I Cuba Says 3-Min. Capsule Arms Being j Air-Dropped HAVANA (UPI) — The Cuban government, which has warned the nation of an imminent invasion by the United States, s a i d t h a t large quantities of anna and ammunition were parachuted into two parts I of Cuba earlv todav. A press communique issued by Premier. Fidel Castro's office and published • in the newspaper El Mundo said army troops and militia seized the arms. It did not mention the United States but said the material "came from the north.** One arms drop was reported between Bahia and Honda about 50 miles west of Havana. The second was reported in the Condado zone .in Las Villas Province in the center of Cuba about 180 miles east of Havana. The communique came' as the' government cracked down on the' 'thousands of persons seeking to flee the country, It cut. off exit permits for Cubans and foreign residents except Americans. The halting of the exodus from the island Friday was the latest measure' taken by Premier Fidel Castro's government in putting Cuba on a "war footing" against an alleged threat of "invasion" by the 'United States. TONAWANDA River Rd. and Sommer St., North Tonawanda, N.Y. Saturday, January 7, 1961 .. • 1 " Reynolds Says He Will Accept Post SCHENECTADY < UPI'-James J. Reynolds, former vice president at Alco Products here, said today he would accept a position as an assistant secretary of labor in the administration of President - elect John F. Kennedy. Reynolds said he understood the announcement of his appointment had been scheduled for release Sunday. Temporary Calm Settles Over Laos Aerial Ladder Truck in Action at H e i g h t of L a m p l i g h t Hotel Blaze ...Loss Estimated at Upwards of $200,000 ; Winds, Showers Forecast in Area A flow of mild Pacific air, which shot area temperatures' into the 40 degree range today, will be pushed out by high winds a n d showers later today and will be replaced by a, new cold mass by morning when the temperature is expected" to drop into the 20s. and linger there most of the day. The .Weather Bureau forecasts snow flurries tonight and squalls periodically tomorrow. Southwesterly winds increasing 20 to 40 miles an hour today, will become west to northwest tonight and diminish slowly tomorrow. J . . . A two-alarm fire possibly cautsed by faulty wiring e a r l y today swept t h e jLamplight Hotel and Lounge a t 9 Delaware St., Tonawanda, forcing five families, including 12 children, to flee in t h e i r night clothes. * F i r e Chief Schreiber estimated the d a m a g e to the Tonawanda landmark a t "well over $200,000." He said the fire s t a r t e d in t i e b a s e m e n t of the building, where it apparently had been smouldering for some time before it was discovered, a t about 2:45 a.m. Howard Suter, 35, of 154 Whee- * [ ~~ ler St., a member of the Niagara b e e n c a u s e ( j Dy defective wiring, ter and clothing to the burned-out Hose volunteer fire company, was' „, , , ., c. famili*»<! admitted to DeGraff \ . "L • ,! Tonawanda s paid firemen were rammes. Hospital about 4:30 Memorial w , , , Sheltered bv the Red Cross a.m. for lomed in the early morning bat(Other Photos, Page 14) tle by 80 of the city's volunteers. M r ; a n d M r s P e d r o Ro d ri guez _ _ 20 of North Tonawanda's paid and their three children, Hilda, smoke inhalation suffered while firemen and volunteers from 4 : Pedro, 3, and Ronald, 1. They fighting the stubborn blaze. He N o r t h fonawanda's Columbia a r e sta - vin S a t t n e h o m e °* Mrswas expected to be released later „ , ,T „ Carmela Ortez, 756 Oliver St., H o o k a i l d Laader Coi an todav. * *P >-North Tonawanda. • Henry Grigware. 64, who occu- F i r e " * n fought the blaze for M r . a n d M r s . Raphael Tapia pied an apartment in the hotel, about four hours to bring it under and their four children, Carmin, 2 —Jr., staying with friends. for smoke inhalation He hosp was 4reThe interior of the building was 9Magda, was also treated at the tai control. : Mrs. Raphael 8; Walaper, Teresa, 7. and Harriet 78, leased. in complete nuns. A section of the h o u s e d with a friend at the Colin The two-story brick structure Kelly Heights housing project. housed-a grill on the ground floor roof collapsed. Firefighters, mounting aerial j Mr.