students are advised to check the condition of books regularly
and to carry out necessary repairs and to maintain them in
correct order.
Regular book rental checks are conducted throughout the
school year and students may be advised to replace a book
depending on its condition.
There is a privately run canteen on school premises (located in the
general purpose area). The food is provided at very reasonable rates.
The menu is approved under the schools ‘Healthy Eating’ Policy.
Food is provided at break time and at lunch.
Supervised Study
The school offers supervised study to help students to plan and organise their study. The rates differ depending on the number of
evenings the students wish to attend.
5. Ratoath College Prospectus
School Dialann (Journal)
Guidance Counselling
The School Dialann is the main form of communication between
home and school and as such is an essential tool for school.
The School Guidance Counsellor has a pivotal role to play in the
school. The guidance counsellor aims to assist students in their
holistic development. This includes facilitating students’ vocational
needs and assuring them of continuous support and counselling. In
the course of their lives, people are faced with the need to make
significant decisions that affect both themselves and those around
them. For second level students these choices are focussed on three
key areas: Personal and Social, Educational and Career.
1. Each student must purchase a school dialann.
2. A careful record of all homework given or class activities is to be
kept in the school dialann
3. Every student in Ratoath College is expected to have his/her dialann on their desk at the beginning and for the duration of every
4. Dialann’s must be made available for inspection by Teachers at all
The School Guidance Counsellor facilitates students’ access to the
following services:
5. Each student is responsible for his/her own dialann. Loss of a dialann must be reported to the Caomhóir immediately and a new
dialann bought in its place.
Lockers are provided for students so that they do not have to carry
heavy bags around all day. Students should only use their lockers at
the following times: before morning assembly, during lunchtime and
at the end of the school day.
Personal Development Programmes: Assisting students in
their personal and social development, decision-making and
planning; providing counselling, including bereavement
counselling; liaison with outside agencies, including Department of Education and Science Psychologists (NEPS) and
Health Boards.
Educational Development Programmes: providing
knowledge and skills relating to studying, exams and choices
of subjects and subject levels.
Career Information: Providing factual information relating to
3rd level study and other career options, while helping students to make informed career decisions by the use of aptitude, career-interest and other tests.
Parental Involvement: Parents are also invited to participate
with the Career Guidance Counsellor in the guidance process through consultation and attendance at relevant information evenings relating to subject and career choices. It is
in this regard; care for the total well-being of the student that guidance and counselling plays a pivotal role in student
support in Ratoath College.
6. Ratoath College Prospectus
Pastoral Care in the School
Chaplaincy Service in the School
The Chaplain is a ‘Spiritual’ presence in
the school community. The Chaplin’s
role is to develop a relationship of trust
where students feel heard and supported on their school journey. The Chaplain responds firstly to the spiritual
needs while also promoting the holistic development of the students. The Chaplain works in close contact with the Religion Department and is part of the Pastoral Care Team.
Our Pastoral Care system is developed to be all inclusive, incorporating all students, particularly the ‘silent majority’ who can often fall
under the radar. The Pastoral Care programme which we implement
deals with a wide variety of issues such as: transfer from primary to
secondary level school, charter of behaviour, tension around examinations, bullying, peer influence, relationships, community, personal
development, bereavement and separation through ‘Rainbows’. It
links in with many programme's for example, substance abuse, health
education, which are taught through our SPHE class.
The Pastoral Care Team
In Ratoath College we have a core pastoral care co-ordination team
which consists of Principal/Deputy Principal, Pastoral Care Coordinator, Guidance Counsellors, and Chaplain. This team is supported
by our Moltóirí, Caoimhnóirí, Teachers, and learning Support department. Throughout the academic year a member of the core pastoral
care team will do their best to meet individually with as many students as possible, the purpose of this meeting is to discuss with the
students how they are settling into the school, progressing in their
subjects, see if they are experiencing any difficulties in school and to
see if there is anything we can do better for them. This system has
had an extremely positive impact on the development of the school
and assisting the students in settling into the school.
7 Ratoath College Prospectus
The Moltóir
The Moltóir on behalf of the school community takes on the role of
overseeing the welfare and well-being of a year group so that learning,
at every level of the person, is supported.
The role of the Moltóir is:
To support the work of the Caomhnóirí
Have a caring interest in each student in the year
Help the students to develop a sense of belonging
Oversee the academic progress of students
Ensure the year group follow the code of behaviour
Acknowledge students good work and effort (Mól an Óige)
Encourage students to participate in extra curricular activities
Promote good relationships between students and teachers
Take responsibility for promoting the positive aspects of good
discipline and behaviour.
