AGENDA WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2014 7:00 PM — OPEN SESSION WOONSOCKET MIDDLE SCHOOL HAMLET BUILDING - 60 FLORENCE DRIVE WOONSOCKET, RI 02895 The School Committee may vote on all items listed on this agenda. Call to Order Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call GOOD AND WELFARE — Public RECOGNITIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS — Interim Superintendent APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 24, 2014 Open/Closed Minutes CONSENT AGENDA 1. Personnel Actions - Certified Appointments/Non-Certified Appointments 2. Purchases/Transfers 3. Field Trip/Conference Requests 4. Home Schooling Requests END OF CONSENT AGENDA COMMUNICATIONS SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. None NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion/Vote to appoint the Assistant Superintendent of the Woonsocket Education Department — G. Lacouture CONFERENCES SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT SCHOOL COMMITTEE GOOD AND WELFARE S. Seale S. Pawlina G. Lacouture J. Rivera D. Chattman For additional information or to request interpreter services, or other special services for the hearing impaired (lc, readersIcaptioners, etc), please contact Office of Superintendent three days prior to the meeting at (401) 767-4608; or by the Tuesday prior to the meeting, or call 1-800-745-5555 (TTY), 1-800-745-6575 (Voice). This agenda will be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting. Any changes to this agenda will be posted on the Woonsocket Education Department website at , McFee Administration Building, Woonsocket Middle School, WACTC, City Hall, and Harris Library and will be electronically filed with the Secretary of State at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, national origin, or disability. Posted on October 3, 2014. MINUTES WOONSOCKET SCHOOL COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 OPEN SESSION Woonsocket Middle School @ Hamlet 60 Florence Drive, Woonsocket, RI 02895 Meeting called to order by Chairman George Lacouture at 6:30 p.m. in Open Session. George Lacouture, Chairman Present Roll Cali: Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Present Present Susan Pawlina Daniel Chattman Present Jose Rivera Present The School Committee may seek to convene in Executive Session to discuss the job performance, position, and related issues pertaining to a central office administrator, in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 42-46-5(a)(1). Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes Motion made to covene into closed session at 6:30 p.m.: S. Seale 2' 1: S. Pawlina APPROVED Meeting called to order by Chairman George Lacouture at 7:02 p.m. in Open Session. Moment of Silence Pledge of Allegiance Present George Lacouture, Chairman Roll Call: Soren Seale, Vice-Chairman Present Present Susan Pawlina Daniel Chattman Present Jose Rivera Present PUBLIC GOOD & WELFARE: Dennis Desnulniers, Woonsocket Resident: He stated Mr. McGee, who has been here mostly his whole career, is certainly qualified to be our new superintendent. If you don't think he's qualified then why are you making him the assistant superintendent, creating a new position. The teachers and unions are recommending him and hopefully the SC is recommending him; he hopes they put in a good word to the Budget Committee for appointment. He has nothing against the fellow who is going to be assigned as the superintendent but here is a man who has put his career in Woonsocket. These people are working hard and you are going to appoint someone from out of town. Thinks Mr. McGee would put stability in our school department. He hopes the SC listens to their suggestions. Jeffrey Partington, WTG President: It appears from the Woonsocket Call we have another sad day in Woonsocket. The front page stated Robert Mitchell is being recommended to be the next Superintendent in Woonsocket. As we had no say in the process, nor did the parents, students, teachers, or community leaders, then it appears outside political influences did not want the learning community to have any say in the choice of leader. Similar to the resolution that you unanimously passed in June not supporting the Mayoral Academy because you do not have a voice in the process, it appears that this candidate is being railroaded down our throats due to some outside political agenda. In a recent press release he stated, WED has had a long period of distress; so much so that many talented teachers and administrators have left for