«and Mrs. Richard Dean and apartments and rooms on the ladders, poured oceans of water and their two children — staying second floor. into the building to quell the with friends, Owners on Premises blaze. Mr. Alvaro said he and Mr. Louis J. Scalzo. 283 Vander- They were still at the scene at 1 Scalzo took over the h o t e 1 and V 0 1 T m u wat lounge last June and were leasing T°°rt uSt•'A,* ** o223 T VVicksburg ^ ' K 1 1 ™ ! P • P° ^™g Joseph Alvaro. . ^ e r on the smoul- it from James Vona, 55 Walter deri Ave., Town of Tonawanda. co,. Ave., Tonawanda. owners of the hotel and lounge, *'?*T«. ln , ™ baj*meirt had The building is the only hotel in were in the lounge, together with ™<* e d ^ l e v e l of t h e c e l l a r ™ - the City of Tonawanda and was a about 30 persons, when the fire a o * s landmarks the city's downtown first was noticed. The blaze attracted hundreds of a r e a for the past 50 years. "Someone saw a wisp of smoke s p eMcrt a t o r s t 0 t h e s c e n e Scores of organizations and coming from behind the cash reg- e r - Scalzo, who operates oth- clubs, including Rotary, Kiwanis ister," Mr. Alvaro said, "and we • hotels in the area, said only his and Toastmasters, conducted began to joke about it stock merchandise was covered their regular meetings in the "Seconds later more smoke be- ** fu^ h™wr*nce. "3 r_d d l s a . € l building, gan to appear and I went to the " § ^f^L ' J I . Members of Tonawanda s auxilbasement. I opened the door and ^airman o the Tonawandas Red lary police directed traffic at the saw the basement completely; en- Cross chapter, and Mrs. Fred fire scene. Mam, Young, Broad Goergens, branch chairman, wree and Delaware Streets w e r e gulfed with smoke and fire. at the scene providing food, shel- blocked off in the area. "I raced back to the bar and told my partner to call firemen." 2 Policemen Aid Two off-duty policemen, who happened to he at the lounge. were credited by firemen with « rousing about 40 persons who occupied apartments and rooms on the second floor of the building. The two, Robert Gross of Tonawanda and Walter Stuba of North S A N F R A N C I S C O ( U P I ) — A heavy - prinking Tonawanda, were aided in their rescue work by Mr. Alvaro. pensioner faced m a n s l a u g h t e r c h a r g e s today j for t h e Mr. Scalzo said 16 adults and second w o r s t hotel" fire in San Francisco history — a 12 children occupied eight apart bla?e which killed 20 persons and injured 37 o t h e r s . ments in the building. Eleven oth— j '—• er apartments were vacant, he "I didn't do nothin'" insisted ®~—I Raymond Gorman. 62, when he j » be/ore dawn S i x t h a n d Miss on said. Others occupied s i n g l e was" booked at a police station. F r i d a v rhe b l a z e thought rooms. in ' quenched once, but sjrang into Several of the children were the 48-year-old Thomas Hotel < at deadly new life life within withi minutes y new carried out by the three men and spread flame and dense taken next door to the Delaware smoke throughout the five-floor Hose Company quarters. Some of structure where 135 tenants slept. the families fled from the building in their night clothes, leaving beNineteen victims perished in the hind their belongings. fire or immediately afterwards A Homes Found twentieth death was recorded Red Cross disaster officials early this morning when Thor were on the scene and set up an N'yland died from multiple fracemergency station at the Dela- Robert E. Bruce, Tonawanda tures incurred escaping the fire. , ware Hose Company. Arrange- building inspector, said todav the -"Ost °* t n o s e i n J u r e " i n t n € blaze ments have been made to tempo- Lamplight Hotel had been given were recovering from the effects rarily house the tenants with area [ t w o warnings for alleged viola- of smoke inhalation today. families, the Red Cross reported tion of the state's multiple dwell- The first of five alarms came All of Tonawandas paid fire- ing residency law. at 5:10 a.m. and by the time the men, in addition to four volun- "Chief, Schreiber and myself first of 40 pieces of equipment teer fire companies, were called made an inspection of the build- and 250 fire fighters arrived, the to the scene. In addition, aerial ing in November and called sev- death and injury toll had started trucks from the Brighton Volun-'eral items to the attention of Mr. to climb. teer Fire Company in the Town' ( L o