Monitor late arrivals and absenteeism
The Caomhnóir
It is the policy of this school that each class is designated one teacher as
Class Caomhnóir who is responsible for that class in a special way.
The Role of the Caomhnóir is:
To instil a good class spirit and encourage collective responsibility amongst students
To take an interest in each individual student with particular
regard to their personal difficulties
To care for students in the class group
Anti-bullying in Ratoath College
We want Ratoath College to be a bully-free school where all of us feel
safe and happy. However, it is important for students to know that
supports are in place in Ratoath College for students who may have
fallen victim to bullying or know someone who is being bullied. Our
Anti-bullying programme, as established by the Anti-bullying team,
has implemented the following strategies:
Anti-bullying zoom day
Sticks and stones workshop
School leadership team workshops. This involved our TY
Mentors giving Anti-bullying presentations to first years
To praise students in accordance with the school philosophy
Anti-bullying poster competition
To follow the disciplinary procedures outlined in the schools
code of behaviour
SPHE classes on bullying and its effects
Peer Mediation
Generally ‘problems’ that arise regarding a student are dealt with using
a Ladder of Referral System which is organised in the following way;
Class Teacher —Caomhnóir —Moltóir —Deputy Principal —Principal.
Anti-bullying email address [email protected]
Students affected by bullying also are encouraged to seek help from
Pastoral Care team members, School Guidance Counsellor, Chaplain
or any adult they feel may be of assistance.
8. Ratoath College Prospectus
Junior Certificate Programme
Leaving Certificate Programme
Ratoath College offers a wide range of subjects at Junior Level. Students follow a set curriculum which leads to the Junior Certificate at
the end of three years. All classes are of mixed ability and streaming
only takes place for the core subjects of Irish and Mathematics in
Second Year. Students are encouraged to achieve their best and to
take as many higher level subjects as is appropriate.
At Leaving Cert. examination level, students study seven subjects.
Core Curriculum Subjects (Nine)
Religious Education
Optional Subjects (Two)
Business Studies
Materials Technology Wood
Technical Graphics
Art, Craft & Design
Home Economics
Non-Examination Subjects
Physical Education
Each student will study the 3 Core Subjects:
Irish (unless exemption granted)
Students can then choose 4 Options (see subjects on offer in table
below) Total Subjects = 7
Leaving Certificate Subjects are grouped as follows:
Language Group:
Social Studies Group:
Art (including Crafts)
Classical Studies
Science Group:
Applied Science Group:
Social and Scientific
Home Economics
9 Ratoath College Prospectus
Business Group;
Practical Group:
Design and Communication
Architectural Technology
Applied Maths
LCVP—Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
Many students take the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme
(LCVP) which is an intervention designed to enhance the vocational
dimension of the established Leaving Certificate. It emphasises enterprise education and preparation for working life. Assessment of the
LCVP takes the form of both written examination and a portfolio of
continuous coursework completed in the duration of the two year
programme of study and the grade obtained may be used as part of
the calculation of the traditional ‘Points’ system.
Our LCV Programme aims to prepare students for an ever evolving
working, technological and business world while capitalising on the
already present academic strengths of students, and engendering and
encouraging a spirit of enterprise in each individual.
Leaving Certificate Applied Programme
The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two-year Leaving Certificate,
available to students who wish to follow a practical or vocationally
orientated programme. A key aspect of the programme is enabling
students to prepare for adult and working life. The word “applied”
is used because the programme is designed to allow the students to
apply the learning and experiences they gain over the two years of the
programme to practical educational tasks at school, in the workplace
and in the wider community.
The Leaving Certificate Applied is different in a number of ways:
It is a practical programme that makes wide use of active and
student centred learning methodologies.
It includes seven Student Tasks that bring together the different learning experiences that the students have gained from
the courses they have taken.
It uses a unique system of assessment. The students’ work is
assessed over the two years of the programme and they gain
credits as they go along. Practicals, interviews and terminal
written papers are among the different forms of assessment
used. The students’ communication, problem solving and
practical skills are also assessed.
Transition Year Programme
Transition Year is a unique one year programme for students who
have completed the Junior Certificate. It provides a bridge to enable
them to make the transition from the more dependent type of learning associated with the Junior Certificate to the more independent
learning environment associated with the Leaving Certificate. It encourages personal and social development and recognises the need for
students to grow in independence.
Transition Year fosters academic achievement as students prepare for
a Leaving Certificate programme, further study and adult and working life. It encourages the development of a wide range of transferable
critical thinking and creative problem solving skills. Transition Year
offers students space to learn, mature and develop.