more stable conditions, many significant contributors to this school system who remain committed have either grown up here or have created significant roots in the city. Dr. McGee has proven this type of loyalty to this community, these students, through his various roles as vice principal, principal, assistant superintendent, and as the current acting superintendent. Dr. McGee is the obvious choice for this community. It is my understanding that the vote to approve the recommendation will come sometime next week. When this SC was appointed, many feared that members might be beholden to the Budget Commission or the Mayor and vote that way. You have not done that; you have voted for what is in the best interest of all students and I am hopeful that in the vote next week that you vote with your conscience, your heart, and do what is best for all of us and vote the appointment down. Let the Budget Commission have the burden to override what we all know to be the correct decision. Alethia Forcier, Ledgewood Lane: She is here about the uniform policy; she is not here for her kids because she has stressed to the SC that her kids will not wear one but she is here because she sees potential lawsuits with this dress code. There is nothing in the policy that says how to apply for a waiver and the eligibility for a waiver and it needs to be put in here; last SC meeting she was told people in poverty could apply for a waiver and was also told that they will be using the free and reduced lunch lists to decide on these waivers; she knows a lot of families who do not qualify for this but have homes and have been slammed with taxes; it is unfair that this waiver is leaving out the working poor in city that own homes and are overburdened by taxes. Two weeks ago at the high school it stated that footwear must be closed toe and heel and heels must be low to ensure safety; now they can wear this because this is a concern. At the middle school, it says pajama bottoms are prohibited but at the high school it says pajama tops and bottoms; so are WSC Minutes Open Session September 24, 2014 they allowed to wear pajama tops at the middle school? She has a problem with this policy being voted on tonight. What happens when you have a substitute principal, they read this policy, notice that the Forcier child is not in uniform, then keeps her in for recess not knowing that this policy is not suppose to be enforced at the elementary level because it doesn't say it on the policy, and there goes a lawsuit. A solution to this problem is the policy that was written and spearheaded by Louise Masse. Another point about this new dress code policy is that jeans can be worn but this is nothing is stated to prevent them from wearing ripped or jeans with holes. Ms. Masse's smaller written policy covers more than the two pages the SC has written. She would appreciate a waiver added to this policy before they vote. Estelle Bubble, Third Avenue: Why don't we just leave the dress code the way it is, The dress code with the colors was perfect. The kids say it doesn't matter what they wear because they don't enforce the dress code; how are these kids going to give respect if they don't have it. She has a facebook page that is called Woonsocket Area Dress Code; this is for people who want to sell their clothes, who want to trade it (swap), or who just want to donate their clothing; she has over 80 people involved now. We need to enforce the dress code. Keith Janette, WHS Student: He is here to support 2 nd passage of the new dress code policy for the high school; this policy makes more sense than the policy that currently exists; he thinks there was unequal enforcement with the old policy. He thinks students should be able to wear what they want to wear as long it is not offensive or obstructing learning. There should be a much clearer waiver policy and it should be written so he hopes the SC does act on this. Now it's time to stop focusing on this one issue and move onto more important things. Roxane Carey, WTG Vice-President: She is here to speak about the hiring of the lawyer. She doesn't care who we hire but when she was looking at the numbers, she noticed we are going to hire someone for a stipend for 400 hours; is there some kind of an agreement if we go over the 400 hours. When you vote on this tonight this may be part of the discussion you may want to have. Daniel Guernon, Vose Street: He received a letter today in regards to the situation that took place yesterday at Globe. Police arrived at the school out of concern for