NORTH B:HAR POWER D:SttR:BU丁 10N COMPANV LiM ttED Regd.Office:VidYut Bhawan,Bai:ev Road,Patna. Notification Notincation No.N‐ T&P― Engineers-41089/2014 Iノ ゝ `9ヽ `∫ /Patna,datcd 亀 ゝ″ヽ ` ―卜G Miss Pradcept Mani.Assistant Elcctrical Enginccr(‐ 「CChnical). EI(ctric Stlppl卜 cal itnginccr(Pra tt).Elcct● c (` ircic.Motihan is transtrrcd and postcd as Assistant Elcct● .lh immcdiatc ctlcct.until lillthcr ordcr Suppl)Sub― division Hllipurヽ │ 2. No TA't)A s ill be adnrissiblc to.ioin at her plirce ol'postinu. By Oldcrs. ょ 蘇錦→ は OSD(lR&A) ■ Lびヽく Merno No. /EB Datcd ‐0 ´` ` 一` も Copl fbrrvarded to : OSD. BSP([ l )Ct- lTSl LIS to Chairman-cu n-Managing I)irector. BSP(H)CL /Sr. P.A. to [)irector (Adr.ninistration). BSP(H)cL/ us to MI). BSPGCL/ I,.S. to MD.BSI, I CI-i OSD to MD. NBPDCI- / OSD to MD" SBPDCL lirr ir.ttirrurt titrn . t ca解 鶴→ OSD(卜 R&A) Menro No. La午 /EB Datcd > ― 。 ― ` ` 一` く Cop;' tbrwarded to Direclor (Proiect & Operation)/ All GM i All Chi :l'Engineers i All DGM-cum-ESE/ All DGM / All Electrical Superintending Engineersi Proi :ct Manager ('fech. Services) / All EEE / EEE(lT) iAccounts Officer (Estt.)/ North F ihar Po*er I)istribution Cornpany' Limited. Patna/ Miss. Pradeept Mani. Assistan Electrical F.ngineer(Technical). Electric Supply Circle. Motihari tbr intonnation and necessat \ acti()n 2. Electrical Executive Engineer (l't') is requested to upload this no.iflcation on otllcial rvebsite ol NBPDCL and mail the concerned. 田 ak燻 蘊 → ほ OSD(H lt&A)
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