The Transition Year is an activity based self-directed programme,
which entails learning both inside and outside the classroom. Students, who are self-motivated, can work hard and adapt well to new
learning experiences, do particularly well at portfolio work. The
course encourages maturity development of new skills and education
for college and working life. Transition Year students tend to become
more self-reliant learners.
10 Ratoath College Prospectus
Information & Communications Technology
ICT is an integral and accepted part of everyday life for our school
community. Each classroom is fully equipped with a teaching computer and digital projector. We also have a number of interactive whiteboards, visualisers and webcams. ICT in Ratoath College includes a
range of hardware and software devices, scanners, digital cameras,
multimedia programmes and image editing software. It also includes
the communications equipment through which people seek and access
information including the Internet, our WIFI network, email and
video conferencing.
We can see how the use of ICT in education can add value in teaching
and learning, by enhancing the effectiveness of learning, or by adding
a dimension to learning that was not previously available. Students are
often encouraged to utilise their own mobile devices as part of teaching and learning.
Special Educational Needs
Being inclusive and promoting education that is inclusive, is a central
part of what Ratoath College does. We try to focus on inclusion in
everything we do, on ensuring that education is for all learners. In this
area we look at ways that curriculum and assessment can best meet the
needs of students with special educational needs. We have a Resource
Team who work hard to support the teaching and learning of students
with special educational needs. Appropriate in-service is provided for
Aonad Arkle (Autism Unit)
Aonad Arkle is our dedicated unit to facilitate the inclusion of students
with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. We provide additional educational,
social and pastoral support to enhance the personal development and
holistic education of our students. Aonad Arkle supports the participation of students in mainstream activities as well as providing individual
learning programmes centered on developing social, communication,
organisation and life skills.
We liaise with external multi-disciplinary services and have an extremely dedicated team of 9 teachers and 4 SNA’s who meet regularly
to review the progress of our students. We offer an oasis of calm
amidst the busy school day and provide a relaxation area, cosy kitchen,
workstations and an innovative sensory room. We enable structured
social interaction at break times with our reverse integration system
where mainstream students visit Aonad Arkle for social interaction and
various extra-curricular activities. We embrace the culture of ASD and
we are exceptionally proud of our creative, intelligent and talented
11 Ratoath College Prospectus
School Website
We have an exciting school website www.ratoathcollege.ie. The website is kept updated on a regular basis and reflects the vibrancy of our
school community. We also regularly tweet @ratoathcollege.
Music/Drama in Ratoath College
Last year we staged our second school musical. Following the success
of Back to the 80s two years ago this time around we produced the
timeless classic West Side Story, widely praised as one of the greatest
musicals of all time. Aside from the musical and dramatic, the musical provided an opportunity for students with a wide array of interests
and talents to express themselves creatively. Almost 2,000 people
attended the performances over four nights.
Every year the school also hosts a Ratoath College Talent Show. This
show gives students the opportunity to show case their talents and is
always one of the highlights of the school year.
Tours, Outings, Field Trips
1st Year Trip Abroad or Carlingford.
4th and 5th Year Trip to China in 2013
At the start of the school year in September the TY students
will be involved in an overnight trip spending time involved
in Outdoor Pursuits.
French & Italian Exchange: 4th & 5th Year students are encouraged to avail of the schools’ involvement in the French &
Italian Exchange Programme.
Leaving Certificate students of Geography, Biology also spend
a day on field trip work. These trips and analysis of the
work form the basis of questions on their Leaving Certificate
Music students attend events in the Concert Hall, the Point
Theatre etc. as part of their music programme.
The Irish, French and Italian teachers organise Seachtain na
Gaeilge, La Semaine Francaise and Il Giorno Italia.
There are many other day trips and outings organised by
teachers as part of their curriculum, e.g. History visits to
museums, cinema, and theatre visits for films and plays, science field trips, etc.
Senior Cycle students will be facilitated to attend:
Higher Options Day for 3rd level choices in the RDS.
Fás Careers Day
12 Ratoath College Prospectus
Physical Education
Sport in Ratoath College
Physical Education is an integral part of the school curriculum at
Ratoath College where all students are required to participate. The
School’s policy is to ensure that all students receive a broad and balanced physical education programme which is relevant to the individual student’s physical, mental, emotional and social development. We
are also committed to increasing participation in extra-curricular sports
which include; Gaelic Football, Soccer, Rugby, Athletics, Basketball,
Pitch and Putt, Badminton, Hurling, Dance, Cheerleading and Kickboxing. We strongly believe that being a member of a school team is a
valuable experience. The sporting highlights of the year include our
whole school ‘Sports Day’ in September and the ‘Fairyhouse Fun Run’
in May.