what could have been a domestic situation; not knowing what happened caused a great amount of concern to the parents; he did receive a robocall stating what was in the letter but only received that call today. His concern as a parent is sending his child off to school the following day after police presence was seen in the school; there were parents who did not send their children to school today; in a situation like this, he feels that an immediate call should have been put out from public safety to address what has taken place. How the situation was handled with the police making their presence was excellent but he has a problem with the lack of communication that came forth after the fact. Right now is a good time to examine protocols from the top down and use this as a measure to do a better job in the future. RECOGNITIONS & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee stated Cornell Henderson, Principal of the Woonsocket High School and Woonsocket Area Career and Technical Center announced today that Austin Ferrenti has been named a Commended Student in the 2015 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, will be presented by the principal to this scholastically talented senior. Austin is a senior in WACTC's Biotechnology Program. About 34,090 Commended Students throughout the nation are being recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Commended Students placed among the top five percent of more than 1.5 million students who entered the 2015 competition by taking the 2013 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT). Congratulations Austin! APPROVAL OF MINUTES: • September 10, 2014 Open Minutes - Motion to approve: S. Seale Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes APPROVED 2": D. Chattman Nsy, ,»aout uN r. mo ' d the personnel 'actions. S. Seale removed both field ship requests. :Versouitebitecoinitiertidiitionsi -itcf04011111.6?Sill 1,y4 ,these ttew;hires anode e , certified positions there are no indications . on the personnel recomnaendationS =It is liultudi*st4iTtkittg-that ' ant teacher U. replacing a tratufervid -.--toagljor; two ic4(ertoissmel teachers took a F position. He has streSSed .to Wcilfgangin the -pastihafilieSC*ii ; •. •;;CinliptfOly; this is ,Ott second month they have .beeti .filled out incorrectly; lie trusts tbkialt to the .posifion-of Brian :136.416y as the Varsity Head L acing. ill l4i .. arrle tl hts IttititliC:.altfiir ,t040140.5: 04061)jear 1tkpe'i:siinanY:dpesirl4piOve:4itimi'.' 2 WSC Minutes Open Session September 24, 2014 :fidniiniStOtorlieittg:4: ;heatVeoaeh. Hewould like the new superintendent to have the opportunity to approve an adMinittrator , WOlfgang:said being a.:1,ientl.,enack, -11q asked J. Wolfgang ifle posted this position on the interscholastic League's VvebSite. MOtinit:Of;amentLtlieposition af•13rian Henley for 2014-15 school year only: G. Lacouture APPROVED Roll•• Coll4kOlet 5 Mei • .: .• APPROVED ItifilljOditiniiiIIIP 4 cItali S41a0delothepersonnelitecommendations; 5 Yes • . , fditAiV IVi5s8kaowngtort.tifil .it ,:,44tesihe.41.ditibee--eNowed4.0-;wqorko,i:5b001/001,.ao,o,witor.#-.00t.o:$046-ti,i S' en 1a , e g ',0itt-of ,the !, student's; pocket and the , -cligOtrOie g are Tree.. P. McGee stilted ther &arc :fnikdraiseis.... student'..-"k ..:.::,p:p. at etitoi.iiayti Qt . be,-,able in -:affitryd,, or liitid.the:triii. S. Seale said rthe quote that was offered for .;. ;price.11-!: , peiSiRit , lS;haSed •.i.ipon 50 people paying; if arily 30 attend ,i8 it still the same-cost or lihnostdenbled lit ;price. eii4115(the- infoOnalion- and get bit& to hini. S. Seale Itatedithe NAFEPA conference iiiill'im •: ithliin-. :041alitinila :. relie yliiin+ilt:ft : aSSOCiated•for this .trip: L. FilloiitLetio.Stated INAF.EpA1S-paYing:fOr AliiS; : She :1S a itientb0-lif.:. •: - :`.1ftelillinthiddifteieffee Requests: S:VaddilgtOp field trip atitiliamepreSentsit4 ,.e . ifrorn the WATS 4 is,available o attend this-nleptiim an • APPitt Rialltall,vote: 5 Yes anitture E consent agenda: S. Seale n:o :approve, CONSENT AGENDA: 5 YES 2" d : G. Lacouture APPROVED. COMMUNICATIONS: None. SCHOOL COMMITTEE REPORTS: None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: DiscussionNote on the amendments of Policy P4-15-School Readiness Policy —2nd Passage — S. Seale, J. Rivera 1. Motion Made: S. Seale 2": G. Lacouture G. Lacouture said if there are amendments doesn't this go back to 1" passage. S. Rapport stated there were some wording changes that she discussed with K. Blais; because of the nature of those