l u s j , Scalzo," Mr. Bruce Screaming tenants, [almost all of Tonawanda and an aerial truck ggjl. of them elderly and' many of from the North Tonawanda Fire A second and final warning, in- them crippled, poured out of the Department were summoned by structing the owners to install a front entrance, jumped into fireFire Chief Schreiber. sprinkler system in the hallway men's nets, or were carried down Fire Chief Schreiber said, fol- 0f j h e apartment section of the ladders. Near-freezing 36 degree lowing an examination of the building and to correct conditions weather added to their misery that the bla?e may jiave in.fie basement, including wiring. The unlucky one-s died in thenwas given on Dec. 20. Mr. Bruce beds or dived out windows to the said. . pavement. Many jumped down He said the owners had 30 days the hotels four-floor lightwell. from the date of the second warning Uf comply or face court ac-! BALLOTING HEAVY tiofi. ALGIERS I UPI I — French auMr. Bruce said installation of thorities reported today that Arab fire escapes in the building was villagers are turning out in "subnot feasible because of the lay- stantial" numbers to vote in this Tonawanda Red Cross officials o u t of the apartment area. He weekends referendum of Presiannounced today that a Disaster, ali*P noted that two hallways dent Charles de Gaulle's Algeria Headquarters, to aid victims of' "djpad-ended" into bathrooms. policies. today's Lamplight Lounge Hotel " T fire, has been set up at the TonSmall Talk By Syms awanda Red Cross office at Webster and Goundry Streets in North Tonawanda. Lester Sielski, disaster director of the Buffalo area, said any victims who need help in the way of food, clothing* or shelter will be able to obtain aid by calling NX 3-1177. Miss Mildred Wicks, chairman of the Tonawanda's First Pres**m% byterian Church World Service Department, also announced that her organization had decided to donate eight cartons of used cloth- •; ^ S l ; , ing to help the fire victims. The clothing, originally intended to be "Did you get the license num"No . . . but a had green shipped overseas, is being sent to ber of that hit-run car, striped seat covers and a du§- Frisco Hotel Fire Claims 20th Life Warnings Given To Lamplight, Official Says NY State Once Boasted Navy Once 'upon a time. New York State had "its' own navy. True, it wasn't much of a . navy *- -only three rowboats, as a' matter of fact. For a more detailed account of this, "navy's" brief but active career, turn to, Page 2. The account is another hi the Tonawanda NEWS historical series, "Our Great State." Also in today's NEWS: Weekend TV Page 11 Church Notices Page 3 Bowling Pages 8, 9 Rocket Fuels Page it More Local News Page 12 ' Red Cross Ready To Aid Victims Of Hotel Fire Yarn 9 <> the M)uy MONTREAL (UPI) - The police radio told a patrol car it wasn't needed at an accident scene Friday night. "A radio car' on the scene tells us the vehicle t u r n e d over, the occupants got out, turned the car upright, and continued on their way," the explained. • Firerhan#OneOfher Stricken By Smoke; Wiring Blamed DEL RIO, Tex. <UPD - The world's largest blimp with a crew of 13 Navy men 'aboard, inched1 its way through tricky air currents Over the Rocky Mountains today on the final leg; of a coastto-coaat journey. The cigar-shaped ZPC-2, called a dirigihle, or by the Navy simply an air ship, was expected to arrive! over California sometime late today. <£=h Seven Cents 14 Pages Blaze Sweeps Lamplight Hotel Lounge; Loss Estimated at Upwards of $ 2 0 0 0 0 0 Blimp Edges Over Rocky Mountains ENTIANE, Laos <UP1) — Temporary calm settled over strife-torn Laos today but new clashes between pro-Western government forces and Communistsupported rebels appeared possible at any'moment. Military sources- said 'there had" been no new military activity in the; Red-held Plaine des Jarresj area, where rebel leaders appar-l entity were consolidating their po-1 sit ions and feeding and paying their troops. Windy TO Serving the Tonawandas, Kenmore, Town of Tonawanda Established 1880 Weather Apartments Over Lamplight Lounge After Fire ...Part of Roof CoUapiei Onto Living Quarter! Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com Ditaiter Httdquarton, the eud. Udy...?" ty pink paint Job."
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