The school offers students the opportunity to participate in numerous
sporting events including Gaelic Football, Soccer, Basketball, Camogie,
Rugby, Table Tennis, Pitch and Putt and Athletics and Cross-county.
Although we are still a very young school we have already achieved
great success in many leagues and
inter schools competitions in these
areas. 2012 was a fantastic year in
sport for Ratoath College winning;
13 Ratoath College Prospectus
All Ireland & Leinster Vocational Schools B Gaelic
Football titles
U16 Leinster A Soccer title
Extra Curricular Activities
Teaching and Learning in Ratoath College
The school provides a very wide range of activities for students.
These activities offer students opportunities to partake in events
which we value in the overall teaching, training and development we provide. These events also allow for the range of talents and abilities which are inherent in the student population.
Music: We have a school choir. A trad group and several very
accomplished soloists who have performed at numerous events
both within the school and publically.
In keeping with best national and international practice it is our whole
school policy to encourage the use of various active pedagogic strategies which are proven means of furthering the quality of education
which our students receive. We are committed to establishing Ratoath
College as a noted centre of excellence in teaching and learning and to
endeavour to ensure that each student is given every opportunity to
maximise their full potential. At Ratoath College our practices include:
Clubs and Societies: Media Club, Re-defining Art Group, Debating Club, Chess Club
Competitions: We enter a variety of public competitionshistorical, debating, artistic, cookery, scifest, business, musical
etc. with great success.
Cultural activities: Many opportunities are provided through
our French Exchange Programme, Arts Week. La Semaine
Francasie, Il Giorno Italia and Seachtain na Gaeilge, visits to
theatre, film, exhibitions, cultural centres, etc.
Fashion Show: We will host our 2nd Fashion Show in October
this year. Students, teachers, parents and the local community
will all be involved in this glamorous and exciting event.
There are many other activities such as school leagues and other
events which are also organised within the school for the students.
Involvement in extra-curricular activities will inevitably mean
that on occasion students will be absent from their timetabled
class. We strongly recommend, particularly in 3rd and 6th Year
that parents are aware of these activities and that through discussion with their son/daughters a balance is maintained between academic and extra-curricular activities.
The use of Active/Collaborative learning strategies.
Mixed Ability Teaching.
Effective use of ICT to complement learning..
Strategic use of Team Teaching.
Strategic use of Special Needs Assistants.
Whole School Practice of Assessment for Learning.
Teaching and Learning Projects
Self-Evaluation Project: Ratoath College is one of six schools invited
by the Department of Education to take part in a School selfevaluation project whereby we investigated how students are engaged
in learning and are currently in the process of making an improvement
plan for September 2012.
Junior Cycle Network: We have also been invited to participate in the
Junior Cycle Network and we are one of forty schools who will be
advising on the supporting and development of new courses for the
new National Certificate.
It Takes All Kinds Project: Finally, we are one of two Irish schools
participating in “It takes all kinds”, an international project involving
eighteen schools in nine different European countries. This project
aims to bring about an awareness of homophobic bullying in schools
and it aims to help schools support students.
14 Ratoath College Prospectus
Art Competitions
The Art Department at Ratoath College strongly encourage their
students to take part in Art/Design Competitions, at local, regional
and national levels. They recognise the immense value of competition
work as regards the students’ continued development in this area.
Extra-curricular art trips to galleries and national sites of artistic value
are organised regularly.
Our School Library
Ratoath College has a large and comprehensively stocked Library. Not
only does it contain a huge selection of books, it has a large collection
of resources for everyone to use. It is open every lunchtime for students use. Juniors and Seniors may borrow up to two books for two
weeks. At Ratoath College Library First Year students follow a Library
Induction Programme throughout the year. They learn how to use the
library for research, develop reading habits and become confident library users which supports their future studies.
Ratoath College as a Green School
Ratoath College is part of the Green Schools Programme, and has
been awarded the Green Flag for Litter and Waste. As a Green
School we at Ratoath College try to implement the 3 R's, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We have a whole school approach to reduce paper
wastage such as having a Book Rental Scheme, keeping parents informed by text, staff communicating via email and having a photocopying policy.
Students are taught to be responsible
for their own litter and are encouraged
to take pride in their amazing building.
Our current focus is Energy. We aim to
raise awareness on how to save energy
and in doing so save money. Through
our Green efforts we hope to make
Ratoath College a better pace to study
and do our bit for the environment.
15 Ratoath College Prospectus
The library houses over 5000 books
1 dedicated library catalogue computer.
10 laptops providing internet access and library catalogue
A Media Board displaying daily articles from the Irish Times
Subject Specific texts that will help with school projects/
The careers library contains information on careers and jobs.
We also stock prospectuses from every university in Ireland
and Britain.