changes and because they weren't material or significant, she does not think it was necessary to bring it back to 1" reading. S. Seale stated both the changes were requested prior to the initial passage but through oversight were not included; first change goes with the high school and middle school; when speaking about pants it used to say tights may not be worn as an outer garment and now it's been added to say tights and leggings may not be worn as outer garments but they can be worn under a skirt or dress; second change is at the high school level to remove the requirement that footwear be closed toe and heel. G. Lacouture stated he does not approve of open toe, open heel footwear for health and safety reasons; therefore he will not support the changes with the school readiness policy; however if the vice-chair removed the closed heel and toe he would support the passage of the policy. S. Pawlina stated there are many things about this policy she is not comfortable with; the merits that Ms. Fortier brought forth tonight that was written by Ms. Masse really should be just looked at and really just put into effect. She does not believe they should be able to wear hats in school; she doesn't believe this is what they wanted or what should have come out of all of this; we have gone from one extreme to another; she can't support this policy at all. S. Seale stated there are so many different opinions about this policy; some think we should continue with the dress code as is and work on the enforcement and some just want a dress code that is permissive in nature across the board but thinks the real question "Is this better than what we currently have?"; a lot of the amendments that were made were asked for by the parents and/or administrators. If you think this is better than what we currently have then vote yes. .1. Rivera asked G. Lacouture that if the amendment for the closed toe and heel was made they would have his support of the policy. G. Lacouture said yes. 2"d: G. Lacouture Motion to withdraw the section of the closed toe and heel: J. Rivera APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 4 Yes (GL, SP, DC, JR) I No (SS) APPROVED Roll Call on the amended school readiness policy for 2nd passage: 3 Yes (GL, SS, JR) 2 No (SP, DC) NEW BUSINESS: 1. DiscussionNote on the job description for the Chief Information Officer - G. Lacouture, P. McGee Motion Made: S. Seale 2"d: G. Lacouture S. Seale stated that one of the revised changes from 2013 is the reports to part which states the position report to the superintendent of schools with input from the Mayor of Woonsocket; he was wondering what is the basis for this input. G. Lacouture said he has been 3 WSC Minutes Open Session September 24, 2014 told that the position will be a split position between WED and the City of Woonsocket of approximately 90/10; WED would pay 90% and the city would pay 10% which is similar to the Human Resource Director which was originally voted on by the SC and Budget Commission (BC). Mr. Wolfgang stated he was not told by the BC about the exact percentage. G. Lacouture made an amendment to the job description. Motion to amend the job description that the salary will be a 90/10 split: G. Lacouture APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes Roll Call on the position as amended: 5 Yes 2nd: S. Pawlina APPROVED 2, Discussion/Vote on retainer fees for Legal Counsel — G. Lacouture, M. Baker Motion to pay Sara Rapport $75,000 for 400 hours as a retainer: S. Seale 2"d: G. Lacouture S. Seale asked what happens after 400 hours. G. Lacouture stated they would have to re-bid; they can go out to look for another attorney or they could extend the retainer for another $75,000. What they are approving tonight is $75,000 for 400 hours which is $187.50 per hour. APPROVED Roll Call Vote; 5 Yes 3. Discussion/Vote to appoint the WACTC 10-Month Assistant Principal — P. McGee 2'1: S. Pawlina Motion Made: S. Seale P. McGee stated that it is with great pleasure to recommend the appointment of Mr. William Webb as the WACTC 10-Month Assistant Principal; he read the letter of recommendation. Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes APPROVED CONFERENCES: None. Motion to seal the minutes of the closed session meeting of 9-24-14: S. Seale APPROVED Roll Call Vote: 5 Yes 2nd: G. Lacouture G. Lacouture stated that no votes were taken during the closed session meeting of 9-24-14. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT: Interim Superintendent Patrick McGee responded to the questions asked by the Globe Park parents and stated he takes full responsibility for not reporting this the day it happened and he apologizes for this. He would like to commend Lynn Prentiss, Principal at Globe Park School who did a phenomenal job that day. These types of situations you hope to never encounter but he can tell us that she was very decisive, followed all the procedures and protocols by contacting his office, Mr. Fontaine, and the WPD. The WPD responded immediately, assessed the situation, and determined that there were no children or adults were in danger at the school; thank you to the WPD. As we move forward we will continue to assess our responses as we always do when we have situations to make sure what we do is right for the kids and our schools are safe. SCHOOL BOARD GOOD & WELFARE: S. PAWLINA: Passed. S. SEALE: He-thanked everyone who has participated and came to the uniform committee meetings and who have spoken at the two SC meetings; their input was invaluable. He knows not everyone is happy with the policy but he thinks it is a step into the right direction with moving forward with this dress code. The first SELAC meeting is scheduled for October 2 nd at 6:30 p.m. at the WMSHamlet Building in Room 124; SELAC stands for Special Education Local Advisory Committee; this is an excellent resource for parents who have special needs children to have their questions answered or to find other resources to help. G. LACOUTURE: He said Mr. Desaulniers and Mr. Partington discussed the superintendent's appointment; from a SC view point, this has not been, in his opinion, a positive process. From the beginning, the committee that was initially set up had all of those things that he has been familiar with; when this was taken to the powers that be in state government, the answer was no, no way. As his authority as Chair, he did appoint S. Seale and D. Chattman and thanked them for the hours they have put in. No one is overly happy with the fact that Dr. McGee is not going to be the candidate as reported in this morning's Woonsocket Call. He is personally happy of the fact that we are going to have a superintendent and he will give this superintendent 100% of what he can from this body. He is even happier that Dr. McGee will be elevated to a position he deserves; that of an assistant superintendent with commensurate pay. Dr. McGee, like many in the room, is committed to the WED and we all look forward to him staying here, 4 WSC Minutes Open Session September 24, 2014 Thanked Ms.. Bubble for her comments about the clothing; she provides a need to this community for people who have difficulty in obtaining the type of clothing that is needed. We are not sure of the exact date of the appointment of the new superintendent but it will be next week; either Monday or Wednesday; it will be kind of a joint meeting with the Budget Commission at which time the new superintendent will be here; we invite you to attend, invite your friends, members of your school, and we hope to have some kind of collation to go with this. J. RIVERA: Passed. D. CHATTMAN: Passed. Motion to adjourn at 8:02 p.m.: S. Seale 2"d: D. Chattman (Unanimously Approved by the Committee) ectfully submitted, Ki erly A. Blai Recordin ecretary 5 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 10/8/2014 Godbout, Tiffany Cranston,RI 029201 Goff, Jennifer Warwick,Rl 02889 1.0 Physical Education Elementary 1.0 Grade 2 Pothier School CERTIFIED POSITIONS New replace 10/09/14 Santos-LOA 1 year only 10/09/14 New replace Donatotransferred 1 year only NON-CERTIFIED POSITIONS 10/09/2014 Vacancy Bachelor's Step Local Y 90/9/2014 Bachelor's Local Y 10/9/2014 Local Y 10/9/2014, Step 5 Hernandez, Carla Woonsocket, RI 02895 1.0 TA 1:2 w/ AA + AP Step 1 with Moulico at Pothier HOURLY, STIPEND and EXTRA-CURRICULAR POSITIONS Dyer, Debra Lincoln, RI 02865 Fun with Learning Technology Citizens Memorial 10/0912014 [email protected] Grant 21st 2hrprep$30.00 Century 8%Fringe=$30.00 Community Learning Total $405.00 10/9/2014 Dyer, Debra Lincoln, RI 02865 Reading Booster 1 Citizens Memorial 10/09/2014 7.5hrs.@$30.00 Grant 21st 1hrprep$30.00 Century 8%Fringe=$22.80 Conimunity Learning Total $277.80 10/9/2014 Reading Booster 2 Citizens Memorial 10/0912014 10.5hrs@$30.00 Grant 21st 21-irprep(@530.00 Century , 8%Fringe=$30.00 Community Leaining Total $405.00 10/9/2014 Griffin,Linda Woonsocket,Rl 02895 Page 1 10/3/2014 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 10/812014 Nardozza,Narda Charlestown,RI 02813 Around the World Citizens Memorial 10/09/2014 Grant 21st 12hrs@.