the invitation

Invitation to Seminar Talk
Influenza virus evolution, from
protein to population
Colin Russell
Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge
Influenza viruses have the remarkable ability to infect us multiple times over
the course of our lives due to the evolution of their surface proteins and
consequent ability to escape prior immunity. Additionally, animal populations
around the world harbour a wide diversity of influenza viruses that pose
threats to both human and animal health. The population dynamics of
influenza viruses are complex: driven by genetic changes, constrained by
protein structures, expressed as antigenic differences, and governed by
immune pressures at the individual and population levels. During this process
the viruses coevolve with host immunity, and appear in epidemics that are
both spatially and temporally heterogeneous across the globe. This talk will
focus on how these processes operating at different evolutionary and
ecological scales shape the dynamics of influenza viruses and how we might
better combat the emergence and spread of new viruses.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 08:45
Mondi 2, Central Building, 1st Floor
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