$30.00 2hrprepa$30.00 Century 10(912014 8%Fringe=$33.60 Community Total $453.60 Learning Sexton,Cheryl Lincoln, RI 02865 Tech-Know Kids Citizens Memorial 10/09/2014 12hrs@.$30.00 Grant 21st 2hrprep(k$30.00 Century 10/9/2014 8%Fringe=$33.60 Cominunity Learning Total $453.60 Ward, Amanda Cumberland,RI 02864 Math Booster 2 Citizens Memorial 10/09/2014 12hrs@$30.00 Grant 21st 2hrprepp$30.00 Century 10/9/2014 8%Fringe=$33.60 Conimunity Total $453.60 Learning Dyer, Debra Lincoln, RI 02865 Reading Masters Coleman Elementary 10/09/2014 12hrs@$30.00 Grant 21st 10/9/2014 2hrprepa$30.00 Century 8%Fringe=$33.60 Conlmunity Total $453.60 Learning Hoard,Anissa Wonnsocket, RI 02895 Reading Masters Coleman Elementary 10109/2014 12hrs@$30.00 Grant 21st 1019/2014 2hrpreP($30.00 Century 8%Fringe=$33.60 Corrimunity Total $453.60 Learning Nardozza, Narda Charlestown,R1 02813 Math Blast Coleman Elementary 10/09/2014 Grant 21st 12hrs@$30.00 2hrorepA$30.00 Century 10/9/2014 8%Fringe433.60 CoMm unity Leatning Total $453.60 Page 2 10/3/2014 WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL RECOMMENDATIONS 1018/2014 Defazio,Victoria Warwick, R102888 Assistant Coach-Girls Soccer WHS 10109/2014 New replace 5.25% of Bouley who Bachelors'Max resigned Local 10/9/2014 Ortega, Zackery Providence,Ri 02908 Assistant Football Coach WHS 10/09/2014 New replace 7.15% of Chatman Bachelors'Max Local 10/9/2014 Page 3 10/3/2014 fl FYI PERSONNEL CHANGES 10/8/2014 RESIGNATIONS/RETIREMENTS Maccarone, Ann Cranston, RI 02910 1.0 Speech and Language Pathologist-District 9/23/14 Resignation 1012/14 Transferred from Grade 2 Pothier to fill position vacated by LaPlante TRANSFERS Donato, Jessica Riverside,RI 02915 LaPlante, Audra Harrisville,RI 02830 1.0 Grade 2 Savoie Library Media Teacher Savoie 10/2114 Transferred from Grade 2 Savoie to fill Library Media Position which has been budgeted and vacant in the District for over one year LEAVES OF ABSENCE Page 1 Woonsocket School Committee 10-8-14.xls To: From: Re: Date: School Board Margaret Baker, Interim Director of Finance Past Due Invoices October 8, 2014 Inv. Date COMPANY DEPARTMENT AMOUNT Reason DESCRIPTION The following is a list of invoices overdue more than 60 days 7128/2014 Durham School Services 8/1/2014 SunLife Financial Transportation Business Department TOTAL $39,869.04 In-District Transportation $34,272.30 Life Insurance Contract Incorrect - Due 9/1/2014 $74,141.34 The following is a list of invoices overdue more than 90 days 6/5/2014 5/9/2014 2/19/2014 2/29/2014 3/10/2014 Devereux Foundation Corp. Devereux Foundation Corp. Devereux Foundation Corp. Devereux Foundation Corp. Devereux Foundation Corp. Special Education Special Education Special Education Special Education Special Education $2,512.55 $2,431.50 $2,512.55 $2,512.55 $2,269.40 $12,238.55 Tuition Tuition Tuition Tuition Tuition Disputed Disputed Disputed Disputed Disputed To: From: Re: Date: School Committee Margaret Baker, Interim Director of Fina Purchases over $2,000.00 October 8, 2014 ! \ The following is a list of purchases over $2,000.00 COMPANY Apple Doreen M. Corrente Margaret A. Edwards NCS Pearson ProCare Therapy Inc. TOTAL DEPARTMENT WACTC WACTC Special Education Special Education Special Education AMOUNT $58,578.70 $4,950.00 $12,600.00 $6,853.50 $171,360.00 $254,342.20 FUNDING SOURCE Perkins Grant Perkins Grant IDEA Grant IDEA Grant Local DESCRIPTION Technology Equipment Consultant Contracted Services Testing Materials Consultants Requisition WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 Company: Apple Inc. Education Attention: Address: City, State, Zip: FAX# 886-845-2999 TELE # 512-674-2014 retrolMilaC MOW* tami. 4. dk Da r p ionITANONOLVIN Bill to: Ship To: Woonsocket High School 777 Cass Ave Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Ken DeCubellis, Beth Starring ' ---' -.,. .-,,-...1}.-' 4 L-r. --,1:-15--=:S3,.. ..Z. •,-, QTY ',;(., ,- Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 71.-44,-.,„3mi%azila.1.14--2pu,,L,r.,,,,Stalai,z...tin=4•ITM" .1.4.-%-;.'S,----‘r•-as.z1,7=-5,3 , CATALOG DESCRIPTION UNIT COST BK3H2LLIA 1 $4,780.00 iPad with Retina display Wi-Fi 16GB Black 3-year AppleCare+ (10 Pack) 1 MD199LL1A- Apple TV H9139VC1A - Kanex TEV Pro HDMI to VGA addapter TFE38LL/A - Blue snowball mircophones Volume Purchase Program credit I 5 1 53@aar for items like Sphero and eDrawing apps 10 MD818ZM/A- lightning to USB cables $ $ 99.00 59.95 $ 69.95 $ 400.00 $ 19.00 qtp --.=-70--a-4.4V -,-.7,:i. ,T.-.. -'t'''' -, ,,- -E7:-Z;-.;.-m3.,,-7,, 4:-F r xviswick, -.F7f,res-, et Educational Supplies Textbooks — School Furniture & Equipment Office Supplies -'45t- ..--%=,3.14,,a=1"-w-tm--X4-1,1-,r6"-cii-ar.t,i-..1-t4,,,,,t'NL c= "47,..:,Wt-':.'' 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S1 QTY ■-■ -aiT.:."0.2.11,1r, 4}4F.E1,,..11.,.BEN:,-I, IV. , -_,, i■ , 4 ,,, 0 iOn k e. 1 0 4 Al 1 . t ,. ' ..atl 1. .r4 i0 I L. k , . .,....,-,-. r..-2..11J,.,. kt ta, UNIT COST CATALOG DESCRIPTION '''`i., .... 7: ,, tg- ,,'TZ4E.',1%,01, TOTAL COST CONSULTING SERVICES: 99 HOURS @ $50.00/HOUR not to exceed 4,950.00 Services provided to include: Evaluation services as required by Regi. Plan. Design regional plan evaluation process as required by RIDE. Meet with appropriate staff members. Gather information regarding program initiatives. Complete Regl Plan Evaluation Report. Review report in compliance with RIDE. :',..4•:'A:1‘ ' t 'Er k 1 -i, if r , . '', . , SUB TOTAL SHIPPING & HANDLING TOTAL ,;, .S.V.A.c.,..-. 4.. ..LIZ It. 0, ..z.k.c...4L.q,U171,..,_.4k:I:. a ...?.”-, ues Subscriptions Check One: Furniture & Equipment - .2fki -d If..9. ....,ZI.4,1,24..21.......L. '.... .1; . . , ' .P,, .,- .t4' ,' .- d-, ' i,..,..-0,,L, AA, Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS Strategic Area 213 Category Code _16/16 Standards Addressed Page 1 4,950.00 ''''` I " - ‘,- 44444`... 4 $4,950.00 ■ S.0.4.114 .1 x WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 P.O. No. Date: Requisition 9/17/2014 Amount *Acct No(s) Company: Margaret A. Edwards Z.:1). 12600 Address: 182 Roberta , Alt Ave. State, Zip: Woonsocket, RI 02895 fax 866-343-6863 Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable Ship To Woonsocket Education Department 108 High Street Woonsocket RI 02895 Attention: Carole Lerner 1. 0,4' ?-Wia.VATIEV4 , 'IWNIOYMic="N,V •• Ax5::: :s riv,..1 ' ' 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 . `, " ''' . 1C :I j '.: r:' ,:';,:' `: 'A' 1. ' . PO; ' •-! .4•e•:, .J-,,-li , , .-......&;.,?.;-.4". • ..,-,;--• . W - .. 2,.•_•••:..,::•:,..?.. 4.,,,„A.-,,,- , to perform speech and language services for the 2014/2015 School Year $175.00 per 6 hr. day/ $29.17 per hr. 2 days per week to service Mt. St. Charles, Msgr. Gadoury, Good Shepherd 12,600.00 2,600.00 .p6 rr : .3i r q, 2 . . : A3,M4 SA - 6M .',''P Check One: Dues 84 Subscriptions Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment Furniture & Equipment pour t, :,iie,..74E621MakWAInP': 1)2'.:SJ i!5'Z)!.,WPRANIO:!''';;;::- 1::: '.'' SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS ! la M aLk +'■ ' 41 R )evised ny E 0_ 1 TAY r e; i.AQ-/ V '''' SEP 2 3 2014 16, 2001 AV; ' fl.!1--?i-R-%1 4;,';,.' - to /67/ - 21•K'AV 1:4 2,600.00 , .. , , :1 z i ,,21,..:.e.,4. : Z it ilW.&i-.;.i'.410..4 Textbooks Office Supplies : ::;;i,-707'"'..7gWP 'V' A' •, _ A', .‘!.- I .77 dl, V- : tr4, fri f fic Aut \.. :4- At 1 Originator n aboto Principal/Project Director Business Manager y_aigh Requisition WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 003026 Company: NCS Pearson Order Department Address: P.O. Box 1 41 6 V,0( `O(C) City, State, Zip: Minneapolis, NM 55440 FAX Ship To: Woonsocket School Dept. 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Attention: Carole Lerner, Director *.,,,Ri,-••==, 7-, ', h•L•75=-W1,5.,,,. '.4,-, • 5 ., = -ff-= Y= ===. = QTY 5 6 '= 51- S - = ''`. == y• 1•5=-0. ' Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 =, 1 L= „ 1 UPC' COST =- WISC-V Complete Kit w/Soft Bag #0158008383 Record Forms with Score Reports (25)#01 5800405 1,1 32.50 172.50 TOTAL COST $5,662.50 $1,035.00 $6,697.50 Shipping Check One: Dues Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment 7— 7'4f71-fi , - $156.00 3 $6,853.50 Textbooks Office Supp ies SPECIAL HANDUNG/INSTRUCTIONS Auth Strategic Area NLA Category Code 28 Standards Addressed NIA Business Manager WOONSOCKET EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Requisition 108 HIGH STREET WOONSOCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02895 TELEPHONE (401) 767-4600 P.O. No; bate: 9/30/2014 *Acct No(s) Amount Company: ProCare Therapy Inc. I$171,360.00 Address : P. O. Box 1024640 ity, State, Zip, Atlanta,GA 30368-4640 Phone fax Bill to: Woonsocket Education Dept Accounts Payable Ship To: Woonsocket Education Department 108 High Street 108 High Street Woonsocket, RI 02895 Woonsocket RI 02895 Attention: Carole Lerner, birctor .'r- , -N=.-.7,-,.VS,,,4),,.. 4. . =,,, ,.,p4. =:, = CATALOG DESCRIPTION QTY WAPAP4 UNIT COST TOTAL COST 85,680.00 $ Occupational Therapy Services for 2014/2015 School Year $68.00 per hour 35 hours per week 36 weeks „". :.= iecr.:Ielicle-lif) iii / .9 ,4 12 -.Jiz "`:,' ‘..i ,)--ie -3 "(c-ti•".-0-r"). Speech/Language Therapy Services for 2014/2015 School Year ' $85,680.00 $68.00 per hour 35 hours per week 36 weeks ( /ererel-e:CY1 e"1:1■47,1 3,:) 2A CO i,)) ::5- 3._; ,-e ! ,)-„,..e--'.7--err ).-e:., $171,360.00 - -,..-. - .1.A-Le4AVIVN't-?----tV-3-,-1"-z ,===w-'ss-,÷."1== s.' Check One: Dues & Subscriptions Furniture & Equipment IMAIRJEa- '. : : - ',---'' - • -.-.'-g-- ,-7, — ' ' ' '-'-''''' ' t ,''''-'-: --- 's ';'- ' t.' .= ` Educational Supplies School Furniture & Equipment _ - -;, . ' ' '''&::',.,•`=7. . , . == z,' --v---,.%.t:1;0,5k1474-1",p,,f,-"ilg ifie. Textbooks Office Supplies :==s:zorzvoil:5:4:1---::-A.4535-zwaimax:,::::.::,: .,:-•.,:>--(- == -A6e4g_KT4.7=t111ssimailammagmemaKow::..o.q.:::2 T._TIE±ZraT:Z_;. Authori Lion: (CG,tral 0 , SPECIAL HANDLING/INSTRUCTIONS- Originator 7Z-0— k--) L51 . (--) - X Li ) $171,360.00 „..., - ..-- ==:c.=4i'i','''-'1.f: ''''=-, - r-ti'-,, • ''' f / U / / / 47: Principal/Project Director Business Manager Agt_xfs?qf_ ,51s-ls7-_4 City of Woonsocket EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone 401-767-4641 Fax 401-767-4640 Email: [email protected] RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-8575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2866 (Voice) Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filomeno, Director TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Linda Filomeno - Director of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: October 2, 2014 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Form as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from elk, 11=11111111111110 along with her letter of intent to home school her son 111111.1111111.1r. — Grade 2 for academic year 2014-2015. I have reviewed the Curriculum Form and have determined that it is in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. LF/cm "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woon.socketEducation Department does not discriminate on the basis of age ., sex, race, religion, national origin., color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. City of Woonsocket EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone 401-767-4641 Fax 401-767-4640 Email: [email protected] RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (ITY) 1-800-745. 6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1-800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filonteno, Director TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Linda Filomeno - Director of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: October 2, 2014 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Forms as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from along with their letter of intent to home school their children: Grade 10, MI& Grade 8,11111110 — Grade 5 and1111.0 — Grade 1 for academic year 2014-2015. I have reviewed the Curriculum Forms and have determined that they are in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. LF/cm "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing Ivorill" The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. City of Woonsocket EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Woonsocket, Rhode Island 02895-4348 Telephone 401-767-4641 Fax 401-767-4640 Email: [email protected] RELAY RHODE ISLAND 1-800-745-5555 (TTY) 1-800-745-6575 (Voice) AT&T SPANISH RELAY (Servicio de Relevo de AT&T) 1 .800-855-2884 (TTY) 1-800-855-2885 (Voice) Office of Grants and Assessment Linda Filomeno, Director TO: Woonsocket School Committee FROM: Linda Filomeno - Director of Grants and Assessment RE: Home Schooling Request DATE: October 2, 201 4 I am in receipt of the signed Curriculum Forms as required by the Woonsocket Education Department's Home Instruction Policy from mg along with her letter of intent to home school her — Grade Sand 11111111.1111. — Grade 2 for children: - 5. academic year 1 have reviewed the Curriculum Forms and have determined that they are in compliance with the General Laws of Rhode Island. Therefore, I am recommending that the Committee approve this request. Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter. LF/cm 217:7-efL. "Empowering all learners to shape and enrich their changing world" The Woonsocket Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, race, religion, national origin, color or disability in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
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